HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-10, Page 44 IMUneDaY. At'ot'sT 111. Itlln I'RE SIGNAL t1(PMP:RICH : (/NTARI(1 Are You Awake ! to the fact that we are offering many lines of ladies' and men's low Shoes at and below cost See Our Windows Shoe repairing guaranteed satisfactory. Ladies' Rubber Heels 25c Men's Rubber Heels - 35c Walters & Co. Successors to J H. McClintoe GODERICH PHONE 2305 1 1 PORT ALBERT. TIrEMDAY, August I. Still they come to P. A. to enjoy the fresh air. The shower on Monday night was welcomed by all. Muter Lorne 11olzkawp is visiting in Stratford •o peer 111. ;Jeer '.111 l.rryli Lar guo.t of Mrs. Geo. I'IArk, Carlon. an. wort.. JPits. John. Scboenlial+ called on lends in the village 'set week. Min, Viola Hoy is (tack 11ow \VaItgn after a wuntb's visit with friends. Mr. and Mr,. Hoy, of Walton, ap+nt the week end with their son, Mr. ! Rotten Hoy Mrs. (leo. Sewan and daughter Flat, of Detroit, are visiting her neither. Mr... Br.wu Mr Wm. Hnayer and Mr. Geo. ! alt were. Sunday visitor. with' Illi. and Mrs. Jake Metier. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and family, of Stratford, spent the seek -end with! the lady's Nista, Mr. Holzkauin Mr. John. 11. Kuntz motored front Wrul.or with Isis new Maxwell car. Something pt.•tty good this time. eh.; '« Jack Jlr. .1,`A, Groep kis commenced I tbreabing in the DPiehtanhnntI.' He say+the grain is tinning tar keel .r! than be expected. %Vmd las len reeetvrd that 1't•, Hugh McGuire hes been dangerously wounded. Much sympathy is felt for his wife and children. BLY Th, Tt•a$DAY. August $ Wire Tor 'howt.afar.—The lawn bowlers of towel played two friendly Eames the past week.. Oa Wednesday aftetaoon two riots from Clinton played here and 011 Friday evening three sink. flow here went to Hensall by auto. The Blyth men won both r., by the ( Mowing scores : gamma MATE Holland Hawilton Pennyhakel Moore Mwri.h Thowss Hovey, bk. s Mtisuo, sk. Grant $loan W I.rinNn HlrrkaN Ball McMurchie Axon, rk. ; Dr. McTaggart, ak. Ig 15 MENSAL!. BLYTti Murdock Artery Buchanan Blackall - ! Mteacey H. 11. Rahinann IMcI4JllarU sk L•(i.E. McTaga.rt sk. 14 Merger Somers Urtweiti McMurchie Hemphill Thomas Busch. ak. 7 I)r. McTaggar :, sk-.:5 llras.ick (Eder Fatqubar Dunholm Dejean A. W. Robinson P&.swur...k. 1. G. Blacks'', s►. 17 : i t 5t1 The following howlers from here are taking in the Exeter tournament this week : Dr, Allison, (leo. E. Mc- l Taggart, A. W. Robinson and Dr. Mc -I Taggart. PKR+oNAI. AND GENERAL.—Mr. and ; Mrs. W. W. Sloan, of Taoottr, spent, their civic holiday with friends herr. Mr. L. A. t'barleaworth had his, horse at the Mount Forest races last Week, where it captured third money .The first rain of any •ccount we beer had fur *owe weeks fell on Mon• 1 day night. It was badly needed. se1 everything was suffering badly. Teel oats are opening, but ate not filled out and will he very light. t'he potatoes! are wilting and the prospects are for a very light crop. The fruit in this, section el-.. will be of on account, al- though the proepeets were goof in the' spring : wast of what it left on the ' trees is of pour quality Messrs.! Huy Stine and Wilbert Spafford, who! have gond 1/0b 11 i rte in Toronto. •pent the week•rnd at their homes here . M1. Ja. Siwe, who was visiting at Platteville in the hope of recovering hi+ strength,- returned home on Fri., day. He i• not improving M fact as. hie utaoy fri'nd• would like hey. W. Buss. of Halifax, who is vending; hie holidays with hi. mother in East Wawano.e occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on Su1Mlsy morning. His diecourae was certainly an intel- lectual treat. He I. coo.idcred one of the leading pleseehetb of the Presby-' terian church. While here he harei-rd the infant girl of Rev. W. D. t•id M:e. Turner Mr. H. M. McKay left on' Tbursdey- for Toronto, where he has' taken a position in the watch rrpsir- Fag department of ftyri. Bros.' ectal- lubment for • few weeks, by which he esteem t o increase bin knowledge in this line of Mrsine.. ..Mrs. Alex. Talker and family, of Harristoa. are visiting with her brother. Mr. J. H H. Elliott, of The Standard, )bis week. Mts. P. UttI-V suit family. with their household effect,, wuvid to Ber- lin on Wednesday. where het husband ! has «.cured s I: 'salon Mr. Taylor, who now has charge of the electric light plant, willru.,ve his family here from Sl rat find at once .... Mr. Wm. Leith and bawdy. of Stratford, visited I with hit parents herr this sweet., Miss Annie Spafford, of London, is !visaing with her wether bete ,.. Miss Carrie Sims spent a few days of the `{rut week w t 1 $te...lev rewinds !Ir Heevey Hair. of ....tido, vis- ited his father hrle tbls week. A great tunny of the soldiers of the Pilot Battalion ate atreseat et their helm.. here. pr..uuiably for the porno.« of assisting with (he hnr•est. 7 P b kers of :he Blyth schnol have tilled the { vacancies on the staff by the appoint- !ment of two teacher., Mk. Mnnney, ..1 S•ra•f.rd, a+ ptinc.nal, and Mies Hambnu y, •.t Toro.. Thee* trachea. 1 c our well re.. nnui.ud•d. nitre i- more '.tarrb in th.• .•tlon of the n rou•ry thae.,11 other 41.e.,.e, put toeather, 1And fon var.., r . suntan -e4 t, n. be iurs►le. 1o. rut. ii , .ibe.t lo,./.1 r.medir.. sod bt a w.. A patty .1 Italian gp siee ae.ed through here this wank. l• is not oft •n ne we e this nationality at tai. line of u.lnr+s in there ports The truu- .rarrt 1 fa !1-.1 to rasa ./1111 lora 1re•tment. ptaeouur,d it iarareble. Patel re i• a local U4... . errantly influen.wt by eoa.ntutloaal ruminant* and therefor. req u I rs. cou.0 t ut tuns! treueimet Hall. Cat orb 4 um. manufactured by F. J. theses k Cu.. Toledo- wan. le • nein dilutional remedy. i• taken loternanv lad act• tbmurh taw blood en the ueon• .urfacw of tar -edam Uoe bundr.d 4m141.,. reward i. offered for any case th.o Hall'- t'starrb Cure fails to .Orr Serpi for circular+ and tr,t4. drimmwt•. 75e. r. J CHENIKIt CO., Toledo. Ohio. Mall • lmi:r Pall, for coe•tllntiou. NILE. WKUNKMD.te, August A. Miss Mabel Bailie visited friends in liodet ich last week. Miss Minnie Currie left on Monday for her new work in the West. Rev. Mr. McKelvey. of Dungannon, preached here nn Sunday evening. Mrs. \Van. Fowlet visited her sieter- in-law, Mrs. Georg. Hyatt, last week. Mr. and Mrs Oke, of Beonliller, vis- ited Mr. land Mrs O. Rutledge on Sunday. Miss M. Pentland. of !Elmira- i+ vis- iting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Girvin The W. Ni. S held its July meeting at the boyar of Mrs. George Currie, sr., oo Wednesday afternoon Inst. HAYFIELD. WEDNESDAY, August P, Mr. Curry Campbell, of Toronto, is the guest of hi, 8011LP. the 1is•ea Catnl.hell, Mies Marguerite Douglas. of Hyde Park. i. Vi+icing her uucle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Tough. Mea Grace C,Dioron, of Chicago, and Mies Mildred Cameron. of Detroit, are guests at the home of their father • f;K r • •t • 1 Does the Greater Part of Your Goal Go Direct to the Ash Heap ? Ik F you buy coal with an unknown reputation you might just as well have it unloaded right into the ash can. You'll at least save yourself the trouble of raking the clinkers out of the furnace. But you dont get that kind of coal when you buy ours. You get 2oao pounds to the ton of pure fire—coal of known reliability that burns evenly, long and cleanly. The quality of coal is hidden—its outward appearance shows nothing. its past performances are about all you can judge it by, and upon past performances we are building up our trade. • Buy coal now before cold weather makes it necessary and you'll save money. And 11 you want real coal buy Lehigh Valley Coal, the coal that satisfies. Any quantity of Hard Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs and Mixed Wood. Lime and Cement. rompt delivery. THE SAULTS COAL CO. Office Phone 76 (f ems s to «dies & Gbit ) a. J.Saults, Res, 275 W. W. Sault', Res 202 r are simply kidney dieoders• Theki filter the Mood of ..11 that shouldilitteC there. T he blood lasses through the kiJ- ae), eser% three minutes, 11. the krdnevs do their work no impurity or cruse of deordrt can- rattan in the cirr.:lation lwiger than that t• Thrrelore it your blood .s out of" order %our kidneys hale failed in their work. They are in nerd off stimulation. *rear hetting or doctoring. Oar medicine will do all three, the finest an,l most imitated blood nledia:Me there u Dodd's Sidney Alla Mr, Alex. Cameron. Rev. J. G. Stewart, of Knox church, London. is visiting his sister, Mrs. Stauuory, at Cedar Lodge Dr. J. Mtanburv. of Toronto, was s week-eod guest at the home of his brother, Mr. Geo. Stanbury. The Church of England garden party on Tuesday evening was an iwwenie success, the crowd h.iog even larger than on former occasion.. Anniversary services will be bold in St. Andrew's church bn Sabbath next, Rev. Murray Tait. of %Wallsceburg, being the preacher for the day. Special 'noel • will be prrvided by the cboi•. assisted by Mrs. Duncan, of Saskatoon, also by Mrs. Reynold., of Knox church, Stratford, and severed other members of the same choir wbo are holidaying here. After a continuous dry spell of five week. and a day. the longest and hot- test within the memory of "the oldest inhabitant," the sluice -welcome rain strived on Monday evening, first as • gentle shower hating an hour or w and later in the night se a *lamp little thunder -shower. As • result the dust nuisance, which bad beemue almost unbearable, is allayed. a+ is al., the intense heat. sed both drooping arse. tstiou and drooping spirite ale aga e re.i veu DUNGANNON. 1114. N. F. \WHYARD is agent fur THE El l . SAI. at Duna --Annan. - 0, ler- left, with him fur sub.. riptie•+. :,4,ati.e m.nb o: i ab prict.na will re - prompt attention Telephone t Goderich Karfh r s.. a«ar A Big Cut in Summer Muslins WE are making a sacrifice of the colored Summer Muslins, Now Is the time to buy a new waist or dress for your=elf or the children. Every piece of muslin offered is new this season and the patterns and colors -are good. Fine muslins 27 in. to 36 In. wide, white and colored grounds with dainty floral and stripe designs. Regular 20c and 25c muslins for 12 1-2c while they last. Watch oar windows for these Muslin. at 12 1-2c. White Silk Gloves We are now in a position to fill your wants in short whiteSilk Gloves, per pr. age aai j5c Long white Silk Gloves, 12 and 16 button length. at per pair 754 $IJS sal $1.25 Silk Boot'Hose Silk Boot Hose are the favorite this season. Ladies' white silk Boot Hose in all sizes at 5lk a pair. This is a very fine stocking, at only 50C a pair. Ladies' black sidle Boot Hose at 50c, 85c add $1.00 a pair. Let ns show you these stockings. They are very sheer and can be relied upon for wear. . Ladies''and Children's Summer Underwear Ladies' short, long and no sleeve Vests in many qualities and styles at 124c, 15c, 21k, 25c and 35c each. Children's Summer Vests, in short and no sleeves, at 15c amp 20c each. THE COLBO'RN E STORE . MMMM/aMMAM/b Lawrence Cudmore, and Arthur Junes: Geo. F. Hindley PORTER'S HILL. TUESDAY, August N. Narita—Mies Margaret Walker, ..f Clinton, spent a few days at 0. W. Potter's last week Mr. Will Mc- Donald, of Detroit, it visiting at his mohet 's, Mrs. James McDonald's...: Miss Ruby Potter is Bowe, having spent several weeks nursing at Mite - ton .. Misr Hazel Monk. of G..de- rich, is visiting at Geo. Vanderburg'.. ..Mr. R. Y. Cox spent Sunday at Collingwood.. Mr. Harvey Putter re- turned home Monday, having .pent a !week • at Woodstock.... Mr. Lorne Tabor motored from Trrwbrdga ou Sunday :o \Vm. Johnston'+, bit wife accompanying hits hove Skit Isabel Sinclair is visiting her ,,ter, Mn. Leslie Cox. V4 EDNESDAY, Aug. 11. Mr T. G. Allen went to Peterboeo' on a hu.iness trip on Monday. . MUM Pearl McKenzie has gone to Alliston to visit friends for a few d.ys. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rose motored to Teed Zurich, Grand ed and South Huron points Ode week, i We were pleased to see -Mr. William Beatty. formes lyof the Sterling Biot here. it the Locality thi. week Mia. Cors Allen is engaged to teach in Cedar Valley. school. Miss Jan.. Mtothera is to teach at Mafeking school. Rev. I. McKelvey, of Dungannon Methodist church, and RPV. J. V. Hedley, of Nile, exchanged pulpit. last Sunday. Remember the Women's Institute) garden party on Friday evening of this week, oo the grounds of Mr. Chu. Brown. A good time is expected. Ashfield ft iendr this week. Mi.+es Ella Mtotbers, Hazel Augus- tin. and Amber MacKenzie and Mr. Lorne MacKenzie autoed to Guelph. Elora and Fergus last Saturday and returned on Wednesday. AUBURN. Trs' nAY, Aug net 8,, A niter of Dr. B.C. Weir. from Suvtbtoy, is spending her holidays Doctor. Mr and Mrr. Sclater, of Seaforth, are visiting their daughter. Mrs. E. with the Lawson. Rev. W. and Mrs. Conray arrived houie after spending their holidays with relatives near St Marys. Mr..l i+eph Irwin went on an auto trip to Niigata Fall. with ht. brother, Dr. I. win, of Wingha'n, retaruiug 00 Monday. One of the attractions at the civic holiday picnic. on August =till. on the wr.( hr1.k of the rivet adl be a base- ball watch b•tweeo ladies' team. f ono Londesborough and McUowau's. Watcu for the posters. ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY. August 8. Mr. and Mr-. Jnhn'Redmwrd visited The Dungannon Women's institute desiree any penin having spare cloth- ing to bring it to the 1)ungannon post:- office. ost.officr. The uieurtters will he very thankful for naV donations sent in— either men'.. woolen's or chadren's clothing. KIPPEN Trzsu.a%. Aug. 5. Mics McKihbon, teacher, dau,rhtIr of Rev. Mr. M- Kibbon, of Granton, is here vuitieig among her many friend,. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alton and Mr. and Mr.. D. K. Alton, of Aabfietd, were visiting friend. in this village and on the Parr line this week. Messrs. F. Roes. principal of Dun- gannon public school, and G. Howard, princip.l of Zurich public school. with their mfrs, were visiting at the home of our teacher, Mr. W. H. Johnston, this week. CAMP B.,RDI• N Nrrr Si. Ban.—H. .1. Morrow, G. F. Handley. L E. (Cud - more and J. M. McCly.,.ont are home from Camp Borden. They report that the camp is within forty rode of the station and that ha tbey had to do the first day they arrived at the eamp was to put up their tents. It was com- monly reported here that the soldiers had to march twelve mile, from the station to the ramp and were then drilled three hours without water to drink. Them men report things to have hmn in poor shape when they went. hut they ars rapidly improving, and soon the grounds will be in splen- did shape. Ryes the sand in wet weather will be vastly preferable to mud. 'Ben HONOR ROLL 11N%'xtLED.— l.aet Sunday was Patriotic Itay in the M.thnrliet church and the pastor, Rev. A. W. Brawn. gave • splendid address on patriotism. and the. Honor Roll.r+gqntaining the names of nine sol- diers ebnnerted with this congress- tinn. Mae unveiled by Mrs Jae. Mc- ('lymont, mother of one of th and Sunday school teacher of my of then.. Mr. W H J.'hnaton gar the addle... and Mr R. 114 mettles. o be- half ret the congregation, presented the nnldiers present with • fountain pen The sasses of those on the Honor Roll are William J Hocking, wnunded at the first battle of Ypres. afterwards dying In hospital Wm. J Reynolds. Jamie A. Hayes.,_ a es.Rs'Mr: J Moersw, Melville Met ynsesR Henry ReMer, • Rev. Jaynes Wtleon, of Toronto, spent I.et week holidaying in thin virinity. Mr. A. Mci}ougall, of \Viughan.. has fintsuell building cement silos be- Mesrrs. H King and Wtu. Einahen. Mr. and !Nr.. Neil McKenzie, of Laurier, and Mr. and Mrs, (leo. Rob- ertson. of I.ueknow, visited at William McAlister'• fait Friday. Mr., Mr!. and .Miss McDonald, of J eutr.t two, Miss Wilson, Mus In- man an0 Mt. Hendessrn, of H mewls, spent the wrek•eod with frienia herd. There was a Targe crowd at the party held in the school here last Friday evening. Although the weather was warm all report having had a good time. KINTAIL. MONDAY, Aug.wt 7. Mr. Charles Mac(lregor is spending his vacation at his home here. Mise Olive McMurchy has returned home after visiting for some week. at Sarnia and Detroit. Dr. Robert Martin, of Knot church, Stratford, conducted the services in Asbfleld Presbyterian church last Sun- ; day. Women's Institute held its monthly meeting at the home of Mn. Robert Hawilton on Thursday last. An interesting feature of the meeting was the disposing of the autograph quilt. the proceeds of which are to go to the Red Cross Society. Mr. Armour MacMurcby was fortunate enough to have boug t the lucky ticket which decided to whom the with should be- long. Uongratulatlons ! ASNFIELO. RED Canso WORE. —The Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle eget In Port Al bort Hall on Wednesday evening, July 19. The committee in chitr.. of the garden pony which wee Arid on July 5th reported the net proceeds of the garden warty to he 11fe1,72. A cash sum of 144) was voted to be sent to floe Red ('roes Societyfor July and Aug- ust, and Mil to tprieonere of war fund for fou.) parcels. Ladies wishing to knit can have yarn from Mrs. H, Hlggie•, 000nassion 4. wbo has a large supply of machine -knit meek legs is hand out. 'l'bs Red Crone Society has made a request for preserved fruit again this year. and the Circle asks all the ladies of Ashfl.M who wish to do nate fruit to hand in Iyer, sealers of sages to Mrs. Jas. Hayden, Port Al- bert, lbraet, Mrs. Wm. Blake, oonceeeioe 9, Mew, R Higgins, ooseamios or Urn. Jae. Garvey, Kingsbridge The fruit is to be packed and slipped at Use INDIVIDUAL SAN iTARY ,e/rViCe PURE WHITE PAPER CUPS as NEVER USED BEFORE NEVER USED AGAIN" SAFEGUARDS HEALTH Surprise Your Wife and the Kiddies -I- LL -E home some ler Cre,rn h.- j ere., an authority eau • rengtii that! !:ped of t'Ir tvaaon+ wh% -:,u sh,ut:,l t.ricr h time" a Reek'during the warm test deserts to;, coulij giVe'the k.. with you. it will surely please them— : has more real food qualities th..: 4,0,11 .•1 wr now nat. Th.at'• one 04 the F..% NI at !raag three or foto router monk r•, It will be- one the plies. See that it conies froth mi -ours i. the Ti.+cue-building Pure Foal kind J. E. Robbins' Candy Kitchen Phone 64 Sean Side of Square, Gederick • September meeting. A•titust meeting ha. been cancelled. Further notice will be given reg.rli .g trptcml..r meeting. . \Ir.. Ro1oe,n Higgins wishes to thank the Kiri. o1 bee oetgh• btrhood who a+si.twl h -r in enisning the tilos of t .r warhiu-•knit soca«, which has to Ike dune hrfurs the (pp' can be put in them. 111 a" .nntrtrs. A•k far ser iNYKP1_ Tl).: d A 1 • v ISER. W 1lcb wit' I.4 mat fres. )1ARION ! MAIt:ON. 1194 University ger. Meatr4u . A New Shipment of house Furnishings HAS AS arrived at Walker's Furniture Store. consisting of Rugs in Brussels. Velvets, Wiltons and Tapestries in vanous sines and qualities. Before you buy a rug give us a call and examine our stock. because it is new and up-to-date. Linokums, 2 x 4 yards wide, have just arrived from the mill. We will give a special discount off all Verandah Rugs and Verandah Shades during the month of August. Picture Framing and Repairing promptly and neatly done. , Walker's Furniture Store THE STORE OF QUALITY Often the Cheapest Always the Best W. Walker, Furniture aad Uadertakiles Mae ss , Galeria