HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-10, Page 31HE SIGNAL : GODERIC'H, ONTARIO Ot 6" ALlOUROrrAwA,.ErrEx FELT LIKE A NEW IND ONLY; `ENGINE BEWARE OF (MITA- TIONS SOLD ON TH1C MERITS OF IINIRD'S LINI/ENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. JOLD LETT/CHINO on LEATHER GOODS Anular. pry ipu utdaded ts ae Iswrrlrrq etwalTUL8IUNALU adcd A. K. TAYLOR. teinarFOen. MEDICAL 1! F. J. R. PO1LS'1'KR-KY E. EAR now and throat only. Hour minima York Ophthalmic .a/ Aural I�ltr1 te Arlt, gar. Neo,aed (break. (r.slit•L equate. and Ideetre/aW tare Hareelal. 14'tIsad.-ly(1 �ss�6t 'stub Bo..n 9. • . m. i I., p. m.• 7 MS a• .. sNsoaase N. H ' tiKU. HNILKMANN, OSTEO PATH. epeetalw in women. and trial loco's dooms.. acute. threnle and nervous die o dor. eye. ear. Puma Ind throat, partial deaf eau lumbago and rheumM4. condition. Ade ..l. remote without the kutfr. Omne •1 u. rwdaeu.r corner \e.on and . A.dte w' sleet. At home omoe Minds)-. Thin -day. sad Saturday. a,.y everting by appointment, AUCTIONEER THOMAS IiUSDRY ACCTWNKKR Bea ie+.. Uodericb. All ip.truction. by Or left at Mortal omce will be promptly a e nded u:. iis.idencr telephone 11'. LEGAL IL. 1. 11.8.1" HARItIbTIR. tBILICiTtuK, MOTAItY I'1-bi.0-, k'J't- UM-Sterling Hank Block. Hamiltee Croat. ▪ elm ca. Telephone ea. Wal. 1':.tate Loan. and In.urahoa. PHOU UFUUT, K I LLOICAN t COOK It MAlt11.t 1 Rb, L"ULIl17ORe. NO1ARIb21 PUBLIC. ITC. 011essa the Square. second door from Ham Illus arm. Uoaste b. Mrlvate Nutt. to ,uau at lowest rate.. W. Petut'uruui, K... J. L Ito Lomas H. J. 11.1 bukF. ILO. CAMERON, K. 0.. MARKIN TOR, rollover. uutery pehlb. Uoeee e 'ton asset. UWderncb, third dear fr. sours. At t 1 utto. '!hairdo ut each week 1n caw uu Aibe.1 .to et critiqued by. Mr. Hooper. oleic hoar- ". a.m. tuft p.m. LANLk:8 (,ARROW, LL.B., tsAK- Welitit, atwrr'ey, .olesCor, ear.., Gode Money to Mud at lowest ram. d SEAGEH, BARRISTER. SOL - Maar. Notary Public and l uun veyaeer. 'lane -Court Hous GodrHc h. WI:'n INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. McKILIA)P. MUTUAL FIRK IN 8CR•NCI CU. -Farm adi.olated tern geeporte tottered. OSow-- J .+. • r*n,nllr. Pew+.. •iodench P.O.; Jan. Eau-. Vioo-s'te.., Beechwoo.I P. r).: Mamma. Hays, beer -Tree.,, beatortb Y. U. lilsr.o.er.-Ir. F. JI Urewur, tteaforth : John -, pri.vs. Winthrop : W Woe Ria• 1. on.uuce. Jana Biu u..... Brod meets ; Geo. Het ar t Oil. 8esfwlh . Itglwrt kern.. HarMioL ; Malcolm M.gwwn. Hruwneld. Agswb: J. K. S.O. Hdme.vllb; Alex. Leitch. Clinton ; lllfarn Che�.ue�(� b..torth ; L tiiacatey. hoof . b l'oucy-1 oro • ante and art Moir dards r.OMp0d at Y J. Mrrith r t leasing atone. Clinton. R. d. • uta'. 4kr••e.ry. Klne.u.n street. Bed/trice. of J. IL Bald . t:et,cral Store. hayfield. Mk)!t,000 PRIYAT�1rtTNUS SI d)R20 00 ..rnu. ApWy o Y. U. CA)1 N. Harrtater Hamilton etzest. Ooderiob. 1,4;W H.'ROI(liR'1'Kt1N. • I'oURANI i AUItNT Iles urn LIOMT.IMO • Ml MLA. Caoadls. mud Asrric.n. Aoaowrr lickMaaw Aam RMetorIR8' LIAa,I ITT : tN l ... Amident and Uoar auto ;;droonsUer. Limited. of Loudon. ho. /IDOL/TV AND li lt t A iu a Taa BONDS . Tie. U.B. rigidity sod Ou. vae.- (wmp.oy. Oieee at residence. mintiest corner of V lo. rood. A at. lair'., • • eoet. Phone 17a. MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTRR R. LILLY, J.P., OODIDUCH, ONT. IIMIUIR or MAItRIAOK UCLN13101. t Patents, Trade Narks, Desigas Secured in All Countries Write for fres book "PATINTh PROTKI' Ti0N. 'fell. all shout •nd how to Met, let inns BABC;4Y K a SON/, .Aabll.bed 1117 e.em.rly Pataot ( Tee iisminer. Manor of PMdw( Late., lt.ainered Patent Attorneys ,stn. Wilt. Jame. Street. Moitreal. Br.nches- .Alswa and w.shington, Retee•ent•Uven In dl foreign countries. usentsonewriewebebesellit Brophe) Bros. t4ODRRICH lee Leading Funeral Directors sod Embalmers Orders cerstelly attended to es all home. Dight or day. NOM6NAWv M e UA Beer. Ottawa, August loth. - Inspired rabies from London auneuu, r tbai certain uewspapria .peak 01 hula„ acclaim fur Mir Mam, as one who has done luucb for the Empire. The paper* utenti,.ned are The Mail -out ord Nortbehfts'e Daily trail, but the Muuday Mail, a scabbyMile sheet which t reties on the rhatw of a 'torso never -and The Loudon Pictorial aid The Mirror, two paper, that will .."- clow anything ur suyl,udy that will make a good photograph. Mir Saw's acclaiming thus seems to be lingering on the out.lorta of Jouro- Miser.:.nd if Mir Max An ken can t uo better than this in buttonholing the London lire's for Can►da'a War load be hod better get bat 1 to his jub of eye -witnessing in Flandrr., which ru- tuor says be dues largely by proxy. Mir ll•s has committed merger suc- cessfully several tiwrr, hot this latent project of his -a Praire Merger of the Loudon press fur Sir Sans -has gone wrong. He hasn't interested the right people. Even The Morning Post, wh,wl war co:respondent Sir Max ad- mires au muck., that he frequently user Ism ,work in bis own copy for the Cana- dian newspapers -even The M, ruing Port, we /meat, b. -t: k, op when it comae to acclaiming as a.uhlte ben" - the mon who saddled Colonel John Wesley Allison on the British Empire. The best The Post can .ay is that it Sir Sam will quit Appointing political brigadiet-generale tu the Canadian army all will be forgiven, or words to that effect. Ar for the rest of the big London dallied of *Il shadya ui politic., they are studiously silent. Sam hen got to .how thorn. The Birmingham P...t, which is 1her nw.1 influent1Al l'on.rrv• 'tire newspaper outride of London, openly denounces hien. Meanwhile. lbw l:.rnstitutiunal Club, Knott). i• bead centre of 1'orlarrtrative o;.,ulon iu Eng- land. wnich was shaping up to give Sir Sun a banquet tio 'Sal limo hr Wag over thele, .bow. u44 e1K,w of re- newing the auniatlr 111(g-110 .411 which were broken ut1 by a cabled wmmary of the Kyte charges. It's a .ale gum+ that the Constitutional 1 hitt Ilse not failed to read the Doff bored,. to repot t and to draw it, uwp runelu.ion.. Moreover, the Duke of Connaugb:'s withdrawal from Canada, tinder pies - mire ul a deidre to unit a i.o.t w uich carried witb it the r•rspon.il"lity of ar- ceptiog Sir Yam lie ono of bit to lc:ter., has not equaled the Con.titu';on..1 l,1ah to feel any wartier tow,u11 the mad whore it timely ...e...•d u.akiug its guest of honor. • All of which is to .ay that pntdie ac- claim for Sir Sam doesn't get dry tar. it, Lot,dun. 1'hr Heart of Raptor re (pees to heat one stioke rum e,•r(titter for Colonel John %Verbs Allison's chief friend and i .comer Sir Saul himself i. quick to feel Ilea chill in the ■tmohpbrre. The calilr reports all iudieate :hat • be' ha. ces.ed giving interviews. which is w, unlike Sir Main that tilt -cot -respond. rots are plou.ly Nal,herg,.ard, • Thea don't ki .w w'hvt ,O tltokr of it, I.ut Sir Yaw due... He oval mei only too well that lie cannot explain - C*n.p Bordeu :.nd its .WUtauou. C" itueucee, MIMI that would or unto of asp ret queation. the I.Ppurtrt.:voeld ask him. -Scold..., the Biondi new-j..p.t. :.re fully :nlunord of tribute. (tow l,t* l L. 1, . . .1,.., 144,41 Kitchrnet end mlgt,t tw disp'•--.t to take with tnure :h..n a grafter of sal' anything that falls hum the hp. et one who noes not hemi:ate to cal4 the greatest ,ir..d from their grave+ • to turn him .. c•nuplin,enL lar shorty, tbry have aro mole helir( iu lir Sam than they have in the .ea aerprut. 1t O. nbo lea.,,nalile t., euppo.e that his colleague* tipped hive cIi that the 'err he said in England the better thej would like it, because the echoes get hark to ('at.ada and bedevil things generally. They possibly told him, too, Mat the pal ting insult which he flung al 1 ietree, in hie /speech at the opening art the 1.id,1.4y aroenai, would get them int, enough trouble, with their National,.r allies to brit until he came back. .\t all event.. Hail peetua to have adopted • new policy. lie i• going to keep his mouth .bur -a. long am he cai. We understand, bowever, that the Sphinx is in no fear that her treat preen -me terord ie 10 1'e shattered by the Minister of Militia for Camas. In her alI•wi.fi,tu she knows that Sam has a temper which oversteps tb..e inetirtiloua cnn,iderattons and that he is Gable to spill th•' ferns elmnmt any minute. Still there .A n44 rea.nn why Sir Sam should go wit 5.:41t p41.07 Leel olid even in London. He can get it from his honorary rnlnnrl•, who, according to .11 report, are Inner numerous there than Ford cars Ate ,i Ireton:, There Are honorary .' l owls in London that t'amad8 novel ,o.pertrd .Le bad 'thou' her. Di-t,ngui►hrd eitiz•'n•, Ilse Itor„n Shauglolrssy and Sir Frederick Toy - lar, cool.. heck frons London with .torien , f rant herds of Canadian hot - oer.ry celonrl, who have never beard • shot fired in anger. and who are «,• Isms that they will eat out of aro)' hand that will Irad them to the Savoy gri 11. They are much tamer Ind for emote numerous than the buffalo at Wain- wright. Many of Inv maiden, have seen the buffalo at Wainwright. and will remember how like honorary colonels they looked. with tbeir im- posing fronts, their glittering eye, and their sweetly (uw..hr disposition. which proniptn them to fight nothing more hostile than a hale of bay. It Air Main • year wog for puhb'• ar claim over towers him. 411 he has t•.'to is to drop in at 1b. American h.r :n the Savoy. Almost any hour of the day or night, up tri chrein• time. he will find there a thirsty hattalicn of honorary colonels, drinking Manhattan and Martini cocktails a. compounded on the hanks of the Thames- that i. to say. with the hair oil lett in. More honorer) colonel. r•n 1'. found at the Cheshsre Chomp, r-.nenitine this shade of Dr Mamuel Johnson, who, when he was in good foto,. took strong liquor every fifteen minutes hr. Johnson, like most of his roast.mpor- ari.e, oonquesed the Demon Rum in the .latest . way, by putting it down a y. And in his ,torr pen- itent ttaoods be (pled ep on tea, as Ros- well has reketeJ. Although thare are many tea rooms hetware the Bank of England and Sada Past, Rem will not Md our hon- orary eoloeelo lefss:tang thecal to any esteem. Out honorary celestials do not PERSON After Taking Only One Box Of "Frit-e-thes" East Hem Haseoca, N. S. "It is with great pleasure that I write to tell you of the mnederjal benefits 1 have received from taking "Fruit a. tires". For years, I was a dreadful sufferer from Coeslifahoi aid Heaad- acAes, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I finally tried "Fruit -a -tires" and" the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel like a new person, to ha' a relief from those sickening Ileadachea". M as. 11ARTI1-\ UEWOLFS. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit - datives Limited, Ottawa. go abroad to drink tea. No, sir. Tbe!r obieet is 14. prove+ that Kentucky b riot the tart word in Colonels, either 1. to numbers or alcoholicprowess. With thrum the worm diethtnot, an:1 the fire is not quenched, no twitter how much they pour on it. Sir Yam is justly rrlrbrate1 a. a dry eanterner, hit Ube wants to get public acclaim out of hie honorary colonel* he mutt needs seek the wet spots of London. The Cecil, the Mavoy, tlir Carlton, the Piccadilly, the Ritz, Eraaestis, the Trite, he will find hit honorary colonels there, and if be takes my tip he will near his round. about ea.ven o'clock at n•gbt. 'foe 1).151.4• acclaim is at its h.ot then. The honorary colonels are keyed up to it Public, acela'w being the thing Sri Nato seek, 1n his hidnw-, public at c!auv th-tt M.jor J.r11n Ili -toot, hi, peers agent, can wire over to 1'.nade, rosy 1 .uggr.t that he draw his hon- orary oolonel. out .,f their pleasant, lint more. r less private retreat and p ,ht them at .trstegic points where the Hri'i•h public can ser them. A •hunsand honorary colonel.. striking t:• ally posited where 1!imp could receive 'Mir saluteo when he walks or met or. .•r tides abroad, would have a great effect on the Lon 1nq newspaper•. No historie "pot b•tweru the Mono - went on the East And the Merble Arch rot the tV,.t should leek its honor try colonels. In fact, there rbuul•1 be at least a dozen honorary colonel+ pet - w•.nently stationed aro the t ip, of the Monument and twice 84 taany draped about the Marble Arch to distribute copirro(' the Hutton earre-p oodrnr'e •44 the todrt.t, And thele let' the world know what a;iteat nil.n 'lir Stns is, Other . h ,1111.+r7 colonels might he stationed at. the Duke of Yin It's monu- ment. the (l'ierri Victoria Fountain, Llyd•l'li.r'. S:atue. the Nr!wn col- umn in T.,.faldar,•ekioar., the Horse Guard...:4 other above pacer--.tsr- .cat'er the n`` as it were, through 1.on• dontuwn, «.'*het Sam e.n't colo Mr public ace!a nit no wetter where he K'.•«, (l.ieeu I: . fi .. t', :'a' ie on West- ncn.ret 11, Jy.r 14. .. '. 11r1 trio l,u•k• grouti•1 i .t .e- t: -.toots of h u wary ;tmeln, al.•. the }1e+ use of Cumlllu11e Tel -rave, and tS'eetihiii•ter Abbey. Of course the honorary caluriels can't be exprvted•t» !ewe all duty long. When,, p they ate Or/ busy salutiu.l Sir Man' they should be kept employed cireol.- ting 4•%tnp4igti literature for the llaj-re+ lirnetal. A nrnt 11111. pamphlet ex- plaining how Lard Kitchener and u�r QUOTATIONS� � At'C1'ST Toronto Cattle Market Steen. rholre weighty $i..0 to 11.71 do. medium weighty 5.0e $._0 Butchere'..hoico bandy. 5.04/ 5.35 do. god 7.66 1.04 do. medium 7.26 7.{61 do. common {.25 7.« Butcher.' rows, choice 7.00 7 26 do. good 6.60 7.« do. medium 3.50 6.50 Botching' bulb. choice 7.00 7.26 do. medium to good. 6 25 6.75 do. bologna 1.00 6 50 Feeders. 900 to 1,000 lbs T.00 7. 0 do. bulls6.00 6. 0 10 Stockers, 500 to 0 lha. 1.50 7.25 do. med.. 150 'to 700 6.00 6.50 do. common, light6.50 6.00 Cutter* 4.50 6.60 Canners 4.60 4.60 Milkers, good to choice .701.00 90.00 do. common to 0.e4' 30.00 70.00 Springers 55.00 00.00 Calves, veal, good 15.00 12.00 do. medium 500 10 00 do. common 5 00 7.60 do. gess •6.25 6.26 Lambs, cwt. 9.00 11.00 Sheep, ewes, light 7.00 8.76 do. Geary and becks 5.60 6 60 do. culls 4.00 6.50 Hugs, weighed off cars 12.50 0.00 do. fed and watered.12.26 0.00 do. fru b. country 65 1:.75 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat-Tra. k. bay ports. No. 1 northern, $1.461., No 2 north- ern. $1.44l, ; No. 3 nor'! ern. $1.39%. Manitoba oats -Track, hey ports. No. 2 r' W., 53%yc; No 3 .' W., 525ic; extra No. 1 feed, 62%.. No. 1 feed. 52c; No. 2 feed, 52c. American corn -No yellow, 94c. track, Toronto. Ontario wheat -No. 1 commercial per car lot. according to freight, out- side. 11.05 to 51.07; No _ commercial, 51.02 to 51.04; No. 3 cowm'erctal, 96c to 98c; feed wheat. 91. to 92c. Ontario oat -No. 3 white. according to freights outside, 48c to 49c. Peas -No. 2, per carlot, 11.75 to 11.85, according to sst::pte, 11.2:. to 61.60. Barley -Malting, outside, 66c to 68c; No. 2 feed, 62c to 64e. Buckwheat -70c to 71c. Rye -No. 1 commercial. 96c to 97c: Manitoba flour -First patent:. In Jute bags, 57.30; seconds, $6.50; strong bakers', (6.60. Toronto. Ontario flour -Winter, track. Toron- to. prompt shipment, arcordtng to sample. 14.70 to 54.80 in Jute bags; bulk, seaboard. 64 90 to 55. Mtllfeed-Car lots, per ton, deliver- ed, Montreal: Shorts. $25 'o $226; bran, 622 to $i:; good feed ?"jr. per bag. 51.75; n.tddlings, 526 to 5_7. Butter and Cheese Markets Kingston -35 boxes white and 1.091 boxes colored, offered; 140 boxer sold at ldtec; balance unsold. Brockville -Offerings, 3,381 colored and 1,801 white; sales. 2,020' colored and 1.306 white at 1tear77 Alexandria -1,01S• white cheese bearded and "old at 17 116c. cornua:' 'offerings. 2,::14 hexes cf .:or•d at .t 47 bore* of t.t,itt. The 144rrd c, .d' ..t 17 be 'and 1'.'• white at . Iroquo r --5t.,: C.. etc were hoarded; 845 rolnrt'd and :.t,'t.hke. No sales on board. be- all 'u'.1 do curb at 1714c Pi 71 t,- a t' tor, • white ami 500 ' ntorod e:.4 . 'r w. re -„Id at 17 5.16c. l'i Incton-1, fact r', - boarded 1,506 .11,iorored. A11 Li at 17tac. Mont Joli. Que. - t" ertnga were 2110 ord Roberti. ..ante to admit that Sam 110ew. All sold "-Mc:* ' waa the g.r..tr.t driving force in his- tory, h r S -Uri. 4111,11' .i.'wr, w•,ulu f r Reed nu -ins•.. The way to- get pub - he ac' I.in► iA to go out -•n,1 cert.. I1. F. ti/lsruv. Taotunatr, Aoec.r 10 II/1 D I LLAI2 v SON AUGUST CLEARANCE it Children's and Misses' Dresses I only misses' white Norfolk Pique Suit, ;ize 14 yrs. Regular $5.00, now - 3 only misses' white Pique Dresses, trimmed brown linen. Regular $3.50, now 12 only misses' colored Linen Dresses, sizes 14 to 18 years., to clear at less Children's Dresses all to clear at less - - $3.75 $2.25 25% 25% Just a few colored Parasols left, all must be cleared out this month. Your choice 95c and $ I.45 Children's Hats and Bonnets at Half-price Special women's black Silk Skirts, rich quality Duchess silk. newest styles, each $5.00 Women's Silk Sweater Coats in Copenhagen, melon and white, very dressy. Special. each - SHETL4ND FLOSS Shetland Floss for fancy knitting, in pink, mauve, sky, white purple. Special. per skein - - at KNITTING W OOLS $5.00 , black, cardinal and - *,1 8c Scotch Fingering Knitting Yarn for soldiers' socks, in khaki and dark grey, 4 ply. Special, per 16. Baldwin's Bee Hive Scotch Fingering, black, white and colors. Every indication points to their being very hard to get. $t.60 Old Bleach Linens -Monarch Silk Knitted Coats Perrin's Gloves McCall Patterns and Publications - the new Fall Designs now in. New Fall Goods arriving almost daily. PHONE 56 J'Vlillar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 ertielableatetailbilete The. Quality Bakery Everything baked :n On up- to-date Sanitary Valet Shop. 1 Everything i, pure. swtet, clean, moist arta nntTi- 11011.. really wit U: some Il0.';.tttng 4 tla` %tooh "TILE I''FST. • tr . The purity and healthful total:tie c.f everything we' ll deiertrs a trial. DAVID BURNS The Baker King/tun Street Napanre-t'hee Ilotrde4: 696 ... t •. 'l ' , Ill eohl 17r* Wk/q/q/q/yM/r I. Ilea, N 1 - '1t.. - ..e 01 ('IIP.•,..' was a&awl d aac at t ' ' s session of the : hdry l;o. r : 2 Trade•. :Al -s, 4!N,0 bolus at 170. N. ally ,everything that Cassell mak-r. mine. ., grows is exhibited emelt year at the Canadian National Toronto w!.01 -!Sale- priced to the Ext) l ilius• -trade: Wholesa:e Predose 'An expenditure tef over filkhUrs1 la EFF, - Special candled Oar.'sl -5 14 to f .35 Candled..gx•tarton. ,. ._v .29 Bunt -- requited to alage aro' prepare the Can• adman National Exhibition each year, much of which goes for special aurae. lion.. NEW STRENGTH FOR LAME BACK. [suer True al Loy -1.5.4 •for P►weriptWa, Lear Mr. Editor -I suffered lora lame back end a constant tired. worn-out feeling. At times I was nnable to stand erect and scarcely able to get around. 1t would usually) come on at first with crick in small of my back. I took one box of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets and my hack commented to get better soon after starting to take 1i'em. I did not have to walk doubled over as I did before using the "Anuric." It is the best remedy i have ever taken for what it u intended to relieve. 1 hope tbose who are in need of such a remedy wiU give the "Attar* Tablets' a trial. (Signed) A. G. Dash. NOT.: ('p to this time, - A none • has not been on sale to the plrblic, but by the persuasion of many patienta and the increased den,and for tins wonder- ful healing tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally decided to put it into, the drug stores of this romntry within immedi- ate reach of all sufferers. Simply ask for Doctor Pierre's Annrio Tablets. Then can be no imitation. Every package of "Anuric• is sire to he Doctor Pierces. Yon will find the dgnatnre on the package joot as you do nn Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion, the ever-famons friend to ailing wntien, and Dr. Pierce's (iolden Med- ical Discovery, proven by years to be the greatest general tonic. tend 10 cents to Dr. V. M. Pierre, Bnf!alo, N. Y., for large trial parka/P. At any rate don't give np hop. of being cored of your malady until jos' a few dares of Anuric• hare proven that it will make you feel like a different persnn. F.nrron - Please insert this let in some oosepi000es place is your paper. Creamery prints. fr.••'t.. .31 .33 Creamery. solid. .. .. .3 0 .31 Choice dairy' prin'- .. .26 .27 Ordinary dairy pr n'... .24 .25 Bakers' 23 .24 cheese -New, In roe. ISc; twin.. lt•sr; 'trfpl.ts. 18%_ . old. June and September. large. _- ; twins, 22%c; triplets. 225ec. Poultry I.tre Dressed Spring broilers 25e. 30c 28c 30c Old fowl, lb..,, 16i 1Sc 21- 23c Ducklings 14c 16c 20.' 22c Potatoes-Delawar. s. 12.00: west- erns, 11.65, Out of store; Is carioca, 15c less. Honey -Comp 1., 'ley, No. 1. per dozen. 82 50 to 13; No. 2, per does!, 52 to 52.40. East Sulfa'o Cattle Cattle -Receipt,.. .00, heavy, slow, others active; prim•• shipping, $5 to 110; butchers, 57 to 59; heifers, $6 to 56.26; tows, 84 to 17.26; bulls, 55 to 97.60; etie.kers an feeders, 16 to 17 25; stork heifer, 15 60 to 16, cows and springers. 160 t. 1115. V.al.-R.celpts, t._00; active; 54.50 to $12 Hogs-R.eetpts, 1 '00; active; heavy and mixed, 910 35 • 110.40; yorkera, 810 to 110 40, plc 110 to 110 65, roughs, $9 to 19 1 . stags. 16 50 to 17 60 Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 3,000; steady. lamb.. 57 t,• 111.25; yearlings, 56 Fo to 59 25, w. • ,-rs, 18 to $8.25' ewes, 54 to 57'3 rep, mixed, 87.7$ to 5s Chlcaeo Love hock Cattle - Receipts 14.000; market firm; native t,rv'r cattle. 56.76 to 110.40. stockers rod feeders, 15 to f7 s6; r'owa and 4 raters. $3.60 to 19.15, calve.. 6*.7:• '„ 112.26. Hogs --Receipt a. 2511110; market firm; light, 19 53 ' A 848 10* mixed, 1916 to 110.16; ben, y. 11 to 8101214; rough. 19 to 80.15. pigs, 87 90 te f9 60; bulk of sales 69.26 to 89 56. Sheep - Receipts. 18.000; market steady, withers, 54 76 to 65.36; Inman. ...Iva e7 W to email. ADVERT iS:\1; "I`.% 1'.44 An Absentmintled Pair. MEN! WHY SUFFER ? The worthy couple rat side by aisle on the 111"4(1 dootelrty 1ooking, di. wottrd, *8 mime tilde as - wo lost grew. ins hard barlaouu. We asked why they were su sad. reports The -Kansas City Star, in,virw a( the. tact that the. toil *lima. 1, ightty- and the bird* swayed on the adjacent i.».ugh+. -Alas!" they an -erred. "We have hero leaking aardrn: Both- of '/a are onru'h»t ab rot-rniud.4, soft stior thinking it over We ha- that S,.tou.-4 g ha+ pla'llcd the liver pills and Horace lids Mans the' rwret pew-. ielow.v.,, we are ro- *Mnhirlyaifrealma? It 101(1 i' -.is th•• Imre/teary )5,1 Yoa aboold al keep a bottle d e 40 Stomach and IJv.r . on the shalt. folk ao often •sedca atarde aa{ t� M Wteed appreciate seelleae •awaaaTr mono tetra mins to bed. All 16r, r send to 111111101111 00..1100610 to U0. WARD, TIM ar..8.i.i.w •M•ll• •.d .he as' warW or f M r loot Ike tr...• ii" ra...rr♦,awrad. t• mote /r 11414:.- the art t .y.,'•. •a....•.1. r,.. wiry. - &noon t01. ■.l SI ar.e, H ..q "sew. t ‘1"r1 ,v Y►R.r. P alb 11a. 5 M*H knit rillt5 RI - ,r'r»Ravi1-. I. VAl.,,... ..,,tt ba. N'.H tr matt in ern. lin 1 .ere, r, 10 dies. to t t, . 1 rM •n ins r..aw. het *t.Ytor. SI nIha wrewmor),its,. .e t see r.ed w free Motor. .11 0 T.rvtm.«t that .a mels t: ventua.lY wow af: other '» nasi leve 1«.tio. i.nw are Mae/ Frew -and crew .1.a1 nr. Woad 1. ,rwy m r.,,.• 1. To.- On re... In 81000 NAM 441.41811.SP 1.II4) Ea►.n.'lrAI 114 .4e,h,.t -,r- m, r I.,..It unneallni. r hu Mtn morotrated n rim ,.-or eve le.1.r In• var. Ito ternits you r. 1- +O(M.M ,1'Rr "W Pr•M.\E\T 1.r,v 101 W API a wander/oily a,iu'ppd bah. r e+ tM t .anent of the eek, nii..1 •he'w... sea 1 t » r a•mup/r., .tar.»..n Amvrw.. Lorry pat,- t ealifeeit . .1 twelve a tn.*mwhI,nwal r.m,n aar,. a..oFro hi.' F Oak.. , von: nit from all 1os't,*4 and t,lran't...t .4.p.4.. Imoow r.l./oea m a.lrab all hummer. • wow. for tanka er pan..elmd te.amo..n,,. 4.1 l inner. runaer:,4 and loaded t.rtvr wt)al.-corer DR. WARD, t.a WAwn•, 'welsh, or Mei at.,a MEN, He treeu normai.. For the cwt :A 1..1.110 r wn Ile+ Mat part of r.• ! t.• I. t::e .t,. y of Mt Yt sae v., lie n s.d mw••.C.i, of weak. Athol/hVw w ia %w"w Man- koW. M..nk .nd Marro.* maim seer.. lin.. Onrtn.M. r. wl„•rrMea... Handymen( Yen 1 .rn1. her rw,ree. n.1. 1 ur.r /rood. ia rrto to an., Pa4».h . hare nit IMT .r. The treater, Ili. r revelry.'imy' whoa yule 11 reee.e.. r.h as a.ar'ned i araW by Oa art ared'nosi l a+ne prh.,tr• 1.e • BUFFALO'S, LEAPING SPECIALIST 71 Nissen. Square, Ory. M. Motley Mot.mv.t , 01 11ALO. (MHowe - 41.1., W.e.y, Sae.„ .,-. to , Imola, Jd,Thursday .o.1 ('rt ay -•tori 81.44.)•-:0 W 1- T•wentv.two y -ars eaperienre means that into Dunlop T•artiion Tread. a .d onto 1)unkp Specul, we put ■11 the knowledge whit it has been accumu- lated though those years of successfully serving Ian.v.una beraute we thoroughly understand Canadun condition., It means that years aro we (acrd and mastered the ieruee with w`eh other tire.makers are co•n fronted to-d■y. True. • few tiro vvte ore..innally swing their •Ilegi.rire from Dunlop 5. etr•re other make, but it is almost • certainty rho.e earn• toe users will come back to "Dunlop Tow. 'n (read" or "Dunlop Special" In the end, it is the nit. maintaining the hest quality average that wins out; and we surely know more about quality •veragrs se Canada than any other maker, seeing our es;-rience is as great as that of all other tire makers in dos country combined S1101 _ "lee a `,�•''�� Long Look -c‘ Beck to, 11194, But i've Been Making Truly -Canadian Dunlop Tres all That Time."