HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-10, Page 5EAST STREET GARAGE Owned and Operated by a Practical Man. • A. M. GLOVER PIMONC 143 Many Thousand Ir Farm Laborers Wanted FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "Going Trip West"••Return Trip East" $42.00 TO WINNIPEG I $18.00 from WINNIPEG GOING DATES 14.1,4111 1'..rontr.Mudlesry Line and Fa,.t. AUGUST 17 AND 31 1 IMa not including Smith's Fall. or Ken• frww, alto (t..n, Main Line Fant of Suit - bury t.., but not including. North Bay. AUGUST 19 AND SEPTEMBER 2 f 11'romTorumt ,. *leu Wet anti' IS.,uth thereto?. Further ,articular. from ('sttalian Pacific Ticket Agent'.. tor V. B. Howa,sl, District Prienenger Agent. Toronto. Fall Tern tram August 21th CENTRAL ST RATFORD. ON T.. C00110tftill, Shertlaa% aa4 Telegraphy Departments. Our graduates are placed in po-i. Gone. In :1 month* we received _Its applications for trained h e I p. \\'rite ur at once ter our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN. Principal tiODERICH MARKETS. Tx cw.,.4 r. Atat'i•t 1 • Wheat, oar bush $1.10 to 11.10 Ow.. per be.l. „wrote ,yt Barley pot bu.. .... .... ti to .' Per.. per bn.h 1.1 • to I.. Buckwhea•, err b 1.h .7,1 t0 - *lour. family, per cwt t75 to 3rr, Flour, prase. per ren: . SSS to lino Bran. per ton .... . Ll•)• to 13.1110 Nbert.. per ton !t •11 to New Bay. per t'm 14) to etraw. leve. porton SAW be Wood. per law S.Y• to Dairy Butter, pe- Ib .. ,A1 to . resetery Hotter Ail to tygt, test.. per doe fn to New Potato.. per bu 22.10 to I'attt.• butrber• rhos.*. per cwt. ..e. to r at C.. bunion- medium, per cwt aC: to NOV-. b.e ww(gbt. torr ow, 11 a: to cheep per cat . Lei to .13 tri Hallow eodwed. tier Ib . . . .et to Cheep Pelt- ,SS to Y:..r1 11.,01 .:n CHURCH NOTES. The Sahbeth school of Victoria street Methodist church held it. an- nual lacnie on the farm of Mr. ('brie. Johnston, Hayfield toad, on %Vedoeo- day afternoon. l'here wet • large at. tendon.•• and • very enjoyable time is repo.trtd. Rev Andrew Meldrum. U. 11., pre-srb✓d in Nit th street Methoili,t chureh on Sunday evening to en ap- preciative congregation, Neat Sun- day. morning and evening. he will oc- cupy the pulpit of Knox church. It nes a pleasure to tbe congrega- tion of Knox church to beer Serge. Goodwin on Sunday. He is one of several members of the choir who. having el lifted for the war. ireru:w•d from their 'accustomed place. He was here from Conn Borden for the week- end and rang '• the Holy ('ity • at the Sunday morning service. U dlx.rne Evangelical church -Kew. W. H. Campbell. Li- B.. B. U.. peet,r. ('4IM 1ne-ln a us. Zinn -:i p. l'..Ihnrne- : p. m. ora alteroate sonatas% Sunday School -Colborne 11 a. in Zi.;n 2 p. m. Y. P. A. on the Sunday that there is no p:e.,•,Bing service at 7. 3'1 p. m. 7.15 1 i 71 Proparednee..-O•ir rew.dies oft in PISuur.rlv✓, ita li • (:rt your neat ear.' 1„11 `oro Pi 'ahem F'. J. A remedy for all ,in wio. Edwards' Ice Cream Delights Children and is Mighty Healthy for Them Children don't need much coaxing to eat EDWARDS' Ice Cream. They all love it and it's mighty healthy for them. Every mouthful is rich, nutritious, delightful. Your filing sons and daughters should eat lots of iit. It is a nourishing. refreshing summer food. It is cleanly made and delightfully flavored with fresh fruits. H. T. EDWARDS Corner Square and Kingston Street. Phone 200 Goderich. , THE BtlWA G GODERTc f nwr A Rio PHl'Rrn.A• Au'oo+t 10 tele 111 LOCAL TOPICS Judge Holts nines•. Judge Holt has been seriously i11 for eevrial days, and bis cooditi.in or, roo.iderrd elide*? Ili. eon, Prof. Geoffrey Holt, of Toronto, is here. He Sticks to Has Post. On Tuesday, August 1st, Mi. %V. H Kerr, the vetetal, newspaper wan of Huron comtrity, coutplete.d his tbirty- aixth year se editor of The Hruesrls Post. On Augu.l 1.t, ball. be p.m - .:booed the paper fruw McGillicuddy Bots , who later cause to Goderich and bought The Signal. Summer Concert. A summer concert will be given in North tenet Methodist church on Fri- day. August Ixth. hy Mr. and Mn. H. King. They will have the able as- sistance of Mi. Harold Jarvis, tenor, of Detroit, Miss Kathleen Wallen, violinist. of Toronto, and the church choir. This should be a rye treat for the musicdoving public of Goderich. Tbe,sadwireioo will 1.e YS cents. In the North Country Fire. Miss Mary Young, youngest daugh- ter of Lt.-1'ol. %'m. Young, of Cochraoe, is here visiting at the home of her grandparent., Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stirlit.g. Thr Young family, am stated last week, was burned out in the recent fire which devastated large portions of the north country. and members of the family had harrowing experiences' before their safety war finally assured. Patriotic Military Euchre. Something new to (iodericb will be the patriotic militat v euchre to he given at Hotel Sunset on Monday evening. August 21.t. under the eu.pices of the Menesetung Canoe Club. It will doubtless provide an evening of great enjoyment to those who attend and will serve to introduce a novel and in- teresting game The proceeds will go to the tobacco fund for the soldiers. Tickets .:d1 (-port each; ens. be had from members of the Cluh, Cut the Weeds. • If Councillor Moser and his col- leagues on the public works committee of the town council care to do some- thing to make licdrrjcb a sneezelem town during the hay fever season tory should take steps to cut the germ- .:arriers oo tb - streets and on all the t lots. It is claimed that eighty five per rent. of bay Lever cases are caused by the germ -laden raaggweed which frrq,sently abounds in neglretell ban At the same time citizens are advised to keep et Ieamt a thousand feet away from this brand of daisy or suffer the cont.quencea. • No Tarvia This Year. Someone has taken the •'t ir" out of Tarvia. The Signal's tureen-, last week that the purchase of a 4,t'ts)-gallon tank of Tsrvie would be.euctioned at the council meeting on Friday evening was not realised. At the meeting of Duo public works committee aro Thurs- day evening Chairman Moyer suet with opposition where be least ex - Period it and found himself helpless in h.. efforts to go *heed with Inc pro- poled purchase It is understood chat the ttrongeet opponents of the Meas- ure were Deputy )neve Laitbwaite and Councillor Mooning.. "Willie" Fraser bead. News has Leen received of the death of %Villiai, K. Primer. '.round sun of the lite Mi•. A. ,K. Fraser. who was buried 'in l;.alerich ten years ago. "Little Willie," as he we. •known, paw found deed in his bed in the Detroit hotel where he worked out w.vnd-£ook. This was on July 'dist. It was sup- posed tie had gone to lie down to rest and be Mab found seven hours later. Th• burial wen made at Detroit. was forty -tour yearnt of age. He went to school in Goderich and will bre remembered by messy. Hi. titer, Mra. A. L. Hinck,, • lives at Sebewaing, Mich. More Examination Results - Five students of Goderich Collegiate Institute weir succeselul in the exam- inations for entrance to Normal Sch(x)la. the results of whithwere pith- li.bed Ia.t Saturday. They are E. F. Poughei ty, H. 1. Hilrtwell, M. P. Johnston. I.. A. King and G. E. Wootton. Harry M. • Shackleton nes :a supplement sry examination in alge- bra to write before he receivee certificate, end it is expected that Mier Edna Pridham will be granted her certificate. She was prevented from writing on the exaniination by illness. but on the merit of her work through- out the school year it is believed that she will be given pass standing. Make a Note of Th;s. A' popular event will be the Ked Cross garden party on the grounds of Reeve Hi.aet, Saltford Height*. on Wednesday neat, 10th inst. Tea will be served from .:11 to t( o'clock. The Stewart orchestra will give a murra1 program. lee cream, home made candy. fancywork, etc., will be for rade. The affair is being given under the auspices sat the Salt(ord branch of the Ked Cross Society. and everybody ',invited to Attend and give hislor her assistance to a noble cause. Admission :including teal will be :Coe. for children 1k. Foe the convenience of people in town who wish to atloid there will be an automobile service from the Square. commencing .t 5 o'clock. Park Is Not a Roadway. A subject which is being discussed on the Street is the right of automo- biles and other vehicles to use the ein• der paths in r curt house park. It is hamming • habit with some people to util-ze any of the paths leading_ from the Square roadway to the court house as a patblir highway, and If the prac- tice is continued it will eventually re- sult in depriving pedestrians, of even children playing to the park, of any safety whatever. it has Mao reported to The Signal that • farmer delete' a team attached to a heavy wagon, on which was a hayrack, drove through GM Square from South street to North street one day lest week. The ruetom is growing. Evidently some towns- people are *totting a bad example foe the country folk. AnoMi.r Promotion. "The ma.y trimde of T (:. Wright, the chief salsemen i. Um Meal Nord - helmet stem will be planned le hear that51..srelese haus leen ree.almd again, and that fee hie reloieM tla ptro- wntion Re M raoel.R **foresee to take charge et nae of the wboom& department. 1. 1M Queen Oily, whMb SMOD RWIWISIMIM IAugust �� at Singer Store ! 1 1 iia. ret.. 73e, 1..1. and 1111•, for ...50c Romper-. r•gtllat• Sk•f.,r 25'o Middy Laces, regular 7 And Ific. for..... .... 6o .;„I 70 A few Middy Titre. ic'1.alar air•. for _ 25o I aside and Children', MiI- 11,-..; .. 90 ,...-..tint lauli••.' aid Miser.' large Collars 25o l'oet.t•t 1'o.et'., reg. 'Sen and Sett, fur leen ,.nil 390 Hra,•sien•., regular ells and 7S•, for Btlllo and 88o Big Sale tri Stamped Goods, MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE - GODERICH 1 I 1 very responsible position. Mr. Wright has been contra. ted with the Nurdbeimer firm for over thirty year., serving in varinns cities fi ,u, Montreal to Vanrouver." The above paragraph is from The Hamilton Spectator end refers to s gentleman well known 11, li.xdericb. Mr. \\'right's wary fa iends herr will he pleased to learn of Uri. now recog- nition of the value of bis services to •he firm with which he has been con- nected for so many years. Our Neglected Bathing Beach. Goderich hem a battling leach which few of its citizens appreciate. It is true that it is rather crawled and not very convenient, but the sandy bottom :and gradual deepening of the water as it. recedes from the shore make it a capital spit for the little tots as well ad for the "graverups." Generally .•peaking, it hes remtined for the tourist, or the excursionist who visite Goderich once is year, to sound its P raises. for the sole reason •hit the average loc.I resident is not in a pal. tion• w forsake hit burin.•.. during office hours for the plem(sure .1 r "dip." it hes been suggeetet th.t rhe water and light c,.nutu.sicn should :arrange for better lighting facilitie• at the bathing beach. and thereby make it a pleasure spot for Ooderich rittt.ns for .everal hours after ••(11d Sol • hen gone to rift. These Students Can Spell. Some time ago the Collec,..te Insti- tute board lodged a complaint with the pcblic school bowl al that Many pupils entering the Collegiate we: a deficient .n tpelliog. This )natter was touched upon et the meeting of the public school hoard oo Mondlt}'' evening. when in•p.ctorl , who we.. present, 'reported th,a• all this yr;or's students h..I ohteir,r : a good -.tending in this .ubj••.•t. The f tot the, teviral so:dente trout Central school failed at the en- trance examination wisp explained hy Miss Sharman, the p: incipal, who stated that thee.. pnpil. wrote nn the examination not hec:.n+e she believed them efcient. Lot heca...e it war, their peren•.' wi.h that they should write. Ti, overcome a deficiency which some of the pupils have thrown in arithmetic and geography, the .chool manage- ment committee i. to confer with the two principal. and the inspector and fo suggest to the 1e.rd any changing of teachers which may promise to pro- duce better results. ii•er yh.dy eats Bl a -k -'one'. cious ice cream of superior quality. Orden delivered, - PERSONAL MENTION. Mr and Mr.. Jo.Heine. o' Toronto. are to for o Mr. Spencer Clued. of Winu.peg. ie In town on • %.t•. M1.. Meloto.h. of Sernnton. 1'o.. 1. borne on A holiday iidt 1)r. J P. LsTouarl ..,-rived n. *own tai. week from Jamaica.. Mire Nellie MacPbenon. of Winnipeg, is eidtiag,ln town. Mr.. Jame. Hasill. of Detn.t•. ,. the ¢nest of Reeve and Mn. Nelrn. MI.. Ida Currie M- r •turned (roan a vi.lt with friends at Mt Bolen.. Mu.. Jean Nairn. of Toronto -peat the week- end at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Mitch are vidung Mond. at Sarnia 1lir week. Mr. and Mr., P. Weer of Stratford. base been ri.itUng to town this week. • Mrrr.. ('a scii nmol Norman ■smbiJI, of Toronto. are holidaying In to. Rev. W. A Shannon. M Mc Owes. TenmMes. ;e on h4 1.111•444.1 •14( 'o (lodrnrh. Mr. to. M ...Priori and children are .lilting Mathew in Stratford and ,'IM,,ry. Moa Marian sad grandchildren. of Toronto. atevle(ttof0er ete'er. Mr. 1'. newer. Wham. =a and Lydia Heck. et Toronto. ere holt tering with relative.. la Uoderloh. Mr.. Teo, Rooth ,treat. hoe renlraal from a % lot to hereon. R..wtl. •1 W. ('wraarleea M t. Lilian WlItiog reNrn.d Wed....day few • ...wells meet et gonia sad Hamilton. Mr. arid Mr. Matthew Wel.i ,fRtalay, vt. IIM u the home of Mr J W Salk ad ea Sao doy Mra J. tiOsitka of Detroit. who s. regietoeed at Hotel .Sdford. hr been en.te Y1 ten ...vocal dove. Mr. 0 11. siar4oreor, of Se. Verb r'lty, 1. •n O h on n elle, to his aunt. Mr. far g Kelly. Mr .1.d Mre. T H. Retheretl. of Tor.wto, aro tbottas to of Mr. aaa Mrs. H. J. A. klaegwao. Rrrro et..ett t sod Catherine Iri Now Jerry(�' m the ~eta of Mr r wed Mrs w.cIC Yr. J OrehislaW tetsrw..d trout as r More�at R WM• aim tugaW 110 by d.y1 Mr J chic 1 Tweet.'. ��sawwer ttA1o'f �Twee•. .newt J. P. ■smo arRoMaM ret q-. - wb4 Mre Mra A. claws and throe wen,- of OSSIN. ant vl.,tl.g •t tk. Meisel tie lad% mstkor. Mrs. . ew.mer ♦ Karla street. Ws Morose whiny Is mover Beth. Peeth et Aaewe..M heewenm. laws =trek *oea L5a ss .,tr *ba, .t Maoh Mr WMwnrhy bee ht. .u--le-law, Mr. ■ K sr.ea, 'anion w . nip is Poet Wu Maas. Mlver 1.1.04 .0d Rosh IOW Mr. tad teen Id R Wrenn. 4f Tee• tea r•tvM r Odwail by sash• •.1014., ter • vseetsss vkdt re *Mr pass.t. Sean Mra M.dPMns ISM ysAwday ter Ilsobie t Nara, where .►e soil rowan. for .owe ugh her daegbt. r 11i,. ;lar ,Mone. Rae. J.,• WU.00rf 1'o.w,r mads a brief v:all utown thl..e�k Bo hid bres hulw.y sod at the sed bumelo w'e.t Kwwnu.ah. Ur t're.b) of Toruuto, joined Mn (lo -by and r aidrra it, total, ,n s runt.. and •prot . few 4*). Math Mr Mud N1,,. J 1• duras. Iter. W. ti Hager :eft or. Moeda) to low Mr.. Hager ..t their -.amulet cottager at Fratee- vUle. on the ileortn an oar. Be will Or awn) a nowt h. Mr. sod Mr... Web.ter and Mr end Mnt. Ja.. Lent an) d..uhter. Ate•w. m1 "tuned fr booboo don ar.1 .pent the nisei.. a.1 .ith Mr. 10. Hal- lus. 14 -nee .treat. Pt • J. H. R.r. of ;he lal•t Iiutt-.i.on, cases Muni•.,, and 1,. .1 ter. ML. Nell. (till. and oeu•iu. Mia. J.. !•pr.i I. •prat :tennis) %ke- ttle• rol.nve. M• Aoit.11 • Mr. J A. Haug. who bed been on the •t.tf of lb* Hak of Montt .l here for .0tersl yea., ar, has hetraa.frtrd to Guelph. He le u• Moody to arum. hu new dune. 1 MP.. Delwh• Hob... )onoge.t (iterate, of the IC* Re.. 1.0. -hard Huhn., sow. tn.arried.1 TmeeOr)o', M'r'd.o to Mr. Kemo•th Owdoo. et Tomato The bride i• know, 1. r,>Verseh. Mi- Heh,-n Fool h... re- gnrd the prlti iprs1- .hlp of the !%.. ...a4 Matt. • •boot ora4 will take a rest front .cbuol work. She u now 51 the hoose of her parent. 11. J. F.. and M,. good, r Guelph Mercur) • .Mr. P. H. Hobos.. .00 of ;Is. Holum.. of Ooderleh. who a•.. been roe netted with the r.ula wy mail seri a. a in Ourt)•h i for .oma time. hi. been traw.ferM to the To1o4t0 ee:,r•,l par-tnll.e.1011 mad 1.0 east Friday to a+um., ht- new dude. there. He w1U be greatly united by Al- r.umet6u. friend. here - n nae LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Two rinks of.tiederith bowler% took part in the Exeter tournament this week. There will be a good time for all at the Red l'ror garden party at Saltfurd Height. next t.%edneedsy evening. A new roof is heiog placed an the Collegiate institute building. The tioderi-b Planing Mills l'ompeny has the contract. The council of the Board ct Trade met on Monday evening end took Wet* to got an curio with a n•tmher of industrial prospects. \York ha„ leen rorumeneesi oe the race Intel at the Exhibition grounds,, to get it into good ship. for the. speed- ing events et the fall bor. The reeidenee on North street whir•h' wan purchimed a few days ago by ale, • W \Volker hoer been told to Mr. T.M. Davis. 1he new proprietor intend. to remodel it and to f- is kip ea a wod,•rn dwelling. Mr. D. A. McLachlan. ptin.ifel of the Central liu•inere 1' allege, Scrat- fNtd, vee.. ;n town one day this week. He state. that there are now great opportii, ;' ie. for girls in hu,ines. lit✓, In the month of July he had 121 eppli- OP'CAAADA 1 W Cash la ibe Saab ?w Can Say le Advantage You know how everything COWS more whoa you have to buy on csedit. Why toot practice se f -denial for a while 2 necessary, open a Savings Account In the Union Beak of Canada, and with the money In hand, buy at Cash prices? The discounts will help to swell your bank balance, and you will have made a good start towards financial Independence. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. cations for help nod was able to fill only fifteen of thew. Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Gilmore, 1 Ver. (pont avenue, 1, tomo, announce the ng$getuetit ..f their daughter. Muriel 1 , to 1k)nald \I 1'Isrk of Belleville, the marriage t„ take place quietly the latter pert of August. Mr. .1. W. Creieie has taken over the -agency 01 1hr.1 oily newspaperman(' those who wait eagerly ttteoe war days tut thr.r 1.1.'5. or Mail or other ?welt:ate paper wall now congregate at the cigar Store in•tr ad of at the East street corner, THE SUMMER RESORTS. The following have regi+teres! at Menesetung P:ark during the last two weeks : Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McConny, and Dorothy, Helen and Marion, Lon, don ; Henry H. Christiana, Detroit Edwina G. S. Carr, Toronto : 1(. M. Ferric, Hamilton ; G. K. Fleming, jr., Windsor; Mb., t;tisvir Wilson, Lon- don • Mi.. Macklin, Stratford ; Mr. and Mr.. W. Balfour, Hamilton ; Miss Agnes Balfour, Chicago ; Mrs. N. K. Palmer, Hamilton ; Mr. and Mre. Evans, MINIM Kbod,t end Master Hob- ert Hamilton ; :\I•.•... C. E...nd F. A. McCorkle, Detr'.' ; Mr, and Mr.. 8.. H. McCrerth, Toronto ; Mir Dorothy; A. Merritt, Sr. (',.rhn.inert Mise Nor -1 ma Crew... P.. 13. ('rewe, Toronto ; Mused Ella avail Margery !fickle, Lon-, don ; Mr. and Mr-, ileo. Dixon, %Valk- r erville ; E Begin, Dr. J. H. Mullion, Hamilton ; Alonzo Smith, Gertrude (Moon. 1115 Ih ; J. N. Mr I1.,nlory, J. Colwick. lw.nrlon; Mr e. M..y Wnrrd- bridge and Merg irrl, Jack, N.I••anee aril Jran %V.,.rtbridge. M.-. May Bunnell. N 'Itsn ; M•+. Ji. Max- well and Jean, Helen and .banner Max- well, jr , Mrs. ire l'. limit..., Harold Neuter. St. Mary. ; Mir Myb)I 1)u - •ren, ;ti,r M1blott, Brantf ,'rt Mi.. Margaret Dickie, dalyikiar of Hrv. 1)r. and Mr.. pick ie, ..1 Montreal. who air .Iwn,ling the .uu)mrr in their cottage here. ha. tern very ill doting the poet work Her condition baa hewn the reuse of .-..11.1411.1..141. anairly' to the family Every IOc Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAI. S$°-` WORTH OF AMY STICKY r 1 CATCHER Clean to hapdlr Sold by all Drug- gists, Grocers and Cenral Stores. r "Please send me some Chewing Gum: WIGLEr t. is the kind the boys all like. It's sealed in a wax -wrapper. Air, moisture and dirt can't harm it. The chap with some Wrigley's to pass around is 'cock of the walk.' It's so refreshing and thirst - quenching. Send some of both flavors. The boys like smoking end eating." SPF.: ,u/NT MADE IN CANADA after after 1 1 Swaged tight Hetet Wella Wrigley's LeI.v' Wrigley dli., Ter.+, lite free eery ed quell* lw� gl GOOaa book