HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-31, Page 3THE HOW TO MAKE INQUIRIES. ( 0IIIINAL'sett actions Mega:Mot Inq.ures as toI Members 01 Expedit;oaary Force. IND ONLY IE NOINE BEWARE OF !MITA- TIONtI SOLD ON THE MERIT!! OF IINIRD'S LiNIIENT BOO KB1 N DIN•6 MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or rep.4red. JOLD LETTERING 0o LEATHER GOODS AJIonSer. prompt!y attended to an leaving aeon at TNTC SPINAL Uoderica. A. R. TAYLOR. ri•r arer'Poon. MEDICAL PK. F J. R. fOKSThal-EYE, EARtwee se.' thrdonly. Hoses swamiser York ophthalmic and Aura/ Is.Utute ItaYeal .til -t.. ).u. \o.•and 1 hroat Ho.pltai, tholdmi bqu.rr. red Muorrneld Lye N...plw. Lou, KaaL•nd. t 401cr..5.3 e. Waterloo Sheet. Stratford. opo•.•lte Koos Charcb. Hears A • He. m.. 1 to r p. m.. 7 to s p• m. Tsissbos a. 111. (i6U. HICILEMANN, OHTEO L PATH...pecWMw t to a .. 1's'sad aW demi. --- r . acute. amnia aid nervosa d's srMea eye. ear. u.•. sad Weal. pr Alit dent see lambent. and rtieumwl tc condition.. Ada Walla reuw„• 1 without the rude. uttlr'e •t reYsote. O.n,.rr Net -on .u:4 y.4, Andras'. trews At hou,e °MM.w Monday-. Thur.dg. and tSaurd.y. Any cveuu.a by a .poruunenl- AUCTIONEER THOMIAI t,UNDfY 1 AUCTIONEER dss C. (:odertch. All •s..tructlun. by m 1st{ e4. tagnal mace w..; toe t 1.,wptll- • ended W. fie. leree LeMpooue IIs LEGAL L. HA1te I4Altltk177at. ?edit ITO't, NOTARY t•1nut , I.I(.. Isis- $terlins hook Mock. Hamilton Sleet, slMtu. 1 c.epkw.e v. Rad I.drt. Low.. •ud it, prance. I LUF4101,ItILWKAN ACOOK1: ■&Rl Ise! Lite. strut. 11ult , \&,TAR'S]! I COLIC. ETC. Oats as t6e uate..awed door from Hien, tlrrp .`fret. 4 rTM ate lt.t: ,u •..oa. ' tat,,. W. Part wo.: .net J. 1.. i,41.I01ua H J. U. t;.r:ht. .:CAM/tit/N. K. C...KARKI1 TER, ne.itttur. unary t�t4lc. Omoss toe atrimi. t.wlererb, turd door f1'• 'f�sav*. At( 1 nv.:, '1 t.nr-da) of rads weak in eels w. AN.., .+[net ...upend 6y Mr. kiessar. t,M.r pour -•a a.n.. 4044 p..u. t iHAKLka IsAKKU11, LL.B.. HA 1i'M7 alt- attorney. solicitor etc . Hods. Me...y ...read •t low..1. Dat.. bEAl.Eit, RAI/HINTER., SOIo kitm r. \u:ary l'ublp' mad Vi4.ou,ryanoer. s► --loon Howe I:w.•nth. waw INSURANCE LOANS. ETC. ucklu UP MUTUAL EIRE IN. 01 0 C R A NCL' l' O. -cars and isolated Lone protwrti lu.und. OM -en- J.- 01 lye Pre... tiodenl•h 1'.0.; J. ICI An-. Vlotrlhe... 14,t hwu.t 1'. 14. farm•.. A. Hays, t4ec.-Tree... awe1olth P. u. L)IfeeIRe.-I1. fr. ]I.il, tyj.,r. tloafnrih ; John J. thieve, Winthrop ; W Olson Rhin. t'onetanoe: team Hatinewe,-. hrudbacer: , 4..... M.. •,t Vey. tlsarotth : Itob. t Imre.. Iluiock : Maloulw ' Mm w.u. Wt.lefleid. Arnow : J. %%, Yeo. Hoim,ov;lle Lamm, t -limo... t4Jluu. 1 br..ney, Seaforth S: 1fYn b1ey. yaforU l'ollcy-Loider.ou. pay amemamfehl. u.: art their Dart. rsoNptel at K J. llorr..b - k.tbtng Stole. Clinton. R. L . suns one,. Kine -•..n at rust. Oodertob. or J. It. Hekf HA) Meld. Avow, PRIVATE FUNDS TO )�LurJV ow, tem. atom, to M. f;. CAA1.. aarrl.tar Hammen street. uoderloh. 1 . ROBERT:40N. Tv •' ' • 1NSCRANI'E AOKNT Ills •su LIG R7 y, Ilea : Drltt.b, Canadian and American. Aoaimisr, Sia antes •x0 KMrtnyasd' 1.,•mn rTI . Thy tkomao A.ert.'nl as.d Unacaraee . n1' .sr.Uo... L.n.i..4. of Loudon, Lod. / laal.TV •111. la••MA.rra }MIND. The U.M. ►Melit) sod tales %mow( 0.4,4.4?. 114210r ., re. M -wee, ort hem.' comet of V10- 1.1. 10- .1. U., M - .. r.. •. PN 1•et. 4- - - MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTiKH K. KELLY...1.P.. OODERIt•H. ON T. mune uW 61ARI41AOE L./CENSE*. Patents, Trade /arts, Designs Secured in Alt Countries Web. for free book "PATENT: I'IU)TKI T1ONN. 1'eUa all about and how to fol pat sem HAINC(x;K it SUVs, r.tabltAhed U:7 ssrmeriy Patent 1 Ms E;aminer. Martel of Patent lows. Keat•lere.1 Patent ttttxnr). Ma, a $t. Jacor titre... Mont real. Branches ,After* sad Wa.hindtnn. itetwsnenlativee In 'al Metre countrie- Brophe3 Bros. tit)ORRiCH l ae leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers orders carefully attended to at Oil boors. sigh or day. Luodoo, Aug. ?+ - Because of the nuudheir of inquiries reeds daily at die to let headquarters cow -tooled mem- ber. of Lbw Canadian F xpeditionat.y Force, Uul. 1. W. $hennoo, D. O. U., has promulgated the following 'u or- ders for the ean4pP and district : The following furtru:won,retfarding Inyuitier concerning mewhere of lbs Canadian expeditionary forced are published for general Inforwatlou, and 44:04) be given full publicity I. 'moo ire r.-I44u4g to ciaualtiee are to he made direct to trefoils office, Ottawa. 2. Other inyui.ir• ('r au, applica- tions for leave. transfer or ether *ow, relating to the utero ere of the C. E. F. who have proceeded overoeas court be made to ('aoadian Headquarters, l'levrlend Howie, St. Jane. Mqu•rr, London, England. 3. Any application or inquiry re• bating to is member of the l . E F. in Canada wort he wadi through the regular channels, i. e., W the officer commanding the unit to wbich the nwII,ler of the C. E. P belongs, who will drat with the matter himself or forward it, afar prompt investigation, with hie recommendation. to the of- ficer commanding military district in which the unit is situated 4. Applitatious or inquiries concern- ing members of C. E P. unit. in Cab- ala, wbicb cannot be 'wide to an of• Seer commending a tout, -1 Id be wade to the "Meer commanding the military district concerned. :,. All officer.. cowman .,fig s in militat y di,triet No. 1 err t., distinctly ut.der+.tand t hat all utyu:nee I r ••orre- spoedrnce in this conur.•''.•,n most re- ceive immediate aekuuwlydgwrnt and prompt attention. A Farmer's Measure. Farre And WW1'. 'the statement is sometime,- made that the 'tootle tax would bear ve heavily on farmers than on those Irv- ing in towns and cit le. *,nc•t ley it all improvements would he exrwp'ed f1 taxation it may 10 1114.11' to i.p- prar tit it in re 'tree of population, where these improvements A.erunrrn- [raLed. rush exemption w.. ,hI result iq ltgbl.ning taxation to au unwar- rantable extent. and that the h,lrde'n would thert(ute he .hitt d to thou. outside'borcentres, the t-, to the farmer-. Thin stattiorot 5- rruderrd the mute plausible iser.w..•. ono" boogie 144x, pol,lic re Venn., w'ousd tae raised by tax,19 ion lev:.d uf'..n l nal valor. only. vud..ince the J11)0ltt11 of land upon whim towns ata- ouirs are built t. inconsiderable when ctitepsre.1 with chat devoted t•' (anuitl4, It Is estimated that fat were wc.,Ll , e cum• p• 11,d t, ronuOW' e mut+- U ..r. their share to the put.11e trea.url•. This wisrnneeptintl of 1he .•e is due to the .-.'t. fun.. ,n of hoot with Ian'' values. WI,. 1, err con.:`'.el ' bet in any of our Iarlec i•.rit4„.•i h n- qur(- real, T.•r'.nt.. tool Whelp-_• •h. -value of *single sere way 'be 6,- .tri than that of Ito- firm heeds whole comnty, it is ..ashy -••1'n . . under single tax s'l h ,••'lot o. - t, t 4• t .•.- rale' 111,11 ; 1-1 t4rrr.o. ' �axn:io11 As waw cls.i- If 1.10n0,, • •-1 tie di-- lrict cun4ewlio 4 rt t..•' l i' 1' , h.1 t a few *esti- at the t land used by the citi.-- •owl of I lit -.sin e;•er!- 'i.• .1 the land wed Sur IAt r i . I • -. ' he Poo-incr. Add to the lever ne that would b- a -wird by lrvv Ing a j t -t dart 011 41111114114 the alt''41.9-that w.'itld to rafted by taxing the value of ail Innd held for rirrctllat've purpose• art] of water ,.ewers. - -go. -tel sic ft nmrhi.r+. snot hll nth corn nlunit y- creatr.l yahoo, sed it will be sere th.st the freeing of imptuv.•u int* from tax- ation would not di.cnw:na:e _.oreinst 1 he (.noir. Tn;tt, nn thet'ontrarv, the .4700 tax would maferia!!y hermit the Wormer is esidencrd by the Leet that fete•• ..1 the newt pregiessive Wider.' movement. are drtinit. ly c.•u.wiqed to it. 4evet al of the tome rtrauges on the other .11e. of the line ate oft -:cod -nut ter the .ingle tax. The !:rain tirnwel•• A•'' .solation,. of tin• \Vertrel Mosinee,. favor it. the M.tnit..).a A.•o.•iati.n sending its pt+•.idrtlt to the recent .int:!e tax ton(rtenee at Niagara Falla with in..'tncti.'nv to-nplwrt A r..olu- ti:t) CAL'ing for .' .p. 1'l .1 tai on land velure for the pur;.•1•e • of raisons uwney to pay o11 the del,( incurred by the oat. Many of the I4' ,ttng.fnrtu panel's. both in Canada and the United Stair., 1110 advocate. of !hie memoir, ut tax refrain. '1h•• •tfp tt 'hitt it re- ceive.Irons tho,.r alio �4•- 1he .e -t interest of the f.iui.•r at Ile,.., in.11• rates how ion• ti.^.l it wuuhl be to `!'lint. - The l'•nndi.in Nati-'nal Exhibition pees an Annual .orplrre to the city of Toronto of 1,25,.1 al to rk61.444I. L*at year the dirideod w.1. tri...••. DOES THIS MEAN YOU. Are you one of the many w20 are suffering with eczema. obstinate sores. ulcers or any other akin trouble' 1f so. lose no time to trying Zam-Ruk, and you will be amazed at its curative lowers. The healing power of mu oint- ment 1s 1n proportion to et, medi- cinal Ingredients. Ordinary oint- ments being rem used chiefly of aatmal rata, with only a small per- centage of medicinal tngred;ente. have sot sumclent healing power to overcome a bad case of skin trouble Zam Buk, on the contrary. L purely herbal. and 1s ell rnrdf- ' ear, which explains Its .uperlorlty over other ointments, and !tai many marvellppus cures. Resides twine beat for Mama, u lcers. and skin diseases At all kinds. 1t is equally good for blood - poisoning. ,Iles. burns, rota, beat rashes. sore end blistered feet. In- sect bites and sunburn. 50c box all drocclete, or Zam-Auk Co.. Toronto. Send la stamp for post- age ma free trial box. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO 11ARcEr QUOTATIONS A1'(11 ST 29th Setter and Choose Markets Madoc--Wu boxes were uttered. AU sold at 194.4c. Woodstock -1,035 boxes were offer- ed; 493 holm sold at 19%c Kingston -175 whit., 741 colored were boarded and sold at 19 11-16c. Kemptvllle-286 white and 396 Colored boarded All sold at 19%c. Listowel --11 factories [warded 1,100 white and 946 colored cheese. AU sold at 1914c. Perth, -/W boxes of white and 600 colored cheese sold at 19rsc. Vlctorlavtlle, Que.- 2.000 boxes of- fered. All sold at 15%c. Mont Jou, flue. --200 boxes cheese offered. ..11 sold at 19loc•. Alexandria - 50u boxes were offered. All sold. White at 19 13-1e.c and colored at 20c. Napanee--716 white and 730 colored boarded. A11 sold at 119 c. Iroquois --895 Iattes of colored and 60 white were offered. Price bid on the board, 19%c. Nu sales. All sold uo the curb at 20c. 6t. Hyacinthe, blur. -900 boxes were offered. e11 bring surd at 20c. 100 pack- ages of butter sold at 34c. Cowansvllle, Glue. -10 factories of- fered 680 pat !cages of butter. Five factories sold at 3414e, two at 34%0 and two unsold. London -16 factories offered 1,746 boxes. No sales. Bidding, 18'ac to 19%c. Toronto Cattle Market Steers, chop a weighty ..$8 do. medium weighty. 7 Butchers', choice tutudy. 7 do. good 6 do. medium 6 do. 140111.1501 5.20 Butchers' cosi, cl.oice6.35 do. good 5.60 do.o medium 4.90 Butchers' bulls, choice7.00 do. medium to good6.10 do. bologna 4 23 Feeders:50e to 1,000 lbs. 6.40 .du. hullo 5.00 Stockers. S00 {o 900 Ibs. 7.70 do. med. 690 to 700 5 76 do. common. Matta6.641 Cutters 4.60 Canners 3.75 Milkers, good to choice 75.00 do. common to med50.00 Springers 55.00 Calves. veal, 'Loice11.00 "do. med.uru 8.00 ' • • do. common llll 6.00 do. grass 5.50 [.ambo, cwt. 9.00 Sheep, ewes, ltgt.t 7.90 do. heavy and becks 3 no do.', ('411:44 . , . 'i U.1 Hogs. -weig: 441 off cars .11.90 do. fed a:.i s'..tered.11.,;5 .20 to 58.51 45 7.60 40 7.80 SO 7.15 50 6.60 6.60 0.00 6.20 6.40 7.40 6 60 6.60 6 50 5.60 6.60 6.26 6.00 6.50 4.60 100.00 75.00 100.00 12.00 10.00 7.50 6.60 11.00 8.50 6.00 4.00 12.00 do. fu •'. ... .. 11 _0 11.35 Toronto Grain ' Markets' Me n:1', . ..•--TraiA. bay ports. X11. ., f1 ' No nor. fern. stn, " ..,rt. 11 :V. t• . ..t . . 1 -ay parts. No. . . ., 1'x.1'1 , 54,,.- ' t::. 7 • . a , 95c. tr., b (int - •. No. 2, 11.1:, al. per t•arlot. a 1:• : . outside. 1:.1a _ . ... .-'r. :a.. 51.10 r.. •c- . feed, 4." y: _. . u...... ': ,sale 1 to ti 'No.2. [white. according to 1rP.4. •+ L• .".tic to 71.c•. Ky. --st. Lew 51.:.. to 81.07. - .t Latent:: in t :erre ' -ii. in lute b_aga, r.. ... ., ... lute. to. Lc 1 ' 1.1 1 nor track. Tc.ron- bags; •' .irliver- r•. 6run. .26; ler m. -. -_ _ - ---- t .,., 1 tisk. Toronto. n'- . ' . lots; No. 99 to :,j, ::1'4:., 1 ; 10 17. Wno'esoie Produce Toronto euct000re prices to the trade: 1-t-r+- Sta.-ial candled cart's 1.1 .75to$ .37 • •a::dl..l. t r x amens, .. .70 .31 Ito; e1'- .4. ('r.at . -ry. r -int s . 35. 36 ('fear..e-;•.-'4,4,. . t 34 Choi a d:.::y prints.-., a .30 Oro Lary dairy prtn;s.25 .27 2426 ese- .new, large. _e 10 201,4c; to 20isc; tr,plres, 20',o to t: ' June and September, lar: .r, _ 0:4. _ ?te: triplet's. 22loc. tp •'. »y Live Dressed :i;r:'Lro':ers 1^c 24e 26c 28c t.::1 lord. 1:/.... :7c 1Gc 18c 20o 1O.•:'aiings .... 12e 17c 18c 20c sus--li:lad-yU:::ed 95.1'0; primes. M'.c• .icon. !rand-1".ked, 16.50; rt.c. .. 14.50 to 14.75. East Buffalo Cattle tattle -Receipts, 4.000: active; shippiat; steers, 15.26 to 110.50; but. (-Oen, 56.75 to 39.25; heifers, 16 to 55.50; cows, 13.75' to 17.50; bulls, 15 to 57.25; stockers and feeders, 86.71 to 17.26; stork heifers. 15 to 15.75; fresh cons and springers. 860 to 1110. Veale -Receipts, 1.000; slow; 54.60 to 113. Iicga-R.celpts. 12.000; active: heavy, 111.25 to 811.30; mixed, 811.11 to 111.50; yorkers, 89 60 to 111.26; pigs, 59.73 to 19.60; roughs, 89 50 to 59.75, stags. 17 to 18.25. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts. 7.000: active; lambs. 86 to 110.75; yearlings, 16.50 to 59; wether., 87.76 to 14; ewes, 51 to $7.50; sheep. rutted. 17.64 to 17.75. Chicago Live Stook Cattle-Recet e. 12.000, market strong; beeves. 660 to 11090; west ern steers. 14 40 to 85.66; stockers and feeders. 54.80 to 17.70; cows and belt• ere. 14.30 to 19, calves. 12.60 to 11 Hogs -1.75. Receipts. 36.000 ; martq weak; light. 11060 to 111.16; mixed 1115 to 111.11; heavy. 110 to $IL15i lwlgh. 110 to 110.20; piss. 51.40 84 110.55; bulk of sales, 115.44 to $11. ate► -Receipts, 7.511; alart4 Weak; yearlings, 14.26 to 515.44. 1 • AfacEwan Estate - I'♦ Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL; for Goderich and District. 4 •I • Best Coal Mined. Any quantity beet all MarieLabe, Mixed \Vood. Hemlock ? • and Kindling 'Cedar .1 i':ne jZ • S TELEPHONES, office 98 •• minden.e••3cr68 = • • ADVERTltll (i PAY'S Good Bread Makes Healthy Children And what is good:for the children is good for the "grown-ups" as well. Our Bread is made from the Best Flour, baked in a spotlessly clean baker y. hence it is aperfect product. Try a loaf today and you will never fret over home baking again. DAVID BURNS Kt, . seseseoesesesesossetesme.eueetwoosesesoso THURSDAY'. ALUC.T 31 IYtd 1 11 Announcingthe New Coats it WE HAVE just received a Targe consignment of Ladies, Misses' and Children's Coats in the season s latest styles. This season more than ever an early inspection is cordially invited, as owing to market conditions there will be a great scarcity of all materials. We carry the largest stock of Popular Priced Coats in Town. New Fall Dress Goods Foresight in early buying this season has resulted greatly to our advantage and we are able to show Serges,Gabradines,Tweeds, V, !ours, Broadcloths, etc.,at prices much Tess than those prevailing at present. Arew Silk Sw' aters New Silk Sweaters TheNew Silk Sweaters are just chat ming. They come in all the newest dainty colorings including Melon, Rose, Champagne. Gold, Green. Ccpen- hen g 5.00 to $12.50 The New Wool Sweater Coats are more se'rv'iceable than the Silk Sweater. We ha, t• them in all color, sizes and styles. from ;2 00 up ros Turnbull's Cee Tee Sweaters :: Monarch Sweaters : : Penman's Sweaters McCall's Patterns McCall's Patterns 'PHONE 56 Millar's Scotch Store wININIM=IS Mt! PHONE 56 • IRO Cabinet Phonograph SEE 3T! HEAR IT! THIS marvelous invention of rnusical skill is naw on the Canadian market and can be obtained direct, or from dealers, at the remark- ablyew. price of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. EXCIa'T10.VAL DEALER OPPORTC.PITY It r:t: at once dhow: f IC1u','.:r terrt10(.i still open in man dcw- frons. A STAND it on the floor beside you. Weighs only eleven pounds. Can be carried easily about the house.... Records are protected and carried in dust -proof compartment. Uses any standard needle. Pjri•:s ail standard disc records. 1 ou can easily tewind or change records without getting out of your chair. One winding plays one I. -inch record or two 10 -inch records or three 8 -inch records. CABINET bud': is made entirely of acoustic metal with exquisite mahogany finish. 'Ione arm is of violin fibre ; sound waves do not pass through metal. Twenty-two inches high by 11 by 13 ; thirty-one inches high in playing position. IT is the finest small convenient phonograph ever made . 'nest in beauty of design and finish , in completeness and tnerring reproduction of records. You must actually ce and Leer it to fully appreciate how wonderful it is. See It and Hear It at "CAROLA TENT," NATIONAL EXHIBITION, adjoining Art Cal• lery, and directly opposite Munitions Manufacture. FREE DAILY DEMONSTRATIONS 1,11.,414