HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-10, Page 7THE BIG"AL : GODERiCH ONTARTO
TYC'BeDAT, Ai'ut wr In IRM 7
Aad He Was Lecky to Get It All Hack -
Gypsy Woman in Court.
An inherent Instinct to tell fortunes
and an uiire.Uaturd desire W wish
luck W the euuteuts of the puree and
till of one of he. ready "clients"
brought • Mezicsa tiypsy woman last
Friday tutu the Police euurt, whore
she was saved ;from cowwltmrut un
• serious charge may by for hrhevu.
lent spirit of Megistiate Kelly.
A tall. dark-tretuied, raw•lon.d in-
dividual, ace prulyd by • cuppei-
colored woman and three Intl. waifs,
who would have been much happier
as wards of the Children's Aid Society,
drove Nat Thursday into Port Albert,
when the woman uuw.riistrly began
plying her art of reading the future.
Arriving at Scbuenhale' will, she via.
stet by A. Holt.kawp, who gree her
permit*' to peer for him through
the veil which the ordinary mortal is
unable to penetrate and disclose the
many pieces 01 good fortune which hi,
telt wee• In stmt. for him. \Vitro her
teak was completed she asked bine to
show hes puree, for, she said, she
wanted to "wish his money luck."
When this ceremony was completed
Noltsk&uip repaired to the mill ul}tce
to take fifty cents hoof the till to re-
ward his ••well-wisher." She followed
biro and upon seeing the alluring pile
of greenbacks elm wad again tempted
to web wore luck to this. display of
wealth. Holtakrulp complied with
her rrgue.t to gain access to the
gooney tor this purpose, and after this
had breis accompli.hrd end the wo-
man had departed his suspicion. as to
bet iuteutions were aroused. The till
was upeord, the money was counted,
and after the books were hurriedly
examined it was calculated that the
Burn of $7tiwu missing. Holtakauop had
few double rs to when the money had
disappeared to. w the gypsy van was
located and the woman accused of the
theft. At it- .t an emphatic denial of
the charge was all the satisfaction obs
tain.d, but when Hol. zkamp told her
that the (ioderirn police bad been
summoned her male companion im-
mediately c11wnieneed bargaining for
a settlement. At first Will was of-
fered, thea ail. and finally $ ;, which
was accepted by Holtskauip and the
wanderris wets permitted lu leave the
In the meantime, Conetshle Postle-
thwrite had a warrant ebrurd for the
arrest of !lie women acid had *darted
on her trail. Alter it bunt Irsting
smelt four hours in which the po.reued
bad travelled *lout 1wen'v wile. he
located them nut lar from Lucanow.
The woman was al -netted and le ought
bail to (i,derieh. while the man and
the children followed later in their
own vehicle.
Thr CA** opened at 2 o'clock on Fri-
day a(te'n..m and the biking .l the
evidence foe the prosecution uecupied
all &fternoon In addition to what
has already been to'.t it was revealed
(tat • ml,.takr had been made in
reckoning the slue which lied (leen
taken. It wsaAmer') that instead of
*76 being wiealng Ihr hooks judicable'
Obit illfr2. wow teeeerr the "proper bunt,
and before Mr. Holtskanlp left the.
cnurt ion was made.
The rale for the defence waft opened
by L. H. Uancryon R.turdav morning.
but atter w consultation with (Town
Attorney Se..grr it wee decided not to
call any aitur►-rs and to leave the
c,se in the hands o1 Magistrate K••IIv.
In view' of cilruw.ranrps which
were• poiotel out by Mr. D*fires se
uRicient grounds for leniency, M.gi►-
rate Kt'IIy released the wnuisn Row
mutely riles warning her against the
raetice ut waking a public Ii i..uice
f herself.
ummer Complaints
Kill Little Ones.
At the flnt sign of illness during the
..1 w-.th-r give the little unr Baby'.
«n Tal:rt•. or in a few horn. hr D,uy
he beyond cute. These Tsblel. will
forwent ...miner rntnpl*int. if {tier..
occasionally to the well child and will
p pie titre these tenth's. if I1
come nn .udde,Iv. ' H*hy's Own Tai lets should nlwsy• be kept in piney
home whet' then- ere yo'tog rh'1
deerThele is no other medicine as
Rood ani the mother has the Rumen -
tee of & gmernn..01 analyst that they
ams absolutely safe The Tablets sue
add ny ofelicin' dealets or Lv mail set
cents a hoz 1 the 1)s.. N'N'illiame'
Medicine Co., Brockville, On'.
Young men often visit A pswn.hop
merely to Pers away the time,
August is vacation time for Goderich folk. 1'llu'll all be taking a few days off during the next two
or three weeks to enjoy yourselves. Some of you will go camping, others will travel, and still others will seek different diversions. But what-
ever you do or wherever you go there are many things you'll need to make your vacation complete. Compik your list of Vacation Needs
today and use this page as a guide. The concerns represented below will serve you to your entire satisfaction.
Travelling Necessaries
IN the way of Bags, Valises, Suitcases and
Trunks are special features here. You'll find
our quality up to your idea of what's right, and
our prices distinct winning possibilities for your
purse. There's just as much style, or lack of it,
about Hand Bags as there is about clothes. And a
traveller who carries a stylish hand bag is contributing
considerably to his personal appearance.
Ask for information about our W+riwie Trunks.
Wigle's Pharmacy
There'll be Something Missing if you wear one
of our cool -as -the -ocean -breeze Outing Shirts !
1t sal:: Is :ii .' -w slot .:.rtir .wr .r surd-pr.,tok ing treat. Von
w-on't reaher that it's wcer undes..mane therrful idiot asks roti, "Ink
hot enough for jou e' or utile., you hump into a ihennometcr. Don't
you want one see our Bathing Snit.. .A fresh st'.-k just .rrived.1
Tee see. read, Ts,ior. Tnr Square ooderith
While Away on Vacation
wear our Furnishings
and be dressed right !
BUY our high-grade Furnishing goods and enjoy
the satisfied feeling of knowing you have the
best. We keep a big stock in nice cool
Outing Shirts. Combination Underwear, Negligee
Collars, Holeproof Hosiery, White Duck Trousers,
Straw Hats. Silk Caps. etc.
Walter C. Pridham
Society Brand Clothing
made to special measure
The Society desires to acknowledge
with maty thanks the fMowing done -
ti of socks : Lathe. of Bethany
church, Porter's Hill. 17 pairs : Mt s.
Reynold. sr.. A Friend. it pair• rich
Mrs. Horton. sr., Mrs, V. L Hotton,
Miss Bale 1 pail• rash . M,.. Burrett,
Mies lirAceSfrang. Mise, Het rite, Mies
M. A. Rurritt, !bliss S. Clark, Mi..
\I iir, Alr•. P. F.rgu•o,t. No Name,
Leonetti, :t pairs .see ; Mi.. M^
Ewan, sr.. Mrs..1. I). Wilson. MI>'. F.
W. Leckie, Mrs..1... Me Whinney, Mrs.
!odder. Mrs. NV. E. Kelly. Mr.. Holt.
thorpe. sr., Mrs. Holt, 1 pair. earl
Mrs. Warooek, M,s. 11 vaults, Jtr•.
Crawford, Mn. _Alex. Stirt.rg, Mrs.
W. Sault., Mr.. Fisher, Mr-. Erwin
Foster. Mr.. Reek, Toronto. Nn. W.
'l.ee. Mies Young, !Slim. .las, Meer,
Fans and Irons
DO YOU know the advantage of Elec-
tric Irons and Fans, especially in hot
weather, and how easy it is to live
and work, in summer especially, with these
Ironing out of doors. for example, is both
practicable and pleasant. and our electric flat-
irons certainly smooth the way ooh ironing day.
Do you know of the comfort of a fan in
the dining -room ' The residence fan is de-
signed for extrerlle quietness inrtjnning.
Electric Fixtures and Supplier always on
hand. Let us give you a figure on wiring
your house.
Mrice g2Robt. Tait WEsf
Rea 193 STREET
Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mrs. Swaftleld, .Nils.
Mat p•ry Aitken. Mi.. E. ('unningbsm,
Mrs. Rob'. ('1ark. .Mrs McEw.n, jr.,
Miss S. Ila, k. Mr-. E. f)rinkwaltet, A
Fiend, 1 pair each.
Owing to the heit Itnd various other
c:,usrs,'the number of sock. receive 1
hes not twee •t large as in past
th. 'Slav we *sl for s renewed
etl' wt on the part of our knitters, to,
that the boys at the front tet* - fit
Ictst h syr 11101 comfort : N.1 01 t •
1►rtirlr i. so earn.stly &eked for s•
gonad hand -knitted *cels.
Delightfully Cool on the Great Lakes
Port McNicoll. a tett hours' pleaeant
journey v1* Csnaudian P*cific Railway,
is the gateway to the Otest Lakes
Steamship express leave• Tornnto;2.:01
p. m earl, Tuesday, Tniii.dav And
Saturday, making direct connection at
Port McNico ll with either etesmship
Keew*tin fir A•siuihoi.1or Sault Ste.
Marie. Port At thur and Fnit William.
Particulars (lout Any l'aosdiin Pacific
tirket agent or W H. Howard, District
Piseenger Agent, Toronto.
Council met as per scjournruer.t on
July 31st, w:th all the members present
Mme tee of last meeting were trail And
confirmed, R. J. McGee was present
lasting /or cowpeuvauon for sheep
worried and killed by dogs lately. Ac-
tion in this matter deferred for the
Ipeewee The treasurer's half -yearly
etatemtent to ,line :11)b. +hawing •
1 h•laoce on hand at date of $192.t1l.'re-
levivel and tiled. The mint of Mot wax
grail to both \Vinghem and BIy h
Ilmeet fell bore. bylaw No. 4, ratifying to
appointeet of rollector ; bylaw N t,
5, apt ho, i t ng the collecting of 3 per
; cent on all taxes not pei,l by Decent-
' her 1:elf, and hyl•w Ni, it, Inc the bor-
rowing of sufficient money to meet the
Innlinary tawnsbip expendirmre, were
all duly read and parsed. The loll ew-
Iing Aernums were pad : The M,niici•
'pal World, supplies, 112.144 : The Hlv'h
Ntandaid. part printing contract. $'JI :
(Vinghsm and Rlyfall fain, great,
!each, x10 ; J. Tor n, grading, $1.2 :
i F. ('antpheI1, niuni instil y's share on
Iaward drain, atm ; 1'. Net here, r IT.
1 statute labor tax, Slim : P. (ilhl,m..
,.'nest. ..tattle labs tax, $lt'L; : 1'. (iib
ihoes. di awing file and putting in coal
I veer, con. A. $15.311 ; J. Cornelius. gray.
' elling on eels line :in and 31, eon. I I.
�McGowan.1M,Sd ; R. J. McGowan. expense. in
ennneclion with stone mother on eon.
IP, *102.410; W. Patter. filling in wash-
ut aid repairing bridge, eon 2. $1 till;
J. Johnston, filling in wa.hnut, con. 2.
$1.111: W. Ruddy. putting in eutvert,
ern. 1 $4; J Reehanan, drawing
plank and repairing bridge. con. R,
$1.101 ; W. Cook, drawing timber and
IN plank to Potter's bridge, $12. For
On Every Outing
,has its inning.. A pocketful of
K.dak means .t l.it-itelful of Inn.
At Walker's Furniture Store
Campers' Outfits Hammocks
Folding Tables Folding Chairs
Woven - Wire Stretchers
Don't forget to take your camera, so that you
may bring back some snapshots for us to frame with
some new and classy moulding.
"The Store of Quality"
Often the Cheapest Always the Best
}'III)Nf-: '.1 ,;4)1e1 RICH
Prom Thr London v.' 'rr'.•. • with so app;,
....two in tial, n
\With a cry of ' t.et e it of the way
'or i'll knock you dawn a fresh ynong
)uo:urist brought hi- ear W a edJden
stop the other dry became a citizen
who bra resided in the city for many
• ears. and paid his full share in taxes
and to service to his cap. W011111 not
hr.ak into a run in older to permit the
fool behind the wheel to continue is
wad .nurse of tw.-nty tel .note wiles an
This attitude of "lie' , ut of the way
ir 111 knock you dowr, ' adopted by
- i s
.1.ru want' luutull-t- is. tele city, and
the trouble become- n, lather than
ioiproved, each Amy
l'he roan on foot hot. A Lf, TH E
ItIGHTS OF TIIE ROA!) when lie is
crossing at an iutel«- ti ,tr of two
The wan pit (cul hes A LEGAL
1tiGHT '1'O STOP EVERY Mu loll
111:11•t sly interseceen .•1 two streets,
until he has passed in-.lety.
The n, in in th.• me. . ems hue the
tight -of -was between •Herts, Net the
croe+ings ,.f London air intended to he
avenues of safety fit Ili ase who wall.
Further than this, the man w h , gots
on foot ben all the tight. at thele in-
terseetions that hi• cetefort dictate-.
lie is making himself a pimping -jack
to this* men who .own este• 1t he
over-40x1ou. it eleetteg th. road,
When j;nu ley • tat bearing .1...• ti
on'you it wax ter p..rt .1 seleioru
to hurry. There fir..} tie a f sol t eh.nd
the wheel wh,.+r f Ila is - e • .r 'bet
it would lead h w ::• It r, -k y• n 1, wn
At the emu.. t:iur, the men. *moan fir
child vitt , eel a rte twarine( down
upon 1. in sbuui1 not forget tit he oe
KEI.ILAK "THEET 4 itilesINtis.
The mon in the- m.•tnr •-as. .,tool ramie
.other .ort of vehit.1e is 4 .ee,iudaty ,
c,•nsrdrution 1' is the only sort of
Isw that could be furry passed.
1t i. to l► hoped tl.at the poiice will
he m" -e than seal ,u. w en! .Pring tbs.
law (list t;iv.: the p ole! • protection at'
city street corner.. Every pr...eru
ferssihle.h,.uld he thane. ar.,t the pu
ehatdd ser uerot.er that every motor
owner who tale. vb. "get-nett.of-thr
way -or -111 knouck y , -down" attitude
i• the very ipso that the petite. a..•
after. They should. swot in hringw,r
him in',.
The time to prnt.-t the phi's •
t.etorr ..sou. S1'1111.1 0* happen. At
the present time three it a .uMcient
number of youthful and middle-aged
harelnains driving motor rata in iam-
don to ma, • rariip..ign against theme,
gravel -C Campbell all ;,t, R. J. Mc- on the closing date people going to
4.e, $10.00, Mr*. A. l..tter.on gin, Torootn hal to pay fell fare. ilea
year the matter was attenll-d 111 early
Ind hue Eshihr'mn ha. thea.-Irawe
that there will i,. n.. repetition of lee
year's tr.Nrhle. Th. rates ez•.ud ov
• full Iwo -weeks period.
R. Smell $I. F. Devereaux $4 ; M
Naylor al tie, C. Nettie', al,:*', talus
Penton 57.411, N. M^Nr l $7.50, .1 J
Kerr $I:f.ti), V,., Si, ..'ghee Ile 7o.
l'hns bi adnock *200', F-.' shoveliing -
\Vn. .1. lkty?le feepi, lee Johdlrnn
reel, 1 hos. Taylor A3 :r, W. lis Reid
1111, 1'. Faleoner $2,4•,..1 I' Currie at.
K. 11. S,•ntt x41. %V )I Virile $2, K.
Hem $'(31t Conned a.lf,.irnnl to
meet 4gon on Mnndsy. August 21...
et 1 0 lurk. A. PoRTeNPttLO, ( seta.
W,II Avoid Last Year s Mistake
A year aeo all ove. 'be e i'rovinee
there woks great disapp.nl tnvnt g
the pe.,p'e going to Ila• Tornn'o Es
hih'tMn 14. bit coup;-- of day• to
learn th.1 Ihr rats el. the ttllway.
rad .xplre.i. 11 w*• t...1 lite th.r 1..
have the matter tee' it1ei1,110, the Kb -
lane management 1 .ok the wetter tet,
with the rmiway, And I,•nnd throe h .11
been 4 allistaka in the rt,. tiler went int
to thSM agents, the result Wog tbat
Why buffer from Neat ,se Me City When
You Ca ooI OTon 9t Great Lakes?
Tale �t e Canadian P&,•,fc steam-
ship exprd.. froze. 1',u. env Teem4ty, 'tburi1ay or ilaturday at 30
fit Port McNlrol!, whore di
n,nneeticn to ISM b. with either the
A.sin.m.ia to Keewatin ft r '(aolt Mts..
Mat.. Port Li thug and Pont %Villiawt.
As ileal racetien trip at small const.
Partsemlan Ines any t'arredian Partite
ticket memo, .,r \\'. B How ad, Due
ttlrl Passenger Ageal , T°roma..
Theaware* given 44 prises the first
year .-f the Canadian Nate n 41 Mersin, -
term was $17.1180 This year over $111,-
(40) will be dl.uibuted.
Not Afraid of the Big Guns Al Home
And Die and T..rm
Lindon, July 'et2. Familiarity
breeds contempt. N.. L.Itelr a this
axiom tIIu.tratetl than 1.y the behav-
ior of the song and game bit.1.0 ,,t the
(root, declares a 1'auailian ofh. er leek
wounded from the fitting lane.
iog it wore .u, pro nog than the diet, -
B ard white birdsdirplay W nr,•e and
commotion of battle," stated the e1,1 -
diet. "All during the heavy fighting
along the Ypres .rlareit, whe. o annoys
boomed inceemently, the hie& ►rpt up
their sung.. The cuckoos called lroiw
every bit ..f .hruhlwry, 40,1 1hru-hes
soil linnets *hustled and wattled Itwt
as unconcernedly re if there hell leen
no war. The gator buds, u.wlly go
shy with u. tet Ontario, heeded the
racket 00 wure than the little sung -
"Right behind the trenches you
could we French partndgee rod
pheasants stalking *bout quote heed-
less to the mai' of combat. \Ve
to ',hoot the pbeasanta with lithe..
One hart to be very careful how be
find, as there wee a chance of hitting
some of oufuwu men. Then the gasses
bed to be struck in the heel yr perk,
as a hit in the body would ru..ieh
eve,ytbiig to pieces. Rabbits were
extraordinarily plentifu 1, tdo.
L_rThe principal habitat of the gates+
and bills is the thousand yard,. ne cu,
of territory right behind the. trent hest,
dangerous land over which tbeeeldiers
cannot walk. Here. in lbs thitkete,
the bird., have a nice, unmolested
home. Ocrssionally • few of them
will get killed by a shell, but the cas-
ualties inust be few. while thole from
stray bullets •re far fewer. The birds
have become ver,) bold -don't stir
when A title ietlre8 within a few yards
of them, and hardly budge for eves a
machine gun's rattle. 'ITolieende of
nestlings were hatched nut ander
these seemingly impossible condi-
Save, Because.
"Hay's, Because has become alinosi
universally known throughout Canada
as the heading on the thrift advertis-
ing of the Sterling Rink.
The work of the Mt.rling Rank in
the direct of molls id uall .tepurlly
has now been augwr, ted. 'flay B..r.k
has issued a h..u,1eoiur lIth,giaphed
card advocating the ea% Mg u1 rnnn.y,
This rani to to take lie fait in the
g reat national campaign for thrift.
Hung in echoots, halls, Ircturrs,
wherever people gather, it will hying a
beneficent mitluruce to bear. 'the yard
is bupphrd free by the head r Mee of
the Herding Bank at Tolmo,
Not Looking fbr News.
"Newbpapwrs ain't as keen for live
sporting .lour, 1N/ they lewd to 1t*,"
bald a t. j.•ctrd•Ino.king young wan wbe
hung *r„0i,d the portal, of the office of
a widely- icutiieJ Park How.publica-
"\Vhrt wakes you think .o ➢" in-
quired sen acquaintance wbo loitered
"1 don't thinkee, 1 know it. 1 went
int., the voice of the .porting editor
upx.taiis a few Minot.. Ago awl mud :
'Well, mister, I've walked a tulle, run
A mile, rowel ., wily, swift a nide and
cycled a mile, and I've jest tlniehes the
whole thug 111. one h.,ur and six
,mutes,' and what do you. Think he
1.41,1 to tbat: ' .
"I•d ; what •
"He .aitf : 'Sit down ; you 11004 be
tired.' --Chicago Telegraph.
1t ie e.tiwated That 2.1'1)1111) people
from the United Vt*tea annually visit
the Canadian National Ex hill. m.
Why, be roasted, out doing your cooking during
the but month. Summer when you can use a
CLARK JEWEL Coal Oil Stove ?
The high-stxo'd oil burner is fast and economical.
This burner i, close to the top and the fl.rtne
strikes the bottom of the. ve-i'-d. With this
.lirect contact water boils store quitkl, .old it
take's less fuel to keep it boiling.
Now is the time to get your Screen Doors and
Windows on before the flies get bad. Do not
wait until they get in your how* an 1 then pot
on screens to keep deem in. Call and see our
large range of tirttYn Doors and 1Vin.luws.
Prices ranging from $2.50 to $10.01)
Refrigerators from $9.0.0 -to $.35.00
Lawn Mowers from $4.5() to $10.00
Ate you bothered by your hog, ge Ging kr
your feller.? 1f so, the
Bulldog Fence Anchor will help you
Call and we shall Ire plcast,I to •how }alt Lutz It
is aseti.
I)o you Want any Fencing at Vet) low prices
‘‘'t handle the I teal. Call and get WIT pricts
before purcha•in}�. -
How About Your Winter Supply of Coal
We handle the I), ,t Scranton Coal at the follow-
ing priori :
('hettntit.... _. SS (10 fer ton
stove P.(M)
Egg 7 117 i:r
Solt and (,'annet foal,
Hart imd Soft Wood Slabs,