HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-24, Page 44 TliVtas*T, /Water 24. l is ME SIGNAL • .14d)P:R1CH ONTARIO 2(ew F all samples Yere! We ..re re -,,11 atilt nut fall samples in ' •yMb Centura Brand Clothing" for your i.pection 'lith Century claim that ',utwith,txn•1- ing the ear condjtion, they are showing the larg- est and in many respect. the hest line they hag shown in the fourteen year. they hare been catering to the finer trade. \Ve solace your e.ul% inspection. Send year sue is for t`e Fall sad Winter Styk Book ' W. C. Pridham Are You Awake ! to the fact that we are offering many lines of ladies' and men's low Shoes at and below cost ? See -Our •Windows Shoe repairing guaranteed satisfactory. Ladies' Rubber Heels 25c Men's Rubber Heels - 35c Walters & Co. Successors to J H McCltntoc GODERICH PHONE rh PORTER'S HILL. Trtt+.DAY, Aug•let YS. \urns -Mr. and Mrs (ileo Mc- Donald wotasr d hero Hurn Detroit ou Saturday .. Bruce and \Valises McDougall left for the West on Satur- day . Mr. Sato Dawson spelt the week end at Mr. Jobe Cox's ... Mrs. But gr.s and daughter have t. t uroed to their honer jn oronl t, after spend- ing a couple of weeks with Mrs. Lind- e/4y .. slim. Lilian Potter is borne again. having spent t ro weeks et \lurhetl Maj :i and Mrs McPhail na,lorrd W London on 'Saturday, re- t •rrcling 011 1 ur«day Mr. and \Iis. Will M'D,.naid have eelurued t., Detroit, having spent a taw days in the neighborhood \Ir. James Hart ism has .t .rted threshing again. The Ladies' Aid will meet at Mrs. Wesley ' Vanderbur•gh's next i uut.day. August 31,1. KIPPER . TOaaDAY, Aug. 22. Mrs. John \Vbitearau is visiting her site: at Pttethos uugh. a_ Mites Et bel Daywan, who was oper- a. •.1 on for appendicitis t esu weeks ago. has made a rapid recovery. Mr. and Mis. Brownlee and Mrs. \Vw. lyiv'o visit -d this week in the howeof Hey. Dr. Has !My, Lucan. Present .1 ons by neighbors and frirons were wade to Jame. Collins and lirorge Weekes 1101 wrrk before their ere u n 11 Burden. tieing, St •pheason, of 01 -awes, of the signalling •orps, and Murray Fi-hers of Tut onto. in t he sante mol k. were Inane recently ou short fur- loughs. Mr. and Mts. Harry Whit, and son. Oliver. mototed over from Stratford 1la.t wegk !avid visit -d that lady's le -other, `Ir. W. H. John«t ,n. They ' horn.' here. the wrek•end with air. and Nn. \\ tis. were on their war t , visit friends ul 1 Mts. Hclert It orient) and family >i 1.ughao. A•htleld and West \4awaooeh �Irit last wrrk fur \%rxxl.tock. Vr. Miss Genevieve Spahr. of Ooderich, latae. Jarrot•, who was t-ans(rrred 1 Raeburn has taken ,. posiIjnn in a tut• 'r.t \iise \\'inmr t.austone tor Rout the Hurons to the West ern UM- I niton' facture there. • several •' ,ys tut week. s -resit! hnrpit.1 unit, lett London Isat A number ..f Liiekm,w young folk Mr. anti Mr.. Arthur Mandel and • Friday- along with the lest of his emu- ',drove to Put vsi lake our night Iasi family. of I)etruit, are visiting airs. puny for averse.... Hi. fat her, Isaac ' wr-k and spent 44 err y one night h even- % jlhrlmina Nes del. .Ian -•vers end uncle, Janie* McDonald, ling, Boytiog wrr, the Irsdiug apa.t' Misr. Edna \\'..Iters and „erUute welt down to see him ut. ' Pte,.. Jack McKendrick- and J F'. l;ledbill returned home on Inewley t A beautiful complexion - how to insure It The regular use of Lifebuoy Soap insures a healthy, dean glow- ing skin. And because it is healthy. your com- plexion will be clear and velvet like. The mi1,1'carbuhc udor van- ishes after use. leaving a ens..• of utter cleanliness. Ai Cowen S.1 LIFEBUOY HEALTHY 50AP t,p, 111 a moat meltaMe eaprsssia hie thanks and saying be felt it hie duty to go and uphold the bosom. of his count!! y. Hs hoped that be would cu ba. -L to he with his !floods here slain. Atter lui.eb and ice cream mod rake had beeweer,.ed, Mr. Horn .,need a hearty voleut thanks to the ladies of throve for their entertaining. lir 11 Trek. .etas wovr.t • vote of thanks �., Mrs. M. -slaty f.,r the pleasant time •pout in her bnwr aid for her hoe- 1.italiry in opening her home for this test•..«tun. The gathering dtaperoed nttet *intim' the \molal Anthem. DUNLOP. Tl'Itan.tY, August Mr. and Mr.. lirortts Patton and t wo children, of Piektorsl. Mich., are ...hung at the huwr of Nine. K. N. shaw, who isa st.ter of Mr. Patton. Wilbur Stewart went with the bar vr.ters eacurslan that left On et•lur- .fay. He will probably go to (lull Lake. Yark., where he bar relatives Miss Ina Williams has gone to Clin- ton to speed the fall and winter term „( rhe Model School. Hey. Jar, Hamilton was hack again in his pulpit on Sunday last after his Long ,lines.. and his friends were glad t-' see him once more in blsown fam- ,Ijar place. The auxiliary of the W. M. S. will meet on Wednesday neat at the home at Mrs. Archie Horton. at _'.ate o'clock. Miss Jean Clutton has gone to visit trieuds at Toronto. SENMILLER. WioxIsn.eY. Aug. '23. Mis. Elsa Oke is visiting Miss Nina Walters. of Goderich township. Hey. Mr. Baines drove to Crediton _ on Monday. He Is returning today. Mr. H. 0. MrKir, of Toronto. went Clearing Out the Summer Goods MAKE room for the fall stocks we are sacrificing TO the summer goods. Look through this list of bar- gains and pick out what you want. Get in on these bargains before they are all gone. Ladies Summer Underwear A large range . f ladies' 'misused underwear at bargain 1''' - 14a.tfr: who rt and 1e,tlg slr.•VI• Vests. Regular Gr• for ...... (1100 Regular :Pe for ... , 1 SO Ili -gaiter 1:e' for • 12.20 Regular 1'21e for .......,.100 S knitted drawrn, in all site. in plain and porous knit. Regular 2i,' for .. 200 Colton Stockings A beautiful ribbed odto,1 St.s•king that regularly ,.,t.1 at ah- a pair, un ,+441.• in all sizes frau B to 111 at per pair only 1lo. 2 p'e'er Tat' rottoD Sl..clings in all sizes In all tl to 10. ThiS is a 'Hilted Su,e:Ling 1111,1 midi ret '2:w'. On Salt. 100 u pair, 3 Pairs fol. 215a K. try petit• perfect. Children's 3natser Underwear 4'luldtr•n'w w •rt. and dr11N er, in all -iu•. at bargain price. itegular Yin' for.. 200 It,gtdur 31' for . .... 1 N 11,-4iular 1:. fur ... . . 12 ,c Ladies' and Children's Middy Blouses \Ud.lc filuus s w nil nr, . Neal ,'uwhinatj "'" ''1.•1`. !Mail. k. and 441111.. N111, n4vy ,••Ilar, also Nl iti Nith light blue collar and 1,•It. Bargain pries., $1.55 for 41.1*. SI.S. t, .r 1700. $L+t) fur 770. Summer Muslins t".• -till Ira. .• is (1 W .11111u,r 4uslins in and ars rleraring them at -+12je a1 yawl. 'Ills•..• \luwljn. au41 \'uilwS.dd at vane. \Vrarrrle/uingthroe at 13'.Oa yard. 1'1„ •,odors ars IP KM) 111141 the Vitt,. 1. 11,44. This store will be open all day Wednesday, August 30th J. H. COLBORNE \Vhatton, It11Ku Ikattalion, tetllrnr.l atter •urtrog for a few days in diode- r LUCICNOW. :to l.rndon etlup on Theralay last.' 1ic•h. Mowat', AuK•lst L'1• ' They "ill la• grratlly misses( by` (rirnd. Among thrum leaving for the West herr eller spending the month • tut- on Saturday were the -following from ' Was Rhoda Mc Kenai ick returned to ;lough near town. rhi. neighborhood : Lorne Moore. I).-t•Olt un Saturday. ' 1 Mr. -Alexander Smith. an old rest - Jonathan Fisher, Willie Mugford and Miss Alice Whiles returned hoihe !dent of the village, died at hi. home ,I,.n,r, Hrddlr. d fritter 1'uroni4. un \''rdur.day of last (here on :nrsd:ay ut last week He Vr. and alit,. %V,u. 5traughan. air. t mirk. Ituuk pnegtncalia note time wg1 and a.d Mr's. Arl4i1 Su*ughan. Mr and Pre«. Bert Engli h and .Link H+•lis- !had not reeovrred his tool .l health. 3Ir.. 1'ave *4"ger axises Ethel and ger are tip Hurn London ora ..eek- 111e 4.,ts sixty nine years of age and Helen ltraughrn, Mr. H.G..MeKir and t end pa.-. •leave. to mourn his death a widow, Mr. Howard Sturdy spent Sunday at '11..'lir.•lgr.'1itchison and daughter, ,three sons and two daughters. The H.yfield. Feeds. are speudiug.a few drys et sympathy of the community is ex - Was', tn. 'tended to the sorrowing family, , ST. HELENS. Mr Lek H -id. of Palmer/ton, i+ v1-- I 1't'I'Su..Y, August 22. icing with his patrdts, Mr, and M144. ASHFIELD. Thorns. held, town. A l•'n ' .t' ('ter:-F]T\Ten\,-A plea. Meas 1'Sari Told visited at Milverton• .mows MMmsa MesMMM 7 ] slWWwe • he fancy of the audience tied bhe W44' Ecrryhody rte« Illtekstonr's deli- Thousands of Men Requ•red for Har- eems rrcallrtt. Misted'et.ce Nil! ,'ions ice cream ui superior quality vesting in western Canada. 1 Ocoee* delivered.' Rev. I..\b-rc, ..t Lundr.bur"'. gacr 1 honrands of men' are required to 1n addrr.w on the war. sketching the = -- - - help 'n the gleet w.•:L. of harve.ting ,regress of the struggle (r its in- The Canadian N itlona! Exhibition the We t'r, crop. The task of tran.- ceptinn to the present time. and pre- pay. arnennual .•,t phi. t•. the city of (w rt •og 14. the %%'-..t this great army iering that it would not close nr.til Tor into of in, •1111• (., *CI 1..11111. Last n( workers will full t.. the Int of the he fall of 1517 "r 440111• time jn 1111`l. ve.1 the d,vidr,:,t 44 as Broom. C'aned's.% Parlti • Railway.. Mr. Abel 144 v f woritr heta and was Excursions flow points In (intent, to Intern -t. , r. ..' __ _ - ManitolwrSaskachrwan and Aliwrta ern e heard here again with pleasure, heard wit11 k N it uond Kerlin 1. Weal field's clever violinist, gave several selection. and Maintained his remit at as a !Liltul mu.ician who knows how to please his audience. The areunipall:sts .,t he evening wt.'s, Mis. \%IKhh,1Y11 and Mist. Howson. The proceeds of the day were 822.'. which w.11 Make a h.ndso'ne addition to the Had Crn.a \news. Hobert Iturir, Jack 11 II and ant evening was slant at the .hn.nr of last wrrk. fuuNs, M,,eh credit is du- the vane Matthew ia. hat ` al on Saturday fur Th., .1. \I••ust v, •courr.winn rl or '1'ur-- It and 3ra. .i.,hn Clark-: of Tors finals. fres who credit is du - he vat out th- e. CI . u hat vial nr(d-. da. ••arttiug• . A.41 4it lith. syh n bhr onto, tie vi.1 11,g 1411(151 ike pareu1 i1 the arrangements aunts t . etree:en 44!1 pi r'iedemelt r Pte. ('I urns'• McL),m •ld, A \I. 1'., nrtgt,i,.e. and triends of \11. I-,ru t""r good time, and thank. r.prrially are art word t•• e orJee un t 1t' 1 1ay ..t.-1 liauiev .. d Jlr. l'rot'gr Hivru Kath- �[ra.;Hydr end" 1 etcy And • Harold dt•r to tis ladjea of bhr ,441, li .man's *pending reed t, d ,hem tart di l ( k w th and les • nding ter harvest Iw1,ugh at his h N,•It nn for rye of are spin ng a r, mile u weeks 1 mdemboro baseball' trains for I limn d. pat herr for Caton Borden, II .flde at Cargill. coming to give us 1,1411 a (4•44,41 exhil- i,.l1et 11.rvr.t vacation. After a short Mr. Earl. 1'...1.1"0 left for London ou \lunda He h;as roti ted In the Rion of baseball.. Nor mu.t we forget Tberenrpore •'.ttrrh in Ihi..ectim, of Iso (414lu \I r. Vii. lbrfw" Ki i ailed upon 7• `I the Auburn brass hand. •rhi••h,, used.... sI4bw75 ni les..'U4It„rrdst.put j ,.('swnl.•. \i'• Gwnge Horn and al r. Thuu.wa 111Th Battalion the leadership of Mr. H.ould Black- I'rivates Baker and Buchanan left fo p photon- ed it. inn local rr.i. a>- m• \\-iirKir,s, of I)nng.tnnun, who cadet' s;f 'stone, -gave excellent service during •sur.ttt' feline. to ekre with 144441 t•,•atu.et • all. *ti'.el1 torsed and read an ad- erau,p last Ttlut.drv. upee.enaed it incurable. tat/ore4-1en 6 a la•.1 ales•t.. Role. bwith, Fl. Webster, the day. Auburn may, well alipre- 4ll.ea-r. mewls +uflneu,•ed by conalru!Io drew. rant'ewsir,g appreciation nt bhr t state it. land, whirls ',always ".'11 the ronditlonssndtl•erefnr. nire.ettr-'' sat 1 K John 1 hi111ps and .las. 13 sdluld 1.ft rreeqel nerto.atand he h a. taken m oft•tut his ser- j elate *hen d, services ', air t•rgoir•ad. tieon...Et. Han'.(anatrhf'ur•e aw"lebiee. girt 1,.r., ' tor King and couutfy`, and pre. fur Ilam\Vest on Saturday. 'Dv F.J t.t ...It.114.T•waAa titett i• aro, I Thr August nirrting ref. the St. .titu'.io,a•t r.nP+ft.. i. C,l...0 lite•,-,nr ,u t! stoical hitt: with awrist-witch -fir. Helens \\'oq.rn'a lustina;r will le held GODERICH TOWNSHIP. .rt+lhn,arLltr Wood on the,umn.n 9trf Itnvrtt ulnae • a 11444 1rple thanking tab rn cure: trend fee eirpaten. iud.t4.,,1 and Mr. Robert Curren then called ►i, , - Patriotic • ociety g ruoa.wh. Mr. (,laulry to Dir none, and ..rad au Hogue Problems ems of Tidal-- •• any- n,erlrng at Ihr home of airs. •1{ichard V. Ken -..44th' aet. coldly to our who F. J f'H'RVf:Y „got. Toledo. Mum baddr>ss and nrr.entr.i hint with a making ind,.a ry of l'anada :question Urtatutters - on %S cdnesday, - August t1sMl by .wII'. Pill •. drawer. All Come pre. grad . to '6 t u• into hot water. stint -watch. }I r. lianlry in turn made y ai+tb. Thr S.r'ir'y wishes to [hank I Balt. Faoilly Pill_ r nest-•i{Mtlion. 44Illeibitg "11 ell- subject. laps, µr"rgr L'aitht.aite for • dons - Hey. Mr. Mckenzie, "1 Kinlougli, t .t g3 o(tb.•-).:run c• nan.Tfi d.3Itwr•...''Ard r. the,l,;not+r''r he g, f.. .NI sherw"o,t.err'l'h,nsdaw,August :fist,atthehomy Tbr Taylor•1',rn-t,bran -h of the for�e47C4 44 10..• Hall'• ..K a: r', hoer nt \) •. 11:.rk. at :.:41o'c:i,ck. Suh'ert. . -Society well hold a mewing get" "Umn"! But that Edwards' Ice Cream is Good -S11 says little Willie, and Willie knows because . he's a connoisseur. He can tell good Ice Cream the instant it touches his palate. Ile has tried them all and his experience' has taught him al vays to ask for Edward .'. --"hake tip from Willie. lie says, " When you want the hest Ice Cream, order I'.11\�•ar(ls'." It's as pure as Ilre. can be --creamy, tlavorv, rich and wholesome. . H. T. EDWARDS Corner Srusre and Kington Street. C;cderich. Ontario , Phone 200 witl prea••b in Calvin church on Sun- I Thr general Imputes.. meeting n( the day next. The first M,an tsy in • Sa•p United Pel, i .uc 4' 14iety of (,ioderich trultwr Roe. J . Lill:.. will exchange township will be held at the home of pulpits with Hey. R. 51 al1in, of Strait- l Mrs. Hubei t 1levidrun on Frid ay. ford I!Seleen•her 1st. Any person having lin. AUBURN. Ishrd gatmentw will kindly It: tog theta 1" till. Illeetine. l Tut'ttsuA\, Aug. _tMr. and 3t.. Hub -rt Pearson nn - )Ii. J .-' Stalker, prinetpal of Iii rr- I nnun4e the engagement of their only soil public school, and 441,.. Stalker 1 •taught.., Flos«ir Alma. to (•I.Rtnd are vj-it!ng relstivea and renewing Hrotgr Lohb, eerood son .1(.31*- and n?,in..ult4tleeshere. Mfrs. W. .H. Lihb, all of tioderi••h • Mt Jahn Fingland rrr'ivwl word 1 township, The hlarjagr will 1akr this week ..t the safe" arrival in Eng- ' Pi Ice gal IF is, S-ntmmlrrr• land of his son. Pte. Murray Fir gland, 1 ' of the 121•h Battalion, KINTAIL. Al'nl'nN s Bye. DAY, -Our village 14.0. the central point of attraction for I MuNu.vy. August SI. n large sem ma yesterday, people coin- Mr. William Johnston left last week ing from all directions to t.Lr part in for a vi.it to the West. the -civi • holiday picnic aru►nged Misses Dorothy Douglas and Phneme under the :mownes of the ltd Crosse Irving, of Lucknow, are camping st ' 5 .. i-tv. Hundreds of le..ple Lakeview Park. game! ed in the afternoon at the per- miss Martha E.lwanl+ and look nl: gl",11.is south of the budge, ai.d Muse Mabel Edward.. of Doderich. vts- - the program of events canted out ite.1 friends beeriest week. 1 kept up the interest of the gathering 1 Mr.. \I C Mackenzie has returned (thooughow the wftet noon. Tne from `fault Ste. Marie. where she had p,•iple ..t Dungannon in neighborly been visiting for the nasi month (*Mimi al-. tuade the day their civic Miss Margaret McKay. of Sault Ste. holiday, and • liver. nutnta'r of them' Marie. Mrs 1)maid Mrlireg., and were present and j lined in the day's Mies Lillian Me(it'egor, of Duluth, are doing-. The winners in Die games the guests of Mr. Doran McKay. were as tallows : B,y rac'. 12 to The K t, 4i1 bran. h ul the Women's lit year-. est Fred %Vagner. 2ndinstitute will hold is next meeting at Hector yl Lend, 3rd Wesley KIIlough: the home of Miss Jolla O'Reilly. 44th I..,y.' race. 12 years and under, 1st H, concrasion of AshlleId, ret,Thursday Ni:holsr'n, 2nd A. Dawson. 3.1* C. August 31st. at 4311 p.m. • Daher : gut.' race, 12 to 1M years. 1.1 E;eerie ('lark, _-gid Ray Andrew., lid Mair 1,rvy : (Art: rar•r, 't. yewtlr and under. 1.1 Laura Murdoch. _-id .Irasie Les y, 3.4 S. Hill : lean 1u -al's tace, 1-' .1 ,-. Jackson,'2nd F:a.I Wight- marri, :..J Harvey 1'n'learen : relay racy, 1st Sutton,Jackass and I'h•Ihn-. 2nd Jackson. Knox •4444 Knox, :i.d \Vightni,,n, E•ratt and Arthur ; hon contest: 1 Archie Ktlhn,ou, 2nd Jogai.. Lr. y, 3rd Chap Scott : tube: w.lking rare• 1st Miss B. Allen, 2nd M;•t ?I. McGowan, 3rd \list M. Far- row no ladies' baseball match he - 4.4. n 'Pi 105 (1001 1.0.14114.14.44 0' and Ow Mc(. ,wan arctinn 111 East Wawa. nosh ..•.weed in a win (.r the Keels hum MO: 'wish.... It w..s en exci'trla gain• slid both tr44lna put up aur111e aplen'lid t•lay. While defraud, the Lereleah•'l,i girl., are not di.tuayr,l, Nit are 1.king for a return 'match. Fiscuylaal,- was ready for supper when the dime ranee, and the repeat WWI latrt1Iy enJ.•yed. Alter supper a i,.e.elsll game was p1.yed h-•tween tr411141 from Auburn end Dungannon. the berm train winning. \\'hen der k- m... (e11 the picrur ground,. were d.- serieel and r targe audirncr filled 1 he For.-4ers' Ball, where an excellent program was given. In. 11 1'. a\'eir .a•rupied the Mini, end kept Donee running smoothly. Mks Isah.•Ile Prarr Krvr several elocut '-y num- her. an 1 coral a,alru which were tr. reared with hearty appreriati.wr. Her humorous selections especially caught BACK= ACHE If you Itt.'e itackache you have Kidney I),sea•.e. 11 you neglect Itaska. Lc it will deyrlop 11110 .,.bang Norse -Bright s Des - cane or I)i..N.rles. There is no use rubbing land doctoring your back. lure the kidney.. There is only one kidney medicine tut It cures Ita.:kacbe every tiete- Dodd's Sidney Pills r `e► r Every 10c r Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS A I1. KILL MORE FLIES THAIt 58'-` WORTH OF ANY STICKY 1 LY CATCHER Clean to,hanllc. Sold by all Drug- gists, Grocers anJ General Stores. aril b. tun, and special tramMs oper- ated, n.skir'g the trip in *bout thirty - tax 1 ., w,lh11.1t rliar,g0. r trntiefer- "1. wing Tip 'West.' $12110 to \\ pr1r. 'Itstur - g'i', 1, Ea -t, al"tl from \\, u.mtwg. 1'....4411 t' P 11. ag: its regantiiig , 1tau.pwutetion wr.r ..t t\'uuti{s g. •.0 1, •. n.ATNa: Aegnst 31-t - Flont'1'oro,It ,-Sudbury Line• 44111 r..., hot 11.0 inrluditog Steil 1."1'4II. .a Rent' err, alms fioul • 51 sin Ltn•• ,i-• of Sodbury 1.'. but nut iucILdiu(. Ni.,ak Bay.. Sept end rr 2nd- F'unu TnnmW, al•tr west aid .Doth their, 1. Furth... part11'.Isr, from ('44n+dlah- Pecine 11ek.t agent,, 01• W. H How ad, I)isbiat 1'.,1>r, 1 r Agent. tumu- lt•. 'it, CANADIAN" PACIFIC TRAVEL VIA CANADA'S GREATEST RAILWAY TO Canada's Greatest Annual Exhibition REDUCED FARES F- -•n yl oat .'ns •n On•ana also from '. aaara Fa,l.. Buffalo V Y. anti Detroit. MKIt For Spertal'1.44.0 pe-r.ce and awes' e.•artion fare• SEE LARGE POSTER n• ,'...,l, rasoni you C,•d a, P.d.: .4 wa.. or aro*. W 5 Hrw✓!. DP 4 . Tamen N A New Shipment of House_Furnishi-ngs HA S ars ivied at Wa'm:.er s Furniture Store, consisting of Rugs in Brussels, Velvets, A'iltons and Tapestries in various sizes and qualities. Before you buy a rug give us a call and examine our stock, because it is new and up-to-date. Linoleums, 2 x 4 yards wide. have just arrived from the mill. We will give a special discount off all Verandah Rugs and Verandah Shades during the month of August.. Picture Framing and Repairing promptly and neatly done. Walker's Furniture Store THE STORE OF QUALITY Often the Cheapest Always the Best W. Walker, Furniture aad Undertaking Phone 89 Goderic` 1