HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-14, Page 2• 1tiV USAT Barr. 14. 1914 THE MURAL PiEINTING OU., LTD. PvamJaaltsla Ties Sweat 1. meWOaa� 11r1117 Th ar.da� Wetem sere is The Wonleg. ,oetk rer st. net • Jt•sstatrrto&Tatra-Owe What and Fifty . este ser year ; ti toad strictly le admen* ON ft�otiwin be &.,opted ; to .0 b.rrtb..a la the tes4 Stats. We raid, s. Us• 11.11., sad Witty Coat. strictly u Nissans. aels•Abee who .111 Y rem.tv• Ties Breast regularly by wad erW,artier • terse by .re.a,.Uag tic Publish- er Olio foetal. &m Bary • ease se pewoble. t dotage et .ad.w- r desired. bulb ofd &ad tic hew address sboold be gir.m. Kesetttaooas W se oak by bank draft, *spew reply �a r• ior, pe •-(Doo ender. er resists ed wow. krrr( may o meoweioo at Say U. ADR•TW eat Tsars - Kates for ditpiy &d etatemat dver:Inee s l& wilt be erases oval- eatlR Legal rad tabor .tmlser tel vs.tiwe.l., fes rate per he. for ant tossrtsee sad tour ate per Ilse for sod wbstewet tesertfm Ye&.srod by a *rale .1 send se.psrenl -twelve Misr Yam reek. B.ie. a*cord. of six bees &ad sad.,. Pi,. Deities Per year. Ad r.rU... meet.. el Loot. newt. At.rayed. elnaol•r.s •&e&pt,Mtt matters Nuts d. Bou., for dale tr to noel. Varese for Gals er is Hest, Arttele. for tete. ate.. sot exced's. eerie b... T sonny . e ve Cast. eft* iueet se; Ops Dollar tau bra most. nay t'eetetress lwlewt*at mantra Larger dvertt...lste u eyrr•eppw..rtttea A0- m0e100srw,v is 0(41.&17 readmit tree. Teo Came oar It... No .aloe Ise. 14.00 Twenty - are Oast& Aar •paaisl moues, Ib. einem d whieble the peel&larybebrseat of any rd meileld- eel sr asatim. to oessderod se silver - Wesson sad ckaru'ed aonudiagty. To Cawar&PUNDENx-Th. ocepgr&tion of our wbseriber• sed red.,s is cordially trott- e d towerds w•lueg tea hos • r ott- edtow.rdsw•luegteahoea.L. a sok ly ,mooed er .11 local. county saddler -let dou.n. o coan m■etsUos wW he attended um tab,. .t con- tains 14. e.me and ddruma et the enter. not •.eo0rtl for vsbUstUsp. bat as as rev ileace of good t ltl• News furs should resat Tea ▪ •!rat. owes sot IMOD tan Wed0Ded.y 0000 .t sees week. THUR8DA'. SEPTEMBER 11 1918 EDITORIAL NOTES. Remember the fall fair comes week after Dent. The Dominion war loan iv a good and sate iovesatuena. The ring of stool and fire is closing ir. on Germany end bar allies. What does (ioderich intend to do •Ix ut securing a boat service for the t .erases of 1917? Now is the time to't set. not next Juue. Cua.ervatit• party \elf as swiftly or surely se The London Free Prase is trading the Burden Government out of office Bow will The L.nduo Free Press and other authors of Con- ger eativr di.aeter fed," a.k. The Tele- gram, ••when the r joining •dbrrrats of • triumphant Lauri.rhos ride down the streets in triuulph over tb• ruins of (`on•ettatil, strw•gtb in L. -:d..1. and other cons" itteroci &that bare been turned uver to Laurier with the help of Mai ir-(ienrral Sir New Hughe- K.C.B.. The London Free Press, 110 u. C'uluoel J. N'r►l.y Allison and the Shell Committee a" 1sn't it a happy family According to an .salvsis made by The Two/Ito Mail &ad Empire of the vote in the recent Provincial elections in Nova Scotia, the vote for the thirty Liberals elected totalled 4d,S41. and the vote for the thirteen Conservatives elected totalled 4.1,073. That is, 50 S per cent. of the vote returned thirty Liber ale and 111.: per cent. of the vote' returned thirteen Conservatives. Sim- ilarly peculiar results have been noted in connection, with other el.L-tions ; in Met, under the present system of else Goo. it le quite possible that. either thtough an accidental arrangement of the constituencies, or by a deliberate gerrymander, a minority of voter. may elect a Majority of representa- tives. Pryportional tepreseutatioo is advocated as a remedy and ieould I. much fairer then the system now in vogue: but somehow or other it has not yet been taken into public favor as • practical measure The Brown -Elwood Commission in Saskatchewan has reported on charges against several members of the Legis- lature which have been the subject of investigation for some time Seven members were charged with receiving bribes to oppose the Government's' abolish -the -bar legietation. Four of hese members are found innocent, wo guilty. and the Cuwmir.ion could We were glad to have the boys of I t`te Info will us during the week and I hoot they will be •bre to come again' before the long trip overseas Bradstreet(' have comp.l:d statistics that show tbat eighty-four per cent. of business failure* are among. non - advertiser,. Probably the other six- teen per cent. didn't change their ads. The trial of three members of the l..e Conservative l:..y •rnu..•ut of I Manitoba, on charge* of graft, ended' in • di -agreement of for jury. It tel reported that mine of t1.e jurymrn1 were for a couv,ction, and three for ac- I .t untit The playing of the "named bands of the oversea, battalions at the Toronto Exhibition wan, say. The Star, "•rwethmg to hear ar.d ,wwetho K that will be remembered &ad talked about in the long yeses to come." The reader will kindly nuke a note of the fact test the beet of these bands -that of the 161st Hurons -is to I lay at the Goderich Exhibition week alter neat. Toronto has sent fully thirty thous- aad men to the troot or to the mil- itary Camps since th.• last awu.ment of the city was owe. 1 -et the decline I in population in the IPId 17aseeeement i.•ued on Saturday i+only 3,17+. It is a r -markable showing. -(.lobe Not quite •o remukable, though, - when nae rewetubers that a great want' of the till►lel weu who Pell -ted et Toronto were from outset • fort :l y, Toronto hair dune well u. .upply.og mss and wonrv, but no( a whit better than wany other Ogees in the Piov- ince. 7he'threaten.d railway sulk'. in the Cnited i t'tea, which was •rested by dreatic Iegiaetion enacted by l'..c- grew. way bar- the ,mutt of brinsitg public . wuersbip of railways t . the tote as an issue in rational politics in Great Britain the railways are at preo.rt under Governor, nt control, as a war measure, and it is predicted iD some goart-n that after the wet is over they will be taken over perwan- rotly by the Government. In Canada there may be in the neer future a great extension of the railway mile- age under (ioverooeot control through failure , f the Grand Trunk Pacific sod the Canadian Northern to meet their obligations. Various roads lead to the same goal . Mr John Kennedy (Orillia'e old tripod John) soya the present sy.tem of collecting taxes is legali,ed robbery. John i. • single -taper -or be thinks he is. I -oder Jobs'. pet system where would the farmer, who owns nowt • t the land, come in i--(hiIIt Packet. We d. not know John Kennedy, hut if The Packet's conception of the queening of the single tax to summed up in the query that concludes Our paragraph we should say that it ought to go W school t bins for • while. Mingle taxers do Dot advocate • tan on land &ryas, but on land value.. and when it ie borne in mind that many • block of city Mad is valued as high .. • whote township in the oouetrydi.triets it is readily seen tbat, if a•ybody is to kgs by the adoption of the single ta,z, it w,11 not be Use farm., Tb. London Fre. Pomo ways to read T1s. Toronto T•Mgram out of the Coeservative party, and the Tanen* paper rotors@ Omit 'ells. Fres Prase assinot read The Td•graa out of the THE SIGNAL. GODERiCA i INTARTI Sabecriptions for WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA viaLoINW PRAaTIOALLY 5.35 % As with the previous Loan we predictgr a eat success for this issue. During this period of stress our Government weeds oar help and counts upon our patriotism. Bet a chance is given investors of placing their money in securities of the highest grade, upon terns the liberality of which will, perhaps, not be fully realised anti! the return of normal times. If this Lean were issued to yield di:, instead of about 5.35 the price would be 105.41, instead of 97.50. A 4t. yised (the basis on which Donsinion Government bonds sold ao recently as 1914) would mean a price of 111 for the present tease. We will forward your application, procure yore, allotment and render other services free of charge to you. To ensitrs allotment applitatiou shoal be mads at aura A. E. AMES & CO. 53 KING STREET WEST Toronto. Canada Investment Bankers Established 1889 ire ...el "We ...ewer s••r t.t.e..1 minder fres .e est se heedJ Dominion of Canada Loan Da* 1931 MJrSSR3 A. t AMES & CO.. u Kiwi St. west, Toronto, Ca.a4a. Dear Sirs: !kneel, •sitAerve you to ,star sig reb.en'ptoow fbr t ..._._ Data of Caird& Lame tis accordance with 1411. farina of the O111.ia1 Preepacttss, Navas at Jill ..,tese Maw Stripa addles (or P.O. Boss Pleas Promise., iEE WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA Issue of $100,000,000 5', Bonds Maturing 1st October, 1931. PAYABLE AT PAR AT OTTAWA. HALIFAX. ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, IdOttiTIREAL, TORONTO. ' WINNIPLO, REGINA. CALGARY, VICTORIA. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY, 1st APRIL. 1st OCTOBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE. IN GOLD. 'ISSUE PRICE 971 A FULL HALF -YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st APRIL, 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. -TRE MiNISTER OF FINANCE offers herewith, On behalf of the Government, the above named Bonds for subscription at 974, payable as follows: - 0 per cent on application; 30 " " 16th October. 1916; 30 " " kith November, 1916; 2; } " " 15th December, 1916. The total allotment of bonds of -this issue will 1* limited to one hundred million dollars exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the 'surrender of bonds as the equiva- lent of cash under the terms of the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. The instalments may be paid in full on the 16th day of October, 1916. or on any instalment due date thereafter. under discount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All payments are tr► l.e made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. 8ubscnptions, accompanied by a depoest of ten per cent of the amount subecritxd, must be forwarded through the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Canada of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue provisional r'eeipte. Thu loan is authorized under Act of the Parliameot of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a charge IS upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. = Forms of application bay be obtained from any branch IN in Canada of any chartered hank and at the office of any Assistant Receiver General in Canada. S ubecnptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. In came of partial allotment,. the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment of the amount due on the October instalment. Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer in accordance with this choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bones, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. Whoa the scrip certificate* have been din full and pyim at endorsed thereon bq the hen ' receiving the sassy, they may t* exehanged for bonds, prepared, with emporia attached. payable to bearer or registered as pi i to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application. Dt•hvery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be mad-• through the chartered banks. The issue will be exempt from taxes -including any income tax-impoeed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. Thelards with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100. $500. $1.000. - Fully registered lands without coupons ail! be irs'ued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. The hotels will he paid at maturity at par at the office of the Mir.ister of Finance and Receiver (:eneral at Ottawa, or at the otftce of the Ae.ittsnt lteeeiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg. Regina, Calgary, or Victoria. The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, whish will he remitted by poet. Interest on bond' with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Roth cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Subject to the payment of twenty-five rent. for each new bond sawed, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the nght to convert into bonds of the denonunstioa of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the nght to convert into fully regi.tered bond, of suthonsed denomination, without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Finance. The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. 1 Application will be made in due bower for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Recognised bowl and stock broker, will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications beating their stamp, provided, however, that no cornmiswon will be allowed in respect of the amount of any allotment' paid for by the surrender of hoods noised under the War 4,omtt Peaepsct of 22nd November. 1915. No eommis►oo will C aI in respect of applications en forms which have not bells pnnted by the King's Printer. Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1914. DaFaaTIOINT O• Fuweca, O YrrA w a, September 12th, 191$ •••••••••••••••••••••••••I •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• g • • • •• ••• • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • •• •• ••• •• • • • •• • •• • •• $ •• •• • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • •• W. A CHESON & SON SALE of SILKS wE place on sale a large purchase of Natural Chantung Silks, 34 to 36 inches wide, heavy quality and will wash and wear to satisfaction. Regular 5oc, at per yard 39C Blach Satin Duchesse Dress Silks, 36 inches wide, heavy quality, beautiful sheen, our colored -edge woven quality. Today's market value is $1.75 at, per yard $I.35 Yard wide. in browns. blues, mauves, blacks, greens and greys. Serviceable and handsome for suits, waists and dresses At per yard $1,35 Dress Serges 20 pieces old stock, old dye, all pure wool navy Dress Serges, 42 inches wide. These Serges were bought nearly two years ago but are crisp and beautiful. 1Vorth today 11.25. At per yard 85C Flannelettes 1000 yards of 36 -inch best quality plain white Flannelettes. Worth 22c. At per yard '15c 12 inch heavy, plain bleached sheeting. Sheeting On sale at 25C 36 -inch L'asdsle Carnbrics. At per yard 15c 36 -inch extra heavy English White Cotton. fine and free from dressing. At 12 1-2c Silk Poplins W. A Ct1 ESON & SON • I:••••••••••••.•••••••••••• DOMINION OF CANADA WarLoan The Sterling Bank of Canada has re- ceived forms of ap- plication for t h e new war loan and will handle same for the public until the 23rd day of September. Infor- mation supplied upon application. Goderich Branch C. L. JACKSON. Manager not - - nares is the case of one ruemtpr. Two other members were noir• or lose mixed up with the eztortbro "t munry L$� frgnt applicants foe Iign .r Bermes, The evidence swore! that the li .vern- ameet had incurred the vindictive hos- tility of the 1 icier people ►.y i•s anti - boor Ie`i.letaua. It i• in'.' a-'ing 10 Oodeorieh nn ply t i km's' has one member of the ('omno•+i••n that hee,.I a these charges I . a former soil., iib hely. Mr Justice K, L Els,r.d. of the S0-1 prem. ('curt of Saskatchewan, 1. a member of the 1. rio•r well-kouwr:' Elwood family of li•rderich and i. • nephew of Mn. Holt. 1 WHAT OTHERS SAY. A Comsat Leaden Opiates. Any fool -eves • German fool -can be stubborn in folly. Example - Ver- dun. The Kngli.h know how to drop folly 1 lee • hot potato. Esample : I Oallrpol, - Perhaps 1t Was a Sacker, tatrebeer A Peterborough amow. nglert.oasts that he baited his book with a cigarette and landed • fine fish. in Pieties to the finny triter, la us charitably con- lude that the captive w&• • boll -bead. 1a a Class by Himself. 0..101 lteertr7. The Peeditrnn people y g spade�eprofit of • mi And the w• es poet year. g naw are from $.5 • day ep, with assn of lbw sees sten ebur- t Ie is the profi profits. P� s>ry ha • bit of a loon al stosipie gears, but at mak- ieg wee rare sod esemey. Sed keeping hie al an well housed and wild. he has saeesd • etandiag er bi. owe L'•yd Georges Pa t. Terfpre Pew. Ole the day of rrettteesent when towsa are wade with fierneany it will l be • seed thing fee Era erect- the world over that • man like Lloyd Omega ,s Brit..h War Minister, Ile will be for .et 1;n.[ . thing• is the iatrre.t. of r;uv. •. dr prr.pl.. rather than nut or c. n -i lent,om fog lbe intents. end ambttwu■ of various royal 1.,ni1..., A Reaaoaaa:e succubus. .s..too 11 bi,g- ) The Premie- oftOtt ario ham premised t he (Inion of Municipahtiee • rep re - Imutative on the Hydro -Electric (tom (i-• on when • one irct- occurs, Why not rake s waren , ? The At- 1o"iley-Oen.r,l could very well gyve wiry ,n (ay. r , r one whe ha., the Cute to serve the Cotunii.eion and would know solisethreg abut what it ie d ant. Or Cour+P, Le would Inge sown)* y.ar,'ao l this is something not pleasant In conten:p:ate. flrtwh Far!sre." N0.treel Woof There i. one of the New 5',.rk papers which ran Seldom mer to the war without speaking or "Britten failure," "British plunder," or "tint - nib delay." This has mo ved • cor,es- pondnt to wine inproteat to another paper, The New York trues, adding : 'The saddest part of ell this i. that She thick-headed British don't seer' to realize that they are ratline down on the jolt They ju.t go pl.dding ,lore. eon t•oiling the son., furnishing an •rmv of fe.ur or five million or wt, !endow their hard -tis tiing perrnere a few hundred ni4Lon• now end then. starting up Syr or *ix thoosan,-I (nc- 14.rire .n that they a, .1 ih.ir allies shall have Oros'y .,f cenno'b and *bell., aryl seizing a no re detail of a mol' .t,u..r.• M e. .01 o:rrqusn rnhsn- iee .- &1( the while keeping the wheels of rnmueevee meeiog e , that our dear old Carted States can build no its for- ma trtd• to the ex,ent of gev..r•( hundred milliomm by virtue of Brit ah • shopping Cerrauly't'a parinu. autos of Orson.' Yee. isn1' awful ? ANA then, •gala, the St it Navy ha. gone on trapping and destroying 'sermon •uhmarrrlee 1.11 Dnw nee hsrdly dares ret ism no.. not ••1 b•e- rsr, nev.r re•bvng that their wort was goit.eutrt41 . •u. tr-ea,,.,. Previ- a nt tV•I.nn arm proter•int( ,helights" •I .hese Psis and non•:om„.teu4, with Dula ir..sD tt'whington ate Ras Te W K. r ipo ere. Leedom T le the rem lance ,,t Prance you may meet at iiny eolrove, Tarr* are tame back � tqu n rmn �a► h- 1 there, brown men and bronze, be - ea .l1 the Engl,ih and French eel - may. A while ago a long column swagg a{oeg is. toed to the Luso of • irdody swag is tine to t►• ssareho.g feet. The time you weuM know, hot the wools wesuid be sew to you, or at levet seem se H. fro• le w• lei ilpirere, Ha tiro tta•m.0 Hs ro• to wa lei Tiipirere. KI take kotiro. E soba ptkaUN Hei toss• rehtta krona He wNes raw* Tipielre aha. On the emdwr".Wo of the uremia *have is • load wham the trees sayer teem yellow -whore ohs seams 1s • ear division of the year, with • esoeta ems a bah'& i. • 1•od of aid &sheers- It riv- ers awl ter h a/a"R full broad ouoise leave. Is the moth hose ars greet weeestain., with their sapsalm earthed ar Mmoo ew sod rden amegries ww• the am ts Mt peaks. le t ist.ririav these Iwag • rims N •biivleow warriors who (owlet a'trevst Debt easiest MI6* rouge. Nue Noe Z eland hes B►iabh a. Suppe: sod tic pi- it of the dart - stowed eight.,& who f., k up w raipmt tea ,.d4ssms has tepee to tm the Maori ssauaksn,