HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-14, Page 7THE s!G?'A>I.: (ODERICn ON -TAI 10
' No warping or cracking is possible with our secret
process semi -steel fire -box linings. Being in five pieces,
they are easily removed or replaced without belts or cement.
Before you invest in a new range let me show you the
Pandora's sensible ideas for saving time and labor.
Sold by FRED HUNT.
THE time is here again to get your
boys and girls fitted out for
school. They will need stong
serviceable Shoes. The kind that will
stand the most severe test in any weather.
In this class of footwear I can show you
a wide range of leathers and styles that
will give the very best satisfaction. You
will also find the prices most reasonable.
Geo. MacVicar
North Side of Square Godericb, Ontario
Fans and Irons
D 0
YOU know the advantage of E:ec-
tric Irons and Fans. especially in hot
weather, and how easy it is to live
and work. in summer especially. with these
appliances ?
Ironing out of doors. for example. is both
practicable and pleasant. and our electric flat-
irons certainly smooth the way oli ironing day. ,
Do you know of the comfort of a fan in
the dining -room : The residence fan is de- t
signed for extreme quietness in running.
Electric Fixtures and Supplies always on
hand. Let us give you a figure on wiring
your, house.
Robt. Tait
A school fair will be held at Walton
on September lkh.
E. Wotan, of Zurich. has added a
1917 Ford touring cu to his livery
out lit
Elizabeth Kerwin, widow of the la'r
Andrew Dodds, din[ in Turnbeiry,
aged eighty-eight rears.
Miss Matilda Fowler, tea. -her of 9. S.
No. 1:4, M.•Kill..p, bar obtained her
certificates Popery lwruf att.
John Tabert well -driller of Manley,
drilled to a depth of l'JJ feet on t'. Mc-
Loughlsn'e farm and be now ba. 102
feet of water.
Nancy Aon Clemens, widow ot the
late Isaac Sarar.s, died at Zurich on
Monday t,f last week. She w.a sixty-
seven years of age.
Mn Hannah Brown, a towner resi-
dent of Londe.b„ru•, died at Stratford
on Tuesday of lass week, aged seventy-
three years She had been in delicate
beak)) tor nearly three years.
Corn grown om the farm of Jams
Dallas, 2nd roecesnoo of Tuckenwitb,
aseasured eleven feet nine incbes in
height_ It it; also well cobbed, one
sample having thirty-two rows on the
On Sunday, August ': th, Mir Eliza
J. %Vhitaeld. third dauchter of the
late Thomas and Mr. R hitfiekI. died
at the home of ber Mother, Levi
Whitfield, Grey township. She was
sixty years of age.
Death visited the borne of Mr. and
Mn. l' onrad Keller, of Z aricb, on Sat-
urday, September 2nd, and claimed
tbetr daughter, Pearl, after a brief
illness. She was sixteen years of
age. Meningitis was the cauas of
An interesting event was celebrated
at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry
Wolper, Bronson line. Hay township.
on August 31):h, when their eldest
daughter. Fern, was w.rried to Her-
bert Desj.rdine, of the 13rhylod line.
Rev. F. B. Meyer I:Hiciated.
In jumping into a trench at Camp
Borden Private Harvey Hoover, son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. J Hoover, of the
9tb concession or Grey, was severely
ruptured. H.' was hurried to the base
hospital, Ton unto, where he under-
went an operation, and the latest re-
port is that be is making favorable :
pro+rreK• 1
On Tuesday, September Stb, at the
home of R. J. Drysdale, Hensall, his '
daughter. Margate,. became the pride ;
of Roy Stowell: of Dubt•c. va1.k. M.
ceremony was performed by Rev. E. F. I
McL Smith. Mr. and Mt,1. Stowell are dent. {CII at her ho''r in T rotor) and
sway on a motor 'rip to Buffalo sod bents one of her Ii.oM near the hi
Brockville, before learru.t tot their ;p
home in the \Vest. I Dr. Fred let airl w'..1 Mrs. (: spin. of
The h e of yfr. sad Stn. Leonard
%Ida alike•-, an• bete vi.itto r rel
Brown, \Vro:e%rr, was the scene of•
they Made :..r trip to Hruserl• in their
a pretty wedding on Wednesday of i Ford ...iso
last week, when th-ir only daughter, , Mies M'na McK -lvcy ha. t_etnrnd
me Mi.,. Margaret, we. tnanied rn chs._ from a ve: r'i n ..r two hi .'•'h'o with
ter lifiggins, son of Mrs. Jos. Higgins,' her brother. W. 1-. and air.: McKel-
of Howick. Rrv. Mr. Tait, of Blue- req. Montreal.
vale, officiate] in the presence of about) • %%INGiIAM.
Uel relatives and intimate friends. Livioe M note, an Indian girl. •even
After • lingering illness John years old, did here after a short ill-
Ftayne, of theTbamr road. t"sborne, nese The girl ears working in the
Pawns' away no theaday evening of Hix field with h •r parent.. and. though
list work at the lige of seventy yein. ,.we son. not frriing well, be, pArentc
Mr. Ftsyne was born on ape London tbought the rare was nut seri Liss and
.ad, south of Exeter. and had hr"n a did not have the .pre of a doctor.
re•,d.'nt of that section A11 bt. life. He Coroner Kennedy decided, that an ha-
ils su:Tired by hi• wit.. two sons and qu.st was not necefeary,
Won't Shrink
RESIDES being a
wooderful cleanser.
LUX adds to the
life of woollen and flan-
nel garments. Keeps
all loosely woven fabrics
from shrinking or
thickening in the wish.
LUX dissolves validity m
Met water, makes a smooth,
aaem--like lather which can-
not injure the filmiest fab-
rics or the daintiest hands.
LUX -pine e.etaee of soap
in flakes-ia the favourite
washing pprr boo in
homes of reltioe msnt.
nor daughter. flee sisters a .d two Miss Founts A. Mees= of the ith ron-
tlrothet s. tension of %Vest \VAwan'r.b, diem in
A sudden Grath oc.wrrd at Blue. Wins/halo hospital a -i Septerub•r rtth,
vale on Sunday. September 3rd, when following a i operation. She was in
Mn. John Thy -one died at the borne •her fifty-fourth year.
f her J.uthter,n-in. Mn. Thomas
Mr• Thomas Di.rktnn. an old and
Stewart. Hers.m-indaar. M-. 9tewatt, hi hlc•rr. Wing
ham, driving her to the home of her g proteid resident of \Vin ham,
son on the :4rd line of Morris when she 1""eria raw.y oo M.►turdac. Septrmher
took a weak spell. Mr. Stewart rushd"d Her death took' plate at the
ber hack to bili home when the wird of her .on, R ,bort D cksoo, of
Turnherr•-. with
away in • few hours. Sue Wal 0 Ger wb'm she had been
eighty-sixth year. living fur a short tie prior to her
death.' She was eighty-seven years of
Thetae.'lino engine which F. Hese. 'age. A (wooly of live daughters and
s ,r., of Z ir;ch. asp- to putup water into four sons survive. -
bis supply tank wrecked itself one ikteei,,n. L,nie.•,tbe little two-mrnrhs-
evening Ia.t week. As on one was near old tribe of Mr. a• d Mta. Wilbert
crue it Is • soystriy bow it hop
per. d.Anyw*v. the engine s useless. R'ellwa�d, did cry Tuu..dac. August
SA the crank Abaft is broken, the box 31st.
lnfir smrsbd, the controlling device Frederick F. Homutb, i 1 \Virgham,
wrecked and there are a number .,f was one t1 the ptireipal.,,in a metro -
other serious breaks The two fly- eel loial ever.t at Elora on 1 hureday.
wheels were hurled 'ewers' feet. A' gust :41st. The bride ass \I no. Jon
-Mac- Not to Be Beaten
A H.gblrnd.-r wh•, pride.' tuw•elf nn
being able to play any tune on the
pipe* pe.tst•ed b....eif os the side ei
one nt his satire hills on Monday
morning mold commenced Id iwi• g for
all he was writ t b.
Presently the minister cam. along
•ad, fining tip to Alp-D..,gal! with tb•
intention of v.vere`y reprimanding
h.m, a.kd in • vet v h'.n.tt voice
1'•Mari) maid'. do you know the Ten
Con.m.od nients ? -
MaeUu..gelierr.G'beel him chin for •
moment, and then, in an equally harsh
toy•'.. said:
"Dee think you've heat me ? Just
whistle the lint three or four bars and
111 hire • ry a1 i'..
While nitros a hinder on the tarn of Olive Wet- h. eldest d.ughtrr of Mr.
Prank \Vtigh', Turntlerry, the horses 1
and Mt.. Edward Werth.
moved forward 'sod Benjamin Henning On Wednesday evemcg, August
had hie arm ,aught in the machinery 3bth. at the Presbvretlan church
stud badly- mantrld. He left at once! a.•r. Rev• n. Petrie r•fiici.r• d 41 ehr
for kVestern blo.pital, Tot -onto,
I .InI.g. of \toss Merger -et ('.thetins
was apparently getting along well 1=McTan.h, eldest daught.-r ot Mr. and
when blood -poisoning and pneumonia • Mea David McTavish. of Pleasant
developed. He failed rapidly until' mValley, to Rirh.rd Mtuo , cf \Ving-
deatheited on Sunday morning. Sep- ham.
temper 3rd. He was fifty-six years I
of age and had spent practically all 1 •'I Moir that Laura•• f ncagement to
his liar in Turnberry. the ynu'.d minister is . If " -Why,
SEAFORTH. lyre, ale told ear. Ha was horribly
ftrafntth's tax rate this year will beoua and so unfair.- "In what way
Sat mills. wee_ he u•tair 1' i very tia.e be
would utaks an re/Agee...i't to go nlo-
A quiet wedding was enlemnizd in toning with acme other man be would
Ottawa wben Mir Wianif,ed Kohert-. /eery fax rain. j,iaerese.l Past.
son was united in marriage to Edward
J. Whittaker, of the same city, son of
Mn M. Whittaker. cf Seetorth. Rev.
Major Thompson officiated
Priv P.Here.Loftus Hera. be of Mr. and R
Mn. H.rn, who has been missing
for several months, ie now for ofllcial
purposes reported as deed why that skin N4. Sri which
The announcement bas been received you are nRerl.g, will sot bea
hen of the marriage of Moss Vera
Marie Who., daughter of the late
Miller J. White, a former publi.ber of
The Exeter Times. to Ernest K. Sad-
ler, of Hobart Mi1M,Nevada.
Capt. Chas. Kerr. formerly of Clio-
tos, • est n, n.d soldier who was
wounded •t Ypt•.., was married at
Oakville no Wednrwlay of last wrist
to Mies tate Pr..,tose.
W. Conroe. bead cutter wit/ the
Jackets. l�siuf.rturing Comped} for
fifteen years, hail severed his rnnnee-
tion with th• firm and has left fear
H amilton, wb.r. he bis accepted a
pn. tto It.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCa.shey a.-
an.nee the e.e.gemewt of their da.gb-
ter. Mary, to John J. Flynn. *Meet sow
of Mr. and Mn. Dominic nylon. cif
H.Sntt toweehip The marriage will
take pl..e i. Otoner.
Aadey.... Rio.. •r'. huildi.g •a ad-
dition to thele livery hare.
New (Or.) McKelvey, a former red
It le because It la so deeply rested
that ordinary ointments are lamp -
shirr of peeetrattng to Use Mat et
the dlteeM.
Zan Bak, on tie eon:rary. is'M
reseal that 1t to cab'• of road -
Is:be .adeylyta 111110.11. am' that
M why so many piss of tskts tree
hie emelt have defied ' all ether
treatments. bare yielded to Lam
Mal delay' Ont s gear of Lam
Bald and Drove It ler ye.reMf. Net
only is it beet for sesame and all
skin troubles, bat also ler rtes
worm. ulcers. old tor'... bbd -pet
teeing. bolls, plies, burns. mita sad
all Mils 1ayertes All druggists et
Mage -Bek Oo . Termite lies. boa. 1
far 11.2E
Nd It stay M peens a tree
WWI let.
Monis r, Sept. 11.
IA.nn-Ptaasor - A pretty wedding
toot place/ at for borne of Mr. And
Mrs Robert Pearson, at high noon on
Tuesday of last we.k, when their only
daughter, Flown.. Anna, was joined in
wedlock to Mr. t'htford Groves L,hh,
second .on of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ,
Gmbh, .iso of this township. To the
strain. 01 thel.oh.ngrtn BiidolChoi-
u.. nlayr.f by Mr. rieurge Pear.un, err.
htutbrr, the bride entered tlw draw
Ong room oro the ares of her (ether,'
wearing/ a g. on of ivory satin with
trimmings ot georgette crepe her
bridal veil tiring caught up in a Juliet
Pop effect with • crown of oranbe
bl•woms. Mb. also wary the grout,, .
gift, a handsome necklet of pearls. and
carried a .bower bouquet of bridal
roses Rev. Dr. Rutledge, piet•or of
Wesley churcb, Clinton, performed
the ceremony in the pceesuce of the
immediate relatives . f the contracting
partes. During the signing of the
register Mr. (i.rnrg* Pearw,n sang in
splendid voice, "1 Love Yuu Truly,'
and ••0 Prurni.e Me." Atter a tempt-
ing wedding luncheon was served Mi.
and Mn. Lobadrove toClicton, where
they boarded the thin f or a wedding
trip to Niagara Fall. and Buffalo.
The bride's travelling dress was a suit
of navy blue and picture hat, wi:b a
corsage l,ouy let of sweetheart rose...
Mr' and Mn. Lobh have • large circle
of (fiends who join in beet wishes for
a happy and prosperous wedded life.
List of Those tram Huron County at
Stratford and Londe.:
The following students from Huron
county are atteuding the Normal
School at Stratturd
Myrtle Evelyn Allen, Dungannot,.
Laora Ger. ale Awent. B. oriels
Annie Archibald, Meafortb.
Winnie H. titmouse, Ben -sola
Eleanor F. Dougberti.. ".beppardton.
Lena W. Flnsiieirer, Crediton.
An ale Mand Harding. Borrie.
EtueF Irene 11.i, , Seatottb.
Hazel I. Hartwell. (i,eterich.
Mabel G. Isard, t'. Ingham.
Edna M. Jamieson, Clintup.
Sera A. Johnston, (loci ie.
Mary E. Kennedy, \ytngbam.
Annie Louise King, Bav11-Id.
Elva M..Little, Seagate.
Maria S. Long, Lueknow.
Lillian 0. Luogu an, \Vh terbur-b.
Ada Lurllr Mc(i,ll, \Vingnam.
Mattha 1. McLauchlan, Brussels.
Mary A. MrLell•nd, Ethel.,
Margaret 11. MoNi n. Lueknow,
Agnes McKay, Sesta th.
Annie H. N ,baso Gast Wawaiosb,
Lillian E: Pentland. Dungannon:
May 11,t•rrt.on. •
EI anI,e•h t': Sanderson, Blyth.
Helen Frani. Mcott, Lucknow.
Hattie B. Shaw, H.uevele-
Gertrude B. Mpeiran. Bluasel.,
Mary H. r4•..ddart, r,,•derich.
Margaret E. Wal.b,'eaforth.
Grace E. Wootton, Godrricb.
Jean C. Youo'g. (bidet id).
Harry %V, Alton, Lacknuw.
Addi.on V. Trrtnan, Dashwood,
Etduo H. Twan.ley. Lueknow.
M. E Morgen, of Hensel!, is at Loc
JOU Normal School.
-• At Chutes Model School.
The tu:iowing .lass is in artent.'ance I
a' the Matra School. Clinton. flits
terra :
Jessie 1: Bather. Durham.
laws. ti B-atol,, t'linton.
Hlancbe V. Stevie. M . iretleld.
Jessie 'r Black, l'oedey.
Olive F. Ilvooks. Mitchell.
Elizabeth M. Clifford, Dunnville.
Willa B. E Cox, Oodrrich.
Margaret L. Drummond, M itch.II,
Faleu E. Evans, Jarvis
Nlab-I F. Hillman, Newbury,
Norm• MacLennan, Ripley.
Anna 1. M"Doneld, Zia loft.
Label E McLean, Mitchell.
Edith M -Mieb•el, Seafotte.
Gladys Min. r, $•. Tincture.
Marie Murray. Ripley
Eons L. Smith, Metiln.
Edna W/1411.an. Clinton, •
('I-m.ntin.. A. Witham., God. rich.
Sade J. W.; B ivllekl.
Mai est et A. \ .1...•Goalericb.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with lora! arpl.rat.rne r Th.) ..nnn• -•.1h
the ...at of It. di...+ 1'Marrh 1. a Intent dl-
a.e. po.t,y twn..en. eel lo 010.1E 101011.0
a or.ditloo-. .rid IN order to ante 11
woo renal talky a. interna. rented) Hall'.
r atarrf, ..ire . taken ialerna'Iy wr.l art.
t brnurh the blood ..., the .'.cos- .:stare. 01
the ..tate o. 1111.'. r •atu.l. Cel.• w a. presertbed
by or.e et the he.t pb .kids. 11 'hl. ',aunt ey for
year.. 1. 1. eneopoeil of ever of the b. -t torsi..
known. coml. teed m.15 angle of tl.e heat bloat
purifier, TNrfe.-t roh.Atnatron of the 1n
trivalent. in Hall Iaarrb 1 nye 1. ,'041 pro
.ho.e....rh waad.rtal res ell. in ealatrhat roe
digins., $end kir te+ti.oetale. fir.
F. J. CHE%EY a l.Yi.. Prq.. Toledo. ono'.
11.11d'. Faaiy Pil'. for crest ipetiK
'Miserly (Mend tb. 'nen whn.ae,d
his life it dollar -Ind the man ar
rept it ?" "Ye., toot he handed Miserly
twenty cents change."-Ch,istian Reg-
Patient -Doe, T nese yon my fife.
Doctor -Yee, and that isn't a11.-Min-
nespoli• Mi.hehaha.
- I
instructions of the Hon. Mini.ter
a Aso it ultimo a dist,ibntiokt of super-
ior s r... ut grain arid potatoes, will he
made during the rename winter and
'opting to Canadian farmers The
esmplrs for gen.tAl distribution will
�oe.iet of wring wheat (about Mee
pounds). While nate (.boot four pn,mdt►,
mirky (about Inc pounds) and 11.Id
peas (about fi e poundei. These will
he sent trot from Ottawa. A distnlru- 1
tion of potatoes in samples of shoat
three pounds will he carried nn from
srv.,al of the experimental farms, the
Central P'srm .t Ottawa supplying
only the Prv'nr.e of Ontario an
Quebec. All samples will he sent free
by .,all.
914 use senior of grain and one of
poising* can be sent to each tart A.
the enpply of ..ed la limited, farmers
are advised to apply early Requests
10eeined .rt.r the mid of Deorintrr
will probably 1* too late
Asyr.. desiring • samplo should
write I pert free. to Ib. Dm/sink..
t'eresl..t. Rxp•ritr•s'sl Pars,Ottawa,
for a spplleatinn hook.
J. A. Owlapwr.tr,
Director, Downie ton Kxp.risa.tsl
Farms, Ottawa.
Tnesi.pet, Karr. 14. 19N 7
Wash Suits
and Rompers
What is left of ow sto. k
in these litres we will clear at
The unusually brisk de-
mand for Warrn Weather
Goods has depleted our stork
in many lines, but in
Lounge and
Negligee Shirts
we can still supply you.
at Clearing Prices-
It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
FARE $3 00
!. I.
""� y ^ r �7cr' -
n. Gm., ship agEr.ANDMEerglp
T 1,04 and whet `si iftemor ea re Wool wools Nowise seem.-.~
..r res 1:Aa .•••w.ewa
'VITT OF EWE" - 3 M.s.Ytcsal S......-,"ErrY 01 sumuO"1
BUFFALO -D.07 a �
,len-a 1sti Novay. l5t D
f.... *,le.I, s.r 1' lr. t..•. t+nd.ail ors r. u,t
Amy. l.i.,. a•! . • 7w w. aa. A.-.- •efals '. .r• • ra A. N.
u f. - - ...- vie r. ,, awd fa Cwt.eOPom t� i. 7.4 b. Iter.ra .rid . a r....,.. w..'
P.. ...rear � •. - -a ,. t..•••• m. t.r. ..del ,..y.r• yid l.. ,r.t.,.
ii;,- . t. -..t y.,' .'. ,.• In i • •.'. a h 1.e..
" � r : ... - 4 ..r•,..r•17-.. M ....-.........1r MIA • .w.. -.til nt...w ei T'..;....
ill :..t •''ry rt w we..r• eel . • .ewer t.r:.(:. •ad we.u.,a. A l .solo
w• '1 " (.'.� ' .L.'.. .J i'::I'• Al.r) T,IAh-lr CO C. - --1. Ohio
Why he ri..t...1 out •tinny; your clk,kiug .luting;
the hot month. Sttnnatr when you can use .t
CLARK JEWEL Coal Oil Stove ?
The high -.petit oil turner is fast and tcoltonlical.
Thi, burner in close to the top and the fl,inte
strikes the bottom of "the vessel. With this
direct contact 'water both: more quickly And it
taker less fuel t•, keep it boiling,. '
Now is the torr to get your Screen Dears and
Windows on before the flies get had. Do not
wait until they get in your house an l then pot
m screens to keep then in. Call .incl set- our
large range of Screen (loors and Windows.
Prices ranging from $2.50 to $10.00
Refrigerators from $9.00 to $35.00
Lawn Mowers from $4.50 to $10.00
Are you bothered by your how w thng nn.1. r
your fence? 1f so, the
Bulldog Fence Anchor will help you out
Ca11 and we shall he pleased to show you how it
is used.
Do you iwant any Fencing at very low prices >
We handle the Ideal Cail and get our prices
l.efore pnrchi}aeng
How About Ybur Winter Supply of Coal ?
We handle the tr,.t S. runt.m Coal at the lulluw
ing prices '
Chestnut 1
SA.011 per tort
•' • •
Egg S7 / J „ „
Soft and Cannel Coal.
Hard and Soft Wood Slabs.