HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-31, Page 8TienitIMAY. Avers, III, SSA
hook, 1.11 411,1 separate
an.1 Collegiate/ lusts-
Itto.k ts publish, on torto-
ni so Ineol
th co No kind. to foam otig
Wee e from I. to les
lee Minor asef. ire., sio
Tr11111• !Sod 110.1C
do to 4 tut'ir
Rev. .1 N Csawford, of West GIRL COULD
........ok the services in Knox
elititeli 1661 Huntley.
The troenolso• of North street
worth 1.eag.re held • corn roast at
P.ant, west Inint,p, on
Tue•day evening.
The financial dietriet meeting of the
Methodist charch for lindericat district
will br br4d at titeforth on Tuesday.
September 19th.
lte• E. I.. Williams,. of Illeyeland,
1,111.411 1Pt/ 111 PO. lieorge's chinch last
Sunday morning and Rev. W.
Moulton. ot Clinton, conoltured the
service in the evening.
At a congregational meeting in
and t• A. Nairn were appointed to
prosecute the call to ite•. S. C. Mc -
Pe rehytery when it meets at Barrie on
September 12:b.
The aactaaaent of the Lord's Shipper
will beecispenewl at the morning Per-
si-e in Knox c..tourch next Sunday
mot- ii zz 0t. Rev. James Hamilton re-
booting. In the evening, Rev A. Laing,
of Atolourn. will preach. On Sunday,
September loth. Rey. S. H. Eastman,
of Port Stanley, will conduct the owi-
•icesi morning and evening.
• ts)
tamer .
try. Cost
poen in!irei.
Prompt Service
How She Was Relieved from
Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Taunton, Mass. -" I had pains in both
sides and when my periods cr.rne I had
to stay at home
from work and suf-
fer a long ume.
One day • woman
came to our boom
and asked ray
mother why I wag
suffering. Mother
told her that I suf.
fered every month
and she said. • Why
don't you buy a
bottle of Lydia E.
Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound? ' My
mother bought it and the next month I
was so well that 1 worked all the month
without staying at home a day. 1 am
in good health now and have told loti of
girds about it_ ''-Miss CLARICE MORIN,
21.. Russell Street. Taunuin, MAPS.
Thousands of girls suffer in silence
every month rather than consult a phy-
lf girls who are troubled with
painful or irresrnlar periods. backache.
hendache. dragging -down sensations,
fainting spells or indigestion would take
LLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. a safe and pure remedy made
from roots and herbs. much suffering
might be avoided.
Write to Lydia E. Pinkharn Medicine
Co.. Lynn. Mass. (confidential) for free
advice wttich will prove helpful.
To Mining Investors.
Plummer & inining brokers, Ph
Bay etreet Toronto, •r• uniting lir-
mining ens/Meer to act exclusive-
ly as these personal resweser.tati•e in
the NOI 1 11 1'.,unuy. an the reports of
poet! of the.' clients. Their noarket
letter. will, ae always. report mining.
conditions As they exist.
Tin. regular monthly meeting a ilk,.
Society I.. place in the North etreet
room. on Triesd•y 22nd inst., with, Mrs.
Cat Or on the rhaii. The expen4ev fot
the llllll ith were as follows yarn,
Since the laet uneting the 'Fillow mg
amounts were rrcrive 1 and are ac-
knowledged with thank- • Children'to
•ntei tat/intent. Nleneeetung Park.
V.415)1, 81 111 OrP1r111. 01 tts y mold by
guests at Hotel S.11 set. SAle
as d collections, V..511117.
The financial stitumary for 't he
111 .1 le to beatlinisit et s. Casale); hal.
.mitee allalde for next llllll it $218.41),
Purchases to the hollowing arwaunts
N were dulling the month : 1:r2
W'sitil voile lions for tile year wet..
A. I_Caldwell,Phm.B.
Prescription Druggist
W hen Your
Head Aches
-alike or het suse your stomich
ti,sobbin? Y•111, 'tit trio
66 ev th- relict it afford,.
taloa at CatapitrAA
(4. "et North St. snd Square
Ito. aln 'PHONES Res :04
The n..611.1211)* was instriorto.,1 to etc.
tei.il ro, -letter of spopathy to Mi.,
Holt and (amity.
The Red Cr.... Society has on hero'
A few copies ot :mow Iw sold
the heneflt of the Society.
Sweetheart.- fo, the Gift. 4.f the 4-44;in.
pieition, the word. and mii.ir toy Bert
and lanoter Betty, of Manitotai On
t he title page is an inset front A photo
oof one of the controverts. l'te. Best
11.41 y the [nal 05-ki twos Botta
on Monday. tt. airburn, of Ediii..nton, and Mee.
Benmiller church took the form of a
emosithdy Red Cross eseetien
being held today instead of mat Wed-
nesday, since the boriety intakes it A
point to ship un the first Friday of
each moral,.
i Haien Thompson and Miss
Helen !deadly. ot Auburn. have been
emitting at IL t4 Vanetoor's.
Mrs. Harold I..ng left for shagoth'•
Falls on Friday morning. sine will
1 grunt at Montreal and TorootA. Lenoir
inn Friday. He expects to renown In
, School re-ropen• here on Tuesday.
Septeenhoar M M ills will return to
teach for &nether term.
PORT LOCAL, -‘11 111 Erre Burrows
is at her home .1 Port Albert, having
had the ruistort nor to tall arid •praiu
her •rus hadiy Mr. *col Mrs.
Hiram 11 indley and children spent
Sund•y with t he former '6 parents,
d•y. after a pleasant stay with rela-
tives Mr. and Mrs. (4 Wagner
and soli, William, of Detroit, were
guesta of Mr. and Nits. Holzksu.p.
'rhey were accompanied by the Misers
Email' and Lydia Brickinen Wad Mr.
A. E. Sylvester spew Sund•y with
hi. wife and family. He wa6 arrow-
, retooled by the Mosel' Loretta and
... Miss Nellie Webster le-
ned from Myth last .
Mr. and Mr.. Neil Munroe motored
from tilenworth (1I1P day legit week
and were guesta Mr. aisd Mrs W.
0. Gray .Mr. Jou. Swale is home
after spending the summer months
travelling%fatty wondered wby
1 Mr. Walker Murray west wearing such
a broad smile But Re know now
....School will open next Tuesday.
Mks Margaret Mclaosnan has been
engaged AS our teacher here. The
parents that are intereeted in their
children sill In pe that tbis teacher
will star longer hen tbe former ones.
.. A little daughter artist& at the
home of Mr. Chas. Crawford. Con-
WEnsignlitY. Aug. 24.
P6n-ooNaLa. -Ot way Hayden. of the
Dental Corp., London. spent the week-
erid at kis horue Mira, Violet
, Mitchell. of Goderich, and T,
jr visited friends in Crewe on Sun -
*nil Miss Irene. of Dungannon, have
heli.laj here with Stratford friend-.
ham and children, of Walker% Ole, ate
Visiting the ton met. parent e. Mr. and
sirs, Kenny Stowe spent Sunday with .
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fritz -
ley Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bur-
rows spent Sunday a it Mr. avid Mrs.
•VEDNIO:DAY, Arm. dd.
The lli•ses Nlaiguret and Tena Mc-
Donald. Ripley, visited Miss Irene
li.ck Hilton toad. for a few days the
was forme, ty tractor (•1 rne Taylui••
F.1114 r
AN EN.iiivAnt'.16 1)51" -The 11ve
ship held U111011 pio•nic at Jowett's
an °spot:, n-ty to the members ot the
s.•.ptaintee. wane.) °Inject was most
1,9,ppily attained. Thr basket. were
wt h the to- et in ihe land and
ma the 1-ast Isasant part of the day
was 411efl, at the tante/. This wits in,
pirod, f :Ws Lind held loy the
par riot lc so (art i -r. but we rivatt hope it
Styles -that are
Best Selection of a Fall
Snit Can Be Made Now
THERE is no time during the en=
tire season quite so good for select-
ing your Fall Suit as right NOW.
The season's stock is at its best today and later choos-
ing is always done from smaller assortments. We me
showing some partiCularly stylish and attractive Suits. They come in the season's
most favored materials, serges, tweeds, etc., and are absolutely correct in every detail
that goes to make a perfect tailored suit. Linings and findings are of high quality.
Come and look the new suits over and make your selection early. We will lay it
aside for you should you not wish to take it now. We draw particular attention to
the exceptionally good values both in material and
style of our Suits at
John Burrows Reg, McGee, W
Alex. Dunbar left for the %Vett last
Mr. and MrP. WM. M00141, Of (Sode- ant journey arid a safe return ...
I ch. and Mr. and Mre. Richard Ech• Moe Ethel MeGratten is. ',int-
im. of NA-. spen: suit.I.,y the o ing her 1,1/ Mrs. Jas. M.•Whin-
her Mr. and Mr-. Clove
Gordon Vans' re. lined on Sac Myets ard children are staying in
tordey attet visiting for 'reveal days their cottage by the lake Miss
wail bi- uncle', 'di.. Thos. Hatt ison, of • %dinette Dication ia eisittng friend' at
Itayheld. , /Belfast this week . Mini Lottie
Miss Willa Ne•ins and Miss St.1114 :NIcKee," of Tee:.vrater..s the guest of
Morci•li. if tioderich. *revisiting Miss`, Mies Mae Dickson .... Nliss hitia
Lottie Walter. " 1 Kilpatri,.k is visiting at the home of
Mr. and %Is- .Eohn Nlutonings left , Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 31cMillan ...
. William Pitli'ado, who ht. been 1.1. Andrew, of Locknow. were the
The Flociety•.: heartiest thanks at..
each ; Rise Clark. .1• pen. ; Mrs.
'Etna,. Bell, Mr.. Burritt. Miss M. A.
Mr*. IV. Sault-. Mhos NI. Clark, Miss
Botteitt, Mire. W. E. Kelly. Mrs.
Woods, Mies ARMY Andrew., :t pails
Miss Luca.. Mr.. Weller. Miss Young.
Mrs. LloydiNelson street), No Name,
Mrs. N. McDonald. Miss Irene Smoke,.
M. Dark Mt., Williams Vincent
street), Mrs. Bell 1Nelson street), Mre.
Horton, sr.. Mrs. Wm. LOP. Mrs.
Mrs. E. Dritikwatet. Miss Annie Mc-
Kay, Mrs. Wm Taylot, Mr.. Coul-
thnroot. Mrs. M,1 Mita. Marjory
Aitken, Mist. Jessie Sproul. 1 pair
A good . of yain of elation's
kind* is on hand at Mile McKiru'e,
sock. is as 'neat, if not greater than
e•er, it ie hoped we shall be able to
*end raw fairehair this fall and win -
She (pout ing -Before we were
married you said I IVA* P. dr•11111
tie -Yes, but don't forget that there
lege rivribt
Excellent Mosinee",
Avower lalien layette alma
two wee. 1r. Orodorsolit prermeriac how
At Menesetung Pars.
This week ha. been "eet-away
week- at Menesetiing Park for many
who have spent the greater part of the
woort. On Sunday, Mr. and Mee.
Palmer,' atwompanied toy Miss Scott,
of Hamilton...rid bliss Eaton. of Galt,
motored to the Ambit' City. On
Tuesday. RPV. Or. and Mrs. Oickie
and family swatted their rottege and
returned to Montreal. and on the name
day Rey. W. 11. Hedgwick end family,
accompanied t.y Mies klacKeruzie, of
Nova Senna, left for their home at
Mark, of Toronto. Miss. Rodil.
Windsor. Mrs. Richaid Jaffrey, Kiss
K. V. Jaffrey and Muse huTray.
of Galt, left for their reapective haymow,
the two holt-mentioned ladle. going eta
London to witness. the tweeentation
the mines to 1114. Galt battalion. Miss
arias*, also left no Weelneeday?=
Arms sad Nies Merritt, of ar.
Mee. Aserlt of Ht. Oattiartoes, Mr. and
Rea II re, Kies Resmemir sod tb.
Masa Korb* a31 of Dotrolt. oat
Mrs. OsIdetelt mid two shiffewri.
Lesbos. leave early mat Ina.
sailing; on the lakes. is •pending a week guests 4.1 Mr. and Mrs. Th. IniAS Dick.
Miss Dot, thy Chandler. cf Strat- 1 rettnnsil from Stratford this week.... ..
toted. making the trip in 'threat thitty-
or so at home eon haat week
fold. visi•ed N1 • and l‘Irs. James 'Mri. W Nit -Cleansed and children. of eg.
eix bout IS, without chant:. or transfer.
Jewell for ervels1 days last week. Det end, are viaiting her Pieter. Mrs. Going Trip Weat,- S12 I'll to Winni- ,
Tuesday anottteg for the pon poet- Leon is rioa improving a. fast a. his tr_"Returning l'i p East,- als .05 from
Mr. Leo Inge went to Toronto on 1 Walket Motray Mr. Nelson Pear -
‘1, inotpeg.
of joining the .firnly !Service Corp*. many friends would like to ses nun.
transportation west of Winniiag.
Consult C. 1'. R. sgert• revolt -ling
Advance Showing of
Millinery Commenc-
ing Tuesday
Formal Opening Later
We are !flaking an arta ance doplav of Eall Millinery
styles on Tuesday next, and still hoe glad to have you
come and see them. It ail! he composes! of Hats that
Are particularly suited for earty fall wear. Tbr date
of our hornial opening will be announced next week.
but fall mocks are all. in and we are ready for bus,-
tiess every day. See these new Fall Hats on Tuenlao.
Choose Your Coat
Early While the
Stock Is At Its Best
No time quite so good for selecting your Fall and
Winter Coat As now. The new garments are herr
and sou can peck .ond choose front a 11111.1i larger
stocli than later. (owing to the war conditions.
olay, and for (hos reason. if no other. ar stnorigly
advise early bujing t1 'oats.
Dun': 1T11,, sering our Midsummer display of,Ellts In theo-Irtutt414"1 Mark Fur" utkh ate the r-t,t're't
for the coining season. ar hase a particularly gcssi as.ortment in wolf, fox and genuine 'Bus, at rick, lila'.
quality hor quality. we are satisfied sou ciontiot better.
Particular attention paid to apecial orders and remodelling,
I only Furs'we can leek with our unqualified gutramta-ean be hail here.
Big sale of Sta.... in Linen
Clutha end Navokins ontin-
hor another week. Take
1..nens now.
Hodgens Bros.
Goderich, Ontario
Thousand's of Men Required for Har•
vesting in Western Canada.
Thousamls men are tsquired to
help in the great work of harvesting
the West MI'll riop. The taek nen.
porting too the West this gre,:t stony
of worker. will fall to the lot uf the
Canadian Paritie Railway.
E rstor• from print. :n h.tario to
will be inn. and .pecial train. roper -
He eigned ap in it *hour a month ago ' Mr. Bert Caen'', of London,
is the guroot of Mr and Mrs. •Ino. %Ic-
on hi* way honor firm the West.
In a lett--4,- received lwre oon Monday, Gee .. Mr. J no. Gtaharn, of (rode -
Pte. Verne Gledhill that he was rich. %AA a Sunday visitor at Mr.
'gill in England, at Satiating Camp. lamas N1cMillan',..
HP has hero working in the Wool.
ich arsenal part of the lane eince he
wrote bis last lettec.
The meeting lest Sunday evining at
,41 Prescription That From Girlhood
to Old Age Ras Been • Blessing
to Womankind.
When • girl hems:nee woman. when
woman paws through middle life, are
the three periods of life when health sod
strength are most needed to withetatid
the 'pain and distrem often mused by
severe organic dieturbances.
At these cnucal times women are
best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, an old remedy
of proved worth that keeps the entire
womanly system in excellent condition.
Mothers, if your daughters are weak.
lack ambitioo, are tmubled with bend -
n iches, laseitude and are pale and nekly,
Dr. snorer's Favorite Prem./intim h
just what they need to purely bnng the
taunts of health to their cheeks and mike
them strong and healthy.
For all ailing women Dr. Pieree's
Favorite Preseription is juin the right
medicine. During the Larrt fifty years it
has banished from the lives of tem el
thousands of women pain. misery rad
dietrent. It makes weak woome stems
sick women well.
ter, mother, Miter, need help, yedrit
lf you are a sufferer, if your
lieree's Favorite Prescription in Squid
or teblet form from any medicine deals
to-dey. Theo edderee Dr. Pierre, in-
valids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., end gel
Every stomas ebeekl be careful tMdths
fiver le active and the poisons are sot
sauteed to dog the system -OR rid sd
three poems -by takieg Dr. Nave's
which medals mad.
body tams Wolk ea well as Gobi&
tit is Dr:Photo'. Common Renee Med-
, eel Attekter. It hi lese. Semi Dories
limns to the Ex.?
Bay your tickets at the down -town
G T. R. office. Following special
rates are given on account of the Tot --
onto Exhibition :
fgo:in-going August L.Ilth to Sep-
tember 7, returning t» Ssptember 13,
II12.90-going all trams Wednesday,'
September 6, and morning train Sep-
tember 7. returning September S.
Special Wain leaves Goderich
a. in. September 4. e and 7, arriving et
Money refunded for all tickets
bought from F. F. Lawrence & Sons
and not used.
Minutes of council meeting held on
August 21st. Members all preeent. min-
utes of last meeting were read and ap-
proved. The following rates of taxa-
tion were struck to meet the expendi-
tures for the present year : County
rate 2 2-10 mills. township rate 1 5-10
mills, war tax 1 1 440 mills, and 'special
school rate 2 1-10 mills With the ex-
ception of the township rats, which i•
1-10 of • mill hirgber. the other rates
are the same as last year.
Tbe following accounts were paid :-
The 111 unicipel World. supplies, 112.1:4 ;
.1. McCallum. wee of scraper. 2fic ; D.
Carter. 2i days with gi oder. $6 co, -
mintier' of Wingham, use of stone
croBbse, imp ; John Robertson. timber
for Potter'. bridge. 11115 ; Howeon &
Lawson, plank for Potter'a bridge,
$49 12 Thos. Bradnoek. gravel, $6.10,
Bert Jack's:ie. revel. =JO. R• Prksfry.
gravel. Se 011 g D. Chmaney. gravel.
(yr. strews& $5.60 : W. Setter. gravel,
ergill, gravel, de; W. Beonett. sr:revel,
%shorn, gravel, OLIO : Reset.
M sineelling gravel. 50e.
The next meetiog of essearli will he
city. 1 think they could grow g... i
crops of it. too. if they had any decent
Implements ta do the w..rk with.
They don't get the land plowed until
it i. so hard it turn. np in hig lump~:
in fart; 1 don't know how they get it
plowed at a11. for all the plows 1 re
toren are of wrest and don t leak very
ett•ong. Thev hive .ole, one h:.n.IJe
and the moan hold. the plow with one
band, and use. a long •t.• k in toe
other to prod :he oxen np. Then they'
try irrigation to take the place,. f
tivation and mak. mater. worse. 1
•don't think they would need water at
all if the plowing were done at the
nght time and then Lot. of rultivat ion.
They almost t1'6.d the ground. then it I
duet out and get. hard. Porn doesn't ,
get much over five feet high, it ie'
either a flood or a drought. There
are no fence. here and it reeveds me
of the %\'est in many wave. except you
can see mountains in almost any direc-
We were within a few nide. of the
SerMan frontier [hie morning. We
were close to the foot of the moun-
tains and the hounder y line is sup-
' posed to It e up on top. 1 think tero-
planes are shout the only means of
fretting over. 1 don't think our can ;
'will he much use up there. Time will
I tell, though.
1 guess you will be into the haying
• now ; th'h grain will he late stetting
ripe The grain isn't all in here vet
but is all rut. What isn't in io just
lying in heare in the Geld : they don't
do any st..nking. 1 hope the beet are
doing all right and that they will have
!some honey for you 1 wouldn't
mind getting hold of a rhunk of good
honeycornh. It makes me hungry to
I think of those good things. I've taken
to eating onions lately. 1 got bokl of
Isom, the ether day and carry a few
'around in the car and have a little
Inneb when 1 feel like it
; bread, oninna
and tomatoes don't go had. The
onions area hit peppery, Met a little
It has teen choler here all week.
The morning we left for here it war
cold enough fir an overcoat and 1
wore mine this morning for a while.
1 wonder if it is generally cooler here
or just a enol spell. It is nice and cool
today. only windy and dusty. It we
had plenty of flier at our last caro',p
we have ',lent of mnegtfitnea here and
they ars six of no. and A half•dozen of
the other. I wonder that thele areal
far Igor, mn.q.titnes, for there are Iota
of pronto of water all over the roontry
that,/ would make the hest breeding
"reminds for t hem. The cmlntry is s
bit marshy here in "rouse Tees
They don't seem to emir tree fruit
of any klnd here and 1 think most ell
kind. would do well No apples ppeea�un
peaches, ere. We saw some in Aaron -
ie*, bat they don't weal to grow or he
grown enywhere here. My, won't 1
be glad to get bark to a decent come -
try again l
It N rather peculiar that we don't
have some aeroplane raids here. I
have semi but two shoes we Imes op
here sad they were up .• high that
we eouldn't tell to whom the bet
longed. , The Vrggeb an lag s
nareow railway peat roar g'eta
b take a ep to the trout amd
August 31st-Fr,on Toronto -Sudbury
Line and east, hut not including
Smith's f'alls or Renfrew', also from
Main Line east of Sudbury to, but
Septet:taker 2nd- From Toronto. also
west and south thereof.
Further particulars from Canadian i
Paciflr ticket agents, or W. H. How-
ard, Distmt Passienger Agent, Toron-
, Coot ironed from page 11
he a bit hard on the temper : the slow
d crula that von would think
would fall to pieces without • minute's
notice. Greek horaecarts and wagons,
doyens of lorrice, ambulances and
motor cars moving in all dire a ions.
The Greeks don't 'seem to know enough
to keep to the right aids and some-
times it takes a good deist of persua-
sion with the M. P.'s whip, both on
horse and man. to m•ke them keep in
their place and hustle at the same
July la. -1 think 1 told you A week
ago that we were expecting a move
an da Well we shifted one day
this week fifty or sixty miler oop the
Ito*, but are still quite a Ions distaner
from tbe front. Our work is just the
same. but Use roads are about aa had
aa I care to see them and the duo' is a
fright. We have bad runs up to 135
mite. • day lately We are esteemed
quite close to Lb* Monaritir road. but
there isn't much traffic on it, for most
everything goes up by rail. There
eininsa to he any amount of troops go-
ing op, trainload fter trainload. as
well as trainloads stores.
I Memel. sem • per for a week
now. en we don't hear whet is going
on in the outer 'world ; it keeps us
busy doing what we baste to do here.
We haven't got the sea to bathe in.
but we ears get • good, cool and kind
of dirty river shout three-qoarter• of
&limits away. 50 we might he worse off
fTossurves are quits plentiful up hers
aed quite amity. too. We see ennek.
wetness and vraueruselons ton. ilut sot
as plentiful aa down at8aloniea. Core
is fit to hod sow and 1 braves few eery
I got :Ai. morning that l'ni going to
haveset any ready yet. Coen waives to
he Met. Olt LOOSA•aly grown mot here
thee it wee es tie other side of the
wont,. tireek• ate Wasting stone for'
halketeor for 'other 'roof -work:. They
tired quite a niourt•er of holes lest night
the gone would. They certe.nly make
through, lout he neeon't have 11/Pll•
-aimed .4,e notch 61..111 the apple.,
reacher. and striewtworrie.. It makes
or.o• honie-iek to 1111.k 01 All the moral
11 'sit that yoo will hav• tbe., ma* and
for !Wm' los to come. I don't think
no Saturday Night A fPNV days ago!
It came to one ef the fellows in oour
tainlv noyeol it and I see The Matta -
reading matter only comes in •pella
and we'd s thing for long
rims. I keep The Signal under the
seat of the eAr arid When 1 haven't
anything ehw tn reed I look over the
help. to pa.. the time. I'm writing
this in me .1111.4 now and it is atsoit
p. 'bus is loaded et ith broad
piled in like wood. ready to go first
thing in the morning. There ien't
rusieh danger of atarving at thie job,
hut at would mr.ke pretty tough eat-
ing, for it hasn't been baked today
I've twen (prima better than 1 did
at Salonica. I don't think the water
agreed with us their. knit we have all
heen fine here. I'm feeling dandy and
1 can tell you I don t want to go into
• hoopital if 1 can help it. Ell he able
to tell you few things when 1 get
hack it 1 know bow to talk at ell by
that time.
Fra thirty-five yearathe standard
institution of business. education.
Thorough training for every Innen
nee. purauit. Actual practice in
require! olutiet. liminess. Sten-
ography and Preperatory Courses
open all the year. Enter any day.
Eau. Teen REIrd SS
111.4 rated catalogue end fell Parties
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