HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-31, Page 6111 ita111.110AT. .... v 1. 1N
PEACHES. The Famous Yellow St. John Peach.
Niagara Peninsula grown, now at 'its best.
Will be followed by other
first-class varieties. Plums
ready for canning.
look for the map.
It is your guarantee , o
-1 '1
$Ituat.On in Western Cattails fd.com.ng
Acute Farmers with Sig Cropaoo
The r rtaeds F.nd It Nttatu't :o Se 1
cure Men As abet Weigh kco -toyed
at the Coast.
Br ht.. 1. , •,agars. /rt:aa...
Have (tutatIo aril the Eastern
Provinces of ('Asad• enough
moo who can be • spared w
Igo int„ the great himed-t.**ket
- of the Britt.b Empire and put enough
loaves ro the obeli to provide for the
coining wlutrt : Will the %V..trtn
fasters he elle t,. properly harvest his
' crops with the Libor at his disposal
(tan the s•flwsy•. by inducement of
cheap rates soul c font title tteve!.
lung aeeuruw•dstio1. put enough Dieu
into the Pi twit. P,ovssor.I, gtye the
farmer adequate. A-aletanrr : It ie
very que.liausbi••. No doubt the rail-
way,* can dnrup .rough ha: seater. it -
- to 1 hr cost n' 1 t .1 1'.e has ve-ret. Lan he
. hen( peach**. Sprinkle Omit with 1'rul 41 Autio ,, 1. Ihr h.'t•.l is pleb•
roand Bandied eteger,ehopped flue. u.et the nape. - .r• w to h• r •wpan-
sw lively few th - yrs . 1plus t..e, !thee
sad reeve with wbfpped cecina. i profiles," of ('stool t .a' the pin r.rt•t time
PICK1.KD PEACiIES. us a nl.Y•t engrw.Iu 14-uhi-rl. fare situ
Pare large peaches but do not eut anion this year i. 4 great cents -mit to
them ; Nark three cloves in each. that which existed some two years ago.
Weigh seven pounds of fruit to 34 Its. Mea were e•Itltlg :rut for job•: uOw
of sugar, Put *cigar iu purdahs kettle Job" lire eelliu1 /nit For sten, Nearly
w ith our yeah art vinegar, two stick. all lrraochet It triode arta prnfewione
ad etuoswon and our, tahleepoonful of Ferro the dnfr.1 pr, frreiun; ale want-
$U(iAlt. at .
Tbs twit le prepared is abe'oedinery
way, the jigs are cleaned sed scalded
wh,h the relishes* and tory are boiling.
T[te fruit to thou plated in the jun•. in
which (101.1) water is placed. When
the j.r. Isere been sealed air -tight RIRmen +lar nu.. • uteri.
they air plated in • Koller filled with whole cl.wr+ Boil ten usiuutes. Add
cold water and hrou ht h., the boiling hint a iiat. pieces% a1 a time. and cook the war, 1 r hr past to years, bras
p siII. Berries will do if leteoyed till clear.. but not suit. Lift tubs centpyuvitlral wink for all. those who
when the boiling phot i% raaeh/d, last down eyiilp and strain over theta,
ptw•ihility to find one glen who re -
wanted It, lend now it 1s almost an in,.
whilr 1•igr finite, such as prearbts, BOILED PEACH PCDU1Nti, lures, torday hr ritlatwl. U:a the archer
cberrite, plurals .anr4 apricor., shard) Line * pudding baeiu with inlet b ilio 411 Ih r.e-w tot have ,e.p,odrJ fit
glt lark t.y In Ihu 4y nu i ois trilling• rru.t, fill with spired . peaches awl Ile roll of dirty feel r i on tiler Ali
Perp cover o(wA.t,-1 uiler"'au t gl►' •prihkle earl layer with Inuwo sugar. satisf,tcli.In far it«Iter thio (Lure
Cover wmo
ub crust, tar up au f1.wr.d who litre staved at humor. '
PEACH FI:179'1(Its.
',c.w.rwt a. fur p eAr fist ter-. hut use' cluth,rtrd i.oil (tum two W three taut*. The Fie' ds Are White. a
nue and "rse.gntrtrr cups Sour. I'BAl'll SHORTCAKE. ! Bur C*n*J4 is white with hitt treat
PKA(,H Kl1.LiYiti ' ' Prepare .t dough. ** LIr biscuits, 'now, env t.. 1(athet it Plupsrl ly u the
p Ibirl aIi iii huller in the .horl.•nilt :hi" lir-4r irwe/a•,n 1f live moment.
Out a .two sourer.. veru ri.., ghjiriss tt ill' n•yri.d flr!ds of •hr groat North-
fyeuha•. and' sourer.. them tlr.ough • sod tau rgR unx.dw4tbthr milt., wu1.•h w,W,•
n, n. .t.od laden with grain.
patet..s i •er. Add kali-cup or pulite'- is Iliad iu.m.r-leitit."R"'.���A' main*-.pr,n - '''''n...'.1/4"..111” c,r;d wall tw h gr ...
peed cups, to the pole, **.d4.ue cap of of auger on .y be Iwdets. Heise in • a„s„ Wal. pi.- 1.• ger known ales the
deet„; lienee ,0 1. stiff foot,. (Mead quick urrll ,.,1* tr. •n'pta 1- .he tract • -. o+ al. inc. ori.
the-•Lena t rake
thor.ughly a„J Nlt between L.,,,„`Msvr the 1• • .,M+ "mord a.,.l en'.h.d.
{Thr t,s!It ' I1 -tit 1,- *eat, whr'her it i-
w1lb a vilrl •nig ewa.ulr of •„ yr at„1
rote• allow w u .,,J wail naval Tits wh• n Iw•,gr.1 •iii-' , 'i n•1 [het iegi1 . • a suer.
WHITE 1'7:ACH SALAD. allow
.hun,cak" .(.:.ratan l.r'•y 1 i aas4 111:.4 n" coo:meet ret *1111 - on Thr butt h.
1 *k•r whir p sseiw.. knit, but nye, with rs,u-i.rJ pea. hes. -. ye 'wIi11 fl .', raw -t t•'• fed sad forwhy.r artthe
and spree% p: toppling ittw.i y with ran e1y411:. 1\'e.e wilt p1 ,p an Imp^. t,u,r {.art m
sugar •+11:1 t'.e laAnrlsea1 tn�•wt u( 1.•CUL r, _-_ . tit. .f. .1 ng .•f tr,rst B. Oar•u'rD:
pat.: tia err w.t.h ret nu.( NILE The hit r. 1'11104. 14 'short And the *ug -
PEACH t4ALAD : - 1 1t •n..1. ,.t'..►,1zu.t ,ri. nre'ion h ' 'u o os!r tb-.t if. s.rv.•rl
tit band o.. -•a a -eel to fans, life
Slues w.rtchr-, B'•; %wilt, Ceram shwa."'- al -, E1 nr.t sl . h.tsiti went to were r o.• v-., there for (ono or t lite&
wtr.l with siren 'mrd shredded mi. GuripirO..•t week: 1 week. ••h• y. w. nl.t to r.rleci ltd hrlpin
m •n 1•. s 4,
w, It wh..pped errant. alit. Ortel 4..,..1.„.
'•• 1s r, •4 li•.Itnieh. ie ; '
1.4. t II1:"i• IN CAN1'Al01'1'Es. vi -slime +f all: t It•,.to
ll . u
.t 1 I: r:4 • '1,1 .• dr aloof... A itIt ill1(•• ury .....\Ir •:t h.►;t a:• 1 -ter, 11.sh11e.14 11,*JLinailt te
held .
It to • grave mistake for mothers to neg•
Lot their aches and pains and suffer in
W ilmer -this only leads to 'chronic sick-
n ess acid often shortens life.
1f your work is tiring; it your neeweesre
eanWhle; if you feel languid, weary or
depre.sed, you should know that Scott's
1lttnnl+ion overcomes jolt such cooditiona.
It p„acnes in concentrated form the
very e:ementa to invigorate the blood,
e tren,ttf.eti the tissues. Dourly!' the nerves
and huutd strength.
Scott's is strengthening thousands at
a atbers--end will help you. Try it.
boat a Dome. Tomato. Orli
• Tar :Eva; r It L sgli• spent a enrial
4Ct•„'11p : t1.' . ark' Al 11'../111,Falm
Art - l ter as r 1.Iluot.
31...t ." • S... 1 ter have complet •d
11 i a,- 1 • 1. r.hia.g .r oar. 1.
it.. .e.iti„t et. the 1'1:.-t of the
1"•.1 • 51. 114111'.
1:-v. 11:.u,•i d \\•,1 *1., 41141 1hrir
drug(.,. r-, I
up tole Ott `aoltday Lt.( pled spam
-.elev.! .i4 Yr . rtl••w ing n, itoatr_taaer-,
1 hey 1 slid to a 1: • til *5.5.1 li., dont liar
Awovg the nu0,1. 1 ll..ai hem why
seat \\es( !'est `.i: ieday 141 tie hat
vr.lrrr rti arts. n r e r : Mr. ...el
at' •.
A. Yonne. Mr Leslie revs.' , i' • n.'
1s. �fe:-r•. Uoyd, 1).nr 1 511:1 Hat-
vey Mr4'swtn.
P ' Every IOc\
Packet of
The Dangerous Condition
Wltkh Produces Many Well
Known Diseases.
"FRUIT-A.TiVES" The Wonderful
Fruit Medicine tri:1 i'ro'ect Yee
Autointoaieatil.n rn..o , alt•fa,i-10-
Ing, caused by roar':;,., -::s or partial
eonstipatioo, or ia*D*Lc:lint action of
the bowels.
Instead of the refuse matter passin;;
dailytfrom the body, it is absorbed by
theWood. Asstreiwlt,the Kidneys turd
Skin ase orae worked, in their efforts to .
rid the blood of this poi.oniag.
P'isrwi fig ofthe blood i a 1 its aav ottea
raises Indigestion, Loss of Appetite
at. 1 Disturbed Stumaeh. It may pro-
duce Headaches and sleeplessnce.. 11
lady irritate lke A•id'igs and bring on
Pain in the lack, Rheumatism, 4:,ou',
and Rlieutaatic Puna. It is the chief
eau,te of Eczema -end keep (he aeliele
system riky he tit. constant absorp-
tion into the blood of this refust• mat It r.
••Froil•a-firus" will s!:t•tirs elite .arto-
inlosieaeion, or s^If-poiaoniug - as
"• Fruit -a -fives" arta gently on Lowe's,
kidneys and skin; strengthens than,
bowels andtone4 up the nervous system.
i0c. a box, 6 for g_.50, trial
At all dealers or sent postpaid oa
receipt of price by Fruit•a•tivea Limited,
i.rirging in the wheat crop. Other
suggestions have been made tbat tueo
u. a Rhes and like {w,•itione should
' spend their two week; vacation help -
ng the fanners. Nio doubt ibis would -
to. all vete well, hitt, reeently 711ir
Manitoba Fres Ptew pointed out that
by the time city men got used to the
ono: it. learned haw to do it and Were
h*idrned the time wnuld be expired
{ and the farmer wuuld,tie no Iwtter. LIT.
- - - Lesko far Yea.
Clean to handic. Sold by a:1 Drug-
gists, Grocers and General Stores.
Idle In t hue dt y. WbIb there a lass
as. 11 1 ka.w where he could et
lour seen floor the Rao. Again In
1114•k1140011 I wet One of :he largest
(*401.15 .n tbat part of the country.
He had crone soma. seventy suttee in
ward: of men In tate s•iT hie crop.
DIKOUraer•urnt was elltl.1* in his
Inc.. for te bad runic. In town in rx•
pretence 1 ( ereurieg thirty wen and
had not only one. 1 saw boa she next
day wind the dry after, and his Iota
rad baro n,, t ettt 1. He had a Illy bis
one man.
Cbmese and laps rt the Coast.
To en East. liner it Is sin pti.ing to
tor the utdots. '4 4. hints* acd Japcurse
Is4r.r out the l'.tc•fle foist. Some-
thing oar. ar4rr sees in t'nt*rfu is •
Jaram w of Chinese walking bcnir
bums the **wind' with his dinner pall
,.0 hi. arm. It waa, howevrl, guaogrt
•till to oh...l i r 1 Japanese luog•hure-
-uan pulliop in a tow line of an ar-
pto.achinit steamer on the dock. at
Victun.a. In \-ancoi,,s r one sees Ja{
nurse -meat mg iraggage wagons 1n
Cie dock... Hermon the floor. 1Il lbs
hotels, acting as hou.rwaide *aro do-
ing a tbuluand other things.
In convruation with )1r. Jame. H.
MrVet y, managing-diaeclur of for
Ve nco..vet' Tr nipyle t -o., and a poni111-
e511 tan4 tar in `'.aeouver, I Yarned
that urpaniz.d labor d.d not worry
over the torrign lab..r. problem, White
awn do not bother much *bout the
Chitwee and Jape (that is. the majority
tit them). and do not attempt to 01 -
pastime them. because it the foreignrts
were organized 11 would teed to hying
down the wages id the whit.r.
!Whether this matter 1r in ata infarcv
or not, it is hard to say, but for stonier
at once makes up his mind (bat one of
the futute problems of that country Is
going' to he the &asimilation of its
Loyal Canada.
Coming back from Vancouver to
F.darootoi oa the Canadian Northern
Railway, I [net an old gen bonen who
wee going to vlait his nephew who
lived twenty tulles. town Marshal in
North Sa•katci.rwan. !10050 two years
•go the nephew with • pal had com-
menced to homestead. The war b: c ke
out and his pal, enthused with the ad-
venture ..t the t.attleflrld, enlisted.
leaving his mate W fight it out alone.
Hr Sad a lig crop to take oR biol.wlt.
But Mt it ever be ',hid to the glory of
old 'clear Canada : She is luyas to the
heckh.'ne: - lu very city. town or
vale({, one fluds the soldier boy, and if
Lis. rtidy i. s.ot eneaned in Uniform hi.
heart i. with the rause, and Irons gen-
ual observation 1 have no hesitation
in ..sing that I believe that as long a•
the war lasts there will alwsya he men
10 1111 the rank.. 1 foi.ns that hue.-
dte•de Dave 14441 .1,1, led lecau.e they
bad strong tint at home in itusine.s
and valid and good ext. acre, Mit if kr.
they would not tee sktw in coming foe -
ward to :Iigt.t, the battles of their
'It it. however. an nsdinlable feet
that there is a deal tb of wen in the WE HATE TO MENTION IT.
West this year. ;,rad althoi.gih i would __-
t .,t like to sp-a i. authi.ritat'vely. tart
1 believe that • 11*rte n not an idle 11111"n
to . t\-r.tero C ►nail*:: that if. * 05*11
aybo ea. now ,i k. - In lout •, win-
, ipeg, $..kat .n, Prince Albert..'. au -
01141.1 u4 V r ; int. teeer.tt wish rd.
1 SAW 1, t . Of icier,' fol.ng-au4 old. awl
. t fir•; .• wo'.;d oilers. OD* t had
lost hese-wet. t•rl•*t•and. PI able•
I odted turn in t:ahiada yr f. that iau':ir•
les to t'C,1L'4 ttte,;fo_: th.t they w'ete
w..i ►.' . '&tt t e &I Lant 111
rlp.•-t: . • .14r 11 r 1.r.
114 tar•recti +.*da pli.csrd.t. it*
• fon t door advr:li.itng the fart that
'*4.y 1.tlimed eolittet• were rq lasted
to aptly to the tu•.tiag.ngent for work.
Alt ti. • ign oral' a -abort tiwe iu Priors
A 1,-', I t u d hat n•.t.ta.y need I.•
(1p1 women Car CNanen at Work. (2) Tinning Fuels. (3) Port McNlcoll. (4) Wcmen Worksre at Galt
4EF(`tt19 100.00ot'
the sr there were If women bad not stepped into the to secure tin e00.o anadian sot -
CJ flv.• million• ve hundred wo- - breach. diem, 100,014 women mast tempor -
seen wags earners in Great I 1a Canada there is not the same wily step Into the shoes of men
Dettain, to -day there are said to ba supply of surplus' available womenrR that the latter may be released
tea million. Five minion mea so that 1n this respect Canada has for oervtce. as Use limit of avallah *
w ealtsted for active servlet. pot experience.( inn great a revolts- melt seems almost to be readied.
• woman has taken the place Uon In industrial life. bet many Women •re already working atoned
every able-0rdled man wt.n might sew occupations ire being opened side of titan In racking and hanling'
been engaged In peaceful cio-
ns England has sewer bees
so bogy a manufacturing and Imbue
riot country aa rhe Is In 1914. bet
ls would sever have bees possible
le Canadalan women. and the de-
mand for womes workers In factor-
ies and to the (treat 1Munifill 1110
of the railways U steadily ria the
lacr.aas. 1f Bir Robert Borges le
of grain at the (treat Lakes eleval
ton. In the Canadian Paeltle yards ,
and shops where they aro cleaning
cars, In the telegraph services and
to many clerical Positions bit)
to held by men. They are acting m
dome places as station Agents with
satisfaction to their employers.
Put Canadians who .1Nt Midland
aro aurprlsed to find women ticket
Inspectors and guard& women as
elevator attendant.. women Y
chauffeurs, and tram conductor*.
women as rhe cap* Porters and
ticket clerks, women OM lotomotivs
cleaners and track rrsalSra
••sy* spee4• lelght samosataw last es•ssse wets
But the Ts* F ate This Year Win Be 36
- Maga.
The Hydro h.;bts played ..perkabrr'
'with the town father. as they sal
in special conned 05e.tirg !att. Ftid.y
night. The ,.i uncillt•ra lune 'tliscues-
tog an ..ptr.vmeut wiib air. W. J.
Tborcld, ..t the Doty EDgiry Co..
when ' the lights flr.t- disapp.•cell.
Clerk Knox. who is always expected
j,, tt.t.:w iigr t . i. -a difth:lilt .h uatlon,
prode.-t-d tui'• .*tirient I:.tup• end a
candle, ti.d 4.7 tt.sir un •ettanl glim-
mer the hueiriess•.•1 the ct.apwestios.
was preceded wilt,.
Mr. Tt.ra'uld has evidently decides
n o handle an4 shote seer coutrecto
hate, and gave ;mice of termination
. f the ire*. of tie Hwy plant. ender
the agrromet t serenely walk this
Wakes Ism li..lih for two sia.tbs'
trots' tut C•17.'.) a month, and for p-. -
tvent in al:yscce it was-dec:.d"d 1.
allow lust • discount at the rate of
Bye tor rent. per annum. • On the
taxes if eiti in advance he writ get
the r: guar d •'-,aunt a.f two p. lrent.
. .1 h.i,aotI i. y Conte -Mot t\-tgte,
seconded 1 y 1.: unelilor Mcser, w.s
pas.!d, (hal 11..r eolith( r I. j1151 rJtIPtI
Ju' t*kr the iiet•essaty pert -isolate to
ropiest for smears or foreelorr the
nantgage held by the town against
the Doty Marin .- E rgit.e SIDd ISoa r'
('o.. Limited. 1 he al..yot and Cuun-
cillore•1\'igle and a1,•.et vele empiiw-
rtrd to have lin inventory Asset,.
Mr. 11. tin. Illodgena was appointed
to teptes.•nt this town at the Hydto-
radial conveutiub at Toiitnto this
The council [ben went intocon.mit-
tee of the a bole to so ike the tax rate.
This is dove by Retiring up the est-
imated expenditutes fur•tbe year and
deducticg for estimated receipt*.
The balance 1t. the *mount required to
1e faired by taxation, and • fur:her
calculation with retriever, to the
**seared •aluation of the town ht Inge
1ne "rate." This year it will be thirty•
six mills in the dollar. Of this ten
mills are required fir school rupee.*
(public and separate whorls and col.
Iegi•te Institute) and war tax, and
twenty-six milts for the general rate.
ineluding she annual pe)nient on the
O. W. S. Railway. ppaymentil for local
improvements And for the cat* yicgon
of tisetown's •Keir. generally.
The council adjourned to meet again
on Fi iday night of this week.
•'The row which led to our divorce."
said the gloomy man. "started from
my forgetting our wedding annivr*-
nary. If 1 ever marry again, by
George. it will he on Chi istmai or di.
Fouruh of July."
Clean, smokeless sad odorless oven
cooking and baking. This is assured by vill=dosigliglig
the nickel -coated non -rust steel lining to
. t_
It won't be hard ro decide what range you wtntt
kitchen after I show you the Pandora's special fes
Sold by FRED HUN: 1
RA -
Tie Creat Ship “SEEAND1122. s)
ifs S01! ed w.taA •Piney my ea •.y Wrywawa weld. wad Ow eld. Ossras�r•'
r era•
t..r T ase Mawnaw..
T 01 HMV 3 Inaminmet swwers - "CRT 01$U1f11W''
BUFFAW-DrillyeMay. 1st toNov. 15tf-CLEVUAND
eeel a C,ler.r... - • : ••r,,' e. UsesCUrIli e 1 . • . s a.m. i
•..et� at CeeimeA w htw 1,..n r_t-s-ser. a .ka., 11 l'- ser
t.es. e.. l:aiwp
a ,lnab
tu s. a. r. N
', P . • Pte liswtd( is�P•r
Mc.Nt:.urn Asn --r t.-art••-.tr wt•• all. l.:..
1 lis:•ih ' w
•,au A.1er • ./ Ay. •
ac. -0✓ c.v.. . t .- . vee r d T+ 4:1.141
w"ILL tr•. •-•-h - 1••ra.••+T�laWa.. AMINO
\M 1 •' C.e....A:..1.a . ' 0 a ..Aiwrlr 4.(1. Clr-I-*d. Cl
.---�.�r-�• •�..- ---iw�gar-
Toronto Ai*. '..ISept.
London Sept. !t -ill
Walkerton Sept. 12. la
Palmerston Sept. 14. 16
Exeter Sept. 114, 19
Atwood 1 Sept. 10, 21)
Zurich. . Rept. ds, 21
!4.* f ort h . ..... ........ . Rept. 21. 22
Kincardine..... . .. .e Rept. 21, 22
i{ipl y Rept. 211,11
Mite ll N -pt. 26. Ti
OOP RICH R.p•-fa
Wingham Rept. 28, 211
Milverton ,......M.pt "J4. 211
Do know !Sept 2R. m
....., -Belo. Irl, 29
Ort. 2. g
K ir kion
r.wawst•r. _ ....
B lyth Oet.A4
Re•.s•els Ort. li.
! Io n p.r 1t011 Oat. 4
rordwieb ... ..Ors 7
cn the
Five days of rest amid the islands of Georgian Bay, the green
banks of the St. Mary's River and the expanse of Old Supenor.
Breezes to brace you up and the perfect appotmtrnents and
cuisine of the Clyde -built
Greyhounds. Express Steamers "Keewatin a:.d "Assin.boia"
leave Port McNicoll every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday
for Fort William and Port Arthur. Round trip
five days.
T.Aws, 'information and rarrvations from
tool Arms. or W. B. Howard. !Nand
Pawner Agent Toronto Ont
F . 1. DALLI4 CO. OF DAMAO&, LTD . "ar,l ",w C•i.a Da
,1* •
"No more Dyspepsia for Us'
e Isn't a member of U» fanu'ly need suffer from hl�guat{en rkk
fermented stomach. etc... it be or .�p�will take
in's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They donees the stomach
b and stimulate (Ise Neer to healthy activ t and tone up the
tem. Take one at sight and you're RIGHT In the morninge
rtlrs_Ies, las. se kr will bee Glneabside s Heide Cseapewy, Teassis. IR
"04t.tea; ,