The Signal, 1916-8-17, Page 7TILE SIf:ar sL. : (ODERICil ONTARIO WESTERN ERN CROPS. PRAIRIE PROVINCES WILL HAVE AN AVERAGE YIEL O. Great Problem Will be to Secure Labor for the H t -Reports of Dam- age from Rust Are Exaggerated - Western Farmer Who Dodges Frost and Hail Has Ureal Prospects The following is one of • series of letters written by Mr. Cha.. E. Comp- ton, of (htawe, foturrly of The Sig- nal. who h:o. Jae( returued from a trip tbruugh the Nest : Toe crops! This is the •h.orbing question in Canada Carley. As foie country as c twwuoly known as the 'granary of the kutpire. ' everyone wants to know if she is going to sus- tain her reputation again :hie year, Perhaps there never was • time i,1 the history of the Dominion w hen the eyes of the world- especially those of the British Enipue-were focused upon Canadian crops as at the pier. art owe. The vast armies ut the Britannic allies are depending. to a large extent, upon Canadian grata bur their bul.aetru te. RU•ala it feeding ler own multitoder. but grain fr..u. Canada wort help fend the 'millions of hungry mouths in Great Britain. France and Belgium. White toe older Piuvincrs of Can- ada have produced millions of bushels of grain annually. the recent raplld de- velopment in agriculture in Manitoba, elaskatcbewan and Albeit• has art lar • eclipsed the productive qualities of Ontario, Quebec and the Mal- tianr Provinces that the Northwest Proem - tial trio is ever mute and mote in t1 . limelight of the grain markets of the. mol Id. Somewhat Precarious. Owieg to the frost and hail possi- bilities and unfortunately present realities, the growing of grain in the Canadian Nan.thweert has always been considered, to A certain degree, lulu or teas precarious. \Vith the yawning mouth of Europe; stretched wide upeu for food anti the. war demand from other place•, Mel grain clop. Prow Canada thin . a+nu will probably be • greater lactor in deciding :hid war than u.n.t peo,de Grua t••te A •pleudui grain crop in the W'. -.t will mean greatly uup.,Ted CoIUiliei- end condo i ms were, which will have a ell:mart:1.g refect upon Ontario, This *why everyone 1 the term or city ia w gtratty Mori este al in this year'. crop paneprcts. In'1Veetrn, Canada the en p pros- pect is t hr .ben hoax question 41(11 *s grain -growing i, the Iolanda? lot! upon tubuli Lb*:.•uuntry was built all know one year'. dr.uiny at least will be de- cided by the 1'uti tit of grain •• at'hat ire the pio•prct. i \fill this y.al'e yield rou.peie farotnbly with the: of last ? Ht, the hail iso f:.a waterielly d hien:aged the sggrrgate yield and will the demand for 1'bor, news mu y for harvesting, Iw annuli greater than tar a nppl} The Real Facts. Hy tognirirs made in d flerent_ part+ of tee C04DtIy. Iron' different le.dl- vidarl., r,tt•l,.te and urhagited. 1 base endeavored td find out the teal. fart.. reseed:ass art what land boomers, giaiu .pe. idators, or Ituzk ryurl;hers suay report. Passion .frons Winnipeg to the I we -tern estren,iav of Allr.eta by the Canadian Not thew RaiiwaV and touching attIt:11CP Athlon *bunt the beginning of At8u-t• general ohwn:•- e Lions r led the tact that the .traw on an ar tall w • flu '1 1-2 fret t FOR THE VACATION DAYS August is vacation time for Goderich folk. tri tu'li all he taking a few (la\ > off (luring the next two or three weeks to enjoy yourselves. Some of you will go camping. others will travel, and still others will seek different diversions. But what- ever yop do or wherever you go there are many things you'll need to make your vacation complete. Compile your list of Vacation Needs today and use this page as a guide. The concerns represented below will serve you to your entire satisfaction. Travelling Necessaries IN the way of Bags, Valises, Suitcases and Trunks are special features here. You'll Find our quality up to your idea of what's right. and our prices distinct winning possibilities for your purse. There's just as much style, or lack of it, about Hand Bags as there is about clothes. And a traveller who carries a stylish hand bag is contributing considerably to his personal appearance. Ask for information about our Wardrobe Trnks. H. J. FISHER HAMILTON STREET GODERICH ONTARIO WE HAVE 101 Vacation Accessories -. - at -. Wigle's Pharmacy There'll be Something Missing if you wear one of our colas -the -ocean -breeze Outing Shirts ! It will be that sweat -starting .weir -word -provoking hest. Vutr won't realize that it's warm makes tome . heerful idiot asks you. "Is it hot enough for you ?" or unless you bump into a thermometer. Don't you want or.e? See ,.or Bathing Snitor. .t fresh stork just arritr.i. McLEAN BROS. The Mm serer rrlo..•The Square. Godericl. $15.00 Men's Suits- -$ 1 0.00 You will see them in the inflow, men's single-breasted Sacc'fue • Suits and Norfolk'.styles='•good 'strong tweeds in ' grey , mixtures" and tan shades. Sizes 35 to 4o. Regular $12 to $15, )n sale at ... $10.00. Walter C. Pridham See our new fall samples for special order 20th Century Brand. On Every Outing has it. innin;.. A pucde:etfcl t.: le:.,tiai: n1e.i:i, a bushelful•of fun. R. R. SALLOWS PHOTOGRAPHER At Walkers Furniture Store YOU WILL FIND SPECIAL PRICES PREVAILING IN ALL Campers' Outfits Hammocks Folding Tables Folding Chairs Woven Wire Stretchers Don't forget to take your camera, so that you may bring back some snap hots for us to frame with some new and classy moulding. "The Store of Quality" Often the Cheapest Always the Best 1. Hi IN 1: Thi.nt.y ..•ru. F: -•'Ali eCt: arat:.a, if grw.n we•, harvester* before It way f K \rmoure H'tc.s.re arta .•n .hr 'tin oncer.inn rt 1f w ober v. TY and DISTRICT In the h it h.I•h flr N -miser On- e r a - w rr o caught. 1 f set high, the hra.:r t Nlginit f.un1 but i1 10 .4 Led' that not a few farmers gh, ht the fro+t, bat owing to the six to eight inch.-.. The wheat was begl,aing tot-«rb the •'m•1►" stage • the barley bad Ierb'et•rlk..l,' end ala. ripening. while the oats erre not .o far Adt.,. red. On all side. in the •et- tled districts one -err not were- ha' milt. of waving gram. i 1 a 1/••n,,.1, who her never seen the prnlrirs the sight 8r.t appals .me, then I,t.cinatr. hint. The first question Hitt sug- gests itself is : ••Wliy do people cke out a mere existence in some of the rock pules of Oatwrin, when so 'h . valuable land is going to waste i" Hu' 1 there's no accounting for tante anti. Perhaps the man who lives on a lock pile is just as happy, though it; or, as' the man who is 14 tiling toteke chances I of all harm Iro.l en 1 .xpe,•te to make $1'.(Jsi stab one good deasun'r crop. in Mouths. n .Ma k atehewan ale looking hate --d ng she feared. She, how- COUN for wiled t•• a-erel t :hit nor -on kit ',rill 'eve,. had goad nevem to believe that v (suing then. anf� i 18.1, Parc anon. it mac berm. to III.ig floor ta1.d Keil. t,.;! wham :, the (Arai in Ontoio 11141 w II p.1(1111.8 :(•x.1"101 wrt'th of wheat1. * ,i4.,1* coal f An Average Yield. Flom conversation w tier* in a p'•.u'ion t • k.. w, 1 have learned that (IrIwpr. t. both -so -a an avereg8, yield nut nueild nor Coeur up to the b per yield of last y*at. Mi-.. A. ti.eha,u. of K-nittino, in the n•.rthA,n pelt ..f M +bot• hrw,.n, • he rh.•dght it had been exiyrgrrweel-1guat. woman versed in the ag.irultural par by American grain-nolden who had' The Winneand heeiine of the North- dn. tivenes. •!f tl. •t Prnvinre and circul a••d these reports for their own' ern Onttrio d -e was 'las Isabella who -e Another wti•P. thaer.p rrpen'ts pltllt•r.rs• and he panted 1(U: bow Metntt, daughter of it.ti.vt Scot'. of for the district. wAe of the opinion thousands o1 dollars had been wady Hulett. The caddy iterate.. have Iteen (h t riser wo•u.i rte 411 avertgr yield. ,laity by enotrolling the Amenth caa untainted in .it plater of tier conduct stock markets by this wean=. Iin the stricken uietriet. Mese Cora Hind, an .:!tart from Mrs. Jenne,. Hooper, an ..111 and 19- ■\\ innipeg winter opinion is i)owinenr- ! Pprcted resident of Tutni.et ry, died on widely valuable, said it alai customary Saturday, July Gta:b. She wee eiwhty- t / have haul every year, and wave au ! six years of age. Silt* w e** born in opinion that while it wee *Prim'. in , Merton. Devnnehere, and it ad resided individual •ecliong it would not greet- ' in Canada over Arty year•. Iy affect the aggregate output. Mh* judged the damage would probably FCAnparntnfHhnnr htr'1.1 e.uina 10 Mi . *mo,un[ t» three per cent. Exeter one day Ia•.t week. They col - twenty -iter htl•h•l. of whet would be a fair estimate for tris year A ni .n who had spent sixteen *•rats. James A. Fowler -.;n of the late on the prairies of Mrnit,ni we. Mi. ('haul • Fowler. ..t 11 .li-:t. died *t Wafter S o:r, of Str*thcliir. In the Killarhee. Manitoba, .t.. .lulc :dtth. past he had known of 1 .nd pr.rdoeing He hid nett) in failing he..1'0 for some sixty bushels of wheat and Lea of ort', time. per :a: re. He judged nl tie yield ' Mr. and Mrs., Leonard Brawn, of this year would be about twenty-five Wroxeter, annnunee the engagement of wheat and .1118 of oat+. I of their daughter, M4rg4tet, to Chester Damage Exaggerated.; l'•gginb, 1t it ntterI V. Th-• luarriage Asted about the black rust, he s ii.1 1 will take place the 14.1 week ir. Au - Electric Fans and Irons D0 YOU know the advantage of Elec- tric Irons and Fans, especially in hot weather. and how easy it is to live and work, in summer especially. with these appliances ? Ironing out of doors. for example. is both practicable and pleasant and our electric flat- irons certainly smooth the way on ironing day. Do you know of the comfort of a fan in the dining -room ? The residence fan is de- signed for extreme quietness in running. Electric Futures and Supplies always on hand. Let lar give you a figure on wiring your house. Robi. Tait WEST MEET Miles of Grain. Itded will a Heat. pole, I.tr.kirg it One of the floes wheat fields i• ti 1 oR. •1'he wh:flle:r+es also neer broken he seen *t bladworth, Mi•k. one of 1 A. wrl! ,as sonar of the harness, but fhe the moat progre..its farmer. of the 1 horses escaped with only a slight in- ' place, Mr. John Butler. who cultivate. i J •ry to the fait of one of them. loin peter of land thele. in addition I Death in 'ening woman ii; .td calm to to other huge farms in adjoining lo- Mrs. John litou.hier or Monday wnrn- calitir, has some 7151 acres In whew I ing of Iasi week after • short illn.•se 'and this year summer-fallnw8.1 :tto, from internal cancer. M,* tilou.hier acres. He is very well srti-fled with I was • daughter of Mr. and Mn. R. B. the crop this year and thinks thresh- Alcocl, of the nth line of Pompeii! She, . ing will reveal an average yield. 1 wee born in Orey township twenty Foleii! Mr. Butler lived at Renfrew, year* ago and was married last March Ont. to her now bereft partner. tt'ben 1 peened through the great Agwet wedding was .olemnized at grain telt, cutting had nut rum•the maes, Beiges.', eiges', nn Tuesday of m.neeed, and only In Ontario did 1 *eel last week. w hen Will Kelly. of Swift • harv.•.tiwg opsentions in progress. ' Current. Sask.. and Mies .Jean Ander. The Western termer i., bnwever, up eon .record daughter of R .bart Ander- s against the bigge.t problem of hi. 1118 ann. of H-Igrays locality. were united -that of seeming lefts to take off in martiegw. Rev. A. N. Hoyle of - his grain. Thousands of men are re- g,a.p,�. After •short vr.it wl'th re- claim' for the work and the West al"- tatty*, sed friends Mr. and Mn. Holly per•.ntly has not anytbhng like the re- will (save for their \Nesters borne. qulred numb'''. C1 really t) 7 While •lilting at the hoot. 01 Mr. nrs.t mime from tis M�.t nP the! Mr.. Allan gpoir, of the 4th line United flutes if the crop 1e 10 M' properly lsarvesad. I of Mom., on Friday, August 4th, Mary H. the live -year-old daughter of Mrs. • I.• x Sprit., .pied a bottle of Rev. Thorns* Weer, a former pop* liquid •trychnirsltand drank part of the lar pariah priest at Uod.rich staid St. enot.nts before ale was emitted. In Augustine. has celebrated the fortieth spite of all abet could he dos' to anniv.twary of ►1s ordlaation to the ormeter•ct the sifters, of the petition Id on Wednesday A public 'service was the little one died thetv1YOHAM. s*m. evening. morning, July mood, f.h ,In the aburcb of the Holy Angel., Itemise. in iti114 Father West re- Tits eoll'eonn'• roll ubnw• that $7110 '.d the appointment to the parish Se lest 7810'8 toles s mill unpaid. lit Aagwtime and 1nor ream later F Firihuteb.r, R A. M', Mary., west appolated to the parish of God. has hoer engaged as ela..ical teacher Heft and (7tlaton. He sieved to it. in the $gb aebool. III Thomas about Shoes yeast ago• t aro rrrrnuv $ t tt t..a.1 u 1 r[ul es emir p "d by the Western Fu t'ndrr 1' ...and a carload of fon:ieere .hipped ;by the Canaria FurnittAe'l ural: ,- fe:4 were horned "Mr., W. Jermyn, f %Vinghr.m, t!n- DOUr,P. the rUg...en ent art her dtngh- ter, Verde May. to N•nntsn 1. 'lurch, B. A., rat Toronto, *t , "1'lr, and MIG, Thome. Murch, of Stratford. The marriewe will take plat-- quietly in Toronto en the !set 7'ueAday in Ay - gust. SEA FORTH. Fleetwood Berry. eon of •Het, J. ' Harry, f-itnerlc .t Serf. nth, has ,-u• listed for overiras servile. D1ek, of the i)irk H0,l,8 has a hen which laid en egg 8•$x71,. nolo.* Within the outer -hell w'.ar 4 .ecoid 1 egg about the size of a Aantint's. I Jean Helleut. widow ..f the late titin Hogan. and a (mater well-known re.idet.l .•1 Seef.•rth, period away in !Toronto on Tuesday of last week, aged eighty-four year.. She is eurv.ved by titre sons, all .•1 whclu reside in'1'or•• on•O. Mr. *n.1 Mrs. John M. tV it+on, of .Se*forth, annonrce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian Isabel, In 1rt- ing Su.thertan,I of Owen `toned, son Iof Mr. and Mrs. Janis" Sutherland, of • Hogner, the marriage to take place the I latter part of August. R'illinm Jnhn.ton, one of the highly I respected resident* of Se*fu.rth,died at h is home on Under ich street nn Natal• day, August •ith. alter a short illnew. Deressed was in his eighty-first year and was bon. in Arm*gb, Ireland. He cams to Caned* when •.venteen years' of age and settled -in Norval, where he was married to Miss Martha Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston tame to Me- g illnp moon after and settled on that 4th r.enrye..ion. where they made their hone until same twentye*n ago whim they came to Realorth to rs.idm A family of seven daughter rorvivs, Mrs Johnston died fifteen moatbe 1 ego. II. T. Theaseen hes purchased John BRI'996L�; Mis. Min.rv• Jones is holidaying at Hose Point. Muskoka. Mise May Jardine, of Port Oredit, has been engaged as *militant teacher In Om rnttinoa(Mn school. Janus Ireland basi purchased the residence of New t:amwrnn on the carnal of John and Church streets. The U. T. R. has mist word that no ammunition treat will he available dor len the mesth of Augnit far 8 sab- bath sienna 811rrt•elltn (0 g4sser'dl.r Misses Stahel sad lied& (Wein QM benne ft'e0t 4he Wert os a slot' eedebbne lout stoma the mit glory eesel They Termite. tl*ls.lte TstuitaDAY, Avuvwr 17, 14 T aad New York before returning to the prairie., Ueorgr Hachanaa, of WeyJot n, and Dr. Harvey Buchanan, t•f Winnipeg, me herr on* holiday ei..t. they anode . the trip of 1,110) "maws in a Mord rue. about. One punctured tire was the only uli.ibap. ' A pretty wedding wa• w.deotni,Ptl at !ht. James' chlorin Mtraltunl, .,n Wed - 1 nrsday, August 'Lod, when M144 1.1.1. 11.. Btuwn, youngest daughter of Mr. lnal Mr.. Wu. Drown, was IId is utarriage to Merge. F. (ferry, o1 the I111th Overtrain Battalion, moo of Mr. and Mitt. N. F. Urrry, Bramwell. The cerruo.ny wee probe turd in the pee - 1 a ace of the iwwrdlatr 1 elan ver and friends by Rev. ILA. 'Phomas, of Wel- . 1.1crlorq. CLINTON.• The council has ordered a ear of oil flora the Bnti.b Aluermean Oil Co. for 1181 un rite .11.811 - Mi*. Irene Wilkin has taken a p.ed- tiou in the Detroit office of the Melt - igen Central Itetlway. John T. Harland, one of Cliotl.r,'e pioneer huaiuev.. men, has eomp.rtrd his forty-ninth year as • hardware rurrchent herr. Rey K. S. Rupee t, M. A , a lot Goer Methodist pastor herr, died tart Fri- dw rt his homy in Toronto. He wits in bi. eight, first year. The Chapman boot and shoe block has been removed to London, leaviag - the 'I'witched! atone vacant for Ior tile% time •inre it wad MOIL in Ih'77. Bert Blocker, of Janney, Mark , nae written, stating that a tenitSe eters" had badly damaged hie rrnp and wrecked flus hosier, err' sly injuring his wither. The mer rage of Mary Bevan, dnugh- t.er of Mr. and Mrs H B Chant. of Clinton, to Lieut. W. E. Florally, son of Mr. and Mrs. Felwar) I'lo..dy, of Toronto, took place at Weel'y :Metho- dist church he..• last, Friday, lie v, Dr. W. L Rutledge officiating. 'rho bride was given away by her father, and wore a blur trev.11.ng suit with Murk hat. The couple were must Lenard. Mr. and Mn. bloody will vi.it at Ot- tawa, MonlreAl and t,luetar 1 he ldeutenent will ri join hie regi We nt, ib.. I:Crt h. nest week at V..Ir*,ti.r, and Mr..^' Fl•..aly will I.sidr In Morroe WO it the regiment 11''•• .•vet -rut. MEN I t:'flY 'Il?I''ER ? r• Wi•.ira - .,.4, r 11x1 Art' .I \1t N i •tt. 4.-. M naw.. <W . I a.. pal . r••.,. 8. Iw RR ,1. 1.w1 e1 Be ef. le the M..., 1 Maar18 UMC.%rr •.41•«1..4 Amo. .4 4,.l tam -t -''e •..r M-;.tnM Ir Y.1 •• r. "••••••• * 1 •tr. n• .M• ,.•a .o..,.••, I one a. t.wn•rarr • I. Invent. ..ea.w t. rats rt how ,. t .....*****1141 11..1 • •d- and ..1,f.r.-. 1„ mew r,1..',o Lam •n1 rA r .. ILL If ARV, Toa he .wt:.,* rat lW Y e •.1 . i M.�w .•.w art. rerA you pe •.•.,.�. .•ti br ••••117•• «111•..1 r1(. �pR~ w+4Aa�1'�rolAn lir the world over 1 It w 1••t 11. I....► . 1w..•.e.m wet tw YOU - Ih- BIS T- ••.ne. C...n w *AFF. 1. .1(l soar.,' c... Poo 1r.r. known to •.weal .. nn 1,:47. lea-nR•... fns. u.7 NFa VOU% 8111418. ru.M •. b 1014111)1 AO.. noseFw- Tta.A..r to hot treatment 14.4, .amide la NV MID FREE .t one. 1.. Urate...• n •ref situ row , teen y meatproveny .malod or but 2:010:810* 1.18..w.f.rr'.•.va- )).r.•.e t you 18.8 1.....lm.a...d th. • om ehtob was fadedw..8 r:.rnts:a7 tab. "hoe .8 o4 �.•ltM.•a hove Tia,.. Boo Form -..d Fete taw It. Ward r w to Po•.. w T.. On Tre le Pt 0.1/0 N ,14.104, reedy to VITALITY •e. a.n..d- I l-nt Mand. a.r...11e1, . b.y been d.'n.' rnt.41 1• ...ra.d. I rawe WWI, he ..�, 114 r•-.1► roe ..- o ore ere Vl'N-• 41111 and PF.eMAN1 N f .'•dee .nal err DR WAND'S wo.drr(ear M.rr{.-I°Dna km the 1r.wteww .,r the web, Oee r1 the ..a -t ., w &nava% ...appal Gar Acer• e. 1 ..,, pat. a1 .r,. 4111 18...8 . u...00rl. remold e....n..t.r. .looterI, 8 .. repots. Low N ler en 8041W, .11 'hare, Writ. ler Irnbrr par144•w. r M.n.......1 Al LrOer. erred. w..l ..e rid wren 1e,,1. DR. WARD, BUFFALO'S LEADING SPECIALIST T Ni.r... S(.... Opp 04. Risk) M•artmet BUFFALO. N T. =Hem.. tta•iy, w.M.dep. aw.ei.r • r r. r. T weeds and fh.ler-F tea Swim ler L SUMMER GOODS ! \l•ht IK• rat,- .'I •nit 1loiug your cooking .luring the hot month, Slimmer when yon can tie a CLARK JEWEL Coal Oil Stove ? The high -spec,' oil burner is fast and economical. This burner is clove to the top atlel the flame strikes the .bottom of the vessel. With this .direct contact water boils More thickly and it takes less fuel to keep it boiling. SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS Id Now is the time to get your Screen Doors and Windows on before the flits get had. iAo not wait until they get in your house ant then put 011 screens to keep them in. Call and see our large range of Screen Doors and Windows. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF HAMMOCK 5 Prices ranging from $2.50 to $10.00 Refrigerator3 from $9.00 to $35.00 Lawn Mowers from $4.50 to $10.00 Ate you bothered by your hogs getting under your fence ? If w,, the Bulldog Felice Anchor will help you out Call and we shall 11e pleaded to .how yon how it is used. ilo you want any Fencing at very low priers' \Ve handle the\\ ideal. Carl anal get oar pnces Before purchasing. How About Your Winter Supply of Coal ? We handle the Inst Scranton Coal at the follow ing prices : Chestnut 011.00 per tin Stove HEE _ ........11.00 .... $•8 Soft and Cannel Cost.75 Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. P"°PS4Viti 22 ICHAS. C. JFF HOUSE 112 'et