HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-31, Page 44 fittrateogy. A Utirt'w7 :1. 1910
We Are ready it ith our fall
wimple) in "Sikh Century
Brand Clothing" for '.our
iapection 2.1th Century
claim that notwithstand-
ing the war conditions
they are -.hoeing the 1.trg•
est And in MID% reopect.
the Iwo line they have
, shoe 11 In the fourteen years
they hate 1.een cat..ring to
the fitter ITAIlr. We SO'. tt It
orter early ino)ection.
r Send your:name in ler the
- - - - -
Fall and Winter Style Beek
PW. C. Pridham
DR %AVID'S aprba/t•
D!W 1St uf tee tenat•
nntlaner cr. It or the peat 1.
ran be bar a; n the be -t art
lo•Tf• to Or *rob. of Mrs: ••
1.1:6141,01.5 n4.l .4Arnetto.'•
and Lunn. 'a le, honnt to H.
t.• rare...1 Itnu ...nu! Wok.
ArraMoe ev %tarot. M•a•
bort. 14,..Itte sod 111•P$•••••
err S ',static Octet...40i,
alter in,. n Hur.I ***** .tur- I
patert.• Lt.•reeornetare ItOor
front, an.) relater, to hr.
lathers here went Pro sone
DILWIRD, Tbe trarrnt try rtn,reet ^nd
van -It •,ne Ira nonve n..-4
Th. Peer yr rear'
104••• tb.,1 ts• brat Irtobelrarthorit tho
•••••'• ••' veer inert It es pot (4. 4.'..)
t•• l••• mew foe IOU - • L, 1-
b.. • • SITS I. •.•.1 St R FtIT Lore
ter. iorlay. known to renlIntal wore
If yea we•eafferer from WO, %. A% CI,L I0'0Y.
SE WHIRR or I 10MAT.14 Mirk b T, PH Ls. tr.
14 1.5.. ay RECTAL MALADIES north DR la It')
44144 at ..it -4 Interval in ref .••••■• hadt nut ,
rot en trate-tr. but At'PV.R1tOt ta.the ardor •
leret .•14 4.04 air hear about not Ow Trento...4 ens!
Error!, take ewe all Oro'
Them Am Salle t. _d Fecle fle Mwd le
reedy to free r Tr- 00Y0. It 411.000 Mr"
WI 11(4111.11111.9. LOWERED '.'IT Lf h• Over-
t Oars intoralleel ate 4.. born derenorsteal
Orman& ear war 4.. nn o.. 'err you r
rine an QUICIL -Will -net PLR MANE% T. 1:0,40
and erv DR nautili •rormierf ally eq•epple• oar.t
bnnateetott et ta. net. Or of tbr err rratanalty
ebteneerb err4 totaen•nalnon aboaelkrls%re• '
eq. Aseerr•-• •er pikberot
en.ent for all Renard and 111•••••••I
Loo roe rotors* au Setter ell rerreer.
Na ror lor Inver peon -Woe •n• teems..1•1•.. All
loct. r• eon:ski:1W! Astul en.J•d um), pr'. corer
w %ago. Cer McCleary Wormer
11114451.0, lb
Dflate Hoar. - Wanday, Wearso•dav. Satan/ay-1 be 1.
'4....).. Inur•ry Frtelay-e 41e,4)/e-44 te 1.
N111. N. V. WHYARD is
.40111 for TDB SION•1. at bowmen's's.
.41 4.,. Leh bin fer
Ai. • .i-ewrtit. er 1•111 scut lull
prisms atteatiesi 1, • , r •
it,irsit) res.
%Verbalism% v. August .0..
Mr. Ja.. Cousins I. spendirig • sew
d•v• de, irk thi• week.
• Mr*. Fred Tieleaven. of Toronto, i.
I rooting fa len& heir at present
Mic 1 Borer arid 141 daiighters re-
tained' to teitelpIn I'D To.....igy igst,
Mi.. Celia Penland 'returned last
Mombiy Goan her 5 1441 to Per LIAM.
Mr. Kirk Lviiii. of Londe.borowas
the gue.t vt Mr. Andrew Kirke last
Mr. and Mrs. blztlute, Miss Ida
Whyatti and Mies Enema Sproul
A III .1leb.1 to L e:11400 on Tuesday.
Mi. and Mr.. Lott anti Mr. and Mts.
st irdy, iit V nghatu, Were the guelia.
of Mr. and Mrs E. 0. Duff Ia.& MUD -
.t y.
Mr Olirer Kirke, of the Sterling
II (ilk, Nlot.czon, •nd hi* brother, Soo
in am ot Dotroit, visited thee home
ta-1 week.
Mr. And Mrs. LIP. Wil4011, of Elora,
ret Milled boom last Tuesday tater
qientling is tew day. with hands
at owed I hinizaunon.
Mr. and Mts. Robt. Jones. of Sae
kro.lawan, and Mr end Mts.
of Clinton. gave Mr. and Mrs. Thai.
Allen • call last elter.d•y.
R -s. 1.. Gomm and family returned
fi camp At Port Albert on Wednes-
day. They have enjoyed a very plea. -
ant sea*on by the shore of Lake
Hut on.
Rev. (k. Gowen intends to hold a
aerie. sunday evening meetings in
k:tskine church for the months ot Sep-
;eruher and October, commencing at
Soto W.1.• TORPEDOED. - Mrs. Jones,
ot Wales. artived here on Tuesday.
Mr.. Jour*. who is Rev. H R. Wil-
li tn..' mot her -in-law, started for Cam -
Ida one tone ago, but untot tunately
the boa! ..tie was on was tiopedoed
and .be 11.1. compelled to return and
dol mit venture again moil recently.
e are. pleased that she has landed!
**tele *n.1 hope sbe will erjAy Coned&
*Get her 1.14%e &attempt CO get ere.
AN 11.4 %L. CAMP LIFL. Hes • . -4..
G0111111 .111111.11• 1- home, on g beautiful
terrier.. hy the *bore ot Lake Huron
near Piot Albert, Seel/Is to he an at-
traction that *flutes many 01 wir
burgh. rs these alloy day". This Tot
for C41111, tile is .imply ideal. receiving
the commendation of the WaliV
tors th.t trequent ir. Bettei bt III than
the natursi congenial sunsonadinge
air the, wee so lecepi ion ark' stenial
iirel some offered to all the "brat- who
happen to stray to this beautiful
home. Hev Mr. And. Mr..
Gomm ire el'.;t*. entertainers. and the
en•ny Law 14.4 they have in store hem
are foaly extended ,o all their go...Lt.,.
We wish them continued happines.
in this euviable spot.
Are You
to the fact that we
are offering many
lines of ladies' and
men's low Shoes
at and below cost
See Our Windows
Shoe repairing
guaranteed satisfactory.
Ladies' Rubber Heels 25c
Men's Rubber Heels - 35c
Walters & Co.
Successors to J H. McChnton
quaintences clueing the mast week-.
I Mrs. Moore, of Guelph, it viotiug ett
M D. E. Munro's.
Mr. E. Ilelwig it) having the roof put
on his building thee week.
Mr. ant; Mr... W. Moore and family,
01town, spent civic holiday in or vil-
Mr..lohn E. Youngb'ut nos moved
into the house vacated by Mr. Mundy
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Clark, of town,
spent Stebday with the latteCs inflate'.
Mrs. ft. Roberto°.
Mr. ehse. Beadle has tsken up the
I flour azd feed business formerly eer-
ie -aid on by Mr. S. Seale,.
I Miss Thompson, of Clinton. a former
I teecher here, a .tanditig a few d•yo
1 visiting MIWO Mabel Errac.
Rev. John Young, of Pittsburro
I preached a timer, ful eermon to Knox
chureh on Sunday: zooming.
Rev. R. A. Miller Reed Mrs. Miller.
of Milvertmo arrived on Toraday.
evening4.n 'I'd a few INT..
Rev. J R. Mann, of Port t:,:gm, s,
form, u piaster id Auburn Preanytetian
chug- . is renewing aciolaiht emcee
t %teak.
Rev. R. A. Miller will pre tch
verimi y sermon. -in the M et
; Ono ,11 on Sunday Afternoon nest at
2 lit) and .at p. eti.
liVEDstltatt SY. Aug, 31
Miss NloPhereoti. of Wingimen,‘ tor-
ture teschre heir, was renen 401 ac-ann returned after spending a
!work with her daughter in Stratford.
ise Jessie Linklater spent Sun-
day with bar sister. Mrs. 4. Hunter.
. Mr. Michael Foley returned to
Chicago on r. iday, after a two weeks'
vacation with his mother Mrs.
Lawtence Grew and little eon. Keith.
leave this week 40 pUn her hu.band at
Stratford %fewer Willie and Miss
Swop Chown, of Stratford, are the
peseta of their Relatives here
Miss Jean Chilton lett on Monday tor
TO1011 svbere *be will Attend the ex-
hibition beton. piing to h/r school at
Lintowel.... 114. %V. M. S. met at
the home of Mrs. Archie Horton on
5Veduraday aft et mein. ib, weer her
being Moe. large nutuber of the
members were Presetn On Time'.
day evening the Junior Red Cry.*
'Societ• met 411 4144. house of the promo
dent. Mae Kate Hunter. to help wind
yarn. After the le:elk hour sent over
the remainder of the evening wag
spent in music and toasting marsh-
mallow* in the fireplace On Sun-
day morning last Rev. H. E. Thoroloe,
of Brampton, occupied the pulpit of
the Presbyterian church here, ahd
1141 hroard by large congregation.
Mrs. Thornloe, who accompanied him
on his visit here, is a former Tarboro
11'insuerigx. Aug. 3o.
Mts. Thomson. of Rippe's. is the
guest of Mrs l'owie.
M -r and Mrs. Hugh McL•ree. of
Poet Elgin, are visiting Mr. Stir ling
for a couple of weeks.
Rev. J. W. Brown. of Tharneriford,
preached in St. Andt,W• and Bethany
churche• 011 Ittabtmith 441*4
Her. Mr. Hodgins, wife and daugh-
ters, of Stratford. were in the village
for few day. last week.
Rev. J. O. Stuart. of Knox church.
London, who has been (Ile guest of his
sister, Mrs. Stanbury, teturned home
this week
Mr. Will Catneroo, of Detroit. who
spent the past couple of weeks sIhis
home here, returned' on Monday of
thio week.
Rev. E. C. Jennings, of Blenheim.
mid it visit to air this week to
inspect his new bungalow. which is
almost .ionioleted.
Mrs. L. LI. Pai,ley And son, Elmer.
and Miss Bessie McEwen of Clinton,
weir guests of Nlisa Nlaraaret Cetwp-
bell for a few day. last week.
The MacNtillan who have
been et:copying their cott.ge on (.'hini-
quy street tor the past six weeks, re-
turned on Weduenloy of this week to
their hotne•t London.
There is mere cstirrrn in this s etion of '4*.•
caws.04 than a:I other .44.41...... 4.U. tart Ir..
And for yo larbIt L• •oitypiyest to he locurabte.
ts....tars relocates'.-
.taoy 4,14.44,11to care irlth ler.ii treatment.'
Konocan LA n, treat, it at rn & co. •
gtsat:y &tit/Stet...v.1 LP) Cori•IlltmtlutAal
MIK/X.4M. and reforr, re.to - nut weal
tie went. Ilsr, • v urn 12i.Vlufac u:ed
bit F. J nosey e.. Twist.. I *no i• • cei,
•titurseeai remedy. ri .bureo lutes...11y and
act. through th.. el .1-404. 0.e niticou-
the One to.lred rv.a.rd
suf.r,1 tor INV tear that MEI. • Warta l ler*
but. tu cu.:. Seal fur (11,2uien: awe
Fashion Facts About Cloth Fabrics
THE question that every woman is trying to decide at this season of the year
is, What will I get for my new Fall Suit? We know just how undecided
you are as to color, cloth and style of suit. Why not let us help you in
your decision) Our fall stock is comprised of new clothi in colors and weaves that
will please you. We know that we can help you in your decision. Let us show
you our stack of fall goods and help you decide on your Suit.
As always navy blue leads and there is no color that will give better satis-
faction. Dark browns and dark greys are good. Greens in the dark Russian colors
also have a good standing.
Navy blue Serge for the tailored suit in many shades. We have many qual-
ities to choose from, ranging in price at $1.00. $1.25, $1,50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50.
Brown Broadcloth and Venetian in light and dark brown at) $1.50, $1.75,
$2.00 and $2.50. Also good shades in brown serge.
Green Serge in the dark Russia. n shades at $1.25 and $1.75. This is a
cloth that will give the best service, hang in good lines and always look the same.
Our range of blacks is complete. being composed of serges. poplins, broad-
cloths, Venetians and the many other cloths that are used for fall suits.
Watch our windows for these cloths. Come in and let us show these new
Fall Suitings to you.
ea 0 0.4.40 04~4014 ...P.0% 404404114"0440404004.4040404.40.4.40,0%"0.O...."10, 040404/40404049404. 60144.A.AP•040,4040
trimmings. The young couple were
unattt nded. During congratulations
Wedding March was
played by Mita 1, eat& Snyder. cousin
of the lo olio following which a sump-
tuous repast was served. The niouer-
CMS .411)4 comity presents, iiicluding
several handsome cheques from the
parent* and grandparents, teetifled to
the high regenty
in which the young
are held. Anuong 'the guests
were Mr. Enure v Snyder, brother 01
the bride. of Moosejaw. S and
Messio. Vetne and Stanley Here. of
FI•spelei . The four grandparents of
the bride - Mr. seid Mew. William
Blokrof Oodericia, and Mr. anu Mrs
John Snyder., of t'linton - and two
giandpsienis of the groom - Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Gledhill, of 'Unclench -
to aced the occasion by their presence.
Among thotee presem aloe were 10111
1.4.14 grandchildren mid one grew-.
strand -child. Mr an.1 Mrs. Gledhill
left for a wedding trip 10 Toronto,
11. J,CHESF.Y a co.. TOLEDO, Obio. Niagsra and other places, followed by
I! Nati Fainleti- for eonnibat
Saki by dersigig. 7:r the hearty good wi.he. of a large
ciirle of (fiends. The loide's travelliug
emit was of brown bloadcloth with
fawn hat match.
LEititAIN Les'AL-i. -Mrs. John Hor- CARLOW.
ugh the
rth ounft
ON the main line of the Canadian
Factfic Haile -ay Is a little town
Crowded In between the Thomp-
son River and the tratks of steel that
sPan • continent and a Dominion
it s t rue table name Is Ashcroft.
the southern doorn ay ,of • famous
British Columbian region known as
the Car Moo country'. For nearly tn.
yen hundred miles northward thp
route extends. for long years one of
the mast picturesque stage route. of
the continent -a route operated by the
-0 X." as the British Columbia Ex
press Company Is locally known For
many • long year the stages and
freighters climbed the hills, and crew
no. rather galloped down grade. on
this moque thoroughfare -ten, eight
borae freight teams and rapacious
stags roaches drawn by the pick of
tbe stables.
But to -day the automobile hat In-
vaded this mountain realm and there
are still traditions of what happened
and what was said when the Otignen
Selmer copper kings sent In the first
motor car and had a fight for the
right of way on a narrow hit of road
with a huge freighter lt was a bat-
tle royal. chiefly in the language of
the western type'
I know of no roadway In all Canada
that offers a greater variety of hum•n
interest. N•ture Is revealed In an in
finite variety of scenery as she Pt
titbits her varied moods Shacks of
the oidotmers surVI•41. alongside of
comfortable modern homesteads. Rens
• semi -arid hill hears only sage
bruthere 11) ther•ti ' ligation ditch has
tarried a desert I to a garden Near-
ihy Is • beautiful ream. opening ta-
to • varies of lakes. while • few miles
airing th• way cascades leap from the
meteor levels Indian •Illages alter
oats with the white man•a town. and
the Ortestal looks out at you front
tits oboe or laundry or rook place It
is • reeking oars of the nations la
Oda Carthoo mad
Byer, mile la reminiscent cif tles
gold rush of the Tittles. wises Mew -
easels of &dream with
"Um earrewlag larritlieel= sew*
Mewl Ma wildersses tram she& few
twer emerged. Loggia sad
WYnNESDAY. Aug. :Pith.
RK,4#'4.-F.'% dobrAiniug. ot Pitts-
burgh, occupied the pulpit of Carlow
church beet Salorath. The church wits
well ti.lesi. . Herold I.% alter
nod Nle. Russell Pottre will go Welt
041 S•turtlay to help with the hat vest.
Gertrude Par tick and
broetier Hasold, of E.:ho Bay, Al -
wow 4, ate visiting relavires in• this
vicinoy Seers al of ,, te .01.tier
4)oy4 ate tenoning to Coup B oden;
..A litIe daughter rame on the
h to M. and MI6. Will. Santoro.
MI Riehard Lsvy hs• accepied
the priocipalahip of a atho.4 NI.Ile 1
Roche.. Solecteint county, and Will at- 1
eoliluehia wheel ule (elm (ow-
mencesMies Florence Young has I
I. left for Port LIgiti to take charge of a
Mr.- Owen NI mre has school.
gone to 44.4, 4111his.ctop 444 the %Vert.
But Dodd s Kidney Pills Cured Her
'Diabetes. '
limn I Narrows, Victoria Co.... So
Special ).-That Dodd... Kid-
ney Pill- will curekoiney disease in its
W not form ;$ evideni•ed hv the C 4Oe 04
N1r,.., Rode. Irk McDonald, an est snag lole
resident if this place Mr.. M.•Dor.ald
starred froin distwtes for two years,
'and found her that relief io Dodd',
Kidoey Pill*. '
' I :on 01)14. I 'would he in 011.4" grave
today hut tor Dodd* Kidney l'ill.„"
• Mrs. 111,1binald states. "the doctor
at terided me for live months Ibui- din -
hetes. bIlt 1 eras worse when I stopped
ItAknig in. medicine thsn when I
bt sit' -d. 1 eouli Dot get a wink of
"As ...on as I started taking D•vdd's
Kidney I ,fell in a solid Nivel) for
tine 10.11r. and seem I g. t so them I
could 'deep fine. 1)04141s Kidney Pills
have don.- em much for me that I feel
like risco tttttt eudiog thew to every-
Tittitmoss. Aug. 31.
lit Elio 1 LL -Ss flak -Tne residence
of Mr 'out Mrs. to B Snyder. Alait•
Irind inceesiom l'olborne, 'was the
peen. of a very pretty wedding on
n'edneadav nf this week. when their
second (laughter. Floreoce Irene. was
united in marriage to Mr Clifford
Sydney Gledhill. son of Mr. A. S.
(iiedhill. and • proepernits young
fanner of tioderich township The
,•erensony was performed hy Rev. P.
Ranee, FL A.. of Benmiller, in the
preaence ef a Notedly number of rel. -
!Lives and friendPromptly at 11
, o'clock. t theetrnine of the Lohenerin
Bridal Chorus played by Mies Vent&
Snyder, the bride, *waning on th• /arm
of her father. proceeded to • beautiful
areih of evergreen') trimmed with
goldenrod and yollowgiow, refaced on
the 'nen irt the *And* of Nehra.ka
Maples. Skte Violted charnels* in •
gown of crepe de chaos with pearl
(1) An Old Tires Cases Aellwieeft. S.C. (3) 'The Old Caritas Trait.
abound Is the tales of the old -thews =say • hillside ThrIvisg farms sew
se the leetely mid neglected grew asmaarteg la lentil* Pockets In thel
add their Pathetic eels- valleys. • large aggregate et husteesal
0,44 if twice is anotbdiik is traessetted along Use route sad tbe
nellantry Inir ta far- satire Milos affords ea ideal awl
arta tV
hat 5,114 ejayt. unique roet• for th• traveller elm W
bee trail. twideseee " abased of es lloollue for 'WV aad fresh
elseral wealth. Tweets sloths Pollesoes.
TUESDAY. Aug. 01
[.prlm 11 o had been home for a
tttttt return•d• to Chicago on Wed-
nesday In.. Catharine t
son. of Ottaws.,is standing( codple of
weeks vi.iting her sister. Mrs. JA111446
MAC Donald .'... Dr. John NI ole,Leirti
returned to Chicago on Monday .
B.r,P. St,atf .rd. is visaing
hor uncle, neortre Swan ....Harvest-
ing in this tonality jost &boot c •
Opted. sod the farmers have gathered
eri a finely good crop.... ,Of lo.na
Gordon. Imcknow, be* gtoot et the
Ashtirld Born -to Mr. and
We Ed. 1;110301r, • daughter. .
NfoNDAY. Augirst
Mr. sod Mr.. John Clark. of Toron-
to. visized their oriclea.' Mensus. John
•nd M. C. NbecKertzio laio week.
Ma. It maids' Dolut h.
viaiting her uncle. NI.. Duncan Mc•
Miss Frances Fitzgerald, of Luck -
now. spent the week -end with Mir
Jessie Johnston.
Rev. J. 5. Hardie occupied the pul-
pit of Ashfield Presbyterian church on
Sunday last reftn sp-nding his vaca-
tion at Oliphant.
rhe niontitly meeting of the Kintail
branch of the W tttt Institute will
he held at the home of Miss Julia
D -Reilly, Thursday. September 70*.
instead of August :ilea as &tasted iu last
week's Moue.
TrEaDA v. Angiast 4.
NormA.-Miss Knight. of Goderich.
is •inting at Win. Johnston's .
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley . Vanderburgh
and children, Me-P.13e° Vanderborgh,
Mrs. Weston and Annie motored to
Kincardine on Sunday last .... Peter
McDougall returned InefOr (POTS De-
troit last week ...Sergt. O. McDoug-
all retail' nett to Cottop ttorden on Sat -
urday.hav1ng been home on • month's
furlough ... Mr. and Mr• Glen Mc-
Donald returned to Detroit on Satur-
TrICRDA T. August 29.
BTT 1E114 -Miss Nelli• Meagher, of
Chepstow?. is visiting friend. here ...
Pte. Nielvin O'Reilly visited his par-
ents for a few days. He expects to go
overe•-as preseuLly Mr. and Mts.
O. !Annan end children, of Detroit.
arid Mr. and Mrs O. Se/Myren, of Chic-
ago, spent A few they' in this vicinity.
Mr Tom Keilly and sist.r, if
II ollett. and Miss C. McCann. of Dun -
Pennon. spent sunday .. Mr.
Tom Orirtroy. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. (tar-
vey gird the Milne* Nellie isild Mar-
garet Garvey motored to Logan on
Mr. Colin Ping land. of Althorn, will
take the service is1 lewthurn next Bah.
hat h merning
Mrs. Jobe H•vrton spent • few days
last week with her daughter, Mrs
Oti•in Chilton. of Stratford.
Mrs. Hlair and her two ehildron.'who
have horn breading the summer with
Mts. MeDonaMreturned to their
home ie Detroit lam week.
Mr. wed Mrs. Keene and family, gibe
lived fornverly in Ooderich and tow
reside in Dundee. *pest I he week-
end lit the home of Mr. A. Cliitt.m.
The lowborn !pulpit Maio occupied
litat Munday Tnornloe. of
Brampton, woo preached iv elear end
forceful daemon. r•Itidg for hi- text
the 43r41. 41th and 1.i•h err...sof the
124.0 chapter of Matthew. Nlr Thorn• frInotil"A4,`"u17./Aga.t-ies- „Ailhf,,,,r,1,0tu:seatINVIK'sgesig-
10P 14 & young fo. %ft' me it hti.y
111.11110M 11.1JtIONs
and useful foto.. the .try 111.4)'
WM University et, smete4d.
he 4)1e1...U..1 %V - to hest- him
again at Lorborn.
at Walker's Furniture Store
EVERY department in our
big store bustles just now
with interesting offerings
at interesting prices.
Basement Bargains
525 4,1:01 Orr t..:11..irs i..r 53.50
520 (Me-h.ilf .174en Sulfate 1 1,41, Inning
513 Chair., hill -1e-t •m.ill and
55 one %Tr Chair, fet:.!'i: it 11114.
55281 Liven *.bla •••4
514 f,r 53.76
On the Main Floor
I 11.u4Irt, surf t, r 0,11 +10 f -r $14
Suif.e•t; I bik 1.re.e•rr. : ...Ile
Introducing ill" f totem. Kir-oh Kr .ft so'. , -:4s Cur1...11- ,,t Mich.,
re will 'Allies for .52.80 and 53.50 prr pair
Extension in %ri%rt --hi-. ssindoia r-4• 750 t.,
5p1,30; 4..r ciirta:ri• Mkt. Rt.t 4..r.dand .r.1 n • 350
Pedestal otk. fume] tinioh. for $13.60
1 Brass J.nlictiere..for .„ 113.50
I Bra.% Coal Hod. for $8.80
1 !hums/room Set. •-en..*.er '1% Sht,Wfil in gm low, nen,. • 111
ixdi-hr 1 w nut , 11..d..11n4 of i•htna cAtiinet. pedestal buffet.
,Inti wet of 1- efirr 111/11..',Zerc.1 liner,. ell to nintch. kr:ft:i.rrw;ece
544e.141 price to iutrolu r furniture
Dresser. with large British Vino -mirror. -.nonwhite enam1:. tiert braq.
truritningA. regular or)... falit. -penal 514.410
On the Top Floor
Dsrenport. Avert:. •
bed, rnnpletr :CI !II • - f,f
$35. Fte.4a. or pri•n-
Library Table... surface 54
aml 117.1110.
Library Table. aolicl- oak. fumed
finish -------------512
1 three-piece 1,45,rar Set, 'uphol-
stered in genuine Span 4 .11
leather, solid oak, fumed fitioh.
special price 52*
IMO' Air T441,le. Jec,rtine 501-11 $18
TO introduce this store mid 1.,
vet the'prople to know that we are
li orllinc !louse Furnishings. we
will quote sortie very interesting
prices in Eloor Coverings. Dor
..n• nee and well As.erriell. In
our ronge of sizes. qualities and
price -s of Rugs we feel aatisfied
that 111 e can meet our regime-
Take Notice
We do Picture Framing neatly and promptly. Our fall stock of
picture -a will arrive in a few (lays sn.1 it will he worth your while to
come in and tee them. Some of the moat beautiful subjects ever
shoan in Goderich will he among the collection.
(Mr stork of Furniture Cove•rings and Draperies i• now complete.
We can show you some very attractive patterns at interesting prices.
An invitation i. extended to you at all times to come in and
in•pert our store. "If it'. new it. here ; if it's here it's new. -
Often the Cheapest Always the Best
W. Walker, Furniture sail Uriertaking
none BS Cuileridt