HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-10, Page 1e - NMDHt/MMNMN M W. 1 t The Signal will he lent to = any new subscriber in A Canada ow Wrest Beitaln fur only , _ 1 11 NMMMMMMMiMNNWIN, To January 1st, 191T Fifty Cents I lmg Ill O rTBamlewtled wje, tonal. TEL • /MIN NI NI NESII NNat>♦tE1111M11 z 2 T 1 1 Z Your Advertisement In The Signal is read by the le -at people in a large 'arts n. of Huron county. Bright, fivih ad- -remising in read as eagerly as the naw' colwnni. i s i s Z t 2 fMMNavSMpt1NMElgMMNNP .INITT•111116111T111 TEAM -No all GODKRICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST 10 1916 • 4014111.411. 1IIESTERIJNG IkN K OF CANADA. SAVE, Because -- A steadily growing account will provide a sure bulwark against the onslaught of poverty. WANTED. WANTED. -•A WASHHR WOMAN. Apply le MKS. L. L DANGST. WAS: MD. -A HOUSERREPSR. WM. ALWleti, Bens road - WANTED. -AT ONCE. A (1001). an that )ter fir . ream M Rtl titwZr. r. WANTED. --.A MAID FOR UMW MAL heesewotk. ApMy at ism MKN. MALT. Maks. street. MIMEO RAI H OPKRATOK--OOM- JrlaseM gettieALa'-for city •patro /a . Mote [ssatm ew0K NIW IIle pymiel k.. WANrKI).-AT ONCE. A LAUN- I,REad. ♦ppt, to the DINT. Auadrw Manse sad GeneralpeatYIla QWKKT CREAM' WANTED.-- 0.3 ANTED.-0.73 Ilfiggiest, prior gala. .1. E. KUbbUN$, TM .)sada Kitchen. Usder.el, - _ _ _ - UKN AND, BOYS WANl'l:D.- iTt rivear •ix bandy meow boy sawed. Apply te PAGET GRAIN WOK Ilk. Gude, I)OARD AND ROOM WANTED.- JL) fly a aeoue6aa 1a • /Gram home tM .i addrea. all "marry 141 K M NAL opo( x. n u WOOL WANTED. fro, HIY)HRST PRICE PAID --CASH OR TRA DK. B KNMILLER WOOLLEN MILLS. GIRLS WANTED APPLY (:ODER 1('H KNITTING CO. FOR SALE OR RENT. RENT. -ROOMS. WITH OR • without board. for psppl1l• utement!. the t:sileglat. lortltute.III DUTLE. b Dorado ram.. Went street. r ' UUOUMB TO RENT. -AT CORNER II Wellington beet and flrltansin road. now twnpWd by Mr. Jud... 1a ant-cta•i oo.ditioa: bar•wster beads( PlYmbeees nes be pv.a at soy time. Jul. B K N IUMT. fill LA MOMMOI sTIONN FOR STU- twel Y .e of iMfM., drr los obtained5 Modem ome eeelm tl aisiLUF►lr• . Milsomatlea it f( m W)rnfR RUNT. -AFTER MEPi'RMBRit Ir. a Mee roamed hshomeferwWed w me .h.d, s . ben h •taw t Smallest lo.s- .i•e, Mt water heat!., and all modem rem vww.ms. A t. EM ILIS RUvUANAV. 4Mem* umet, b ?tor IJOUfSK FUR SALE iN VILLAGE .11 Ur AtAll fcn,-sore name, w.rhn.w, =cityd. and .ohw : mod collar : ;este 5Hb tart -mored sisal. ; nook* h.s.e. trams k Nld- big Mill: h hh trem sung ggy . ma.. Apply ea puemtr... ML'RKAY PATOMON, Asher', OM ros SALE F.. SililsaLli ti -FUR OA IAL --6.0. IIENTAI. Pifer-11CE FOR MALE. -- I (JS., .rad midenee combined. or will b. sped ..parauly. No better ledatMa ter • dw Mot w modk rel deetw d aedorich. Doo 1.r appmlta tM t sd eaehmao Mew. Fm y p ( Aar Iwlse 4rppt. M Y. sea M'e.t „tee sell" ►. s t N. a =Sc. A.50 - EDr R pTTW. MlU L. -J NOTICE TOTHE PUBLIC Having been desirous of enlisting for some time post, I have itally succeeded in making at'ratgenrenta with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. Mac$wa i, managers) t take over tad cards on my dllttaTite business during my absence. I have tbi refore argued up with the 181st B ttalion for active ser- vice overseas, dud I would nrspect- hilly solicit from the public gener- ally, and from my old customers p ticulariy, a coatiouaMoe of their e1 nedd pstrosage until such time -as II can again restore my occupation. Ray baninass affairs entrusted to their care during my absence will therefaee be thankfully appescittad tae Te orders to id. A UD H. jAN8 PU LiC NOTICE. 1 HEO. R. KUNBURY. A. A. O. o., L0.C.M .(*..i„ W tlaoma(itof leieb. Timber pass. vwur,gemmed bar segos NurIb asst opp•atts by. U lowb. tltM:o HAIRGOODS.-MRM L, A. NICMOL N.Yan street, is prepared to ds all Mad. d Mir wont made tram eat her are craYirg.y sad weplle+ hair for order.. -, teentc most seem. a lag, etc, sM also hr far raw toilet rsga.tisa, Asa) poo pewee. cream L(e 9eau* se morose seam. bares, sod Woman.. $S tf AUCTION SALES. BRITAIN FOR THE RIGHT. ;FIGHTING FOR MOMOR,TRUTM ANO JUSTICE. Dr. Meldrum Brings a Stirring Mss. sage from the Neighbor Republic - Rev. J. B. Petheringham Urges Further Effect in the Great Guise - United War Anniversary Service at St. George's "There are few neutral mea and wo- men in the United buttes today. for to be neutral is to be uuiatelligeet and a looL No wan can be neutral while such a coofith ict ie Roiwg os, but e Da - With tines words Re.. Dr. M•Idrnat, of Cleveliod, peef•ssd his address in St. Usurg.'s ebnreh •t the oohed pub- lic eMreix kat Friday evening, oo the omission of the second aaosv.rsary of the declar•uos of war, After a residsees of thirty-three years in the great republic to the south. Dr. Meldrum raid he considered it as honor and • privilege to return to the 'town where pert of his boy- hood was' anent and to publicly confess has outlying love for the 'rend Sag which bad f1 .ted user hie cradle. To him there were two great symbols of liberty. One was the grand old hnioo Jack which had -braved a thouesod y. ars the battle and the breeze," and the other was the flag wh:eb floated over his own country. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE It was a pleasing spectacle to him REisIDEvt ,p5,. Mri('MEBL I,U rVitPI that the international boundary , Tu NOItDMet[Mk1: PIwNl,, t;T(, of pearly 4,(AJJ miles was guarded by `- ', Dothiog but a customs bourse racer 1 am Weave ed b here ata! there, and, be ,-dried, "there slum )f.WWARI" ' ars a few wbo MMti,. that sero th._- gold-braided gentlemen will diarp- •1 am here tonight," he'ci,ntioued, "because the laud of my nativityis fighting the battle of humanity. ou are fighting our war ; Britain i. fight- 1'Mr. r ao.0 a frame. „aims bo oro prem“..,.. tog tor us as • motber fights for ber Tam. b • apbadot peolwrty tor a email s•..t ly i daughter. As an Amerman citizen 1 .res will he ,aid o., very n•ro.abee terms ane as much Mimi rioted in ;tali war as, with .Ili toe .t'uou'wd at time ot rale. Aiwa, you err.'' le r4 lig p•bllc auction at the preatiew ou &ata steam. Uudertoh, sa THUK1DAY. ♦VUCJT .1: h. elommeacis( at 1 acL.ck -bare A oet4mfs@tab.. smrwt Oleic two -e, -hosted s t . Mini ode of Eigta avenue. ((numbing n osei1eorr a, I (roomn . 11Ncb and matte. tai.bdrosm.. kart. sea tato. std • stood cellar. of carnage. "W the supreme! at ill messy here a. glaehere, "be said. duty. the imperial ' vt tb• hour i'" More mini more roomy, mire seroke Dr. H•Idrum asked.' 14v. we aught would be demanded of us a11. be of which to boast?' Cuo`itutlose of added. Mr. Fothrringhani coneluded nen, looney and oriels bad leen by an earnest appeal that nb Oods- large but"the dui reviving upon us rich man or woman .bould be found over h ere and y. i* that we in the wanting in the boor of great veleta. security of our bom .hall stand f.at In addition to the speakers other to the principles to which our loos clergymen present were Rev. W R. have gone forth to gain and die." Ha yr, Rev. J. K. Ford. Rev. O. 11. "The Wilily." the Doctor contluued, Ho airs, all of tioderi:b, Rev, K. M. "is nut simply to Surope sad in Plan- Arm.trong, of Essex, and Rev. Dr. dots. The battle to in lipdericb, Patterson, of Sarnia. The town coup - wherever thane is • man Minting for cil attended the meeting in a body. his own ideal., std wherever there is a gran with • 'plait of aspiration in CALL TO REV. R. C. McDERMID. bis soul. Unlsss we realise that we- are fighting for the sans pprriiseiplee as Essex Church Wants Stayer Mao as !b are Wing fought foe in Modem, we i -.tor. shall fall below the standard of true At the eitix.o*blp." congregational mieti•g in The speaker said he was impressed the lecture room of Eno: _burcb on witb the frequent rr fetation on Tuesday evening it war decided to ex - the part of the German Oliveto- feed • call 10 lir.- R. ('. Mcperwid, meet that (Immunity was fighting pastor of ',Rayner and Suonidale mo- tor its very life. ••I. tierminy were grewatione, to 1111 tbe vacancy caused fighting fur her ails! 'be would have ta,' 1115 rvwoval of Rev. ;leo, l:. Roes sometbtsg worth lighting for," be to Montreal three months ago. Tbir. raid, Cuotinuiorl ((, be drared 'bat it teen candidates weds considered and England were Sgbtieg for her life only the Int ballot showed Mr. HeDerwid we should scarcely lee justified in pray- to be the popular choice. A motion los for her. was immediately rued* to make the Honor, truth, ad jti•tice expressed call unanimous. which was carried by in coperete fonts that for which Brit• a standing vote. sin was tlgbtiog. Tema, lbs 'peek" A .ftecial meeting of Huron Prsoby• said, bad been dragged io the wire ter,' will be brit to Knox church, and bad been is,kntly ootrag,d. (iodetieb. on Tuesday. Ammo( 22nd, Britain was 11.hdlig tor soptethiog for the cowed/ratios of the call, which which was as Mersa' as the throne of 1 will tar'pres.nted by four commission- : the rtrwrlaalirg fled. but that same ;are air• J. E. Tort, mepr..rottng the ideal *bould bg fpegbt for evety day. osoioo .; Mr. H J. A. MacEwen, trots What we want oar nation to be we the board of wanagem►mt ; Mr. J. P. ourselves must he. Hume. from the missionary committee, During the Atttteeicwn civil war and Mr. M O. Cameron, from the. Abraham Lincoln beard tbs belief e:• congregation. After it leerier, favur- premed That Clod wry on the side of able erseideratioo from the Presby - the Nurtb in thMgreet struggle. '•1 1'••r ;toren •be call will los pre - am scot so u:ucb ceneerned," tb.r great sent.d to the Pnshytery of Barrie, S tatesman .aid,•'aa t t whether (*o4 i. wbicbwill probably Jeal with it at its on our tide, but, tatter, are we on regular meeting early in leep .m.t vr. God's rade de : ' In the event o) Rev. Mr. McDerwi,i'. "•i relieve," the et.eak.r declared, . acceptance of the call it is not ex- ", bat Urrat Brits**. r r. (od'a side." Peeled that Ida induction as pastor of •'Wbrre ate we M individuals:". he Knox church will take place before October lit. Referring to the fact that the war is The call carries a rotary of !1,1144 per a battle for humanity, Dr. Meldrum annum. tree mane and, four weeks' atared that he white., it could base bonito'''. been said that Great Britain bad a1. The call cause ea a birt:id,y present ways been on the aide of humanity. In Rev. Mr. MoDeroiid, as be was "Britain baa failings, and they are not'fortythrov Fears ref sVe on Tuesdiv r,f ' mall or few,'" he added. 'this were. 11« gtadttated fiat Knox Coacluding, the fevrrend gentlemen. College. Toronto, in 111,1 an d w ...- declared that 111.,, w... De sacriore dewed a year later. his first charge be - too great tou make for tba upbuildiog hi 8.1. al Pisigal• Fot tbo la.. eight jean of ,honor, justice nod truth, but, be he bar 1tr.n pastor of $raver roe said, "sf do not y near the mean- iSun.idsle congregations. He is tail ireF of ARe ib.er." m``s measy sty weld apdbi •ecasotits apps ars ane giving their lives for thein prisoipleb 1 ha..1.;.zi Puwm..4 yet in the seclusion t f •her cern. "fol voice. 1r. 11.1, to l'.e-byle, v he 4. rl,n- hotnw est Durr ors- ,• ,n 4." tuba[ (.d.' -;tree,! a ,t I. wart in th. pulpit. 11. w.a.ld terve us M. and 1.- ,I is ra;hnl i- n tut Ally n-t.i.lenr .not 1.-ing w u'dsy 1• never i.rturr.- Iitghlander by extraction he to quote Owing to the .-'ti •n• trine:, of hip :of house in theology and nhilt*.phy. daily/Intr. Her. ILP7. 1)1':kis, who wa.. t' Ktayn.r he bres the tepura ion of anno'inced to sorak on "'the Laos. at , h•'iug • very hr.e pastor and ritiz'4n. Stake in the ryas," wap unable to be Mrs. Mot/tumid is a Tenants' lady and present and the a41(1re.s w•a• given by 1i, an active church worber They the rector of the church. I(rv. J. it have a family oat slur« r hildten-one Fotberinghaw, atm and two daughters. The meeting was not called, b" said, 11r. M-It-rmid io-rarhr,l in Knox for the put posc (1 1.. lIIiIg he fire of, church onS;.day loot. and the tact bwtred, but for w study of tb. ia.ur Inlet the call was extended to him .r' involvedin the conflict. to re,iewheartilyis the best proof of the ap-I what had *heady been acconnph, .ht preciatton, with wbith his services and to reaffirm our determination t were i.• -'rived. - 1 wage a victorious mer. Garden Party at Dungannon, While •nicer .ay .01 that i.-pns.ihle 1.. garden party at 11 inicatinrn to• bas born rccouilu -had, it ora+ pointed i mo rrow t Friday 4 evening. under the out that mibia.ed nulhurities declwte ialro off)nr.Rannon htanrh of That a .ong and heavy road has still l , fhr;r'umen's lo.titutr, oris dM,l,.le ee , to travelled berme v,ctoi y is second • tenor a large attrndarwe. Tea of he for the Allied arnli, With Re riches i.s-, mrd from l to S o clock and a'ter- Serbia, Montenegro. and the richesest l wards th.►e win ►e w good pros/tato. 106101111141061 of F14101 « overrun by (Is'e td.ui...,on . inrlu ing te:r) 27. • .red 1S.•. invader,. it woe nit the time to say .ear proce.da will be ,.and for Krd that we have done much but rather' that we base so mun h to do. - Cr.'s. murk hser,bola turn,' we.-nreladmg : Use slow to.etaiswr piano ,a ealuidid in- tremrert and w (sod as *lieu ,t kit :b. fat- =: 1 .lofts. 1 Ower. 1 rehire table .au yr. 1 men, rook. l now 0ah worst.. asvwpn. 1 aasaryros donna whisks 6 Whoop.. lamp., 1ewsee t'(e lamp. i if*MM.) irt tWe'turvi.-7 psktr oral of seta tour. 1 14.01. Corgi et wreaght iron road; with veto (reit. 1 large i *,[thea contused. , lounge, t rtu;c i ocke..m tial yard.,. 1 Mormon -mle. 1 belt -lend a, .1 1 arbor beans.o fortes, rte.. 1 to dromi c..rpe:-. 1 .tee carpet 1 Idd Is -funned ».taut bureau. 1 Walla 1 lawn :norm. 1 ei•-grriewiart [sari... I New William- .run ung Imo hme. 'tool latest. 1 on Mamma. 0.•he-, ir..E, Jar- nu,d uatsetuu- other articles LverytMog mu4 be will Term. ta.h. Mut. t.U41It Auctioneer: ASSIUNEL'S SALE • up V.\LUANL1: ILEAL }4TtTt:. err Am t. ARDBKED. KF.UMTWIKD ASIC GR ADE 110114)4,. /AIM S.t..Y. 1MMr1.bMENT8 AND CH ATTELL. The •rd.•r.ig:.d x -.Wile* of (be (gate of N►t.u4. a A !rutin. ftetdreut, will oder for eel. tar {.ebnc swum. et et. Jteepb :-tock leans.t Jo.epb. Uut.. w' WE1fl. 10SUA Y. she .3rd DAY, orAUI.t'$T at 2 o'ckck 5, ren.. the chattel property of the abeve-at.teewa - tome.: 01..1.41,( 61 the fol- Iowia( : HUR1Ei . Emperor McKinsey, standardbred trotting notation, 7 yawn old. auque.r lon.bly one of the sow -t peoawheg .twlliuo- in t ansda. silver MCK.aney..tandardbrw trotting lion. p yawn std. I. band-. with • trial saes of r.KI-rsins "McKinney'; das.'•4ylpbie.. A.blaad Todd. e-taodardbeed trotting .1,1 - hos, l yeas old. (UM by Toddler. Nature McKie aaadardbmare, are, i mem old. litre. gueer McKie»y'.:- dam. 'Tie Priors*. which lane; '• da"_,, "Nettie Kl.g.` was the grand -duo of "1RWlaa.- whom mark M 1 .'5 1.2 Mises Aare. nonfat-1Md ours. a years old. with real by "Emperor McKim-ey TM groat N.r M. Kinney. I-yrt,.tal- lion. Nfra, Ku p...,r M•-Klowry - ; Mon. '' Pale n A -no." 'f l• .plrLdi.uy brad More n a Nil Moths, Mt *0 ad Aeneer KL.g. *be rctsntly midKearse Wan Jr_ a esribnd1'eaberoa dalliers. r fears old. A stood .cork tumid -_ Thoz aN aswwrrd, 3 and t mars old IliUbat a chcioA netw•edt. 1 year old, .need by 'other M.1.** K,le soy" eywsg draft warm with ?sale by their mew.. leaves Good. useful farm here. and mare-. Us. gr.M Macao roe edit. 1 rear Ola. CHATTII & Year blot of hemvy, Mreow, 1 r to of Angle bots... 1 taowi am of double anent/it harks., 1 hoary damp mot and hareem. ose Miele 1sw.y wagon • ei one on. of .tbglo bevy ha, - now. 1 mesial;, 1 .isgglog-ower. f brave mr. 2 loci of krgh reels, 1 binder. 1 mower. l.oNuester, 1 -et of dlagr, 0ss51.e drill. 1 roller. 3 rlogletplow.. Ono set of dlw Mrroa.. 1 on ay .g barrow. I .yanks. l White wmeer reroMbrM, a gabltity s aluminum pipe. 1 lot of sod.. • eemWr of psteerw.. 1 etep-laddir, tabs@ Mr els radiator., 1 Motto cement miser INS 61, 2 ..oma -aimed tt.tlw.• • bets gebstlty el bs@h/'slk.d,..,molat• and other sumo Idem. • tomtit. of p1plat 1 wtbaler. 1 rile mwMi. 1 111, 0. ,a$. fa, o cod Ial..bt. ROAL MTATL Part. of let. it M sod 11 la fhb tate ttaa•l e.t a...swM sold P n. of 1o'P a 111,,11 lien Il r the LM. new newt osemende., Ib the town. saner W) Ib tM .eanty et Meees. la.lndl , 410,.4* • b.e0 0wmbw of illlbc0 let. 1. ,t5 vtly. M mt. Jm.st T=RYa or BALL Oa•dsdhsea Mese. and 41041., seek Oa the, rsesarsdw st the chattel prielion. /our aromas meat will he alma on hinteildm. apreeM Mm sates A amount wt11 M •Ilpw.d ter semi oft feMk am0oata. Tim we e rase it.. m 11. mem. Wilke real maim intin = of Nam and the 1•111111011 1a tarry treys last. 16=11•4=11 thY tat dee et Aeget Paove0 D0r. R1LLo0Al1 t tuna K. Ta0MA$OUNiIRT A4tlMsss's ssllmts., Aeramw. neat 0111ITiSTRT. a. H. 0. MAcDONS'LL-MONOI Y TtDisse.. s,/UUediterers1lt5. Mmesre Ohms W wast sllesA, t iartat. What manner of men and women ought we 10 tar Wel the great question, be s.iid, which .bouid sontrunt 1booe of uta who re far away Isom the sale!.• - ` e Summer Concert t>N-eni 41111,• CtVE4 BY lisle Mr. and Mn. G. H. K.nt Awn.d le Mr. HaroldJarvis. Tenor of Detron Miss Kathleen Wallas. V,chnut. of T:ron:o and Church Choc H IN NORTH STREET METHODIST CHURCH Admission - 25c FRIDAY AUG. 18;11 1916 at 8.1S First Patriotic Military Euchre at Hotel Sunset Monday Evening August 21st • 8 o'clock Under the auspices of the Menesetung Canoe Club ALL INVITED Proceeds for the M..kliene Toliarrt•o Fund TICKETS 50 CENTS Tickets may he had from mein. berm ..1 the Mctrsetung ('sews' Chub PUBLIC NOTICE All orders to grocery ;totes are'red to be in before the of delivery, viz., 9 a.m., i a.m., 2p m. aad5p,m., and 9p.m. ou Saturdays, as the deliveries will leave promptly at the hours above named. Goderich °tiara! Delivery Ting 1110NAIZPRINT/NO D0.. LtylT[D, Pt'wlanaa THE LADS IN KHAKI.1 Mr. James Taggart received a tele. grass Monday worming conveying the diatreosing new. that bis son, Private Lewsllyn Taggart, was dana.rouily 111 of spinet utrnioggi(tis in the t.olatioo hospital at Aldrr,hot. Private 't'+g- part wept overseas with the 7lIth bat- talko. W - Pte. H. B. floret, of the 3117th Bat. Wiwi, was presented by members of the Parlietoentary Press flattery at Ottawa with a gold wrist-wateb. Pte. Oust is a former Oodericb bny wt o baa responded to his country's cell. I H. represented The Montreal Daily Mad at Ottawa. Lent. R. A. Walter and Hoak - Rem!. (ita,dwin, of the (dist Hutone, Oamp Hbrd.n, were wmrwg lbs num- tsar is ()od.rk-b Ise; honday oo week- end leave. Mr. and Mrs. James MacVicar re- ceived • telegram on Tue.day which intimated that their son, Private Jas. MacVicar, bail leen wounded by a bayonet tbru.r in ibe arm on July 21st. Thi. is the second time that bis name bas appeared in the casuals lists. On the former occasion, which was a few months ago,be-Suffered from *bell .bock. Privates Sleet' key en- listed over a year ago at Calgary witb the Canadian Mcunt..d Rift*. The report tbat Corp. Melville O. Anderson. of the Engineering Corps, had died of wooed* was, we are glad to say. "greatly exaggerated." His mother, Mr*. A. Anderson, of Ot- tawa, received a letter a few dap ago from Melville himself, in which be intimated that be is t R dutyaufferiog from n'Trained wrist. The rumor of bits death gained credence when. his name Repeated in a roll of ben. r in an Ottawa paper op the second anniver- sary of the war. The weleowe new. as to his safety was reeeiv.J in (bade - rich yesterday. RECOVERED FROM THE WATER. Body of George Blatchford Discovered at Saturday -Burial at Eimer. The body of George Blatchford of Lsatowel, wbo was drowned • while bathing at the civet'Itoo.itb on MinidAy west, owe s.•weer.d by M.: Marlton cn Saturday morning. Frm,, Il,r Bene ;hot the 11 t4..'Iy .a•I'llr'rrd 11rrday, previously, tite.hn,la,r Guth- orit lee and civic aulhnnti.'. h.►d co- ' operated in the prnwruteon o1 drug- ging 'perations and the various which wire put faith to , ee ofee tl;,• ..,iy'. On Meturday m• iI I 4 'lir ac - 1t111. of Mr. Mwrltno'- p"wr'iul woFn. Ianncb on fb. Wald; 41 he. utintt11 i of the nvrr brought the body to the .nrfaci at a point tit •1111 «.•veuty-fper , yards dm- we.t of the -p, -t where the young man was last urn to &Nipp y:tr. Di. Taylor was ndated and alter consulting with the ('sown attorney anti Cortaro* Holm.- it was derided that an ir.tnest was Mt reew•a y, body liy was removed to 11,(They '. undertaking pat lord and was later conveyed 1. Exeter. wh.tr toe funeral took place tau Sunday ..Itpincor The hope bar been •spies -et* that the civic authorities w01 take .ou,r ar- 11011 to wean'.trangers who cnn,r it. town against bathing a' this danger. MOS spot. it is sugge(•e.l that, in add, - tion to 55410* being ...fried on the rivet breakwater and on Attrill•e Point, life -press, vet- Aliso .brnlld he placed at convenient locations go w aafegu.rd • •gain.; all porsihlr accident+. More lob. pi-.ervers on the ' harbor „filer,' mud a -rope •trached to the- piers just above the w.retline are other . rifteatinn. which, if acted upon, moy 1* metnrats tat preventing further 1.-.. est lily. 'The rector .aid be did not like the I Any quantity of dry heruk,rk .1.►.. u,i pledge of a half :lion wart to fall for .ununter wrx.d at Marl':wwn'i ' short by 1414,441, "r even LOIN men. Iphonr ON.g•.7.s per cord, ' tf I Soule, he Paid, did mat believe that the I -- - men are present io II •intng in Canada The unexpected i. the 'toff that would see active Ft I vice. but be ire- makes Pridbaw • clothes gcod enough:, Iirved they ores.,!.!. "'.'r shall needJfother t■ilors dyes'; know how. quit eve. v man avail.' :'-. and there ate .yoer.milia►'. , SEVEN -MILLION -DOLLAR AMMUNITION FIRE. o Ri prem. and seven million dollen' wrath of atmwresiti.wl Wended for (heat Meek Tam NewAM& and AO ■ he FRwwyis ws $ ii -boatt abouktainn t to ly tit hoheight es to b ergel ed d kariinghemp* and watehmtm, m LEGAL DISPUTE IS OFF. -- AmicableSetlismeat r 1 by t ewes An informal meeting of the town ros,ncil was held oo Wedas.daii even - Mg to dime';.. *1th Mr. W. ,ir.T'borold terms of settJumoset of the Legal tang le On which the nounicisality wad the Doty Engine Works. Company are involved. An agaitable atr'sngsmeut was reached and it is understood that Mr. Thorold will continuo the opera- tion of the pleat. The Manila of the settlement include the pepeoet of • cr•osid.'rabbi .0 'of money to the town, COUNTY OFFICIALS CRITICIZE lithosUTM altos!, --- D. 004.rleh. oat. DEAR Sta,-There is a standiogdem- owtratio• of the bslmglisg methods of our county ...Mende io.tltw condition of the bridge over Porter's creek oa the Hayfield r.miJ. The men reepoosible for the existing conditions are : Donk! - Patterson, county eogiorer : W. H. Lobb. Heave of Uodericb towoabip and member of the county road and bridge committee ; Rob'. W. Living- *tooe, Warden. Tbe intim*.i w from the county clerk that farmers can go down through the stream at this point is a piece of impertinence. He is one of the county officials who has forgotten that bis chief 'slue is lo prompt and courteous service to the people. Their is a distinct lack of patriotism in these men wbo enjoy the eerie of their positions, when they treat with levity the discomfort. of 01 het* who ate earning their living, and' helpiog to build up the county, not onlywith their physical strength, but wittheir money. The e.eum that he offers, to the ef- fort that Donald Patterson is "looking up plank," is perfect! ridiculous. Aoy engineer for w tuanuf acturing concern who not only faded to get the material on the wound but wbo didn't get the job flui.bed within twenty-four hours after be had received orders to do .o would moat probably be dismissed Why should the county of Huron i. - more careless of lite and property than Any one of the up -to -late maim - fact urine coneerur in the Province of It the county engineer is too hurt with other matt-• to attend to the relit* of the higbwaya, it moult be better to let bim'attend to the other matters and et,* fuel qualified en. gloeer: *kb 3wt1giAet:'la t:l the rriu-o! ty 1,.wn. 10 Look .rftrr the county 10- t..r0.111in a proper iLanfrr. It ought not to be tlel:e*5a:y to wait for accident. to happen in older to get a few plunk• 1.id ►rcnrely on a bridge. That the Wattles) is in this cam the victim, of the lack of rerviee on the Part of the count,' oervanta 1 ..0 wil- ling to believe. It is oneuf the penalties of high r Moe that a man may be called to account for the misdeeds of his era - vants, tut in general these isatemedy for tilt. trouble. - Yours faithfully, (mew :-r Mt Et °v. (lode:nth. August 7. 114144, Field Crop Competition, The •wards In the standing field coop competition in connection with the (..ale,,ch Indu.trtal. and Agricul- 1n,al Society have 5.....,. spade as fol- lows by the lodge, 11r. 1'. t:. Tgusley; of NI. 'Thome,' : 1 -If, 11 Dross ., Uoderieh township. 2 -John Mowerhy, Onderieh township, 3-- Hugh Hill, Colborne town.hip., 4- .I. S. Kernighan, Colborne town- ship. . 5 -George C. ',eithwaite. Otafetlob township. 41- H. K. Revell. (loderich township. 7 -.lobo FII, k, Colborne town.bip. The c petition ora. in oats. If It's quality you want, nae Black. .tone'• uelie t.'. certain for all °c- os/lone. Phone Yale, The steamer, t.rahani and Ma►i'ka .were in poet too :bootee with cargoes for the (roil.- ch elevator, 1'be 'trainer Ldutue.ion is der tonighr, taUNORY elS$LE REGIattR N'r tr'r_.o*y. . %nen•t .-\.-trneva - •-1• of re.1.• torte...ttrd,ntbr.-4 r gYdere,l -redif ad,. bore -. fora .ln•:1. int lenient. .nd . h.,ttt11-, at M. Jsa,ps stress earn. wt 3werh. t l..' e.. .oar. A. -!greet• . HO. T'i' -,'*t, A..gn-t G .\urt4on nal. tar ..d A Di. rr.ldrne,. bon-vbandfu,nll V0M- henner Plano. reit. rrr p•,•i-•ray M Mi-- M. k., w aM•, ITgin avenue. soissei ncu,g tit-_ 4...l* k (harp_,. BORN. &ILA, K+TONE. 1n UOAwirh. s Monday. Amman 7. to Mr. wed Mr.. Harold site*• stone.* -.n LLOYD. - In U.deneb. nor .yondq, Auae.t 7. to Mr and Nr. Koy I.Myd. a dsegbter. r N}:1'11 \Kit Ir. 'bd.elrh. un Pan.lay. An. goat a. to Mr and Mr.. Fred eherhyd Albert Weimer( IAN!)rf .t.- 1t '':•taw on Wedr.s{ay, Ae- rr-; A. to Mr. and Mrs. Yehyn Tyt.dill... .4 o,ghter. 0110. 8\1.1:}11•. In flmlyrwh town -hip, on u er. d..y. %i Wn-' .Klimbeth lempletan, widow of Ills late Iwai el5hcld, In her 511 year, 111 HL'KVi' - In tinder •A town\ m, Monday. Austen 7. Monism( T Wed lei mem awl it .womb. H 4 4KTg t V. - In Onrterieb. nn Th nr.day,il.t egn.t tin. Mary A. Allen, widow of the 14t• Ntl- liry Hasten. of 1. b.rn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Aug. 10. Paw. Deardet. Wasted -The 111g1ea1 1 Hen-eks.p*r Wasted Wm Altos. . _ t Va.•atle..ameaw/s@-- WiglsO P1.,...y 7 Kodak -It R 5.1Mwn Public Nolkw-GMs fab Uea•ral Isollvary 1 Tr.rdll'.( Nmeermrim- It J. r{• her ' 7 W..Mrwoss. Wated - Mew L. R Durrest Maid Waled Mn 0.1 .. 1 R.im• to Runt Mir Deyb ctrl ter trwb5 Komi w..yd_Yyp. MOWN 1 0..w t. Rent leo a 5.1111 aasmw (;amort -Nr. W Mee O. M. 5lag1 Agatha Gleno -Mae Iq alsisedn .. 1 • Mir SM1e-Ilwswtesl Cess