HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-10, Page 6• Tereus •AY. Armee 10 11111M1 11 } f'( 1')J GODERICH ONTARIO i FRUIT BULLETIN Housewives are advised to put down plenty of Plums this year. The health qualities •'e.)N(/IGA* of fruit are well known. the Niagara Brand --this It is your guar - (if quality and honest pack. GR WERS NO. 2 Insist on yneninsula ap. antee runt • FULL. UPACKAGEE EAT MORE CANADIAN FRUIT and keep in Canada. 4 your money ✓ truds to recall this early settlement. How m Mr. Fishier parted away in Dili teed the reorienting fifty-one years tit Mrs. Vi.hr.• life were lived alone. She ne anti waved by one daughter rod tine e ntry. SEA FORTH. Brace Annie, second daughter or Mr. and Mr.. H. Edge, panted away on Carried Safely Through Champ August 1st. title was fourteen teen . Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's RS1 BEAN MET THE CRISIS old and for eleven yet/tout her lite she haul been an iuveliJ. one of the I*►ger) crowds .ver s.- rowolyd in Meafortb attended the Fairy of Allied Nat MOS till Wednesday of through tie Change of Life 1 had a en. Vegetable Compound. NaskvBM,Tenn.-"When I was going last week. rhe parade in the after- or as large si a tit unnu n n n l unnntt child's bead. The tor said it was res years coming and gave me medi- ae for it until I as called away rom the city for ome time. Of rse I could not to him then, so y sister in law told e that she thought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coen - and other „ sports and daticil:g. pound would cure it. It helped both Iu for evening w garden patty war the Change of Life and the tumor and when I got home 1 did not nett the d.s•1t r. noon era. one of a his fe,turer of the day". It war composed of beautifully decorated automobiles, whose occu- pants were attired in coetutee rep= reeeut,ng the nationality or character of the booth., in the pat 1. each booth hating •a car, :be Seefor:b tire brigade, • company of soldier., Red Crum nurser, the Citizens' hand, floats, dec- orated carriages, Mr. Ja-ur•, Robb's drill class. gypsies. clowns and hun- dreds of school children. The plograw conristrd of A concert by the band of the 1•ilst Hurons, farcy drills, • a comic barrleill match was anotner excellent iand concert, I took the Ymkham remedies anal this SEASONABLE: RECIPES. a aid r pr grew . f yu^rl music quer CANADIAN PLUM TART.Mia two sup. (roue, one-third cup ngrn e, ober len-iswu hal�;ittg (w)wdet. Ruh titter level teaspoons ot butter in 1iII ii r1 1.1e.. ite4L one egg into !)raid cup of milt. then ata it into Ihr 11 • wiLb a fork. 11.11 a Tittle thicker than a pie cruel. kine sides and bottom of deep layer cake lin. Fill with halved ted .Penned plume. Saga the fault liberally Whet. ready fur nerving, key. with whipped errant. I 111,117,1 SAI.AI). Seal.) Mums, teuo.ve "kites and pot o.. . to harden ; open side, re- prove wrens, put nt 11.lved English walnut w an Almond arrange nn sued ed servo with se French the-. Mg. PLUM 1RIFLE.. Scold pl and re stones : si •t till tender in cup tit water *114.51 wi111 ruseo1 .agar ; take up and cad. Po1, i 1 .t gI'•e dish and cover with wbipsed errata. Serve cold.. PLUM TART. Scald awl iwrl g.Mxd-rii-el pl -. but do not 1e1,,..ve •Lubec.. Fill deep bik- ing dish and .wee(rn. ('over with tionn red' crust, and bike tall lerawn. P1,1111 JELLY. Cook to a poll. and 8U aim ; lawsuit e the ewe. add pound for poem ' of hot rugs' and 1a.11, twenty tln+ wa.e. ` d dt ' tumor was gone, the doctor said. and I 1'hrc• prnreds of the day am....., l to hetes not felt it since. I tell every one help others you are welcome to use It " COUNTY and DISTRICT testes, etc.. Meteorite rn anIng. SawurI(iumg.-rich ha, purchased 1111 1 twice on 1 h Ilron.on line. in `Statile) township, trout Robert 1).•uglar, • The exeeseive heat sensed the deitb! of Het -mud. the infant son of Nr. and, Mt e. Strwat t Mitchell, of Hay town- I ship John N'ertlake, an aged man whoa maker hoe house at Mr. Snowden's, Stanley tuwm.hip, fell oft' A wagon and' fractured his leg. The -ea nnurr farm on the lith cones.. Sion of they has been nurc•hased by Ww. Aristruung for 111,951, 1'he• place contau.s forty-seven sere-. .6 Rev Ili. Dunsmore, ,e Huron ••01d Toy," has 1'eeeived an unanimous .call , to iWCOIIIe pastor of the Plembyter an church et Independence. tht•gi1r, The Canadian Runk • f Conuurne has (aliened a tub -agency a! ItelKrrv.. it will 1e under the eloperv.:ion of the manag.•r of • he N'inghan, I r..nct'. Jacob le..her, of 1re-hat• 10d, end Sri•s 1 Mary Weil.-rg, oI Hay townahip,+r•-eel marked tat the fait b. 1 a too.omtge. • Zurich. on M lo y .'+ening of hut' work. William Kutch, .• r of Mr. and Mrs. Jamar H. Roach, of 1-../aii died it 1 llruceli-ld, following .n • (et ,tion for t aplendiellll.. 11.• ate rs t wenty-right .' yen.a of age. 1 It 1s rt Bruce ,til old se• tier of Hud lett town -hip, via- Ioun•idead in ted on Saturday mottling, .111'y teltb. He is 0411vived by a farm)} of two eon - and five daughter... Daniel S. F'aus'. a prominent eit`z"n of 7..,nich, i, dr.wd at the age of sixty- nine years. Mr. Faust had been A t esidi u; of 11.y township for nearly tilty years. He worked .et his tiede a. carpenter f• r mule time and later become emptied us clerk with Mt ifrown. unr• of 11'.• I• under. of /.!meta ! i stau,pl`Iii 1•. .• 7 he re e,1 into ptrtner•1hp •with .1. G. E 111••+ n 1 s one yew- L.: entered into L"siemer for hien.eu. I w CN AND UNDER W From the y-ar liar tibial hi: death he held tb•yyp ••• i ..n of postmaster . t $EA 1 Zurich and for t••. ty tee's he arced ... ON LAND 'recretary•lierower of the %utich Ag- APItIPOl' ANI) I'1.1'M JAM. 11.4. hill-agy1 he If of • apt bees and plants arid make ley usual methods for' PLUM I1111TF:K. • in jelly waking. the PI"''' Ia.(' may be putt •hough a sieve, (ben plweed o1, a throe with eg11a1 quantity til roger, c. -.king an ).out an longer, till thick es dr.ur.l. This wvy I.-. spiced. If liked.. 11 d ,..stet remelt • :, ! ^I to,',-ler•kick. about $LTite. bow I was cured. If that letter will WING HA\I. -Mrs. E. H. Bet, 526Jospb Avenue, )%'ill Kelly, of Swift Cut tent, is vi.- ELehvill• Tenn. iting friends et 11' ingbam. s Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com - Dr. H. E. W. 'I'iwlyn is erecting a pound. a pure remedy containing the summer cuttege at Ktocartline. extractive properties of good old faah- Li,t week Peter Wilson. of Detroit, cooed roots and herbs, meets the needs made his first visit to VCingbam in of woman's system at this critical period nineteen years. • i of her life. Try it. Mi.. t.rl tt lade Cruikshank, of Lower if there is any symptom in your tt inghaw hu: secured a purition do , teas wbleh puzzles you write to the stat of Kincatuu.e high school at f ger Leta F Piakbttm medklllae A salary of >iMIMI. eghs Maass A. E. Porter. who had Leen sales - man herr for the Itupetial 0.1 (.0. to fourteen years, ha. resigned. He will he sue eeedod by Samuel Chitties.. A 1.•'ter-has been received from Pte. J. T. Itoerdunan, who• ter in England. in wbich he tells of meeting the sol- ders who Crt'1:'-.1 1.aucI,i.- Aitehesuri nil Willie M nal . tT the battlefield. EXETER. Private Vi'I•am 1111...11. who went loverseaa with the 'stud ltattali.•n, err been reported wounded in the lett arm. W. J. Beer and Will Snell caught a tine ,"ring of ti -h the other they. The nr:rh • oMi.taa1 ..t .evetareen p: ke mai A., 1 14e 1...r. The longest peke ;wean.ired twenty -Chive. inches CANADIAN NATIONAL In the 1.1•i v� 1... lint w h est her J I jar: taco p• -ted these ate G�� rtamrs, [XNIBITIONSept. ;and of this mauler 121:+eeligible to Aug. Se . core at both municipal elections and 26 1 1 ielertiuns to the Logi-':..re A•semU'y, 167 are eligible to vote at municipal Empire Federation leetioo• and ninety at a qualified to vete et Perlii.uentery eleatlon-. Their ere �' ll eligible to serve es Jurors and , Spectacle 11 1:.01 lady voter's. • 1,200 Performs"s; 10 Massed Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices An automobile aceiJont which might have heed attended with serious 1r• suite bappenetl 'ors the London road a few miles einuth of heir the other !evening. Mr. (111 Bite, of St. Thomas, Gloriot s Pageant symbolizing ]m• accompanied by hiv mother. wife slid sister, warep«edam ulorgst r good clip perial Solidarity and Power when anent the tear wheel-.-'llaps.ed and the CAI• w' l+ twee!. Mr O'Rotike Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of suatamed Paiutul injurie+ to hie limps, while t!.e I..iier escaped with u.in• r the British Houses of Perlia- .r,t.-e,. ment, West-rinster Abbey " and the War Office. J HHC3ylF:1 �. I; 1�'ilhre, a tnrwer t•ss'.'.•n!. died at Chicago on '4un11 •y. July Muir Tt:om-on, formes ly of 13• tints..) Mrs role. -.rd with the Army Medical ' Corp-. 1I,.. ttergsret .Strl,oiehlin. tutrse-in- training at Harper hospital. Introit. was here visiting het -Iter, Mts. It. Scenes that have thrilled the Em 1h••m- fn1 .8 tea peek-. A n•ullnrel Shoo rave Ile is survive.) t.y R IN THE AIR R TheModern lo.widnw*11 1*ndan,tnterr. House is in Demand ! IF' ''i)t' want to have your hnugrs bnmg nlnt a mit • ) pie in modem. plutubing. '1'h.• ro-t N.11 cover hack to you ill .burl. order, .end prove the feet kin 1 of a lenuanl•u1 investment. At tine figures it Won't rust yon so 'my b. - W. R. PINDER P1.•nn• 1 • 1I ntillt••n Street KOUT. WILSON Massey -ikota. Agent Memnon St , Goderlck suat>. AMs 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE mo -1 1.e sold Ly July 1e1, 111111 11'e• have twueat load,. of the beet fence 1 het menet- can buy and we hate bought .o we rill sell right. )'all in and are out stock end gel our `nice ("fon.• you lnty ynlar fence. We need the money asks...1i nerd the fence. Farts Machinery we e411 y a lull line of Ferro Machinery always on hand. Buggies and Carriages ‘NVe hay.• them, all shales and sites. A large ■wartntent al- ways nit emir flour. If you need a few tons of that FAMOUS O 1. 1) H O M R• STEADFICK, ILUZKK, we have • carload just in. Hard or Solt Wood) delivered to any part of town. Phone No. 165 Hey. 1)r. Stewart has returned to Terseit1. sitter ,pendir.g a.fo,tnieht in town. I A pretty wedding took ;deep in St. J.mrpb'r church on 'Eufaula tunrtong of las' week, when Marv, daugl.t«r of Mt. and Mas. Jeitie, I r,y, of te•wn *45 w.'ddt•d 10 Gregory C. Catnpileli. tit ):alt. Rev. Felipe. Hogan oil! •rated. Thr marriage of Mary Bevan. (laugh- ter id Mr. and Nit-. Herman; Pliant, t.' Lieutenant William Edward Flo(tdy, r.i111 of Mr. and tin? Edward 1'loody, ot Toronto, will take phare in Wesley church, )Tinton, on Friday, August IIth. In the death of Mr -..‘lex. Fisher on 'I t e daly evening et last week. (•limon Inst one of ata few 1. n,aining pi.mred. j Mrs. Fisher wan Lot a Il, NOVA Scotia I in Peet and sevrn.1 years later the, faintly came to the limon Tract and rettle51 on the Itot1.l l read whore it cuts the Inch cunrrs•on, rod whish' was known for ntsny ye:+rr as "Ken -1 tiedy's Cornet.." l'he old house long' since disepperriel 181111 but little now ire Re-enacted byOPte. 7. apf.. who was reported killed pire in a. tea., ha• forwaeiued a rummage Troops. stating that he ie is prisoner.( war in (:samara Shells in Process of Manufacture Jame. Sutillie, of the London road, near I1-n+all, has sold his entire colt. "King's Own," to Vanatode k )towers, of North Battlefoid. Sask., for BIL)) Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp. --trice Warfare. Hani Grenade a-; Bcrrb Terow,pp. De• *traction of Wa.ships by Hidden Mines. Bayonet Fighting. Federation i Year Fireworks.Complete New Mdway. The King's nmer Norse Government Exhibits. Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products. Acres of Manu- factures. RAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your dust or in your ltr'oncltial tabs? Do cough. haug on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Serb tw,ublea should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of Scutt'• Emulsion to guard against oaaaumption which so easily follows. Scot is 13 rnulaon Oen tin n s pure OA liver tail which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and brat the tender membranes of the thrust. Scott's is prescribed by the best special - Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 w. we ma get K at any drug store.`.__ - -. _ _ - first a loess. Toronto. Ont. THE NORTHERN ONTARIO DISASTER THE ONLY BUILDING SAVED This is the T k N. O. station at Pot -quits the only building left stamling in the towel after the (.mast Ares V n these. In. There was • heavy Iowa of life here. The meati deaf elective of the thea eras separate eis said to near this town. OPISIMenee POLL TAX OP $a Teves Strikes New Seerce of Reytaue-- Br.ef Mesitag 04 Couuctl. The town council wet early 00 Fri. dry evening, in order that the noon - bees might atlerward• attend the war ,ctroiversat y service at St. lieorgr'a hureh. it was short) after 7 r when Meyer Mcl,eau lythe the roue•-' cal to order, and the adjournment wee made in lees than twenty minutes thereafter. All the members were nre•ent except l'u4ucillots Wigle and i'rltridge. Reports of the cemetery sexton. town treasurer red steeet in.1wctor were received. The street inspector reported • large amount of work done on the coeds during the month of July. An application from Jos. Bowman for a license to peddle coal oil and gasoline was sent to the rprrial cow - An application from Murdoch Mc- Dcnald for permission to erect a flsb- hunse on town property near the freight shads at the harbor was re- ferred to the harbor committee. A cnntmunicetton from the Sidway Mercantile Co.. in reply to an enquiry from the dere as'o the prrwlwets or! the l'oniranv'r comnlencmg to oner- .le the plant here, wee to the ►Rect that there eras nothing definite at prevent. A letter from the Patterson Mfg. Co., of Toronto, manufacturers of tar- si.. enclnring • hllink form for the or- der wbich it waa yroposed that the town should send in for • quantity of their product. was sent las the public works ronikisittee. The tinaece committee recommended the 4,syment of the following se - counts : Hell Telephone Co.. tolls and tenial, 115.40: Wm. McDonald. sharp- ening saws. Ilk : A. Snaz-1, hill-pwt- ing. i5c ; Perth Mutual Fire In•unnee co., insurance on freight shed, 11115. l'he report was adopted. The special committee recommended that the newest of the policemen for two week"' holidays !sr granted and that a suhs'Itute i.e supplied by the council : •1-e. that a poll tell of two do0ars 18 year be levied and collected by the tax collector and if not paid within fifteen days front date of no- tice the fee 1 e cunt 'teal by the chief of policy, and that r hvlaw be prepared by the ell • tar. The report was adopted ReevesSairn reported that the assets - .or had premised to have his roll ensu• pleated -tomorrow night " The Reeve also reported the hiripg of men to search for the body rf the young man who was drowned at the mouth of the river on the previous Monday. This con luded the bueinees before 1 the ntretieg and the council adj.•urned. It is estimated that there will he tt',tert globs used in the lighting ,.rbewe of the Canadian National Ex- hil. ition obi. year. Thousands of Men Required for Har- ves:ing to Western Canada. Theu.aude . t men are required to help iu the great work of harvertirg the N'rst.re crop. The task of trans' - •■ V BETWEEN �y� portir:g to (114! . st this great army FARE $3 00 L DAILY BE i vIEEN of notary* will fall to the lot of thiel Y/ l'anadirn Pacific Iteilw,iy. Eic•uesitoes fr. m print- In Or ter:. to Tbriee the capacity of ordinary grates is given because the Sunshine grates are three -sided, one aide at a time meeting the fire. Bulldog teeth smash clinkers easily. Wouldn't you like to know the cost of installing a Sun- shine in your home? I'll gladly give you particulars without obligation. teat Sold by W. R. PINDER A FIVE DAY HOLIDAY on the GREAT LAKES And you will feel good because among the islands of Georgian Bay. the green banks of the St. Mary's River and the expanse of Lake Superior. fresh. cool breezes will blow new life tato you. The CANADIAN PACIFIC Clyde -built Greyhounds, with their Verandah Cafe, perfect appointments and cuisine, areas good. as • Atlantic Eipreu Steamships "Assutiboia" and "Keewatin" leave Port McNicoll every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday for Port Arthur and Fort William. Round top 5 days. Tickets. inforrnation and reservations from Loral Aerie w W. B. Howard. District Psasensee Agent. Toronto. Ont. Jlr,ntoba. `..• -katrh«wen and Ailette w111 be run. aril sl...^u1" train. oprt- ated: utskil:g the trip i1, A1e.ut this ty• viz bouts. wtthr•nt change nr trensfer. -Going ]'Rip \Wet." *121 a to W inn ; ! peg' r• R'tlnnir•g Tt;p East... *Is el from 11" ioniprg. Consult C. 1': R. agent• regarding It anspelta':. o west of ',Vinci!. g. 4.4,1]ti I..•Tt5. A ugh• . 1 71. it .tial al -t-Prow Toront.'- SuJbua y I. n« ted ars' hot not eluding 1nr1.1. • 1ails ,i f:«1111.w. also f Mean Line east of Sudbury to, but ma las. .lug, Nor111 tjay. August 1.1 a .o .1 %. 1.t-81,1 rr 2nd - Fiona Tt ,, !.; , ,,i o wast ked south tbrrrut. Fur, tit, Erato el..rs fr..io t'anadien Pecific tickr%agents, or W. N. How- ard. District Paewngrr Agrnt. Toron- to. :;r. A Dutch View. Mr. Jahn C. 1 en der Veer. London entre,. indent el The AIII .terdatit Tele - ;peat, was the gleet of th.• Leeds Lan_ cbeon t'IuWon Tuesday. July- Il, and spoke on the po.i'.ion of Holland in the war. He said that from the moment the German armies viclet1-11 the soil of Belgium and began to "der Belgian civilians the great mesa of the Dutch seople became fnnnu• against Ore - many, and every fresh atrocity stirred Dutch heart• more profoundly. When the invader• began to tslk of annexing Belgium with the port of Antwerp, wbtr.e outlet run+ through Dutch ter- ritory. level -heeded Dutchmen found in more than one .ens the enemy at their own dour Hy an extensive, ex- pensive, and unceasing propaganda carried on In Holland, the Germans sought to Rooth.- the stirred feeling". of the people and make them believe Unit they weaut nu barns to Holland, and that they loved their country. But Dn4'htnen I.n.wuhered a peculiarity ascribed ir, nlrtlkeys, who, when ex- ceedingly f'•nd of their young. crush them deed in lb-ir arm.. They called that money -lova. S.. the Germans hoed Belgium. and so they would love Holland. if her neutrality did not wit them tetter. He said that nne could (wily regret WHEN USING W I LSON'S FLY PADS Par swore : sticky Fly Catchers. mid everiwbsre. BUFFALO & The Great skip "SEEANDBEE" 7T. mem ammo! .eery steams un .r7 in:and aster .4 tG .orad. Sie.prar r•w0108/4r• net, esserm.rer+. "CITY OF ERIE" - 3 Ms.s 11e.et Steamers - "CITY OF BUFFALO" aETWILN BUFFALO -Daily, May 1st to Nov. 15th -CLEVELAND 1.110.. Borgia• . ••1• :JO P. Y. ter. Clr..l..d /an r v. f m Ao. t...,•1•••1..1t...,•1•••1• r A. II. An. .• 0..541. • ` • ► ' . 7 a A. M.L r -^M. l E..wrs ltand.rd T tr. ^v •e ('trr.YnA far Garr:•.nt, est -.n -a,7, T..r.M. Detroit and sir plants w,.e ka. :5w* +: .'. k..s .A. a tr •.., e1'01A.° tam/Clevelandare gaud for tronap - nr Ark ) ter t.eket art.t f..r tvk.t . AC. a B. L..,r rA'.n.'..ln'.4.-'r1ta.•n•-1'. sitars•^ 1."'..r'.1 - LNC 1 .• er.' na n lr•er 1�.. e.�." rn n,.. r Doeure rn :.,,. ,., Ai,o a.a M a ' C'.EVI•LA!:T R • LO "LKAUSI't CO.. Cl...l.ad, Ob:. • IMacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON Excellent Business, High School, Coilegeo Arts Departments. NCW BUILDINGS with LATEST HYGIENIC EQUIPMENTS The largest rymn...n.m it; Canals. Punning lrsck. .w•mm.ng pool, Mower 4.31.•. theatre F*Y-01111111 keel. caskineee boa pyre teeree rooms. p..nng fur t'ei.eruty llatrwel.tiun. Rates m eterete, naTerm Mies SM. Oh 4P es . . - • that 1b• whole ootid had not risen against a ernintry which dehterrrely provoked war by tearing up a solemn- ly .ignrd treaty end carried it on against al! the regulation. she belted to make in 11M17 at The Hague.- lwrn- don Times FALL FAIRS, 1918. Toronto ...Aug. LIt-Sept. 11 l...ndon ..... Nept. 14-1(1 1 Walkerton Sept.. 12, El' Palmerston (.... inept. 14. 1S' Exeter Sept. le, 19 Atwood Sept. 19, bl ZurichRept. Be 21 Seatorth., Sept. 21, 32 Kincardine Sept. 21, $3 Ripley , .. . Sept. ill, 27 Mitchell . slept .Bt. 27 (;O1)RRIOH....... ..... Sept. 2T-10 ngham Wieerton . MIS As III Milverton .... IAnekn..w Sept. 3s, 211 Klrkton Sept 311, XI reviews tor.... .... . . .......... Oet. 2. Blyth .. Oct. 1, 4 Rr•w..rls Oct. 4 6 1)angarttaon Oct.6 Fordwiah.... ...... .O t 7 COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity lest all Maple Slats., Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES. olbee 91 residence -rte or M GRANO TRUNK sY'`TEAM? ATTRACTIVE TRIPS TO Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Georgian Bey Argonquin Park French Rivet Kawartha Lake Maganetawan River l..� 1 emagami, etc cies nr tr/n trtnrl.t ))skate newan wle (runt esrtal,' • t.tion• 1n tivlotia •1 terry )ow rete•, eek lllw.ul •t..-n,er.. IMUSKOKA EXPRESS ?lase Taranto 1141 p T. Aalh rsnept nen dey. anA LM ata• da.ly r. r Ms.keka 'll Asti. l'nsnerfw.n• are wade at Masknka N-Mrf M. McMaka 1.skr. Looms Toes le le la ama. daily ••.inti *••day, and LIS I''a *say for Hes... [the r� DNeta ake al Dare Eawlwsnwt t ka teas. rail Ra tleelars en apllsarsea a *aceta.