The Signal, 1916-9-7, Page 3I HE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO
MacEwen Estate
bound or repaired.
hep w / ae0•81•••••••4101110 - _ f •
Otiawa, Rept. 1.-tetwlrota of his -1 SEPTEMBER 6th
ey have been tbiukibg that the vaned
question of dual repteert.tatluu waft Toronto Gatti* Market
settled loopgFago. They are all wrung Steen, choice weighty 88 20 to 61. 96
fog proof that the motet is a red -hut Butchers', choice baud,. 7.40 7.60
do. good
do. medium 6.00
do. common 4.75
the way of dual representatiou that Butchers' cows, choice6.26
bas happened since the issue was cep- I 40 good 6.60
posed to be pot out of politics. He is I do. mrdlum 4.50
a dual representative with a difference. Butchers' hulls, choice7.00
In the old days a dual repteerotativr i do. medium to good1.00
sat for two constituencies, one ail the do. bologna 4.50
Legislature and the other in the Per. Feeders. 900 to 1.000 lbs. 6.40
Itarusnt et Ottawa -he wee what you I do bulls 5.00
weight call • two -seat hog Hut the , Stockers, b00 to 900 lbs. 6.00
The Hon. rank Cochrane is the lie•
IEN01NE dD medium weighty. 7.45 7.80
one right ouw. { 60 7.16
'The Hon. Frank Cochrane i• about 6.60
the neatest and complrtest thing ill 6.40
6 00
IL/1 K. F. J. K. h OUSTER- KY1l, EAR
ease use throat only. Hoar •erases
York Ophthalmic and hand I..Ulatm
'.:".Ualeal ANEW-. lar. Nom and 1 toast Heeptal.
yaiba (Nasse• and Hoorerlekl Lye ilaspitaL
lwa� gLfisaA i Mico. S3 H. N•aurW uUsa�
9teetisrd, *Frits Koos t euros. Siam *.
• DI • ee. glee 4 p. w.. 7 to s p. a6 Teleakaae
• PATH, epsoktllst 1. women•+ and sail
dress'. dormer. acute. *rank and nerveea die
orders. eye. ear. woes •ad throat partial deaf
e rn, lambagu and tumid IC ooudltioe+ Ade
arida retnosel without the knife. (flee .t
reirdeare. owner Nrl.nn sod Si. Andrew '•
Uwe* At home office Monday.. Tkur+dayi.
sad Saturday an) r. en.s St appointment.
Bea 6. Uoderlch. All to.traeasas W
left et Stat..: urfke will b. promptly a
ended tc. 4t. -.a, t., a L 1 V*us 11*
law changed all that. so the dual rep-
resentative had to change his wetbods.
instead of sitting for two cooetituen-
cies in two different Parliaments, be
set for one coma ituency in twth.
That is how the Hon. Frank ('
rane operates today. His constituency
is the International Nickel Company
and he site ter it at Ottawa -end inei-
dentally •laude for ell it does -as
Minister of Railways. and in Quern's
Park n• Premier Hearst with the
Hoe. Howard Ferguson as Johnny -nn -
the -spot, when Premier H, a at fade+.
away to E••r,p.. Of course. being
only one man, and baring a wooden
leg .t (bat. Mr (':throne can't cover
all the ground at once, w while he al•
Leads to the job personally at Ottawa
he acts tbrough Premier Hearst in
Toronto. Premier Hearst is his Astral
Body, w w speak, &leo his Absent
Treatment for the nickel question.
The Hon. Frank's is the strangest
caae of dual repre..rntatien that' has
ever been records,' since Robert Louis
u / . tiAYn
do. common, light... 5.40
Cutters 4 26
Canner* 3.50
Mllkere. good to choice 75.00
do. common to med50 00
Calves. veal. choice
do. medium
do. common
do. grass
Sheep. ewes, light
do heavy and bucks 5.00
do. culls 3.00
Hogs. weighed off cars11.90
do. fed and watered11 .65
do. fob 11.15
Butter and Cheese Markets
Bt. Hyacinthe, Que.-100 packages
of butter offered; 33e offered and re-
fused, 900 boxes of cheese were offer-
ed; 300 sold at 191,4c.
Cowanseille. Que.-12 factories of-
fered 765 packages of butter; 11 fac-
tories sold at J4',4&'.
"Levenson "net." -ed hi' fawou. chat. London -11 factories offered 280
acter of Di. Jekyll and Mt. Hyde. boxes. No sales. Bidding IS% to
What's more. Mr. Hyde her the long iliac.
end of the cotohinatit,n. In fact, Mr. Belleville --1.960 boxes were offered.
Hyde ham been w strong. Istel), :that AU sold at 19 6-16c.
poor, tortured Premier Ilearst is in Danville, Que.--1.653 boxes were
hiding. 60 to speak. in Ears oiw at thus offered. All sold at 19c.
very moment. He does hot want to \'ankleek H111-1,098 boxes of white
game on hie work in Southwe.t Toren- and 236 boxes of colored offered. All
to. Mr. Uochrahe himself is in no sold at 19%c.
better plight. His health has +uttered Brockville -The offerings were 1.594
how these tremendous .11uggl.e in colored and 1._05 white: highest bid,
which Mr. Hyde always gets the best 19c. refused. No sales.
It is a long time sires either Mr. Kingston -2G0 boxes white and 494
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity best all Maple
Slats, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling iCrdsr or Pine.)
TELEPHUNES, office 98
residence -t2Cr68
GABERDINE , Serges, Broadcloths, Tweeds, these are
the recognised materials for the new Suit and Dress.
The new shades are indeed very rich, including Italian
grey, tornado blue, mulberry wine purple, French blue and
navy. Wt have them from - $1.00 to $3.00 per yard =t'
of it.
Cochrane or Premier Hear.t war for- colored were boarded; all sold at
lunate enough to a •sr in the role of,19eic
the benevolent De Jekyll. The devil -Alexandria -821 boxes of white and
bahMt. Hyde. meaning the interna- 246 loxes of colored were offered. All
sold, white ,it 19 16-16c and colored
tonal Nickel l'otn{use)', h•ts .o u(trn at 19Sttc.
put his arnisble silent partner to the I'tctun lb factories boarded` 1,550
nod that be ha+ become grate discour- !boxes. All sold to 19 7-16c.
aged and never shows up now in the s- ; Napanee-Cheese boarded : 880 V
public'rter( ay happen'
of either state.- I white. 675 colored. All sold et 19%e '
man. Il way elyllin'ihet )Ir. t'och- Perth -900 boxes of white and 200
raoe is Dr. Jrlylliug at Ottawa-. i boxes of colored cheese sold at 1914c.
carr orcurr-n r - hut what I...14 .hat
when Prrwier H, -mist, his. other selt.1 Iroquoboarded.
b boxes of cheese were
De Mr. Hyding In Qoren'a Pack ; Al.,. boarded. 7.5e loxes of colored and 40
it 'use happen that Pietni-r Hearst i.. boxes of white. \o sales' on hoard.,sJ-
Or. Je&ylling to teasen'a Pate, ir,,, but all .o:,► stn curb at 1St >' t
jus at that amournt Mr. t•Khtane ie t'ornwal: offering., 2,137 .,.'..,reit
playing the other end of hi. tenable* and 80 tweet,. all belling rt 11 1 • + o
Good Bread
Makes -Healthy'
And what is good'for the
children is gcod for the
"grown-ups' as well.
Our Bread is made from
the Best Flour, baked in a
spotlessly clean b a k e r y,
hence it is aperfect product.
Try a loaf today and you
will never fret over home
baking again.
Cord Velvets
• Cord Velvets for women's suits and
coats and children's wear are exceedingly
popular. Rich wide Wale Velvets, satin
finish, 27 inches wide. All popular
shades - - 65c per yard
The New Coats
The New Silks
A very large showing of the season's
newest Silks for dresses and evening
wear in rich new colorings as well as
pastuel shades. Rich quality Pailette
Silk, all colors, 36 in. wide. $1.35 per yd.
C Never have we shown such a superb
stock of Coats as for the coming season.
The styles are most becoming and the
prices are most reasonable. Our special
values are - $10, $15, $18, $20, $25
Taffetas are Popular
Rich quality -heavy-weight . Taffeta
will give every satisfaction; black and
colors, 36 inches wide, $1.75 per yard
LJise-Sterling Hank Block. Hamilton d.rewt. 4 per.onalil y at Ottswe. They never
_sierien. leiopnw,'0. sere to be lucks enough to d,. the i Toronto Grain Mcke:�
Itael estate Lor.- and Inearaecw et 1►r. Jrk 11 art at :he saws time. i t ca
F3 They cant get i.•g, t ,er 'ung No 1 tort` '•t 81.6".; No " eorthcrn,
Thi, rxplsin. i• w by \Ir. Hod+ • inn a , ,. ;ortl:r•rn. �1 :,�
7 Mande! i w.,eat , n 1 pores,
' Holt,. 'NOTARIES (aft .way to .hatter 1. 1! 6ate.nren. 81
BAKttItiTRktd.'`:a: 1r :..--'era..`:. hay pnr"'
PtitLh . 1.1* . This dual veer.--: nta't,m of 'Ir. . , ., -r; X . C \v ..•;,.
Oxton the "Voate, -*coal door from Ham Cochrane's. this rcntendnitt unit c,•1: - ,,,, ' \s. t ., , t:.
Intra .p•.et, lrudtr.. n. Hicliog dwibist. pNtJ.•na1Ny }f hie, b51.e. .'
vele". ta..d. 10 woo el bora rate" works,mit in inter..., log sr.c+; .o that v t �t
in anylhuag very raw done in lin^ens r tic --n corn• -No. 3 yellow'. Ju ec.
Pei k [rack, 'Terorto. •
bend oft t' illw.rhvante title
eIt mouth tbt Onta^irt wheat -New wLeat. No. 2.
Premier Henr.t. and the voice(.( Mr. 181 -i rt. ,1.1-:::. No. 1 emmrirrrU•1. '.
Hyde. said Mr. Hyde hang genitally .ar lot. ace,,rding'to freight out Ad4e.
the Internet ional Nt••kel1'tnupset% 91.1e to,L20; No. 2 commercial. 81.14
Vete the lu'ernitt onil \ c'eel Coin. to. 81.16; Ne. 3 (umlu`ni-1l. 81.1° to
pony is the Mr. Hyde of the ghastly ;1.12' ,
poliOrsl tragedy which is now being • Unt • t oats -\o. 3 w, .
played out at octants and Toronto to feelEM catst•le. Fie to .,
with Mr. Cochrane and Perini •1- Res- No. *2 new. 91.10 to 81 12.
Meeltoba Pour -First pat•rts. in
W. Prot viten. t..O. J. 1.. IrmLtOaam
H. J. U. e:Ou.a.
• TVA, solicitor. notary politic. Dues
too Street. Underfelt. third door fro
=are. At 1. isle., 1 ,d run week In
d11ae on Albeit rtnet uu.upse.i by Mr.
Hamer. yaks bout* x am. toe p.u,.
itian Mt, attoruel. solicitor. eta. liods-
Money to kid .t lowest num
`i BEAGER, BARRISTER, SOL- Hearst a the stat pwnurmer.. tel :SA; ser•. In. jolt bags, is a good uawe fur it, bect ese it
i letter, Notate' Public snit Conveyancer. H T baits and its profits I '- t: -'g baker.'. in jute. 87 70,
foCourt Roues uudrrtcn. w�m hides itprofitsin the .
United States, hide- its dealings with 1 ' - -"'u' --e
Ueruiany and other enemies t t the ntario ,.oar -Winter. Melt. T.ron-
British Rlnpite, hides what it stakes, to. Det-er t ^hipmert, a.ccr11 , to
on tee aide from the me(r ...stale con- sr-'il" e3 45 to 8:..55, in jute bags;
OUR a N l' E C 0. -Farm and isolated
t peewit muted d h cd t
tained• in the nickel matte, and then I b:. ;t. `t aL-sed. 15.35 10 85.45.
1 t hide* (tom the coneet uences nn er t e
0.s • p .-J v. • Vice -Prat,
Pre e, ioderfeb P.O.: 1
Jr I'%.o,.. Vice -Poen., H.rcheod 1'. 0.. enettaile of the Hon. Frank Cochrane,
Premier Hearst, Hon. Howard Fer-
guson and otherloxy explainers.
But luckily.for the t'enedian people,
even Cons.rvatire pawn,. Tike The
Toronto Would, tiepin to ger sick of
tit". deprsdatione of the had Mr. Hyde.
Moreover, a live I.iheral candidate
stepped into the field in Southwest
Toronto and proceeded to drag >Ir.
Hyde into the light of (ley. in a
week's camp•igmeg them facts
emerged conepi ly. The Inter -
'onions' Nickel ('ompsny per •N),IUI
a year in lases on en annual output
of $.17,000,11e0 For years a great part
Vi; It. ROBERTSON.of this nickel has been going to (let -
INAURANC'S AGENT many. where it is worked up into
rias AND Lientlrtas: BAUM".caaealise and gime, bullet.. .rubor plate end other
American. munitions of war. The 1)eursehlan-1
t0011:411rT, hilinsless aaD ae1PLAraw.' Liaati.
and (bowsaw* flailed with a cavity. of it the ether dot
Clorys�u. a Waited. of Landow, Knit.
-the "gentleman's agreement" with
TmUUTT APO •las.wra Maas t The U.S. liltliOttawa and Toronto Howerwm.nts
/'meaty an.s (os tee l'oesP•al•
Oise at rbaldence artbea.1 owner et VIe. not to well to the t-nemiee of the Eon -
Vets rad
i t..nit et. !meal • •ir.ev. Plswte iNC pies Nene practieally inoperative.
tosses a. Har•, Sec- •Trse.. Dearortb P. u.
Direetor.-L. 4'. liell:eaur. Monfort* ; John
A Osiers. Winthrop : W tllsaas Kion, l w..1.oce;
leas HeoMwela, HrvdIWroo ; Geo. MO1.rtne).
Seaforth . Robert )errs., Barbet . Malcolm
wrwea Brumfield.
,gent.; J. W. 1'p, Hotosevtlle;
heltoa. Unstop ; William ('benne Me.tertpl.';
th Policy -bolder.
••••••••••aand Seam
tet their earde rreep4.d .t
H J. MerrY,k'.._ k.tnlug titers, feats°, it .4.
t. sire Oteeer,. [Purdue street. llsdenet. or
J. H. Reid'. ben.' .1 More. Barfield.'
Pope: MCM. ONT.
t'iecured in All Countries
write Int tree book "PATENTS I'KOl'gl
• oN. 'Urns all abort ..d how to get pat
eats HAI/CS/'K It BONN. e.d.ablt.bed I*J7
t resent Palest i Mee Examiner. MeaWe of
Pease, Law.. Heri•urrei Patent Mummer'
eha, • W. Stmt. Ment real. Braaekes--
,Jtaswa and Wa.btnstoa. Kepeerealat4vea le
e ll Wedge' eesnlrier
to Leading
Funeral Directors
sod Embalmers
It i•n't the money that a heartiest is waking out of Ontat ids
natural re.onrees--though that is no
small grievance -hut it's the appalling
fact that most of the nickel .0111 to
Germany and her allies ranee brick to
us in the bailee of our soldiers on lend
and ma, wowoded or shim h missiles
forged from air nickel Thus does
Mr. Hyde do his bit in the great war.
('om.. now Hon. !toward Ferguenn
with promises of int -reseed taxation.
and a nickel refinery in Ontario. Ant
thie is a belated repentance and se
much to he suspected as the Hon. Mr.
Lucas' •nnnenred intentions t•0werd
the Hydretr.diel enterprise. Nothing
1... than repeal of the McGarry Aet
will untie Air Adam Reek's hands and
piers the great p walls ownership pr'o-
j�er'i where It mai'store the Codhrane-
Heeset crowd tn..k a react at it. Here
again we have Mr. Nyde entering into
the brown of the Ilovernml•nt. Fist
he entered into Dr. Reid. who acted
M Mr. Cochrane's understudy during
bb sheens, reusing bin' to treat Rtr
Adam with great when he
appeared hater. the Railway Commit-
tee of the Home of Cr a mnito. 18..
Reid told his supporter to go to it.
and they die.
After that Mr. Hyde entered into
Tows McOerry and vended him vlo-
Molly on behalf of Mr. Ooehrane and
Ida Hydro -radial antipathies Tom
eawit wee the McOerry Aet, which
IBM Hydro -radial d1 tied WO IMO e
5015 thumb.
'ar 1ots. par ton, delivrp
ed. !•:..ntr : Shorts. $='t; brat[. 9'.6;
geed ford Pour. per bag. -9.1.15; mid-
dlt 1gs, 9:0.
li y--tial^d. No. 1 track. Toronto.
new. :.0 to 842; car lot c; No. 19
to 85.:.0; straw. 96 to V.
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesale I:riccs to the
Eggs -
Special candled Icart'a).$ .25 to 6 .17
Candled. (ex -canons) .. .30 .31
Butter -
Creamery. prints .35 .34
Creamery, solids .33 .34
Choi e dairy prints.28 .30
Ordinary dairy prints.36 .27
Bakes' .24 .26
('hcele-NPs, large, 201,2.: to 21c;
twins. 20%c to 2114c; triplets, 21c to
211:c; June and September, large,
3'r: old. 2221ec; triplets, 22%e.
Poultry Live Dressed
String broilers ler Zoe 26c 28e
old fowl, lb ... 15c 16c 18c 20e
Dutklings .... 12c 13c 18c 20o
Beane--Iland-plcked. 85.50; primes,
86; Michigan. hand-picked. 116.60;
primes. 54.50 to 14.75.
THIS marvelous invention of musical skill is now on the Canadian
market and can be obtained direct, or from dealers, at the remark-
ably low price of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS.
U'rri: al once about
eicfu.a•e territory
still ,,i.n in
mans; dcsir• r�
obi, foto• <;
STAND it. on the flow beside you. Weighs only eleven pounds.
Can be carried easily about the house. • Records are protected
and carried i:r dust -proof compartment. Uses any standard needle.
Piave all standard disc records. 't ou can easily rewind or change
�, records without getting out of your chair. One winding plays one
12 -inch record or two 10 -inch records or three 8 -inch records.
CABINET body is made entirely of acoustic metal with exquisite
mahogany finish. Ione arm is of violin fibre ; sound waves
do not pass through metal. Twenty-two inches high by 11 by 1 3 ;
thirty-one inches high in playing position.
IT is the finest small convenient phonograph ever made; finest in
beauty of design and finish . in completeness and '.rnerring
reproduction of records. You must actually ee and
hear it to fully appreciate how wonderful it is.
See It and Hear It at "CAROLA TENT,"
lery, and directly opposite
Munitions Manufacture.
Chicago Live Steck
Cattle - Receipts. 14.000; market
weak; beeves. 1690 to 81125; west•
ern steer*. 86.40 to 19.35; 'lockers and
feeders. 81 95 to 87 70; rows and heti-
ere, 5.1.60 to 89 40; calves. 84 to
}fogs - - Receipts. 30.000; market
weak; light. $1060 to 811.20, mixed.
610.10 to 811 15. heavy. 810 to 811 16;
rough. 810 to 81116; good to choice
hog*. 810 to 810.26; pigs. 87.76 t0
se. 7 0 ; bulk of 'ales, 611.60 to 611.
Sheep--Roceipta, 12.000; market
weak; native. 84.16 to 87.60; lambs,
native. 86.50 to 810.76.
East Duffel* Cattle
Cattle• -Receipts. 20 cars; market
26c lower
Hogs---Recelpt5. 20 cars: market
26c lower; heavy. 1111.46 to 611.76;
Torte's. 511.76 to 111.80; pigs. 69.10
to 810.10.
Sheep- Receipts. 10 can: market
16c higher. tar lambs. 611.16 to
611.80; yearlings. 611 to p; wetbere.
=1.76 to M; ewes, 67 to 6710; cravat
66. uptlsg: togs. 614.80: fair tag
tin Iso to 61110; fed °dews M
el -id-