HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-10, Page 2TLtullft .AT Aunt err 10, 1916
?Hg 61401AL V punlobed .v Tkardar
st di . Nor'
The Signal lin tiding
'Wrest. llodrrlcb, 4.ut.. o Telephone No 1i
Juliet ,urTIo. rs• we. - 44.e Dollar and Fifty
cut. ser peal . if yard .trolly las advance 414,e
Pallor .Dw nn .iH be aeoted. beeribeIn the
t'ultad Owe. the rate t. tine Dollar sod Fine
('ono. .tncuy to advance. $ebeorlb.rs who
.all to 1u044• THs etuv.t. rega arty by aril
b. ubh.b-
confer the
• favor by .re,w eapue D
K of the fecr wariest Ir •Jere rgwlbN. N'hen
t (hawse of ...Area. w dw.lred. both old sod
tae now sddr..-.-book' be given. ltewutsewr
way be Inde by Lunt Bran. *spew snowy
order. oo.t ofaoe orderor r glatwvd lower.
4ub.rrlpt ion. ,say 0010u1enre at sal won.
Atomic -rim Nu 1 KAsla.-Miter tar display and
cataract ad. er1I,.tu'ot will be given on appll
outrun. Legal and other rated.: ad reit lose., t..
tau cent. per Ione fur fire umwrtlon and four
'0114. per line for ea*b .ubar.uent Inwrtlou.
Mes..ured by •.vale of mold nonpareil twelve
Vow. to .n inch. Huelue.. o..1, tor 41a Leas
and under. FI.• Dollar.. per year. Adv.ru.r
40001.. of Lori. Yeo d. t4trayed, $ltu041.150
V.ehot.e111u.twn*Whaled. Hou.sfor delete
to .,cot. Palm. 130 Hale or to (tent. Article..
for 14 de. etc., not a treading eight ho... Twenty
ere Cent- 4seb user. Ion . I4ne Dollar for first
month. y'Ih7 t'eatefor w hsa•r.uuent montd
Larger ad.Kn l...meet. ..11 A.
acme- .1340444. w ordinary ort t0...y�plMe. Ten
('Int. per Ione. Nu nice 4... than Twenty
are Cent.. Any .peclal notice. the object of
wb,ehl. the peruninry benefit of my 111414 id.
nal or .,.,.slcut loo. W he con.dered .0 adv Ir-
U.emenl skid charged h000rd u4gl .
To 4 o4(Ku,,vns!TL.-The ,'o operation of
Out .0 n buerib,r- and reddeIe cordially in.lt-
e4 inward. m.kln.t rut tl,wtrl r weeklyr record
of all local. meets and due riot 4oing.. 0o cum
Oenle.tdn will be .!tended to unto.. 0 con-
tain. the name and addre.. of Om writer. fiat
nave -..rely for publication. but am WI endear
of rood faith. New -awn. .hould reach THs
metal. adios not Lazar thou Wednae.d.y noun
of each week.
TH C R8DAY. Al'(iUM1' 10, 1916
To date lamp Bordeu has cost over
a million dollars.
e If the weather stay. just like this
ser shall have to find something else to
gi unable. ah oot.
That ram on 'A.ndar night was as
weleome as -well. ■s welcome as .•
o •W .u1,wc,iber
The war till 13•• 11114 ane third year
th the Alllr. in the tenet favorable
p ,s,t.on they have yet oetwrp.ed, 91.1
with Gael many showing sign. of so-
p usehiegPzhats/ditto 'Will (1,1. third
year bring On- end of the terrible
1'be Toronto sitar has at last discov-
errid that Adaiu Beck is an arbitrary
person who pea -Sato in belting his own
way in pile 44 snggeetions ft 0111 any -
b sly else and in (.r.. of fact. which
everybody knows. The Sts 1. a lisle
behiodhind an its discovery of the real
Beck ch,uecter. l'p lhi* way a good
many people sized him up long ago.
Hon. "11 tie' Rogers couldn't be ez-
prcted to keep out of the limelight for-
ever He figure. in• a prominent role!
111 a story f Ottawa whirl• way de
•clop intr. 0 filet -Claes wit ndaI in on•
nection with tn. rermut40e110n of the
Paliau,Pnt buil•ing.. "WI;
may calculate that his reparation is so!
bad he can't rood it, no matter what 1
he due.
1)o the people of (i.yderirh rpnre-
via:P an the• should their own totevn
titr4ngetb rte frequently beard in
prai.e'.•t the beauty of the town. mind
especially t.( court house park. It is
worth something to hear • vioitor talk
in superlative terms of the chat e4 of a
.pot that 1• so familiar to its 4bet we
rarely stop to think whet n delightful
place it is.
The tlereianta are indignant et the
n-•gle •t of the t awn ruthnrit,r•. 111 the I
matter of settling the dolt. They can
hardly trait until the next election to
-settle 4,,1114' of the eouneilluro. On
the other bend. the councillors bey it
takes loo notch "dust" to keep the
i.treet%du• 1.44. In the nte►ilim-, let
u- hope 114141 it will roln•(rey4*-nl ly, so
that the piulI.u., aft weli as the
years on or near rite point where Moo -
day's fatality ,ncculred, and not one of
thew wrre citizens of that town.
This is • rowtueot by the editor of
The Li.towel Banner, wboee cousin
was the victim of the unfortunate
drowning accident et the mouth of
the Maitland River last week The
statement atttibuled In the town oft-
vial is not acrurote. ss 1 here litter not
been wore than Nur or five drowning*
at the point within the last ten year*:
but if one lite ears be saved by the
piecing of !earning notices at this
print the authorities should see that
they rte placed without delay.
Our War Lord Is is England.
(4.m,lt0.1 TIa1..
Perhaps sin lam will make King
George an honorary colonel.
Amt It Awful?
London Opinion
-The 11'•11111 of Hate" may come to
he know1, a. tln4 Uarm.n gnoebiourl
Something We Didn't Know.
mile(.. Packet.
Orangeville i. not, as ruins, may sup-
per, a 1'Sth of July baby. 'Fo., village
teceived its mane hum Orange Lew-
rener, • public-.piriLed pioneer. who
war appointed prretma.ter in 1`417
Organised to Death.
A Dutchman living in Germany.
who has just arrived at Aslsterdaw,
in 'pealing of. the g 1 situation in
Germany is reported as saying :
"Their organization is wonderful.
They are organizing themselves to
death and for the moment we have
the moat bnllinntly organ,o'd famine
that ever was.'
Ontario Apples for Weatero Market.
The Fu crier ..advocate
The prairie. would buy Ontario
aptiolet if the people out there could be
Imre of the quality. The good 0o -
apple i, preferred Parry time,
but so many had oiled have been went
out that the N•Pstero fruit will find
the most ready sale onlet., the Outhrio
grower and packer are very '.re(ul,
and Ontario cannot afford to lure the -
Western mat L et.
These Splendid Canadians.
\\ e.!m.0-ter (;A Set .•
When the toll history of this phase
of the war conies to lee vinare. the
decision to hold on at Ypres will. we
believe, be tin roughly juattfi-d, and
Will .boll realize to the full the debt
that we owe t.. the English, 5c itrh.
11 ab :old Canad,an., who have eta,
cessfuily held that pant of honor send
danger, 1n the meantime. let us salute
•the.e-plendid Canadians.
Patriot. Not Blusterer.
• ]luL'ne.d Her Id
Ily the we%, for seventreo years the
Right Hon. sir 'Wilfrid Lamle!. 4.. 4'.
11 1i.. P. C.. bas been an Honorary
Lieutenant (',lour) of the battalion
in which he was an officer and wort in
evtive-.revive medal years ago, but be
goe. &Mout: delivering bis earnest, en-
tbusieetic and loyal addressee in mufti.
lrsteed of swaggering about the coun-
try in ueiforw demanding military
recognition f• on, 411 Alia nuglller•.
German Hops Are Broken.
I:oche-'et Herald
The Keiser sand the ('town Plince
•till stared firm : oft'cial H••rlin *till
prognoAtica1Pt vle'ory, but the alti-
tude and words ul the.e folks begin to
.ern hl« the whi.tling of a Lary m the
face of d.uger-i de.perate attempt to
keep up the courage that bas alt eady
Lagun In wane. (.eru,4ny. 114 *e per -
calve the eitu0tion, i. already In, ken.
Tb. war may continue Inc n tt0P,
even for a long time, hit lient,aoy'r
drea11, ret ronyue*t i4 ret An end.
t nun The ionise • Star.
Early in the war The War le.roed
that when Mir Sent Hughes, Minister 1
of Militia, war away (Ions Otlrwa,
was .torte there in connection
little o 1
with raising and ry.ippitig forum for
the from. Frew , h tl we got heted,
during the fleet year ..t the war, the
conviction that Mr. Hughes was the
one effective rater' of the Adunni.-
tratiou, the "turn who got thing*
dobe." No dotal.' tee should have rea-
soned that no mon it efficient whole.
depot collao.ee 111 bis abeenee,
but at that time the prude of the war
were .tn h that we IougeJ t•, lalieve
that 811 Saw I1.lghre, whose abtlltiee
had hero so u.elo.e in peace. wigbt
p 4rw1bl7 be so great end original as to
sleet the eztraordinory merle of war.
There ate timer mho •4y that The
stat. int .oaten ting Mir Sam 1111ghN
101' -. year and r holt doting the war,
kur'v all about bon end b.u•Led 61m
up lnowing how to be an impossible
;Holum mod one who would inevitably
wreck the Borden Government by hie
inane pentium. If is not true. Tile
Stat 11411110 urn fele 8401 Hughes in
Pea,- Wis.', hot when this world -war
heaen we got the idea that pne.ibly
h1 eh 511 4hn11. Mal person as Hughes
unplll fit- in with the eztraotdinary
eve t• of these dare. When we die -
4. 004ed lh.t'. 11) the day. when re-
,. MUM/ w.,l rpelee•ly held up by the
lack ut lot me. nothing could be
got out of the Government unlet.
Hughes was in Canada, we assumed,
as ()there did the country over, that
this wan, whatever hi. fault., fur
ni.hd the real energy that produced
The Minister of Militia le poeseseed
undoubtedly of all the eccentricities of
genius. •L'bwt be is either a genius or
I -the opposite ever v body has long felt
surf, and as time goes on we reel aow-
pelkd to admit that the coneensua of
opinion favors
the contention that he
t. not a genius.
L'anatla has piled up in England an
eo()1 mous ytlanti' y of stuff that le of
nu u.4' wbstever 111 the war. It may
he good stuff. the yety best of ins kind
on earth -but it is u..t used in the war,
•u 1 therefore Is ss noolosa as if it did
not Pzi.t at .11. Hut Canada goes on
lniducing 1t and piling It up lu Eng-
and. mud the people of Uanads go
right on paying for it. 11 by -e Be.
c406e Mir teem Hughes says that he
knows better than anybody elss dares
what is needed in modern warfare.
Even were he the genius that be
claims to be. yet be should admit that
wagons and guns and motor care (tat
never get any farther than England
perform no part i11 the war. and that
the buying and shipping of them is
sheer waste.
Take the muse ..f transport wagons.
l'*nada has scut them to Eogland by
the hundreds, yet we are informed
that of them all only four have ever
gone to France. Why 'r Because in
the narrow roads and lanes of France
the l'anadien quarter -locking wagons
are of little use, more particularly as
they are not standardised, and if Soy•
thing goes wrong with one of them nu
repairs are ohLainahle.
take the Eaton Machine Gun But-
aotet y. This should bav'e been a great
thing. because -If the wealth"tb*4 ass
hebind it and the fine type of men who
joined it. Nothing came of It at all -
every dollar wad a waste -(.cause no-
thing was stand,rdiz•d. The whole
splendid outfit Iles piled up today at
Folioed in Bogland. au evidence of
'1'h,• Mill. of 4.l,41 grind ',lowly, but they 141 end t'X(l"linlr .umIt. '-Irr..n1
John Bull.
would point out le that an invisible Soveres▪ gn Bank Assets.
a11, has all along fought against Get -
The final eat h] the United
many end still in ewes her back. This
al judgment of 'up Shu -s lr11v rut ()f IIK10,1r./ un the
old Alaska N Irtheru 1111lw•4y dispose*
of the largest W.W.I las the henna of
- the Internet, mal A.•rts Co . which
IF YOU SUFFER. WHY NOT dislr.hnting the.ubaancr of the Sov-
W RITE l er.iltn Bat L. The t14Nt payment of
_ _- Ado*t,irpl'wait made in trpt.-wlier, !1r%
iv the adverse
; partial wen.
Mrs. Butler Will lel' You 'How She
Found Relief.
I' .Igan, Ont.. Aur. i (5peciat).-Any
-onion who suffer. 111,1,, kidney
Lloubie should write 1.0 Mr.. Alfred
13 mire, wife of x w,1: -[mown Mimeo
living here. She will tell her what
relief i1 to be found in Dudd'. Kid-
ney Pille.
-Dodd. Kidner P.II0 have dune me
la world of good." Mra. Butler stater, A p
It will he .remembered that the SNoy-
rt.ig0 Bank stopped I;wineaa in 1907,
g,•Ieg terhlli^.ally into )iylii.l4tinu
acme years later. The remaining
largest a•.et of the Bonk, the 4,',,i •ago
end Milwaukee Railway, .hould toe
• d,• sed of th11sumu.Pr. 1t 44 tho,lghr,
and by that tune the Hank slituld bra
uct of Indebtedness.
The Blockade that Blockades.
Provides.' r Journal.
?4rid he KaiYl, addrPa,invtl,•'crews
of the butte-1Pd Hugh M,•.. Fleet, 0M1tt
.et,' return hue it. lir-t mewing with
the British arenatnent : -The English
fleet we, neaten, Germany mat have
terd,,tll of the beam for it roruw4rce."
But their is no more ltrnt()m for Ger
man r• :fume ce than 111rte we. before
for 11,111 If 4 Grrm,n Il/ercl,4nt gets
An older for a paok.nge of postcards,
14114 any part of the *1111.1 111.116 di. -
mot then Scandinavia, 1,e twist appeal
n t hr Allies, as he h:.. Cern doing, for
iwrml..wn to ship thew All the
Keiset's I.oasting 0.11111: obscure tile
ell tel (4,1.
Twentieth Century Slavery.
ChD . J
The convention Wil 11 11-14404 to men's
0lutbing hes lint the slightest
, unditiui in practr ol,ly, but it has
AP'n,Pd as Pndutng e. en evert..line
loth. Men who wear w ' coats
when the thermonoeter registers *411,441
Iinely drglPei find tt 1.000 tole to smile
r gnttsw when the t1•zib1P conven-
t i''11. of woman s thee. pel 11111 a wo-
man to wear uliter fore of an
%No(yestI convent i. are flee i IIP ;
111Pr1'e have been inflez,hb•. It ernse in
dor...ring warp made a test of frenchi.P,
the tarn would be struggling and yell-
ing for the right to cote. In the cede
.f clothe. the so-callei civilized ,,.an
use infinitely le.. .,rn.P than a Hot-
tentot, who, in this respect at least, le
111 „• be 'crural 4t lino: elltener w
hair' leeltng-. -
I1 I. Pt'.QL *-Ib t,•! opt iniiow that .PIN 0
in the Not thettt-Onl.rio bush lite. a
••ide.,ing in .li.guise." Agin -t the i
, 1 ' lint the 1atu1 will how I..' mole
1• , 111y available IoI forming ore the
I' ,o.id*-raton. of the 1.11001111 1114 1 IN. 114
1111a1lr 4,111)101 ,"M1 II,.- t Irru.tie
•chs, qe. that will tallow the denude -
tit n o1 the land. ' Old Onte l., would
give something to have again 514111r of
the tint!», that was Inthlr,aly dr._
toyed in the emily day,' of lettlement.
T 414ing of Southwest 1,irotltn t•
to bye-rleclion for the Provincial
House, and o lively routed is in sight.
'Fh,e'P candi late. are already in the
Held : 1he 110l1tlnPP of the ('oneerva-
livec,y'ivPt.tl•m,who, however, i. in
favor I f 4 m.,l,ti •x: on of the (i`n
virtl1'. temper 'nee policy : a ,-wish
snti•p1„hil,l•, oust, and An indepen,
vat Lilterol enti1poblhihonia, net
may also lea atrsighl Lilies/if in Ili
fight briar. nomination day. There is
a very large foreign , lenient in the
1f (i .'rich ritl7.ens rindin,le G4 lure
ezrnrd 11 11 1411.111 to III. it splendid
town. t IP hood the. ran br ripened is
that they take the jreu•ooti,, to warn
111.11 yaitora egad et "dent h I1 Spa '
I• is not enough that their own people
al•n.should be sequainted wt4h the
net••hsrous n:H111'4. of eel tain hal hint
Mention.. Hai the ilup«.flan^. 1.1 thea
been impree.ed 11144.41 t h•111 4o111P IIMP
ago several Dims s1ig11' have been
erred, for arrnrdiig to the ataten.nt
of an oM,Ial of that lawn there beer
been seven drowoiog% within recent
The tnvi•iwe Ally.
New York k. ening Coat.
It is, in feel. the knitting together
of the moral alhonee ageinot German
militarists which i. the great feature
of the close of the.... -owl year of the
war. the r emirce. send the men were
always (here to u.ak. head against the
German armle., hot they rook; hove
been got together and ,Ui,zed onl,- by
nations having • ghat hone and •
great unoral unity. And these Ger-
many, ax if lei by an evil genius, hos
her•eff furnished to her enemie.,
Against another. they 'night have
made • separate pear/. H,41 when
they were clearly ohne"' what they
heti to fight• they twerp thrown hack
upon those spring.nf moral action and
thew heroi,ms of the.4u1 which your
material -minded natio arat ran neither
linden stand nor conquer. Ws 1. what
rally makes the Allies invincible.
They bays row wrested the initiative
ft nut the GPlnaao •tr.leglet.. Their
military pro.pr•is sren1 .,f the fairest,
•• they now c;,o.r in upon the German
forret from 111/1 sides. Hut as 1., this
we make ■o predictions. All that we
"I have token right 01 nine baize. and
1 ata raj :y11114 tatter health since
began totting thein than I have bed
for yearn. My troubles were ,lwo,t
too mantelou. to mention, but 1 hal
almost everything that .pring* trove
di..rilrlyd kidneys.
"My Il, -*rt mrd nerVP0 still trouble
mr a li tor. for 1 work h,td. 1 am a
(40111 wonlon and do all guy oleo wont
tot - z of .i zanily -in and out milking
and all such work on a (AI 111 1 am
glad to Int anyone know what a .plen-
did remedy 1 have found Dodd''. Kid-
! cry Pulls to he '
t t 1r , atonal term. lir t•on-
vention which w4s held at K.nses
City. Mo., last week. a new roilpoign
egoin.1 infantile parsly.,s woe re
leo Led. the lo.teep4th' cls g that
as. this total malady is a doss.*- of the
'pigtail cord It is one which fall. pe,•11.
lo.rly in their field. New cures for
malar, and cataracts sod !net hods to
rehear high blood pre...ore wore sn-
.cad. The convention ro.e in pro-
test ng.i11-t the action of the seal de-
partment in !rinsing profr.sional rec-
oghi to osteopathic pbyucisos in
pteprredteer work.
By purchasing a bond you will help
to WIN THE WAR and obtain for
yourself an investment of the highest
class yielding a most attractive rate
of interest.
rank bad managresent .1 Ottawa. l ••••••••••••i••••••••••••
Or take bicycles. 1'huwarlds of
wheel. bare been bought by the UMW.
dean Government and sent W England. I •
They have Sot no further. They ale , •
nut standerdaed. They would tee use-
less at the front, hereto.* neither tires •
nor any other part can he replaced
from .lures- Tbshould sent ha•r •
herd boo tan
gb d seev nt, err if lonaght •
and seat a thorough system of eop-
plie. should have been arranged to • •
support them in the field. They he • •
now io England p,lyd up in thou.antis
like manly other useless things.
Or take hoots if you I1ke. Mir Mem
Hughes has stubbornly held that he •
knows more about many ►riots 1 han
anybody .law, and the manufacture of I •
these 41.s 1000 On in Canada in the
millions. And DO Canadian h•ot•
have as yet been worn to war. They
are plied up In England. l enaction
boots are pronounced unfit to stand
the cobbled roads of France, yet we
make then and ship thew and pile
then) up in England. Two or three
months ago. we understand, • eoneign-
meut of Canadian boots was sent
across to France to hove a test 411 uie
of thew. W« do not know the 'exult.
These are the only Canadian b•wote
that have reached the (root. Why
could not Canada have wade, from the
first, • boot that would have met the
needs of the case? Could we not have
booked orders (row France cud Kussin
once we bed *Isamu our ability to
make then) ? But no. Sir SAM Hughes
koew more about boots than any other
man on earth, and he stuck to his
opinions !
'there are, we believe, 11,000 Iea'her
Oliver,yniptents stored up in Eng•
land. Crowds bought them ; the war
has no use for them. Canada has since
then bought 264,001.1 leather equipwenta
of another pattern, which will probab-
ly go into the discard likewise.
As to the Roes rifle we shall not die -
Cahill it at length today. It is enough
to say that The Star has tried to be-
lieve that this weapon would not have
been u.ed so long as it bas been used
unless the soldiers who used it were
reasonably satisfied with the service
it gave. But it now seems that, two
years after the war started, the Ross
rile 141 to 1/44 discarded. and presumah-
ly it would have been dropped two
years ego had it not been for the fact
that Sir Sant Hughes insisted upon
keeping it in use regardless of the
The patent spade. invented by a
young lady in Bir Nan' Hug'1w.' de-
portment at Ottawa -the wonderful
spade, which wax not only t o dig
trenches but to offer a shield to pro-
tect the sons of Canada -that spade,
unused and u.rless, is piled un to the
number tat hundreda of thou.404. In
If S:r sena Il .ghee were a man who
did thing.. and if the things he did
welt- worth doing and stayed d ,me
when finished. it .wo.ald be another
matter: but he cl,nrlude. nothing ,tad
the result• of his Pnor• pile up 111 Eng-
land. until they hid fair to cover the
El, it Islands. Thousand. of els 'lieu.
enli.t her, *pend nine or ten month..
rel training, and un reaching England
learn that they rank ae three week.'
ire -tint. there. The war has heel un-
der way for two year.. and it is only
within the past month 'hot a arra. of
training has been begun here wbi lh
l ie meant to replace the linttlish trail•
ing. 'These new method,' were 11.1 in-
u..,dured het.- earlier bt'rau.e So sun
Mother knew l*,ter than Kitchener
or .11vt.'1. et..- what kind -,,1 tr4iIlI.,14
ought to be fallow.d.
A Si -101'1:.R of comfort
in warm weather• you
can take env time on feel
disposed when your bath-
room is tatted up;tn modern
style with a gaunt shower
apparatus and hath - tub.
Let tis put' on in improved
sanitary plumbing worthy
of the times. If we (10 it-,
it's done right.
Fred Hunt
1111 -Feet
Inr If you wouid be well am.
ccofortahie you must have co„.
summer footwear. We hat
the latest in Oxfcrds and Pumps,
and our prices are most reason-
Tennis and Bowling Shoes
art 41.,44 rel .N. k. The
nattie.t. meed wearable line of the
b.ift-hunt Aran! in vto, k at the b4.040t
p..4ihle price..
Geo. Mac Vicar
North Miele Square GOt)F.KICH
W. a chEsoN & SON•
Even More Extra -
ordinary Bargains!•
ALL Summer Goods at prices al- •
most ridiculous. Bargains in •
the strongest sense of the word.
Choice is immense and months of
hot weather probably still coming.
Voiles, Crepes, Dimitys, Ginghams •
Bath Towels •
100 pieces Wash Voiles, Crepes, Dimitys, Ginghams,
great variety of beautiful qualities and neat designs,
floral, stripes, sprays and checks, light and dark colors,
also black and white, 311, to 36 inches wide. Regular
prices laic. 20c and '2 ye. Your choice per ioc
Men's Negligee Shirts
In,neat patterns. English cambric., light and mixed
. colors, sizes 1.1 to 16. Regular 74c and 11.00, COC
each a7
100 dozen pair, Turkish Bath Towels, good size and
quality, bought by us at a forced sale 25 per cent.
tender value. per pair 25c, 35c, 30c, 75c. $1.00
Largest size Tnrki-h Bath Sheets, 11.50, for. ...$1 ,00
Crompton's extra Corset, for hot weather, newest
model and superior light weight, 50c and 75c
and well matte, in sizes Is to 30, at
A La Grace. Corset. Ask for new model No. 12'49. 1t
is satin -trimmed and made of very hest materials
and warranted. Sizes 20 to 30. Regular Q' l OO
111•.2.1, for $
Bleached Sheetings
i'Lin weave. heavy, tine. free from dressing. egg
72 inclte, wale. Bargain price ....... ... ..... LOC
Lonsdale Cambrics
36 inclie, w1 !• price.. . . 15 c
Pian.' Car,i •i1 inches wide. Special price .. 1 5c
Ladle, black Cotton Seamless rte. rid dye and at
oldest price. siies M} to 10. Worth 2.5c, at per l,C
Bova' or girh' rib black CM VIII }lose, warranted
,!• t• -1:1 '. iu. r, to 111. 11'orth-'c
.................... IAC
GOOD creep(
Ma. .i!
.a "Inv van,
■ 'rOCWTtr CWa
CUL 1a Won
coon0 o..a,yy
it,xnR ,
1 FOR 25c
Tobacco,,Ci1ars, Pipes, etc.
Next Davey s Jewee y Fire
The Squa• a --- Godertch.
- -
r- eves