The Signal, 1916-8-17, Page 5THE
tautuoa Y. Anon*. 17 ipl{ •
Owned and Operated
by a
Practical Man.
PHOP/c 143
Going Trip West
ReturnTrep East
Coing Dates
August 17 and 31
Foot, Toronto Sudbu.,
Lane .ad East. 11M. sot
t.dodrne Smash's Falls
or Renfro. .I.o hes
M•o. Laos Lao ot Sod-
bo,y to. bot nos ,nctud-
in,, honk Bay.
August 19 and
September 2
room Toronto, • iso
Wes. sad South thereof
Fnnr„ t••rt.rutar. 1r•,n,
P.014. I
A•enu... W a Ho.•
1p.a..ct rar•nte. A'•n,
T oto wa.
Fall Term free Aegtut ZSth
Commercial, Shortha.d aid
Telegraphy Departments.
Our graduates are placed in si-
ting'•. 1,s 3 month* we received 219
application's for trained h ..l�..
Write us at once f',r our free
cat alog u,• .
D. A. McLACHLAN. Principal
We generally act coldly' to one 1
gets 0. into hid water.
Seaside Excursions viaCanadian Pacif,c
An exrep• i •nal vacation trip i. of-
fered by the Canadian Pacific .w aside
''islets an Site -To Lower St.
rmr s. \1.ritinte Provinces and New-
foundland reyor!• : Good going Aug-
Itt 14th, lath. both and 214 : arasi
ret ,ming until Septeu.lwr 1 th. lt•I'i.
'I'.• Maine ('oast •resorts : 1i ti ,l g -
ing Augur: 'Lith.'J'titb and •h : Ion,.t
returning until Sep:etcher Iltb,-1:11tL
'Very special fares.
Full inforuation from any Gamut ion
PAeifir ticket agent. or \\ B. How-
ard. District Passenger Agent'. 10ro1.-
Iu. I t.
H.on.Iton and 1,Por Pri•th. i,.
who were .ttetndl,g Tomato.. Coit%r.i r to
- 1 alio' a• ar, a» r ,w visit, g .61
6,r w
,. to -i•, .. ,. a, ... t •ow (heywt
6,:r . ! le -,f Ir.. hog t :Ie- a, I:Teter in i
',Mb. •
\V welcome a dish of Edwards'
Ice Cream is on these warm
evenings which you spend xvith your
friends and family on the porch or lawn. The good
host always serves it, for it strikes the right spot.
It is soothing and satisfying -the easiest to serve
and the most appreciated.
It is an inexpensive and sensible treat -wholesome,
nutritious and beneficial to the health. When you
serve ice cream 5ierve Edwards'. Phone 20 0. All
flavors in brick or bulk.
Corner Square and Kingston Street.
Phone 200
Judge Holl Improving.
Keay anxious iuquistee have been
male this week as to Judge Holt'* ill-
ness, and we ate glad to he able to la
Lbat the report today is that Hi. Hon-
or's condition is improving slightly.
Board of Health Meets.
The board of health met In the coon -
tit cbamlwr this wonting and dis-
cussed several matters of importance
to the health of the community An
inspection of the dolor* was made
this afternoon. Auto her averting will
be held next Thurutay morning 411 11
The Military Euchre.
Much interest ie being taken in the
patriotic military euchre W be given
ac Hotel Sunset next Monday even-
ing under the auspices of (he Menese-
lung Canoe Club. The occasion will
doubtless be one of the out.tandi_sg
events of the season. Tiekrt• II4•I
may he obtained from members of 'he
Club ; the proceeds art to go to the
soldiers' tobacco food.
Seven Cents a loaf.
Patrons of the tioderirb bakeries
now pay seven cents for a loaf of
bread. The new price went into effect
un Mundsy of this week and is tbe re-
sult, local baker' say, of a Ilovero-
umeot order that the Provincial statute
be complied with in that the minimum
weight of a loaf be one pound and a
half. The advance. of two cents per
loaf was thus necessary t, cover the
cost of the increaar in weight.
A, Musical Occasion.
All music -lovers sh.,tld keep in mind
the rammer concert to beheld in North
street Methodist church un Friday
evening of this week. Mr. and Mr..
King will have the assistance of Mr.
Harold Jarvis, the popular tenor. of
Detroit. Miss Kathleen Wallis. violin-
ist, of Toronto, and the church choir.
The concert will begin at M.I o'clock.
Ad:108410o, 2.5 cents.
Crop Prospects More Favorable.
Fall wheat threshing was begun last
week in this section and the reported
yield of twenty to twenty-five bushels
per sere is considered good. in view of
the backward weather ronditiona
which exiated during the spring
chs. The splendid rains ot last
week have -done much to till out the
kernel of the other grain trope and
the prospects are much more favorable
now for a good yield.
Third Annual Picnic.
Wednesday of next week is the date
of the child annual pict i,_'of the Ford
owners and the Stewiait otche.'ra of
(.oderich. The deaination of the
picnickets will 1.r Jow-rt•'s Grove,
Bayfield. The afternoon ani, hr taken
up with Ford auto sports. for winch
suitable prizes will be awarded. Them
will be a donee in the pavillon in the
ry.•ning.' will for wade
Assessment Figures.
The assessn.ent returns for (inderich
tot this year show the following inter -
...ring figure•.:
Real estate 112..127115..9114,Hu-inns'. tax .''": %,1:p
Income .41it1r1 t
Total .... -.. . 16.5, 3N t. ttap
The population is 4,655. woes is
only twenty-one leo. than last year, in
+pito of the htrge number away on
military service. The total :L,sese-
cnrnt i. g$2.27. more than in 191 5..
Dr. Cark aJudging Expert'
Dr. W. F.' ?'lark, of (, has
been appointed by the De-
- parenlent of Agriculture to the list of
expert judge. on light holsrs for fail
fairs. Dr ('lark has had a long ex-
perience with horses and should hr
able to fid all tn./ rr.tgirrw.hts of hi.
now posit i• •r . II. has been four years
with the 1h.p+altwent in connection
with the Stallion Enrolment Hoard
under the new acct, and has won a
reputation for thoroughness in this
To Replace Electric Pump.
At the meeting of the water sold
light commission last Thursday even-
ing the matter of replacing the electric
I mop at the waterwolls'scar taken
up. Tha pump, s'nce it was installed
about Ir*., years afro. has never given
satastaction and the Provinrisl ('oro-.
mission has 1•een authorized by the
cotnp,uty 1.111(11 installed the pump t,
have it replaced by ,tete manufactured
by another Hou, the expense to be!
borne by the company which under-
took the installation of the o. ginal
Successful Students.
The following names of tioderich
students appeared in the results of the
junior matriculation exan•ioa;inn
which were publisher! hast Friday : In
group 1. the students winning full
standing were : E. F. Dougherty. H. I.
Hartwell and l:. li. Newton. In
group III. two students obtained par-
tial wasaiculation. H. M. Shackleton
has supplementary examinations in
Latin authors and Latin composition
and N. G. Whitely in physics and
chemistry. In addition to this num-
ber Heber Powell. and Meredith
Graham will receive full standing as a
reward tor onikrtmret.
Wedded at Detroit.
At Detroit, on the evening of July
24th, Mis• Nellie Million. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, %Villism Million, of Col-
borne, and Mr. Arthur Clothier, of
Detroit, were united in wedlock at the
Dome of Rev. Wm. J. Jacobs. Th.
beide was prettily gowned in white voile
with pearl trimmings and carried •
bouquet of beauty roses. She was at -
bladed by Miss As. Martin. wearing
white satin, while the groom was as-
sisted by his brother. Mr. Albert
Clothier. Att the wedding supper
the bride and m depar•tei for a
trip to Wall to •nd other points.
after which th will he at home to
their friends at 211.2 Sheridan avenue,
Harbor Notes.
(4o� a past week has been an sxcep-
iosally hose one for the staff of the
teh sle••tor.
Last !tatted•* the stammer Olenlicet
unloaded 1.4.0110 bushels of oat•, and
the steam** Mellor' was in port tis•
amuse day with storm) busbele ni wheat.
On Monday the steam'. r Graham on -
loaded 144,I00 h.. sl. of wheat and
rote. On Tswd.y the steamer York.
ton arshed with 'Iko1O bushels of
what. On Wednesday tan steamer
August Bargains
at Singer Store !
1'. I4mnets, Tee. Ar and
11:4•. 1,r 11100
ID .Spit•. regular311i•, for IMO
Middy Laces. regular aild
Ilk., for Its and 7o
A few Middy Tire. regular
514•, for ...s•p
ladies' and Children'.
dies..., !O. d6it•onnt
ladies' and Misses' large
Collars _BSC
1'urwt Cover.. reg. 2• and
nth , for leo old 3o
Itrassi.u'. . regular •r,• and
•777.-. for. 60c .and SSo
Wig Sale .i Stayed GaAs.
Mariska unloaded 11$,0101 bushels of
wheat and ruts. The •tranier Thos.
J. Drummond is in ppmt to fay with a
cart(, of 1:,1.,1)11 I bustle/a u( wheat and
Public Library board.
The rogular monthly meeting of the
public library board was held on
Saturday evening. The. members pres-
ent were Mr. Fowler as chit man, in
place of Mr. Killoran. resigned
Messrs. Strang. Long an.l Tont. A
communication from the-ecretary of
the separate school boat I w.ta read.
announcing the 'tomato merit of Mt
Wm. A. l'oultbutst to -w•erel 1ft.
Killorin, who has resigner. Three
accounts were .ordered paid . The
star, ndvettisinq, 111.01s: ya.;willan
eo„ '•Roand," $:. °J.; and (i.
Porter, $7.2., for book•, 1' was also
lesolv.d to purha.e Dr. Hill's latest
work, ''I'ne New Public Il.alth."
after ibe Oilmen* was well developed.
His case was considered to lie wait 1r
mutable in that tate /rending pbysi
ciane wrist .blit t.. bru.g the led
through seventeen days 111 Illness and
tan dat s whish r was 1111.41... to ■wu1-
low at all. The disease gained et
trance to bis system through a slight
wound of the fin,ter wheu hr war .
hunting eggs in bis ,inele's haymow on
the farm near Hayfield wiser. liur'doaI
was rfwntlil.{ his holidays. The'
scratch was washed and dressed at the
time. hue did not properly coral till'
after another drr•riug a week later.
briWhen the hty complained cf his jaws)
ng.or., his aunt tho,igbt he must
be getting the mango, hut when
spasms developed Or N. Woods, of�
Rayfield, was called, and br, recognis-
ing the disease. at one. telegraphed
for Dr. Struthers. But the physicians,
doing their bent for two wrrks, wete
finally dr(eaisI by the di...... which
carried the patient off un Wednesday
of last week. The b..iy was taken to
Toronto and intarred iu Mount Pleas-
ant cemetery. Dr Struthers, who is
well known in tiodeticb, having liv.d
here for several year* in his student
day.. has tarn mrd,. al officer fur the
Workmen's (' ,mpensati..n Boar) of
Ontario and is now connected with
the Army M,dical Corps.
Great Crowd at Saltford Heights.
An event which proved to hr of
tits most popular of the season, and
which was also one of the most suc-
cessful from a financial standpntut,
war the lawn social on the splendid
?Ebonite of Reeve Bisset, Saltford
Heights. on W ednreday evening. To
the credit of the Mahlon' branch of
for Red -Cross S.a•iety it most tie said
that its menders and friends left no-
thing and .ne which would add in any
way to the .u.uese of the aft lir. An
automobile service from the Square to
the grotto/1s wadi a pleasant means of
Conveyah !nand while a large number
ratite in their o en s.,nvsyanceo or
walked, the caa..Ket:r'. were ..bre to
snake a tidy contrSxltinn to the hand%
of the evening. The supper was all
that could tea.?wired, and so great was
the number P. he served that the
table. were .. •, upie,! far . n into the
evening. The town was- well repre-
sented. C. lb mos town -hip futnishd
a large 1 l' ta. ant ,on.e were present
from still greater distances. The
rnnwcal p -,•gram proei.led by the
itewart orrhwtra, of li,atrrb•h, helped
to make this time pias very pleasantly.
A booth tor the sale of fancywork, ice
cream, etc.. did a big b isine.s, and an
A Sunday Afternoon Fire.
A seriond tire WA. narrowly averted
on Sunday after roam, when .w•,ke
tear seen;ng from the baser int of
Alr...sndr.i a fruit store at Mr corner
of Slontrr.l-tt•eet and the Sgnarr. As
matters it old, \l r. Alrioienditiw...-
hr laser of a targe quantity of fruit
which wad soled in the ernes.. while
the •t•a•k ct. the main ti 'li of,the store
suffered f,ow smoke. d.. \I. RG linea
stock of gearrs' fart. -king. nn the .tore
adjoining al... wa- damage., be smoke.
The bion. 1. believed to h.veoriginated
Row a gasoline stove which Mr. Ales-
sandro was using in the basement. fur
the ripening of fruit. \\'hen the alarm
was sounded at 2.:4l p.wh the tltewrn
responded pri,mp'ly sort within half -
an -hour the tire WAS uuder control.
Too Difficult a Task.
Two young men who were guests at
Hotel Sunset had a narrow escape
froth drowning last Sunday afternoon,
when they attempted to swum front
he S. beach to the and of the
s ;tithwr_.t breakwatee and return
Both of them trice won medals in
swimming contests and with favor-
able wrarber conditions the feat
would hot have been con.idertd for
them a 1.n,lhardy attetnp•, but -with
the bearyare which was limning it
nearly ended fatally. The trip not
WAS wade su,cesstullc, hilt shortly
after the rets I -n j Witney was eom-
utenred one o1 Ili- .1Nituuners weak-
en. -d ansi hid to he assisted "by his
enulpanuon. When the •hrnr was
leached both swinnnel. trete' totally
exhau.t.-d and it was .LmP tpi. 11 •(ore
they recovered flow their hszodous
. t vei,t ore.
Lost and Found.
A young tad, nine rears .1.1. named
LloydDitnirt', ran-r.l hie rebitIves con -
ride rah?, anxiety nn'iinday by sudden-
ly disappearing. For .Pceial hours the
efforts of the soler to find hill. were
unavailing. hotly on Monday morn-
ing, however, he w:,s located at !truce
field. After S -and%•: school the boy
got atidsto Bayfield in nn automo-
bile, and front that plum a clergyman
conveyed him to Brucrfleld. ('lancing
he bad relatives at Seatortb, he se-
;aue4 transportation to that town.
but early nn Monday he woe brought
bark to Brncefrld, at which place he
was when his whetrabout.. were dis-
covered by Chief Portlethwaite. Ar-
rangenle,ts were then made to have
him return to (,oder.. i on the '7 p. m.
train and the lad retynrd apparently
none the worse for ttttAAA adventure. The
young chap is a nephew of Nis. W.
J. Daniels, Newgate •r t ret, with whom
he was staying when he made his get-
away. Ili• homes i. at Kincardine.
Central's Good Record.
!lies Sharman, principal of Central
school, has . asked The Sigrnal to
correct a rather erroneous im-
rreesion which might be gathered
from the report of the re-
cent public school hoard meeting as
publish.d in this paper last week. to
Om first place, Miss Sharman wishes it
to hes known that she had not ex
petted certain pupils to fail. As a
matter of fact, t1...e'ual number of
failure.' in the class was only four.
Th. whole senior class of eleven
scholars and four juniors from Central
.ached wrote on the examination and
of this number nine *oniors and two
juniors were suerw,s.ful One of there
pupils Mad* ni..ty-seven roe/km in
grammar, the lily/toot secured in the
1..peetoe.t.. and another pupil took
the highest mark in arising. Miss
Sharman also Kates that the clays has
the mooed of ioaking the tweet 'bowing(
of all the class., in t:' which
wrote on the departmental Paamina-
lion this years.
Remarkable Cas. at Bayf1ld.
llbed.e N Vtruth•rs, only .nn of Dr.
W. R. flteulher,, of Toronto, diel st
Hs field on Wednesday of last Werk
of lockjaw, after a long and halat-
ion/1104 struggle again.t the progress
of the disease. Tb. young lad lived
for shout . month after the first infer -
ties. sed for loon 'bon two weeks
is facilitated and en-
couraged by the open-
ing of a Joint Savings
Account In the names
of Husband and Wife, Father and Son, Brother and
Sister, or any two or more members of the family.
Either can deposit or withdraw money at will, and
the Interest accrues to the credit of both.
Ask the Manager for full particulars.
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
auction sale conducted by Mr. Thomas
liundry in characteri+tiaally able
fashion proved anuthw large source. 1
revenue. An autograph quilt` on
which .vire some :MMI names was bid to
by Mr. W. Ptoudfuot. N. P. P., at
'11117. and a large number of other ar-
ticles were tasposrd of. at good price's.
I Altogether the proceeds of the rvrn-
inst. after deducting rxpeather,
amounted to about E275, a very sun-
stomal addition to the funds of the
Red Croft. society. Saltford llright•
is an ideal place for a garden party,
and Reeve Biters and his family de-
ar, ve the thanks of all who attended
for their large -hearted bt.•pitality.
Walter Andreas, of S.afnrth, is in-
carcerated at the county :jail awaiting
a report of the jail physician as to his
The civic authorities warn owners of
automobiles against taking their care
iron Without cemetery during pro-
h,hi:el hours,
A nutuher of Boy !scouts are enjoy-
ing a week'. outing on Mr. r.. V. Law-
.ou's form un the shore th of
Dun1np. Ed. is a popular Scoutmaster.
Mr. J. .\'. ('raigie, I,.cal agent, has
received word that the sleatn,•t Huron
has bad trouble with her machinery
and will not stake nuc further calls at
tioderich this season.
The policetneti ate taking steps to
*top violation. in lierlerleh of the pro-
vision of the Motor Vthu leo Act
which stipulate% that. "no p•rs.•n un-
der the age of eighteen yP.111, shall
drive .4 rumor vehicle."
Weal. y AIIin, of Colla, nr 1. w orbic,
W to sppesr Before Judge Dolt -.on ss
the County Court on Solt ordsy.oIl the
charge of indecent aseaulL On Mon-
day afterulw,u Police Magistrals Kefly
Matte an order to hate him sent to the
asylum fur the memo. at hoodoo.
How about an early tall r.•.ge suit?
We have for samples in. '.hey well
be cut and 11,114 up here ty nr owa
wurkpeople. 1/11A M. F. J
TM/IVO/AI. Asma.t 11.
$ 1 O Lo t LN
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Part„ Ito boob
1 Pear. Ire 1.11.4
Puekwir,.t. I. -r bows
eh.,,, 1..1,15), perewl
B..... R.te,A, per eel ...
P.. . yrs los. .
Who.-.. per Ion .
New H•y, kwr ton ..
-.trans loo-, Iwt ts. - . . :.b to
K out, i, lis.til
I tape'. holt.,. isr 14 .. .. .....012':'
1.1 I..
..roam,) Pult-r .. .0 lis
sgs-, fn -h. Ir*•, Jo[ .Y; lis
Ne. Sons r-. 1.•r be lava to
1('silt,. 4.,t. 1..,- thou,, 1•' • •i. ,.sn• t.
1'.115.. but. h. r' ur.hua, 1 r, .'...ill 1:.' W
Hugs, he. w„int. lel , 01.
`•,,5I,, (we eel
511.1,-. 1+•t 11.
allow. ,.,,lend.,. r Ib ..
sheet, Polo,
4. x•'
�a s y';•411.4.1‘..
�1s t-
k� t �,.
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1t �� t\ -+
air to f2.._ 77 . gka
T he a ccars are constant
friends to teeth, breath, appetite
and digestion.
Wamen workers relish the refresh-
ing, comforting influence of this
toothsome, long-lasting confection.
Its benefits are many - its cost
small. That's why it's used around
the world. Nothing else can take its place.
Chew it
after every
Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.,
Ltd., Wrigley BIdg.,Toronto,
for the funny Spearmen'a
Mother Goose
K8� .1��Classagia
Made km