HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-8-3, Page 1rTo January 1st, s i 191T S 1 A NIII1I6tsl/1141M)lt010s M MS Th. Signal w'Ill ler mod to any new suhair iber in A ('ariada or Orval Britain j for only = 1[ Vim MMMW NM 4MWMMT Fifty Cents 1 Mora_ 641 80f't018 l •� lo 444 E%o/ela. I w /SIXTY tIORTO live -Ha NM ftH E STERUN(I I3AMI OF CANADA _ .. - 2]1.9pa~Va,lllr>_1a-L. SAVE, Because --- It is gcod for YOU, and the nation requires economy. WAIITI». TELEGRA PH OPERATOR-OAM- YE*CIA�rnee 1-ftor city .tMMsS hate 'I t . Mmopes aod AhstRRY Y. HIme LLIER. poly lkt LLIER. Dacia. Fol SALE OR RENT. WOR RENT. -AFTER 'SEPTEMBER r • onus -roomed heed turmrl.ed or us. IUIals0.d. on a hureh .trwrt Ea.e k.t Moo Hos. hot water Maar or and, til n..1ero eou rsuwaees. Apply, to Kutt.tK it'LHASAN. WANTED. -AT ONCE. A LAUN- &h04 21.11 IDR11Sd. Apply to the e11'PERINTRN WENT. Alexandra ]Iarioe sod liessral Hos �OL'SE FOR MALE IN VILLAGE 0r Al'HUH V. -Swear roams waelupm. I ANTED. -GENERAL PAID TO p+ wtry 0ndwoid.hol. roodcalltr baro with ire a se Mu.t kayo roforesow C:14 no; -limed emole : emobohosestrams bdld Amity lel II. ttH l TTLKw URTii. i400., p'g bee. Ir. n crew mrd I�O�/�yy�ea,. ♦ Ararat,. moos C . Norfolk .tr.et. ppedt. Hotel1341 rreml.ea. SIL'It$AY PATptgOC. .1Nars. Rrguat. et It wANTHD.-GOOD MAID FOR PUBLIC NOTICE. good wage... Apply to Milo l ALSAR. Nelson asaerwl baseewtwk Two Or .fondly t - -r_ -- - HEO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. t: O St,1WKET CREAM WANTED.- t price paid. .1. K. ItWMTheIN$. r Oteray Itchen, Uoder,oh. UEN AND ' BOYS WANTED. -- Flre m, do handy mon or boys wanted. � DOORy to PAUiT (MAIN DOOR CO. .Dodo - ARD AND ROO]I 11 ANTED.- • Byo yorint genii -moon Ina pelotas bane ser the Iaketro.L lddre.. All informaties to HDI Mt SIGNAL OFOICZ Yl -U YOUNG MEN Tsang men or others wbo ore unable to 0s 1111 Ile et eras. err ice con erre tbeu Klee ���owe mise lit Peiping a1 telyin weer apodmao. Ayp4N BODBRICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY ACGUST 1916 >ulrl;l NMPOIdMIMNtti111MlMli Your Advertisement In The Signal t a s is moil by the to .4 {. o1le in a lessor. riertioll of Huron Z .rr y. Hright, (Doh 4414 serti.iug is read s. eagerly as the Drown a vlulnt►s THE 0141NAL.PItINT1NO CO., LIMITED. Pt .i Lane, PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Walter Sharma., hes retuned to Detroit, Mr. Ueu Mimeo of (Dolph, 1. 1., town on • heudey . alt. Mi.. Nese Robert., of Toronto. 1. vWling fronds in low.,. Or. keg. &Mnuae .pent tba boiidair with hoards at Guelph Mr. Reg. 4mlrb, of 'r010..to, i. buudayiag at bon home in tow', Roe llaade It or reeler 1- L. tris from petrol es • boldey elan peYayUrwy.dett .ot 1 fru day. owing 0* A41 6I tv• orf.rotd.osanrels�( rKo w\e ft'd1ka.rl wr,; nilit a.iHAleydsaadaehnaeoylsal. 11r... Hector lecrad_yea loft of, Monday 1.. ri ger .i -ter. Yr., Major orTnl-da, uhw. at bee cottage at Monroe Point. \t,ehtgoa. M.- MrFmd er. wee acroenpaaMl by 111.- Hunt.. of Lo. don. who .pout 4upAy lar •. Iwo, . tared •t the Moue of Mr .1.)1 PY1q \Ir c H. c' lenient. of Netrb Hay. 1. vb4Unlg Mr. r Irtnent of tows. tori l lenient •-rlw.d aY.00r, Saturday es a vlell lr Al- mother. but ns nrelp of oew. of be 11,e in the moth country M ca•rbr • hod tri n on• of town un 4uuday debt to 4e to the snore of the Maw Adele P. Maekla000, 01 Toronto, u rl,- MI"' (H1,a (ioldtha W felt onday mern Mao frigid. to torero1•rr w u extended 1-n soil:, -o-tar. Mr_ 11r. (ba.. T,b►utl, of Herne, ,s tUr 1 Md••rro., of '-' 1 t... uhf t.o44 few day• m, t.odsttch.-Paudln' a •laararr 0.... - le from w .o i:ault t)•. Marie, whore .Me ow. joi DI her Idler-. Nr. Mimes Mary t .'lark rod Ethel Keir, are v.it. J. T. l:odt Mope. •bo acrsmedoed her to the lee frWeas at int natant. Prairie t'tty Mb. Mabel Young, of Tomato, i. syosdie' kat r.c:atlua at Um hu14e. MM. Lou bibliog. of buffalo. L. In town oar bar usual bulilay v I.. t. Ker. K Y. Aram zoog and family, of Ewer, are bolrapiag to limier /rib Mer r'lierawoe Wuhan. of New lox:, la tido log at the parental home kers. Mr. Laurent* J. Tierney, of 42kleaao, i.. 00 tin taw, 40.1 Lelia*, rt.0 to t,wlsriot, Mn. K.enetb McL*OO, of Klnted len on Moturua) pr, a trip to kdti 0i ton and 4:.4tary. Mr. O. Ewer... who Y a n .4040.1 .tudeut as tfu*►a a Curs wort), Kinn. woo Name Dar a mutt swat ow. Mr. and Mr. W. J. V1gar. and family, of Port Artbor. were ,Olt rd Mr. It apt., itetbe- wey font wee♦. Mr. .,d .Nr•. F. J. 1'ndbuu aro taking the trip fru♦, Soret.. to tomato by -mama ha - wool,. Chir week. motor s. u up irouF 1.l ulHumber14, ►l tuar .-1 t their relatives bete. Mise (.lady. Hugg.rth i. Dome from Dart it or. arrl.It to her WI.":-, M1. mud M,- J•14t- Loggartn. Homo road. Nis Neww0ul and daughter. Eli.- Uwen.to law.. waturud from t"eu410 and .i.t1.0] rd Lei\ c. berg for r few da).. Mr.. A. H. Ewes., of 11 a.hinoton, D. ('.. •le si..t,ng at the hoesd of her 4...0u-141. Mr. John Mol)ure. Colbut towo.h,p Mr. .hd Mn. Cha•. Slrinto-h and .o,.. of L. D. 4 M .1*Pf,at end 1 honma.ter of Cho ago. are u. (led rich ua d 41-,::o Mr. le- ase church. Teacher paw.. .. .w,cr, argmm luw,h - .1•ser. Mr.. l . A. Maid. Pi.pi..t Ottawa' for examination.. Studio- M. L W Purim (formerly Mir Grace Mc Oplrorll0 Dr. (0*41.... Dooaldi b.- i'41 to Eu.pre Ara. tier bur - Wad leave. -horty tot Os eread,, ALROOODM.-MRM. A. NIC0OLL Mi Nel.on errant, la peepared t0 do a0 I1nd. of hair work made from cot bur or lout bingo sodu 'pile- hoer for orders. orientate treat- ment, cimniog. etc.. sods aim b•a for nate toilet reyu0ite., •banlpoo powd-.. errant 4.r Roasts or osamage Groom. herbos and lila-.rtf.,e. 'Ott IBORTGAGE SALE. MORTGAGE SALE. • bill or orooto t0 potty of fronds from Detroit fa • tarp to .Nest•coot Quebec ono the Sa4fueny. Mrs liowoiuy and Haby (Ruth. of Toronto. have rewrote hoype after , t..4U .a Mro. Down. mgeraree[.. 1Ir. and limo. J. S. stmt: Mr. Jths.tory • man) tried. oro plea -ed to know of hl- recovery from the filar-. wbuii .opt him oar the she,, for ..mewl Mr. Patter -on and three .o.,-. of Sault "U. M. is, lei,;\iiC.0 are lb. guest. of Neo. Patter- -- 'o.- parent•. .Mr. and Ara. M.O. et, tYeet .tttr[ Mr.- Loreto. Yeocg and Mr fr.eod. uuy. of uu ban. same returned etenw cher l'.der bower W .ale T .004, etJasasr y Wim. for r. .1. at the Lawre ax. • er) I.lta.rnt 44.1 tiiV down the at . hidwe). Aaguet Mt. wed Mr.. H. . H'Iller and .Iwoltbtar lean- k0uw n mix W- . Lei Mei ten. of fawn,. w y.01 ,o court bea•.•. Guderteb. o W O. I. as leo •lcck ,lee sesta bait 1 rut 1. omit me rad Lw r. --�R .SiL 1LNB11itRE7MMOIYia awe Om hollere•d )��'�' *rtia.yle(y rot 7! Up%tiware..MmLIuJCOW CO. Li'l. aaaimro Magi. fl:a 1\. property 14111 N offered for mals em the ••••••••'-‘-"'"'"r"• 'el oo,00 o,..u. l r• 1•'r fru:. er :L. p (,-h.ae The .Ni --.•4 )la: ion and (.a• • 1. J,Iw.e.0e. 1 day of ..a:c to 'be v•i, 1 • • rel. da4OUter.. t M.- N J,.mnr-..e. Ht n"-141. st bans... at, u( , Winne. within O. do.. there. ' •.."uc..m..4.00 :sur :u mmoo.I Mord.) erw- after without inter. et. Thais wi.l se • re- log to soµ two wit.. holeMy err r: .rn ad bd. - :Jeri i huergtr . "LaCe.mw. WOOL WANTED. HI(d11KST PRICE PAID -('ASH OR TRADE. BENMILLER WOOLLEN MILLS. GIRLS WANTED APPLY (OUEItIC_H KNITTING CO. CARD OF THANKS. `WE WISH TO TAKE THIS OP- PORT UNITY to return our thank., fa the .umberles. expre.-ion- ,.f .Tmel by orbit 0 bare reached us .in, -.'he death of our lased .0o Rad bother such kind.e-..ee will not woe be soraotten K.l'. REU'HER AND FAMILY. DENTISTRY. Pa H. G. MA( 'IK)NELL-HONOR Orarhute Toronto 1 ,I ereity. Urocele o�k1 l:oi 4rge of Dental 440r0eon.. tfra(+.wwr to the tate Major ode Oahe. .err $neani and w art street. Uude,,04. FOR SAI/ C. SHINGLES FOR MALi-B.Ct. 13 C' . MUNNI\Ott x4-12 i1BNTAL PRAC'I ICS.: FOR SALE - fur umrs awl residence co.Mn.d. or w111 be Rata separately. No better looted,' ter a demi Yat or needled doctor In Geder1.0. 131r,rtly *pompe (0. paddle* and evletema boom. For rxa0d tarthrr p.na+n lleappy to M. 4) MON. Moa Sa, UM.0ioa. se ow the p' be... West street. Solt .. L'OR SALE. -LAUNCH DOROTHY. 11' 1s 1111 aver all, N'h-p wens* sad AM: Pee MACK rplrseaaen. t.tf WOR SALE. -CEDAR POSTS, ALSO l 1t C. salsgl.n. Appy w'. T. RIDDELL. Auburn. M U NOTICE TOTHE PUBLIC Having been desirous of enlisting for some time past, I have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. Maciiwan, manager) to take over and carry on my cartage bt aineies during my absence. I have therefore signed u}4 with the 161st Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and 1 would respect- fully solicit froom the public gener- ally, and from my old customers particularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as 1 an again resume my occupation. Any hnsinem affairs entrusted to their carr during my absence will therefore he thankfully appreciated by me. Telephinie all orders to phone 44. ALFRED H. JANE 1 "r turn ..rper•tculat.oat n.ndit'.no-of-We sal Date.- u0 apply to .niece at tae unlet I,atrd th). )S: k day of Jr ty.I .1r: PROUDFWT. KIL1.1.1:.1 N R t OOKE, . Uoder, -h. Ontario. Ve4d W '- 1 44e mer.. rHOM.14 Ut'Nt►MY. A oddness'. (lode:it:6.11ot • 1.44 AUCTION SALES. ASSIGNEE'S S.\LE Ur VALUABLE ItI..1L 1;.T.411.. 4+T.1ND- ARDRRED. RKUInTK}}.I, AND 611.41,1: 1101teke. I•ARO STD( K. IMPLLMENT4 ANUCH.ITTEL- The undrnuroed *.nerve of the 4 -tate of Napoleon .1 c moo. Ir,r,..ent. 3141 "flet for ..Ie by public auction. a: 11. J".epb Mock r firm. et. Jo. i.b. troto o., wr.ulrte'DAY.uhe red DAY 01'At.4.(-er at 2 tick, k p ell.. the chattel impiety of Ibe abut • no.,hussar 50late. 40rt•4-4144 of the tut lowing HOR9sr. r'mperor M'Ki,wy. ata Ware hrtd trotting Artless. 4 yeas old. u"a.e.twn.oly nit of the 010.4 promruna •t.whote l!4 , mud*. Wirer Melltma.y. .aldord4r. trotting Owl Fon. 44 year. as. et lead)-. with a trial tsars of 2 In t L . Eire. ' lsc&mrrey . duo. '4y,pbu-. A.OIud Told. .laed•rdto oil 4r44114w -cal lion. 4 year. .44 .,rod by lade,. Nett*. Meliirr..y. .taodardbred mare. - year. old. eery. 1•uv01 McKinney - . dam. 7*e Prion..., er hi. h loiter .dao.,. 'Nettle King. we. toe 'rood -Jan, of "'William. obo-e markl.44-t kileen A.tro. 4atrdardbred more. 4 40004 Md. grub bras by " 1.aspeter Mel( 'nee) the great Mar MrK4du.). 1 yea. 0141 .ml non air., "l.mp.ta.r M4Klo4.y dem. •'14.4.ru A.tl, 14...4...14 4y brat Mur.. 1. r full brother lar Liquid I'emer Ki. r. who rectotly aa.ld bar limens Kadquu. Jr . • peretwetl Parcberou-talllon. h year. .d A ,rood -cork nam, l'bor,. and tiesosed. .I ar.d 4 years old : light ro.d.hor-e. omechewout colt. I year 01.1..Ir•ad by 'riuret McKinney - Iwo young draft mare• with foal. by their •ids neves rand. o.eful farm hor-es and mare, Om grade Peerberoo roll I) ear old CHATTKI.e. Four ...or of \0a. y borne... 1 wt. of .Ingle ►arse.., 1 lewlsel of double dn.lnle Manu., 1 booty deme cart oat karma., w oomit. after wagon and one got of .4044. Muer bio n em.. 1 1Wsart, 1 1o'gtag-en 2 boa.; *.j • 1 rd. of .)sighs, Y tack•. 1 binder. 1 mower. lasInvolor. I art of dam one dime drill. I re sr. x alsal.ep .w.. 1110 w 01 Oleo burro... del borrow.. 1 +outler. 1 wale Kramer as .0 gWUt a alomionm pip.. 1 lel m of teats. • amber of euern-. 1aro-ladder. tuber Ar do roasters. 1 Amon .-41001 •..,leer (No. Sky oea0.d-and boiler•. - lore, 4Matmy of barmen'., valve.. mating. and other Herm Attempt • quantity of ppag. I windba.., 1 We mew. 4 Me (toe" 441e. at AI and lb tech i. REAL ESTATE. Part, of Iota s. le *rid 11 in the Lake hood sad rvncamtar. and pane of Murk N. 11 add 12 to tae We Rei oat agacre 405. la the town ably M May. I0 t\0 e0a*ty M Berea. 10dtdieg (been. a Wee are et village lot• 1a too village w el. 7*0ap0. MIMS Or ((ALF: W0 bonen and netts, ea". (lel the al Oaal Maimed t sty fur men tin mo• at millas )♦lot •M A ibs0oat will be anipsisi br masa ea email alaaeata. Tit Sar oral. et Me madmen Mow 0f 140 real altare in sera ea the ass .t mita. ad the balance Is tally day. ihnualtar. without inured UIDame at O'sasverb MO1.1 day of Ange.t, PROUDP'OOT. KIU1)RAN t OuO[[. AsetpM'0 ♦dram. tact • fiUND*Y Mr. sod Sir. .1 McLet,oan returned to their Lome at )uret.,o a. Frleay after • riot to (brit friend. .al4., Cat Iva. ,n town ano'4.-Inity. I bey wereatto,uttaasd by Mr. A .1 tl'd:.on, who i. returoln4 to E.fmontoo after • .1.1: Lara ot.ever.. wtea.. m....t W. Foto...proprietor and editor of The `tt \Iwty- F.eJo4I4.1. arid hl. delight.:. NI.-. Fe•d,y. were m town. on Friday la.t and ware . m '1 he "'toai •call. •Mr. Fred potter - nor of 'I !inn p, m, rich. the be.t 01 the Omt•no wills nod \1r. }.edy Anyquantity O nim.- If 4... man ...II wor'4. mee•m4. We 4 Y. P. A, o0 the Sunday that there• , f dip hemlock slabs ru.1 he v:11 coo,. 1401. way oehiu. is uu p[Iv wing service at ,. $/ p. :to for bummer wood at MacEwau'e Mr. Frank r{. Hick amid lei+ eon. Krne.t F Hick. a.eompenied bec the tat -e, - rime.. Mi... rerw SMny. all of Tore.I.. arm up be cart nus Toronto o0 Maurine hut. fee two /atter .n1114010. bask to the air ek ',Haw. taking home wi•h them Mr, C F. mirk mod three children'. who leave merit mooth bode) u,g at the farm of their mica. 311.r. 11.1:.4 t . Hr... 'lured road. CHURCH NOTES. A project is on toot for the union of the two Methodist cburehem of town. Rev. R. C. McDermid, of St.ayner, will conduct the 'services in Knox church next Sunday. Ii Rev. P. A. Walker, B.A., of Owen Sound, preached very scceptably at hath 'services in Knox church last Sunday. The annual picnic of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox church .woos held at Hayfield o0 1ueaday and Ira. a very enjoyable event. About fifty of the ladies atteodexi. On Tuesday eveniog of (next week a congregational meeting will be held in the lecture root, of Knox ^March for the purpoee of discussing thecalling of A minister to for pastorate of the cburcb. The Baptist Sunday school held a %try enjoyable picnic on the farm of 31r. Gurdon L►wh,Coiborne towu.bil,, on Wednesday afternoon. Upwards of sixty of the scholars nod teachers were in attendance. In Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday the pastor, Rev J. E. Ford, will preach ,aornirg :rid ev-n- ing. The sacrament of the Lord'. Sup- per will ise dispensed at the morning service. In the eveulag there will be a memorial .ervice for the late Mr. Sydney Belcber. Re.. Dr. yleldrum, d C'bveland. w ill preach at the evenistsaoc (o North street Methodist astir 4 Mulls y. In the morning the *atTstasent of the Lord'. Supper will he dt.p«n..d end .. recep:nun to new mon:Mere will Ile held. .4 .peeler offering wig he Mr.. Wesley lW.tli er bit. Laren in taken on '«halt of the fire sufferers in town for several day. and In the Northern Ontario. cuur.e of a week 31 r. and 31r..1Valker •Colborne Evangelical Murch -Ker, expect to he ronifortahly *eland is W. H.Campbell. Lit . B., B. D., 0.104. their now hour in Mr. mien Priests f re id«nee tV 4 I jl Zion -3 p. <. i , ere. s inClinton and i. now in a position to glee clop«r at tion to his furniture busine.. in (note - DROWNED AT RIVER MOUTH. George BYtchford. of Listowel Excur- sion Parte, Finds a Watery (;rage. A sad incident of the excursion from Listowel on Monday was the drown- ing Moor of the excursionists, a young moon named George Hlatcblord, at the mouth o1 the Maitland River. The young man. with a M.r of others, including his cousin, MrC. V. Blatch- ford, editor of 1'b. Listowel Banner, had rowed out to the river mouth early 111 the afner•noou and had gone in 'swimming k is a dangerous place tot' anyone who isnot • strong swim- mer, and the river current and lake breakers which meet at that point were evidrntlJ too much for young Blatchford. He was heard to call for help mud his cousin started to the res- cue but could not reach him A search for the body' wan commenced shortly after. but up to 'Thursday afternoon it had not [leen recovered. Several local work.rs, under tnedirer- tinm of Captain Malcolm McDorsld, have spent Tong hours in grappling, and friends of tSe decease(. young man from Exeter and Hen.a11 hay. born here the last two:days ae,isting in the search. The unfortunateyoung roan was a ..on of 'jr. and rs. Francis Blatch- ford, of Ex -ter, and a brother of Mrs. Hoy L,nkluter, of 1),,nlno. He was a printer by trade and had been with nits cousin at Listowel only a week or two, hoeing worked prior to that on The Exeter Times. He was twenty- two years of age. While there had not been a frown' Ing there for some year., the point at which Monday's fatal event (sectored is known to he • rather dangerous place, and the suggestion i. made that a warning notice to posted near the spot .0 that strangers may he on their guard. WAR'S SECOND ANNIVERSARY. Union Service of Commemoration to be Held on Friday Evening. A united public serv`ce to commem- orate the second anniversary of the beginning of the war will be held in St. George'. church on Friday even- ing of this work, commencing at It o'clock. The meeting will be ad- dressed by 1Irv. Dr. Dicko', of Mon- treal, who will -peak on "The lames at Stake, • and try Rev. Dr. Meldrum, of Cleveland, whose theme will be 'Our Duty. ' EPelybo1y este Blacltatone's deli.. Mons neo ereem of .nperfor quality. O. dens delivered. THE LADS IN KHAKI. Lieut. -Cul. John 1. NicLaeen, cow. mending officer of the lthh Hattaliun, a liotieri.•b "old boy," was Riven a rousing welcome Fy the citizens of Hamilton when he ailivtd h from France on Monday of this week. He. has been offered a brigade rowu,and at Comp Holden. The news wits rr;•.ivWl in town a few day. ago that Private '1•hrtolotr Schuler bad been killed in action. Private Schuler mai a resident of lioderi,•h for sr4ieral year when the Kensington furniture factory was in operatin. He wit. p,.asresed of a very pleasing voice and while living here he ware very aecrptable ser vice We a church sului.1. He had a large number of friends in Goderich who will regret to brat of hie dtath. Nord has lust been received that Pies. Sidney I).ew and Hugh Mc Gins. $4avr near wounded and are iu ho.pit 1. Pte. Arthur Holland, who left Dun- gannon at the 1'.g,n„tug of the war. to enli.t in the Pont-turutb Battalion, has been wounded u1 the stiduWrr. Hs has been in the hospital since May 12, but expects to be track at the 110111 40011, On Tuesday evening there was a gathering at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. ; A. A. Willman", Dunlop, to hid tare - well to Mr. Reg. Williams, who is leaving for Englund to join the Motor Boat Patrol. On behest( of the Col- borne RIHo C'Iut, he will presented with a wrist -watch, and the neighbors presented him with a ring, 4 eafety- razor and a Bihlr. WILL USE TARVIA. Council Decides to Lay It on Several . Principal Roadways. When the town council meets o 1-'1 May (veiling of this week a reco(44 n.rndutiuu hum the public work committee (or the immediate pus chit►- of 4axer gallons of Tar,,. Will 1 sanctioned, and in the meantime pre pa1A(.0oa will her made to biter it laic on the Mquore roadway and other sorrels, when it arrives next week. The de •iaioo to adopt the use of Tarvi was reached at an info/trial meeting o the council oro Monday evening. r Dole, .a repte.entativr of the Tarty parry, who had prrviuuely con- ferred with the council relative to the purchase of an initial order, was pres- ent and produced estimates tending t show that 'Parr,♦ wits cheaper twin wester For • period of five months, at $ 1 pre week, lose tort of souring th Square would h• appr.xionntely anal ;On the other hand, if 'Tarsi's were j used the (sum tied outlay would f ; $Mitt, but the egrets would toot o year. In addition Tarsi* hos the repnftatio of bring a gond road - builder, as it h a binding tendeory on the roadbed 1 A 1,1.41-g.Ilon tank will cover 13,11(0 Implore 'yards 01 roadway. After treat mg the o,tki14 •yyu.rr yards on the !Stiletto. roadway atiffbc4en. of the prod- uct will be left to treat a cou•iuerabl portion of the streets bailing (row tb Square on which there is the greater 0,uount of traffic. Thie will insure that no great amount of duet will ► blown on to the Square when the windy weather, such as was exper- ienced on Monday of this week, seta i in the fell. The work of laying the Taro i will (ccupy about a work. This in- cludes the work of sweeping the road way, spreading the 'Loom, ..rid cower- ing it with a thin layer art builder, sand. • n .e 1 f • 0 3 e r u an e e t e 0 a 1f it's qushty you want, use Black. stone'. delicious Ice -.team ter .,Il oc- casions. Phone 240. To prevent coilf)).ion and sometimes delay. Mr. George Poster, hook•elter of Gelder i h. asks portiere interested n the Canadian Patriotic Fund to plea.• mote that he I. not.an nffl,•ial of the Huron county branch, but O.*( Mr, A..drew Porter. of the customs ,Hi_.i the tree.urer, and he will attend to all rowplasut• and enquiries, The casualty ismte published yester- day contained the mane of Corp. Melville G. Anderson. Ottawa, who is reported wounded. form. Anderson, who belong. to the Engineer.•, is a syn of the Iwtr Rev. Jas. .1. Andessou, of liodrrich. Lieut. W. K. Sauuder.. of the laird Battalion, woe. hoa,e trot,, Comp Horden for a tew days the pas; week He declared that the *tori.. about the Colborne-ln - on a er .w direst. * i •. M. I1Valker hos prom:cony closed all his; i urine 1 t t l'I' Colborne -7.M p. w. on alternate) K tr , Sunday. Sunday school-C'ulhorni 1I a i phone I114). *omit per ford. t f 1 Aug. '1, 1914-1: ar Declared Aug. 1, 1916 -Allies «'inning ORGANIZE for Victory! I.NTARIO THE THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR calls for the organized co-opera- tion of every citizen of the Province of Ontario. ALL must help to hasten the day of final triumph. For the sake 1'f those who have made the Great Sacrifice, and of those now overseas or in training, every citizen must give the best service possible. No one need feel "out of it" when the great day of Victory comes, hitt everyone must quai::y now by sharing in the sacrifices which the War demands. Suggestions for Organization 1. seamy Mwwicipaiitie• there are already active patriotic organisations, such as Recruiting, Red Crean, Soldiers' Aid add Patriotic Fuad Ca n- nrttees. I• such cassia, ens of these, or, hotter still, a joint eesemittre .4 the Rad eke daises. generally, markt undertake is ee -pied. wick tie Central Cessraietss at Twe.,. Sri re there is se active representation organization, it is es4gested diet este Ise at the earliest mama•,. It aierli ler nen- parttime fparttime (0r t►e kreadest ew k sad every ttiitareet 041.41.4 ley war es-dldests. TH and 1%CONOMY, and a careful consideration and preparation for onr lems are tial if we world meet the present and future needs. For furth suggestions and information you are cordially requested to write at once to ALBERT H. ABBOTT, Ph.D., Secretary, Organization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. What Organizations Should Do 1. Find more men few 0....... service. 2. Heist is keeping our mo0itiss planta working to full capacity. 3. Irises every pteorhle worker, men amid weenies, to serve as Moe tars and in ether eaaentisl industries. 4. Fid mmo ey for t►s comint WAR LOAN sad war furs. S. In akevt, waist in the organization of Ontario's reeeurces to sleet war eeedit,on. .ad Jit -war ceditiena. .414. e LWJIU1A/IT.GOVIMNOR OF °WARR ) C>Wea *a 111f the Olrgaiatiaa d Rnas res.. Cammiti_. e THE POWER SITUATION. The a:t'Ctr,c power situation is not satisfactory. Nut Unit in Glxi:r.ich, but all uttr the district served from Niagara. manufacturers and .merchants and the. public generally arc complaining of the frequent interruptions in the service. Even if the service were not interrupted, Goderich wou'.d be at a disadvantage in the matter of power prices as compared with, other town- nearer the Falls. What chance is there •of our securing industries when 1l'elland, Berlin, Brantford and a score of other places can quote much- lower piices for (ower ? 'When it was proposed to bring -Hydro power to Goderich, Sir Adapt Beck promised that power would be developed on the River Maitland and that Goderich would have a rate of /I n or less. Nothing is heard of this now, and nothing -will be heard of it from Hydro headquarters unless the people of Goderich and district insist that Sir 'Adam Beck •keep his promise. The ::.atter is one of vital importance to this to%vn, but unless some plain. talking is done the present un- satisfactory gate ..1 .Ifl.urs mill continue. Think what, it w'o41:1 mean to Caxlerich to bar's• power at a third less than the present cost. With Maitland River. power, too, the (I:wgtr of •1,eing left periodically without at service wotbld be practicaliy eliminated. as there ♦uuld lye connection with Is.th the Mattland and the Niagara plants and it would not often occur that both would be out of busi- ness at the same time. THE FI'TURE OF Gl)DI':RICII DEPENDS UPON ITS OWN PEOPLE'. \1•c cannot expect outsiders to interest themselves in onr affairs 11 we ourselves sit :.round and fail to assert our rights. IS THERE ENOU(.1I INDEPEN- DENCE AND PI'BLIC SPIRIT AMON.: THE CITI- ZENS OF GOI)I•:Ell If TO DEMAND THE. DEVELOP- MENT OF NIAiTI.-1ND RIVER POWER AS A PUBLIC UTILITY discomforts suffered by the then in the: (iUNORYy SALE REGISTER. new camp were greatly rx.rgger•te(l. Major E. N. Lewis war in town over Sunday. Hr expects te. go ()vet mar this month. A letter from Hlrmb. 16'g. Platt. dated Belgium, .luly 12th, .'.v,ta,0a an interesting por•greph whn'h should serve to allay all doubt in the mind. of thoe who have fears tont Kell Cron supplies newer reach the soldiers in the firing Imp The letter .tate* : "We frequently get dou.uons (4 sock., cigareter., et^.. and the 1140 Wee of the prisons giving 11n•m, u.u.ny come with the p0131•ls. The last I, inch of Pock* ^►roe frigate a 14dy in li4de- 1ich by the name \of Nellie \tomo,. 1 think some of the boys are writing to her.' MR. P. J. MacEWAN STILL IN THE COAL RIJSINESS. I The report that the Goderich Coal Company will retire from h(Isiness is incorrect. Mr. Peter MacEwen, the manager, an- nounces that his new undertak- ing in the automobile business ,with Mr. W. E Kelly will not prevent him from carrying out his plans to enlarge his coal business. %VI n.,..+oar. Ana 41.4 a-Maesasa. Od. ee farm nity 144 halfof 1 Ira 1. ren...•lon, ru'.rt M..,., rr41 (iwlrreh. at 12 orltw•k noon a tae ll ll 6.07'1C.04 T..1n40.1 t5, A -icon• • -al. of real ..tai e.. A,d•r.lbr,•4 regl.tered and grade h••roso far "-took. Inr('Iement. and chattel.. at t t Jody\ Stock earns, St Jody.., flet. 1 taw („ 411•144. A.4f4nM BORN. ' RAIU Al Alexandra heap tot. I:oder:eh. On Toe -day July IS. to .Mr and Mr-. 14111 'r.tg, .1 "M MARRIED. fin11'TT - At the hom of the bans.. pare, 1 .:Non t root .t rest , Gude rich, by item. J. H Fo'Iserina4mm, on Wednesday. Aa gne( e. 044.. Jour Moir, e btegate,Se Mr. rood Mr- It H ('.1t, to 71e4ams Miele Ito.- .eon 4.4 N- .r 4 Meg. J•nar. 110.- of the rah i.•ord•sw4a, er Uaderie\ leu n.blp. 0 140. 41I 1A H1.1: 1n I.etrert. on Noaday. hely 31. ..--yd n.y Jew.. R*te0er_ wed 71 Fent NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Alts. S. Peer I Ito of W in.Iwy .. • E. Arne. a Ce x oar. I onr Mosey-llee.rtmest M P1.•sse. IMuw• .. Y rewireaph Operator W• B 1:. 411114.., Toronto. 1 .1-.14nee • Sad- a ase . A. Pastia ., (Weaning for Vi.t•ry- Dies of la moods ('ommtttca U laden. Wa•tN-A1n.41 ., IIM.p(ta) 1 Reader- Morgues, .. . 1 Na14 maid--kln.ObellNWWlla 1 ( •a,d of T1ar!-1. C. ttdwu leo ('num--t. T. rwmia. 1 Yetkre--P J. Maaswr J