The Signal, 1916-8-31, Page 5About Cloth Fabrics JEW FALL SUIT ! man is trying to decide at this season of the year y new Fall Suit? We know just how undecided and style of suit. Why not let us help you in comprised of new cloths in colors and weaves that we can help you in your decision. Let us show elp you decide on your Suit. s and there is no color that willive better satis- greys are good. Greens in the dark Russian colors lilored suit in many shades. We have many qual- rice at $1.00. $1.25. $1,50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. netian in Tight and dark brown at) $1.50, $I.75, des in brown serge. tussian shades at $I.25 #nd $1.75. This is :e, hang in good lines and always look the same. nplete, being composed of serges. poplins, broad - other cloths that are used for fall suits. nese cloths. Come in and let us show these new a CO LBO R NE swesenuteekreenrinNereeteneneutegn"leoureeratweetweerwrinewertersereeereseeMet • netenreeteae. `tiatiw le home of Mr. A. ('nitton. oeburn pulpit war ix -copied day by Rev. M. Tnornlue, of 1n, woo preached * clear and , aeration, taklrig for hi. telt I, 41th and 45.h ver-r•r of the piero( Matthew. Mr. Thorn young 11,:111 (.a wh sin s buoy wI foto.. lei the mini •try may fried. VC • hope to hear tour Leseb'rn. In .-i enunt-Irl- A.k f 1• our INVEM- TUl:dAl. VLSA$.wM.lchw.:'taaaatErma MARION * MARt:ON. 154 University Ste M.ntrtia<. EPTEMBER VALUES t Walker's Furnilure Store VERY department in our big store bustles just now with interesting offerings at interesting prices. Basement Bargains { Roes Bret for I Qra+r. Rel for rHres', Reaf..r Child', :• Rabe C.r 1:41 Belt-C`,rr:ai(r f•.r *215 I.:iI Ns r,nna!t Cham tor 53.50 320 ine-half -ten Surface(1.1. (ening 313 Chairs, full set --fine .m.ell and 5E one Arm chair. revoker value *S .13. for 51 321 Twas}u•arngrr Lawn Swing, 44 7A. 314 for On the Main Floor .ufft•:, curt • .11. - _ • . _514 .nrfa'r ink I,r••.-.. .r,r i,r,rl p:etr Kites., si,erial .alar .et :rn.lucing tui- t . r.. Kirsch Kr,ft Nos-elts Curtain. of Sturgis. Mich.; we. all! role: r•,u: tr }'i . t! .•••' •r -55.$0 ..rid 53.50 l• -r pair roe Is Exten.:•,•t R.I. 1 : . hnn•h-hr. u,nl•,w r•sl- 75o to 51.10: k•s! f -.r 'r .:r, e:n- Sde: Reil tor.tand.rrt w;mi.,w 550 fiesta' Table. s,,:•J •.k. funs. 1 ti:fish, for ..513.50 tray. Jarlinirn-..f,r $3.50 Iraq, Coal ILA. 1..t 58.50 1)ifnr11r(rnm Set, ,••1••'r•,- ::loan in Wit:•low. neer-. in pw)ti•hr 1 w •!nut, . insist :ig of .•tuna cabinet. I*.Notal '. itf' t, and set of l•- e'hrr upho'.lere.l ,liners, all to match. kc_' ..r prt., 'x1114; apes ial price to introit!' r mane el.. --v furniture Still nowt, with large Rriti.h.p rtesmirror, :nous white enamel nett I„ ,.. trimmings, regular prior fid. -pedal 514.50 On the Top Floor l)avenpx.rt. o,. 1114. compete w:t:. m • tad. krlu' it pr:.•r i• .11. hrnry Table,, eurf.,ce ,.,s. $4 ted 51.50. 'wary Table, staid (lIk. fume.' finish 512 three-piece Liiaai. Net, 'uphol- .ttrerl in genuine Tpani.h leather. solid oak. fumed special price 523 Library Tabor. Jac. bine finish 515 To introduce tht..tore and to get the'ttrople to know that we are hatellove House Furnishinyfs, we will quote tome .cry interesting price% in Floor Coverings. 1 hr stork is new and well asso ti t. In our range of sizes. qualitiee and price% of Rugs we feel eatishe,t that we can meet your require- ment+. Take Notice We do l'icture Framing neatly and promptly. Our fall stock of 'lures will arrive in a few days and it will be worth your while to me in and see them, Snrne of the moat beautiful subjects ever ogre in Goderich will hr among the collection. (Mr stark of Furniture- Coveting% and Draperies is now complete. r cats show you dome very attractive patterns at interesting pricer An invitation is extended to you at all times to come in and .pert • ur store. "if it's new it's hen ; if it's here it's new." THE STORE OF QUALITY Iften the Cheapest Always the Best W. Walker, Furniture and Undertaking bore ih Gtder,cb - THE SIGNAL : GODERTCR : ()NTA hTO THC••DAt, Aon wT 11, 1' lr. g BEEP TOUR CAR BRIGHT with torr auto cleanser and polish. The. or the best made, entirely free front got or Acid and are guaranteed nut to scratch or injure the %arne.11 on the machfnr. Nilt n.4 •ram cl.tyl up or thicken, AO you can %.drly take enough :Jung to last thi..ui;h :.n es- ten.iye trip. East Street Garage Owned and Op.r••.d Or • M GLOVER • Pract.cal Man. Prion. 243 • ODOM _'i Bargains for Saturday Sept. 2ad, aid two weeks following tl'hildren'. I ..: ('oats, all wool' Poplin. will wish well. Pc -•-•1 up to 42.:4.,. To .:ear -it 51.25 I .nd $1.50 ('hil,trrn's AVhitr and Colon.' Dresses. sites 4 to 12 years -Si discount. Midair., 61.75 fo, 111.40 , f I.3, f..r $1.0111. 1.4P) for SOo. 1 i i i New Goods Kat, , %VwI Goode -jacket.. th. Honors.. Itth. Roy's Cape, to et - knee Bootees. etc. ' -i:k Nightgown. -Chiffon a:t1! leave ('loth. 52.50 LOCAL TOPICS Labor Day Next Monday. Monday neat, September nth, will be labor I)•y and • public holiday. Thanksgiving Day Monday. October lith, has been eho.e&i as the date lot- lhatiksgiviug Illy the year. To School Again. The public echoed• of G..lerich will reopen for the fall term on Tuesday. September 5Lb. Alas 1 'tis True. The season is waning and yesterday ' afternoon was the lett of the weekly half -holidays for most of the business h.,d,r.. 'rhe summer vision are leaving. schools re -open next week. and very shortly the fall fair reason will be in full ,wing. F.Memorial rvi C O. Service. I The Ment bees of Court lioierich, No. :f=r 1'anrdlru Order of Fureeters, will bold a 'neuronal service at MNitlend cemetery on ,Sunday afternoon, Sep- t norther 111th. Visitutg members are Natnsor,k (:owns, tiro dr.:Kn•. *1.00 11 MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE - GODERICH 1 roan - IMOD 1 ODD GRAND TRUNK SY'S EM LABOR DAY SINGLE FARE 0.001 R..1.414.471 1 returning Sept. s. It►''t FARE MW ONE THIRD ... t going Sept. _, 3 ant ,J. (.•rel to return Sept :,, Iwo•.. R.• en „ek.r. ...II be mord tom .'1 en a-, • - al. imor eel Pee Rtes., and a D.ro • ..+d • . . .. .- M -r. b,/!. , 5 yo t:. R,-• N n F. , • ...- . ,r e. ,.. , e CANADIAN NATIONAL Cxi41•ITION Re ee r<e.•• •• •ete.eel Irei oa Taro•,•. f -.,w.. Ji , • Grief•. Obv,n par' :choler r ,peva' act or •'d -. v.• e,c x• ,n. t•rr 0•..) T...e• Ade.., J3ack to School ! We have a large new assortment of: Scribblers 5c and 2 for 5c Exercise Books Fountain Pens Pens, Pencils. Inks Rubber Erasers Pencil Sharpeners Drawing Books The old-time lots prices on all of these goods. JAS. F. THOMSON Mask aid Stationery Store cordially invited to attend. to Hydro Off Agatn. The breaking of a high tension wire near II attrition le given ai s reaa,n diet all the towns in %Vet:ern Ontario, oclueling (, stench. that are pate one of We N ydru lighting serve -es were left Ien darkness Net Friday evening. At w 15 the light'. H.ckeret. then faded away namely. About forty, minutes leiter they came on again. hut only for • sheat titer, and It W.s not uut11 after 11 o'clock. (hat the service was real .i el. t Giving Town Clerk More Hoorn. After a long period of waiting, the purism, a of Town Clerk Knox was tewalded ..n Tuesday of this week when WCrkruen 4-'ulmencel the !oust* - tion• to ht. office. The ',reap* rate which heretofore hod occupied car tench • epic.. 10 one cornet ha. been niovrd • into the room adjoining the .elle and en opening wade in the well act as to prrtnit the d.,• r of the safe topen int., the .,lei l,'. office.- O her nr,eh-needed 1:1.1nt 4•0115 rnierite, such we p..re, ins 11,1 ooling, will Le procreated with a- , 10. Deat nof Ur. Harr4 Mackid. A 1 .Igary- drep4t''h •annooneee the death of 1)i. Harry lio .dsir Mackid, of Calgary, one ..f the tont-known Pity- .' den. of the 4 ►radian A1'r.t. He was the third and 51.1 etre vivn•g son of the I40' ti -t. A. Mackid..4 G,rlet:•h, who wan pastor of the "roll kirk" .,n Nei- -on street many yeers ago and live' in the 11, 4050 a.lj ,fining. the present Galt boar. Dr. M.ekiJ was. a! tole time p o..otlrnt of the Ilan; ' Medical A+- oI0' inion, Arid baa (wan e••l ,leer for A1leltw and chief .'ttigeoo for the 11. Atbrrr.. ,i.t1.I••n, He war %bout fi1:y-right year. of urge. Scouts W.11 See Duke A nnru)er of /toy Scout+ tinder the 1-a.lrr.Iip of So'tamest erCarman will ,; • to Toombs nett' T ae.dAy to be lueeent et the beg farewell review of It .c 'out, t r 4,. con boded by Hie I: ,. al Highr,P.. the Duke of I • tn- .oight nn 1'ue.4::y afteen.,on. Among Uri 'moiler of !kion who have e.g- .,;fiet their intention of g.-ing to Tot - ono.. for the .,c,•asion are : B• Thiil n - ton. F. Thom••«m, A. Currie.' L. Drink- w.lter. H. Wend, R. Former. H. Hnn- tnlvy-. 1(. Wilson, E. Unwk. M. McV.t- r,e, 1 alai bean, C. Beuwu and K. i Itr two. Carruthers -Wigle. On August lith. the marriage wan aoleiu11•,41 of Penal Irene. eldest daughter of Rev. Ilemiltnn end Mrs. 1 AViglP, t • Rev. Hussrll l:arfeld ('•t- !ruthere, B A , only son of the late JD. '.V.Conning* and Mn Carruth- .r-, 0f AVhitl,v. The 'PreII.,ny toot !place in the .1. %Vrslev Smith Manorial ;church. il.lite:. and was enndurttd qty- the be idr'.lathe,. who is president !of the Nov• Scot i• Methodist Confer- ence, Atter SPptenter 1 Mr. and Mrs. ('areuthe,s will be at home in the Methodist pw.r.o.negr, Morten, near Nap.onee. The bride i. A niece of Nine. Soo -hail, of t own Robertson Firm Reorganized. NIr. J. J. ('.,oghlin, late of the film .,1 R .M,'eon k Coughlin. barristers, suet/ord. baawg bale appointed jun- ior judge of Kent county. a reergan- ' i1ati0rl of the firm has taken place. Mr F. C. Richardson. late of the firm of Simkins & Richardson. Stratford, and Mr. J Mnrgar, Riddell. at present w 41' the 1 11)th Battalion, who for some time third been associated with 15...... w.AarlatlM • 0awglehn, been taken into the firm, whirls he known aa Kubert.on, Rafael Hi,•halde,n. The senior molnbe the finis the leading legal firm of city of vtratlord-,e K. Y. koheneenri, s to. mer li0d,,mei boy and a eon of Mi. W. H. Kobert.on of town. Harbor Notes The steamer Seguin unloaded 4111,0(01 bushel. ,/t tats at the I:.,drrirli eleva- tor lam Friday. The .te►I!/er Mel irks was is port n'. Monday wuh r cal go of I:e1,lsM1 bushels of wheat and ballet I'm the node'ich elesntor. It is feared (het the recalling of all foreign cars ill ('•nada owing to lb. threatened •t rake en the United States railways will interfere waterially with grain .id Hour .hipm,nt.. Women s Meeting at Clinton. A meeting will le held at Clinton on Monday ul neat week the object of which will be the systematizing of the »ending ot suppler, W the soldiers Yodeler flee present sy.tem it frequent- ly occurs that the .oWlen are seat a,o much 01 one thing and not enough of another, and it is hoped that as the outcome of the convention of workers on Monday all such mistakes will be eliminated in future. Mrv. Jaa. Ham- iltun, representing the %Vac Auxiliary. Mrs. Carr i., reprr.enting the Ked ('loss Mot iety. and Mrs. I I)r.l Taylor and Mum Hays. from the Daughters of the Empire: will attend frowliodericb. Late M. A. Pigott's Estate. The late Michael A. Pigott, the well- known railway contractor, left an instate valued at $111,130, according to his will.whit4 has just been entered at the Hamilton Surrogate Court int pro- bate. By the tennis of the will hia widosil, glary Allen Pigott receive.. the entire estate, excepting the cnn- t1Cin at plant of ., R the dices ell value) at LINO, which is bequeathed to his son. Hoy B. Pigott, of Detroit. The rotate includes the following : House- hold furniture, Sim : plant, $:i50 : real ,.tate, James street, $.i4Ils00: Went- worth ear -rt property, $15.100): Vic- toria ayen,IP property, $4,31511: Melrose 1 1 avenue property. -IMV In[ in �1 ia- iK �.D sing. 4.51+1, and Man+tthw lands, S,:,IrMI. Successful Musicale. Thr musicale and bridge given by u w w e the e t • t the tHotel is g 1 t Saturday afternoon in aid of the pris- oners of war bread fund was very •ue- re-s.ful. the prnrerd. lasing $5h,1r1. There was a large attendance and the excellent musical program was very enj .yal l.. Tea was served in the music to . which nad been prettily d.eoreted by the !,song people. Thr ladies of the romutrt'.-e wish to thank all (hoer who kindly contributed, 'rhose taking parr in the program weir the Miss. Th -In.* Fleming and t:ussie M4011, of Winds.".r : Mnriel liladma,. 1)1 Peterborough : Miss hunk.•, ni Berlin. Ontario; Mr. Grafton Burdett,. 01 Detroit : Mrs. Wickham. ,f Norwalk, Ohio. and Miss Kathleen W+Ili., 4,, 11.0.4, of Toronto. bate age she was married to John Angus wfp 1 :C r of the aafd W thefts wrrr Loin a Iawily of neves' children, of wbom Mr.. Ross, of toter, and Mi. James AI,guo, 44 Ietroi', are the uuly.urvrvInn m,m- 1. I•. Notre" Hiro alter Mr. Aui u. death, the a.bj-et of 141 , "once came to (iudpei.•h, the e1a.•t .b.1, of her tele mutat leer. being twenty one years prior W the day on which her lady wars hoii ' t t its last testing -piece 1u Maitlantl cru,.tery. The funeral, nn Monday. wee in charge. 1'f Rev. Jos. Hawiltt.n and the pallbearers wen.' M U Slnddarr. J. %V, %%metier. Peter M:t'Ewan rod .1 E. Tofu. Mr Jewett Angus. the surviving Pon. his wife and eon, John, all of iketroit, were here for the funeral. Mrs. Fred Ball, the only g•enddaughter, of Tor- onto, was unable to be present Mrs. David Ilay, Lighthouse street, Gtdr- ri, b, is *cousin of the decreased. G.T.R. Notes. l'ondurtor W. P. Lewis made his Inst official trip to Hu4fa1„ art.' return on Monday. Ile bas tendered his resignation. having ....more -Led hill Irru' of .».nice. The vacancy acacy is being adverliaed Thr threatened strike of the em- ployees on the United Bocci railway., if it materialness. will .rt tuuely affect the through traffic on the lirand Trunk, as well se on other Canadian lines All foreign freight car. which have been in use on the (..T R. have teen (ted house. Lestsy a big "Mikado" en- giue of the illfl cla.r matte lir first trip t., Goderirh. This (4 th. largest type of rugine in the 'ureter .11 the Gran) Trunk and hn the main liner it will draw eighty cars, which i• equal to • load of 3,15111) tome. Its load (rout lioderich coneietrd of twenty- one car. of grain. To Priv load of 1,1151 tons another 110) tun. was added at Clinton. Kailwaymen wbo paw - this iron giant leave (irderi,:h say it handled its big "drag- with appar.nt ease. 'flee enyinr war twelve feet longer than the locomotives of the 11110 class and was thus unable t0 use the (bele' h turntable Conductor Plewos and Engineer (`lay, lath of London, were in charge of the train. This has been a record yt'ar for freight traffic from (iod.rich. During the month of August approximately Iasi cars of grain. 150 ran of Hour an.1 :ill can of mer,•hend...• were billed front this terminal. Tn. to nth (it June, however, hews all pati rus records, as in grain alone the lit f.K. shipments totalled 1,11+1 cars. eat.. Mr and Mrs J C. t..Tea sf.'ern •sa- da). MI.. Mary Tau ba• rs•nroted from a • i.il of a moat% at lockout°. Trento., •,.I other Tanks -Kuntz.• St Peter'. church, (4 )d,rich was the 4cene of a pretty wedding on 1'ue.day of Fret week, when Miss C'aro- liue, only daughter of Mrs. J4enb K,in'z, of Ssltfnrd, became the bride ..( Mr. John Tsnke. of M•ratfotd, Rev. Esther Mc Her officiating. The •'ride was gowned in whirr silk erre. .40 ,bens. sod wore the wedding veil and wreath which her untthrt wore when .he was marries. Atte' Inc ceremony • recep- tion tl i+ held „at the home 01 her mother. The house was prettily dec- orated in whl'.. and green, ferns and ' aster* h ... ring a 1. The young r nipie t irk the aRrtn.,un-l.. T. H. traiu on a wedding trip to Hoff Alto Niagara Falls And Ton.nto. the Li ids travel- ling in a blue taffeta silk suit and white felt her. on their return they will tr.idrinStratford. Seven Months in U;entral Prison, B,'c*use he t, irked an Eliot,* livrty man mit of $'_, the price of w ride from that town to Goderich, George Steep was eentenrnd to seven month. in Central Prison by Police Magistrate Kell,* un Wednesday morning Two week- ago Steep epprna.•h.4 the El- mira livrty roan and arranged for his conveyance to (inder.ch hy.autom•thtle. He represented himself as the man- ag•'r of the British Exchange hotel and agr.ed 1., pay the price named ah.,se with freersce,Hwho,lstion for the driver while Fr remeio,d in (.,dericlt. %S'hrh the end of the journey was reached Steen promoted to "pay ih the morn- ing.- but by morning he had di.ap- peerrd On Tuesday of this week in the sem, w.ty ho victimized a Seeforth chaufieur wbn drove him to Clinton. and when the Seaforth man told his trouhlra to the police Chief Po.tir- thwaite, of !i;)derich. heard the n,ws and went down arid attested the ar- oused. CANADIAN PACIFIC TRAVEL VIA CANADA'S GREATEST RAILWAY TO Canada's Greatest Annual Exhibition REDUCED FARES rave •II e.h;rw,nOnear,o also from Nereus Falk Buffalo N Y. ardDetrat, M.cl. For np.o.a1 Tree. Ssevtes .ed tls+e,al lIamorsisn sense SCE LARGE POSTER ....r 1.1 en ,pro Caned.. P.rJ. Rats, .,, • shale W - a. Roves l D P )\�, Tar. Illustrated by Mr. Sallow,. A 'Country Life Reader," edited l.v o I J. Mtevet..00, M A., D. Peed., a. - instant nester of the Normal School, Toronto, has juts been puhliehed. As one of the gneatli)05 to which educes- tionl.'a of the present day are giving much attention is the prrbhm of how to teaks farm life totter:6ve lo boys and gill, the object of this volume t. to •crate an interest in the work 411 the farm itself and to lead young people tr..rr. the vwluos of training and preeperatl.'n for farming as a profes- sion In add rion to the treatment of purely agricultural subject., passages have been included in the reader which are intended to direct the attention of the pupil to objects ot interest and sources of pleasure in countrylife, and to lead him to appreciate te dignity of labor on the fern). The photographs n( fann seen,. In the volume were sup- plied by Mr. R. R. Sallow+, (ilderich's popular landscape photographer. A similar hook, which talon is illustrated by Mr. Mallows, is 'wing prepared by7 the Department of Edunation of Al- berta. In Her Ninety -First Year. Thi spirit M an aged resident of Goderich panted into the (nrwn world on Friday lett. when Mee. Margaret Angels was called away at her bonne on Vietorla street. Her deals* was the result of the infirmities of old age, which bed confined her to bed eine, Roust March. Mn. Angus' maiden name w•a M eltoddert, leer Le. Mr. and Mrs. (2errrgs Rtoi- arr, brvtwg hems rm.ldewte of llrals► frim. wear Pelt, who. eh. Nest aim/ IA* light of day nearly w4noty-owe years ago. About sixty -filet years Ty Na Of MMr'b wale • 1•e gar -t of M••. rel.) on••tett toto., ttd"week. Mo..t .rieM.Rnra., of •,. ,fl.d. le v1.11 Ong fond. in town 1 54.. \'iris Dean h.- • -:rnM a gra my dates at Hugely sad M,' Iowan. ill toile how (Isere .portly yore are .ores 1• low " Tie' (tor fladerleb. but err wl.h him Wool lurk ,D.. 1 A. Nairn 4 vf.ltlag 0 fomite M,.. s'. • J ht -tan. of Hur4 t- :De gue.t of Mn. J ►' Tom. 511• ►: I.. 4)'..eon.,•1 .'o!nmt.u•. Ohio.. medal a vl.kt t'.. leo day. to bur rel.t,o r. In Iowa tat. week. Mr. 1awreec. W .-: •of Ami' h - 1',H.. ie Ma Oleg fron4. in town and siring y Rev. lir Meldrum re. ,.,ted old home Keene. la l' -barn, raw,.-hlp the 4.4.0 week. And w Sundry prwathod u. the Tl.ai..a. 1:0.4 caaeelk 4h• hi- return to torn M wow itc rues b Het. lye blotchy. th. veteran m n1Aw .r Tame, Hoed, et" .pent a dry el two wits 4.Is friend. herr. 51r. 101,.. took of New York. or in town no w stoic to M. 1110,e. Mr. AI'.Ir. tl••IMnald. drrrt 51iw. Et:a ('ole , .inter of Mr* Me Donald, and aonu-In. Mn. John Mulholland. and da.ghter Lurie!. -all of t I,nton...1.s are kidting her t►,. week. Mr A. Law. of Hobson b .is:Amor hi. .Mier Mr.. D Millar Mr H. !Karl FPS.,: -pen' a Mo day. will. L1..owel friend. d'nog the week. Mr.. elder! 54,',an.ot. Do ten nn he. re turn trip to ho i holm .t N,w Wt • mir.ter. B t, 1h.1. M M.',r. h,.. h rn .nr„ding a fro day. at hi, o d tenni* w Norfo:k pwaty. ,Ir. D. John -roe we- on from Pre -'on for rturotet. and on h.• rr•urr. wee .. aupanied by Mr JMe-•0n :.,.1 'herr twit thildre.. who hat been .1.i:ingat the bora, of Mr.. 51'. toter for .everd week.. Mr...nd Mr. Jw. J I'bspm.a. of Ilrnntfmd. M. ,nd Mr.. J. «tare/.•.»! 51r s. Murdn. h. .11 of B ..all..pent $today aur, Mr and Mr. .5. ('hann.*n. (ambrot rod rtry mad* the trip to limlerieb by automobile Mi.. I:rsee Warnock h... .•-.I-'nI a ;,osrtlnn InentuIe 4alt recent', .w.t..liau.d a- • phy.4.a1 roti urs .ps. sal.-: a: the -umm.r . hoof at T..1'r ,verity. Mi,. Moir. ^f Hn••.silk. w the pont 04 M:n time. N an.or•L "the tool retr,ro tuber Mime an the not • Rtum orrow 1M. Woad*. "gnarlier. of ('small. i. .kiting 4.1. br. •her. Mr Hoy St...:nd Mr, spading. 51r. 4-'. H Mar•il• war un fr,n. It. trail thia week porekrng,hi. hsu.•b,:d erfa.'. porter •tr•ry W hi. moot 1•I to 1 "heir.tan• : d.,m.eu•, 51r.. 1 M .rile, aha• 'amity w.a return with hien un Friday • i 51r.. Janie- *nor, of r' Marys. 1. .i.lUng 1 her eon. Mr. W. 1'. !goitre. Howe .tree.. \ . F., . -Nl .nn -k ,.- t i- . b • 1 . of \yr. ..tA.rm . Na h week for brr t. -.novo .1:et -:.or, u-tt with M,-. :torimurr' 1 514-- ocri'ng•s.ur 4., re. for Ram:Iton w. +at ord.,v t0 o4-1 the P4i,Irr /..u.,:). oh., rt no" •.l fro,,, tow.. +naso lima 1410. 514-. Ivy ER1otr ha* been v1 -:Virg friend- at 41.lt . of Guelph dulling the tout week. 514--e• Herr - eh aha McL.-,.I oregi.ing •0 Med drw.making leu One.. 01 limit 1..-h and bare talc.. omit lour with T. 5%.' 11.) At Son.. (iODERICH MARKETS. TrC•K ,, l Wheat, Orr Crush - 5 5" b 1151., ler let.h I )4arley ..r hu.h _.. '-i (. I'ea.. ter bu.h '.N u1 • 1' " ' Hark wheat. per bu.h (Mur, family. perrwt :'o •0 "::1 Flour, paler. pre cwt . tot to 4:.55 Kiat,, per 'Oil' 1• 50 .dt1•r ', Nhort-, per ton . to •••.,n New Hay. per 1.e t,,. '. me.. Ione. p.r ton. 'n , •• 4% ant, ter load 'o Dairy H,.:•er. ore IQ ' .o ' •-'1: 1 rsarnery Hotter Fag.. fre:h.'p . dos - .yi to New P.Nate.. pe- b. „o l~ •' /'ptte hn•rh.r choice, per - a . •o " 1 n /*attic. but,h.r. median,. pr- . -oto. 't1 • Her-. lire welgat. per esi• 1: I'n'to 11'31 .,twee. ler4,.t P. t, 10 :.n Hale- per lb 't allot. rendered. per Ib . Sbeet r' -I . .15 to, I•.1: ' ..w 1 .to .0 Any quantity of dry hemlock slab for summer wood at MacEwen's 'phone :e`). 3T Ir' per cool t LOCAL TOPI1„S IN BRIEF. 'The Children.); Aid storitety is look- ing fora ham• for it height 11141. h .y in his third year. Anvnne int -•rested may here further information on rip- '.lying to thee 'tatty secretary. M, G. M. Elliott', The lathe. who have been knitting incha for the 1411-t Bur.,,,. at• re- qnected to h.we them all in by Tu.. - day, September 5'h, so they r•an be packed land vont to the soldier% before they go away. Mr. and Mr•. Hugh H. Hill, of Au- burn, announce the •nglagentent o(' their only dsnghter.Met y Evelyn. to Mr Frinri+ Edwin Hiblert, of Fort Franca, Ont . the mare to take plere the third week of September. • Miss I(lady. Field was one of the satxeurful candidates for University Matriculation in gt'cup three. A• she attended the Ontario Ladies' College et %Vhithv the p.st tear, her nano wee inclined in the Ontario coubty 14.4. On SVettne-,lav evening et. 9 o'clock the.fire brigade w i,: railed to Fired - ford'.. hlacksrnith shop on Victoria street to extingni-h t .niw11 blase of mysterious" origin. The greatest dam - Age to the stack wia done by the water. The fire let Jade male a !nick run. At the howling green a tournament was held this week for which prises were dopated by Ih-. A. Meldrum, The first prize, w-,', by Fre.l Hunt. was a hr.es .n,nko1 - set. The winner of the second event will he deter- mined tonight 1'be prize is a smoker's lamp. A rhange in rime•able on the (i.T R. takes place nn September :4rd, hat the only traria nn the I....fetich branch a(- fo.rt.i is the one l.•sving Torcntn at 11.411 p.m. Cowman., mg next Monday it will leave live minutes earlier -at fl,aii p.m. -hut W1l arrive in (ind.rich at the same time ae at present, 11.311. The regular monthly Meeting of the Ood,rieh branch of the Women's In- .litute will he held at the home of Mee. M. Mrnnn.l-I, i.ighthoue street, on Thursday. Septemher 7th, at :4 o'clock p m. Roll call. to be anawared with simple home inns Aubjerect : "Our Flag and Whet it Mtend. F(r." A full attendance of the. membership is (faired. es important business is to be attended tri. PERSONAL MENTION. les. Rarry Knbert.nn of at nal hod it ri.i, las Mr. sed Mr. Jobe \ Robertson. 4A 4,004 Wr. (i M !111.4md , cantor rrerary the (JMldrwa'• Aid 54ciety. w.- In Florin ew,nty Me two week. .Mting ward. of the Aeo4e(y In that roseate MP. Mons Kidd. nor-. i, training ar Ha -par Asabl• Hermit. and Mr '' M. KMd. M Week mew.L amber. ars holidaying at the parental Mahe w Marta street Mr C. M. Watt. M 111 '7. 1. in O.dr orb OD•be1�e�Mlg !lea r o hlr grant" Mr. sad Mr.. Q. IL 1441 0 Main M ads a boded,. trip alta ifl�• Maela d i a as ML. ask ea A. 'lr• read Mrs. J. 5. IL lass .1 Dtark,Ma4Aw par OF CANADA Give Your Wile an Interest In the family's itnan- cial progress by open- ing a Joint Am -tint In the Union Bank of Canada, in her name and your own. You will find It a very convenient arrangement, for then either can attend to the banking when In town, making deposits or withdrawing money. 1n case of death, the balance automatically goes to the survivor. Golferich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, M.1r..tvr. 1 Woat-to k. 51r-- \Lugwre: McLeod will g. » ith then,. Mr sial 4Ir. Thorn... F'441t.nre nod tem. of l.ortdoo, n- v1-11 nig Mr. Fillmore+ Iyrwt., Mr. and Mrs N"u.. Blake. HI. many frt. nil. will (egret to hear that Mr. 1'harh - N hitely, l coded• 4. lowo.hlp. M 'utter ,ng (rola an •t!ar■ of t, plead fever. Mr. Herbert \I•-I.ean. who hod been bonds, nig at the home of h•. i•areetw, Mayor and Mr.. Mel van. Huron ru..d, returned to Dew York on Tue.l,.y. Mr 14. W. Reid woo -teed 1* New York on Tuerl.) after holidaying with ,.,l*tive- i. I:oderich. Mrs liter ' lin.. F It.... of Montreal. 1. to Ohne in G,deriri, Ltd. week. A "tat.load' f- lar 1.1.h called On Mr D.\ McKenzie. ('•main .trrrt. on Monday. The {ysaorrtt! .-on.i-ted of Mr and Mr.. D. It. Me gonias, of Lothal-h , \In.. Kobertoon crit won, of Hulot town.,.; Mt„ Mvlorti oord Motet tor. of F:u,t. Mol,.. Air. And Mea Kenner and threw ...at, of itx-he.ter. Mich. ek.rn in all. tad they tante the twenty foist mile. ur •n hour aid fifteen minute.. Tile time hoot 'tared Ia,lie+uf the e party are dn`hier.IMF r aid Mr-. 11- it lickescw Mr. Kelmarwad 4.I. troy from Miehlgae, came by auto from ONOl,uor. ace.•. the lend., to 1, chal-1, in o.Mday. Mrl. Walter F. (lick. Heron rood, Warm 10- .1.p to -pend ..'work is 'remota • .IUng Monde and t.L tog iu Thr F:.h,bu,w. The 51 i..er J,.,, ..nd M..' -.rel Law.o n Nave returu,d from, • work . von to their runt. Aire Fret rhourvr,. .1 "'.uhamptOO. kr,. A. E.'1'hotn-on and family, of Aylmer. are •peteli ,g .• few 41..y. At the (roar refereed lomat.. Mr And Mew. Ileo_.Tl ..to. •• I Mr and Mr. .lo .ph F. Joyce. of 1 huhern, mMouwl to 1: d.-.wb red •(•.nt .. few day. vn 1111,4 the later. ,..'n.,.. Mr .,.,d Mr.. J. Latter. Ii.yneld mad. Mr. and Mr. Thom... lie a'.•vo, a nlnl•wwt.1 by the latter. .Mt.-, Air_ 40..U. liomotrt4.. has, return...I In Ir... „t cher ,.-hong their parent.. Mr and Mt. J•totes Hos:earth. pori,. rood Mr. John •b,..n.1 .rid Ai,. lin4.., ..1 wee* at lAtioolooillinstot (4r.r fatAo. t tee,. .re, lane n. Nt Jt..•ph'. ha -pita, ort II... 1. Vary were anorpaneat by their Ant l M,. t Mary Tousle Mr and Mr-. T. T. U+-lei•,•o•.1 -aw, 51.,.1414►. have rernrllyd Ir.... two woes. 1•. ilei). pp.w.»a ueu.tly al Moe 1.•. 410 4.4d M m. d Ilrw•ra.y. M).e,• liru-r .,rid Aleve IL h.rtro r. torted Lott Fral••y front .411 eu)t) obis 1.h•w, trip 1. Prot {loran. Permit awl other poled" For Jarwe \bt'larherty rel !rood ' n Molar - day front • Moo.s. 1.4 pI.-a.urr too- to M..nwa Fur.' -n aunt liuelpk Mr+. M.s l.. 4.rly ad Moder M. wart .•. • aps...nl trim. re.) wade the top by alitou.oble. Mi.. Vitt. 51r,'t.0 hefty ,e , .t,.a ,.Irl,.. 1. ‘1111,1P.11a1,41 `.late Mr And Mr. 5lonlagur W.111a•n. el Payton. 4511,,• err •,-.(,ng then (.•'rut••. Mr ....l Mrs. tiro. .y 1111am.. til. V inc-enh-'re.l. Mr. J r H.ho too. M Wtod.lra k /sm arty 1:. P It .gent at tinder.*, h w. • .n,•p.,nlod by Mr+. Koheo-.w riot Mr awl %4n e-.,••a,..l Mkw. kdu,utwl.. *11 of rhedfond ,.,.1. riot In few. Icor t'hur.d..) runt-1'rnt ., fro bow..elute .lel f, ,each. MI.. Holy Morro -ten 1),. ...ek en a. as. tended .1-i1 LO IAA 5lo,hr-. lo.... Ur. A. Mrldrunt .,'al .L•wEtrte•. M,» Mane- th) left on Tow-.lsy nit (t. to 1• lave 1.. 4'Mr4114. land Mr.. the+. A.oy. •'f. of the Lie 4 ha. k. Amy, .pent 11.1 week t. -u o,g al the Mw.w eJ Mr.. .snty, ►..el-rr,.'i. G.A. .rb. .in4 .f Me.... '1'. ,A up •utl J J r,.1... 51. lial.rwit tor/nobly. Nichol -Do and Woe .riot tee Mr. wool Mr b. N- Iww, Mr. J. it Motor, of Noun) '.$11 so.olatell In 10.11 andwet N,'rlay •..I M, ref., ..l► Mr. and 51r-..4 . 4.u,ph. 11 M.w Klea,rw Hoyle. or N1 Au. u. .ler. woo file gue.t two synth of Mr .0•.1 51., rh. rr llulgMy. N'. 11414.1'» .•,.•.t.. 1 1.11 U•,• wreck to take charge of a Wt...d at 5 . , Me \o,u,:.11 M.Aul, y ha. go.-.- 1.' 141.011 to till .. wood l,,. -ll non. - .d II Tipf;ir Salsfic.ii Lsds Take the advice of seasoned chaps. They i11 tell you tilat the secret of keeping fit and hearty is -an occasicnal piece of - 147,TW: ti a ;a THE PERFECT GUM It's the best little refreshment a soldier can carry. The sealed package keeps it always full -flavored, f _-� sol and clean. The delicious mint flavors sweeten the breath, prevent acid mouth and make smoking doubly enjoyable. It cleanses the teeth, aids appetite and digestion. Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., LPL. Wrigley Bldg., Toronto, for free copy of quaint "MOTHER GOOSE" bock illustrated in colors. 4