The Signal, 1916-8-3, Page 44 TstrslsaAT. Ammer A 1518 BTGNAL 3ODRRTCH t ONTARIO While Away on Vacation wear our fumish- ings and be dressed RIGHT BUY our high- grade furnish - Ing goods and enjoy the satis- fied feeling of knowing you have the Best. We keep a big stodt in nice cool Outing Shirts, Combination Underwear. Negligee Collars, Hole - Troof Hosiery, White Duck rousers, Straw Hats, Silk Caps, etc. ' Walter C. PRIDHAM Society Brand Clothing made to special measure KINOSBRIDOE. TuttsD.T, ♦arguer 1. Mr John t' Sullivan spout • few .lar+ at London last week. Privates O'Brien and Batas, of the lulst Hat taliou, are as siting with the heyinit here. Miss Paulin* O'Reilly. of Toronto, is spending her emotion under' the parental ro„f. The Mimes Donnelly. of Maek.tch.. wan, and John. Louie and Mier Sign Irrveretu:. of Kt. Augustine, visited this week with Asbfiebi irI.oda. Memos. Petro* and J.w•ph Finn. also Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finn and' children. all of Detroit, en,tored from that city last week and are visiting cumin's hese. KiNYAIL. TUIL.DAT. August 1. Miss Isabel MacDonald is visiting friend, at Toronto. linnoer Gordo° Mscloloeb, of Loo - don. is visiting his uncle, Mr. John ('owes. Mr+. William Macintosh, of Bond . Head. visite,f relative+ and friends bete last week. Pt PM, Noble Johnston and Elwood Di ennsn are home on two weeks' leave from the London training camps. Misses Marie and Margaret Finlay- son and M i.t •r John Finlayson, of Lorne, spent the week -end at the house of Mt. l'harles Stewart. BAYFIELD. TuaauAT, Aug•tst 1. Mrs. Livingstone and daughter M•' y, of Tiickerswitb. are rooming at Mev. Ro.tatt +. Mt. and Mrs. Reid (Treas.) left this w•wk for Winnipeg, where they will visit their sons. Twelve young ladies from Stratford bave taken Mr. Heat We cottage, "Tbe Cedars." for August. Mr. George Staobury and family. of Exeter, are sprnding • Month in the L* •I INDIVIDUAL SANITARY S&rvtce PIIRFINFIITFP►PFR CUPS PUREWHITE PAPER CUPS NEVER USED BEFORE NEVER USED AGAIN" .."' SAFEGUARDS HEALTH Ice Cream That Is Different! Will; don't you come in and try sonic of our Ice Cream that is different ? Just try one of our delicious French Frappes or any of our Ice Cream specialties -con will .tt utlte n..tice the different• fou tci:1 tt•ry easily 1w able to tell that our, is nude from the purest and ric:tea,cream and the best fruit flas•ot.. • Contc'in today and try sonic REAL ICE CREAM. J. E. Robbins' Candy Kitchen Pilaw $4 Sent` Side .1 Sastre, G.ierich Dodd's - •� w Kidney Pills will cure Dia- betes, Like Bright's Dis- ease this dis- ease was in- curable until Dodds Kidne • Pills .cured it. i actors themselves confess that without Dodds 11 Kidney Pills they are paw against Dia- betes. Dodd'• Fills ars i the tint medicine that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations -boa, tame and p14 are ad t art i,ed t o do s.•, but the ettldicioe that der; Crane Diabotos is Dodds ICdlaey Pills. Dodd's Kidney ills are fiPv cents a box at all druggists. old Stanbury home on the Square. Miss Elliot. of Owen bound, and Miss F'inlay's.,n, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. Jas. Campbell. r and Mrs. James Donaldson, jr., Miss Het the Stewart end Mr. Taylor. ot the "Soo," wbo spent a couple of weeks in the village. left for borne on Friday of last week, motoring as far es Owen Sound. Mrs. Herb. Duncan. of Saskatoon. sang a solo in St. Andrew's church on Sabbath moroiug which was very mu -b enjoyed. Mn. Duncan. as Maw Laura, Richardson, was fur years a member of St. Andrew's choir and a favorite singer in the neighborhood, and her o.auy friends were wore than pleased to hear and see ber again. Anniversary service. were held in the Methodist church on Sabbath Inst. but owing to the intense beat they were not w well at- tended as usual. Tbe preacher for the day wee Rev, Mr. Sinclair, of Holwesville. and Miss Kata Little. of Ooderich, was the soloist. Both were very much appreciated by the con- gregations who gathered morning and eveuiug. AUBURN. \Vvuszsuj.ty. August 2. ]lies Fero Sv Ovington, of Toronto, is home for holidays, Naw Laverne • Robinson, of Detroit, is honor for her holidays, Mts. Cote Ferguson is visiting ber sisters iu Cliuwq,a•d Gtderich town - whip this week. Auburn's civic holiday will be ab - served or. August 'Sita and will take the form ot a Red Cross picnic. Further aonnuncewents later. Mr. Forest (Tarter found nue of his team horses dead in the river ou Sun- day. Evidently it had gone into the water for telief [tom the beat and rolled over. When found i: was lying on its head. Mi. A. C. Jackson bas 'cemented north ot the pier un the west side of the liver where the spring freshet made a washout and i. deepening the teil•race to he preptird for mut k settees the new grain eotnrs. LUCKNOW MosD.ty, July 31. August 4th in to be Lucknuw's civic holidrv. Misr .Martha Begley, Goderich, spent Stieday in tcwo, Messrs. ('lilt and Ernie Aitchison spent Sunday at the lake. Mr. Andrew Oto. of Pekoetwton, was a Sundry visitor et hie honie here. Private Clarence McDonald, of the You Throw Your Money Away with Every Shovelful of Clinkers NN hen Vou buy coal you pav for two thousand refunds to the ton. But }-ou don't get your money's. worth when a big portion of that ton goes into clinkers that don't produce any more heat than a snow -bull. You're throwing your money away with every shovelful of clink- ers. Buy Lehigh Valley Coal. it is pure coal. it burns to an ash and gives you every unit of heat you pay for. Lehigh Valky Coal has an established name for quality. Its biggest boosters are those who use it. It i \ heat producing, slate free, thoroughly cleaned and screened. Buy LAO Val Gal for economy and efficiency. We'll deliver any quantity. Any quantity o Hard Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs and Mixed Wood. Lime and Ceme it. Prompt delivery. LV ' .. t THE SAULTS COAL CO. (Sasc+slleen a ■eDsasg S Gbit) Oaks Plaine 15 S. J. Easels. Rea, 1171 W. W. Seem, Ilea BOB VeasK, NM s. OF A. M. U.. Loodoo, ls home os a most.'e harvest fur George Burgess. of t e 134k Hillis Battalion. thump Boldus, renewed ao- quajutanc.e Mn Inst week before the battalion leaves for overseas. Mr. Frautlimpiee ie the sew milit- ant in Tofu al.un's barber shop. He take. the II1•ee of Leroy Horn, who, has started working in the furniture factory. Mrs. rL)uiaan McDonald sort two children arrived bums from Godmieb last week after *beading some time with bee parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cameron. The members t f the Young M.'s Bible ('lass held their annual picoie to Black Horse Lnke on Friday hast. Tbe day was .pest in boating and goatee mad svesyoort was delighted with:the day .t the lake. Tbe coserete basement of the two new stores os Main street will soon be completed. Austin tiolomon will have one of the ,totes es a tinwhop, while Ackert & Ratbw.11 will use the other one as a boot and shoe store. ST. HELENS. Tt'gaDAT, August 1. Pte. Robinson meat Sunday In our village. Miss Chriesie Miller ire visiting at Harriman. al(ss Helen McKenzie is a visitor at Mr. Jamas Durnio's. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLennan, of Chicago, are vi.itiog friends bare. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tigan and son, of Hamilton. .pent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Webb. Mr. and Mee Johnston and Mr. and Mss. Campbell and child. of Varna, motored up as Sunday and visited at Robinson Wood.. Tbe annual picnic of the Anglican and Presbyteri.w Sabbath schools will lie held today at tbe Morton grove. Tbe day is all that can be desired, so a I good time i. expected. PRgaasTarlotN ToPTg. MUaRAT.'-A gathering of the neighbors and mem- bera of the Rifie Club met on Monday , evening at the horn, of Reeve Murray to .ay farewell to his son, Pte. Ross Murray. who expects to go ovales. I shortly. A ring was probated to him. accompanied by an address expressing appreciation of bis manly sand and assuring biro that be wilt not be for- gotten in the h. rite land. • Tire 1. mere catarrh in Ili. ,soros of tea country (basalt aur- di.seae. pat together. and foryeam It r..-uveo•ed t . a Incurable. Doctor. pre.wtbsi ',.c.1 rernedte, and by Me - .tautly falhug to . we with local treatment, pronounced 11 11w:i ane. t...tatra 1. a local arses*. erectly u•t:ue„cot b, eonAltutbowl ' eondit woe aed Inc -, ..., tore requite. conk it u' weal treat meat. Hall -.:.t nth t.'urv. wanutactuint by F, J. t ss ey A 1 o.. Tetedo. ub.n, 1., r coo .titotl,w.0 reused.. ,. take,, int -111311r and act • throusb tae bl cid on tt,e muiuu- surf.iee- of the-y-tew. U..e bund nen l t5a,. rrrsrd it ot► red .tor aay c. r t ...t . Halt - . ctarrn a'ure t.d. In cute. •1e d for. [circulars a.d tr41- m.,,. dal-. F.J. CH 1• \ F.\' k CO.. Toledo. Obis slid by mane t ..'c tor euuaitwti)o. DUNGANNON. it MR. N. F'. WIIYARD is agent fo• THE eh;NAl. at Dungannon. i!r 1. r- *.;t, bi for .ubrriptioo.. ad% err i.e0eu:. or lob printing will tr re prom. attentiou Telrpbone tt.odrr:cb Rtu.i, r S•. \\'KDNKADAY, There will be no service in 'inkier chnrrh next Senday. • Mise belle Kirk has returned trout a 'Tien of tw•• weeks at Detroit Mise Peri Bradford, o,1 Godericb, vieierd friend• hese on %Vedaswday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rose. Mrs Allen, Miss Myrtle and Geo: gut spent Toes. day in Godericb. Rev. I. McKelvey and family are spending a few weeks wt -h friends from Stratford at the Port. Mr,. Roy Willis and daughter Beth, of Toronrrr, are visit -tog- ber • parents. Mr. and M,s. H.J. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creighton,' of Detroit. are here on a visit to Mrs. Creigbton's mother, Mrs. Andrew Kirk. The following soldiers are honte on furlough from l' imp Borden : H. Hellatnv..1. Klllougb. 14. Moore and A. McCloskey. Rev. G. Gomm and family have moved their ramping outfit to the Take shore at Port Albert. where they intend to spend the month of August. Mousevictou. canine -bat •r adminis- t -red a deadly dnee to too of tete most valuable dogs io the village last week. The coot nuance of the offence will be severely desalt with. ONION Pit -sec. -The Presbyterian sod Anglican churches here and at Port Albert held a united picni • at Part Albert on Wednesday of this week. It was an ideal day and there was a very large tutnuut. Plenty of choice refreshment,. aid water and land 'porta of varied kinds made a very er. jay able time for everybody. PR,RRYTIKf&w (IARDRN PARTy.- A very sure sefuI garden party was held nn the Prwhjrtter1ao manus lawn nn Wednesday evening of last week. Tea was served oe the lawn from 8 to P o'clock, after which s choice pro. grans wee rendered by Wingham tal- ent. Tbe entertainer. were Mr Wil- lis. Mier Van Rotarian, Mies Currie and Miss Mitebell. Rev. G Gomm tw'eepiest -tbe their. • Shot addressea were delivered by Ret. I. McKelve Re.. H. R. Williams and Rev. J. Hunter. of Cb4ring Cross, formerly of Dungannon. Tb. booth was well pat- ronised tbrougbout the evening, int large store of supplies being complete- ly sold out. the receipts were 5148. A Coatte° Evstrr.-The Duoga000s branch of the Wo0.0'1 Institute Is preparing to bold a overacts party os the gr.)unds of Mr. Charles Brown oo Friday. August lilt.. The Stewart Orahestr►, of (iodericb, will be in at- tendance. Mrs. Geo. Anderson, of ldeknnw, will recite, od other at - ter features are ng arranged tot t be evening's prograr.. Toe pro- Peed. will be dammed to t be Red Croft. Tea screed fr rm R t a 8 o'eloek. Ad- mission lie and 16'. T Dungessne Women'. Instdtnts has a unique re- cord, in that 5500 bas bees raised during tate psi; year tor trtotie pur- poses. This la Use beet record of Guy laati jute is West Hum. PORT ALBERT. Wensersoae. Aug. _. Lora to - M r aid Mrs Ne.Mtt and Dam• ilyand Mr. atrial motored from Meth ea Sunday it: the day with Mr. and Mn (item ee. Mr.Jao. l.h.eahal. sea are up from Cli.- tog- Shaw Desk le a sit- --- -- SEE OUR NEW FRONT THE workmen have tlnished the cofnstructlon of the new► store front, and we shall now be in a better position than ever to d1s- play goods to advantage. We have not time to say much this week, but will just call attention to a few lines of •• hot weather goods." Summer Underwear Ladies' Summer Underwear in short and no sleeve vests in many styles and prices. Porous -knit Summer V-sts, in large and small size, at per garment 25e Lisle Vests, short sleeve . . 33e A large range of Vests, per garment, from . . . . 12 (-2e to t5c Ladies' Cotton Drawers trimmed with Embroidery, each . 30e to 30e Corset Covers trimmed with Embroidery or Lace, each 25e to 60e Princess Slips made of very fine cotton and nicely finished 51.25 and 52.25 White Skirts, good width. with fine embroidery. each . 51.00 to 52.50 Children's Vests, to short and no sleeve. in all sizes, each . . • 15c to 23c Summer Muslins Our stock of Muslin and Voiles comprises the latest in weave, cloths aad . colorings. Fine White Voiles, in plain and fancy stripes. These are exceptionid for waists and dresses, at per yard . . . 25c, 3Sc. 40c. SOc, 60c and 75c 5 J. H. COLBORN E ins his grandmother, Mess Willie.... Mr. A. F. Sylvester. of Stratford. spent Sunday with his family. He was accompanied hy Miss Sylvester. Miss. Hers, Mrs. and Mies t'arr, Miss R.:kboenhals and Miss Freda are triaging at H. Hayden'. this week. .The •annual [Sunday school pre - ole of !:w. Andrew's. and Chile' churches is being held trees today. . A number from Stratford are enjoying the balmy breezes of P,rt Alhert ih the cottage formerly owned by the late Geo. Hawkins .... Victor Green is visiting his pitrent% after • long stay in the West. Tbet country must have agreed with him, as be is looking very well . .. Pte. W. T. Gilheet and family spent the week -.tad with the lady's parents. Mt. and' Mrs. Thornes Wilson .... Melvin Sehoeto hitte is the guest of Gurdon Pearson this week . Mrs. Harry Hayden wee taken to the Ooderich hospital Saturday evening for medical treat- ment. Her many friends hops to hear of her complete recovery Gray is moving aboutatter being laid tap with a sprained ankh.. Why Suffer from Heat in 155 City When You Can Cool Off on the Great Lakes? T..ke the Canadian Pacific et am - ship expos from Toronto any Tem-' ' day,. Thursday or Saturday at 2.30 p. tar. for Port McNicoll, where direct connection is wady with either the ' A.einibnia or Keewatin for Sault Ste. Muir, Port Arthur and Fort William. An ideal vacation trip at small cost. Particulars from •any Canadian Pacific ticket agent, or W. H Howard, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Tut onto. LEESURN. WanwzaDAT, Ang. 2nd. Rev. Dr. Meldrum, of Cleveland, will preach in the church here nest Sunday morning. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. WEMT \VAWANOSH. Tbe municipal council met July Bath for the transaction of general budo,s., oleo to attend cow t of ap- peal as directed hy His Honor Judge !Dicks in of the County Court of the county of Huron. Members of council were all prevent. Reeve Murray pr. -- ending. Reeve Murtay reported that he bad consulted the towiebip.olicib orssr•egardiog the appeal of George S. Wilson against the findings of the court of revision aa beaded out on June oto ; also his appeal ngaiost Reeve Mornay and Councillor John- ston, asking His Honer to disqualify tFelu for acting contrary to tbe statutes in the matter of his appeal to the court of revision. Tbe solicitors' opinion was [bat the contention ret f ,rth by the appellant could not be maintained. Intimating. however. that • member of the Item would attend court on the receipt of a telephone call. Reeve Murray asked for the opinion of the hoard in this matter, which was that the services of a solicitor be dis- pensed with. Minutes of Met meeting reed and motion by Naylor and Pbrddra ?bet ininnie, awned (vzcept- ing clause JU. which should lie over for further ooa'asiderstionl be adopted. Carried. Financial st•temest read by Nes.urer showing balance on band of $85..11! wsa Aad os, motion by Jobmetoo and Naylor. Council adjourned to attend court of appeal. His Halsor Judge Dickson pre- siding. The appeal as stove outlined and a mooed one by the same aprel- laot agatest the assassmsst of hila for benent-os wiet halt of lot 19, eone..ator. 4. Sheet Vtawanosb, as wet forth in t be Young's Creek drain bylaw. were sev- erally nos $dared by His Honor and judgment elves in favor of respoodems to both .Nasus Costs to be paid he ap- palwast. Conseil resumed gesrral busi- ness. teatkrselstee Paul *seltzer asked that 517 worth of work be does os hie diviatos ; this represents seveaNea days' work not dose by ratepayers this year. Mottos by hiilaorytb and Naylor that this request be granted. Carried. Motion !y Naylor mod John • , sten that a rate of two milk on the dollar be levied for township purposes and bylaw prepared authorising the same. Carried. Motion by Naylor mod Pardon that Oommiwaioswrs Jobe - atm and Malloogh deal with ems - 'Islet of W. J. Thompson, opimeno let H eoscesaios 5. Carred. ISae clerk was I.Msetd to advertise la Strat- ford aid Husk' papers foe awful tenders for the construct ton of 1 oung'. Creep drain. A.•i-ouate and salaries to the amouut of iteet.34 were passed and paid on motion by Purdon ar•d Naylor. Council adjourned to meet Auguat 9th at 1 p. as. when the Young's Creek dram bylaw as emended wall be finally read and passed. W. A. a\'ILaos; Clot k. In a'l enuntrtra. Alk for our INTIM- MARION d A1,YJUravt felt aril! 10 119111 keg MARION a 1fIARfOtr. 554 University 5t. M.Rtrtisb ■ 4w%s'.7* rfr1,t,.I AV afra v'IllsuggrA •'YAD!< 11 CANADA' New Prices August 1,1916 The f,,llvtcir, ; price, for Font car, u::1 c efft•.•tive op arnl after .1ij;. 1, 1111.1 Chassis - Runabout - Touring Car Coupelet - Town Car - • Sedan - $450.00 415.00 495.00 695.00 780.00 890.00 F. O. m. r000. 0141T*800. Thee price", ate punitively guaranteed against any re- duction before August 1. 1817, but there is no guarantee against an advance in price at an% time. KELLY tdt MACEWAN ot,a_Er ig - GOOERICH A New Shipment of house Furnishings HAS arrived at Wa:k is Furniture Store, consisting of Rugs . in Brussels. Velvets, Wilsons and Tapestries in various sizes and qualities. Before you buy a rug give us a call and examine our stock, because it is new and up-to-date. Linoleum., 2 x 4 yards wide, have just arrived from the mill. We will give a special discount off all Verandah Rugs and Verandah Shades during the month of August. Picture Framing and p�npdy and 1 Walker's Furniture Store THE STORE OF QUALITY Often the Cheapest Aho y►s the Beat A. walker, Ferei ere -sad Uuiatakisg Kerne M Cgserisig Js,