The Signal, 1916-8-3, Page 5Keep the Family
Savings In a
Joint Account
In the names of two
or more members—
' Husband and
Wife, Brother and Sister, or Father and Son
It is an all-round convenience, as either can
deposit or withdraw money, and In case of death the
balance goes to the survivor without any formalities,
forming an Immediate source of ready money;
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
ltiurtrar. t,tweet i W. •
Owned and Operated
by a
Practical Man.
Many Thousand
Farm Laborers Wanted
"Going Trip West" •'Return Trip East"
$12.00 TO WINNIPEG $18.00 from WINNIPEG
From Tor.nt, Mt•dbiiry Line and East.
AUGUST 17 AND 31 I last not including Smith's Falls or Ren-
h•rw, ale. tone Main Line Bast of Mud-
miry to, beet node emanating. North Bay.
AUGUST 19 AND SEPTEMBER 2 f Fr'"'Torr. also. ‘V."4and
ISuth thereof.
Further particular faun Canadian Perin,- Ticket Agent'', ter W. H.
Moment. 1)ietrict I' Auger Ag.•ut, Toro.ntu.
Death of Sydney Belcher.
It waa with deep regret that the
word' of Goderich timed on Moods),
of the death of Mr. Sydney J „Belcher,
wbicb to -cored early that morning at
Detroit. The de.e•sed young wan
left Goderich on June lath ter Detroit
and had sines been worki.g at bis
trade as • plumber in that city. When
be became ill •bet a week berate his
death it was thought to be a raw of
typhoid fryer, but later it wan tee `K•
Wised as an attack of spinal menin-
gitis. which developed quirkly unveil
death ensued. Menthe's it the tamely
were rolled to his side and erre with
him in bio last boom. The. rentaitia
were hrough• to the Moue of his
father. Mr E C. Belcher. Newitate
street, town. whence the funeral ,,.ark
place to .Igit:eii.1 cemetrty bin Wed -
Fall Term from August 28th
Cs..erciai, Shorthand and
Telegraphy Departments.
1 .r grs.llases are placid 111 posi-
tions. In .t iuontha we received 219
aooiirst.00e for traiurd h yip.
Wrote us at once fee our free
D A. McLACHLAN. Principal
Weida!: afternoon. Rev. J. K. Ford, i
paster of Victoria street Methodist
church, conducted the last sad ser-
vices, and the palibr were Mesrra,
11. .1. Curry. I-- I. Knox: F: Mrzsenith,
W. Drew. E. 11 Colborne and W. 11
Hohertseu. Many berutiful Moral
offerings surrounded the casket,
tokens of regret and sympachv from
(fiends fat and pear.
Thr bereaved family beer the .yen-'
pathy of the townspeople in their
di eat anal unezlwet.rd I,.s.. ';raid -a t
the father. two brothers and two
weeets sur vive :• George. Berry and
Miss Hazel, of town, and Mto. ljeut
1.. R. Elliott. who is now in England.
There is also a little Mve.yrai-old
daugbter, Jean. who is now left with-
out fetcher or Anther. her soother ❑..r-
ing diel a year alto lust Al til'
Flee bate Mr. Betrher was hors in
Goderich thirty eneyeats ago and had
spent ninety ell hie life in his native
•own. He was an active wemfer
of Victoria .treet Methodist ,Murch.
and- for years was a leading m•'tnber
of the choir. He load also filled r--
sp •n.ible p i i' ion.. in the S.abrpit e
school and the Epworth Leigoe II -
was • tine vocalist, and hi- nervi •--
were iti reg notion for m .r. v pith' •
entertainments. Before hi. removel
to Detroit he era.. • popular euemler
of the Menesrtung Canoe t ;ub, and
bis untimely death is .iaesgely
mourned in tonne circles.
Mr. P. J. MacEwen bas entere•t into
pertrrer.hip with Mr W. E. Kelly in
he automobile bu-iness and the firer
[tame will he Kelly es MaeEwan. The
new firm should Make thong. hum.
Saved from the Flames.
Word reared l3ndericb this after-
noon that Mr. and Mre. .Vm Young
and family, of Cochrane, bad come
safely through the disastrous coo•
Migration which swept the north
country a few days ago. but that they
had lure all their property and bowie -
bold effects. Mr. and Mrs. Vows,
suffered a similar low. in the fire of
Mee year, ago.
Mr. Jas. Connolly President
At the annual meeting of the Mc-
Killop Fire Insurance Company held
at Seatorth Inst week. Mr. Jas. Con-
nolly. of (iodench, was elected pre..
ident to succeed Mr. J. 11. McLean, of
Seeforth, who resigned on account of
ill-bealtb. after seventeen years of
service. Mr. Jaa. Evans, of Beechwood.
was elected vice-president. and Mr.
George Mreartney. of Seafortb, was
elected to the board of 1irectors.
A Handsome Front. 0�
The new store front at Mr. J. H.
l'ulboene's drygoods store is now e ut-
pleted and is* notable improvement.
It is the only front of the kind 1.1
(ioderich, havui.r an "island" show
window hetween the two [want wind-
ows. Mr. Colborne and bis sole Mr.
l.. (1. Colborne, believe in keeping
thereat of the times, and this latest
improvement adds greatly to the
good appearance of their store.
Water and Light Commission.
At the meeting of the water and
light commission on 'Thursday evening
of Iaat week it was decided to order •
rar of four -inch lump coal from the
MacEwen F:state, at $4.S4 per tnn;f.o h.
liodericb, and two cue of Elkhorn
lump coal from the Empire Coal t'o. of
Montreal at $1.65 per ton at the mines.
The engines.' was instructed to order
pipe and fittings end install the six-
inch water main on Anglesea street
from Cambria road to Albert Street.
Harbor Notes.
The steamer Edmonton unloaded
Lsi,isst bushels of wheat and Max •t
the Gadench elevator on Saturday.
The steamer Graham •rrivrd on
Sunday with 150,001, bushels of wheat
and oate at the ti,elerich elevator.
The steamer Seguin also arrived no
Sunday and unloaded tifi is•1 bushels of
barley at the .'.rich elevator.
The steamer Mari-ks arrived on
\t-edoesday with 1:.t.irs) bushels of
wheat and oats at the Goderich ele-
v at.'i.
Arm broken.
A serious arrident befell Mr, Pat-
rick Ford, an itgsd lady living alone
it the corner of Ccrrihria rout and
Trafalgar street, war -e NM- (41 in her
home on \Vednewiay rnotning bond
`3' Every I0c
Packet of
e • t'OPEFLiES' 'v
e.7,7'.-14 OE AMY
Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug-
gists, Grocers and General Storce,
Eat Plenty of
It is the Most Refreshing Summer Food.
When the heat getson your nerves and you feel wilted
and out -of -sorts, refresh yourself with a dish of
Edwards' Ice Cream.
EDWARDS' Ice Cream is REAL Ice Cream. It is made of pure unadulterated cream
and sugar and flavored with the juice of fresh fruits. k is the most pleasing to the
palate and the Itlalthiest for the constitution.
Refresh yourself with it during the day at our cafe and take a brick home for your
supper, or 'phone 200t'and well be glad to deliver it.
broke ore of her arms at the elbow.
Mbe was unable to euluwon attendance
until this urorning. when -be was re-
moved w the buspital. Mis. Ford is
over eighty-two years of .s a end the
in)'uty in her advanced year. a thus
all the mors serious.
Died in Manitoba
The death orf Miss. Kli•r .f rib Mtiven
occurred July list •t the home of ber
sister, Mrs. E.D. titelrees, ttarlingford,
Mao . et the age of thirty five years.
The deceased was • eaove of Gode-
rich. a daughter of Mr. John Mtfven.
a former resident of the town who
died last October at Manitou, Mao.
She was • niece of Mr. Wm. Hirnie
and of Mrs. Robert Kerr, of town.
The funeral took place At Manitou on
the'C.;rd ult.
A New Use for Newspapers
W ben about to close A jir of pre-
served goods, the bo r.ewife •epy
often Mod• herself short of • rubber
hand, or else the last one breaks. A
very good substitute can be made
from newspaper. Tbia is (better then
other paper, became, as ptlmber, say.
"it packs better. Tbey often use it
to make small pipe joint.) air and
water -tight. Cut *ever&Ityros of the
paper the required size, pot them on
the ran and screw the lel down as
tightly as possible. If preferred,
rings of .oft leather, cut from the
tops of old shoes. may h.- •used. but
they are not as satisfactory aa those
made from newspepere,
More Hydro Trouble.
Three times during the peat week
Hydro power has tailed, but the great-,
est inconvenience suffered by t:oiericb
business men was during Ito. shopping
hours on'1'ureday evening prior to the
holiday on Wednesday. The town
streets were in complete Gat knew ,,c-
ul midnight, while Imps and candles
were nerd for lighting in the stores.
On Sunday evening the ch..rrbee were
handicapped by the Lack of power and
on Monday the power was off again.
The trouble was not • fecal one, but
the whole Hydro system througb
Western Ontario was atfr-tett. The
official explanation i• that the creak
Ada the result of the blowing out of a
switch at Niagara- with defective in-
sulator as a cunt' ibutory cause.
Hou Thief,
If any citizen has been in the h*('it
of leaving bio lawn' hose . ut.idr at
night, it wbuld be well for 111111 to (earn
a Ireton from the experiee. •- of four
ie odents who wakened up the other
111 .roiug to fired their hose. missing.
11ie lengths t tLen vari.d 111 u.easutc.
went Irani twenty to sixty fere. A
piece twlunginor to Mr. Sallow! Luxton,'
Keay. street, was carried •• Mr. Reg.
Shuman s L.ivn ort Be der • til and
left three while Mr. Sbaru. u'a hoer,
which wan over sixty feet length;
was taken. Appreently the thief was
d.sturtwd at h1s work and - vetlooked
his first seizure when he departed.
About twenty fret of \Ir. George
lirabani s supply at his rr.wtenee on
Kist street has disappeared. and Mr.
Harry Black. on the °Huron read, also
is a toter The police ate investigating.
Serious Collision n•
During the darkness. of Tuesday
evening, while the .Hydro lights wet,'
••'uT' gleaninre a collision occurred
.•n Erst street between Mr. Rob'.
Kings automi b 1r •ted is hone and
buggy (rem Davi. livers-, Which Ase
driven by Mr. ['laude \lurray. The
result wax a broken windshield, fender
and lamp of the ailtentobile, a dam-
aged buggy and s honer so `badly in-
jured that it died a few hours later,
Mr. Ring was acromeanied by bin two
sons and his dwabter, Miss E toil.
The latter fainted from the shock, but
rallied quickly. It i• f-.rtunete that
no one was in the front -eat with Mr.
King or the re.ultsund-o ihtedly would
have been even more-erioue. The
shaft n( the buggy penetrated the
windshield on the right side of Mr.
King, while the horse itself struck Mr.
King on the shoulder.
A manage was quietly celebrated
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Cult. Montreal street. on Wednesday.
August 2nd, when Mies Jean Muir.
eliest daughter of the home, plighted
her troth to Thomas Edwin Roe.., of
tiuelpb, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Hoop, of tiodench township. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
H Fotberiogbam, rector of St.
George's church. the brise entering
the drawing-,oew on the ant of her
father to her place helore a bink of
terns, to the "train" o1 the wedding
march played by her let -ober, Mr.
Bert Cutt, of Elors. The bride was
dressed in embroidered voile with
bridal veil. After the wedding
lunrbenn the happy corp!, left on the
afternoon C. P.R. train tor their new
home at l;uslpb, followed by the
hearty good wishes , f their teeny
AnOttawa Wedding,
The marriage was solemnized in et.
Bartholomew's rbur'ch, Ottawa, on
Ssturday, July 22r d. of Mier Irene,
delights" of the late Hon. Judge John-
ston end of Mr,. Johnston, of Toronto.
formerly of Goderich. to Mr. Herhert
Maynard. jr., of New York. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Maynard,
of Boetcr. Rey. Callen Her-
rington officiated. Inc bride was
given awn byher brother. Capt. Ed-
ward Paine! ohnston, A•ijutant, nab
Brigade. Mia Ha Hbleep Johnston, the
bride's sister, was bridesmaids little
Mise'Majcorie Mulnck was A'iwer-girl,
and Mr. Howard Maynard, of Boston,
brother of the groom, was hest man.
Following the ceremony a reeeptios to
the immediate friends and relatives of
the contracting parties was held at
(batean Laurier, after which Mt. and
Mr. Maynard left on • two months'.
motor trip. They will reedit at "...adu-
lterer, L 1., N.' T.
Upper School Examinations.
The reeuits of the upper sehnnl ex-
aminations for eetrwn.•e into the
Facnitiss of ICAurwtioa at Toronto and
Rineetna met. its the names of thew
molests frown (toderieb collegiate In-
esitsat. They see Muriel C'. (telt
((Pt. I.), M. A. UIlkieena (P1. ILI and
' M. K. litheness (Pt- II.►. Is addition,
It is sspebi [bat Joseph M. Ofervey
and reorie G. MacB.•n will be
granted their eeltiQcate. as • sewers'
for their aasictaoce in solving the
labor problem on the farms. Niue
pupils tried at Goderich. of whom sit
were recommended. to that the results
at this eeode were out nearly so dis-
couraging u thus etperieocrd by
other 5'ullegiates whirr w desalts
"slaughter" of th • candidates wars the
order of the day.
Generally. the departmeutsl mark-
ing of t . legiete examination papers
has been subjected t.. severe criticism.
At one xutre only eleven out of riaty-
fve candidates for junio. normal
pawned. Even ...nee of the papers have
been described es unfair, Iuestimis on
the algebra. chewi.try and pbyeic,
papers fur the middle school, and the
literature for the upper steno! being
characterize t as rrmpll absurd. 00
the whole, the results hare been dis-
couraginit•for both teacher and stud-
The Huron Lodge Picnic.
The (kldfellows picnic on civic
holiday was the tarp event of the day
in (ioderi•-h.:w upward• et ail of the
three linked liretbren and their friends
spent the a(.ernoon and everting at,
Meoeeetung Park. The weather was I
too cool for bathing, but was ideal (or
the program of sports which was par-
ticipated iu by the '•kiddie!' as well
as by the grown ups. A baaetedl
watch b•rween trams, captained by
Mi. J W. Craigie and Mr. l', A. Reid
was the first event. and it did not lag
in interest for either players 01 spec-
tutors until the ladies had r ompleted
their arrangement,. for the se ruing of
the hountitul repast. The sports were
afterwards ror:tioned, two lig features
being • tug-.f—star between two teams
composed of Oddf-lluws and a similar
contest between the married And the
single I+di-r. For these .•vents the
judges weie'Mr. W. Proud(iont, M. P.
P., and Her. 1..1. Pa•erwnn, of Sarnia.
In tb- races, Mr. W. F. Saunders won
fleet prize in the married tern's rare,
and Mi. F \t ,sats. eecund : ii arried
lediew lace—Mrs. H. Sparinig. first.
and Mrs. W. F. Saunders. second :
vouog lade.-. rare—Mia+ Alma Mtutdy,
Mies Etta Sault.: girl.' rare under
fourteen—E,Lth Mnrr ev. Alice Nairn :
Ibis' race -- ML nley "Wilson. Fred
Price : •,,tall boys' race--Ja, k Wo. ds, ,
Elmer Young : three i-the-nerdie race
—Hazel Sy mono... Urn M•.intsing.;
email girls' race— Maris Cratgie. Mar-
gam Medeewick. The remainder of
the eveniutr wa..spent at dancing, the
Stewart 1 in hrstra supplying the
Good Pay and Employment in the Fertile Districts
Plus Half a Cent per M.le Beyond
Return Half a Cent per Mile to Winnipeg plus ammo
Special Ttain. a 111 1.- Ilpertlt.- t from Montreal And'Foruntot', Winnipeg
See t a'er Ai-iouncemsnts for Tran Servit.
A1' (1 Excursion Dates.
For Full Particulars Apply to Nearest C N. H.
Agent. or General Passenger Department,
Montreal, Que. or Toronto. 001.
To little hearts and big ones, too
the . Wrigley Spearmen are calling,
calling, every day:
Their message is one of good cheer
about this refreshing, beneficial goody
that costs so little but means so much
to comfort and contentment.
Send for the Spearmen's Mother Goose book
for young and old, illustrated in colors.
Address Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto
Chew it
alter every