The Signal, 1916-8-3, Page 7THE SIGYA L : GODERICR ONTARIO
Trornn4Y, Auurwr 1 IMO 7
a You can feed the fire with utmost ease owing to the
generous double feed doors no scattering of fuel and
room to insert big chunks of wood.
If you have five or ten minutes to spare come in and P11
show you the other advantages of this sendid furnace.
Sold by W. R. PINDER
on the
Five days of red amid the islands of Cseotyian Bay. the gem
banks of the St• Mary's River and the expanse of Old Superior.
Bread to bract you up and the perfect appointments and
=sane of the a, k -b ih
Greyhound: Express Steamers "Keewatin' and "Aasiniboia"
leave Port McNiooll every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday
for Fort William and Port Arthur. Round trip
five days.
Tickets. information and reservations from
Local Avert, or W. 8. Hoard. D.uict
Paamrrrr Agee.. Toronto. Ont_
Fans and Irons
DO YOU know the advantage of Elec-
tric Irons and Fans, especially in hot
weather, and how easy it is to live
and work, in summer especially. with these
appliances ?
ironing out of doors, for example, is both
practicable and pleasant. and our electric flat-
irons certainly smooth the way on ironing day.
Do you know of the comfort of a fan in
the dining -room - The residence fan is de-
signed for extreme quietness in running.
Electric Fixtures and Supplies always on
hand. Let us give you a figure on wiring
your house.
Robt. Tait
Res. 1!3
r- s- f / -"11
4ieb tri• ori and Illnellint the Iwiw preaa.j r e0s1♦sa
.made♦ 1'hs► ...flys ed parka I• a passe /was and vagiin
Oaf hell ie a/wa it a hums laming .Yme. Bow M taw las
t/ Jae `mly—iYtala rod tide` Mie pans .hoes ail hams mil
bop lamas aaa v. v. tliatA1v eta 111111111111*. .
..sass - wasp..
The 11116 voters' fiat for Ray town-
ship contains the names of 535 electors
who are eligible to eerve as jurors.
There ere 1004 mows on (trey town-
ship voters' list for 19141 and of ibis
number 175 are qualified to serve u
The seven-year-old son of John (ioy,
of Turnleerry, had hi. leg h4dly lacer-
ated by a dug. The dog was des-
Pre. Andy Miller, who had been in an
English hospital, he. returned home.
He is a son of Mrs. Thomas Diller, of
the 5th line of Mon is.
The fourteen -months -old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs.. Albert McGee, of
aro+•, is dead as the result of an at-
tack of infantile paralysis,.
A telephone in the home of James
Harman, M. P., Morris township, was
smashed to ►•uuu by a bolt of light-
ning. No other damage was done.
A distressing accident befell Mit,
Herman Bubnlx, of Tucksrr'e with,
when she -fell down stairs. fracturing
her hip and severely bruising herself.
Rev. John T. Strachan, B. A., of
Jamestown, was ordained and inducted
Into the paatoute of Sodom and
('auipbellville on Tuesday of last week.
Thome.. liernis•, an old resident of
the 3rd line of Morris, had the usisfor-
tune to fall and break his right hip.
Mr. Garniss is nearly righty -five years
of age.
Mr Thomas W. Johnston and son.
J she, of Carlyle, Sask., are visiting
friends strolled Walton. Mr. Johnston
went Wr.t twenty-six years ago and
thi- I. his first +sit to bis former
Mrs. 'Thomas (alder, for many years
a resident of limy township, died at
her home near lonisfail, Alberta, on
Friday, July 13th. Her demise fol-
lowed an illness of two days from
\\'bila working on the r orf of E.
Zirr.werman'a stable at %utich the
other day W. F. Drown stepped on
souse rotten boards in the roof and
fell into the stable below. Luckily he
..caped serious injury.
Th. death . f M•igaret Davidson.
wife of Saini -1 Deacon, cf the 11Kb
coocessiun of East W awanosh, occurr-
ed on Sunday evening, July 23rd, at
the age of tbnty-six year... Her hub -
bend and seven small chili:en survive.
Mr and Mrs. .1. P. Barrows, of Wal-
ton. announce the marriage of their
daughter. Mabel Victor ia, to Thomas
Henry Jackson. of Wit,.. H.11. Sask.
The event took place at the house of
the beide. sister, Mts. G. W. Jackson,
of \Viwa Hu:1, swot., ru s.turdau.
July lJhh.
A pretty wedding was solemn zed at
bi,ih noon on "aturday, July '2'..'11.1, at
the home of )Ir. anti Mi.. John Wid-
mer. of Mortar township, when their
daughter. Florence Ethel. became the
bride of 11. Melville R`illsatusof Wing -
ham. Rey. W. H. Hawkins, uI Blytb,
Miss 1 is Hogg. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Hogg. of McKillop, who
cap•urrd the county scholarship at
the percent entrance ex un.n.ttions at
seat,•ttb, ii a singlet t of excellent
premier. Site is just twelve vasa.s of
age and her .Lauding is therefore'
Two marriages eerie solrmn,z d in
Trinity church, Fotdwit h, on Tuesday.
July 2.5.h. At noon, Mia. Annie Lillian
MLIiel Spink. Iccawe the bride of
David Percival Hain.toek. At 3 :11 the
same •ltemuno Mi.. Matilda Catherine
Spence and Ricnard B. Walters were
united in marriage. Mr. and Mr,.
Hainstock's howe will t rat Shimmer'.
Sack„ ane 3lr. and Mr. Walters will
reside on the loth cuncesaion of
T. Bonfield. Deputy Fire Marshal,
was in East \\'awanurb and Morris
townships last week investigating two
recent b..r n fir... Rrapeeting the lite
which destroyed fret.. M. Rotwrt.on'»
barn in East Wawan.wh, the con-
clusioo was that a spark from •
chimney bad caused the blitz-. I t
connection with the tire which burned
the barn on Mr. Davidson • farm in
Morris. no definite cot.clusioo could
iso rea:hed.
A sad drowning accident o'curred at
Senora no Sunday, July 2.3nl, when
Mi.. Catharine Horne, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Horne. oil
seafo'th, was drowned whit. in bath-
ing• Herman Lee. manager of the
Bank of Ottawa al Keoora, attempted;
to rescue her and ,uceeeded in reach -1
ing her, hut the effort to return to
shore was too much and they both i
sank. The bodies were recovered the'
same evening.
James Uoig has sold his marhle'mai-I,
nese to Ball A. Atkinson Mr. [)oigl
will take • year'. rest before ,(ting'
into business again
Arthur Tyndall injur.J his ankle
last week when he fell off • pile of
Ilumber. A few days he
burr his other ankle and he is now
taking enforced nobdays.
The town council has decided that
if tax.* ars paid on or before $eptras-
ber nth • discount of one -and -a -b411
pee cent. will 5r allowed ; if paid be-
fore October, 15:5 one per Deet. die -
count, or November 15th, one -ball per
rent. All taxes unpaid atter December
15th will have five per vent added.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loath -I
erdale, M..kat on, Mise Rutty Hill.
only daughter of Hiram Hill. of lie -
ton, was married tt. Norman Kith
Thomson, a prosperous young bldg/
news man of that city-. I1.., C.
Brown officiated. The bride had been
a professional nurse in Saskatoon for a
pumh•r of years.
Win/bean n fall fair will he bell tin
lburviday and Friday, September JI1tb
nd Ja)t►.
s Mn, F. G. Sparling has sold her
bane to Rev. J. F.
illnaenae. pallor er
m. Baptist church Mrs. Sparling
.ted dasaht.e will remove to Toronto.
Jamas Hayne wed daughter, Mks
Louise, of Chicago, are ree.wts.g ae-
qualetaness here. Mr. Hayne was
s t eft Wingham over the. thirty years
Pte. Roland Hough, of Camp Bor-
den visited his parents,, Mr. and Mrs.
w Walsh. for a tow days Bo
a small block of Treasury Stuck in a
gold mire now being worked in Por-
cupine (ti.trict whish ee consoler an
excellent speculation et
14 C/H7 • LER .HARE
11 you are interested and a:,h further
particular,. w rate
rOe EAT ST. rosi.O•sTO
bas no complaint to make ah put the
new camp. a, he s.y• that a wen who
kick• about a few swell F.snl.bips
which have t.. 1.e endured at Camp
Borden does nut conceive of the many
greater hard»hips whch he will
have to endure at the front. Pt ivate
Hough is stenographer of the 213th
l)veisr... Second American Legion.
R. Vanatone, J. J. Cunningham. L.
Bink(. A. Tipling, J. .1 H.o
r,k• and
Will Lrppard motored to Hanover to
look into the cost of elects is power in
that town and the reason why it could
be produced cheaper than in Wingham.
They bond that in.Vad of fuel being
weal water was used to prnduce the
power. As • result' a enure• aiay be
made to develop the water power
Edmund Brewer ham purchased the,
50 acre farm adjoining Hrussela .fr
Gro. Robb, of Mt. l'atba. ones.
Miss Peat! Baker bas accepted a
pu.itinn on the public sch'wl ,,tali of
Mies J11neve Taylor has been en-
gaged to teach the the finnan school,
Turnberry township, at a salary of
Douglas Currie fell off the mill dam
a distance of fourteen feet, and in•
jilted one of his lags quite .rr
Tine Exeter canning factory has
commenced operations for the season.
The residences of Mrs. Hannay- and
C. Zuetlels were damaged by lightning
during a recant storm.
A Ford car belong,ing t•. T. Baker's
livery war dectrovr.l by tire on A re-
cent. evening, wi.en it wined turtle
into a ditch along the t .ad between
Mt. Marys and Exeter. Mr. \\'illiune,
who was driving, was found beneath
the car and sotfered an inJury to his
arm which will -lay him op for some
A q'iiet wedding was ..drmnized at
the home of t.. R. Bedford. Huron
street, on Thursday, July 311th. when
his second daug'.ter. Evely ri Bernice.
MAP wed,i.d to Gordon 1. fiord Hay-
a -w.a.d. of Cri.orne. The uric/tinny era
pelf waned t.y Rev. J. W. Naiad. of
James straw Meth, dist church. After
the wedding hreal(a.t was served the
grra)ui.'un•'e, D. B. Mandy'-, took t1r
%fasting {•.r'Y. on a mutat tripes far
as London. From there they took tbr
electric ear -to Port Stanlev where the
• bride and groom spent „e1r honey -
A SHOWER of comfort
in warm weather you
can take any time you feel
disposed when ) :,ur bath-
room is fitted up .n modern
style with a good shower
apparatus and bath - tub.
Let us put you in Improved
sanitary plumbing worthy
of the times. If we do it,
it's done right.
Fred Hunt.
HAMILTON STREET 1'it v: 1:30
A Great 30 Day
Slaughter Sale
at Walters & Co. s
Boot and Shoe Store
We have to reduce our stock to
make room for other goods coming
and will therefore put nn this Rig
Sale. Having bought our gouda
at the old prices we .re enabled
to give you a big discount for )your
money. you will but ne of our
Roots and Shoes at '• ,a than the
mak er•a price.
We also have Trunk-. Suitcases,
(Anil -hags. etc.
Thies Sale trill laal only. O
days. nam.nunrin: Friday,
.lune 18th, .and rv,7wtinuin>i
until Saturday, July 15th
1)n not miss this opportunity. All
leather goods are bent to get sad
will he very [ouch higher in price.
Shoe repairing guaranteed satis-
factory. W. will put ne Ladies'
Rahher Heels for fix- sad Mena
for Va.
Walters & Co.
Seecaasws le i . H. McGann
sOD11. ICN PHONE aid
Eisler Votes : Tn happen across. •
purse containing ti$, ' after it had
been Io.t for over flee weeks was
the lucky eaperienc. of Victor Kuril, of
the London toad south, one d.y last
week. At the time the purse was bort
Mr.!Snell Adam 'teed in both the local
papers and As the days passed with no
word of it he gave it up for good. Im-
agine hi. .urp. ise while crossing a arta
jos• .,.utb ..f nig hue.. 10 run Acrv»s
the puree just tire weeks and a day
alta. ward.. The purse was lysing in a
. mall pond of water and Wee out in Ibe
soaking rains of a few weeks ago.
How it got there is a "mystery, but It
looked as though it bad been carried
there I.y some small animal. The
purse was taken into the house and
the money laid nut to div- \L. Snell
no doubt considered hits Belt :. very
lucky man.
A Tribute to Canadians.
London, July :7t.—Lord Tennyson,
writing to The Thine... quote* a letter
from an English staff ()Meer in France
which reads in part:
"Thr Canadians have done wonder-
erlolly well. We are proud to he
fighting with them. The way they
fought to recovr, their lost trenches
was A lesson for -one that we
shall never forget. They are a must
boepit..hle and self denying lot. and
will .hare the lad elute ur drop of
water with any of us who need It. We the greatert adiniesti m fur them
aft.. the recent
Billion Dollar Dollar Crop Expected.
After a thorough canvass of veriuu.
point. throughout \ir..trrn Canada.
[)r. McG.11, of the Damn it i• r 4:rain
l'ommusi..n. is quoted in ('algaty as
saying that Alberta would beer .. crop
as good as last year. that the i)omio•
ion would have • billion dollar grain
clop and that the grain crop . f the
three prairie Provinces would he little
if .nv behind that of lest year.
"Thr country as a wbn.e. never
looked heter than i• does at present,"
•aid Dr. Nrtiill, "Thr wea:ber was
made to order, as you might say, and 1
am of the opinion that this yeam's fem-
me will be another wondrrtul one.
none who contemplate gang West
will do well to renierlher that the
moat fertile districts in 'Western Can-
ada are served by the linee of the
C N. R. and that this season they eau
travel from their hone district* to
destination Canadian Nottbern all the
Arrangements have been made
whereby, passengers tasty travel in
sou f,rt. c dnni.t aed lunch ..punter
cars being a fe•tpr•.
Th. first of tit's.. exeunt ,n• will he
ran in Angn-t :. the date he an-
o o.rnced baro,.
Fpr futtit-r inferruati .n apply to
nearest Canadian Northern agent, or
write to H. L. F'tithmirn. • general
Paesrnio-r Agent, et. King street East,
I Toward.. 22-tf •
Mosr '. July 31.
Mi. John Arisen ha. it-turr.ed from
bis tip to the a% est,
Miss M ar it L .cv11, of T -route, is the
guest tf Mrs. W J. Spindler.
Mr. Robert Pritchard, ••f N •wwsr•
ke•, i, h. tn• for hi» va, sr on.
Mr. aha Mrs. Thom,. with. •.f I•
unit, have woyrd t.. Lr., know, st.-rr
Mr. Smith will open an 'upholstering
repair shop.
MARTIN —MEM RR.. —A sen- pretty
wedding was ads-tun:ted on alonday,
,July 17th, at the hurtle of Mr. and Mt:..
F. Mercer, of Mount For.'.', when
their youngest daughter. Lo, v Utive,
became the bride of Orval A. 1lsrtin,
G T. K. agent of L rcknnw Then ar-
riage was performed 1.y Ree. Wit,.
' Cooper. B' ,\ , the briar'+ passer. At
S o'clnrk the bridal Tracy entered toe
prettily decnrated'drawii; , mtothe'
slreins of the wedding match played
by Mrs. A. E. Grimm. The bride, who
was given sway 1 y tier father, was
charmingly gowned in whirr crepe de• .
.bene and Georg• 1'e crepe and wore
orange bio -sorbs ill h -r h,ir. She car-
•rieri A huge ho'.:q,i.t i•1 tot idol r -rr.:u.d
maidenhair fern. Her .i.:er, Mrs, 1.M.
Brown, of T'urouto, was matron of
honor end wore a gown ..f LIM
Italian bilk and .hallow lace. Th.
grncu..-i•trr. Miss Madge A Martin.
of Mui -e J,.w-, so.k., acted as pride:-
, maid and wo e tjlell pink rrept' de
chene with trimming, of O.: rgette
crew. The happy couple left nil .n
I extend.d Rip to New Volk and other
pointe. On their return they will rt-
' side in Lucknow.
wedding took place at noon on July
2 )1h at the home of the bride's mother,
I North street e. -t, Owen Mound, when
I Miss Mary LA Verne, yoi.ngrst daugb-
ter of Mn. William H. .Johnston,
formerly of L. cknow, became the
bride of Mi. .John Morgan Leslie.
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J K Leslie,
cf 'Owen Sound. Promptly at noon
the bride entered the draw.ngronm
escorted by her hr other -in-law, Dr.
5. H. Armstrong. of Toronto, and the
ceremony was performed in the
pteeence of the immediate relatives
of the family by Re.. J. Wannest
Stewart. paster of the First Methourat
church. Mr,.nd Mts. Leslie left on a
wedding trip to Toronto and
Burlington. and after spending •
.bort time at Meaford they will take
up their residence at Owen Mound.
t 1 1 • 1 •
itacelf,ent 13e.itseei.,
high Sr tool , College &Arts
new •WWLI MHOS mem LAYS*,
mvorcwte eibVIPUtPIT*
Th. t.rawy.w ras-.1. ea ►
m yy
raeK theatre
le rM
t _ Hers
1' 81.• sasses
sider.e ti .sets r
M.hadieW. r,ta.
' H
/ i s i1
• A -
Summer Goods
St raw Hats
Summer Clothing
Two-plece Suits
Duster Coats
Lustre Coats
Children's Wash Suits
and Rompers -
Broken lines give 'alert buyers exceptional chances for
money -saving. Originally our prices are as low as the
lowest, quality considered. That reminder may con
vey a suggestion of the economy our reduced rates
stand for.
McLean Bross.,
The Semi. Ready
FARE $3 O4 DAILY BE '`►t1EEleI
I• moi, ',' BUFFALO c
'I _- ?) lf!i T S #jib
os,„' te r'•
The Great Siiln
-tet brume Ned neo mealy ..ramw ea say bard waw at W awY- tt4gise ae.sharA:.
"QTY OF LJt1E•" — 3 M.esgtr.r Suers — "QTY OF IUITAL01*
1 esYa'tw s
BUFFALO—Daily. May 1st to Nov. 151b—CLEVELAND
teem s.r.i. • ro P. Y. lee.. t w P. ■I
Asrw. ek.dw.. • • . • 7..4 A. tm. Ara,.. 51W • - . •' • • 7 a A, Y.
6r.u .., rI sod :.r Cada 1F0.,r,.ru Standard T o . e
6 • <. Ea. ••••1 t essoa west-. b !•reen 11.0411., • and CI, ••ar.. Detroit wwd bER ow '
• -r. :seers- A 41e•, -1.--.,. t4- .-t. re ...e. a R. 1.,.
• -,z -I e,!.r .1 .- ••• emirates Y+ A e•tr•.. .n.1.arr•va. The
I - -•; Le' IA ..-.apt•-n w fps. t.. t. raw. t4 Wn..ed ...lass Air oink
..••• +-•e-t • -.. r- are,. -.rt•• -b.., .'..••
' 4 ..fr1- ) i't)?.•r.•l "114..1101 -IT CO.. r'-.. .r •-4 . •:,e
., WNW -a.
Many women with disfigured complexions a
never seem to think that they need an occasional dean,mgg
mews as well as outride. Yet r eglret of this internal
bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow coml•lexrons- as
well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness, 1t'e becau..
-tlf4ver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates
which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The bast
remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and ljver Tablet., which
stimulate the hver to healthy activity, remove fermentation,
gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone tbe whole
digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at
night and you feel bright and sunny In the morning. Get
Chamberlain'. today --druggists 2fc., or by mail from
Ckaa bse4ia M.Jidas Compasy, Tsieata
Why be out doing your cooking dnriug
the hot month. Suminer when you can 'yt.4• a
CLARK JEWEL Coal Oil Stove ?
The high -spec(' oil burner is fast and economical.
This burner t. close to the top and the flange
strikes the bottom of the . vessel. With this
direct contact water boils more quickly and it
takes Tess fuel to keep it boiling.
Now is the time to get your Screen Doors and
Windows on ln'fore the flies get bad. Do not
wait until they get in your house an 1 their put
on screens to keep them in. Call and see our
large range of Screen Door' and Windows.
Prices ranging from $2.50 to $10.00
Refrigerators from $9.00 to $35.00
Lawn Mowers from $4.50 to $10.00
Are you bothered by yonr bog. C 'thug ttnrk r
your fence' If so, the
Bulldog Fence Anchor will help you
Call and we .hail be pleased to show you how it
is tined.
Do yon want any Fencing at very low prier )
We handle the ideal. Call and get our priers
before pari basing.
How About Your Winter Supply of Coal ?
We handle the Ist Scranton foal at the follow
ing prices :
Chestnut $$.00 per ton
Stove SR 00
Egg -.. i7, iJ ,. ,.
Soft and Carmel Coal.
Hard arra Soft Wool Slabs.