HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-3, Page 6.8.;
• t tet'aa a•r. Ath 1914
THE long, hot, dry
Black currants are now
berries and Thimble
berries are at their best.
spell has
corning strong. Lawton
• Ng*GA*
advanced the season.
Plums will be next.
insist on this map—it
stands for . quality and
honest pack.
in Canada.
keep your money
Mae.h the beeriest, cook without wa-
ter, pre.. through a cnarwe sieve, and.
se Maekberries are 1pwert, allow only
one cup of *tiger to one punt of juicy.
Buil half en Hour, then te.t.
(to..k only till p..lp is softened.
Swain without spit...zing. Measure
juice and i«oil uncovered, akimwutg
off. (teat three-quarters pound of
sugar to our pent of juice in the osen.
and Add to bailing jwr•e ; stir till dia-
scald jelly gla..sci, fill and let
amid in s clean. cool place till next
line pint . d milk, t wo bent en eggs, nue
teaspoonful salt, quarter teaspoonful
aide, htif trasMoouful create tet tartan.
reel ni
r. it to m
batter. Dis-
calve the soda in a little water and sift
ererun of tartar through the 11 sur • one
pint bleckAwrr'ies, dredged with It sur,
stirred its the lest thing. S' raw Otte
.8 herd *awe.
Serve, with
Or l i K.
ttL:1CKBF:l(ttl' SI'
Soak ural( box grlet:ne in a half cup
of water fur half an Motu. Pour on it
holing •) i up wade of one cup sugar
and gate ,..ap water and stir till duo
volved. Add 'wocups blackberry juice,
and .train all into a howl. Put bowl
in a past of cold water. and let the nil: -
title t.rcuunr thick. still tug it now• and
t1:eo as it enol.. list t o a ruff froth :.
a4.1 the beaten whites of four eggs,'
:ted Leat all together till smooth. Put Toronto Aug. 9t1 -`epi. 11
Into one Loge ..r several small moulds London sept. 8-91
end chill Serve with a thin custard Walkerton. ..., Sept. 12, 13
made with 11nr yolks of the egg'.
chane, nn Musing up the Piles toe
the junk that is ret her the boat is on
Ow tsunami for all bate to route.
la • statement rad. pot before
){roving this afternoon Capl l'unoiop
acid : "R'• have abandoned the work
entirely on the Pito.. Taerr is noth-
ing hut • .cram he.p there, and dur-
ing the two watt king days that divers
bare explored the bull sur have be-
come cuuvinced that it would be iw-
poasible ti. Moat the hull witbuut
spending a fortune, and there would
be nothing to .l...w tut the Wolk but a
pile of junk.
"The ureteric' of the steamer. in t.be
boiler and engine rooms. indicates that
the boilers exploded. 1 do cot say
tbat this is true. but it is probable, ae
the aft bulkhead is 'Moved forward
and the wachinety Is wrecked and
pushed tuward the stern. indicatiog
that an explosion or some other
powerful agency tore everythiog to
Wens. The aft section of the eteemer
is so badly damaged that repa;r+ can•
not be wade under water.
"Our idea was to Moat the t.oat by
r'ompre sed air, hut with bulkheads
broken anti at section damaged be-
yond repair the air could not be eon -
trolled, and there was no chestier. The
aft and forwai.l cabin e.-etioos are
:111•1 and part el the ru-u•hinrre is rest-
Iing on the Iakr b tion,. No hodie.
were found auywl:rre inside the hull,
and if there are any in the vi •bolts
� they are .o tarigleal up in the wreck-
age they never will be found.'
l'elmerrton Sept. 14, 15
Exeter Sept. 1t1, 19
IILACK HERRN" JELLY Atwood Sept. 19, ;9t)
-Zurub Sept. 'Jt, 21
S.afurth . Sept. 'll. '_'
Kincardine Sept. 21. 22
Ripley .. .Sept. "Jt.=
Mitcbell Sept. =''',
tiOUER1CH....... ..... Sept. '2 -3t
LVingham . .... ..Sept. S1. 29
Miler' ton. . ... Sept 2S, 'tat
Steamer.Nrice a Pile of •Junk, L ieknncv • Sept. 31,'19
Rot Huror. Mich., July 2i. Oil- Kirk•nn ..Sept. ?I, 29
wage work ..n the sunken so -ewer Trs'swat •r.... Oct. 2. E
l'herlr. N. hive, known «- the " tna•s
. BlythOct. 3, 1
lees ship," way abendome i today' by 1'ntssels Oct. 3. (1
the Great 1..kPs Towing & Wreekir g 1tungacuu.
Com riauy, mid ( autain l'.tuuu.g, E rd .virh
r lett . - -_ - --
.•..ter in cF 1
n r ni.r
wrecking K
1 k n.
• irri to1� S
Weight t„r l' •vrlanJ, whe,e he will No flew8
nick'a detailed ''putt tothe undri. • With the uonov rice were
r :hat the
writ,-'-. , I: 1. new-prohall•- that un- 011ie.' 'Avow- hes begun so •c•--afully.
less slew.• srreciter rare-. to take a en l that the cordon of steel is .bwly
In'ntating blackberry jelly it is •
good' pl.u, to have one-thirdof the
Mice t bet beerier*, or rhubarb, and
the nth. r 1 wo-t hied' from blackberries.
The•rugal should 1.e in the i•amr pro
portion ter for strawhet , y jelly.
Oct .i.
but surely tightening and ewer grow -
Mg tighter esu the ninny, there must
he no slack.n.tg of effort at house
The war is act over yet. The Twuto
is not tinnily whipped. The tide hos
changed, and all thine* point to coo
unwed Allied ruceeesee. But it is still
well that preparations io uu in all the
countries* euuureted with tit- Allied
reuse. Btitaiu, Planer. Resin, Ealy ,
rod the little nations which .o 0,1.1y
at, od for just;. a mu.t be pry( aged tr
diive honor the adventages now hying
gained. More ntunitioua than ev. r
before ! More .'' k. ani soldiers'
comfort. ! 51...' war material of all
kind-. ! Oreatrr p...du^ti .n alien 1!
Mote men 1 '1 his* *hawk' he the .h,.
Bans. Canada will do bee part. -lee
Fenner's Ad►oca's.
The running track at the Canadian
National Eibll,ition is one of the few
nn the eontineut giving a 'al) -yards
course straight-away. Many reeords
have been equalled or broken on .nth
letic flay in past years.
Copies of the Canadian National
Exhibition prize list wee be oht«lurd
by writing Dr. J. O. Orr, lieneral Man-
ager, Toronto.
The Modern
Nouse is in
Demand !
F YOU want to have your
houses brit limo! a rent money
put in modern plumbing. The
cwt will come Lack to you im
short order, and prove the best
kind of a per,aneut investment.
At our figures it won't cost you
w very much.
Ph:,ne 133
To Lydia E. Pinkhaen Medi-
cine Co.
Women who are well often ask "Are
the lettere which the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co. are continually publishing,
g 'nuiae?” "Are they truthfulT"
" why do women write such letters?
In answer we say that never have we
published a fictitious letter or name.
Never, knowingly, have we published
an untruthful letter. or one without the
full and written consent of the woman
wbo wrote it-
l-The reason that thousands of women
from all parts of the country write such
grata letters to the Lydia E. Pink -
ham Medicine Ca is that Lydia E. Pink -
barn's vegetable Compound has brought
h ealth and happiness into their lives.
once burdened with pain and suffering.
it has re:loved women from some of
the wort' form.' of ft male ills, from dis-
placements, inflammation, ulceration.
irregularities, nervousness, weakness.
stoma. b troubles and from the blues.
It is impossible for any women who
1s well and who
has never suffered
to realize bow these
poor. suffering wo-
men feel when re-
stored to health;
their keen desire to
help other women
who are suffering as
• uwFN ...i01:1/. us T.
i- open to ee'ri'e -.Indent. any day
during the Ho1141 •y- for a 'holt holiday
avnr-c of t.r rcgu.ar tour -rut .turfy.
• u to snaking
1 -Dana sono n sbo ltd A►� Q
2 h place. of
rr y..rsUoo a owe to 1111 the
,r atter turn wtu have euli,tld.
•222 Witte for pat•*cuter-and circul..r
1., A. FLF:M1\(:. F.•'. A.. Princtoot
U. 11. FLi11INtl. 3eeretary.
(1) Look -off Point. Cougar Valley. G,Iacier, B.C. (2) Illeciliewaet Valley,
Glacier. B.C. (1) Entrance to Caves of Nakimu.
AVE you ever heard of the wen but there Ir )rt another sigbt.
dertal Cougar country' Won 1 Yonder 1s • cabin with a guide Ih
derful it is 111 a more of ways. charge who will eondoet you through
land We there be I imagine that Canada's covers world. osly discover
Rave yet dlecove-ei nu. delectable
regenn The best wry to find out
Met It t, to en there. wWret we will
ed within recent )'ears. new one may
ramble and scramble through wierd
III underground streets, where lb"Cod-
prwr..d t.. dn. Stop oft at Glacier gar river has chiselled out its mys-
slates of 11w 4',P.11 in th• Senates. serious chanted* anti where the im-
arrange with the Outfitter rad iels',Mooned river le et10 at 1ta task of
90111Pe to guide and carry you over es•vr'caking as it has been for a
the ten mile (rail to the Cougar. ane trifle of forty Ihouaanil years. Lad -
there you are in the eery heart of rla deo enable one to descend tato the
alpine garden. enrloeed with guilt nether depths. amid stygian darkness
peaks. glittering Ice cape and sane except for the light nee carries. The
Nelda. the extraordinary Nakimu cat- roar of tie Imprisoned airmen. ever
eves, cad rivers •ad streams •nd w$- leaping fres boulder to boulder, le
tee nlis unnumbered. Tbere's a pro awesomely deafening. for the moan•
gramme for co•t t• feast your eyes lain holds within Its honeycombed
epee and revel in' arteries a .e'ls'e of Nlagaras 1. eav•ra•
Th« tr•.i1 trip thereto le la Reel! an rooms .f large dimensions and small
ea leve na•ever rising 111 grarl• un Yon may walk down the steep. of
ill the ere ran see a lone sweep nr Time. visit the Wllrhes Dancing nail
lk• tlleelllewaet vatlevwhere an ex •1d the Rrocken. Rete epos the Bridal
'emu* train links Iik• a rklld m Loy. l'iaatt'er. shrink hark from th• Inter
while It Mir Donald looms higher acd I no std feel small in the J0dgt•eat
higher above kis eatelllte+ Across Halt. Wall, ,f limestone look like the
Ike beautiful valley at our feet Nee shining aeenea of • theatre. gothic
the four summits of the lasugar arches sad window's pierce the aper
mountain range ears one loftier time walla. fluted columns and exquisite
We 'rete I only crave for you the draperies mark naiurrs imitatbu$.
.ip.rteare of traverslsg that gear- In this vast chamber of eternal sight
tett. of sammlte. ss 1 dM. until the one may herr the sepulc1ral motes of
pawrams was limited only by the far away deeper tnrrnnt•- or. later.
power of the •ye Oa hand stand os their brink with a eased
greet tee deposits ring to the 'sono (bit drowse the loudest effort of the
baa mules or slope le acetest single hamar velce.
toward the ('osier river racing A glint of daylight through • cave
through the valley bed Hanging I. roof told es we were near th• Dater
ries and Maine rorslces of sans crams .t mother earth. sad a last
clothe the rugged nick■ le their rasa scramble ever a mass of boulders
rte. of white with tiny la1alols sad brought es out 01 the Mack world
alpine meadows tsarinas the *ower Into the sunlit rimewhich looked
?setae._ _ Y - awe beasellN tam" even F. T.
\Ia-..c\-Iiarriti -agent
Hamilton St., Goderich
111411111. *MMENI
The Pocket Testament' Longue
A recent issue of Onward con-
tented a photograph of the members
of the Pocket 1'eeteutent league of
Victoria street Methodbr church, of
which Mr. G M. Elliott is president.
The following reference war wade to
the league and it. wren k :
In many Sunday bcboola the Pocket
Testament League has Non conducted
with good re.ulls. Torre ie nut much
machinery about it, and 11 is rwily
worked. The wemfwrs tiutply prom-
ise to carry • copy of the New 1'. sta-
mina in their pocket, and read a por-
tion from it every day. The thwarts -
tion ou this page ..bows • aplendid
League of this kind incounrction with
Victoria street Methodist Sunday
school, Oedesicb, Ont., of which Mr.
G. M. Elliott is president. It was or-
gaeized in June, 1913, with about a
dozen members, and there are now
tilt am
nes u uthe roll.
ljhe officers consist of a president.
vice-presidenr, secretary and treasurer.
The class meets every Suwley morn-
ing at 10 a. no. the meeting opens
with singing and prayer, all the troy.
)Wining in repeating the Lord'. Prayer.
Usually the toll i• calird by the secret-
ary. and each boy t•espendi with a
wee.e of Scripture ; then frequently a
Bible story it told by cue of the troy.
chosen by the class the pretiour Sun-
day. lin Easter Sunday one boy told
t11e story of the l't uc,fizion, *rid
another ti. story of the R.,urrec-
A feature of ewety meeting is the
sitoginr. the boys all entering into
it sou heaftily. while one plays the
organ. 1'he average attendance Is
about twenty, usually each one taking
some part in the service. The buy*
are interested and are becoming more
familiar with the Hible, and their
conduct and life it being influenced
theretty. A collech•.ii is taken up the
first Sunday its each montb, tb
money being used to purchase rest
menus. owe being given- to all n
usembere when they foil.
The league motto to wood in Josh.
"This book of the iaw +ball not de-
part out tet the mouth : but thou
*bale meditate therein day and night,
that thou nuayrt obyrrre t i d" araod-
ing to all that is written theteiu ; toe
then thou •halt woke t y
by we. prow.
).erur, and theu thou shalt have good
When a new metnb.r received
the boys telIJnitsh t r
.i repeat the
The Iwo hovi in khti in the picture
ars Corp: Bertram Bell and Bugler Ed.
Lywb truer, who rei•rived preti ruts
from the cla.s before leasing for the
training camp.
7000 Rods of
must he sold t y J•:ly 1st.
POO 11'e ba)„.- tan car loads of
the loot feoc. that ruonrs can
Luc and we Lase fought so
we can sell right. 1' ll m and
bee our stock at,d get onr
pr: to before you buy your
fence. We need the move
and yon toad the fet.:e.
Farm Machinery
1Cr ,• till ;it.e. •4
Mr• t, t..,y xtwey- lieu
Buggies and Carriages
We hove 't'-tu..11 -Lapse ar.l
ti.r.. A ,r[n.rn: «:•
w aye tit) , • ,, ti,... r..
Good Di
a So
When t
urce of Health.
he Stomach is .Out
Order the Whole
ystem Suffers.
getout o i -..one of tine ,oral di.. -
g maladies colleting mankind.
n the stomach is unable to pri-
m the work texture cells for, the re-
t is •even pains after eating. nau-
heatthu.it. Buttes ,ng of the heart.
ick headache, and often • loathing f,.r
ood. though the sufferer ie really
'terv.'d. People with poor digestion.
too. frequently try all arts of expect'
[Dents to aid the process of d.grat: n,
hut there i. only one way in a hob the
troubleran.a tipsily he cored. that is
thruugb the blood. Tbet i■ why for
y tonic treatment with Ut . William*"
Pick Pills rut.'.. even the must oh -tut: -
ate cve..•f indigeatioo. They wake
rich. red 1 -Nod that strentahrur the
serolaeb and the ret rre., tbur enabtit g
it to do 9- work. The pr.cr.s is .uu.-
ple, but the result meaoe g..od *Up' lite
and increased health and p•leasute its
Gtr. In prof of these statetue'nty,
Mrs. Albert H•ll, Sonya, Ont., says :
•'1 hive used [h. MIG«wi Pink. 1111,.
with wend,-rfui rr.ultk. For lwey.ats
1 way • gnat sufferer Levin indig-s-
tion, obi. h almost made toe a physi•
raI wreck At timer ley outlet alga
Were .n great that I wa- ui.ai le eo at-
tend to my household duties. 1 lied
smothering opelb et Owe. and we..
afield to Ge down to test. Atter every
weal, no matter how sparingly I ate,
I suffered great disttes. I t, ied .ev-
arel doctors let their mrdii-,,,e was cf
no •rail. 1 taw Dr. Wilhelm' Pink
Pill. advertised to aifte this trouble
and decided to try them. 1 had not
been taking them long when I felt
somewhat improved. 'rho impros.-
mint continued and atter taking '.en
boxes 1 could ea4 and digest all kinds.
of food and telt WUet than 1 bad done
for years. Tools* he sure 1 am v. try
`y^}� grateful for the worrdeifill relief these
m ♦A/ h Tuesday. Thuttda♦ and 1 pills have given me. 1 know they are
-N1 ret
11 Fon leo .n:ai,w
F.i'l l) U. 11 1.
�7 EAI) FF;117
have is cant :.d
Hard or Soft
to any
. Ph
• • • •
na r i 11 «'
WO V F:- •
ILI%EH, we
j :1tlC 11:.
Wood delivered
part of town.
one No. I1►i
,t th
Ily Cool on the Great 'Lakes.
McNicoll. a iew hours' pleasant
y via l'anadian Pariflc Railway.
gateway to the Great Lake.
ms :p .:mess leave. Torr.nto L.:ii
utdey• ,caking dnrrt connection at I ale. a cure for anaemic st.fterers, as an
ort McNiroll with either mteamabip
(rew.tin nr Aseiniloia 1. r ttaull Ste.
Marie. Port Arthur •rd Fitt William.
I'artir ulare ht en any Canadian Pacific
titket agent or 11' IL Ht.wa,d, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Must Be hold Then.
The lolowit g is told by A young
Nide-eke: vi ho was ordering her
trousePau in Englend hefdte going nut
to New 7,ealwud to be mart ied. The
dre..tnakrr suggested only very warn
rinthr., and when the young lady de-
murred at t111., awrrting that the cli-
mate of New 7.e.land is a temntifulls
mild one, she sans immediately in-
formed : "I assure you, modem, you
are n.t.takees, for that. of tourer. is
where the frozen meat emulate limn
Per salute - than Sticky Fly
CaecheenA Clean tat/toadies Kidd hp
DettytMs W (Wows everywhere.
intimate friend of mine was badly
affected with this trouble and after
lasing several boxes she was eutitrly
Yuu can'get these pills through any
dealer in medicine or by mail, port
paid, at 50 rents a box mal: boxes fou'
92 -Whom The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co , Brockville, Ont.
The exhibit in the line arts gallery
this year at the C•r,adian National
Exhibition will compel** as1 master -
',teem of French ar representing all
the schools of the present day.
A man who wi I kick e.1 being
thrown in the Mule will stand in his
owe light.
Chased Bear and Killed Rattlesnake.
The Cheeky Enterprise recount" •
rather lively adventure of Mr. E B.
Hale, purchaser for the Stratford
Whole.ale (lrnrrry ('i'. Ifnrene.rly o,f
Ooderiehl, llp 11.e wild' of Noribwert
Ontario. . Kot.rpriss Says : �t
"samurl ruegem•nn, nnr mule end
grocer, went up 10 Tohermnryl Iamb
Week with • traveller named Halo
When anme twelve miles from the
11th they sighted a hear no the rood
ahead of them. The traveller drove
his auto et a lively pare thrntigh the
swamp road, hitt vein kept ahead till
be got • good jm pl0(if! place No
fewer than twenty -tone have been
killed in the vitetelty of Tohrrmory
this year. They she ran over a rattM-
,wsake about fon, feet long with eight
rattles, sod finished the eenntnnnt*
reptile whet) he snot to the aide of the
reed As • proof that be mss • rattle-
snake Wan true bfetlMft bene tbs
e of
is for your Madam!
WHAT is LUX? Itis
- soap of unusual
purity made into the
thinnest of falces that
ily dissolve in hot
water. It makes a
creamy, foamy lather
that cannot injure the
daintiest fabric or the
LUX is a wonderful life
lengthener of all woollen
and flannel garments. It
absolutely prevents them
from matting, thickening
or shrinking in tog wash.
we. yes Ins ea sand
yes • esmpla free?
Address 1.1'X Inept., Inver
Brethren Limited, Toroaru.
AU greases
10c• ll
ii- •
°' on! shrink
t .y .. l
' e
.'� 11
1l.i , r80
The Cake.............•.
k3uti to bake 'ar
If you would cor..ider
fora moment the time,
tr('t1bIe ar.d bother of
making -3 our cake at
home, you'll really ap-
preciate our cake de-
partment. 11ur cakes
can ilk rraul upon a.
' • _ unci and made
in a . c came-, whole-
.onie manner, and. the
c.rt i'. .mall in cum -
leo -
The Baker Kitg.ten Street
MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Amy quantity best all Maple
Sale, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
residence .12 ter 61
Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays
dleorgrn SOY Algonquin Park
French River Kawartha Lakes
Maganeta an River
1'meg r, etc.
,r Prwrlrt 1 'te tem en Mks hoe
ea reale •1.tl.ea la l knovis at vary l.w
rates. 1115 liberal mar osta-
Lias Toronto Tire p w. *tally •resp Ren.
dap .ad AM am, da,ly. ter 11
M kart MMrratd. are Trade at 11 erkeaa
WW1 feelluelsoks 1..kes 1..v. Type
M. ''"L a ,` n.. ... 15
Labe 5* deetpee•t tke Samees
M imWJMn de methane' es enema.