HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 20 T elangiav Harr. el, One THE SIGNAL : Gf1DRRICH ONTARIO 4111111111111111111.11F TERRIBLE WEAPON IS NEW BRITISB ''TANK" Ube • Nose Lead Settles/Op It Ad - moose Oster or Through All Obetrucl .as The tmsdea evening Staadard gives the following details of the •s.w ar- snoM can seed by the British 1n the West. "Britain's latest weapon or war 1s nothing more nor leu than a base land stip fully rumored sad capable of travelling at fair speed over the shell -battered and cratered terrain of Picardy. Designed. aa tbey are. to traverse. the most difficult country and to sweep away aU ob- stacles in their path. they naturally are of fairly large size. with cater- pllibr wheels constructed to cover the widest trench or shell bole sad to suable the vehicle to tackle .lona any depth of mire. Their crows are protected by varying numbers of ar- mored pastes. say one of which is tin - pervious to machine gun or rifle are am well as s',rapnel bt.11ets, apd It 1a asserted that only a direct, hit from a stn of large ctltbre could put one of these monsters out of' oosmlasio.. "While from a defensive point of view they are almost perfect. [bar oResede totalities are even superior. and when they have clear i a trench of the snoopy or have forced the oar - Moors tato the shelter a their dug - eats. thew land ships--' tasks.' as the Tosxales prefer to an these— iave another BUM samba h More for the beaten enemy. about which perhaps 1t were wise not to say more Most of the great engineering works of Britain can claim a .hare in the production of thew armored ars. They are built In parts at dif- ferent factories In order to preserve the secret of their construction, sad they ars then assembled at a central factory under the supervision of ex- perts of the armored car division." Hall Caine. In a special article. says be has been told that If 1.1•e Allies had 3.000 "tank." the war would be ever in a -month. Other writers say that the "tanker smash trees and other like obstacles to their progress, Including wire entanglements. with the greatest ease. They carry both large and small In ns. weigh over 4041 tons, and have a speed of ave miles an hoar. LIBERALS WM OIC COAST Bowser Ooverwnewt Overturned -- Woman $.Ares. Carried Winning from 40 to 42 seats out of a total of 47 in the Legislature, the Liberals of British Columbia have suc- ceeded in overturning the Bowser Government. lo last week's vote, Premier Bowser and hts entire Cabin- et apparently wire defeated. though the results in r, venal close i oo- atltuencles are still in doubt. Prohibition carried by 6.4,01 or 7,000 majority. and woman's suffrage by More than that • Fifty tho Land cotes were east and votes of upwards of 26.000 soldiers •re yet to be counted. There it no justi- fication for bellettrg that the general re-l.lt of the election or rt th.• r,deron. guru on prohibition and woman's suf- frage will be, tn.. enally changed when the ballots of the 'lieu to khaki are counted Six,lOberala wire elected to Vancouver, with Premier Dewar 1:0' votes below the lowest 'Liberal. Itwould nut be suryr:alt:g if he over - • Oils lead tt.rcag:l th' military ice,. The only .'a:s ol..•llntt.-ly known to have be.;r t.:.o by the eouserva- tires are 7% e: . ity. (*owl scan, Arlin and 1'a'e 1 in danht are Li;looet, South t i a:,....n, i.imilkan:eeo and RESSIA_N3 MOVE FORWARD Liar y Priao^ern Taken in Drive To ward Lembt:re Th•' Roastans have resumed the drive on Lemberg with full tiro: The Petrograd \Lar tit1:re aanostc.•.-s that tt.. Rued:.ns hale raptured Teuton positions wat.h of itrzezany. forty-six miles south of lon.twrg. taking 14 of- ficers and 6.'.; Turkish soldiers. in an eoetrrllra mu%ement against Halirz, sixty utiles south of the Galician capital. the Russians have taken 3.1:4 German prisoners. includ- ing 34 officers The tall of Italica 1a expected hourly • Simultaneously with the resumption of the campaign against Lemberg this Russians took the offensive In Vol- hynla on the whole front south of Pinsk. A ''silgbt withdrawal" of Archduke earl Franz Josefs front on the Narajork• River Is admitted officially by both Berlin and Vienna. Successful attacks by the Austro Hungarian and German troops 10 the Carpathians are claimed by the Ger- man and Austrian official statements. Nsads /=ens$.'. Roonetere Ottawa announced on Mooday: Sir Tbomaa Tait has been appotntad by the Government to the pooitles of INrector•(Senrral of Natloaal amok*. He has aeeepted the Dice. Sir Thom - se has been In charge of recruiting anomie the English-speaking people of Quebec. Sir Tbomps is fifty-three years of age. and • native of Quebec. A former Manager of Transportation , of all t' P.I; lines, be was Chairman ' of the ('omttolesloo of Victoria t Aua- Italia) State Railways. 1003-10. Canada** Les* $.eeeees Ottawa reported on Monday night: Subscriptions to the Canadian war loan already amount to considerably over seventy-five mtllbe dollar., aaaggqddd tbere 1s no doubt fret that the 'Will be very considerably over -es .crlbed. it Is Quite potable that tb same policy w111 be pursued this time as 1m the muse of the firm loan, sad the lain* be Increase -4 perhaps to $1110.800,000, to order to take .p the w bscrlptbas offered. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH It 1. understood that most of the \Ve.trrtl (Mtarin battahoos now at Camp Borden, are to go foto winter quarter* .gain Intoes proceeding over- sell.: but in place of the eyebolt of Whiting followed last winter the bat- talion. will be concentrated et a few lo.rints. The report is current that the )Past i Huron) Battalion 1• to he quar- tered at 441. Thome.. It is to be booed that flit. report is not errrrct. \Vby should the Huron Batt dins he soot to (to. Thomas or anywhere else outside the c runty when perfectly good ac- rotupn.datuoo can be provided within the county? Oodericb can furnish q lite imitable quarters fur the Bat- t.lion—.'r for several battalions, for that wetter—and wi ars quit. MI* the Hui on* would prefer Cloderieb to any plan outside tie county. We do nut heli, -%e in pestering the military authorities with importunate claims ; but other platea are putting in their 1 ids for battalions for the wins -r, and .u.rly n . place outside the county has so valid a Chill) with respect t t the 111.1 iisttation as the chief town of the county in which the Battalion was TRAPPERS! 'e Sand your RAW FURS LoJOHN HALLAM . r ..w.., i.etr w w.w0 e. r.. law.o• -t ms w.. Doe .b• how w.o.w.. r,W.. •. rm....r.... -.r .ar Yl err••. •. b..• w -d e•• 44444..00 M 001000 t. Una •....• or *wow* .• C...1. Who 00.d t... Nes - WOMAN. tb•r br.. tsar M •.r•.w S .•. mod raw** mow ^.r kr %Mr taw. y4• ..a.l.• w. 111100540•0 taw from *mow. r. comb Woo •.e'.46. Nye limo w tori. FREE H."... . l'••••Oval*nPu ....m a.. r.roll... ••••We.•• • OW.tuta• float*. • a•o ry yr•..w• .Y1.. • r.. sr. ked es 1.4.0 s•.ns. N r rw.•.t a..wli. — Y1+w J,OHHALLAM mited 1167 Hallam Building, Toronto le GODERICH?'THE TONIC THAT taondIminppsd•sf•ult of, isaraad a•).srlindp.uf noL lees than, ten days or more than two mood's.. reflood. The Hurons are still about t wo hun- dred abort of full .atre.gth. and the only way to secure soy great nuwb.r of tww recruits Irons the county is to have the Batter writ/feted in the county to act as a rallying centre. When, the soldiers left the county las spring to go to Looduu arcs acting stopped dead. Further, It is due to the relat;ses sod othw..pecislly in'•tesied in the Iso,s that they .b,.u!.l te- allowed to err as much of thorn es pomade before they go away on, the Tong trip oval - seas. 1f tbey are sett to St. Thomas ei her the boys will .re 11ttie of thoit Moue bilks or they will spend ago"'d dral of time trasellitg L.cka•,d and forward—due that would better be devoted to training. Goderich sincerely desires the pr ;lege of haring the Huron Battalion um training bete before tt goes Heti - SWAM . C. T A. COUNTIES AFFECTED. Added Restrictions en Sale sad Use of Llasor Applyiag to HUMS County. An officer of the Huron County Temperance Alliance 5.1.15 out the following information as to adJed re- striction. regarding the ..le and on., of Iigons as taken from the new D rta- inion Trtuper.nce Act and the Ontario Temperance Act whirls are now in u.e and appy t' the C. T. A enrol ir. ut Huron and l'e,IF : I. Any person who 'fella, seals, .hip•, hring., delayer. or •• WISP/ to h. be .not, .hipped, hroyght or delivered. liquor into •1heProvince of Ontario for ober titan pend oil or flintily ase (except to persnn4 licensed to 5.111 is liable to it (Inc -t, 2. All liquor Bent into O•ttario for personal or fawi,y use mu.t he plainly labelled to show the actual contents and the name of the•hipp.'r. ,.bin the c. r. ret name of the per.00 w bo is im- porting it, and any railway or expose anent is liable to he floe.' who handles • '. 'i' °eat which i5 not so Addressed and Livened. 3 Personal or family use is to be! BRINSS HEALTH "Frdt-s-Bas" Ms Up TM WkieSysto Those who take "Fruit -a -tiles" for i the first time, ars often astonished at the way it bwldr /hew a# sad wakes I4eas/eel Mier all over. They may b. taking "Fruit -a -Uvea" for some spee.iae disease, as l'oastipatios, Indigestion, Chronic headaches or Neuralgia, Kidasy or. Bladder Troloble, Rheu- matism or Pain in the Bark. And they find when "Fruit -a -fives" Its cured the disease, that they feel better and stronger is every way. This is due to the msmderjs/ Sortie proper -her of thea. famous tablets, made from fruit juices. 00e. a box, a for r'.:10, trial size, Me. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- s -Urea Limited. Ottawa. taken in a very re-trict. d sense and only include. the tnemtrrs of the bnueehold, sod doss not include guests. 4. The only place liquor can be kept by any person not licensed too se11 is In • private dwelling, and Joe. oat permit its being kept. under any pretence, in a bearding house (four lodgers other than the members of the family is considerer • haarding house) hotel, shop, office, club. work- shop or store. and a private dwelling ie very strictly defined in the Ontario Trtoperanc. Aet. 3. Where • person is found upon a street highway or in any public place in thi. Provisory in an intosBated con- dition h. shall 1.e guilty of an offence against this Art. ant upon any proe- mr-onion ter each ,.ff 'bee be shell he compellable to •tate the nun* of the pennon from why in and the plisee in which he (Anaemia the liquor which caused the intoxication, ani in the case of his refusal to do ser h." .h.11 he imprisoned far a per;o l tont ea. ending three mouths or until he disrlo.ee au. b information. The penalty for hoiag.found drunk is a floe of nor l•.s than 011.11), nor more than tl Coder the Canada Tempsrane* I Act as awwded • search of any Mere way be made by an officer of the law. at any time of the day or night ; form - et ly orm-etly • search eould only be wade from six 0. m. to nine p. m. 7. The penalty for a Ono offence seminal the C. T. A i. not 1w. thee 1130.0O, and not more than *11.1 1n, or imprieonmest for a term not exceed- ing one mouth, with or without hard lab w, and. for • second and .vary subsoil uemt offence. imp, isonmoon for a tors not exceeding four months. with or without hard lahoe. 1+. Penalties for violations of the Omrade Tesper•nee Act vary from 031000 to $i000.010. A Model son. The fumy old gentleman asked the chase* travelling onwipanloo : "Have you easy children. sir r "Yee, sir. a son." "Ab, indeed ! • Doss be smoke P" "No, Mr, he never so much as touched • eigerette." '•I4o much the bettor, sir • the use of totaeeo is a poianoous habit- Does be ft rawest club* f" "He bas never put his fors* in one." •'Allow se to congratulate you. Does be never come borne late ?' —Never. He goes to bed directly after dinner." "A model young man. sir. • model young man. How old is be ? ' •'Jmit six moot bs."—PbSadist piste Record. "Myrtle is pi a quandary. She loves music. but sloe needs phonies/ culture. Yet she hasn't time for both-" '1 can tell her • way out of that diffleulty. Tell her to tasty an accordion." —Judge. Fhlbdul,-['here's always an opening for • good man. Harduppe—Hub ! Who told you that ? Flohduh— A friend of mine who is a grave -Jigger ! Town Topics. A miner cannot bops to succeed un - lege begets down to iwaions. Age twinge us wisdom teeth accord- ing to the prix we can affo•ri t.) pay a dentist. For th. Men of the Huron Uattahon Th• %Vanvn'a Wer Auxiliary aek- nowl.dg•s the following .irks for the then of the Inlet Battalion : Anmeek chapter. D O. B., 31 train : it .Ilford Rad )'rose Society. IM pairs : smith'. Hiil Red Cense tktnrkm, 2 pairs ; Leeburn Red ( row Workers 4 So.- 1 Sunlight Soap The inducements offerefi withmemos cs. soaps nnot make up memosr dile punt? 01 Sunlight Soap. It costs US mora to make Pure sop. Bot it costs YOU less to use It. for %slight pays for itself in the clothes it saves. It does sot wear sod rub the fabrics as emasu n soaps do. parley WM every etas �istailghe Ott pairs : Leeburn Yount' P.opli'. ' Socooty, 2 pain : A Friend. 3 pain : i Mrs, Strang, Mrs. T.Iu, Mi... Burrill, Mn. J. 1'. Griffin, Mrs. K. J. Arheson, Mra. SIrachan, 11(•4 Holt. Mrs. D. Bell, Mie* Farrow, : pain each : Mn. Field, Mrs. Holt. Mrs. R. C. Mrs. Ben Sault., Mise Walter., Mrs. Kithiran, M•.. Hobo )'lark. Mn. C. 1 Ire. Mrs. K'dI. 1 pair •.ch. Knit for the Auxiliary : sties Y:od- dart, Mn. Jos. Dickenn. Mn. It. J. ('nit, Mise Harritt. Mrs. M -Nally, Mow LeT.nia'I*, Mre. Snyder. M se dol- lar. 2 penin .a_'b•: M(s. Gihsru, Mr.. Solodon, 1i.. M. E. Fe,g,t.on, Mrs. ('nnitburet. Mrs 1). 14 -II. Mrs. Pishor. Mr. Wilson, Mrs. H.rri...n, 11154 Scutdy, Mrs 116111112. Mn. (barrier. Mev. H. J. A. McEwen, Miro M !Kae. Mu. D MrNevin, Mrs. lie L\Villi..sa Miss Washington, I pair each. Prince Albert 111 A London despatch on Ilsaday said: Oalelsl sanotncetmset was mads to- day that Prince Albert. seems son .1 Ming George. has bees tavalidei Dame because of severe abdominal Womble The Prises is &etas well at 'ladsor Castle. Mt It wOl be mess the beton he will be able to Mara M daty. Prince Albert Is s alarm► sass i the trays. -- _ i 1 WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE i i i • • 'a. n 4 To introduce this store and our fine stock of Furniture and House Furnishings to the citizens of Goderich and the surrounding country, we will sell from NOW UNTIL AFTER THE FAIR Anything in the Store at a Discount of IO per cent. And we assure you that the old prices are prevailing on everything in the store. Furniture has advanced on account of the mirror plate, but we were fortunate in having bought very heavily before the advance, and a ten per cent. discount off the old prices will be equal to a saving of twenty per cent. on the new prices. Specials in Draperies We have imported direct from the big mills at Sturgis. Mich., some of the finest Draperies ever � . hown in this town. Prices range around 45c a yd. urniture Coverings , We have laid in large and well assorted stock of Furniture Coverings. If you want a piece of Furniture re-covered it will pay you to interview us. Picture Framing If you have a picture which. you think would look well in a frame, bring it to us. We have a large stock of Picture Moulding to choose from. Undertaking Our Undertaking Department is now com jlete and we are prepared to handle anything that is en• trusted to us in this line. WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY ' OFTEN THE CHEAPEST—ALWAYS THE BEST 13 OMNI 41111111111111111111111111•11111111111 Agent for Mendelssohn Pianos STORE PHONE so.---RESIKNCE PHONE 197