HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-24, Page 5EAST STREET GARAGE
Owned and Operated
by a
Practical Man.
•HONtC 243
et. 411 ell
.r .20e
th oat
4, .,,net
Farm Laborers
u cant.
1114 2.7..•
a a yard.
rrn • Canada.
are required to
:k of harvesting
l'he task of trans -
this great army
o the lot of the
.1111, in 04,1460 to
wan and Allwt ta
-trod trains ..per -
in about thirty-
• 4.6
tom Toronto, al 11
Going Trip West
Return TripEuat
Going Dates
August 17 and 31
From reruns. Sudbun
Case and East. boa 1,W
mclud.ns Smith • Foil.
or Renfrew. •Iw neem
MnuL.ne E..' 01 Sud-
bury to. but not .ndud-
,nr. forth Bay.
August 19 and
September 2 e
Wets aed South thereol
Taken in Early Youth.
Much svutpathy is felt for Mr. and
Mn. Hubert Brownlee, comer. of
Wolfe street and Cambria road. In lbs
loos which they sustained on Tuesday,
when their daughter. Ella May. warred
•wry. following •n operation. She
was ooly twelve !este of .Ke. The
funeral took place this afternoon to
Maitland cetueter y, Rev. 0. M. Holo.,
Next ?
A letter received by the editor last
week bruugbt • cheque from Kr. Har-
old Turner for V250 in favor of the
tloderich Ked Cross Society. Mr
Turner, who was formerly werh•nical
superintendent of The Signal, i• now
at New York City. but be bas not for-
gotten the land of his nativity and is
giving his help in the time of stress
through which Canada is now passing.
Many n Autos from U. S.
Reciprocity in auto linevses, which
regulation went into effect early in
the summer, has proved a Ilton to the
g..rage business. A Kcal dealer told
The Signal • few days ago that •
marked increase in his business was
noted *Mee the auto -owners acro.. the
line had Freon given Inc privilege of
vi_iting Ontsrio towns without l.eilg
forced to secure new license.
Evening Induatrial CI •
Attention is drawn to the et -
tog the opening for another
term of the very popular and help-
ful climates in rooking, dressmaking
and millinery. The •aliie of these
classes ('E inetrortion ia shown by the
increase in attendance from 1'6 in the
filet term, and 1400 in the second term,
ro the very gratityinsr number of 14.1
in the third tern,
Albert Seim:ter et Herb!. ho•getel
of week we- received in
wa- not teal zed bete t bat 11... illnees
yt-Ar.i. His health began ro fail •everal
for his home at Linwood for .. rest.
110 War. sonolergoing treatmetit H. -r-
ho fitteni,a1 rho 1-8111P. The
flitti-irl look at Linwood.
Harbor Notes.
tirshao.. rot %fondly, with
.14111P.1 S• -g11!41 dl1e
'Ile 1' .al •te.mer Fitzgerald
in 641.. the
SCh001 Grant Held Up.
August Bargains
at Singer Store !
Baby). Bonnet*, 7.1'. 4% and
Ifti. for ..150o
Romper., 1eguler MP. 4 26o
Middy 1.aces, iegtler ,.i
Mc. for 60 .0,1 7o
A few Middy Tien. r• _.tl.,,
511.•, for 25c
Ladies and Children- \lid.
dire.... !O li.•.. '
14ulies' an.l !diaries' I it:.
Coltarl 25c
1 ucr . to _
(u •t t .
r,\. R
311.•, for leo 390
11,-a-.iet•e.. regular 41.
for 50o 65c
Big Sale of Stamped Goods.
1)r. A. (' Hunter arid Meson. T.
McDermott. C. l: •N11tb. 11. J. Fisb..,
N'r..1 Hunt, Clog.. Hund er. C..1, Nairr.
H. McLean end V. 1.s44- attended •
t'`wling tout [lament at 19arf.'rth on
The b..srd of bealtti ii a 11.:. w.'ro.
ii weal decided to engage the .ei vire*
of a n. u1 f•.' the ••-•lieetwn of niabt
suit 4'141 ,I :ly collection of garlwge
within the tows`. The next meeting
will hr hell • ,, 'Thus edey, s •ylr0.lwl
Cont igloo. .1,• -see. are dtngeruu•
enemies. Le„t.i.e t hes' . ft •n .,tt tel
without wartIi'1g. Pro •, t yourself
and L1uu'y is ft•-•+•iently di -nit's.•'ing
the horse will e,1 111.141,1 Formalde-
hyde, the l•n.i roll by E R. %Vigle.
Drugttiat, Goderich, Ont.
The results .f the s r course, in
art at Toronto Ctoi.ersitv h.tye hero _
publishe.f nod contain the names of uses rt .hart ,,tire on hath awn- e e 1
two G..detich 1`41ie,._Nr_. 1.,hian lc + MEN I .y.lY SL!'i'FR ?
u . I. H,u.41n.u. Inge nhoWrd haw populr.r "bend night'
Fraser :and . 1 AirSit (1.dr, ich i..
Jli•s Framer y :,litiet1 e- tat out .Iwrial- , , w
i.t and a sun- i --.r of 1,'r, while \•+ At r •peri tl inning of the I rr�h) -
H Ito, i., 111.tled :w an art .pecan- tory of Huron held at noun on 'rue..-
i,.t 4rs••h. t. .4.t v, August _Sod, i11 Knox church, the
Owingto n,.f,!rt101 ae .: rum -t arc., ,1l to Rev. K. l'. M.•I)rr ' 1, of 4Lsv-
ort. taw• .utita,ned %leer... .1 F:.
whirls ru.,ld 1,..t hr t..rr•.•en. 1 he pa'- I'
Tow. J P. Hume 4nd M. l: Caulrruo.
Wbea will TN Save 11
you 41'1 Save NOW ?
Though your salary or tncom e
will no doubt Increase. a v U
yt:anr espetuse—sad many i , al
that the latter more than keep
pace vtth the former. Now la the time to start a Reserve Fund
—and the Savings Departtnent of the Union Bank a Canada
is the place to keep tt.
Deposit the extra you have on hand now --you can open an
account with any sum, down to one d. Uar--and drew tatercat oo U.
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Man.iK, r.
re 1,t` \• t . 1 64. M •..e..
+ 1'l...,,\ .I•. _ .a Iwai
j ,• ...`■^*i. .\.• . . ••;,we,
MRS. TAPE of (he Nieto-set:mg
nrIt well ett..mleil In(e'Aterad”' "".."1".Y asaociat 'lot. and congregation.
....per -lively, were sward behalf of
' herents. It will be prosecute' M•fore
— '. r of 'h^ �r_ ..f n freight train the lre.hytery tat Barite on Septrm
of Toronto • Mt.. Mann. '•1 Windsor : 1,,y, 4144 t4,.•'{ ..r.ot • di.t.•'e'r w.•st o1 be 1'S:h.
Mr.. J. A Beau, of Ildert` n. and Ma,. 4.',,.14,h 1.-' ' It,n 1,y un. ming and n
1,e eYoung Women 'Do Their Bit.'
Stanley. of Lucsn. The 'aide Is a .. iwt up ,i,„
clever and rccumplithed \...n; Iofv '1'144-44.,'� 41 i 4o,Ifowre,ttv.oe0I.ra,l1 ph•,•-.•r,.r•. Ince owu
f the ways in which .nen
an.1 1s highly esteemed IIs net- It lend'. )ter tt:1'.4. .. -4 . ''..`.t p•^ro:e4, enol ono "do.their Lit'. is by ....biting 111
and a<yu.iintaners, whn.e ,..•a wishes hacke•I,n' 1. t.•In'i .11, f li , ie, -p.•, - lrrping\vh.•.•Ih o[ 4 -e 4,1ll tcr in
srcatnpsn> her to her new horns. lively, •
t' .t n„ o u. tv.. t I ar,.l n ed 41oi a ouon Ly In►11.1 the plan of (Mice
' 1'..1.: .�1, w' �- I�� � •.f to ,1 N;tL.� a n..�n n•ho tu.' going to the front.
Wednesday's Doings at Ba,• old ' -• •�....hc
J owett s Grove. Bayne: I. w... the of
rasruth:ing point for up u . • 1..�4 ti .e
hundred people on W4 -di • I .y after - i
n0..n, ,on the tar. -.isnot of th.• t ,it•1 an- it.
total picnic of the Ford ".mors no 1 tit
the hewers Orchestra. .1 4..deri.•h, 4,
4nd faint pir111e 0(1411', !II, .'I.p4... ..t:
of ire pit riot:• .t t IG.,,Irt i.•11 t.y
towi.hip. The .udden u: i. in tell - 1.'
peraturewadi•th•dayrile,,.. 4••, 41 in
Tt r (obtained without
Fall Term from'Augast 28th
, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraph) Departments.
The ....may tres..trer inform., lie that
t *11.917 . 1. bell up by. the 13111-P11111
alleged neglect. N • ono know*
which oftli-ial 44,1"1100.41 of the Ceifne.
whet the ri tine i- wh it harm ha*
time. the sch.,,o1 sect 4411., csn PIM 11""it
Of 1 n•linarie. ran proceed industriously
with 114) of t.tiltiotiett which
few people trouble to read and which
still fewer can untie, atand.
the on tiers of 4110
for ,olow.-r wood at Ma0Eiyari .roc. of NI, h Day,dson —Ford Wedding.
snd Fot IA. to Mt. Robet Des 1.1
tot Cotsourg Collegiere Institute. took
pi .re .1.14-1 ye..`erday at the Victoria
the home of the bride'. p trents. The
hy the mid.. father. Th.. bride
I *.ked vet y eherming in is gown of
.ilk crop, de chem., rarrying
hoitoript /If *11/4. roses rind 144y -of -the -
valley. 111. In.4,1.smatil. Mi.. Hellen
Ford. si•tet ot the bride. wee in white
embroidered voile sod rat vied pink
to -es groomsmen 4011.4 Mt%
After t he mood wedding fe*tivit
'Mr. and U.... Davidson left try the
siiernoon IV. P. H. r4:11111 1111 4101
1 jp, 10,1 r. which thee will walk...their
w•y ro•tome was of navy blue, wit h-
airy tr. hat. 114- goest• presen.
[in gs
Izes and
is a call
lew and
0 rtiB E ,i,.,,,,‘,.;., N.1,r,..r.,..1‘,::,, .. • .,...f t.1.111.61)! h1.11,,,,, I..., r,..,i• :., .••
nervous trouble an my iir.. until i tnnk ii„ the ••• nor0-
e month
ptly and
mys the Best
top• el Al 4,14
pound f or nerves nick are eery gwaa :tils year. '
shape. I work neariy
have four girl.. 1 do 1,y he, O.,.
their help, so it
shows that I stand it real well. 1 took .V,;',;1'" •41 ''.• al sit.
the Common(' when my ten year old pi• -h
4ioughter earn.. and it helped me a Int Mr %% 1 4.: v 4,41. Nis sta....
I have alio had my oldest girl take It
and it did her lots of good. 1 keep it in 1., rt toe i• 4,t, • 4e.y.„ „r wrr
the house all the time and recommend t"1,t1.', m,
Sleeplessness. nervousness. irritabil-
rations. all point to female derange.
mients which may be overcome by I.ydia will tiobiv,..00..it -Se, .10. tr,r
K Pinkham•P Vegetable Compound. will% NIT .8.d J hut i Alike.
mi. famous remedy. the medicinal
ingredients of which ar.. derived from 11 Hey• ti. Powell, of Clinton, will
native roots and herbs, has for forty in".",Pc 111 Not th sit ..et
years proved to be &moot valuable tonic
and invigorator of the f emsle °Mtn ittrn • Ilig:vrulf :1;11 11141v:iiite.- will (*rows. h •
Wooten everywhere bear willing testi. „ye, „loth s .t 11 '4. n.
yummy to the wonderful virtue of Lydia end p .%11 visitors to the Itep.
Finkbent's Yositsbio Compound. list church • e cordially, welconied.
Were 61,6,16 111411g " .1n1
old -at -hooted totritic *on-, -et I
111,1. OCR ar 1.0111144:114 A 164141 *14 • OW
,..a Evantually ULlar ahem all 0111. rallaa• ham
anr Wad Facet- ma VON.. eta INtr 11, .14
t .4014 unrIvall•••1 rat Iwo
111'11A1 11 P.
111err Ham, Montle. 44 tnin.ntslav /101,0114.
69 le IL.
14 In.. lotion whine
ill. 4 4.1114110.;
you know why
Covcert Was Enjoyed.
Nli. and Mr.. H. Kiroz Ninth
Metho.11.4 1'1441101 14,o Friday
erelong. It woold indeed difficult
way in vrbitai he a ...ponded go cost-
ly appreriated Iv- nom.' v beer ern.
special mention might well 1, made
ot the. selectinn, -The Stn. -him. 01
N'out Smile.- and hi. POCOI From
friends in the audience. onot the feet
that they were familiar made them
doubly Kathleeti
Wallis, (of 'for Alto. violinist r,f the
uitri the aelection- -he so ably 814.1
-1111.111c1 1•, I ,odouwh end all
igloo heerd her u4:1 book lot weld to
King, liodet -.boat,
added greatl pleat -me 1.1 th.-
evening, her SW at its
of the church -how, 4 it e CV'''. .1 train -
Till Dram
is the largest
selling gum in
the world ?
Flavor and the
Sealed packIge
Sixty Years Marrier.
An atottricion. in t11.• lore. (.1
diamond wedding ..ini•ereat et
home on HI 14111/11/1 1111(1 on NIorol ty ot
engaged al teat: tor consid...able
many ft.) leflee. on the
'veto I ‘01t g. o III 1410/1111V of
Mr. and Mr.. tire Ale OW
the %Veto, wet .• 1111, celebt ate the
Elliott end NI1- I- both ot
ebildr7n et -I eat -gra tiollt:a .
The gratarlo dots. pre6e1,1 .41 NI, -
Mgr* Wit I. 3 10•*11111sil
Meting Oleo, 1•..stehittg toe ...et —Or
mird•ersary their wed. iing day.
soul 1 he RIgta.. hope. that tber 44111 111.
'pared to earl.. titer lot initaty 11101r
are three big reasons. And the Value it
gives in long-lasting, ben0ficial enjoyment
is a point that people appreciate. The
air -tight package keeps the flavor and
quality as fine as when made in the
wonderful Wrigley factories.
Write for the Sprightly. Spearrnen•a funny
Mother Goose hook. Address Wm. Wrigley
Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Building, Toronto, Ont.
Chew it
Itillade in