The Signal, 1916-9-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERTCIT : ONT A RTO Tiwi.r:'AT, +ser. 7, Itle r WHERE THE TROUBLE IS doesn't bother us. Once we locate it, and well take the whoa ear apart to do no it nares. sen•, we set a/•nut firing it with perfect araurance. For auto trouble of any kind bas no tenon fur us. We know we can banish it and ID do many auto owners who bate employed r ur services How about 'uu East Street Garage Owned and Oa..s+re by a Praet.ul Man. A, M CLOVEN' Ph.ne 1.3 c one ads Best? The person trained in a, Commercial School. We guarantee to give a Stenographic and Commercial Course equal to that given by any School in the Province and to place you in a position when you graduate. Write for rates and make arrangements to enter as soon as possible. Fall term begins September 5th. Students may enter any time. School of Commerce PHONE 208. CLINTON, ONTARIO. B. F. WARD. B. A M. ACCTS, PRINCIPAL RED CROSS NOTES. Irene Maul's, Mn. inn Loci/mire, 2 pea,. each ; Mir. Airs. S 'thug. Mrs. Ib. M ,ti ty'd heaviest thinks ate due the following ladle* for cnitiihu•I lions t.f s rks : Mrs. ResroW•, sr.. 16 pair.; Mies Mont gowee y. 9 pairs ; Mn. Fe. g,tso.t., K pair. ; M. .l. 1). Nel-.•n, Mt.. M. !twain., Mr-. It IR. 41r111.I1. M.-. N, Chart, :t this:t. encu ; Mn. J.F. Mown. Mn. teoidthorpe,.r•., Mn. %V. L. Eliot. Mrr. like. Mrd. H.f- lier, Mr,.. 1. •ou.rd, No NAuer, Mite e J. MrEwan. Mon N. I).•k. N •. ru oB.ker. Mrs. Jn dark. J . Mitl wn. M'. F1in. nor ief Weir, 11.a. L-w'h, Mon Vi..!-' tilt•• Monis t' . Nirs.11etu,ot,Mum tit ►cr (ler. M1.e Annie And,*w.. Mr.. J. J••hn.t •n. Mr.. Hirer....'.-. stw..flield, Nw Fl..arie Nat t.1, JI.. n.indrrs, Mrs. Mrl.end, 1 psi" eabb ; Mae. M•carn. 11 taco clothe. 11 er " waif fI MADE N CANADA'. r" ' 1 New Prices August 1f 1916 The following price: for Ford cars will be effective on and after Aug. 1, 1916 : Chassis - Runabout - Totltring Car Coupeist - Tow -n- Car - Sedan • $450.00 475.00 495.00 695.00 780.00 890.00 r. O. M. rows. itheireadittiO. Thee price. sae positively guaranteed against any re- duction before August 1. 1.17. hut there ia no guarantee against an &dunce in price at any time. KELLY & MACEWAN oCALCsaos - - - SOOCRICH LOCAL TOPICS Western university. Attention is called to the aeaoumer- mrot of Wow tore Cuivereily. Loudon, in the adv.ttieing columns of The Miguel this week. The Western is forging abead rapidly and any 'tonna toes zontemfds'ing a en s•emit, course should read for its calendar. Will Enlist with A. S. l3. Mr. J. J. R tithing. who has been night charge:nen al abs C.P.It. round- house. has 'missed and os Monday next he will go to Lond >n sad enlist with the Army Hetviee Corps. Mr. R. Mhelt'on. of the local staff, bas been promoted to his position. Or. Hyatt in Alaska Mr. Hector Hays received a card yesterday which was written at likes - way, Alaska, by Dr. J. R. Hyatt. of Topeka, Kaaaa.. who made a large oumher ret friend. in Oodeeteh when be visited ben three years ago. Dr. Hyatt. accompanied by his daughter, i. -doing- the west coast front 8an Diens, to White Horse. Ood.rich Soy Drowned at Toledo. Mn. Michael Fine. of Ooderieb. re- ceived a telegram yesterday convey- ing the sed intelligetbee that her sons Jobs, had been drowned at Toledo. Th. unfortunate young ratan bad been sailing this season. but the circum- stances under which be met hi.i death have not come to hand. The body is being brought to (iod•ticb for lutes - MOO . utes- M Ot. Fatal Accident at Detroit. A fatal accident occurred at Detroit on Tue.d.y of this week. when Joseph J. Griffin, son of Mr. John T. Griffin. of Kiotwit. met his death by the cul - lapse of a araftolding on wbcb be was war king. The body was brought to Goderich on Wednesday evening and wee then ennv*red to the home of lir. John T. Griffin. Kintail. from which place the funeral will take place tomorrow. The deceased leave, a widow and one child to mcu! n his untimely demise. NIS VEARY BADLY AFECTED t ree. The enure committee recom- meaded the payu.eut of a atumhrr of accounts and euhmittrd an est Manta of the reeeirats and riper dhows for the year le16 with a recommendation that a rate of twenty-•tt twills fur general purposes b. lea ted : sit and •-half W illa for public and separate school rate : two and three-gn.rter mills for Intl -fives" Collegiate le.rtitutr pit three-.ivatter of r w 11 foe This Mono Cositla 882 Gsaa.ian St Ever, Tuaouro. "For two yeah, I was a victim of Acute Indigestion and Gu In The Ktomaeb. It afterwards sitaaidf say Heart and I bad pains all over my body, so that I could hardly move around. I tried all kinds of Medicine bui nose of them did me any good. At last, I deeided to try "Fruit•a-tjves". I bought the fat box last June, and now I am well, after sling oily three loses. I recommend "Fruit -a -tire." to anyone suffering from Iti.ligestion". FRED J. ('.1\'EEN. 60e. a box, 6 for V.50, trial size, 25e. "'At all dealers or lent postpaid by Fruit- s -lives Limited, Ottawa- PERSONAL ttawa PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. ti. Z. Birk wren on Menday to Rlnr.ton is W • pedelee f•e • ware with tee well-known wbs'e-ab dem. atmd Mw•r.. N . POW* a: torr altogether. The matter will be c'e. of that city. Cmisidered in e:amruittee before the MI.. Ram Me%.vta. oerwr-h tri.oing to Ter Dell regular meeting of the council . ]liar 411111 McArthur. deseor.e-. !Diode evens* M 'ser advnr acrd the pose- Miss Pr..bytert.e rhumb. Tortilla was chase of a g Mod gravel pit that the menses and war let• It w.. et.° ret-.'ww.'ndrd that a diacouat of two per cent. be allowed on all taxes paid o0 or before the 15th day of October, a diseeuot of one per cent. on all payments wade on or het. ',Novels bar 151b. and that an addition of two per coot. he made to all taxes not paid on or before :be 15 h day of Decem- ber. 11HM and an addition of eve per cent. if they are not paid before Jan- uary Int, 191 It wan twiner rernm- mended Ghat the war of St,f511.3i be placed on the collector'. roll against the Iiederleh Blev.tor and Transit Co. for the year Isrld. Tor report was adopted. The public . work+ c lmmitree recotnmend.d in ite report that t troughing be placed on the %Vheel' Rigs building under the supervision if the committer. at an Af•proximate cwt of Slit. Adopted, The que.tit•n of allowing auto. in M+itland errurtery war introduced by Deputy Reeve I.aitbwaite. who pro - pared that they he slimed in during the forenoons r.f roach day. This pro- posal war .trongly oI•jr:'ed to by Council) .r Patti Idgr, who thonght the autos should be kept out of (he cense- sato ■o....! ao.pttd. i. Mem on holiday._ h ow over t•.r.d•y. Mr F. (' Bta.dt. of Kitchener. we.. in Gado - ilea for • few day. chid wait. Mr. Kerry Tuffore. of Detroit. o boos f cr • . bort holiday. MM Alar Goldthorpe r .pending a week at Termite Mr ant Mr. Jo'a Broub.y. of Detroit. are raking with relative. in Under .n. Mir (Inc. Maier- ha., returned from a %lett with rel.Uva to Tomato. The Patriotic Fund. Mr. £mann. 13% -nn., of Btratt,rd, wee to At the regular rr:eeting . 1 the Gode- Ood11Mch tar Labor lhny• Mawr. Genres* res and Vona mats have rich Patriotic- Fund Aesnrietion on retarnea hum a web tay v7.1t to i•"rt maatey. Tuesday evening ten new applications ' Mr. J T.Oddtberpr arrived in Deirdre. en for allowance. from the fund were Tueday•reshot, ha•tn/r t.t.t rrrbrned from • considered and granted. This will Lets a. ter west" Wu.niprr mean an addition of ill 16 to the trees- WMer. , as i.n fohenbownHilIHhanlabr An. MO- 1BeIek :anod urer'e monthly payments. Three td ranee of din/third soldier., rix.: Andrew sr: ,,,,,a Mr•. rem. curer; ale. L 1Kvi. aid M. Miller. Brussels : John 3. Wilburn, Mr•. N Adap... all of Wi.thain. v netted We. Bluevale. and Joseph H. Klein. Sea- •t (;• Merthemel1 on tundayt forth, were reported and were referredMr.. A U. MacDonald ru•te.i ..t Byte this to t he hr.nrhea of tr.e .war autiliaries wMr ani Mr. I..-•'t•roehan n-tvu re 'irn.d io the mnnieipaliliw tn' which the ono •o'r•anc vlrlc wits fel. •+. it �IDCar- eotdiery belong. Doti ing the month of dose, ..tngarao sod Clinton August eighteen soldier front the ; Mr E Ilowatag sad Mn Antes. of L • n. counti•.4re*, reported as discharged on log's... are .pr.d1tut • few day. wars their fi ler+. to town. account of medical unfitness''. 8iz ,, Clud Mr t l casualtiee. five killed and otos mising ors ri.i nsnL:Ive.ao:,17,:;,,°,1.1;."'„ om.r Adue , were reported. Those wild met death 1,./ the week. in action were : !ien.F Gibson, Wing- Nr. Reg. 9l..rtoan 1. vieitiug in Tora.to chi. ham : Roht. A. Jackson. Kiprien : D. w 'k R. stelek. % Inch : \Cin. Radfern,l Mn... Late Robin..3 kt: no. NI.:..telf row linti•rich : Hugh Philli Brlta•t 1nreruett. wne-e sae will e. an t:.e pubtie p'(• erhtat G.yt.ind •t•RI John L. Reid, et Reaforth. is reported Mn lieori M a :Vie er.wd 1i•11•• -In. r;eorr'. missing. The q'teett•>n of .ecuring a arc *lata: te the I.dy'e [tartrate. M .and Nr-- •tvpewriter for the use of the officers 1 trwtn<b. at Filar dale. ••! the Aooelation W 4 settled when ' Mr. and Mr•. K.1'. Ru. en ant the lettere R•v. J. B. Fotherin ham kindly cf. .1..r meter dtlt*r, 'a•r^r.day fr n their g Acme:.' w.laerrtll: and • t -awl .N r, and Vn.. , f.red his machine for tbeir arae. ; Mitt •,..=+:wsnon, new, -tree: Mr. and Mr.. I Women's County Organization- �.,rr; ' former will roues ra•tdeu:e of Ito. rr•n.olidatinn of rhe work of the ed H.rry wiriin�of tote c t.f•. i• home Ar • w"lu.-rt • patriotic .hitt:e• in Huron t'',anon..f iwowrei. • runty war the oh .ct of a meet st )tr Lout• K.'::