HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 3THE SIGNA f, : ('rfDERTCH : ONTARIO Tu i s6AT, Bar? 21. 10141 a t!+ THE OIIENAI IND ONLY DENDINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON MERITS Or IINIQD'S UNI/ENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. IOLD LET'rERIN(i 0o LEATHER 000D9 all THE G N'A . Gadeeio . ea Meme A. 14. TAYLOR, FY, RATgn•D. MEDICAL T01 (IRU. HEIL1iMANN, 044114() Al PATH.peowomenrt 1a women • cud cadg..'* U•sa..ai. acute. Ars* .ltd esevs.• di - mosso ere, ear. nam aid throat. �peertl.l de.) em. I.mbaeo and rbe.saatie eowdltwa. Ade a•I& reuw,rl et tt boat tae- koifs. (Mks .t aarijeace .-orner Nel an and 14L 4drew. •mute Al huo,e edam Monday. Taardsr. wed Maturd.y any ereal.g by adders., ane„'. DENTISTRY so W. 11. 1,. hI ncIM)\KLI�--HONOR Graduate Toronto Unlreattr. Graduate 1 t •.dies• or Dental ttureron.. Herr ..ser to the late Mayo. 14.1. OMpt•e. atlrwer Square ant Weis Rant. Il.der,ch. AUCTIONEER THOMATHOMAS OUNDKY S AUCTIu\LLR Sea C. Uoderlck. All lawr.atesso by . tag at signal "Ace wW be promptly • •tied to. Bootless L,lepOese IM. LEGAL ILL'. ItA1'n BARRISTER. diaLIC ITOR, POT Alt PUHWt . Moe- Sterling Hunk Block. Hamilton 8 reel. ..atlselcb. 7 eleph0ne ot. Heal ►:.tete Loan- and Insurance. PROU DFOOT , if 1 LLORA\ & COOK E 11.1tRWTEI58. 91)L1(ITutus. )iO1AK1i2 PUBLIC. LTC. Moe on the equate..mood door trots Hata lace .creel, t,o.i•re b. , nv.tc fund- to loan at Iowa" r.te. W. Paocuru.rr. K.C. J. L. I11L1.Q•sa H. J. 1). Couac i(WUS ICt/AlKKON, Li C.. K. wraiths. war b~Meow ... *feet.. Udwles. tar tr. At 1 lurton Tined., of each week in E. - on *alert ^treet utero pend by lit. r. .Ml4 r hour. I. a 11. toe p rat. WJ11tLli» OAKKOW, LL.B., 1SAtt- *1ats s. attorney. .olkator, • c.. Gale Morrey 10 lend et lowest rata. 1 QBJOSK . BARRISTER, SOL- %./. Ws. Notary Public eat ILiniveywsoer vale. -Comet i1.. Ueewkk. Wire. • LKSUEAllcs, LOUIS. ETC. cb ILLOP MUTUAL KIRK I\ OUKANCL' Cll.-i-arm sod ielatd ,tura propartl isnlnd. OMoes-J .s 1-miislly. Pres.. tiodencb 1.. Klima.. Vice -Pres. Meet is wood P. U.. rtm.s• . Bey., ire --Trw... ae.ferih P. U. Dlreour.-D. V. actives.*, neafortb : JMe Relerre, Winthrop . W il,t.m Kinn, (uswaw'.. kis Ib.unowet.. Had beaten ; lir.,. Ma'Art say, Stabs th : Robert Ferri, dowck , Matooito e s16ww, I4rue.tleld. Agorae : J. N . Yeo. Bolamerttle . Ales. hence. ('listen . wink.. ('bane deelorth ; S. Yiaosiky. d..).r a. rain -leo eco pay •.11101111asu wad let their oard• reoMpIw1 a: B. J. M..TM'r CWtning Iltore. mates. K. H. Cobra Wooers. (t'rw•M* nest. Osteriab. ar J'. M. held'. f ieasta' Stere. hayfield. uRM QuorAnoNS1�� SEPTEMBER 19th "remote Cattle Market decors. choice weighty . $3.00 to $1.5 do. medium 7.26 7.101 Stitcher'. choice bandy7 40 7.110 do. . good 4.66 7 16 do. medium 0.11 0.40 do. common 4.90 6.11 Butchers' cows, choice6 21 $.76 do. good 6 611 0.61 do. medium 4.60 5.50 Butchers' bulls. choice7 00 7.61 do. good 6 40 5.75 do medl,:m 6.00 4.$0 do. bologna 4.86 6.60 Feeders, 900 to 1.000 lbs. 6 40 4.75 Stockers. 9010 lbs.... 0.00 COO do. mrd , 700 to 100 6.40 5.10 do. common, light . 4.60 5.00 Cutters 4.25 4 60 Canners 3.75 4 00 Milkers. good to ebolce.76.00 96 00 do. common to med60.00 70.00 Springers 65.00 96.00, Calves, veal, choke 11.60 12.001 do. medium 9.00 10 601 do common 6.00 7.60 do. . grass 5 00 7 . So Sheep. ewes, light 7.60 6 00 da heavy and bucks 6.00 6.60! do. cans 3.00 1.001 Hogs. weighed off cars.12.75 0.00 do. ted and watered .12.51 0.001 do. 11.65 000 0 AA0 PRIVATAvvUE ta MFUND 4(1. To y loan. . 1SA71. num. Barrioor Ha/elites wrest. liederls8. w R. ROBERTSON. 88 s INSURANCLAULNT b LID Le0TXXIN1' Hritua, Caaadlea Sad Awle&D. •OaSIJIT at.awaaw ARD L1Lr1DTatl' Li ARIL ITT : the ducat. Aoradeat sad U..r.DLK L.separatisa L..ttsd. of Lends. Eng. IIIosLn'T MODtll:asA•aa Dw THt.s: feeU.S. tidily Sad Gus later t esenwl. tMaoe u r.wd,cepa, ortaea•t •was. Vtc Sorbs and 814 hard s street. Powe I,w MARRIAQE LICENSES �• 1y.•IirKR M. KELLCH, uY, 7J..1'., aOD U\ 111hUnt Ur MARRIAGE LICLNBLIC Patents, Trine larks, Design 14 curd in All tris, Welt. Inc free kook "PA d PROTE[. 7?DN. Tells ail arson ..d how to get. pat sta. HADCOCL k 110158. r.lahWbrd Me yssery Patent Ms gyamin.e, Master el Patent taw.. asfk bared Patera Anson.' etas. • 81. Jams SrreM, Mestrenl. Rr.aeesi- AYws Sad Mashisgtas. Repr...•aiauv,s la rrh Mswime ewetrir. �-- Brophe) Bros. OODERiOH The Leading Fusers] Medan sod Enfbslsers Hitime eandely atOgadd to at .M hems. sight or day. To.4nto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track. bay porta. No 1 northern, $1.841,42; No. 2 north- ern. i164', ; No. 3 northern. •.16042. No. 4 wheat, 81.66%. (Old crop wheat 2 cent■ hlgner1. Menitota tits-Trsek, bay ports, No. 2 (' W.. 6'.c; No. 3 C.W., 56kbc; extra No 1 feed. 6L4sc; No. 1 teed. 66c. Americancorn-No. 2 yellow. 94S e. track. To,rnto. Ontario. wheat -New wheat. No. 2. 51.33 to $1.35; No 1 commercial. per car lot. according to freight outside. $1.26 to 51 No 2 commercial. 51.:1 to 5124, No. 3 commercial. 41.17 to 51.20. O•tarlo oats -According to freights ostafde: No. 2 white. new. 51c to 53c; No. 3 white, new, 50c to 5:c. Rye -No. 2 new. $1.14 to 51.16. Peas -No 2. 32 to 82.10. Barley -Malting, 54c to 87c; feed barley, 80c to 82c. Manitoba flour --First patents, 1n Jute bags. $8.60; seconds. In lute bags, $3,10; strong bakers'. In lute, 57.90, Toronto. Ostarlo lour -Winter, track. Toron- to, prompt shipment. according to sample. 86 p:., in Jute bags; bulk sea- board. 86 Mtllfeed-- Car tots. per ton, deliver. ed, Montreal. Shorts. 129; bran. 526; good feed !lemur, per bag. 82.15; m,d- dlinga, 530 Hay- Baled. No. 1 track. Toronto. new, 8:0 to 412; car lots; No 2, 83 to 8550. b:raw, $7 to $8. Sutter and Cheese Markets Kingston -215 white.. and 535 eotar- ed were boarded. 197.c being bid, but there were to sales. Brockville ---Offerings were 1.997 colored and 1.347 white 1111;hest bid. Llatow, seine facttirlei h'ar1.•d 2.151 chs•. :. wb,te and 1.;.b7 etiI ort•d. Iii. 1. 1:e ,c No, s:.:ea. Kemptvt!,t - .,, tt 1••s of colored sold at 197.c•. \spar.... thee.^,e boarded. 420 box• ci of at :0'o i>„z.e of colored. All imId Pit ton- I- t.. trifles boarded 1,443 :.11 co:ored. ;: e• -,:d at .(a:. Alexandri4 , `.4 box. s of white of. (era! h,1 at 20c. (tont Jo.i. Que.--,on hoses of cheese were offer: d and sold at 1934c. St. Ilya, frit;.e, fine --900 boxes of freed: a1) amid at 19e: 1141) package. of hu -1'r '. 1.1 at 35-er. I-owanaTtile, tJ tem --10 fattnrtes of fer.•d 670 pack..,ces of butter. 9 fac tunes sold at 361,c; 1 factory unsold. Landon --9 factories offered 790 hate a Nu tales. Bidding, 19c td', 19',c. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the ' trade: Eggs- Spsc.al candled (cart's).* 38 to $ .40 Candled lei cartons) ... .34 .35 Butter- , Creamery. prints- .36 .38 Creamery. solids .35 .36 Cholre dairy pricts• .31 .33' Ordinary dairy prints.29 .301 Hakes' 27 .26 • hone- - NewTarge, 21,2e to 22c; twins. 2120 to 22'00r; triplets, 112c to 221.1c; June and September. large,' ..r, old. 2'4c; triplets. 2212c. ' :.c; old. 221,4c; triplets, 2242c. Poultry use Dressed 1 Fprlag broilers 19e 20c 26c 28c old fowl, Ib ... 15c 16c I8c 20c Ducklings . 12c 13c 18c 20c Beans - -hand-picked. 55.50; primes.: 45. 1 1 L Make Our Store Your Headquarters FAIL STOCKS NOW COMPLETE! Our Fall stocks are now' complete in all departments and many people will be doing their Fall shopping during Exhibition week. Ladies' Coats Misses' Coats Children's Coats We have selected our Coats from seven of the leading represent- ative Canadian manufacturers and the best numbers of these makers are now in our showrooms. The styles this season are charming and most practical and prices will be found extremely reasonable. Ladies' and Misses' Coats, from .r .....$i0.00 Girls' and Children's Coats, from $3.50 We carry the largest stock of popular -priced Coats in Huron County. New Wash Waists An entire new showing of white Wash Waists for Fall seasr'.i iu all the newest styles. Some styles have large cape collar effects. Remarkable values at 51.00, 51.25, 51.50. 51.75, 52.00, 52.25. 'New Silk and Crepe de Chene Waists Crepe de Chene and Silk Waists are most popular this season for dressy wear. We have an elegant showing of the latest. styles in Crepe de Chene.and Habutia Silk in white, pink, peach, flesh and black from $1.75 Tailored Skirts Special showing of separate Tailored Skirts in black, navy and tweeds, in the newest styles from 53.50 The New Suitings Serges, Gaberdines, Broadcloths and Tweeds. These are the most favored materials for the new Fall suits.. dark. rich shades pre- dominating. All the better material in individual suit lengths, New Silks New Silks Silks are becoming more popular each season. We are showing an exceptionally large range of plain and fancy Silks in all the season's newest effects. Yarns Yarns Yarns We are indeed fortunate in getting delivery of our import order of Scotch Fingering Wools and other Yarns. Baldwins Bee Hive Scotch Fingering in black, white and colors, at keenest prices. Millar's special Scotch Fingering Yarn in grey, black and colors, an exceptionally good Yarn for knitting socks for soldiers. We have only a limited supply. Special 51.611 per Ib. • Millar's super quality Fingering Yarn for knitting in''grey, khaki and white, an exceptionally good yarn for socks, special per Ib. $1.75 Splendid values in Cotton Blankets, Wool Blankets, Comforters, Eiderdown Quilts and Bed Spreads. .flake our store your headquarters. We will take»care of your parcels and wraps. YOU WILL FIND US AT OUR USUAL LOCATION AT THE FAIR. PHONE 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE PHONE 56 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle- It.•eelpts, 5,000; slow; *hip- ping steers. 54.00 to 810 50; butchers. $4 76 to $9 tot: heaters. $4.00 to ill 00; cows, $3.50 to $7.26, bulls, $6.00 to 87.6; stockers and springers, $6.75 to 37:11; Stock heifers. 85.01 to 56.75, fresh cows and springers. 83 00 to 42 00 lower, $61.00 to 5105.00 Veals-1(eretpts, 1,200; active and steady; 14.10 to 516.00 Hog.-Receipta, 12,000; active; .beavy and mixed, $11.60 to 111.66. notion. $11 26 to 111.60. ptgs, 560 to $9 76. roughs. 51.50 to 11.71; stags. 57 00 to 15.60. light rooters. 19.71 to 511 00 Sleep and lamb. -Receipts, 1.0,011; active; lambs, 56.51 to $11.76; year I 1 hugs, use to 5.26, *ethers. 5/11$1 to $.26; awes, $3 00 to 57.71; asap. mixed. $7 71 to $3.00 Chicago Live Most Cattle- Receipts. 26.000; tttiarM t weak; beeves, 84.40 to $11J80t soma era steers. 54 to 59 40; stns urs sail feeders. 54 01 to $7 66. SIM and belt ere. 53.60 to 5.26. ogees. 10•M to 512.71. Hese-R.r•elpts, 30,000; ttttgrte t steady at about atu.rdarts aressie; tight. 510.36 to 811.11, salasd. 530.10 to 511.10;1heavy. 51001 be 511.46; 5 1S! of Wok Mr Mme, - b poi t;1eeF--Ree06»s meat; lube. native, 50.71 is A NEW VIEW OF GODERICH HARBOR Thi. view •howi the outer harbor. The long concrete breakwater. to the ncMhwoet and .ewnthwe.t. with the entrant a way between. Ric(- te.ael• •pl.-fetid protection The weak on Ihe.e ont.irle breakwater, was commerical ten years ago, and some further w.ak remain• to he .Ione in cnnncct.ng the end• of the •trtrcturer with the •heal. In the foreground the diws Pacific Rsilwat .cation is %ern. Children's Aid $ottaty. The regular monthly n,ee'ing Pf the Children** Aid Mt-.eiety waa held in the *met bemuse oo Toe -day of ernoon of test week. Mr (4. M. Elliott, the county secret- ary. gave • tepnrt of his visit to the . ward, of IA* 140.4.17 in the county, 'sad also of bot tour of tb* county of Men on • trip .1 in.pretion to the h.•mea of the ward, of tb. nrganlsa- tko In that crusty. Mr. Elliott re- ferred to hie trip through Elgin it. • most .nenur•ging experience. (F ria who were accepted as ward* while very ynuog w.ry now sirrOWn lip to he•utifeil womanhood and wets cared for a lovingly as if they were the natural children of their foster -par- ent.. In one ease a girl who wag tak- en 4rook a wretched home now singe and recite• at church and Rpwt'tth Liman* meet lege_ Another Kiri had Wien the hus{neas mor. after pew ins the bis\ milord entrance and wee now self-eupportina. Others were reerri44 during the year. Hoye wet. Mood growing up under good people to habits of industry. Th. wh..l. re- pent IVY ebeering In those who had • *hare in the work, for *orb result. are their awards Mr. Elliott also reported that he had aueeeeded in Angling • home fon a hitt* three-year-old Ploy. The refer- ence to ►ie ease In Th. 9t/n& had been 1b• smeaswenf heinkKing blot inko touch with fo.*4e.p.r..t' for 15. lad. A widow with six children wrote the Society *toting that she we. un- able to provide for her family and asked that the Society take ^h•rge of them. The e.rreu.ty wee in•tro,ted to make ward. of the children and Mr. Elliott is nnw ■..king homes for three bright he•Ithy h.ny*. aged eight, six and three years, re.peetive• ly The anneal meeting of the county organisation will lie held at Clinton in Nnvem her. An .xnen•e sremint of the •ecret - ary for 118.75 w•. oniered paid. (..h donations were received from the following : Mr*. 1). Buchanan, 51 ; Mrs. 301.. ('lark, $I ;' Mn. (R.c 1 J. K. Ford, i1 ; Mi.n W. Ball, f I Mrs. W. I. Hoxton. d.5 ; Kergt Is. Pritchard. 56 ; Dr. A. T. F.mmereon, •6. They sa • oney tette. P.rh•p that i* why • doetor examines • patient • toeswe t►w first tiling.