HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-31, Page 21
a ThUISSwAT Arai'.? SI, INS
lbeatifte' SiMal
Tux Sprat w pu(Mhod every Tbureday
ren the r. 1• Th. North
BuU,fir.a. \or,
1trent. Dederick. Outer 0 Telephone %a to
Junacwrnoir T.Itlle.- 1.10•11•••/ and Flay
aest. per )ear: if said *I mil)mil)l0 arhwill Moe
vagne rho
De11.r w.epuid : to •abeerlbw ieeIn tl. oiled statue tae rate t. trot Dollar and Flay
fent..lrtotly in ads aura -Subscrltyn who
:all to noel.• Tot elo.al regularly by mail
willmufer •tet or by acquainting for pubD.b•
et of the tact at s. esti4•o.te r. po..iule. M bet.
t ane. of •collo-•- , &wir.d. bub aid and
taa now addrer .uuuld br rnaea ltemlttasee.
may be made by bent draft. elms.. mosey
elder..o.l-alioe order. sr re.t.tertd letter.
aubrrtpr lona inn eemenes a: anytome
ADt asrlel vu T'malt on-ttatr. for i.play sed
oestrin advert.rmenta saw be given 0o app11
ratios. tergal and other .imilar .d vert lenient.,
ten cent* per line tui drat tnrrtlon and four
v.t. p.r Iles for each .ubrvturnt insertion.
rdopured by •whir of .olid oonpsreil-t twelve
Item to an Inch. Bu.iew cant. of .1a line.
and .oder. rive Dollar- per year. Advertir-
most. of Loo- Found. Arrayed. $itsatlo0-
V avant, tlltsation* wasted. Ito use. for flake t r
to Bent, Yarm. for 11.le or to Hoot. Article.
tot Role, uta. set *acceding relit Ila.-, Twooty-
d ve Cent- .ecb insertion : one Dollar for doer
Meath. Tiny Costa for eon lieu ...Quest soot\
Mager adverti..weut. larioroportion. s-
nornc-menta is ordinary reading typo, Ten
Crow per Ilan. No arnica I... than Twenty -
nee Cont.. Any asocial *dies, the object of
which is the pecuniary benefit of any indlrid-
salorr..nesstkea. t.. be o.0+ldered au adver-
tisement and charred accordingly.
To coanleoromDawns. -The cooperation of
our autos—rider. and reader. le cordially invit-
ed tower d,making To. srnrlu a weekly record
.f all ketol. county and diet Wet Mime n com
msnkauon will be a: tended to wiles. it eon -
MM. the name and eddy... of the writer, met
of good faits .'sere Wore bet as
anreach Tis
etmnat dice sot later than Wedos.de, won
.fairs week.
TEL R8DAY. ArtiCST :31,
rich could link up l'ullinerwood. Owen
loual, Durham, WIkerton, Lueknuw
mud loam intermediate points which
how 'have Daly • roundabout roomer -
tion. It small develop new bonfires
which now bes not a chance to exist.
instead of dividing the *eliding twsi-
ne.s with the steam railway.. It
would make the outlying ds.tricts
ler* depeIldent upon Toronto and
would undo ubtrdly have a great kit
titivate in the development, wcially
and commercially. ot these diatrictr.
We ale usiug this .uppo.ed Ortllia-
l:.desich Zine only as an illustration of
what might be done. Other lines
would terve the sine purpoires In Ether
parts tit the Province.
' %% len Hydi o power was flr.t brought
to Godericb a county system of etre-
tile railways. bringing together all
Iters of the county of Huron. was
planned And had the approval of the
Hydro authorities. Later Sir Adaw
Beck w,tbdiew his approval of this
scheme and .tiled that any lines built
in tbi. county would have to to con-
nected with a ttuok line. This trunk
line. presontably, is to run between
Toronto and London, and so we are up
against the 0.1.1130 old thing. the city
connection of weskit we Have already
quite enough.
The only thing for the country dis-
trict.* to do is to get together. as our
Orillie contemporary suggests. and de-
clare clearly and emphatically that
1918 when they assume the liability for
new electric litres they must have the
say as to white these hoes *ball lir
We all know that the country dis-
tricts of Ontario have not been de.
veloping at a rate ctrresy,onding to
that at ahicb the citira have been able
to measure their pr. gross. In fact,
while the cities have grown. the coun-
try districts bare shown an actual de-
crease in popul+tion. The reaions for
Dos state of affairs are varied. Use
reason is that Canada's fiscal legisla-
tion favors the cities at the expense of
the country districts. Another is that
the cities. and especially the city of
Toronto, are allowed to dominate in
matters in which city and country
have • Common 'airiest and a com-
m ri reapoosibiltty. To coma extent
this is the fault of the people of the
eurutry dietricte. and partly it is due
to the nature of things as they are.
The coy people can organ 7. wore
quickly than the people cf .•,tarred
c •untry place.. and can 1,t Mg intim rice
t.• ;pear to gel I1.., g. dune the nay
tor want them while the rept rsenls-
tires of the country di -u.. t4 are try.
ing to teach an agreement among
themselves 0' 10 what they want.
Thele is bop great a dirpeeition among
tilt country people to let the cities do
their thinking and plantar,/ fol them.
:.red. ot ,•."lrse. when the cities do the
pl.unag they du It to suit :brit own
• It should he the deliberate policy of
•the leaders Of country co:ntuunitir, to
wean their people from this city in.
fluence, and The Signal is ph ii -ed to
100 is it. erteel.ed contrwhnr ai y, This
04111io l'acket, an exhortation along
this line. The Parket, in the course of
au article on "I'r:.viccial Papris and
Tti.-ir \113aoo, nay. :
noire i• n speCi,J re;. -on for raising
tlti- gn^*uun j.l.t how, which carne•
u- still fat the' . shortly, this Province
will be faced with the g,lr.tiou of pr,o-
j-sting and financing' o gigantic -v.-
lelrl .l radial railwAy.. I'h1+-etleiiie
li is it. genesis in the city of
:tial it ]r+ign. d chute,- in the ulleiest
and for the benefit of 1 h.t elf y. 'nor+e
I .Ilwa)'p• are to 1•e built by 111e bricking
raid .it the 114.1 of the rest of the Prov-
ince. Toronto and other large cities
only air cetl0111 to reap the lienrht,.
The irer.l ,.t trade allrady is to the
larg. cenrtra. Thr coma), t- towns, and
particularly the small vibage:, are aw-
ing bird while. 'Phis 1. tieing done
largely through the Medium tit the
o•Ity lapel. Torcutu tiaDer4 Dray
, Barrel about anything and esriy thong
rl.e. lila when it is s gnestinn of Tot•
onto. a selnah int.•r,-.l• they ale always
a unit If the T.'rontu plroo can have
its trey, On•ari., will be gridironr.l by
,. aystew-of satlia1 tailwayo, the trade
of that city said reeelee a treme.ulaus
iwpetri-, and all the rest of the flint•
ince nil *offer. Therefore thia is a
good girlie for the country 10.41 10
"get tntgether" and show sauethiug
I.1.' a ted front against the ,•osu•
rano enemy. The que•.tinr. will beat
discussion. There is no lack of ability
country a.wspmp,r crakes. i.et in
Wore ;the discussion now, before it is
1..0 late.
We presume -that The Packet is not
opposed to the construction of • sys-
tem of electric ladways in the Prov•
ince BO long se thew sate built with a
view to the imterellry-of the people
who pay for them
Tate a map of the Province of On-
Ottio and hook at the 1silway loran
marked on it. A stranger surreving
it would he led to imagine that to get
in and out of Toronto was about the
only thing tot which a railway line is
this Proviocei could be used. Any
eccentric iadisiiduaI who waste to go
from Goderi-b, not to Toronto, but.
say, to (Milia, is taken to Toronto
just the same. and Lien Rosa oortb. a
trip of about gr, miles for a dietasce
of 11 .Iles. Tc do/plicate the striat-
ing steam limn with *Mettle lime.
would perpetuate obia state of affairs.
Why should net the new Mantel* Ikea
M so 0oa0tes.cled as to give direct
ooe*eetios to dis, mt. sow poorly
towed by the steam lees wad is am-
ass( point.. lake OMMla and (idwha►,
sow sully iedbeetly eeaseeted f A lime
arrow etmetry Fou Orel. te Rode -
The Montreal Witco.., which has
Consistently ratted the flag of British
ideals in the Province of Quebec,
wares the people of Ontaio against
those who would fnwent strife Ire-
tween Ontario and Quebec. and inci-
dentally pay. its respects to the editor
of The Toronto •iews in this language:
"An edito,. who was once the adu-
lator ot Sit Wilfrid Laurier, and who
now cannot find words for his spite
' against him, . doing what be C411 to
C,rate air Irreconcilable S.vn Fein
;.pirit in the French Pr..vinte by ex-
citing the already (atter prrivd,ces of
the English of 1'anl4da against tb-ir
French fellow -countrymen. %Vern it
calfiler to .tahbin the party of tub ch
he once aspired to he the prophet. or
detawiog the lender he once ext cited,
he does not +erupts. at rlan.icr. Whet'
• Sir John Willison rays of ta Liberal
paat t nulabe w
ink rty towarthd'Is secparattm;tiaon, lin utd o-IU.la( hoof
those'who will neither wear uniform
' nor contribute a dollar to protect itt.d
preserve free British institutions,' he
knows he is atandering by implication
thousands tit parents wboie b..ys lie
Lunde1 little crurea 0r in unknown
craters in Ftaucr. He 11 revamping
by insi,iiat • what he once knew to
he a 4re40,,nahle 11.•• narr elC, that the
Libel Al. of t'4r104la--on« 1/Alf .4 the
people—are .1.:I„y J. 1 It coni se. s.
Iknow that heir. as.rLrwbrie. he 1,
slashing a1 the French. But for a.up-
porter of the teoveinu:eor that owes
' its shut footing in the Ptorince of
Q oilier to hien allose election was
w'..n tinier the battle sty of 'no ntiyv,'
• and by appeals to the people against
I Kir %\ ilft id L401 ier as being F.ngtand r
agent to tear tbro sons froth thew to
rera•ronfon•igo b:u:,lrfirkin,'o make
� t III+ A. 'Jeweils la 1 crime ag'u...t b .tb
I troth and•decency. Sir.l..hn \%-inion
incus how Su' %%iltild Lwrter and
I \It. 10lllietlx hoar !rule ab not the
, count v spesku.g as wholeheartedly
. �.+ Sir Bobcat Bolden for the detenor
of the Empire. and far. more whole-
' limitedly than it would he p•ooiihle
for Su .I•.hn %Vtlli•on to do anything
hie adulate or tech... %'.-t be takes
the occasion of n ix.htical truce to say
that 'to te0lore Sir %%',Mild Lawler to
tower would be to 'Mow away all the
fruits of sacrifice..' The 11uits of
our sacrifices will h•• the restoration of
Belgium, of Poland ate' °1 `3erhie. aud
the him esfaleisilwrnt of prate
throughout the sitorlh. Is it sir %Vl-
teid or Sir John wh • would throw
those great things away
B nim•nis is for fourteenth nett )n
to enter the war:
Roumania by been sating on the
temxY • long time, nut she ass at I.st
climbed down on the right side.
Many a citizen. ,s. he.tirvey* the lax
rate This year, Mill murmur. "Well,
the only way to got over that will be
W fly ak-ite.-
Houwauir'1 entrance should shorteu
the war materially. Once the Balkan
situation 1T -cleared up. the beginning
of the end will he in sight.
The Toronto fair is reported to be a
good one this year : Mit those bhp
want to see a real live Exhibition will
wait for the tiodericb InJuetrimf.
it is said that chlorinated water iM
jure@ the bair, 11rning it whits. As
chlorine Ion oridol is now present
is (ioderich'e water supply. the ladles
should have a rare.
The denim of war is baring • marked
effect upon the atteodmaee at the Ontario
Agricultural Cellsg.. President Creel -
man Nate* that tie at Mmdasee this
year will sot likely be much over twa
hundred. •boat hall the stew' Seer..
The (Hobefi.reely assails the idea
that 81e Sam Hughes stay be gives
the command et a Casadiss army at
the frost. It declares that the titian
world he a wise, a ghastly mad mwt-
derous grime. "if the Prime Mabee,
hem soother way by which tie colas.
try Ilea be rid of Sir Saga Mugbes, let
Something About the Werk He is Dsiag
as a Y. M. C. A. Mow et the Prost
Tb. following letter front ('apt.
%Villi•tu Fiatland to his parents, Mr.
and Mr*. John Fingland of Mullett,
will be of interest to a great many
readers of The !Signal :
to:h Hitt/ilia,. $ome+herein 1/4ane$.
A,yru,t N. 11.1*.
1)2.414 FOLK*, —%V. b..• bad the
wetly beet of weather now for • tow
works, line all the time. art • bit of
rant. For a few day. it was a lit:ls
warm but not hot We don't vertu lin
have 'soy but weather like that in
Huron and the nights are always
am getting te!sow biro well.
I have WOO bore moven months SOW
and the time s.ewe that and I hope
that when another *even months have
goose by the war may be over. In
many ways we are gaining rte advas-
age over the Hun When I came to
kraut:* the liftman am oplaaes were a
sort of menace and wire • sort of Poke,
but now the tables have turned. A
couple of days &so it look.0 good to
stand and watch a flet of at least
twenty five beg British bmttleplattes
salting away over the British lin,...
I •oppaw they weir oo a bombing em-
pedt. son oe W wake oba.rvatioos • or
both. Thea, taw. our guns are wore
plentiful. more effec,lye rood lilt ger.
%yio are getting a greater number of
troopall the time. 1 ►m kept very
c.xd : 148t night 1 slept 411441 lwa bury .11 the time You see I have the
blankets over me.. tarp.ttlin and my three places to look after. One is head-
w'u.ter overcoat. Pr ,0 tannins are quarter., one about two wed a -half
jar -t beginning to cur their ,grain. miles Irwin there, and the otber about
My ! how 1 should bks to have you six and a -halt wailer farther. My head-
er, their Inagniticeu. •dope ! Tnev quarters consists of a hut iUrUOieet, •
are worderfuf. Illy ranew sleeping tent Iuz7l*eet, a cook house and a
but 19rtal-itt stenos .0 that rbe grain canvass but 7g15feet. In the latter I
toucher it. oats that cone alutoe4 to have say hod and sort of °Mloe, also
say shoulder. %Vben they are ripe I keep home of the athletic staff. It is
ant going to seed a few brads home to a very comfortable spot. In the tent
you the boys sleep and ws store junk tier*
Toddle 1 had a visit from Nal r as iiirdL The big but is half seated
Bre k., the chief V. M. C. A. °Meer and there area dozen of collopsible
over -era. He i. frosts Montreal, one tables for writing, reading and ail -
of a fIg w ot j-w«Ilere, anti 1 thunk they log. On the plattorw isa piano. In this
we gal. -d w willi0uanrrs, ,batt he 'libel' we have our concerts, sing songs
v-ry Hae rota. one of the chnicest.1 and bold Sunday services.' In one
w humble on unassuming and yet w corner of the but le our canteen,
keen vial islet'. Tonight 1 bed one wirers we carry o line of .tock Obit
. plem.stit surprise when four no: meets the scads of the atldiers, with
College boyo dr,pped'(n on me. They such things as canned fruit and veget-
hate just come over here with a bat- able., fish. meat, milk, also chocolates,
tory. 1: was good to see them and 1 tobacco, pipes. cogitate, towels, brushes,
think th-y were glad to see me. The polishes. shoo lace*, writing ped.,
night before !sat Cspt..C.rrie of (lode- pencils also lemonade when it is bot,
rich stayed with m.. We were at tea when It is cold, toothbrushes,
Collegiate together. He is in Y. M. eodlpr. etc. In this but we do from
C. A, here, tot, 8o you see I am not 10100 to 100n francs (='DOU to IrIZ)
alone out hire. These are some of worth of business a day. I have a
the things that make life pleasant staff of eve men at pretreat. At the
here aud, what is wire, we seem to place two and a -half miles from here
value mud appreciate friendship bene we haven teat 80zitneet with a skid -
witch more t,,h•n in civil life. lar canteen, so piano but it small amy-
1 have recently received many Mg picture outfit, four wen being in
letters enquiring about sons. brothers, charge.
etc., who have been killed or are miss- The place six and -a -half miles away
ing : some of them are very pitiful is • rained house. 1t is in full view of
and hard to answer. But this may the enemy by day. being two nr three
lead you to believe that i am living miles from hie trenches. eo that we
somewhat despondent. Piot eo : in have to keep away- froom there by day.
Squeezing the Kaiser
The Moult ion Man% and ill.• (part he 1- taking in the great wwr.—
Fr nil Today. y. Londom
fact, i don t think I bare ever been so
bright and cheerful in my lite before.
%♦ r cannot afford to Int our minds
d'sell on the sordid side ot thing..
We hear of aur frleods being killed
and wounded, hut go oe with our
rpm tr. conceits, rte.. joist the sane.
We have to. or where would we be
Thin is war time and we must tlo th1.
thing that makes for rM-ieocy. We
have our daily hasetsall, sports, etc.
This may sound strange to you, hug
dd not judge'harably. We had a very
line *orrice in our lint toeight : the
speaker was Capt. Thnrlow Fraser.
late of Owen Sound. He makes an
excellent chaplain and ii, well liked toy
the l*.ye. I had dinner with H.Iph
Conn••r on Friday. He is doing •
splendid piece of work out here ,.a
chaplain., 1 see quite a lot of hide aod
Canadiens at home endure the antic -
tit n 10 it* worst and its last rather
than imperil the lives of Canadians
at the trent by an army command aa
the plies of his eesigaai loo "
H,vmania'e intervention in the war
bad an immediate effect on the grain
markets. With'ibe prospect of the re-
lease at as early date of the Russian
stores of wheat, prion dropped seven
W eight estate on the Chicago Market.
The city of Berlin. Umt., tonight
sheds its old same and will hereafter
be knows as Kitchener, the Ontario
(:cabinet haviag at last giten effect W
Use eri.bes of s be citizen. tubo for •
year or more leave bees keeping up
tin agi1atioa foe • ebaage 01 same.
Referring to a little slam by The
Globe at the Socialist eaedidats is the
oncost bye -election. The Toronto Star
declares that Mr. Coulter Is soot •
dangerous character. Tbe3Har w right.
A cas/idats olio pall. 445 setae l• a
total of over LOUD -and that with the
strong support of The Star—esm lordly
be termed demonist,
•. 1
One day a obeli was put through, it,
but of cute se no one wee the' r then.
It is ellen only for night, when mac.
tically all the wowing id men and sup-
plies is done ler cover of darkness.
It is just a .ural l piece owned hy two
•.•Idirl... Its chief function is to give
13.41, hungrv,'war, cild parsers -1,y a
cup of bot tea and w bi:e to eat. A
small stock of stuff is also carried
there. but as this place lo frequently
looted to daytime when no one is
there to look after it the stock is kept
1 hare now • staff of good boys, so
that I leave them largely to tb-m-
.eIve. while I put in my gigue with the
h.ttalion ninn,ng @ports, cancers, or
talking with the hen. Tbev conic to
me with all sorts of request'. it is
bard to get money orders, posited
notes, ete., eashid here, eel gats
them the 1•'rencb money for them at
the curt ent rate of exchange and send
them to say hank account in the Bank
of Montreal, Loudon, England. 8o
wary people write wanting particu-
len of friends who have bean killed
and it sometimes take@ a lit of time
getting this, hitt i know bow much it
means to relatives. My time seems to
be spent in doing a multitude of„ little
things that do not make a spectacular
show. but things that 1 tbiak are
worth while and tholes that swan
.ometbing to the sostestment, cheer-
fulness and efflaieecy of the men.
One example will .ranee, A few
battalions of the lie Division, tubo
have been tried is nasal battles. were
detailed to make a charge. Amongst
three were the lScb and 18th Matta-
attalions. the two to whbb i am attached
cad amongst whom i have made •
host of friendi Nall newer teems
the night they west la W make the
he It wee Sunday . i had pest
y osier the mos getting
these to wrier a IOW. or saed stationed
owe, for Nub they and 1 knew that
for some it would he thele bat MN -
sage oa meth. Matey of these more
a the addr se of Meade to whom W
writ. "if •nythits3 b•ppased,".• they
pat it. Many Nell their snowy or
other valwlies 111th mei. Mases them
it has bees my tall task rte egad massy
of these to fetes* In Maeda sad tae
Old U.smtry. 1* le aud to woke a
atwa,r eMeb'LMtlassidbti, HMI Nth 111111Mne wee eh.
friends and tell 1 hem of the death of
their relatives io battle. tin many
write back for particular., wbieb are
often too borrti,l. to give. 1 loot sow.
of the brit 1, i.nds that 1 bad amn11gst
the °Marrs. When ooe is standing
under the deadly lite of the Berman
foe and knows not what a few
o1Mutes may bring forth, b. thanks
Heaven for the comrades shout hint.
and it doesn't muter whether they •
are Protestant, l'atbolie or Jew. We
cannot afford w wrote ono energies •
over these trifling diversifies of epic
inn when there are x111 strongholds of •
evil tobebroem k d0.011.
• - - --
• 0
• •
I am enjoying say work and feeling
flue. This cake and sock. arrived •
U. K. Your loving sou, WILL •
Little Job
or Big
repairing of
a faucet to
the installa-
tion of a
, system, we
ped tote dp-
the job.
Phone 153 Hamilton Street
Make Gasoline
Your Motive
Power 1
This is the season when a
Gasoline Engine would be a
valuable asset if added to your
farm equipment.
Just at the present time we
have on the floor .of our ware-
house all sizes of Engines from
one and a -half to six ' horse-
power. They will do a great
deal to take the drudgery out
of life. Call and see them.
Hamilton St , Dederick
The Saults Coal Co.
;+�•„_-•,r_ , %L I..e +I[A a Walt :II
We deal in Hard and Soft Coa',
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick. Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Hemlock Nail, $2 per cirl
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement Just received.
OFFICE Pifo\F: - - -
R. J. Saults' Residence 27.1
W. W. Saults' Residence 202
A SHOWER of comfort
in warm weather you
can take any time you feel
disposed when your bath-
room is fitted up in modern
style with a good showier
apparatus and bath - tdb.
Let us put you in improved
sanitary plumbing worthy
of the times. If we do it,
it's done right.
Fred Hunt
Dress Goods Values !
40 to 44 -inches -wide all -wool Dress Goods in Whip-
cords, Serges and Tweed Effects. August 5oc
sale price
30 -inch all pure wool genuine Halifax Tweeds, noth-
ing better made for boy's or men's wearing suits.
Greys and navy blue (old buy"ng), worth
90c, at per yard
Our .tock of old Linen values is still very large
and price- we have not changed from old before the
war buying.•
Damask Table Linen. bleached and unbleached, all
Linen, at p.r yard 50c, 60c, 73c, 51 and $1.25
Cloth. with Napkins to match in all desirable sires.
Tea Sets with Napkins to match 52.50 to 55.00
Turkish Towels -- •
Speei.tl clearing sale of :rl) down Turkish Towel` at
about halt price. Yen pair 30c, 40c, SDC, and 75c
French Silk Poplins ••
Fine showing of the.* high-class materials in all
hest shales and black. A beautiful material of silk -
and woor, 44; inch*, wide and recommended for
service, at per ar.i 51.25, 51.35 and $1.50
Knitting Yarns
For the %%omen who knit for thesoldiers. and who
doe?: not
Superior Tarns *pecially priced. Undyed natural
soft gull farts at per ib . 90c
2.p!� kotrh EIngering in light grey at per 11)51.10
Fi ie'.1 1,:per Scotch 4 --ply at per lb F 51.60
i tie. A CtHESON & SON
c one 4
al j S est?
The person trained, in a
Commercial School.
We guarantee to give a Stenographic and Commercial
Course equal to ,*hat given by any School in the Province
and to place you in a position when you graduate. Write
for rates and make arrangements to enter as soon as possible.
Fall term begins September 5e1..
Students may enter any time.
School of Commerce
Western Fair
September 8th to 16th, 1916
A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice Deily
T• (peed gums Daily
Nue Mrecew SlrileinTwoevery suggi.lg Pull K gsdll
SINGLE PARE ss'sr all wed if Urals
Prise Lists. gets Po, nes a.td all in'ormetion Iran, the S•ertorrs
NM PlesidM0t A. M. HUNT, Secretory