HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-31, Page 1sinsD rsesat assNbONseM•
To January 1st,
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AUGUST :it 1916
flfMEW MI11 MI WI MI 11111101111101311111111.14
i Your a
z Advertisement i
I • In The Signal =
1 i. read by the IN•*t people A
II in * large rection of Humin
I county. Bright, fresh ad- _
verti■ing M read of eagerly
T aN the news colts uueP. i
ail.,cc sera ,'•�4''a' rt.��:•.a••-'; •� • 2'
SAVE, Because --
Every dollar saved is another step to victory.
1 em latrust•d by
torte by midis eortlon .1 her mildews. Now -
CPAs °treat, Oodoricb, ss
=rim at tot -leek °harp :
11swo bNroo i oar I mamas Awls. r
lalresaa !halm • kites -a MM.. 6 bedroom
shake. Y parlor table-. 1 Morn. chair. 1 book -
era 1 sideboard. 1 extension taiga. 1 haireloth
alb, 1 h.uelota ch.lr, 1 Waage. 1 s.el.s lo,
II*" 1 cupboard, 2 theism libber, 2 ekxb.. 1
real reigv, t heir er. Y w•aklig rearWhe■. 1
PerirUion oil heater. quantity .t books. pia -
tams. carper.. dhM.. lamp.. tube. kltrhra
4.. garden tools, .sd nuefous other
It+ery1 bing wind be mid; those will be so re-
serve. Terme osoh.
Proprietrrer. AawtMaser.
lard. li teles north at I.00deob•ro.
lot lb. •ewe•,don I7, Hallett. Two Mum.
hash bet ad driving oiled • pea' r -fang..
well, sod pelta at beak of tam; Nile cos
�1. lordliest* .w
se* aid heel. Karel moan l aand
Pike and tats te•.esaabo.
t1RAUCa $114141..zak Ica. N. I. Auburn.
oerrgete treet, eelgbt resist Patine
am of ,.rpt. b,i. Apply 1. N. W.
. Ne1/aNe stress.zero
let Ir, corn, -.ion. I and 2 GodrMA town R MAL!. -t EDA it 1'l ea &.. A 1:+0
north half certain• Alt)', ht
s�o} The r }g (n��
a aevsr-fMhioai� well rad • .wn.g a..k Th. Aad _
math half .Malin. eighty •ceo% haw .teryasd- -. -r -
e.i-ai.,�IChm..a hank barn tire wef4sad ar g �jt.RSALE.-ONERUIFIBEK-TIREC
DENTtt Way be dtdrtd la • asses Mika
two hawks of Gas (oneglate. Madera am -
ter further b(tweaUoa .t
T S 11ONAl.OFF ICL. ]t -
Tema( area er elves who are enable toren
Bet far menses maim ma ,.rare their King
wad swarm by babes to rturlnw wake
Sta•dr work seised suss. Appty to
CO.. LTD..
asafeetk. Ilei 2 -3t
LIABLE HOY. sixties to eigbtsl years
of rigs. warted al ones to. drive rig and ware
the Mtehertoj bu•loesa, *pp) iu prier.
THOS. LBOO, Brtcbor.
..al rive er .Inc beady when or boy, wonted,
Apply to PAORT (MAIM 111,011 1 U., liwte•
Mr. Thos. J. Salkeld is Driving a Motor Transport
Car on Classic Soil.
Mr. Thee. J. li•Ikeld, who formerly 1
conducted the Balmoral Cafe. and dis-
posed of bis business in order to millet `
with the Imperial Motor Transport
Service, bag been for Wand months in
Ursine. For two month' he was on
the Island of Corfu. where thousands
of Serbians were being cared for and'
fitted out to take part in the fighting
for the recovery of their country from
the invaders. He is now in the neigh.
t orheod of M•lonica, and by the kind
permission of his mother, Mrs. J. T.
Malknd, BayM.1d road, The Signal is
pertkted to publish the following ex-
tracts from Ms letters:
Salonia.-We left Corfu May lath
and hooted here rib. Had a lovely
trip . The boat was loaded with Serbs
who were going back to their own
We are camped about 1Q() yards
from the beach, w we get sea heresies
mid they are quite acceptable ton. for
it gets eery warm in the middle of
the day.
1 was through Malnnica a couple of
days *go mid It is a great city. They
have street etre and strum railroads
The street errs are 'of a narrow gauge
and of course don't bleak opted
records. 1 haven't been close to the
steam railroads yet. so don't know
what they look like. I've heard the
whistles and tbey sound like naerry-go-
round en inns. We aren't allowed to
go into the city tab's on order..
! was on guard this morning from 4
to d mod 1 bow the full extort g0 down
behind the wountalni on one side end
a short time atter the sun came up
over the wonntaini on the opposite
aide of me. It c.+rtainly ie nice to be
up at that titue of the morning, bite it
MIA so nice getting up.
June M. -Harvesting is in following
here now. Toe wisest, oats laud lostley
seem to be ready about the name time.
They cut the grain about the same as
it was done hundreds bl years ago
It is most all cut by bask and tied in
bundles and it is either carried on the
backs of docks,.• to 'the threshing
floor or else on outs or small wagunr.
!t is rather peculiar to are a ,wall
stack of ggrain moving along the road ;
when yo4 pet clogs to it you an ...e • B the costly process of rrvIua1 ion;
the the donke
bead i Witting out may of certificatesofppolicy bolder • in the
way the of se t• toting and you othemayr
Ancient Order of United Workmen, or way not see its rail on the other resulting In a material reduction, the
side. organization if now placing itself upon
Thre ass . Theyold-fahave
methods a solid financial basis. 1'he tevelur-
Of threshing. They brvr * piece of 'ion. Which was under the direction of
spread, 1W or btu ► 1 yu., and Prot. McKetz.e, watbawatictsn ut the
spread the Axioms oast on this, then
drive tbgbonss and twin •rotted ins University of Toronto, was completed
Judge Darrow Dead.
'THE LADS IN KHAKI waw• eller speeding ten day.at home
Weei Pas been receive! of the death i on bis last lewvr before goiwg overseas.
of Judge J. 1'. Garrow, of Toronto. -_ _ -
which accursed ti dry ITburedayl Bomliardler A. H. McLachlin sed �' A. G. Nisbet Is now in France,
His Honor had leen in r low ►tate u( and the Weer report wen that he war
berlth fife some time. and his son, kir. G"Hoer J. N. Mcktullro, of tie triol), thief* suites from the front.
Chas, harrow, of town. 'pent revere'
Battery, Brougb•dale Camp, Loudon. -
dayhwith hie Juritlg the nut week. ctuite for the aglitter,. boo -b of /ha University Corps, Was home on final
TT • will ire uruu kt to y
were in town on Tuesday seeking Ire- Private Frank Foster. of a Tomato
e remain g service. Both the Olt.h and the died
(laderich for interment in Maillrnd leave • few day ago.
cemetery on Monday next. A funeral Batteries have had their teaks de-
pletedheld home by drafts lately and require (banner Ed. Fort, of the 04th Bat.
Air. Chas. I:arrow, North street. after _omit mu men to bring them up to ern, London. called on old friends in
the arrival of the Il a[la.m. train. full strength. which is desired before (ioderi,:h on Tuesday. ,
they go to Petawawa, Foe • coyote
Some A. 0. U. W. Members Find Their 1
Cstuficates Reduced to Zero.
'Artie 011 top of it and eo a imp out last m. alb, and the notice* are now .
c being tent out to each pulieybulder in
the grain l saw one lad driving a d
hots(' attached to a ' of small atone the Order.
boat and the old chap riding on the The action taken, which is declared
thing. After they get it tramped ,out to be thy retilult of insufficiency in fres
;nett,. well they tabs old wooden and assessments during the early days
forks sad tbrow the straw up in the .J the O.dei, tollt.wa toe drei.iuo at
wind to separate it (rod the grain. the meeting of the Grand Lodge in
1 raw a couple of men ploughiog the Much last, wbrn it war dre.drd to
mead uudttiunr by placing alt eertifi•
and a toy plow and mewed to be cater on au,ctuatial basis. This de -
lee lntutr.in A aril
Other day. 1 bey had a yoke of- oxen
little more than scratching the ground. cistow was le alized by it special net of
Tits land is good and cosi grow great the t)ntst g l
crops if it were deaetly cultivated. I Duriug the nest thirty six years the
think a good deal of cultivating
is Order has paid act over $ I,Ias1,1sM1 to
done by old-fasklooed mattocks or .lb. trantiLes o1 Il; NNi deceased nivna-
hoes and the women do • large share hers. This heavy drain had not teen
of it. - I provided for in the nominal fees and
June 24 -I got a neer job since i last '..wtssuiebts of the Ord. t• at the time
wrote you. Last Sslldsy an order I of its inception. 2 be (brand Lodge at
came id fee a ear t' 1te at the disp.'..al its last meeting analyzed the position,
tellf 'EALi V Slitu�. rant -
?4'4DSRaILEiyvtt*TID hila
. MUSSING$. 1 tt
p It l' +Mads- 1.nt) \y t I',I I,1'LL
ante.. ba. -tory .*nd a hall bowe. • good bare. . - .4.
Apps to N' ILLIAM and Al- R u Mdataa*lls beery. war Gordan, qct mash -
RRI. Been s. Mriw wed two/mod r.ab-. .\tsps) t.. 101ST
lDOAK. booth siren !•.4
V1OR SALE. -1121.2 ACRID; OF r_ -. _ __ - -•
1' Ana -claw Ian3 or, trseet read aeon* .f DENTISTRY
se anon. tarp beak bun with Mose r
mlabte... lag pen.. new •Ilo. Ilttereerrier. Tarp I
abed for lay. 1 nab wells. •psis oreb•rd ad i
,[mall fruit. Never -twill.. (seek near ttie b•ra:•,
*sed doves roes( cement bens ; eek meter.
ravel mall and trlepboae ; near to eharch,
shed adt-ilage 1..J toANURYw'-KIRK
R. • H. G. MAti)O'.ELL-HUNOK
1ir•dude Taranto unit softly. Grsau•'r
1 Cellars d Dental Nurirena i
to Ibe late Mayer }tali (cars'. I
tlgmdwkb. K Fie •, 4141 '. corner Vegan met M r.i .rids . (iedert,.h.
r- - ___-
1 Itetis.r•sa.we. be pet «a .r.N. end
ern.. Thies .os.. be be weighed- es twat kg
1. 1 r . aw ,t,- r t. t ,,.-nr 2wrnb'-
.c.t). it .rt. .-e .r►.u. .. dn...-. IN1*t re
Ae-Ogee, , ur.... • t ..... area 1.1a WD --amu.!
t for - •1a et nea.ut• ad to:•sines es
gr.Aeb ..A grand.trnd.
Tenth r- ay./orate t x ooch Ma dew• s b.- ad
dinned to Seery' sr, and marked "biases. a:-
ww.pa.n.t by a dep..i: ..t marked cheat. for
seas degas- .-' ersatz •o he f* ty • R br
on retired•)- Srprsheat Irk. l:Mi.
1 asaeca•hl Adder. void ncei.• depn-tt
bark. -.
Ne :seder n.assenrth s•rerted.
i. AIMS pi.wtgit.
-. -. nut VI (indent -h. Oat,'
A l' Hl' kS. -Seven room.. wa..hrowt. ' --
pp•trr and woodshed : geed gnaw : hero with
Mist tined sterile. .stoke borne. treble b•dld 044T. - BKTW f EN (IODERII II
log goof : trait tree. and garden. Apply on L and Loburn. a bws'e pap, alit m.sth.
pramlwes. MURRAY PATIMPON. Anb.m, 014 ;color bock .ad awe nadir pini -t' obey
12.31 MANIC JUNE+, I4.4.nneo.
Goderich Collegiate
of a Set hienColonel I gut Lair joh realizing 10111'.t.lrss e,,me action Were
HI e orad uattel r are is the centre of ' taken the Order. would nee up its re -
the city. I have to be the! ' H a t every serve and bare V) 1'mutate. It con -
of years before bi•rnlistment Bombar-
dier McLachlin war acting mataalter of
the ti.rdrieb oMtoe of the Bell Tele
phone t4outpany and his Inane old
friends in town wire glad to greet
him. He is enthusiastic otter the
military life and declares that the
wog k of the 1 altrry it especially at-
tractive, as it is ei tir.ly free from
monotonty, It i. dr 'wing men trona
all professions. IIs .sates that in the
battery of which he is it member there
is • man who drew w salary of $3.0111
per year in civilian life, while another
one gave up au income W Eht,lhsl a
year to join.
A London cable reports that ('apt.
R. H. Sloan. of the :tied Battalion, has
I been ttansfetted from Shornclife to
1 -
A recent casualty list contained the
name of Huab Phi1Gp., Brlf at. killed
in action. This was the youngest son
lot Mr. and Mr•. Hugh Phillips. of Ash-
field. 1Ir was thirty-seven years of
age. Ha had been living in the West
for a number of years. and en14.1,.1
iwith • Winnipeg battalion.
j Pt. Thomas Dench, formerly of the
h Battalion, wt iting to his friend,
' Mr. Robert Kay. *aka to he temetu-
' tiered to his old friends in Goderich
and say. be would like to hear from
any who have time to write. His ad -
I dress can be had tram Mr. -Kay.
I _
Another interesting letter from
Capt. Will Fingland fs puhli•hed on
another page of Thr Signal this week.
; Mr. and Mts. Duncan McMillan
re -rived. a field postcard from their
son, Pi orate David D. McMillan, on
Tuesday' of thi. week, which intim-
' ated that he had leen wounded but
, that his injuries did not necessitate
j bit being sent to the base ho..pl'al.
• A letter, the cud sti.ted, would folloy,
it the first opportunity. Private
McMillan went to France early in
IAugust it. • wemhrr of •trench mor-
tar Latterv. .
morning, get tack to. camp any time I•etiltenlly decided upon the present
between 4130 and tio'cl'tck at night. -I 'plan ao an effective method of motor -
,like the jut) tine, fur I get around toing the organization to a solid •and
the different camps ont.ide the city safe finaoctal Oasis
and in the city, too. I've herb dolor I The oflcen of Maple Lesf Lodge,
seventy to eighty mikes each day, er Godesicb, have received a wemor•n-
uu know that i.n't difficult. I'w al- . dot '•bowing the new valuation of
uIwed five drachmas (el to a day furthe policies held Ity the mrythwts herr.
rations allowance and bare to get nay ;More than a do Ten {elicit... held by
meals wb�re l can. get tnrmhrn of Maple Leat lodge,
kite gat Ice creat 4.?)it, the cite here ' have been reralued oat of existence,
-a peony a coos and sit a.maletable- sad ti''' r hnldet. will get nothing
spoon a ice crews. I door know i front them. Otben •re more or less
what it is tnsde of, but it isn't what reduced by the primers of revaluation.
we would call the roll Muff. t !'RESERVE HISTORIC SPOT.
Int awes in the co, n t the side of _-
the street. waitinct. . fie of kids 1 Petition to he Pretested to Colborne
has Last ams 7+v. n���bssi w -rias : "WeilRr�t+Mlfg Dgn1q TttrN'
•laogbterberuee, tides• They are
tunny -locking 10.04'. au sib's. rxcrpt
rid and purple. T+..•v has, ho, ",w
about 41* inchri I. 1,,t'2O.1 m1 their toil.
weir rs lung as cul boob. they would
curl up like pig•' toile. Their haat is
toting •lamb through the centre of
the city. It must have been clipped, "
' quite lig. esterday 1 saw a mar;
k hen renaaloed for ..un:u,rr vi+hors
\ to n tr
a• 1 n'.etain.t Park ii}•ugui i
who.; 1! i. h. ,'-d Will to it bocce+. o t
w return' to .alrguard' from dr.trn
twin tbe ri.toric i►nnk p tint io .4'.d -
horny toweebly. Mor years notching
has been i)otw, to keep the plot in a ri -
eel ror.d. ion.
A luxullint
e ata tell, rte man a wisp .• p;"ueer rest• while the ravages of lowing fon'ibb' tip y : r )Avco
gram grave and the lamb was fuliusa•- . wind aoJ "."`loss have a1moN•t rel litre- time to look for such thing.: let haps
tag quite ed a amd!y. 1 think it world •test *tie lettering oto tbetooth. When a you coine oyer yourself' you could
have seised dome comment at horns. piok up a few,"
is i.c. rr
rrLitiye . 1 a (lode:ich Indy a
what, In t'r,.nc,, Pilin bud fart ,.4 hi.
kg blown off his back Lc .hr.pnel, :std
*nog r*ferirnees, ell the whole, have
been so fr.ghtfol that hi. hair has
turned grey. received a letter (tom, an
cern .n wren• nae .....re." . , i
, Id friend wh•t oinked tor -mew sou•
as -it bad only • tilt of wool on
the wLrrr the resale* of thedt.ringniohrd Tehit•. The• soldier teat tuna the tot-
; rad u( T' had f 1 W 1 't
tb•d t ass us ty scenic
_ - d � k h tat d
Neve,. A.-,nr e,.... •r. t• t4 I4.1 •.• ;.r -d.
fes •.a c. 1 1.•'- of '. a... he. ban wagged.
that rope. t bernef PPP} re bed at tin. nesse.
taw( t• r (r.' n M..e,wh!•.M.1 f. Tt.•a4,'.r n
*lanais •f ,•a..+• ,Tb, Ir. h. 1s h and --tient
her beet. 1.14 sol teat .n default M the y
sap,.; .a 1M rete. pad • .1 • tree lard w.t1 tee
..,4 br'Aesiw tea ,• tae .vast hea•e. M
tb► rows, of •,ed. or T.1- d.►. the lith nay
d Norenseer, leas at : wr}trca P If*.
Pant et 1f* I L. It. + • 1.e ten let. r )lessees.
tort Pert. dl is the t.rwn.ati df t. albums. wee
is tin. h.'
w' .7 It. MOL M a.
hmnty'Trerewi • (Mee. 1iedrie.*. Amount
1-.t not. is
- - The French are great for garden , --
boas entitled by •tsrbe.. melees. M
s sees the Mewl Meta PPP wM maws e• ether
mean. of .sppor , t have .eeu..d • lire•.,
EveningIndustrial Classes
from ` 4.) 0.1 n �M .� b. d51ed Y�"
and . ill oemaence the emend. with by wawa
on Msd.y nest t intermit N beadle ea) end
s•.,nne of god quality. aid *told ragpwt.
rally solicit Mir eu.tem.
alt JOSEPH IrOW tf.lN.
The Classes for warren will open for enrolment and
organization on
Tuesday Sept. 5th 1916
-- IN THE --
Public Library Building
The Miilinery Classes at -
The Dressmaking Classes at
The Cooping Classes at -
7.30 p. on. .
8.15 p. m.
9.15 p. m.
The object of these Classes is to increase efficiency in
home activities and to lessen the cost of living.
The courses in each department extend to three tern
and the fee at present is $1 for each course.
Ful information may be obtained from the members
of the Indus��tr•nniallC_�C�o_�mmittee, the in.tructOrs. or the Prin-
cipal of � `^ llegiabe.
as n rs Cisme Ml organise in October.
WM. J. R. HOLM•►
1ppltnattore will be received up to ripsaw-
i p4em-
Iter s h. by the under.lgned. tee the nelleetlo.
' of bight .oft .M daily colleetIM.f garbage is
the town .t lioderteb. God wages paid
i Hy order local hoard of Health.
.111. Mt•LKAN, L. L. KNOX.
r'heirloom de ieta.y.
HEO. E. IOIN lV1'IT.-A. A.ff. O..
ILis 1. M .')rga•lot rad t holes aster of
mos Church. Toucher p.mme. rms. oeay.
Pupe prepared foe egamlhatlesa SMNN-
North stroll, eppewlte Ili. °•Msec.,
Nehuon Mon. le prepared s do an blade
el hareem* made tress cut hair er eoableg.,
and eapploa haw ter encs• •ele.Wle treat
meet. eiMe..wwl.t. ere., ed elm has lbw mkt nest
remitahm..bh• ages powders. berm i 1 B•sese
w wage amass. babas ad UM..•tlse. M t1
k. . Wberever the have a /mal! g'ri't' at t ar w 0 e a psi a In
wnr y
permanent camp they will always ' zealously guarding and preserving for
have a garden au,f certainly know, the lenefir of tutu"' teenertliona e11 -
flow to keep everything io first -clay : rich historic sites. tbry wet t,. murk to
shape The French soldiete areal Iimp"are lbs coedtuon of the plot
1001/4 wore liberty in that wily loam tit ben all the weed', and deal grace
the English. I've seen 1011114) heurtiful ware removed petition. •ign•u hr
[potato patcbes and boulder plant. he- _
Sidi tJrlir tents, and, by ebb way, . 1 the oast. was t.awarded • bore f
t.the 1,o11
haven't Bern put,oturt growing any Noise township council. a•kt"a that
other place around the counts y. These foci
p�-� •cr r+ it ..nr rat
and nan•kmeluns, •.
July 1.i.-1 ant still at nay old Joh in Iwvuty ..sprits of the neighborhood.
lb. city bees. but don't think it will one prima .rt will r ,me up for cnaid-
last much longer. We are all in the en" '''w at the toeet leg of thn
e coucil
rales camp, but think we have a move
due any time. It is nearly two months
sines we came and that seems to be
our limit in any one place.
The water the .tr«it
.'r• is the coo.
have a Mmotor otor water
lorry and titre It :tort .d•tng the street
anywhere up to the r.p.•s•d limit and
pus the water from s.dewalk to side-
walk and sometimes farther. They
don't pay any alarm' ion to wss
bn 1. a
the street and the people walk any
n ,:,amble
who're : theis s I i4 when
the thing comes along
Ines. W. H. Sedately', It.v. Dr. t►o'kie,
are acres and stirs of watermelons r`.. 0. Grpr10 Hake tuve the appearance of the
H ruing been desimus of enlisting
for some time path, I have finally
succeeded in making arrangements
with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J.
IifacBwan, manager) to take over
and carry on y cartage business
during my ance
I have the ore signed up with
the 161st Battalion for active ser-
vice overseas, and I world respect-
fully solicit from the public gener-
ally, and from my old customers
particularly, a coatinuaace of their
valued patronage until such time as
I can again resume my occupation.
Any buniness strain entrusted to
their care during my absence win
therefore be thankfully appreciated
it re / IJUD S. JAl�llorders to
The Al. P.'s in the cite More a busy
time sometimes. I was within forty
yards of • bogy crossing yesterday for
about so hour and a half and it must
• lltratiweied aro page Si
on Tuesday. September 121h. .
Fur • real treat try tale rat our ice
,rain tricks mad. to order. H. T.
. Moretti Receive Colors
Camp Borden, Aug. 'tl.-The presen-
tation id e..I..ia to the I4Nn Huron
Battalion took place today on the
ceremonial arra. the 1*duce of the
Monier. Awl of Exeter arranged for
ceremony and Rev. It W. ('ollin.,
teeter of the Church of Ascension, ,
Windsor, made the presentation. The
salute was taken by (col. 0. A. Mew -
burn, A. A. (i
1f it's .anality you want, ore Black -
atonia delieinu. ice 'term for all "rx
- les,, -Pismo ilei. ,
k1 siting to hit aunt. Mrs..1. i.. Ait-
ken, of tioderich, Priest-. .1. 11 Beer -
ley. of Maple ('reek. Mwa.: who en-
hilted at the outbreak of thewar with
a Winnipeg battalion, and who WAN
wounded in the foot in Match, 1t11S,
marl "No doubt you veil be sur -
pelted to bear that 1 ant hack in the
war zone. .1 am rather sulpriard my -
Neff, as I was beginning to think that
1 would be in England until the end of
the war. I -only wished that they
would have let me go hack to Canada
for a few months, a. 1 sot ',ginning
to get b sit k. ' 1t is two years on
"August 'Bird since 1 left Maple Clerk
and it certainly seem. a long time,
1.1at 1 gums we will have to keep smil-
ine and tr.IINt to (1.el to take ns hark
.ate and earn. The French and Htit-
i.), ate eertainir drirg - g'a'd
work over here now and if they can
keep it up it won't last long "
To lite 1.111x of eke rligsaI. r
lila,-Doe 11110111 Is from today
the annual exhibition here will be in
full a%intr. and from now on the bond
of directors iu connection tberewith
will naturally put forth every possible
etiort in ostler that the (,odench hl.
fair may be "bigger and better than
• Ar r resident and businessman of
the town and one desirous of seeing
for fair grounds end streets of Huron',
county ►rat Messily throng►d with
visitors upon the occasion of the cone
ing event. 1 ask the bleuty of uttering
✓ suggestion for what it wry le
In the letter days of di13 organiza-
tion began fur the raising of a batta-
lion of the hest men this county could'
produt•e, and w bile it hi regretted
that in order to 4* of 1.11 strength
about two hundred additional wen
are .t II it -toured, yet, Levert heleie, it
iN known *r the "Huron" Battalion
and every,citlzen of thecounty is just-
ly proud of evrt y officer and mail in
its ranks.
l'pon the occasion of this. year's
spring fair at Clinton ,IheNeveral com-
panies of thin Battalion met and moh-
tlized, and it doubrlras proved the
g loat "drawing card" of the event, an
people cater ftou► far and wide
throughout the county to witness
Huron's gallant sons who had signi-
fied their w.11ingnese to assist in the
defence ,,f the Empire. again un Vic-
toria Dry Clinton hid the honor
of the presence of three men. The
Battalion has never yet been in
I;oderich, and as in All 'likelihood :t
willsoou go ovrreraa 1 suggest that
.its presence in sur [.10.11 he 'secured for
the occasion of the fall fair. 1t does
not term right that Doom's Own •
Batter should go to the firing line
without h'►ving barn invited 10 spend
• day in tate county 'town. Tour, it
would cost something to bring tt..,i
here, but they would Ie • great dow-
ing 1• ud; and even if the undertaking
dill no more than bay for itsett it
wowld Lr a 'very popular snot �
'world strengthen for Goderich fair
1 aril(hi. letter in (elnfidenre . thea
i Ant rxper..ie+'lt the w1 -b,-. of p.a(•ttr.
aIle even t,.uirot . / l:.aleri.'h aria
the dun -art, and I trust that the stag- •
gr.t ion offered herr is- at mad,' in
train. ' -
Thanking sou for spare.
CITIZEN. Aug, L$4.
EveiyMxly eat• Illackatone'a deli-
rious ice cream of superior quality.
Orden delivered. -,
Satisfy your thirat with one of our
ice-cold .odes, E !wards'.
.A man with his rye* shut in i►
crowded .strut car said he did not. like
to err Ladies standing : but the ladies
naw he h:ult.'1. one ut l'ridhaw'r salts
un. and he knew it.
The sad now. has been received from
a comrade of the death ..f o-..tt Hays,
son of Mr. Thos. E. Hay. of !le•st,.rth
He was killed in action et the front.
The young man was w fey, )arra ego
on the staff of the Bank of t utumertel
Dr Alex. Steelton, '...-h Battery.
Isla -Wednesday on hie tetuso to. Petr --
• •114. .aril r.
s _ h.
AP «ta•Ne ). ort ` rp‘dp '
This nyy► Omura, Bohan front, where important developments are now taking, glare. The Italian.
are at tI) Valeria ; t.Nlimbo hold the front at Mtntpino (21, thirty miler rant of Monnet* ; the Allies (likely
lheneb. Dirk %h. Italian and Ruaslanl have occupied 1:1) fkriran : the French hoid the lines along the .xtthern
Rtretsia sl. oP4wn.M. Mie 1 while the BritishvStrum* are servos the Strs and mirth of lake Butknva) (1) ; the (( has t - se=t the Hagan at (e) ; the Franco - British attain lime Is indicated at (7) ; Pierianbus by
The finest irate in the world will
not make good preserves itis -t you
ore pure full•strength spices. We sell
pure, snappy. pungent •piers, which
will give your preserves the l ight.
tang. Alter, clover, nutmeg, allot ice,
I•eprwr, cilnrr}otn, aid, rte. E.
K. Wigle, 1t. usenet, (,ode,ich, Ont.
Campton wi.hes to announce
that she is now pr.'psreil to show the.
newest • •halms and nuvrltiee in (Ali
T. iter •sailer ( •['sting *1 . tion
nal.• of hoc.rhokl rnr.nntre. the p.•.ptrtr of
Mt. _W. ti•P'rdry. New}pate .tree'. ti..brich,
'•.nmsrinr .t 1 0 •Map. 7 ereo ash.
To... t:*Nu.T..netlnnt r,
Ti r.+o.ty, sepr'n.bel' It Auction -.Ie of
farm •1d hon., durrwrly Kintall ho', .. farm
-'oak. implement. and ho.•,M ld In -,.sten. wt
the pr�mis, Kint.1'. Alex. Yoc'.:, rrol'iie-
tor Jolts pi if*, i., auctioneer.
Nn'trr. of 114,,t4-. lMath• and M.,rri..gr.
23 rer.t. es ln.ertton. To siba.rlbers o1
The }signal. tr.•e, In Mentsriwm .0(4.',..
n ettl.. an insertion. Additional ch:vae
for lengthy nits,-.
e %Limb'+ .1t Maeli caned Farm. ('nin.aoo
• town.bip. •lr. A4.111(.141, Angst Ig. to Mr.
and Mn. w1111..m T. *.lh..... daughter.
('141.114.KNR -F Ii,.1erIM. en Fraley. Angu-t
t\ to Mr . Mr.. tire ('Mh..rne• Watet
Is..ifer,. •. ,Klwa*KNlb,.
OALLAIiwIKK V ( Arlo.. on Wednesday.
Ammo in. Hairy (i.11agh•r. aged at year-
end 1 day-
AN(iCi( In O.d4rO-4. en gratify. Angn-t 1.
Mee Margaret Ang... .lard PI )ear-.
meth and 2.1 days.
EI.1.10Tr -In loving m..,'. of KM•evt bl
Hon,who died Asgmt at, 114111• throe bu'
rent orders"
No knew. hew murk we win. thee. -
•4 bet itching heart• eon tell
Yet In we Mope to meet thew
W the day of IIs ha. fled.
Asd in heaves with toy to green are
Whet no farewell tear 1..hed.
Rv KI.Iwl4l1n Wire ANt' 1' ism r.
Peal -
TOWN' Mei-Rent Relt Esglra t Thresher
Co . LIL. $.01 . t h ... ... t
7Yadws Wwr4M-oodw s* S•Nbatiea 1
Res/•, -Moe t'awrsaoe . ..... . 1
Carob. .. . 3
ireg Leat- resat James. Damaaamo.. • • •
Bey wasted -This. Less ..... ... ..
,arm R eW-Miles ser /pis. Aahnes, 4