The Signal, 1916-8-3, Page 2! I Ht waa.le Artiesrr 3, I918
Pt: tkisisltxe
Tota setae. le �•••b1s .d ever n
ism gtime MIAs la TM sepal '..nits. North
%re. Udecfek, ootaro Tslsoawa. \o L.
Icsa..irrloa Times. --Use lI.ttar and Fifty
Deat. owe yeas : d paid •t ratty in *desire Ube
onor WW be •rasped. (u wb.xtbws .o it-
Cu.:ad State. the este a tram pedlar aad INA;
rant. •trtrtly 0. adv•aiea diebrorIbere who
rat to reewlr. Tun Ower guider by mall
will confirm • favor by •a�baleUag t p0
or of lea fain et •s early a4(r •e po sal's. Whir
cba•as •f 4d:.... 1. desired. bait! old and
Wee sew addr0...Iruukt be giros. Ilemittaacee
dray M ride by batik draft, espresso maw
order. out mace seder. at rarbaa ed tactor.
•daterrlplone may commence at any thea
Autaanwsu TaaMa.-Nans for 41uts4.7 and
contract ad mer, ireaest. will be riven iso •ppit
cauou. Legal and other .sellar ,d van l.nrrtrt...
'sin cents pot Lore for ant ru+erlloe and four
wits per one for each .ols.equrnt in«• -[lot..
Measured by a exile of.olad eon tenni -twet r•
linod to an Iona. busmen. cant. of as liner
and under. Yip Duller• per year Advetu.+-
n.ents of lest. round. Allayed. ditoailon•
V aoaat, attuat.iou• W anted, Huus fur dale sr
LO ... •t, r aro. aur Mile or to Kest. Articlees
for dale. etc., not eaoatding Mob Irma. T e en y.
dee ('enr. .web insertion . • Au UuCar fur dr.t
Flf• t'ee[•f ea. bur uent Moot h.
meetly ) a .•..
Largest advrrtt-senor• w rruyyuu•iuu. Au-
no`rnr .twat. to ordinary readmit type. Tres
int. per hoe. No norm I.- tban Twenty -
are Cent, Any special aeons. the oblert of
whoa t. the lwruui.ryr benefit of any edit.d-
ual or a..orsation 1 b..orwderen an ads at -
us eturnt and cb.0 mrd at•. oe.tu.gly.
To l'otaker.,, ua• ra -1 be co operation of
our •nbrnber- and r eder.. 1. eordully'.nvlt-
ed toward. gawking roc derm 41.4 weekly record
of • I t lural. county and d l..• net dosing.. No cons
aus.natnun 1111 Ire a.lewed a uotm- n lob•
tains toe ',Wiwi and addre.s of the writer. nut
noes .aril) for publication. but a..n evule.e.s
of tread faith. News Item. should reach THE
Nl0't... nip nw
ot later (ban Wedsfay noun
of ab weak.
we.. bot ooe while k lasted. And
ft lasted qu.ts • while, too.
fly the way. what about tiled theory
Chet the serrate rainfall of April.
May and June was caused by the gun -
firms in Europe
"when you air getting au awning."
says the Sage, "be 0111e to get
• •1 • wed one. 'Theo run can give it to
• wife neat year for a new dress "
latethe Sege forget that feminine
fashion trek- rarely last more than
uue seas. a. :
A Hawil on weautacturer has turned
over to the 1i sternwent =7:11/,11011, rep-
resenting profits on munition* eon.
t:.r •u. Now people are enquiring how
many manufacturers are making enor-
mous piofite ion war cootracu and
are keeping them In their own lecketr.
The °wet. Sound Sun .ayes there are
neatly 1:.1 ern from Grey county in
the .Bruce Battalion. Terre are quite
a number from the uortbero pat ot
Huron county. too. The reeruitiog
oMcerr of the Bruce Battalion wets t
evidently a little hip smarter than'
some others. - !
The F insi er Department at Ottawa
is trying • new scheme. and it tools
like a good Otte, in connection with
the Guvrlwuent war loan to be issued
in Septrtnl.rr. Advertisement* are
now bring inserted in newspapet•
throughod4 the country advising
people ot this proposed torn and te-
- -
questing them to save their money to
1 buy Government bonds. The people
will have a full month to gather up
.1 their pennies 111 preparation for the
f !investment.
The prom eters of racial -.trite it
Canada pay much siltation to xis
trewist• life Bourases and Lavergne
seeking to represent them ha types o
the Fit -rich -Canadian people. There
are divergence. of opinion among
F.encb-t Acadian' as there are among
English-speaking Canadians. There
he* been published recently a letter
.JJreseed to Henri 11 rams by his
cousin. Captain Talbot M. Papioeau,
cit this (rout, protesting against the
views and attitude of huura.e.s caws
car Wog the war. Captain Papioeau,
like Bouts's'', is a descendant of the
"rebel Papineen of IKl '; hut be en-
treWius to doubt as to where. the
defenders of liberty •hualJ be id the
presrut smuggle. Thus he addseeses
bit cuuoin :
"11 you weir truly a \a'i,.nalia-it
you los ed out great (smutty an0 with-
out seemliness longed to trrhet h•(•uwr
the blur of * good and noted people
--only tau would ism 11011Zel
tb1. u Ler li.oe•.atr.t ..1 ural and
tnrulatn.u. You 'roust have felt that
in the agony of her l.,s.r. In Belgium
and France ('rnrda wee suffering the
bit her i.ntli.i.1 kite. !heir.
even wore then .0 l;ar.aa a herself.
hiss til z•ti., •le being knit together
into a new existence, twcau.e when
men .laud side by side anti eudure a . life. and fare togethei a sol•
dime trash, they ate unites: in I, slide
almost s. .1t tug a.. fur cl ,amt 01
bl..od-tie, There wad this Kleist op- lit the true N•':,nahrt.
'Dime e, as the great "s.a.e. the great
.a, take. whieu should have appealed
eq laity to sill tette dosis -.nit of Crurda,
and ibould' 1181e eel veil to cement
•1 heu1 with Ind,s,ohlble •trrtl,.th. l'ru
Ada miss at w a. ' ',Meads e44,4 rt-
ta:keJ ! watt •redd thea internal
dissen,i,uraud questions o: honer lu,-
pett ince % N'hat w;Uterect the why
and wherefore o1 the war, whrturr
we owed A141.10144 ( lis England or loot,
whether wp wrie Impel alntr ot riot.
or whether we wear French 1.1 Eing--
hob it. The nue couple, . 'wwaodlug
tact lagovern ow conduct era. !hat
Cut .d.. was at war. *lit Cat..►da mud
('.wranats Ohm ttr. had to b: peon -ctrl
I aw proud .11 wy Fleisch .cos-
t or-. 1 lc yr the F, encu laugus.e, rat
1 aw a, d.-:rrtinned as you oar !mat
w• *bell na.e bull uherty In remain
French as long as we Inky. But it wW
arse 11. ptrsei.r this liberty we newt
rec, limit we its not 60,84 en-
tirely to oulseiwee,' but to a mixed
pupuletteu : we west '.chert meek ti
Had p,lntr ot comae( and of common
in:rrent Or►0 point• of trietlun end
•eparatioli. 1\' a must [vete coucee-
eiOns and certain sAceettarO lit our dis-
tinct iodrvldu.luy of we were to live
ami :able trice with out fellow•
citizen. or if we are to expect thew to
male siwilrr conersaluu• w us'
O.her Ptencb Canadtans-Lain her.
Court -Ain, Lemieux, to naue s few -
are urging the macre views upon the
petiole of Quebec. and their tart meld
be easier If the Outario agitators of
racial hatred and discoid would cease
their clatter. An educei.rl tertick
from The Orange Sentinel circulated
in Quebec c ,aid do more harm to
the cause of Canadian unity than
could Ise repaired by • dozen patriotic
speeches ; indeed, we have no douht
that 1t torment slid hi. followers pur-
p.ssely fan the Armes in Quebec with
article- from such j .urn*I• We The
Orange Mentiael and The Toronto
News, displaying a 'pint of malice
towas di the Ftencb-C•natitis temple
that by 111•111.1..ucted minds wi:1 be-
taken as representaliveof the attitude
generally ot the people of Ontario.
The sacred prtuciple of freedom of
speech •bieldr them journal. of discord
just ae it Amide H,nras•:e. La-
vergne and company, sod patriotic
Canadians can ouly hope that such
*nen as Captain will eeeot-
ually mak• themselves heard dud felt
above the dismissed. so 'hat Canadians
of Ontario and Qoibec and ell the
Provinces may understand one
aanther and work together for Ilse
common .ads of • freedom-Invleg
The Orilla Packet, to coufouod its
local contemporary. The Timer, quote.
'•.i cortespe,udeut of The Time.' infal-
lible authority. The Toronto (:lobe,"
on the Nor;h t'rrtb result. Thie is
neither very c:ever nor very honest of
Ter Packet. which knows perfectly
well that Toe Globe publishes letters
!advancing views quite oppuse+i to its
own. I Another article on the sate
page The Packet criticize* The (globe
tar quoting The Torortu Wotid as a
(bnsetrative journal. See Luke ti 11,
ILondon Daily News : The Moving
spectacle which the passionate luyalit
of the oveisea. bas (m-
nishrd her given au impressive reply
to those who thought the Ewpile
could °lily le held together on 1a ten
pal emu!. basis. The unity of the Ern'
pure i• a spiritual unity. rad it has
sue titre,' the gamiest smell ever put
upuu the &elationv lit- widely separated
people,. It has been. especially in
S.eutb Aft ice. the triumph t 1 the ptia.
elide of Ilbrity m Leman govet omeut•
We tartlet take t.ue that err do nothing
t ,deal1..y that ,plegdul iuhei ttauce 111
the tete' e.
• The disastrous Are in Northern Ou-
• tali.: obfotd. ant.ibet occa.ion for the
wart cirr of self-sacrifice . and brother Iy
I c.,-opetation lis extending aid to the
prayer of the sill ,•ted district.. The
• town council of (iodeiicb at its wrrt-
ing tutuutrow night should either vote
*.grant or wake atr.eugewents for the
gathering and f,t warding of private
.•,ntribution. te the triter fund.
-The above n, a- ars written before
it we. known th et the (luta) io Gov -
eminent had taken full shag.- of the
situatiou and we. luakitg•alt arrange-
ments necessary lot the relief of di.-
tre•s.-fur the pne.rut at least.
Deal AL Speak at pace.
1)11.".1 1 deer,.
Deep and profound silence as the
Government re rives the Haunilton
Cal 11.;outpa1 • profit. tut palri
urn: pt-ri.saw *aid asks : "Next
A Word for the Lazy Stan.
(hills. Parket .
Industry is •din tted to he a virtu..
But wbeu one ti*- a puutully oldie --
moue neighbor. building, relsudisng
lit repalrutg a hoist... who .tarts ham-
mering at balf•p.a.r hour in the morn-
ing seed keeps •.. It till tar nn in the
tight. our'• bee. t esu ws toward• the
lar.* man, who goes to Iwd early and
get. up late.
Heroic Mothers.
Ntr.t(or 1
"I had ratite' have nay bey a dead
hero than • live slacker.•' The weeds
verse spoken by all.. Martha Dobbin,
the Beach rood. HamtImo. wbrn in -
(armed that her sun Pt irate Erveat
Dobbin, bad teen killed in Actium.
Mts. Dobbin hr• another son at the
IIo01 and • third to training. `11.'e f1e-
helm there are usAny whew sone tenni
thin city have f.11eu who are animated
by the rani• beret, dpi it. Sonia prye
already ezpremed u. I
ITarmac Sack the Tide.
Mune , el H,•rojt.
When the Tall -Fielding recipmcity
agreement Weal heftier the electors Of
Canada in 1911 the feeding opponents
of that measure ..sin •id the idea of
rullieating trade with the United.
Mimes of America Their slogan was,
"No trwanr ads with the taekeee."
It sounds like the it sty of history that
these rime dppcnentr of reciprocity
should circulate a blue hook on July
94, 191A *hewing that our total trade
with the Visited Moate., which was
*lo4,1841.01N, ie Poll, bad ew.0ae 10
f llit,9s),Wtl ie iI►iII
Church Union r the Wept.
penile. ( l" urea.
The Proehytrrion aid Methedt.t
No. PerMyal, the erode of the von r rhurehes in Mon,., Mae . have agreed
io not sed fee the weighing of words. I C noise. Altar as talon and lot.
twsiw vete was onion by kellot,
with the res. It that tit favored winos
and seven were awau.t. tat the seven
opponent., sit were Methodists and
uue Ps elites Hemles t Hem Jain Arch'-
resigned to facilitate union rd has
sitar hewn called to the u•.i lis con-
gregation in Roblin. The minister of
the ani .n Cungreget ion is Morris Ir to
he the ItemItemJ. W. John*, uuu) now
minister of the union c .ugregation in
Mac(Jtegor. Moans is a place where
the. need of U111011 le 01101,1,0111. The
'population is Slat anti three aro cis
►'.sow .s.1 taus)-
It is maintained that want' of our
local tau* are not ituprovrng. Is at that
with thew a Laity cissa w.ra ham
beau leached that it a difficult end
iaupo..tble to watntanl. There li a
'Isomer, however. of judging a fair by -
it. attendance tatter 'ban by the
q.lal,ty 0r uuwoer 0t its exhibits In
wavy ds.tltvt. tar rural population se
decreeing. Tue., nob our Iuttuduc-
time of other atlrat:L.ons throughout
obey the year, account tor a decrease
in toe att-ttdance even it the fair were
Improved. It a newe•eary, of course,
tor the attendance to be kept up w a
els aur point In "win to .ecure the
tlua,e tai st.c.•.•.s 0t the fair. 1f there
I. a tailing . tf di the quality ot th• ca-
ntata. she .ail. wry Ile in the tanning
met 0 .1.ot turdiattle1. Where agu-
i0tu.r a tvodllWNug the local ter
...sato b- t,oud to 1x, iwptoyuIg.1
work 01 waking the local fate'
better Is closely connected with the
wall of iwptsvltg the (arwungI
me bods of the district in which it 1s
held. Progrreuvc farmer* are usually
leru ezbiblltrs.
A Single Tax City. •
bald, the,e.bytrrrrn wiee
Otstr,, bar
Tbs Local Fair.
Tbrs r bar Leen a tendency in Brit-
ain and iu the Cuited Stater to min-
im z• the effort. which Britain has
wade to end lee war, rod It bas even
been •uggee►ed somewhat srneeringly
in cot taw quarters that she has leen
up to 'her old tricks" of getting other
oatiuns to do her lighting fur her. Of
mute* the teas who know what -.helms
done do nut talk es, but there ate 'limey
who• do not ku.,w what Inas been done,
and there 1s j cit .tough iu what they
do tower to glue some small degree of
probability to the stories which have
omen set ansa,.. But when the history
of the war comes to be written by iw-
p.rual 'student* we think it will he
round that geld b. -fore in the his:-
cis v of any great nation h u a Bauoo
as ltnprepated for war as Britain was
I accomplished so much as has this
great ••mother of patient." d..we 01
the tar a are still closely veiled from
public view, but enough is known
even 1200 to enable matt to realise the
thoroughness u( Britain'. work and
the unexampled weed with which it
bas hero accomplished.
A few days before the Isuncbing of
the present Somme offensive Cuited
States eorreep.,ndent+ were peruaitted
to visit the B itish front, and they
have recorded their impressions.
Henry Suydam. of Tile Brooklyn
Eagle, wag on• of these correspond-
ente, and 0a he has peen every army
in Europe hi, rwpre•si„ns are worth
noting. His verdtrt is that the Brit.
job army is eminently At. and men.
leaden. guns and mechanical supplies
are all ready fit the giant task of forc-
oro-ing back the German foe. Mr. Suyd-
am wad especially iwpres.ed with the
fact that Brit eta bee done in two
years what (iru many has been busy
upon lot forty year-.
L est April. Sydney, the largest city,
in Aust,aha, decided to "etre ail
of It. wunieipal t eveuues by land 1
value taxation. The new system was
adoptee last Aptil, atter a vlgt•r,itte
agitation lar beveled years. A cortex -1
Iwudent 0t The 1'.I1) is says ; I
The are. costa oiled (y the city coun-
cil is comparatively small. 1: Ie sur• •
rounded by forty suburban iuuuicipal-
itiee and one shire. The total area is
13:3,9r0 acres. The latest population
figures are 713.9 10, and the value of
land is set deiwu at Ind' .:;tt,5i J. Pro-
posals roe a greater Sydney have been
talked about for year., but no progress
bay beet" uncle with It. 1'bnuugbout
the whole of that area the whole ot
the wuutcipel texation this year 011l
b_• drawn trout the value of land ex-
clu-ive. of all iwp:,,vewents, except
...wend hundred ponied* In a couple ut
suburban areas. There are nu taxes
u per.oual piopetfy. In addition to
the metropolitan arra given their Is
alt outer sea where quite a number
..f Crty business wen and wutkrrs Imre.
It r°lupriee* at least 4110.10J acre.), W-
ere:rawg the p.,pulatiolo to ylst,ttal and
air laid velure EINI.(1)U.pU. aft this
outer area .11 i n -al taxattou Id drawn
frow the value of laud only, except iu
the wuni•:itedity el Petawatta. This i
is r vett' slow. old -festooned place,
which has not beau able to beep
abreast of this rider, but rvr0 in Para -
matte fully there-fouttus of the local.
taxstion t..drewn trove band values.
Sydney and the surrounding suburbs',
now show the wo,t striking appitca
t of 'lir principles lit Hens vtitorge. i
Here you w ill find en inetelwrot of .
the.iogle•tax sv.trnt working in its
brat And simple -tit tort The suburbs
end the is -et of this state have ter
years obtained nearly all their ;taxa•
Lion from laud value. The .oases. of •
the system is universal and unques-
tioned. Aust pt•ople wonder how al,
that it was not adopted sooner.
Rev. %t'.Cunw+ty..luburn. in Farm &.n1 Dairy.
in nes development of our national
life i. there noesis• widespread general
Intere,t than in the Country L fe .
wuvewent. It• first stirrings on this
continent, -teeny years ago, weir oc-
casioned largely by the nere•.i!y fur
economic betterment arising from
land waste and depletion. This need
mon awakened a desire .for agricul-
tural orient -es and the cry was for het -
i•. tee -ruing and better buainer The
Federal t'„m•ui.•ioo 011 ('ounrry Life
ise this C. S., in Iasi, *uugl.1 the
cmiltry I:fe problem to the at tent i• .n
of the pe.•ple as • whole and in one
arose it might be said this* this watt
the rise lit the movement :e4 we have
Recent rural 'level spments place
strong emphasis upon this w,. Irl phase
of country life. Nest only hatter term-
ing and better huainess methods, but
tetter living ie now fhr singao. The
social side ot farm life has been a sec-
unda y matter with rollege. of agri-
culture. but is now beginning to *t-
ime their Attention Every agency
for country life bel torment reeo=nize•
this ph...e al owe of paramount iw-
When the sae' began on August 1.1.
1:111, Britain w tis able to throw Pito
the fray but a handful of men. In
the comreeocement of the culoesal
struggle between *rube* which outu-
here' millions Britain's total contrib.
lith' wear 1411n••01 then. She had no
regular arms- worth the name, and
she had no highly-•raireed reserves r9
tall track upon, :ind she lacked titles
and b g gun., and everything rl•e.
wit ch goes to equip a modern anuv.
Her Hart, le . t rut-, wee supposed to
be the strongest its the world. end yet
there were not lacking those who de-
clared that when this great navy
came to the supreme t-st it would be
found wanting. The men themselves
were till right..hut we were reminded
again and again that Btitatn ars ••;axe
slow, a•ad the , Menge* were rung to es
moat wearisome extent up ,n the w.r-
m-!lou- quickne.s, ineenniry and
adaptability of 'ler German for. But
Tow, atter nearly two yeas of war.
the Bririsb navy hold• the sea with a
master c whicb t:rrmanv is not abir to
dispute In op •r of Zeppelins and
euhwat'tnM, Anil in spite of tierm,n
', noroughnes-- and British "wndd-
lilog.' Brutigpp.s ciip on ,o tierwaa
patnleree 1.Zlgbter than ever.
Bat t he in )4t woodet fol achieve -
Wen: ha. been the creation of so,
army of about3.•s►•,:art turn.'Alwo•t
ent:rely a volunteer . arms . ;end this
at Luing °f Ihl. toter with
t ne most approved wenpuns The
-contemptible little grimy- °f' 1e0,0011
teen has tarn mollis, ied'tw1il it Inas
become on. of the •It"retreat in Europe.
tiutely tits in steel( is no small
ai'hievemrnt. Bot Britain has tone
more than this. When her little
handful of tum took the Hell in 11114
it was with 711 pines cit autierv, .
which 34 were :3.3 -inch gains. Early
in the war the value of the bag gotta
and great hnwirzere lead amply dem
oustrated. and of thew Britain h..d
practically matte. But imam Mittel
had orgsu'z-d her industrial tomes
for the war, and now, after
supplying unknown triahtitiee of 1
guns and shells to her allies). she
Itakes the H -Id w ith an ,army et pie-
shay `,oessesiJ men or nitre. and we
are t 1.1 that, if newsmen,' y, she could I
i cover the whole battle -lie with guns 1
placed muzzle to muzzle and keep ,
them g sing Jay and night. If this 1.
"muddling." surely it is muddling of I
a moat marvellous k.nd. And it noted '
not be foretoken that this greet war
is being decided en no small degree in
the workshops of Europe: The mein
nn the battle -line eta doing :he newt •
heroic w•srk, but all their valor wools
amount to little if the enemy nut-
nunahered them in big guns and high '
•zplusivr.. and it is u t quell saris- ,
faction 10 know that in the recent I
Allied offensive their shell. oitnum-
her•ed the stemy.e by about five to
One., '
Hs. Britain failed 1' V.'e venture to
think that never before in the world's 1
hi.ory has there bees such a record ,
Of national effectiveeee•, nor such
response to a most unprrrc.deut
demand, es hiss been wade h cls
nation ojtic•b Ire enemies had declared
to be decadent. Truly Britain neve
meso. OA great we when cenfronted
with some unparalleled demand. Tb
'•reserve' In Britain's national vitallt
is a matter of pride to her tneuds an
astuui•ent to her enemies. -
But then 100110 thing which ha.
made pueoihle the present 1r.ult, au
that is the fact that this war her ap
pealed to the national eou•cieuce
no other war ever did. 11 'Orin is lou
51gbttog for Lite freedom of the sere
nor ter the mammon of her culuni
empire, nor for any kind lit petiole
aggrandisement, nor even for her own
nutmeat' existence, for that is not itu-
wedirtely threatened. But she i
ilghtiug for the freedom of Europe
and for the freedom of the world. and
there is no neutral Mist what will to
benefited by her victory. She has no
special quarrel with Germany o
Austria. lent she is determined for
Europe shall be free, and back of al
her warlike preparation, and back 0
all her heroic struggle, lire the cou-
victiun that hecaure she is Hghtin
the hauls of freedom she r*onut fat
to wail. -Christian Guardian, Toronto
Fruw trooper to bead of the army.
w lt
'That is the story of Sir IVilliaoh-
ertsoo's career. This reuses kable
achievement, accomplished in tbirt y•
eight years, is uuiq•ie in the annals of
the British army. and one has to seek
ppiaarrallele io the history- of the Napo-
ieeatc ere. when that great master of
war proved his Itseawe.s by Hudiag
Murat. Latooe*, Bernadotte. and Nosy
among the privates in his rook• and
giving thew Lha opportunity to rise to
Dime. Head of the British army. Sir
'(\'Miro Robee"teon. as cbiet et the
hum.' eel Oeoeral Staff, now is. l'he
urdre-in-council of 27th January Ire
confers the power to issue orders re
larding military operations, end tb
in effect vests in Sir %V'Illirru Robert-
son •uprisen. control in the Held. 1
position Ise reeke with J settle
France, Alexitf in }WW1*.r r ('adorn•
in Italy. it is un him rests the re
•pon.ioiiity of attacking or resistio
the euewy.
And it it right that Sir NVilli
Robertson should be du•ee.tor ot alma
egy. Hr it regarded as the went sue -
(armful of British generale and the
(perfection ot has pians in Northern
France u chief of staff to Sit John
French were paid the high honor of
being copied 117 that brilliant Ftencb
strr.egi.t, General de Castlenru, for
the great rad successful oteneive in
Clu►wpagne. To those who do nut
know ;he indomitable personality of
the wan who had 1i learn everything
Mr himself under erMOO(r u•t d'Alatlt
c.•o.litions, his knowledge of the at of
0011 appeal', u miracle. It i. deleted
to him that during his ten year. as a
teeter in the lett' Linters. when
. with his eye on a composition. be war
doggedly educating himself fur the
paexamination. he ars rta:u•wwed
to ask.comrades to read to hit. the
bouke under study while he was
grooving his horse or cleaning his
rtiul.pweut. -
As • language expert he gut an op•
purtuuity to conduct, eOpl)r story jou. -
ueys on this northwest howl.:ail lo -
dia. and tuffs led to hu ewp.•yunent in
this Cuival .•awpaign, Where he war
mentioned 11.1111e1110 despatches
and received the U. S. O. to a elu-
nui.h in this. hi.ton•_ 1'ttlr war Sir
�j :•••••r•••••••••••••••••••
; W. A Cot ESON SON •
Even More Extra - S
ordinary Bargains!.
ALL Summer Goods at prices al-
most ridiculous. Bargains in
the strongest sense of the word.
Choice is immense and months of
hot weather probably still coming.
• •
• Voiles, Crepes, Dimitys, (Jing hams •
100 pieces Wash Voiles, Crepes, Dimitys, Ginghants,
great variety of beautiful qualities and neat designs,
floral. stripes, sprays and checks, light and dark colors,
alsd black and whirr. :ql boa 36 inches wide. Regular
prices laic, 20c and 2.,c. Your choice per o
yard ... c
• Men's Negligee Shirts
In neat pattern.. English cambric., light and mixed
olo , sizes 1.1i to 16. Regular 75c and $1.00, COC
• Bath Towels 0
• 100 doyen pairs Turkish Bath ToweL., good si,c and
• quality, Nought by us at a forced sal(- _'; per cent.
• under value. per pair mac, 35c, SOc, 75c, 51.00
• Large; size Turkish Bath Sheets, $1.:10, for .. I.00
• Corsets
Crompton's extra Corsets for hot weather, newest
• model and superior light weight,
• altd well Inade, in sizes 1K to 30, at 50C and i C
• A La Grace Corset. Ask for new model No. U69. It
• is satin -trimmed and made of very best materials
• and warranted. Sizes 20 to 3t). Regular X1,00
• $1.25, for W
Bleached.- Sheetings
S Plan weave. heavy, fine, free . from dressing, 7C,�
• 72 inches wide Bargain price fre7h
Lons4ale Cambric•
i • :36 inches wide. Special price
• I'illoa- C,uuhric, 3tt inches wide. Special price; .. 15C
• Hosiery
• La, lie, hack Cotton Seamless Hose. old dye and at
• oldest prior sires to 1U Worth2is at per
• pair
• t l5c
• Boy.' or girls'. rift black Cotton Hose. to :rr.t:ite,1
• .tuns•., tire. .111 size. 11 Io 10:. Worth
• at
N'llirui ttoberta..n had a miraculuu• •
.eecapa• (rotes death Shot at twice •
hi. l t r t are our idiot p:aswd uudet A CIYESON & SON
his right raw and the otbrl under his • •
left. He leant flow bit horse to •
tackle hs. assailant. but his retulver
j.towed sod the tribesman who bed
■ppuot.tiated for oAlcer•• •word to
the wrprese attack slaassed at Isishewd.
Cuaurd auJ outnumteled. Huhert-
sou rau !os eelety and managed to
'reticle his eec.rt a few hundred yards
away He. was again rwpl.,ye.d on
the intelligence department with
any headquarter. iu South Africa.
and het., too, ile earned the :owmen-
drtii o of both Load Rubens and Lord
His appointment in 1910 ka cone
'pendant of the Staff College. that iu
•t;tulion which insuu•:t. the aide -t
oft!cers it the army in the higher
broaches ot war, was thought by
many of the saki -fashioned office's to
ie a risky experiment. but the aekrc-
t1012 WAS ..iodinated, rr,J the eistwhsle
trouper aneViel(-taught sohd:,•1 primed
a groat success as a lee urrr ou nib•
tart' science. Sir Willow' Boberteem,
wb•s, by toe way. claims i. ,,tti.h des-
erot. is always learning. and he has
now gilded French and 11.•tm.o to the
languages he knew, and wade A deep
study of Continental army systems..
leeth.ld• and teaching As director
of military training. to which (Alegi he
war appointed in 1013, be had a great
deal to de with the preparation of fhr
orsginel expeditionary force to Fraoer,
the famous army of Yue•. -Scottish -
5% and 5h % D.b.natns
Des In Jdp, 1St7.1pfes. /metal spa• eroded
Parige•ap, Id J.Wese, Wad Jalp
Dr- - al«.: SUM sod odd a_algots
Asssagd Paha for Tas•hw &
Nd fleet
Assn eJ Mesiespedili i.0lpp.r'100
Pepwtseara r►. tiff
wisdom.. Is nee of oar cost rapidly-growt.g Nt1.. Its
maay ad.artagea, web as its ez0Aliete, transportation
hankie& saes •ah the city an Impertsst eseamer_
soak, waaataet.rtag. •hlppleg rad residential metre.
MC. t Rab to yield, 5.15%
ltsg d•ewapfiW.
ewook. so saw ad.
Aa E. AMES & CO.
tsao bits ask Yid Torun. Ori
rest O}a :
- riwespooksitsa Ir�diap.
Over 1.0»0 person. will take part in
the performance daily in front of the
grandstand at the Canadian National
ltabitition this year.
If you would he well and
comfortable yon must have cool
summer footwear. We have
the latest in Oxfords and Pumps.
and our prices are most reason-
Teams sail Bovelislg Shoes.
sre now in stock. The tidiest,
nattiest, most wearable line of the
Lifebuoy Stand in stock at the lowdat
pn.aihle price..
Geo. Mac Vicar
Norpi /fide $guar. 001MR10114
G000r !EVERY
A .MO Sisxra Y•. -
7 FOR 2Sc
Tobacco, agars, Pira, etc -
Next Davey s Jewe(ery Store
The Square - Goderich
By purchasing a bond you will help
to WIN THE WAR and obtain for
yourself. an invsatment of the highest
class yielding a most attractive rate
of interest.
rousse, ir• A. IS.
.,erwlwtae. • ie.-, , •