HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-14, Page 6'ROYAL,- m_wYEAST -T _ _a i llwaasi•r, Nero 14. IYId THB SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO FRUIT BULLETIN Niagara District Craw ford Peaches are now in, and the best varieties of pears and plums are ready • . for preserving or table NiwNUSSUtcwR PI F�� ���� ``uKE . et inacKAGE w[RS NO. Y 4 purposes. Housekeepers should not delay telling their grocers what fruits to order For them, and should insist on the label with the map. reproduced here. It is a guarantee of Niagara Peninsula Grown Fruit and good quality. SEASONABLE RECIPES. �t &OOUSTSY PLUM CHARLOTTE. Bute • quart of riles Owes : Met stew sod thea ewret.0 thecae. Cut slices .4 hrrad and butter and la per in the bot t one avid a J for aidm e.. of e large howl or deep dish. Pour in the plum. !roiling Ism, cover the howl and set it away to cool gradually. W hes quite colt mid it to the table aeJ eat it with cereal. DAMSON OR PLUM PIE. !stew Ute damsons whole is water only beaker'', to lreJewt them hern- iae: when tender end while hot. sweet- en them with .ager *id let them et tad wild they lac cote; then pour these into pie di.IN•s )Sled with petite, dredge floor epos thew. cover with the melee p...*.,• art mad elect' 'egetlr•r • lie edgr•ad the Baste. tut a alit in the tauten of the cower Ibr.asgh which the vapor may mope mol t.xke twenty mimeo.. . • . PI.14111 (.I?HTARD TARTLET'S r Owe pilot tit green gage plum., alter Smug r .hi.r.i Ihrour1h :. serve. ono Nuke • top .4 •ttgat. the y. Ike of two egg• 1.11 I.ratru. Wb,k a:together Weed Igbt rod army, then Lake en Natolip4ttj•p ons, shelb. f puff I.e.tm"o light treat . '1'h• a li'I with plum past.. fat the two %late* until -tiff, • ad t ten t.l.le.poontule of puwJesed l ricer, roe rad over the p1 past and , setse the .he:l• iut, a moderate Sten a i few minute... SPICED PLUMB. III/teem pound.. of plume. one pint of ; eider vinegar, freer pounds of two %Ahie.p•" mule of i•rokrn noon 1. tr:. betties -0m •Ii of whole rl .v.•.. , as1 tb• *am r-ot hrosen nutmeg. Pw these in a rous.t i hag ani elm N• r sheer in a lit)Ie vin -gar aeJ meter t w 1 haU••sel boor ; th-ri Add it„all t . Ito: eswegar a•.J -diger teed bring '4.s hail - •4d th- Wow. and boil ea.. (ally untie. they a:. a r.ke.l ten Ire. Before rook• Jog .h. p',uu. .h.oi•1 !.e pieeced with $ darning needle several times ; this will prevent the skins from bursting Made cooking. CANNED Ku 318. T.• pound of plums allow • quarter cal • poUad of sugar. Put the woe mod plum* ■Iteinately into the preserving kettle. first .pieking the plums to prevent their t.itaking. Int them stand on the hart of the stove for an boar or term then pot them 01er a woderste flrrand anew to come to • boil. Stint and p. -car at once into jet... summing a silver =nor handle around the inside of the jar to break the air bubble*. Cover and screw down the tops. TO CAN PLUMS WITHOUT SUGAR. Thoroughly wash and clean' the fruit, after having watb.d the fruit jars. rubbers' and rings. pla.•ethe raw fruit in the jars and 8;1 with cold wa- ter and sial tightly. Now stand the DIM n1 a reek in . wash Leib-, .tial fid a canal .04 uo.o the j... with rel.! watt.. neer the Leder on the fir. . arm ling • u the •..tiling yw.ini pool bob for thuiv t•: Le. y-tl,r s,u.u.t,. WHEN USING W I LSON'S FLY PADS READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND "FOLLOW THEM EXACTLY HYDRO PQNER ANO RADIALS. Tow ►:few 4 rue +4*.1. Dana Sts - 1 sae by a late issue of your paper that y..0 ere once Inure tryiig to do your own roomy • good tutu--tbat is, by trying to make eke - Irk r.ilweys again s lite issue. 1 have not forgotten the vetsalon when you had the :curage to get up at • public meeting in O.,)Hieb and try to tell abs electors what would happen if they voted as Adam Heck told them to. You can now say.-' told you so." for tient of the electors have loag ago re sliz.d the delusion into which their were WE And j,ist while 1 think of it I should like to ask what has become of the prouder of s.r Adam Beck )bat as seen as the power thee contrasted for by the Hydrol'ummission at Nieg- aro Falls was all used he would build • dant on the Maitland River and sup- ply the county of Huron and neighbor- ing di -trivets with power at $) per k- p. Now I think 1 lead in the papers of Sir Adam fighting the power num' anies for ware power ; but where is the prowiae he neck to us in the court hewn? ! !bink many of the electurs can remember it. bow we clapped .our hemi. And cheered for joy at the run taro...meet. - Then 'whet atom redia) railways ? Your article guys, "Let the country paper. get together." Do you think they cab or will. i do hut. They will stili want to talk 0: it and Tory and let Sir Adam build railways to Toron- to and London with your muory. 1•orooto and London will get all the benefit and sou will get nothing. It will he just the same as Hydro. You as a citizen of Commix bates share in the respon.ibilttks assumed by the Prue:nee In Connection with the Hydro project, and then after helping in put the power on the market you are compelled to ray three or frier tine.* the pt ice that the wan in Ham- ilton pays for the same stuff. Nuw, we do not want electric rail- ways !wilt os the same peintiple as Hydro power, for it is art fair to the outlying districts, and if Sir Adam carries :on his present scheme we will le - bled white and the big tater- oats will once more triumph. That ..141 t: t ems for a Huron • county rail- N..y is, 4 think: the lm'.' .f them al1- tb..t ie; it You sven1 to s.rryou, popu- let ion and. hold your own in Itemises. ;• tot it mirbt bo eelerged to include ee "tomtits .•n the het:rgian Batt as well es Lek'. Huron. 111 course. i do FALL FAIRS, 1918. ' not thick cur crones' tronntile wilt ' have Maud enough to put such ascheme to the people, even to snvethoirereoeht Exeter .,.. .,...,Sept, 1R, i9 • ; fron. being bled whit.. The awtott ; Atwood:...: :.Sept. 113. TN) eoutcils, htrwever, omit' finance sed i .:Sept. 21 neenage this railway propo.itics jute ' a• easily a. Vet Province. They cou'd I l4.fnrtb "...... Sept..1. . h rirow !Met u j:.: as cbeopl and Kiueardioe.... itr►.t 21. ► RNEUMATISM WA SCROSSING THE ATLANTIC. •1 Many Precautions Taken, but the Enemy Does Not Appear The follow ing letter is from Murray Finnlesd to his parents, Mr. aid Tota John Finglaaed, of HYllett. Ptot ppt�j�� land ealisied in the 1224th Battalbe 1' ruoto acrd is one of the first of the i • ys from Aul.uyt to go oversees. Ut. tr. Atha!;,• ocean. a A.geo; IMI. 191(4. (rear Folk., -You will be woudrr:.g 0 "err wr are shout now, tout we aerie still snaking tiler acro.. the puad. 'This is the seventh day out and wears about tired o1 it. the sea b.s hewn v. -i y calm and nobody hu been sir k es yet. It has been very. cold ao9, ' foggy and but much pleasure going. ; We have two he -urs' physical drill every day We lett Camp Burden on, the 4th of tl.is mouth and had • fine 1 tr.p to Halifax. We were token out ! for • route wareh twice : first at s place called Rieke* de Loup, some. in Quebec where errrything wail Fieoch, and again at Moncton. tI tine little city in N. 11.. where we were given a gra!•d ',crown ; A hand met ' us and led us•retied the city ft -r cat hour . r to. Sunday eight we strived at Halifax and on Mondey morning boarded the Came ionise Three otoer Marts also loaded up a eh wen, but we did out Bail until W. dnestlay morn- ing. One I the .even British cruisers teat were lying in Halifax harbor came along and is with us yet. The lour boats ttavel in line with about a quarter of • mile between them and the cruiser everywhere. The Censer - mile is not a eery lowers boat and is I built for only Sur passer gen. There are own commune* .1 the 1. rd wltb us, making 1 W. in all, so you can imagine we have no room to spare. Our place drat wa. rotten, but we made • kick and got changed over and ate now in tirs:-,1ass eaten. and the grub is the hest tore sine, 1 became a , olu Ser : but you should see bow the officers fare. It is a shame the way they arefu.•ed over and the extra fare Ibey get ;o rat. On the second Jay cut a fellow died of blood -poison- ing which he cotararted •t Camp Burden. H . body was wrapped in the Hag and culled to the top d'ck. We were all lined up there and atter a short service the "last post' was sounded and all the fleet stopped aid his bxly was lowered into the sea. T•wu days later. .t.1 a:. • We are now in the war soot; and. things are becoming ,littleinterest- ing and oohody is allowed below with,, out permission. The four boats div - ided• last night and we were taken :o tow by two 'destroyers, who kept rac- ing around us like 'a dog after a 'quarrel up a tree. Away,on the bor- ... Sept. ;Sri. -r7 beg vessels, warships I suppose. Every - MOST SEVERE Drsdfel Pair A11 Ts. 7'm. '_ ndl He T..k "FRUIT-A-Tie,►.S". MR. L1iIPSOR Verona, lint., Nov. lith., 1915. eeI saffere,1 for a nutr.her of years with Plenum/::tw end seven Poral ie Side tad 114.-k. from st:4:ns and heavy 1i!tinR. ' W::rs 1 had gives up hope clever bele; well 44 air, a friend recommended :'reit-a-byes".to me an•t4ttsr *Stag lust. bra ! Jrtt so ara-A Attie, that 1 r o::.iiu".1 to take them, zee! now I 4111 en.;4.. the hest of booth, thanks to your reit-'.y". W. M. LAMPHON. If yen- who are reading this -have any Kidney or Moiler Trouble, or suffer with Rheumatism or fain In The Beek orStomaeh':rouble--tire "Fruit - a -tire*" a fair trial. This wonderful fruit melieine will do you aworld of good; as it cares when everything else fails. 50e. a box, 6 fur S2.:.0, trial sire, Zie. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. =a..ily es' the Province: cut wf11, they j R 4° !I ^r it % ,l bop. that they sway do it, 1,,a :I doubt it. : (iODER1CH Therefo,e, suppnse•we. take up thee. WinJlilngh ttrilas pi. -es l and "get. )ogetber I Gtivertw Let all the rtw-Iwpers pui'!i.bed in -he ,,Hobe. t ro.oeg en Legge Mason l Kitkton... :. n .Sept, al, '.1) y, p•,k izon we can one the saw a of several ; 27 thing is ready fora dip in the sea : all the lifeboats are ball dowered and ,.Se t -,ba, ,.5* thing that will float a uuq piled sept •'►s, Leg on deck. ' We have to wear nur life. Sept. ytt, si belt. all the t toe now, and also have to Weep on dezk, which is .an awful euld lier'b. No lights are allowed to be shown or any. smoking dnne at ty-t. ,, g night......1 have to go on guard to- Dusger.rron.... -.. ..Oct. i, 8 Feed ai.•1 .Oct 7 bayfmIJ. _ -. Oct. 10, 11 red lirt,rgisn Boy hore�r.e,,h.it they ate i Teeswat•r. . ..net, • g .r. -•w emotes, eo he eall..d the of Keele....... F ir P1.y. If the sew -papers would .1037 do Ibis we might hare the hal- • snow• of power in the next Pesliarrieit: hen we w* uld get fair play in Hydra,; este'. and we would bead our electric.. ailwaJibs where they would do s - u cat( geo.l to the peopl-• of these a n e- 1 e -. anti wo and the genmr.tien• to ' viol« w..uld cease take hewers' of wood' wo.and drawets.of. water fur the b:g interests of the sties. Ttry car (hit and resowe tow Blyth Oct. -1 Mk fora Far moat eftect,.c than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handl.. Sold by ; t Druggists and Groccrs cvcrywhere. r 1 Yesterday and To -day Wooden shingles of twenty or thirty years ago were of splendid quality. and answered the purpose very well. There was nothing better at thakiirne. In fact no other roofing material was on the market Ymr bo would think of putting on shingles to -day? When the deterioration of wooden shingles became not.ce•sble, efforts were made to invent a roofing that would not only be an economical and permanent substitute for wooden skiaglet. but one that would outlast them in service. Brantford Roghnp was the tomtit It has "made good." The secret of its success is this: First. the base is of pure. long -Shred felt which is thoroughly saturated with asphalt or mineral pitch. The asphalt and crystal rola roofings are then thickly coated with crushed mirk particle's. which adhere tightly to that base. and tbs whoje firms a pern.enent fireproof, water -tight roof. lirintford A.phalt and Rubber Roofing are made in three different weights. Crystal is made in heavy weight only, and so reel or green nacre! rolur•s. Al throe grades are pliable end well suited to either flat or steep roofs - Brantford Roofing tenses in rola% with protected rods. The Mywgg do net olid together and the wm.11ag is easily laid. k requires no paintingor tarring when Out an k does not crock with the cold nor met with the sa rotes heat. It does not curl, split, rust or blow off. 1t glees prevesarnt weather and fire protection ate resannably low Mittel coot. May we send yeas our roofing book and samples? They win show roe the real value of there reolag mouriala Brantford Roofing Company, Limited Brantford, Canada For sale by W. R. Pinder • 1 FAIR PLAY. l Abide With Me. Abide with me . 1...t falls Its view; le. . ' The da•.nt-. deepen. :.Lord. is;•h me tibiae. ' Wipes otbee t..1;ln'fail and cotter•• flee.. lane, of the r.eipless. 0.5441 with we. Swiftto tie cto-e fhb. .11 life • 11 It' day, • . (Sank -joys meow dim. it, glom- pass away. t'hwrge and der.., in all arvuad 1 site: ',Thou wko eaaagest. Slot. abide with me, I i seed -Thy pie -ecce eery c. -tint boar; What bola Thy ire can Pot the temetet's I power vhie lira Thy. »lf tut !elide -and.• yy eat: be t Tarawa cloud gad ewisldae. 0 abide with we 1 tear setae with Tates•e t.st to bin.-. Ills Nee no weight awe test- ao be:enema. Where t- da►:f- .teed r Weer*. gr the ;Sky` vinery ' I tibunee -titbit Thou .bile wee in r. woo nee demote betorr my clo- irg.�e ■klas teebegb the ['mom and to.n: r..e to Use • akin. Meat.'e morning breis sod earth'. rata aldose fl., : 1a 111e. 1a de•t . ,r Lord. .tode a :t. we. Henry F. Lyte 1i`01i 171-t4. died 1041t, who wrote ties beeutitul hymn, was horn in Scotland, educated in Inland and did his 'dram k as a minister of • small congregation in a fishing tows in the booth of England, where be was very touch Inved by his people. He esu a very delicate man and hav- ing rural acted a fat tl di.wa..• be was advised to try a milder dinette tote, if his Lfe might be prolonged. Sixtv•n,ne years :.co on the 5th of ILL.., ober, alter a -waft not all the cliffs overhanging the *ea, he returned and wrote his immortal hymn. wh oh will bee, we believe. till time is no more. The pm•.ege of time only seems to make it d to th-• Chit -tan heart. He died about two mniths after writing this hytiri at Nice, in France. Yourwill not pee mit to tell .•f xons the eening pnwer .of this hymn, w hich may h" railed 1h.• `1m.th song nt a good man We would suggest that the ehurehes make some to, of the hymn during this mouth io mecum, of its author.-CoeTRi■lT=D. One on tie O.eb►. Dr. James I. Hughes. of Toronto, made a trip to New York and at the border was Interrogated s. customary by the United States immigration agewt, • tborougb Irishman Are you as Aruerteao ?' he was ,eked "Yes, and • C•nadt tn. thank God. replied the Doctor Are yo.i remaining in the states longs r was the next query.. "No," was the reply. "Thank lied," said the immigral,or agent. A .pineter may Imagine that mar ✓ lagee arrs arrant/id in heaven I.ut a married woman knows better T1se esai.•t thieve in the world to forget are your other troubles when you have the toothache. The Road to .Health Lies Through Rich Blood i and Strong Nerves. Debility ie.* w. to/ that 144117 Pe- pre..el many ailment. under nae name. Poor blood, we..k nerves, in. - paired digestinn, lose 1-,1 flesh, no en. ergo, nu:uabitii.n,listde-sand indiffer- ent. This condition is perbop. She penalty of overwork .,r the remelt of • neglected health. You hoist regain your health car suecumh estirely.+ There is just one absolutely sure way I- to sew sealib-take Dr. W iliiimi Pink. Pi11.. These pins will bring you new 1.fe, 1111 e • rein wottr new, rich bitted. restore elsticity to your tom. the glow e.f health to wancheeks, They will supply you with new .nerg' and -apply the vital forces of mind and l.ody, ''`here is not 'corner in Canada where Dr. William: Pink Pills bare Dot brought health and hope and baps pines& to some weak debilitated per- son.. If you have not used this medi- cine yourself ash your neighbors and tar Will tall you of some eufferre who hes been etutored to health and strength through using Ilr. Williams' Pink Pins. Orae wbo beat always a good word to nay for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ie Mn. Lusher Health. of West Hill. Ont., who writes : ••I feel it a duty a. well ass pfeamure to tell yo•t whet Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me. I bad an operation for tumors. The operation in itself was quite .ucres.ful, but i was so had- Iy run down and anaemic that 1 did not gain strength. and the ineI.ion did not heal, and kept discharging for nr:.rly • year, until I weighed only eighty -.ix pounJsand could scarcely walk across the fluor. 1 load Rot so sick , f doctors' medicine that i would vomit when 1 tried to take ir. A good (repel urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pall, sot i Mvaht * ►rix. Before they were gone i thought 1 could feel a ditfereoee. wee 1 got a further enp. Gly. By the t i.ue 1 hood taken five i Ira the wound reeved discharging .nd commenced to !teal 1 took in a.1 thir'een Nixes and am to-dar en - 1 vying the beet health of my lite and woii,h 1101 p.wnda. I smcmrmly hope an,. .ane suffering a• 1 did will give Dr. Wil- Itams' Pink Pill. a fair trial, and 1 feel sure they will riot be disappointed." S to can get these pilot from any medicine dealer or by mail at 511 rents s hex r.r six bores for 112.50 from The 1i Ilr. 11e, WilOnI. lim a.' Medicine Cc.. Brock - i Ne :v Fad S«mp1es Ari Here ;i« your sekcc• tion now while rar..- is ccmale') �a-rients can ,he ed, later if 110,11 r:WC« I.T1:11 ?111IlilNi EillirMlllglNIZIONSI ervice WeP ractise it more than we preach if . ART CLICITH = ,v)(e ascus. tt. Li tW caw WALTER C. PRIDHAM day ou the yea y top of the boat with • ten round* of aIemune.tion and order!.. to case it if necessary. There are twenty-one machine guns moontad is all sotto of corners, so we are 'sot going do.rg without making at Irmo a l;tile nr.i.e. A:1 this warning three nut slant Ancone in•,thr Ire. We ate having r car deity .ports and a big time ft gentrsl. There is to bi a tog - of -war Ibis afternoon between platoon No. 9 sad No. 2. 1 don't know when 1 will get this ported, perber+ • not until we are in camp. .tui•-' 1sta, We arrived safe and .010,1 in - yesterday afternoon. Leiner ji t four-- ter days tin the vasty. We are now at Brant -hint Crimp, near the south of an Engld, and only forty-three, Hailes Iruw L.u udn. 5%. are quartered an huts and it ie the Woof comfortable place; we have been in yet. They are frame build inns Shorn and each ba. Chir:r-two via; e,. Thr "country around bete is heautdi.l, all hills std valky. s not much far..iug dose. i tbiift. The last twenty -Roar hours of our ocean trip was .atber exciting. Four de- stroyers met us and then all the boats separated and e.cb made for port at its fastest speed. We made ten knots an hour inure than we bad done be- fore. Every boat we met bad to stand to and be recognized. The people in -�wmed mighty glad to see us and such a crowd gatbrted on the dock, weat, e Could 'c*rcely get off the b Every rowl.tat even that owned a whi.tle had it tied down for about ten minutes We were put on the train righ: away and et 'teed for camp It w.s very uncomfortable riding no the train. The coaches are •bout the s.ze cat Itchy carriages knJ •re divided crosswise. sealing *ix is each compartment. Eight of us were 'bored into Hoe and we had to hand moot of our gear out 0t the wipdow to get i00,12 tont down. After arriving at L-phook we bud 10 walk Sour miles, reaching our buts*. 4..11 a. ie. Two members of the 118th Battalion whomats 1 used to meet at Niagara c* over � to see me today. They came over alcor. • v. -eek ago on the Olympia. tine was ;based by a submarine and cult' her feet speed std clever man. oeure Sig saves) her. She is the large.t pa,metger liner afloat and had 5.U)0 soldiers aboard and would have made • rich haul for the enemy. She W. runtime without an escort, which is perhaps the reason so any came cant to meet w. There are about ten hsttalinia here sow, all Canadians. Two divisions 1tt,U10 teen ;left bore for Preece last week We each get six days' leave soon. i expect mine in about ten days and will ter and go to London. ibe grub hero is going to be hard to stand. 11 is wet y scarce. The fellows who have been herr • while teal us it takes all their pay to buy enough. Walleye • fir,!-cl•a canters which is by the Army clad Navy stores backed by the Itbiti.b (lureri- I don't know where the officers will get their ice-cream anal plum pud- dings now. Things over here are very ,!rang•, of course, and about 101' years hebind. One thug 1 have not.red to their favor . the mods are sit reaeadwiw.d, w hich will wake it easy for route • urrbing, of which w* eap.'ve to get peey !Niue. 1 h...r net bad time l.- look around mach yet, hoot w41 se. t the wain soon. Hussar fro1wt[.AN D. (3 Do., ■th f'I•en tn, Drau.hott L►phook. Sagtered . Ther.'s plenty of room at the top. baso... Sandy CarPT,h0.17 manta to get in on the ground floor For • real tryst try one of our it-. Proem bricks +made to order. H. T. Edward*. The Modern Mother. NV:tb meetly ao r, -+l • Rue ural en.) -11 arranging of I..v.cra 1111 ;i,,r. 1 1 .• old leily rented bet.rir rat per.e.t e , he Nos. Then *he glance 1 r.ou,,J rt hr fel 00 -pars. ogee s , 111 :.wts.y A, -u. , y.., ynuog mother with is vol optt peed-, ter Hoed old le.•+, prem tamerand eta antes/. "caLam . !" .be g v 10 . •. lb- !Sale! -t'.tur 1..Ly 1 t The brr'rat.t .•a. r gt bed et be ..eatuecat preen,e are ohmm'.lt.elL- t a f.:rat„ •e,lra* •eirg m..y t,; icatt .ti b lilts 1. m 114th. UI.'1. il.g .1 it, • Imes .• .e ,.'.1, ' ' • t3• . 11141'. oil tight, •.honk YOU r the ,.iol. ►e4niing ••Ther• Yvette- . i%•. • iter 1 hives; be other in my { lute.• • Nurse -Oh. dear, ti a am. the baby has jn•t ...:.tlenreel !'list whole paper ..f t.• -i... M► -,:Surf a.e-H"w untor- mg, t -' \ w T w 1.1 r .• „hog. J t put up all those suffe.ge pert n:rb glue_ -Pert. New Prices August 1,1916 T fol', 's :i lir;. c- for Ford car. is 111 1-• effecttte on an•l atter Ang 1. Tele: Chassis . Runabout - Touring Car Coupelet - Todcn Car - Sedan $450.00 475.00 495.00 695.00 780.00 890.00 e. 0. la POMO. OMTawrn These prireslate positive!, ctanrsntrrrt again.t env re- duction before Amnon 1. 1917, Mit there te no guarantee against se advance in price et enc time