The Signal, 1916-8-24, Page 3;iHE SIGNAL : GODEItICH, ONTARIO BRONCHO BUSTERS OF 16rst 1 T" E MISERABLE FROM 0�161��L I Tale "f Two Hurts Officers at Cassp ��� Beedea and "Billy,' the Mascot. Frow Camp Barden this shit) STOMACU TROUBLE ONLYof the exploit.. of two ..Merl. of the Uilet IHuruol Battaltuu, and Hilly," `E NUINE the equine mascot of the unit : BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF ��DINARS'S BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. hOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS all ••TBE SWAM.. outmoded r ` oa leaving GM A. B. TAYLOR. Savo. WW - MEDICAL kB. F. J. H. FORtSTER-EYE, RAR atm sad Wow may. Hoes ..sheen w Teck Upbthalme and Aural Isautute :limiest Amis.., liar, Nate and 1 brow Harpltal, Wiles =sad Moor"1teld Kye BowateL iIMIsM. Vela. St tl. Waterloo [Street, Knox Chards. Benin* 11.1.1... 3 t ee la.. 21011 p. m. Telepann. IrrGBL. HP.ILEMANN, OSTEO P• TH. medalist is wwwsa'. and cbll Beasts I.e..aease, acute. ,acuate and nerves. dna sd.,. ere. ear. rare rod threat. partial drat e.t�aa,, excise. sootids ad rheumatic ion.. Ade e� reaevet without the knife. Uttlw at corner Nel.on and +t. Aodtew'. At home nine anode,.. Thoidey. • any evening bis appeteuneat. AUCTIONEER TMOMA8 UCNI)RY J AUCTIONEER OM C. podericb. W laetrnettes. ay a tea et tWru.n Iran. will be peemptly • eded in. krldeua Weems* Ib. LAGAL U 1. liAin YAItK1 TL'H. '.. d.lt'1TUR. WTA11Y 1•L BLit kIt. ( sFtllsrlisa flank Block. Hatton ase.t, -Meeks T.wi,hus .. •e. Ileal k..tete Liao- and Ia.sraaoe. P1tWU D F utrr, K I LLORAN t Cl1OK E MARlUS1Mt4. M,Llt ITultrt. N0TARIkif PL11 tLl t. Il. doom en me atpwe, .caned door from Mea wen .ower ( ni.II h. 'mate Iund. to lona at leweet rata.. W. Paat'urvar. 11.C. J. L. !Lwow H. J. D. Comm. • H. cAITERON. H. tor. not�C�.. BARRIE, TftsmI' MR. owt, Osdeete�timedtimed d °Mor..t Smoak At ('balm Tburvday of each week in =an Al be, ttraet actt•pied by Mr. r. nf14v hour. L. a.m. 101(1. LARLKtd BARROW, LL.B., BAit- LU T1t:IL attorney. solicitor. etc.. pede Money :u lend at bwe.t rete. 1 MEAGER, BA1tRIsTKR, soL- • . issue, Nota.y Public a 4 Cssveyanoet. Mee --Cent Huu. Ood.ricb. tl• USSURAIICL LOANS. BTC. la elLILLOP MUTUAL FIRM 124 Dli a L It A K c L CO. -Farm Midi lrNsW tswa property inured. pmese.-J r t :snnelly. Pres. tlMMleb P.O.: Jae. Evan.. VicsePre... keseaweed P. u.. T1stee' Sea -Tawe, a*a6*rta P. 0. ],,prweteersleeea_ to F. Mot Joaa ker'Bess k•iliiarep. W Wanj tree. tc'�irtw : �ReklaI Yirs1• Miswk , Varela it J. W. Tee. Alas. Girton ; William Ess tb ; IL 111tseaks7. tleslorth M� per meso and est bele at 5 J. Mon -kW. t)(,Wiag Stars. Ctfallea. .4. & s s Ueeoeri Kimmins stews, Oeeerbb, or J. R. Mad'. uruer.i I ..tore. Bayfield. PRIVATE FIINDtS TO loan. Apey to B. 0. CAM- , Barrister Hamilton meet, Ooderleb. W91. ROBKRT8014. • INSURANCE AGENT. rte awn Lw.Tal/SO : Seldane Canadian and American. heparan son oirt.OTPIM' Luau. Oome 14 14i.dd...1 Letftt edom, brit... IrnguYT AMID 1Guarantee 1vAaaavaa Borne : Ti* U.1. ilda111y sad Gus wteo Company. ties M r.ddssos oetbe•et comer of Tie - twat. sed K leavtdre atneree Phone �I=0 samosa Lim= W • ALTInt B. KELLY, J.P.. OODER1CH. ONT. /Wella OV MA/U AOI WCENSIM. Patents, Tracie Narks, Designs becurvd in A11 Countries. W/Ma for tree book "PATENT. PROTtc TiUN. Tells all starlit and how to set, pat Lata HADDOCK t SONS. Mahb,bed len ice merly Patent t Mee 'seamier. Heater se Patent taw.. Roal.tsred Patent Atterseys ass, ! $(. Jame. Strews, Mostraal. Brw itiam esq*ia sad Waahington. K.pe..e.WJves to ea sneers a wntrie• assameseaMMemeaMMWasaMMWMMIMIle Brophe) Bros. GODgpiOH lee Leadlag Fu.erai Directors and Embalmers Orders earetally attended to at all brstals, night ter day. Fur several days tamp Borden has missed "Billy." He hiss not hewn seen trotting up and down Borden's o utfaced etre t, or picauig m. way out over the plain.. Per wary weeks "Billy" had been • (rutiliar theme be- cansr sit hie di.tiuct rppeatauce and original mannerism.. He was a favor- ite among wavy rid the pride of at least two omcerr, with the result that many inquirlr. have been received at the ltilst IHuruir Battalion head- quarters regarding the state of bealib •t "Billy.. Ili. friends are advised that "Billy" has twc • casualty along with •lout sixty others of hie kind. "Hilly" i+ really a bnr•e with a Int of borer -sense. Hr was (11Irrly a member of • cii•eue, but after the out- break of hostilities he decided that his place was in the Canadian expedi- tionary force He tried hard W enlist for overseas service, but it war found that he was a hand or two shy in height. He is shy in no other way, however. havens. be is a hardy mus- tang, with nteny cute and cunning ways. Heiug araduate from a Cir- cus, b. knows a bagful of tricks. He is • high -stepper when he wants to be, while •ne walks on two legs when he receives the cue. He has • quirk getaway. In common English this means that he starts fart from a standing position. He it a willing worker and proud tweau.,• he receives con.iderai•Ik notice wherever he gore. He also co-ordinates with his • present master in such (rats a. picking up handkerchiefs from the ground while travelling at high speed. and cbang• ing his direction by a mere signal of the band. Until the time that he eoti?racted his smuttier complain!, "filly- was ridden chiefly by two om rr.tf the 101.1 Battalion. statutes-, Lieut. W. P. Grieve. of Sea(orth, and Cep!. %V. H. Allen, 'mattes master of the battalion. Both have lived in Sot.thern Alberta, where horsemanship is considered an essential feature, and where ride:• vie with each °thee in bone matters Hoch are expert horsemen. •nd their ability has become an established fact at Camp' Borden. 1Vbrnever the Veterinary Horpstal Corps obutiios possession of anincorrigible animal. it invariably hePperta that either Capt. Allen or Lieut. Grieve is naked to step around to the hospital at c,nl- venience. The om •et iii.ntgrs to bandir the bersc literally without gloves The two officers are now fasted broncho -•meters around camp. although Lieut. Grieve was a ecbc.d teacher in Toronto at one time in Lis life. "Billy" is a yellow mnrtang which was br•uughl from r circutat 1/et roe more than one year ago. A fine West- ern cowboy twiddle alto goes with the horse , Both Capt. Allen and Lieut. Grate also have an unutietnkaWe Western air. stout tbew. The way they Mick to the eaddlr at:U lit thrtu •11 (reties. hor.r.uen-living ex•utples of the pbotuplay. Oen rad Ir•tut•r ale It "Billy' it that he 11111.1 .11(11 part cemptily with the Inlet BettaliuII. He is a nitre short of for wilitesv standard. and will have to he left behind when the unit proceeds in an ..surly dl e. tir.n. In fact, "Hilly'' ie already looking for • kind waster. Although full of spirit, "Billy" Ise very trme•tahle horse, end it is nut likely that he will I...k long for a new o. ner.-Lohduu Ad- •et'llae l'. . Baby's Great Danger Dur- ing Hot Weather. More little one. die during the hot weather than at any other time (lur- ing the year. Diarrhoea. dysentery, cholera intent situ and .1 otuac b t rou hies canal without warning, and when a medicine is not at hand to give prompt- ly the .hoit delay too ftegnently means that thecbild has passed beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in hosted where there are young children. An occasional dove of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel trouble.., and if the trouble comes suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will cure the tkchv. The Tab - leu are sold by medicine c)ralere or by mail at. 2i rents a hex from The Dr. K'illiami Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. A Question that Failed. A railwt.y lawyer who has had much to do with buutan nature says : "Never cross-gne•tinn an irishman Irons the old sod." And he gave an illustration from his own rxpetience : "A section hand bed been killed lay an express ,rain and his widow sirs. suing for damages. The main wi - nese swore positively that the loco- motive whistle had not Pounded until after the whole train had passel ever his departed friend. 'Mee here. Me(.innis.' paid 1, 'you admit that the whistle blew 7 " 'Yip, *or, it blew, sor.' " 'Now, it that whistle 'minded in time M give Michael warning, the fact would hes in favor of the com- pany. wouldn't it T 'Y is,'cr. and Mike would AP testi- fying hen this day. The jury gig- gled." -Oahe and Comment - FALL FAIRS. 1916. Toronto Rog. :Fl --slept. 11 I Sept. A-10 Wslkerton tispt. 12, 1:1 Palmerston *epee 14, 15 Exeter ...... Atwood London .,........Dept. IS, 11+ Hept. 19, 220Zurich......... .Dept. 24i, 21 Meaforth Slept. 21. Y2 R hseard i oe I . Mep t. 21. 22 Ripley ....Sept.") r7 MItelsell GUDBRIOH Seep . 27-20 Mapes sept. 111, 20 st'O MIlvos Sept 2R, 2I4 i.ttekeew Sept. 29. 29 kirktoa ..sept. 2S, 29 Blyth Oet K flewsseb Oe. 6. Dungarees Oct. i'. 6 tOrd wiel ... ....................pet 7 Felt Wretched Until He Started To Take "Fruit -a -tires" 594 t'usrn.AIS Sr., Moirrau4 "Fur too years, I was a miserable sufferer from Rheamiafisrs aa[Slorascb 7:orbit. I tiad frequent Dizzy Spells, and when 1 took fuo.l, felt wretched and sleepy. 1 suffered from Rheu- matism dreadfully, with pains in my back and joints,and my hands swollen. A friend advised "Fruit -a -Lives" and from the outset, they did me goo.!. rifler Ike irsl box, !Jell ! was:MUime well and I can truthfully say that "Fruit a-tives" is the only medicine that helped me". 1,01.1S LABI:IE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- s -tires Limited, Ottawa. - A New Stunt. "You remember that you sold me • horse last week Y said the cabman angrily to the hone dealer. -Yes. What about him 2' "He fell dead yesterday." "Well, 1 never :" said the dealer. "1 told you be had some funny litt'e way., bat ups n my word 1 never knew trim to do that before." A Modern Solomon. Two brothers inherited a farm and quarrelled violent ly ae to iia division. Now there lived in their village • cer- tain abrewn and wl.e old elan, noted for the soundnrvu of hi- tt Ivies, flim the brothers determined to appoint arbitrator Winvievrr he .aid they would abide IT 'they Is id the urattsr Isere. hint. Fot • lung whit.- he rh nicht, then delivered iudgmrnt. "Yost,- said he. point ing to the elder, •hell divide the ratan as you think f•.ir And you." he c„ntin'ued, point- ing to the younger, ..-hall beer the Mast choice." Problem for Newspaper Publishers. lt. es a manic of De rear, the bnst- nr.s of puili.hing new•papet' comes to assume a nrore hii%ine.s 1.Le char- a.ter, they will 1.-onb'gein 1n co int. Why .hould the person who pnrcbaset a nrw.paper get it for a ptire gener- ally Iwiow its cost of tinnitirtion? Yet, that iso the res. in fwactte:.lfc every instvurr, the difference heir g charged to the advertiser. Should there not he .. levrl!irg tip as bat warn the tio sort. of r.l-t Ain. r- ? 11 i•• th•• adter- tiaer t.•tte, •.tient.-d to pay tan long tae be get• hi. aloe. irtrriient int,, the hands of the petiole ? At .11 event.. urw•paleer pooh -iters are up again+t a tr•.1 pr•hlra.. Fothrr inoir rear..sir must 1..• found or c,.ts of production cur' 1I•3•41. ----- -- Th Western Fait.. t • Westc a 111... 1t Plr k. 1.,11.1.•11, Ile.'„ it a tris h,.c p14•.'rt11..•'1,Y•. %I.. *neer. .1C entagrd prepannit the i. •tidings for the tug exhih''ion, which take+ place S-pteruhrt i.:h t.. lath. 1n:ui:IKrun•nt of the rxhito.tion have been eon.i,lerahly hsndirapped with thewotk. but it i• honed that after this week nothing will tee allowed to inter- fere with the menorah. Their will be .•vrtsl new restores this veer The Dominion Gnve,ntnent i+ put'ing on a demonstration n, the• new Pro teas H.lildi-,g rat the care of eggs, with it view to iterea.ing inter- est strong the (settler. in Ib' ••.ra and pro.?action of egg-. '1here will also ice' un exhibit of w 4.1 put. on 1.y the (Sorel uurrit .s ah the same o:tjrct in vie J• There has been is good demand for spec••, and judging 'tom p1e•rut indi- s.ations every meal ble P'pee will he filled. 1f any spier is required for an ex h: hit or rnncr.ei 'n application should be made tae the secretary at once. If pnt-iee are to he rued. 11 .hould be at- tended to •t once, and not left until the last dee. All information et the general officer, Dunne ion Swinge Building, London. TEUYDAY, .AtntO*T 64 1916 at MARKET QUOTATIONS 1I� Al'GI'ST >Mo l Toronto Cattle Market Steers, choice weighty.. t' .40 to 31.73 do. medium weighty. 7.60 8 00 Butchers', choir. handy. 7.60 9.00 do. good 00 7.30 do. medium •' 60 6 95 do. common 5.40 6.25 Butchers' cows, choicet; 60 7.00 do. good 5 60 6.00 da medium 5 00 6.50 Butchers' bulls, cholas.. 7 00 7.40 do. medium to good. 6 25 6.75 do. bologna 4 50 6.00 P'eedena, 900 to 1,000 lbs. n 75 7.20 do. bulls 5 00 6.00 Stockers, 600 to 900 lbs. 6.00 6.75 do. med. 650 to 700 5.75 6.25 do. common. light5.66 6.00 Cutter 460 6.60 C • 3.76 4.60 Milkers. good to cholcs70'00 90.00 do. common to medLn.00 70.00 Springers L:..00 90.00 Calves, veal. choke11.00 12.00 do. medium +.00 10.00 do. common c.00 7.50 do. grass 5.50 6.60 Lambs, cwt. 9.00 11.00 Sheep, ewes, right 7.50 13.60 do. heavy and bucks 5.00 6.00 do. culls 3.50 5.00 Hoge, weighed off ca»12.75 0.00 do. fed and watered 12 50 0.00 do. f.o.b. 11.75. 0.00 I Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track. bay ports. No. 1 northern .$L6814; No. 2 north- ern, $1.6642; No. 3 northern, $1.634*. Manitoba oats -Track, hay ports, No. 2 1.'.N'., bac; No. 3 t'.W., 57c; extra No. 1 feed, 57c; No 1 teed, 56c. American corn -No. 1 yellow, 97119.. track. Toronto. Ontario wheat -New aheat, No. 2, 11.25; No. 1 commercial, per carlot, tccording to freight outside, 11.20 to 31.22; No. 2 commerctal. 11.16 to LLD.; No. 3 commercial, $1.12 to 11.14; feed wheat, 98c to $1. Ontario oats -No. 3 whiter. according to freights, outside, 51c to 52c. Peas -No. 2, per carlot, 31.85 to 11.95. Rye -No. 1, new, 31.02 iso 31.05. ' Manitoba flour-Flrst crates• , in Jute bags, 38.10; second patents, i. Jute tags. 17.60; strong bakers' in jute bags. 5..40, Toronto Ontario flour -Winter, track,'tcren- to, prompt shipment, according to )sample, $5.50 to $5.60, in lute. bags; bulk. seaboard, 35.40 to 85 50. Mlllfeed-Car iota; 'per ton, deliver SINUS IF A NEY REMEDY FOM IAcucuE, KIDNEY:, AIEUTAB it. 1 T_ Mr. Editor -I suffered for yeas. with backache. Last March I tried "Anuric" and have used this new kid- l ney medicine recently discovered by Dr. Pierce, and it was wonderful the way it eased the pain and gave me relief in such a short time. I have tried several medicines, but "Anuric• is the only one that gave satisfaction. I feel it my duty to recommend "Anuric Tablets" to any one wbo suffer, as I did. ( Signed) Mag. MamoaaiT E. 81nn4L Nora: Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained by using" d NURIC.- the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, wbo is head of the INVALIDS' HOTEL and SrIntcaL INSrrTCTE, in Buffalo, N. Y. Those who started the daywith a back- ache, Miff legs. arms anmuscles, and an aching head ( worn out before the day began because they were in and oat of bed ball a dozen Limes at night) are sppr.clsting the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Annrie Tablets. To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and congqsen headache, kidney and blajd.r diseases and rheumatism, if you M nem used the " A nano • cut this out and send ten Dents to Doctor Piers for a Tarp sample package. This will prove to yon that • Anorio • is thirty-seven times mon active than ' this in eliminating uric acid -and the most perfect kidney and bladder eor- rctor. if yea are • sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box of "Anon..• Yon run no risk for Dr. Pierce'• good name stands behind this wesderfol mew dimovery as it has for the past half century for his "Goldaa Medical Diseoe ry," a general lassie made from roots with pen 1 white makes the blood para, • fa• verbs Prsserlptiom • for weak venal g all °llama Ps1IsY• far loge 115. 1 1 1 1 D•MILLARuSON j Announcing the New Coats II WE HAVE just received a large consignment of Ladies , Misses and Children s Coats in the season's latest styles. This season more than ever an early inspection is cordially invited, as owing to market conditions there will be a great scarcity of all materials. We carry the largest stock of Popular Priced Coats in Town. New Fall Dress Goods Foresight in early buying this season has resulted greatly to our advantage and we are able to show Serges,Gabradines,Tweeds, Velours, Broadcloths, etc.,at prices much Tess than those prevailing at present. New Silk Sweaters New ;Silk Sweaters TheNew Silk Sweaters are just charming. They come in all the newest dainty colorings including Melon, Rose, Champagne, Gold, Green, Copen- $5.00 to $12.50 hagen J J The New Wool Sweater Coats are more serviceable than the Silk Sweater. We have them in all colors, sizes and styles. from $2.00 up Turnbull's Cee Tee Sweaters :: Monarch Sweaters :: Penman's Sweaters McCall's Patterns McCall's Patterns %.1 PHONE S6 1 Millar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 wersiramememensaminstosi°019 PA,Montreal: Shorts. $27. bran. $25; - - - - - - T good feed :lour, per hag..; 11.80 to 81.85; middlings, $213. Hay -Baled. No. 1 tea. k. Toronto, new, $10 to $12; car lot., No, 2, $9 • to 39.50; straw, 36 to $7.• Butter and Cheese Market* Alexandria -817 cheeese bearded; all sold at 18'4c for white and 19c fur colored. Cornwall -2,290 boxes of colored cheese; all sold at 1S%.. Pecten- 18 factt,ries boarded 1,520. all colored. .ill sold at 191.s Iroquois -7o.; 'MAWS i -1.,r, 1 an.! white w. -r• . 11, red: 515 h..ses on board ;.t 1'I21.•: balance sol. . .•lire• at wane price-. Naparee-67Q boxes of wli::e and 1.100 ,ul.r.-d were .offered. Ad sold at 191-10-. 3iout Jolt. Que.-100 boxes cheese sold at 178,c. St. Hyacinthe. Que.-900 b .sea of. fered. All sold at 19'4e. 60 packages of butter sold i,1 34c. l'uwansville, flue. -11 factories of- fered. 72 packages of butter. factory sold at 341., and ten factor ice at 34%c. :►iy;:. -2,e"•7; hug, s offered;, Sal anld 19 3-16c, 1,540 at 19' c, 260 at 19 1-16e; balance refused. Ke.n4lvtlle. -7:32 colored and 180 boxes etude were (snored. All sold at 19c. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prlcad to trade: Special candled candled i cart'?'3 .34 to $ .36 Candled, ex -cartons, .... .23 .30 Butter -.- Creamery prints. fresh., .33 Creamery. solids .311:. Choice dairy prints.28 Ordinary dairy prints.26 Bakers' .24 .26 Cheese -New. lark.. 19c to 1914c; twins. 191,.c to 19`4. ; triplets, 19hac to 20c; old. June and September, large, 22c; old. 22'4.; triplets, 221.1c. Poultry Live Dressed Spring' broilers 20c 22c 26c 2Sc Old fowl. Ib15c li;c 18c 20c Ducklings 12c I.:c 16c 20c Potatoes -Delawares. 32.00; west- erns. $1.86, out of stere; to carlot., 16c less. Beane- Hand-picked. $6.60; primes, ji, Michigan, haul -picked, 45.60; primes. 34.50 to $4 75. the .35 .3:. .30 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle-Recelpts, 4,800; slow, *hip- ping, !.V.25 to $10 50, butchers. 34.75 t6 59; heifers, 16 to $8 25; cows, 33.75 to 37.25; bulls. 35 In $7.35; stockers and feeders, 35.76 'w, 17.25; heaters, 35 to 35 75; cows and springers, $50 to 1110. Veale-Recelpts. 1.0011; active and ltteady, 34.60 to 313. Hoge -Receipts, 8.000; active; lntied. 311.15 to $11,30; heavy, 311.15 0 311.30; yorkerl. 310.35; pigs, •10.21; roughs. 31.76 to $10; stags, 34.50 to $1. Sheep and lambs --Receipts,• active and steady; lemha, 37 to 31 .5; arlfnga, 86.50 'to 39 50, wetbers, 36 to $8.26, ewes, $4 to 37.75;; sheep, mixed, 37.75 to 38. Chicago Live Cheek Cattle -- Receipts, 24,000, market invade; beeves, 87 rr 311.10; stockers and feeders, $6 to 17.00• sews and heifers. 33.60 to 39.40; Gabs, 39 to 313.11. Hogs--R•e.tpta, 29.000; mart at higher; itght, 310135 to 311.10; mis*d, 1110.30 to 311.10, heat). 310 to 311.10; bough. 810 to 110 20. ptBg 37.11 to 33.40; balk of sales. 130.50 to 311. Sbonp Rscetpt.. 23,000t;" OssfbMt ; 'tattoo. 36.54) to p; losak aMir.. 07.0 to $1L10. IfacEwan Estate • • Exclusive agents for' •• • •• • for Goderich •• and District. • • • Best Coal Mined. • • • • Any quatntity twit all Maple Slaha. Miied Wood, Hemlock and Kindling 1Cedar or Pine.) SCRANTON COAL • • • • TELEPHONES. office ell • testdenee alts Or OB • • • • • • • 2 ! S The Modern, House is in Demand ! Il' YOU want to have your houses 1.t Ing mot a lent money put in modern plumbing. 'rhe crest, will come hark to you in short order, and ptr.ve the ie•t kind of es Iwrtltanet t invesuuent. At r sir figures it won't cost you so very b. Awa! W. R. PINDER Phone 1:.:. Hawtlton Street GRAND TRUNK RY's EM Canadian National Exhibition RETURN TICKETS at reduced litre* t.. Tsnonto from all .taiiont in (anarla. Special trait service and low rate eecurtln*a from all principal points nn certain dates. 9.11 particulars and specie' [rein •etytrt frntn Grand Trunk Agents. HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS `12.00 TO WINNIPEG Take the new Traa•rsnllneetal •h•wt ..este orches Canada the (band Trunk tf' -lee N the ...intendane Onfrke.t NWT req ween Wlael pre. oa*keteea sad Idalse• Mn. Po sevel• • erre ..ever«. d.. • kea qw... FARE Si e�-., 'DAILY E�E?WEEN' BUFFALO CLEVELAND t'. Tie Groat Slip "SEF.ANDBEE" ps Th. lertwt ..d nowt coat:, roamer on an, ..1.W water .r the world. ' :kepis. .r••••••. tar kr 16.a r...., tars. "QTY OF RIE" - 3 Mesei teewt Steamer. - -'CTTY OF BUFFALO' Ilya'LIN BUFFALO -Daily, May 1st to Nov. IS di -CLEVELAND Low Palate• 9 $0 P. M. Lav Cleveland - V. f 4 P. r Ames C:r. Aiwd a -,• ...0 A. M. Anse wet... •- -e • Tie A. Western extern !tart.rd 1 "s.1 G•^ -e:• -ro • r' .eta Ar r,.d.r l.,. t, t rtl+f. 7.1rY, Drama ma WI rites •r tsai The Saults Coal Co. F.XC'IThIVE Ac l LEIIIGH VALLEY THE TIIA1' We deal in Hard and colt C9:11. Lithe, Cement, Fire hack. Fire• Clay. alwt.Ilard and '..(t Wood.. \tel,lc and Hemlock Slabs, $2 per cord. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE? - B. J. Sault.' Rt. ' W. \V. Sault. kelt?, 11, ••••••A•••••• lake fiasol-ine Your Motive Power ! This is the season when a Gasoline Engine would be a valuable asset if added to your farm equipment. Just at the present time we have on the floor of our ware- house all sizes of Engines from one and a -half to six horse- power. They will do a great deal to take the drudgery out of life. Call and see them. MED. 4110 ROBT. WILSON Hamilton St., Oedema ••••••••••••. CRNA AN NATIONAL z` V\HIWITiON si:3 Empire Federation VI Spectacle 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands ; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Sce'ric Reproduction of the British :louses of Parlia- ment, Abbey W y and th^ War Office. W ON AND UNDER W SEA A A ON LAND R IN THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare. Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- etruction of Ware .ps by Hidden Mines. Bayonet Fid tont. Federation Year Fireworks, omplete New Midway. Anmer Th. 'Usage is Qev.rnmsnt Exhibits, aupwin Showing of Live Stock and Agr4jultur'al Products. Acres of Manu- factures. Ten.to, A.t. 2$ to Soot. 11 it tiskee all Porte of people to make • world, but everyone i nag nes his kind ought to he in the majority. A man'. idea of real praise is to ad- mit publicly that another wbo 1s earn- ing more money than he Is is worth every nickel he gets.