The Signal, 1916-8-3, Page 8• eeewwwvLT, AVIIIVIIT g, Illi&.
Hot Weather
(' uI* s.. ible• falx a IrNkl't-
rariet y ..f col"... Special
15c artd 20c
I'apr•r trowel., le•i ol 25c
130 &,ever&
Itprni,..111 high gr:a h• Ira&"•rkap
"Is•i 25c and 35c
1h uuie.,,, paper table...ben. at
inches a 1N uiehc, , at • 25C
I'igui Iriel.e, Ifo Ia•r 4":<.•b and
pi• olio driukwg .-up. s0 per
Lack age ..f
114011.•4ke1149: waved loc
HMs'r. l'.•0. luu•k,ege• :i,1�11 �
V1ai. rncu,'s Ides....�2•54119
Fe14uel.nii. I'eu. .
N'al•rmaree Renner0(�
h' tui. Pero,Spl. $1 eW
Buster Brows
lar the kids, and
Take a picture
21x31 inches and
costs only $2.
Other Anis up
so $SS. We'd Tike to
'show you the entire lies.'
Our photographic de=
Pertinent has established
quite a reputation for.
ievel,,ping, printing aed
0slargiug. Coins in.
won% you
S ervice
stt�ee•.., -
A. L.CaIdweII, Pbm.B.
Prescription Qriggist
VIII IN 1•.S IN A teen 19 It
1'eew.u.r. Aaaawt 3.
M' nes . ler hu.I, $ .'n to $ 11"
pal*. ,o•. bn-h .Iv to .t5
marl••/, tot 1. t,d. .... .. .55 to AN
Hewn. err I. el to . 1.3rt
1n^k of. 41 pet I. 7u to .75
Plot.. Ioral,. got rest 2.7.: to 1.1.E
Y,o.u. .•.t en,. per cwt %.lee l0 173
*4.... per tut. .. tun to ate
Mo. per Eon illy. to 27.0
New liar, per ton 1•M to 1•11n
Straw. loo.e. pro ton 5.0o to •tIn
Wood. Ivorlo
or ad sole to .:al
1lalry Rutter. pry Ib ,?i to DI
I Nroaaneyp tet flet .. .lu .te . :1t
e. per dno . . .cs to .ill
New PW-rton, per be 1111 to 100
Cottle, butcher.' choke. WI cwt: 7.01 to 7.1R(tat U*, hrtchn
.. ra.diam. Percwt (7S to 7.15
Now, lire "rondo. per cwt. 11 a: to It 75
*Meet. Per ee t '.•u to 7.A
��yrs. per Ib .N to 0.15
Tatlow rmdrre•r. per ib .•a to oat
Name &telt. . C. to ,11
I,.wyerr are light on eld(hem. At
least they frequently make one wit
last for year..
The excursion 1 I,iwtowel on
Monday brought :thrall _'IRI vitiator* to
(inderich Another rIronion el.e-
where from Listowel on the same
da prevented the remission ber•efrum
being puree numertnuly palronhed.
When Your
Head Aches
ire a roil( of • hard clay at the
er/llre or becalm, your Stomach iv
troubling you, .fir two tee -
spoonfuls IA
intra halt glean of cold water,Owl
Role the splendid relief it &R0. e.
Oft *Meer ee tae er flee wee
Mea" at Oa..P0Hra
James A.Campbel l
CENTRAL eiwc Emu
Corset Notik M. sad Square
Ilea tin 'MONIS Rei 2)S
Teem OlicWs limed, bet It Lash
Like Somebody Sloe's rssdr.
A hitr•y in the arrangements tun
Muuday might's meeting In the court
hour*, addressed by Lt. -Col. Cecil O
Williams, chief recruiting officer fur
Canada. drew from bins strong criti-
cnwl of the town officials asi regards
their attitude towards recrulting
The object of L(" -Col. Williams'
viol to lioderieb was to meet the
active workers .1 the war auxiliaries
to arrange for a deputation to go to
London ou Wednesday of this week to
attend a conference on recrultibg
esetbods in thio 'military district.
About two weeks ago Lt. -Col. Wil-
liams, .ctwmpanied by Capt. Manning.
came to (lodrr ieb for the purpose of
making the preliminary arrangements
for the weellog. They wet Mayor
Mclrau, peeve Nairn and Town
Clerk Kuox, who offered to introduce
them to the officers of the branches of
the war auxiliaries in the town, with
whom the details of the arranaewent
were to he discussed. Lt. -Cul.
William* suggested that be would
himself interview them before be left
liuderich, and the town officials thus
telt (hat they were relieved of all re
.p,.sibility in the matter.
Lt.-Ool. Winiaos and Capt. Man-
ning returned to Godes fit uo Mon-
day, the date which bad been agreed
upon fur the westing, and were an-
noyed to find that nothing what
ever had heed done to advertise it.
Mayor McLean was interviewed and
about o'clock be authorized the
printing of a number ct band -bills an•
bouncing the hour ut for meeting in
the court house. Rev. J.13. Fotber-
Ingharu, orrsident of the Itud.rob
branch of the Huron War Auxiliary.
and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton, ptesiJent of
the Women's 11sr Auxin asy of God. -
rich. were communicated with and
they immediately put f.utb their beta
efforts to circulate the •nnouncewent
by telephone, with the result that i -y
14 o'rlot-t about seventy-five had gath-
ered at the place of meeting.
Lt Cul. Williams, who was intro-
duced by Rev. J. B. Fotberingbasu.
prefacert•bis rwarks by some *tate.
meat" regarding the town (4116.1.
which could scarcely be coc►idried
compliment*: In far, the bleak to
the auangentents spp:trrb.'y was the
subject that was upperwo.t in the
rnir.J tbrought.ut the whsle t' .uing,
for after pew. mg et the outset thrt,
ter the life of Lilo. he could Lot Uuder-
.*and why s..nirt arrangements had
not berrreowpleted, he wade Wither
rrferrnre to 11 at tin- close of his ad-
August_____ Bargains
at Singer Store !
14nhy'. B•.utteie. 77.e. Kis• 0.1141
Woe f"0. SOn
H..nsiteru. regular :116•. f.,0. 21110
Middy hues, regular 7. and
141e. fen. en and 70
.1 few Middy Ties. regular
50k•. for 21110
l,arlirs' end Children .• Mid-
di.-...... 20 dio.oust
Ladies. and M1...•.' large
Collars ,... 20o
&'°event Covers. erg. '•r• and
5111c. for.... .1 fm and RIM
liraasiereu. r,,; is and
75.. for. ..... 1110e and •i0
eq Sale of Stamped G.odt
Weiland, Ont -" I am most phased to
say that Dr. Pierre's Favorite Premed's.
tion has proved
itself • first -elms
qp. remedy. 1 was
run-down. weak
and played out, and
needed a woman's
tonic. I have just
finished using one
bottle. I fed much
stronger and better.
\ Can eat better and
am leas nervous.
r s' You may .y that
L ' 'Favorite Prescrip-
tion' is just the medicine for tired -out,
worn-out women. It, does wooden for
them." -Mae. Geo. FLANIGAN, E. Mao
and State Su., Welland, Ont.
di ear.
When the delegates to, hhe cunfei -
encr at London *ear b.-.0..•ppoliced,
Mayor McLean'' roam- w,.. wvotivited,
and lin withdrawing bis ['awe as ut.e
who was unable to anew: Hi.- Wor-
e htp ....zed the (ppm tur.ity lu correct
the importation 1e1, with the audience
by Co. -Col. Williams that the civic
ambit noes were to Wader. He ex-
plained his coon. ct ion with the matt. •,
w w.nUoned above. and then pt. -
timed t 0 Inters fruw Ottawa, deed
July :Nth. from Capt. Manning and
Lt.•(:u'. MacCriwwoti, which he had
received at :t o'clock that afternoon.
advising him of the meeting tied ex-
peewwug the hope that be N...1LI t
in slaking it knout. He al -o told the
gathering that Lt. -1 ..1. William" bed
beau advised when be "Vas bete to.,
weeks ago to lute' view Mts. 'J.,
Hamilton and Rev. J'H. Potion ham, who lath intimated that tti.)
had been seen by nu one. 1Kev..Ii.
Fotheringhaw has 'ince received a
letter concerning the meeting..
Rev. Mr. Fotheringham endeavored
to pour oil on the troubled water' and
the naming of the representatives was
then proceeded with.
The delegate', appointed to go to
London on N•ednesdav were Mr'
Phalen, Mrs. Carrie, Miss Kelleher,
Miss May Stoddart and Messrs. F. K.
Hodgens, Jas. Mitchell, Alex. Saun-
deer. 1)r. Taylor, Rev. J. B. Pother -
Ingham, all of liodrnch, Mr. W.
Bcydone, of Clinton. and possibly
others front the different :revisiting
centre' in the aunty.
The meeting was Aso addressed by
Mrs. (Capt.) Manning. who pointed
out flan numerous ways in which
woolen could help Will the war.
Before the National Anthem was
sung in closing. Mr. James Mitchell
moved a vote of thanks to the
speakers, which was seconded by Ur.
Miss Blanchard Tells of Dodds Kidney
P•quetville. (,leurester 1'0., N. B..
July SI (Special.& Simple and straight
to the paint is the statement of Mien
Justine Blanchard, of this place. She
has tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and
found them good and she wants every-
body to know it. Mies Blanchard
says :
1 suffered for lona Gam with my
kids/eye. i wed Dodd's Kidney Pills
and the cured me completely."
One they
statement like that is
worth •.down dissertatione on kidney
disposes 1t tella the sufferer from
kidney trouble just what he or she
liana to know -that • cum can be
found in Dodd's Kidney Pills. For
hood's Kidney Pills are no cure-all.
Theremel1.yam purely and simply a kidney
Injured at Stratford.
Alfred Pratt, who works os • farm
near (loderieb, wee run down by a.
automobile In Stratford on Monday
afternoon. The ear passed over bis
Issas. whisk were t►adly bruised. and
he also had his Mods out. The boy.
who is •bolt seventeen years of ans.
is a ward of the Annie M•ePber..
Homs•, Stratford, and was in the city
for the purpose of wishing the ,Home.
The mesabe a of the Uaitsd Pai iotle
Roast,roe very grateful to .n who
gave Mtie a or time or is .ay other
"rayhelped to make their suedes sale
awdnavies prey web...'.-- Atter
all expenses were paid 111118 46 was
mislead to hey material for Red (`ire.
work. The breech of the Caked Pet-
riotie Society will have . eawiwwgg at the
boss. of Mr.. Simon McD.Yssgb. Tay -
lee's Owners, on Weems/ay. Asst
sth. *115.44.. ere e.di.Sy Earls: t.
If you .offer from hot flaabee or disai-
nme,' fainting 'spells, i`yeteria, headache,
or nervousncar you are not beyond 0.s
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription i.
directed to the real cause and promptly
removes the disease, and thereby brings
comfort in the place of prolonged misery.
'It has been eoid l'y druggists for nearly
50 years, in fluid form, at 111.00 p bottle,
goring general satisfaction. It an now
be had in sugar-coated' tablet form. Sold
by all medicine dealers or teal box by
mail on receipt of 50cente in stamps.
Every sick woman may consult to by
letter, absolutely without Charge.
Write without fear am without fee, to
Faculty of the 1cv:.iids' Hotel. Dr. V. M.
Pierce, President, bti3 !slain At., Buffalo,
N. Y.
Dr. Pierre's Pellets are unequaled ser
Liver Pill. Smalls.'. easiest to take. Oa.
tin Sugar -eon -,d Pella a Doss. Cure
Birk Headarbe. Bilious Headache, Diu'.
Den.. Constipation. Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, and all derangement of the Liver,
Stomach and Bowel.
ADA has recently purchased
the Raymond Co. factory in
Guelph, and is nowshipping
the well-known household
favorite, WHITE SEWING
MACHINES, from this point.
This means new and quick
sen•ice to you.
New 'sb of osnitredir
iscBs1�i Bearing:
New Tension Indicator
Acorn Dust Caps
Automatic Tension
Self Threading Shuttle
High Speed
Improved Large Bobbins
New and Latest Steel
The Foray PAtary Alli/
oar. tosnioct I ming. Ts
trovei,ia7a While awl ase
Pts. Artbsr McMsth Tells Now Hs I.
Gatu.g Moog.
Mee. McMatb. Hrtiaauta rood, ba4
r.teivrd tM following letter frosu Mr
SOU. Pte. Arthur Wheat. formetly ••
us.m4wr .f Ilse H*g•al stag, who en-
listed with the Mid Canadian 8.11.4-
Flanders, July v. dal&
Demi Morons, - Altbrwei the
'reboot the lest few days have Lin,
been what you call very warming Eur
us -and us that account 1 have no-
thing v.y bntenestiog to relate to yoe
or anytime, to tell you that would
cause your Ya l r to eland straight on
end -1 thought 1 had setter druv yuu
• few Ameba line anyway to let you
know bow 1 aw pront.estag and mat-
iog out is the great Europese war
which is at present e.gagisg the at-
tention of practically the while
Well. to tell' the truth, mother. 1
have been eery lucky so far. But yuu
know, mother, as well air 1 do that one
Dever knows where oar of those large
shells iv going to lake the notion to
land and Burt tomeonr. In fact. 1
have beard say that one hair been
known to send several to their happy
bunting grounds. I believe it is •
fact, too. toe I have seen a few "stifle"
lying around atter • temp with old
Fritz. Nott, wether, don't shed any
tears if I hbppen to have the good
luck to meet with a similar accident.
1 will have saved my honor, anyway.
My name won't be foynd printed in
toe 'thither,' u.ts wbic'b 1 bear they
•::treed posting up in public places no
abd about dear old Huron county.
Resider, you see one mac doesn't
count for mu :h out here. You'll bear
someone say that Ne-and-eo has been
killed. 'Tru bed ; bice fellow that" -
and everyone goes about his own
"burinses as usual." as if nolbing ba,I
Of course, there is • humorous side
to war. too. I heard one fellow tell-
ing a story about a *Adler who had
gone through :he South African war.
After he returned home all his mates
and old chums gathered around him
and began asking bit's all kinds of
questions. They were surprised at
not being able w get much out of him.
Soldier be thought they had bothered
bin enough he told them about a sol-
dier who bad got his head blown off
while r ding along on borsehek, and ,
he did..'t know It until be reached up'
for bio pipe and found that b•tb bead
and ppe were -gone. Of course his
chums said "Hood day" to him and
bothered him no tuore. !lo you see,
mother. we do have a little tun here.
Well, as I said before, we have had -
a pretty quiet time now for • while.
However,' we had it* little interesting
the other night. A. number of u0.
were going up the line on a working
party, and all at once old Fritz started
.belling us. Tbey were coming too
close to be healthy. too. but no one
was seriously hurt. I.did get a little
piece of shrapnel in my left *.boulder,
but nothing worth 'peaking of. This
will do as a souvenir if I manage to
kick through all right..
Another exciting little incident oc-
curred one Dight while a party of us
were out hi No Mans Land gathering
up the deal. I gams Frits must have
got hi. eye on us and thought be
world throw .0 little shrapnel at UP,
but he olid:. t succeed in accomplishing
much. Only one fellow alongside we
got hit. He bad to be helped back to
the dressing stati'b. It would have
made you laugh to see us skirm:shiog
fur cover. such a. shell boles, lump" of
earth, etc: We lay there for a while
until the racket was all over. and went
back and finished our by bo means
small task.
Ob: yes, mother. i forgot to tell you
that I rec.•ived the box O. K. Pro-
nounced first-class wan the verdict the
boys passed on the fruit cake and
cookies. Please thank Mrs. Mac -
Vicar for the socks. too, a. they will
come in good. During a wet spell
our fret get soakiog wet, end unless
we have a change of socks they have
to remain that way. very often for
four or five day. We bave bad a few
wet days in the trenches, with :nod
up to nur knees .in places. You
wouldn't know whether to laugh or
to cry at us when we come out for a
few stays* rest atter ao unusually wet
spell, for•togetber with the slush and
water and longs whiskers we present •
rather co•niasl, or some people might
call it sad-lookiog. sigh:. No one ap-
pears to be sad. though -not too sad
to sing. The following wog bas been
somewhat changed by one of the boys•
"Banjos ringiug•
Uarkies singing.
The roses around the doer.
Makee one love mother more and
more." etc.,
to the following :
'•Machine-guns rlug iog,
Sheik a -ringing,
The sheaooai around t be door,
Matt s one love mother more and
honer. ' eta
This is a beautlful .orcin``. Break-
fast is just over. After a pliaa•ot re -
pest of jam, chosen bacon, or probab-
ly whiabongs for a change, and some
good tea, eon's are enjoying • quirt
smoke, some are eating green apples
-rushing the season, you see -while
are probably busy
g the
s off their shirts, or having g an
exciting game of horseshoe -a very
ooeaiderenmistant ce back Wfromare a
firing line, or we wooid be taking
things more seriously. Of course we
can bear the roar of the artillery and
bare to be peeparee' to rush up to the
supporta at a moment'. notioe.
Love to alt,
Your wither boy,
Ae corn.
The Stewart orcesstra will f.roi.b
the musical for the Red Orme
g�aamrddee to be held .t Reeve
Bisest'. on ed..eday. Aimee lash.
Arrangementn ale beteg made ter as
eait(ord Height& hose the tigtsat. b
At Metal honest.
Mr. A. C. MooMeon, of H.mike.,
who wee vro.sded at Gallipoli. te sem-
m.riag with ►le wife at Betel lsnet
Amoebae wounded .11dber whit is •
geese .t Heisi Renest is Mr. Heigh
alaeOriwo dm . sod Leedom He wee
spend -
ins a ems In hospital i. _d
be was how&
The weekly donee will be
beld on Thursday
The followitto gnestehars registered
at Hotel Sono* during the int two
August Clearance
of Summer Coats
EVERY Coat is marked at an extraordinarily low price to
make sure of the absolute emptying of the racks
before fall stocks arrive. They are well made, splendid
styles; new garments, and just right in every way. Only a
few left to clear and we are going to sell them. This is
your chance for a Coat at a big saving.
Sport Coat, green velvet, size 18. Reg. $io. Clearing at.. $4.98
Elderly Ladies' Coat, black serge, size 43. Clearing at. ... $8.88
Ladies' Coat, black serge, size 38. Reg. $18. Clearing...$9.88
Cream Corded Velvet Coat, size 36. Reg. $Io. Clearing.. $5.88
Covert Cloth Coat, size 36. Reg. $13. Clearing $6.88
Covert Cloth Coat, size 36. Reg. $io. Clearing.
Covert Cloth Coat, size 36. Reg. SI I.50. Clearing
Black Silk Coat, large size. Reg. $25. Clearing
Children's Summer Coats and Reefers. Clearing at
Misses' Coats, sizes 8 to i4 years. Clearing
White Velvet Cord Coat, size 36. Reg. $12.50. Clearing $7.88
Two Suits to Sell
Just two of our Spring Suits to sell
and we are going to sell them. Either
one the biggest kind of a bargain.
Novelty Suit. Regular $25.00.
Clearing $4P.88
Black Taffeta Suit. Regular
$35.00. Clearing - $19.50
Short Silk Gloves 50c
Shunt Silk (:loves. double tipped. Shipment
jun n,ti•Iverl. Special pe•r,;sair. 1110e
Long Silk Gloves $1.00&$1.25
- Extra quality Ing Silk (an..., blw k. *tote
..t . hanywgne. 41..uble tipped. Per pair
$1.00 and $1.26
Stripes for Skirts
Stripes for .kirt. are a.• popular as ever. ,New
tt..v.•Ities just re.•eived thio week. Exceptionally
gold of valuesintl1 the popular color cptnhination..
At per caul... ....2tflo, 40o. 800 arab $1.00
Silk Sale
Black Cloche.. Silk, extra heavy ttuality and
beautiful bni.h Superior make in e•vele way.
Regular 11 :'*. While it lasts, per yan1....$1.1•
Fibre Silk Hose 35c
The great ....amity of fibre silk with the enor-
moue dentate! is snaking H..i.'ry of this kind very
haul 14. get. .1 big shipment enables. us t.l ',fret"
them at this prig.•. They are finely woven dbr•i•
silk with the upper half of little thread and 11.1e
spliced heel. toe and sole. 'izi,. t . Illope
whit.. ..r hlar•k,. Per pair
Velvet Cord Skirts
. L.adies Skirts, made from good
quality cream corded velvet. Clearing
at $2.63
27 Hats to Sell at
$1.00 each
Now for Ili.- final clearance in the 3141-
line•ry Ih•plrtment. 27 Trimmed ilate to
lorell at this price. Sonic are children'.. Not
0114• but North the price 2 to J 1))..........•r.
All leering et one price. Tout$1.00
r•hoi.-.• of the 1.1 only N+
3 Trimmed Panama•
Thane triu,tuwl Panama (fats left toeell.
Stylish, right np t.. the ,&&melte in e1e1y
N - ay. I;Ding at prier. that make then' three
ofthe higg. rt Millin. 0.y Ict7 ea •,- ue hrv.•
e•red fur many a day.
Hodgens Bros.
weeks : 8. M. Taylor and family,
Fort Wayne, Ind.: Mrs. Philipp Buck
and the hisses Isabella and Florence
Buck, Brantford : Miss Ball and Mi.
F. Bail, Toronto : Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hobbs, jr.. Ind daughter.
Detroit : Mr. and Mn. Horace
Huston. Capt. Pierce and wife, Parts ;
1'. R. Courtice, wife and eon, Oil City,
Pa. ; Dr. and Mn. B. F. Anderson,
Toledo. Ohio : Rev. and Mrs. Craw-
ford Brown, nurse and two children,
Toronto t James H. Whitley, Toyama);
Mr. and Mrs. L. Kennedy, Miss B.
Kennedy. Mi. Rankin, A. Wallace,
Wisgbam ; Mr. and Mn. J. T. Wing.
3. T. Wing, fr , A. Fairborn. Detroit,
Mich. ; Mi. Nora Birmingham, Chat
barn : Miss Constance Birmingham.
Boston ; Miss Katie Bermtogban.,
Chatham ; Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Porte.
Jot. Hillier, Toronto ; Mrs, J. 0.
Resume Charlotte Resume, Windsor :
F. W. d. Ranking, C. Gilpin, Toron-
to ; Mr. and Mn. N. W. McDonagh.
Miss Florence and Nary, London :
Mr. and Mrs. A. T:Horan, J. A. Till-
man, Miss M. Dar^v. Mi. A. Tlllstao
Master Herbert '_o.gblin, Mr. sad
Mrs. W. J. Tillman and .884, Lo.don ;
Mr. sol Mrs. Birmingham sod homily.
Chatham ; Mr. and Mn. W. A Thom-
son, Walter Thomases and Mi. Helen
Thomson. London : Mir Margaret
The nervous system is tbeabeie system
of the Mmes beds
Is perfect health we hardly radios that
we have • network .t reuse, bet whoa
heal* is ebbing, whet Amiga beadle-
iform is beedhthe., *edema.ayie■mssl
it,MaMtity .nsettnat
sakes oeeed,
Uri straight u • br..*dee s.
To correct nerese..w.e, droll'. Rtsnl-
she is meetly
e 1w gees �l blood sheidd �. d
slob bleed hods the whole spasm the tiny di se In mobile
ows er /wet 71nere. Sot drugs.
Elliott, Galt ; Mr. and Mrs. Riming
bans and family, Miss Isobel C. Arm-
strong. London ; W. J. Smyth, Ot-
tawa : L. A. Spry, Mi. King Wood,
Mi. Canticle, Toronto : Mrs. Amo.,
Exeter : Mn. Vanstone, Brantford;
Mu G. F. MacKenzie, Janet Mae -
Kenzie. Orasd Rapids, Micb.: Mr.
and Mn. F. M. Haines, Kineordine
RoderIek 0. MacKenzie, Grand
Rapids, Mich. ; Men A. Brown, Gerdon
Brown, Sarnia ; Mr. and Mrs. P.Mcll.
Brown, Camlaebie : Mi. Gerrard,
Windsor t Dr. H. W. Raid and fam-
ily, Tomato ; Mee. Swemllg and
daughter, Londoo ; Miss M. Slater,
Toronto : Mr. and Mrs, D. McCrim.
mos. Haab McCrlmmo., London :
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Johnston. Windsor ;
A. W. divine and family, Retina ;
Mrs. Warren (Divine, Harvey Mohr.
lwrodno ; B. Mann. A. M.• Munn.
Stratford ; J. L. 8. Strong, Calgary
John W. Reidy and deugbter,
oLyman M. Jonas, Tor-
ato t C. acing, Calgary ; Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Hawatson, Hamilton ; A.
F. Bowes a.d party. Southampton
Mr. and Mn. D. 1V. Walter, N. K.
O'Brien,( er$, L ondow ; Mb. Bertha V.
B. Christiana, Detroit ;
Dr. anMrs, Seething* Thompson,
Charts Tbompsos, Loudon : less
Thcpeallteathroy : Mr. and Mme.
W. &modals, .iodwieh ; Mr.
Mid re.' B. W. Nieklin and .nn,
Detroit :Mr..std Mrs. W.A. Kearney,
Mr. sod Mn, T. F. Cain, Loctnow
Art S. Hub.ebweoleo, Bofhb :
Copt R. M. Leedom ;
OOoolt. C. U. WiM•m., Ottawa : Ise..
Oolsa. J Odom, Woobtrsek
.WAN". R. Meani.g, Ottawa ; Mn.
WII Morrie, Londo. ; Mi. H.
Charlie, Toronto.
Wansre.aT, Aug. 2.
Wheat, barley sod eats are belg
eco mow,
Mleee do J• •n y e'INting t rie.ds
11 yes wont first d... raspberry.,
call on Jobn Levy.
Connor .k Albin paid iljc per lb: for
hogs this week.
Me. Wm. Watson has commenced
the framework on his new bouee-
T'he temperature was kill degrees
here. What would be wrong with s
shower of rain ?
Mee John Walter took the train last
week for the West to visit her two
daughter, and her son.
We are Allen Wilson stateeased to , wwho ii that
sick list, is "first-class" again.
The neighbors ars triad to 'finish
haymaking. Mr. Owen Moon took
forty-six loads from !Moan acres.
Who would not -live around Carlow t
Hurrah for Carlow t
1 he young people of Carlow spent a
very enjoyable evening at the lake o0
Wednesday. The evening, the fun,
the lemnriide and the be cream were •
all chat human mind scold wish for.
Thai we Zam-Bok 'Illus is
Mbing • molldwr 4 tinder,
ailing or Wintered lea 1t will
mod the bonthig. draw eat the
aerie ass, intent Minoring sod
give rem whet as> t.
B k neeldni se foot ogaflrpad
_ h'unbbars. boatatl
e.sR.b a s Nur wad
.a skis inirb sd Wh m &
Ma as dnorele ad ohm.