HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-14, Page 5OMB tom Al.tLS : 1 he Star. do. E1 :,t : C. C. Lee,
repair`. :II-, ant the MacMillan l' ,
for •'rbc New Public Health.' $' 14,
The tender of Mr Lynn for repainting
h. lotto -int- 'of the buil Jing sn i 11 -
puttying the windnwewe. .earn cJ.
the amount (wing $*'l, Mr Lyun to
..apply all the material.
To Teach Singing in Schools.
At *he boo
arhn.il hoard M..of
AMt. S.ga
•und•rs gave
n ti -e that at the next meeting •.1. the
hoard he would introduce a mrtion for
the adoption of the leashing of sing-
ling in the •chnnls. The board a!so
p..ad the-tullnwing rmottu•i,ol :
That, in view of the inspector.' re-
port of the inferior results in wnth-
'wt•ir in b)th school.. evert.' effort
, shook' befoul.- by thy priurip its and 1
. stall of ear+ ached) V) rem.dv tree Ae-h
fort :And to giro an.'iiI r ire to yith-
rue•1.• 3n•1 -polling. with a view t.,
nn•!n••ur,; a bat•.& +hriytig44t ilia•
•••rau-anuu•tl rz•niurtlon..
Four Generations in Same Business.
Mr. Jrasp Gledhill. the veteran
-woollen man- 01 tl.nmiller, •.pent
Mcndoy in town. %Ir. Gledhill has re- •
tired from the management of the
we'll -known Hetimill.r woollen mill ill
livor of hi. .nn. \I'..1. .l', lilwihill,
but he i. not the In in to 1. • it; t••tire,
4.1,1 he .ti!! pot'• in moat of his time at
• he mill. Th• hn•ioewr i• now in the
hand. of the third .r •nen a .i•,n of tiled-
sell.. mei Mr. J N'. Gledhill has•lion•
,n aha' lirioro w'i 11 him, tit.king the
u,tis g•n.rr i
11-4 very urt.tso-,l Cli•
•tnsa'An.... in eht. c ,sneer. The Nisi -
thee.. is a cnn-
-tart dens in•1 for the-pnoln••Is ..f hied,
still. which bit- . r• 1••in.•nrs! 5Cputa-
:1 01 i.•t' their.p!rtidid gn*l.cy.
1 Town Pays A
i p•
A •ci.1 meeting of the town -,,in-
,ril w+o, hrl.l „•t M.•ndev to'rning for
,the purpose of teething a derision •+
I •0 the sour.. to. he nur•ued gel:owin g
nttanpt ,•f bailiff. to arise w.me
1 mm•hiller? In t )te 1►.•ti pl tot to meet
- payments on I.en notesby
!Mr. W J. Tnnrole for the eon.-
• tames in wt•i-h he is intrre,t,ll.
As the municip:rhty holds mors•
•gages on this vine ptog.ertythe coon.
•'el decided that tens would he les.
financial lois if the town wins:.l meet
these payment. than if the bailiff.
were permuted to retrace, the machin-
ery. Accordingly. •rontlnn w.• paned
+ancti••ning 'he payment to the hair
if?• of fiM.i.3A, which was the *sweat
required to cover the arrears
Dog Was Destroyed.
On Thursday of lot week a young
boy named Wood.,. Randall was
hittes be a dog belonging to Mi. Adam
Thompson. The hoy'e injuries are
nut ellpputed to he ',riots.. The
animal woe promptly shot before the
medical berate officer wee notified and
lee only course left for the board of
health to persist, was to leave tee heed
sent away for ezamtnatiats to deter-
mine if it were affected with rabies.
Nn report Iris hewn rireeived se re.
Dr. Hueter,. medical b.altb office for
is the old tire that we repairs. 1 at:
tulcaaeal for youtum.at so little tum.
Bring us your damaged tires andtubes and well make them whole
again by our vulcanising prose.,,
You'll hate better tires anJ t•ettcr-
looking ones, too. Think it o e-.
East Street Garage
Owned W Operated M A. la °LOVERo..
a Practical M. Pt.e iii
Necessaries for
the Tool Girls
IHair Ribbons. Middy Ties and
Middy Laces for the girls.
Neckties for the boys-
IMiddies andoSchool Dresses.
A few left of different sizes t
to r.r. :he u' of
*free •e u•te gees or .rm r.u.,i( t.'1.,
•1'.nrs wvmc.. ran n•..pr ,,;
real ,41414 by p4onati .g to
tab* pe.l.lar• to barb. sad ►ae..
u -i
•'p^+.1 l'oor.a. of (railing hr No k
horNng. Slow *bland and all other 1 ou0
me•enal utter• now in stows.-
r'tl.dwta .deltted any l der. Illu-tt-,Crd
• a.104./w.iter
l . A. Fl.E (I\t:. Prot .pal.
be sold at cost.
Stamped Coeds always on
hand. Get a ' Blue Bird
LuiW eon Set. Centrepiece.
Doilies and Serviettes to match.
Very pretty.
A fuU supply of materials for
fancy work always in stock.
Missionary Coxson Married
The marries& is announced of Luria
Drumtunoa Stultz Cozuoo, represent-
ative .uiesionary of Booz chore)).
. I IIC derich, to Central India, to Miss
Margaret ifele'eliner, dat:ghtrr of
the Isle John Bn Hreimer. rat Tarn,", and
'a member of the Canadian P.isbyt.r-
I ion mission at Mhow, India. The
event toot r.Isce on Tuesday,Aovnat
22th. Ret. E. J. Drew. chapain of the
S-otch kirk at Mhow, offlciatiog
Library Board.
The public library hoard rapt on
Stturda.- ryening. Th. members
present were Mr. F'•.wler. in the chair,
rTn�p /• M.ser.. t'. A. Reid. Strang. T..m
SIINGER STORE - GQDERICH rn.i Tung. The accounts ordered
p.id were : The Signal. adver•i.ing,
Walters & Co.
for your
Boots and Shoes
Notwithstanding the enor-
mous advance inall kind,
of leather goods. we are
still selling' most of the
lines at old prices: NOW
is a good time to buy the
lines of Boots and Shoes
we handle. Once tried.
always worn.
We have a first-class Re-
pair Man.
Walters & Co.
The Low Price Maker
Are you
. •}
111 4N
Mohave t will
had to tehrpnfe
Inigestiou. In
the meanwhile
you suffer
mimeses, 'sick
�ision � sallsvr
TAat,ETS, The, reh.
Neve fermentation.
aintimilrehmes t& sof bare the
Mei Omelet. awl lima' s
easS ban 11
••_s+i M1iis Ce. Tosaap
A nom! University in y own
Ling into tastiest reraofri
Can•1d .C.iv.esitlei
Opens September 27
nota. conforms se the Met three veers' progress :-
♦.t.meshysemi? trebled..i Medical greagurdrewitbenel.
see erw.seet groat AN)Med .ad total i.eom. t
Iwetallatien of neer leremraterries. .11 brewbt sen to date.
Purchase of it AMP Of NO Sere., tmeepldWd 1. Rests. theeds.
A Heaptt al Unit .est overs....
New Legacy ! New teym..aiem ! New gehd.r.hips ! New dea-
tilsemarly, whim emir 11110 M tee,'an.g ttsen of tee United Wales
had • ushrereity el.eatio.. •trout ns.•11.1t of the remelt a of
Omerem were grs.uale..od mat of dee others Aad part of •
w41 p traMirg, while two-thirde rf aN the great I.grwsti•l
pn-deters M the mirrors, were 1114 d he college -it .lord risen.
For C.b.1.r.1e r.r-bev minima -we eddrvss
• F -Y iE. Ilreilwai Bi. A., K a
li,.derjeh, Informs Tbe elgual that
whoa a dog hates • person or appears
'o beactiwg str•agely it should be kept
wider Dispel vision for tee days. 1f si
. sMicted with rallies it will die by
that time.
Convicted under C. T. Act.
Oa Tuesday of the week. elate
Swans. of the British tisehangebot.l,
was convicted of having liquor in his
possession raising to the provirioos
of the Crusade Temperance Act Con -
*table Pe11uw swished the barroom
several dere aro and found • bottle
in a •wall cupboard under the bar,
which a witems for the dehisce at ibe
trial swore bad hos "planted" there
by the constable himself. duriug •
*bort ioterv1 whew ibe witness was
not wateblsg. The defence raised the
point that as the statute governing
such ca.es bad been cba.ged once the
last conviction was registered against
the accused this case should be viewed
as a lint .•hence. Hemmer of this con-
tention agistate Kelly rawer red his
decision.,For the locoed offence in
curb mee the penalty is aeel leo•
e ,ce not r zme.lsng four month..
Charges Dismissed,
An interesting Cade in which Dr. J.
B. Whitely and Dr. W. P. tielbw and
Druggists Campbell aid ('eldw.11 were
Use de(esdants was d .p ).ad of by
Magistrate Kelly in the Police Court
on Monday morning. Th., charge laid
against the doctors seta that of iso•.
Ing prescriptions for liquor to be used
for other put poses that medicis►1 urea
wbilt the druggists were charged web
flUing preecrlpuous that did not strict-
ly specify for what use the liquor wee
being purehaeed. Tee doet.irs mon-
tended that in the case in question
!bey felt justified in prescribing liquor
as they did. They did not; make it a
practice to prescribe liquor for every-
one wbo asked for it• but they regard-
ed the individual wbo received the
prs.criptiooe from them on ibis occa-
sion M me deserving of special treat-
went- No lase was proved agriosi
the druggists and all tour charges
were dismissed.
Knox Church Call Accepted
At a meeting of the Preshy•ery of
Hari. which was bed at Borrie on
Tueday of this week, R -y. R C. Me-
itermid, pastor of .tsyner and Monne
dalept.esbytpnan church..., accepted
the call to became pastor a Booz
church, tioderich• and the Presbytery
agreed to the ti soarer. Hee. Ur. Mc-
Leod, of Barrie, represented Huron
Presbytery at the meeting and pre -
voted it. view• relative to the call.
The comnisaioners from Kr.•z coin -
irrigation were Mears. Jae Mitchell,
C. A. Nairn and Alex S&un*ere, who
urged Rev. Mr. M••Dermid's aceept-
•ocr of the cell. Trier. w.• no npp.,i
tion from 'either t.t Rev. Mr. M..Drr-
esid's congregations, the e..ruttais.wn-
ers who were or..rnt takinn( 'b. view
Ohm it was a •cell-.leserV.d promotion
for their puror. Rev. Mr. MrDermid
will he it.,lar: sal into the, pastorate of
Knox church on-Tue-,lt, evening.
Oct..ber- Br1
At Me Same Led Tricks.
That gypsy woman who worked on
the eompas.lun rat Police Mag.atrate
Arita • taw weeks ago, when a charge
of theft again.' bar was dismissed,
by eppurntly forgotten the warn-
ing. she. re.eived on that °creaiors.
At I...- , ilie toll win)! itr-paten tr •m
(roe!! - vertu- t.. watt -art :b.• .{
ture :
John Hanson. an employe nf.M.
Clay... '41 and 011 dealer. I.i..lph, ham
e.krd the polio.. to locate a gvp+y wo-
man who; he allege., h... *J"' that be-
long., to him. Hanson was deliver-
ing a large quantity of material io the
neighhorbo.xl of He -plot un Tuesday,
and on hi. return he roue arras. •
I.tnd of gyp-iea. Among them was
the co-Moniedy (intone teller, and it is
said that Hanson 1111: only crowed her
paint with *direr. hitt with a roll of
►.ills in wbi. h was ser:tithing like
AI'ss. • Hr intended to ret,in the
siot.ry. and thought that he had dune
so. until no got tt.:rue and •storied 141
count over the eur..'ncy. when be di.-
rovered that there was a shortage of
Couldn't Fend the Fire.
About 11.31 on Monday mornicg a
telephone message was received at the
town hall to the eft. ;t that Mrs. Rows'
bowie. near the Paget grain dnor far,
'Ory. wne on fire. The al.rtn was im•
mediately sounded and the word wee
passed along that the Maz• was et the
Paget factory. C..nsrquerely, Manage•
l'oung.on, ouch to bis surpri.e. had
inni)oterwhle inquisitive callers within
the nest few minute.. Th. brigade
re -voodoo! promptly. Mr. elec. Beacom
meting a record trip to the flee hall
from the hydrant at the rorn.r of Etst
street and Camhria mad, where Is•
was filling the street aprinkling tank.
When dice place at which the fire was
reported to be was reached. no trace
of trouble could be seen. In far t. an-
other telepboae wes•.gge a few
mests after tee hose wagon had left
for the Borne of the flee meted
that the el.ae had been es in-
duiahsd.. Aa the authorities bar. brad
ifficulty in aecertaising wbn sent tt,
messages. tb.r•e h mown for belief
that it was • false Marla.
U. 8. sutdi.r setts.
The Myechro.eope •• publication is-
sued by the Ceti. t 'Whoa Company.
i. its September issue has an article
on the Detroit Wilson contingent at
Grayling tsollilittatlnn camp, together
with • picture of theme young ease
who me doing special work in cosmoses
don with the United States army.
In the group one of the prominent
f� r Oodrm ie er$ekWarren Ro Mee J. boy. son of Mr.. 1.
B. Partaken, of town. The hogs, rays
the article, 'we Wareing rhe complete
art and mystery ce .igw•M{sgg, baling
m1M away foto ted memory sad es-
ehasgs.g r,mmu.leatiose wltb the
cam by bMingroph. Sy I.nteres and
by Netts. Tb.y also fly through the
air by way of a eb•wg., the MCInated by the Mielog.. Aliveb
h•tieg been sa.igned souk (omp.ny.
Perhaps the most leagoetant. as it es,-
ta1o1 h the most i.terestlsg, part
tdntithe Memel ewes in ij
tee intim d
work they are Mktg ie tee flse.l.'p'
meat of Nestrle w irerlis a eintmpi.g
wk► tee aid of hos hues."
Shaw limits We bead
A eawtlmg of uwe'maetfatiwe of the
metai0www Isauwbd a tan O.-
terte Went, shoe. Railway �o,mly
woe bead ea the taw. hap en recur.
day The thief_ geodu
e. ser die-
auesiw wee .-washer the runs Meow
the r elw.*odd be tem e e
SEPTEMBER 21th sad 21st
A Famous Players Producnon
Pallas P.crures Present
'11e Call tlf the Gualrh__ J_n
from the ae!1-known look snit
pial by Charles Neville Buck
in fit acts
Used Pricy - Sc and sec
Monday - - - iron Claw'
Friday - "Peg o' the Ring..
Tet whAv, Se►r 11 1'114
past by keeping ever (reds the mem-
ory of the departed mess. He mane
au tersest appeal 0 .I1 to pay . lower
attention to living in the present and
to make • thorough pr.garatios tot
the life beyond tee grave. e
ft -v. Mr. l'osd ...mg/taws-4 the fact
that religion sho.a sot he lookeri
epos ae a mere "fir+-ratrrtpe." eta as a
Wean• of pMnara:hM to lite our lives
en earth. flit of the probe et• great
world 'e otl ct, the pending .tnkes
end toe Irrqurnt ,tru`glee between
rapid •t4 1&1,14, would c•uur great
proI4e . ,.rd we, wbn were made for
• atrial and f.wt,inal life, stool work
together to e. 1.0 the d,m . ;, tea whish
confronted us. We cannot separate
ourseh w from theca. tbings and live
&lone, he said.
Following .•:h. addresses Ibr J.cora-
tion r.rrnl..ny. under the direelion of
the ch./plain of the t' ,urt, Mr. Thos.
H /crows, w•.44 prncerdei witb. and
bouquets were placed on upwards of
twenty -fire graves of departed
About eight.- Forester. participated
in the parade end the decoration cere-
- PERSONAL MENTION. ye -..r,. K W. orrlga .1.1 in Mar/61V
two railcars ouch -.ars .•. w,.r norms east r -
GEO. Z Mr.. C. A \•.rn lir. returned froa'.'oranto dy.
FAG, Z Mir To ii. of Toronto. i. tbe gee.t of M... Mr 1. E nobr•tr. agent tot thee.. lire 1e-
_ Marr Tan mina,.. a I'o so $iralturd. w.., in Mown we bare.
111.. M. Wa•agk•d Lucas. i. the Inir.1 of ae on w-adoe-der.
Mr. lie.rg
.e Ila..mi 0.. L J. It. \af.l. M,. Man•I• and Mr
- _ _ -- . . - _ Mr. Jet... A. 110)1.. 01 yodbary, sea, • vi. Wert run merorud from hand :Lea ahart bees
nor 1a Moo this week .
A _Val■arle Feature
opened _twith
���the e� �Union
Bank of Canada In the
names of two persons,
Is that 11 one dies the family funds are not tied up
Just when they are likely to be most needed. The
survivor can withdraw the money without daisy or
Think it over --then open a Joint Account
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
two ser• L• t • is to Toronto and Hammon
Mr 1.141 Mr. Woe. W.b.•tr bow rammed
tram ., t i it t.. $.rnM. !retina roil Loadka.
Mrs 4. I_ Rall.), of rreee•ou, .• ins 4104.1,1,4
a • t r- n .1 lk ,,td bolo or..)mbe, .treat
••••!•A•••••• chi. west ou bolt4 y sued.
Mr. 11 Pre -tor �traog. or Rattle. i. Maui'a
Mi.. as +tra•h..n. or Winnipeg. i. visiting the
I old bene town far• .• few watt,..
ake Gasoline Mr •ud Mr•. H r, Horto• ut Teroota ti.
&ted Mend. it, to+r. iho week.
Mr. tad Mr.. Orate:: H. Harrri.oa aid w
Jack too rt-:! :.r at London tk ewer*
Your Motive I Id., :. Van -:nos recur:../ tsetse a
Power !
This is` the season when a
Gasoline Engine would be a
valuable asset if added to your
farm equipment.
Just at the present time we
have on the floor of our ware-
house all sines of Engines from i
one and a -half to six horse-
power. They will do a great
deal to take the drudgery out
of life. Call and see them.
•01.111. .41101
Ham.lton St , Goderrch
and anl,1, an . h r for their pu. char. 1
f ..e nig bran r.ceirel. or the line a. it ;
4e e" vt'eeent abuul. Ira kg.l•t-494a
ll..' hop• of its bran¢ raer:tually opal•
.4'.J. .Chen the ytir,ticn oa. Motet.
r rat, ...l.•r r'o�n ••n •
: pi'evi,.o_ nc.'4.t
',r AJaru Berka.lvivil etrongl
against the oisnlart ring .•f the road, -
hol.hng ...it the hop. that• the line
wu..!d lot linked up with the.yrt-us of
Hp! r. -red i, l•. '(lo account of for .l amp
advance in the price ..f .feel there ie a
feeling that it Might tw tt, the ad.ant-
age of the wnnicipwtries to .ell the
hila et e : hitt t.rtote at.y definite
deeiaon i+ rr orbed the coots -el of Sir
A.l4111 Berk 0111 again Inc 04 sight.
(hose previa at the meetn.g wore :
Reeve %%ibram Hooter and Mr J. J. i
Hunter, hut,•wrdine , Iterve N ilktn-
.on•'Hur-.n township : Rrrvr Stewart,
O -•puny Rent. Dal'..., M. -.r.. Rich-
ant..nt, Ja.. II.ckett and Col'ort; of-
tshtirld ;Mr. Leos Sinthels, Dungen
1.nn, trustee of the 1) %V. 1. R.: Reeve
Nairn, Depui y Reeve l *tthwaite,
Councilor T. R. Wallis .li,d Niro -ere.
1'. A. lurid and H. E. Ho.lgens, (.ud..-
Is It a County Bridge?
The question ea to whether a h-idge
urn the 4 b concession 'of A.t.field
•hould he et couo:y or tow n -hip
bridge was heard hefore Judge Dick-
son at the court house on Friday and
Saturday of WA week. The legal re-
ference In the care is to section 4411,
cbap. 122, of ter Revised Statutes of
Ontwrio, Wl(, which getat1, that a
lwidge of • greater lento!) then M
feet in • town or town.bip h tying an
equalized assessuuent of le -s than
Seo t),oa.l, ort appli-atinn of the coun-
cil of such town ort ,wu■hip..hall be
declared to are • county hrnli;e where
(al it is used by the inhabitants of
otber muoieip•lities : (h1 et 1• .ituated
.•n an idlportant highway affording
means of communication 1.. severe)
municipalities t Ir) a1.1 on ac ount of
its leagth_asol mor the season men-
tioned to clauses (a)ane It.111 a unjust
that the burden of maintaining and
repairing it should rest up3n the cor-
poration of the tnwe or township
Mr, W. Proudfoot, K. t'., appeared
for the township of A.hfield, et J Mr.
Charles (farrow for the c.•uety nl
Heron. The witnesses for Ili* tow.-
ahip of A.bfield wore : Knotworks
Bolin. Adrian Disher, Nathaniel
('ur.ni. gham, James Jobnstol., Will-
ies.- Carr. W Diem Douglas Norman
Tneleaven a W ahem McClure. The
witeesees teal for the county w,,.
Thomas N•olher., Abraham Cul-
bert. Charles Wilms. Thrini.e J Rice -
anima. Charles Stewart. Thoma. O.
Allem wad Ihed W. ?moonset,. Other
witnesses will give evidence when the
comet romans its sitting to.sortow.
C. 0. F. Deemed*: y, '
♦ goodly number citizens turned
est last *today aaffR((eefff{{{et,t,t,t,e���.hooe to at4.od
We memorial service le enneeetios
with the deenraIlo0 of kreers .t Marl-
lend oesw.tery ey the .se.sbww rat
Ooort (i.d.rieh, No. 32. 1'. O. P'.I
The Kihiee' head of Ili.tr.w l.d is the
psoeominis aad supplied the meek atthe
ammeter, �redoriiestee ae -Mtee.
widish l
aRoberel Deli. . tChever ley Mr.
Itang.r of themi
The spseehws nt the nerseios averts
gime by R. O. M 111.-bo•-•. ps•M.
K the Illipeles church, and Ib.. J. 1R
Plod. of Vistula shrew% Nobodies
thee, Me. Mdm.s solneleed tee
own kr las work el hwllu titg She
October 6 and
-psading lb* week in town
Mr.. P.rt.er. .4 +tretbo), M. is lows ens •
...it to nee daughter. Yr* E iit.m.tb
Ir,) . of the -awe town. al -o .. • Lova ut Mr..
Mi.. Mimosa Mandel how rotund to her
borne at I,etrwt atter • .tit of •ev.r•1 week+
wlh 8., a
raw)mher, Mr. W. • Mental, at
M01... Ruth Hamilton and (Smit Ilett IBR e
Monday 1,,r Rowton. Ma... where they .111es-
ter the Mw,rbu.otte Ilaseral 8. otel ter a
recur.er of training e• ameo..
Mr, J Roger -on. of Bradford. P011111„ hes
41..eght r. Alma. nut a friend. Mr+. Monte.
n..tnr,d to tows 1.044.4 west .,.eel wttetb• Rresl►
of Mr W. 7'. Moore. *truce .teal.
1 Mhs. Emilie Rush. n.o. end .tier 511,4_ An
&rime. of 11414 ens. t•b.• Ir+.a 1 serene lee
Tero.uu, •b.,.• \ti.. Barratt• will sees, the
winter. Mr. Andrew° will retort, later le
her boas* tn. abs
7 •'apt; A. Itnn`rle. -M Lawton, iron in tows
fru ter work end. Mr, Itoravie, obs
Use •emus', at Hera. Behar,., 1511 with seem
on Monday .1.4 .111 ro w. to P4.Ldelpbia tot
be the Important dates Mr elms, month.
Mr rent thaws* s* 11 ••silk. tee Ral.weral
avenue, T....r an,.ou. ,' • the..saga Meat ,•t
!beer ebb.• d. nxbter, It+an. M lit J. 4' M.
Wart II, ..n .f I• .01 . d Mr- Ver red
aod.,,d. the emu r i .t;. to take pl..rr gsi•tly to
J. H. COLBORNE • ')"ober
Mr. and Mr-. 5 l' k'-...tI 4/11111.11, seal Mr.
R H. Revell r-lurnwl to Waltervnieew Tow
4.) eftrr .wtusg !need, mud relative- bons
Th. tune was Houk os Mr Rr+rd. owlet ear,
Mrs. Itob..a ieleru.d lank time ,. Ler home
Mr Leah* Webb. .red elate ea the -.....V
Fordoelee. ea. Mow. W a he Lays 11.. Pao•
owl war a. 41111 w.) le 4%111Y fee • .ante of era -
eel• and ionises whew so 0.yndeb/ le lbw
hoot • bedr, r.. --.laird it. Wes 1.•e..l ole
'Workout Mr Nebo IBR a Mdida, foa Tar-
The sweet tooth Braine 1.) a.eser1 it-
self wish the nra.on. girt yonr homer
made ready at Rllwanli.
Any quantity of dry !hemlock slab.
for bummer wood •t MacIfwas'.
whose 9tt). $2.00 per cord. tt
lief the reward .f year rano. by
getting a cult or overcoat, or teth.
from Pridham F. J.
For husediate Purchase
Porcupine Crown
I)1V1[tEND .43' f.:9a1.1.• ltn'e.
2u.1. 111141, to 411•11.1 Mold* ra .4
re -cord 't. -pt. I.'41.. 19141. Verl.l
at current Iui.'r l:, 114.14 n.
tell ..R V /•.:144
f LUIIE1& u., see 1111
To little hearts and big ones,
the Wrigley Spearmen are calling,
calling, every day:
Their message is one of good cheer
about this refreshing, beneficial goody
that costs so little but means so much
to comfort and contentment.
Send for the Spearmen's Mother Goose book
for young and old, illustrated in colors.
Address Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto
Chew it
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