HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-27, Page 8► 1 .t 1.119411. JoI, EL UN 1 HE SIGNAL GODERICA ONTARIO Hot Weather GOODS C.lalw•i111,• waste paler Irw..kets, y of •',dn.. Special 15c and 20c rap,' 1 l..w •I., ler roll of c 25 X11 1leurli..n high-grade limpet u:•1•. I►Iir I" 25c --I 35c I Ikmtil. •1. palw'r tabterorer+ ILr cosh••, s 114 lh,•ni plates 00 per d.rscir and )pom, dunking cup. M per pa, k age , d 5. Iloosele•per. waxed 10c paw, Per portage �J� Waterman'. Ideal eel 1'.anrf .iPen,`•50JJ Waterman', Hennas(�(� Couist:nn Peu., Std. $1 •W GEO. PORTER cW r.a.atLORS HAVE A FIELD NIGHT. Continued from page 1. NERE'S Box )" 1, It littler Brown Om die kids, and 'Serge wn-ups,too. Takes a picture 2631 inches and costs only $2. Other Anscos up to $55. We'd like -In show you the entire line. Our photographic de- panment has established quite a reputation fot developing, printing and enlarging., Come in. won't you party rent its health °Meer t0 • ton- vrattuR at which subjects in the in - iciest of the be•Ith of the general porde were debated, tb:a the town should derive some 1.•nefit therefrom. Thur, however, bad not been the result. The local board of health had not held • meeting this year for organisation purposes. Instruments werr purchased • few yeare ago for the ttrtit of the :still supply and to his knowlidlt• they were seldom, if wed. ed. There was no statement forthcoming ee to whether the dairies or the milk supply were ever in- spected. There were no instructions issued dealing with the disposal of garbage during the warm weather, • duty which, Councillor Wigle con- tended, rested solely with the M. H. U. and was especially important tee- cmowe of the wide use of gasoline and kerosene stover in the homes during the warm weather. Another matter deserving of attention was the draft- ing ot rules govetDing the delivery of meat from the Meat markets. ' Instead of the meat being properly wrapped Councillor Wigle alleged that the de- livery boy frequently handed it to the housewife unwrappeI witb a piece of paper for a platter. Councillor Wigle stud be had hoped when the Mayor and Councillor Moser had been made members of the board of health the organization would be more ai'tive and be suggested to Mayor McLean that be make an effort to have the board meet at an early date. Tbis the Mayor promised to do. l:ouneilloe Munnings referred to the practice of the younger element in bathing without proper •'regalia." He also stated that the bathing b tach was being destroyed by the removal of send. The police will be instructed to put • stop 1.0 these practices. (►n the suggestion of Councillor Munuing1. the clerk will notify Gov. eminent, Inspector Johnston to have repairs made to the planking on tbe commercial dock at the harbor. Councillor Wigle made ,inquit les as M whether the *wei.eor had returned hie roll. Clerk Knnz said the work was not yet completed. Councillor Wigle said he was anziuus to table the estimates and have the rate struck. nt'NI:.1NNON p. Mayor McLean promised to ere the 11 i'Ihr.r Bruwu 7!l3, Elmer assessor and to urge him tj loury bis ton tltjli work to completior. HENS.\LL. l'outusllur Muui figs, in tep••rt ng Allan, McDonald 1151. -Russell M uc- that d larger WII.rrvire we.+ h-ing Kay 717, Marie -Miller *PI. Freda installed et lePE e knitting f..':o' y . su t Mw. I,eumhr 771 gentrd that the water and I'41,t c .m wtN.'HELsB.\ r�."NINA mission 1. {trattuctPd to have the earth used for tilling in weI! soaked with Earl Bslkwell 11111. Viola Bell 74:+, w:.t• r in order that a rare -its in the (:nr•ion f) Innen 1h•unnr•t tai`•. Iola n ads ay sbould not recur Inter. The Heywood .In .) 7:.1. Vera Heywood Mayor promised tai' convey chi+ mss- Rlra: NPortr•• Kemp iIN, Hat old Tufts sage to the chairman of tle-water and (h. floral 7111. light romtltiesion. No. 1, NORTH STANLEY. , Thar l: C. I. board notified the coup• ('Gff„rdScot.hrner r.e•, F.dna'Scotcb- ,•it (.hart it would Li gain• a levy of -met 1;71. Alice Stinson 04'l. Swim this year fur Collegiate pur- NILE +PHIN.L pose). List year'- levy was $1.010.live levy fr.r the publie crhor'l hoard I ,Il Alice Sbrppeid 715, Marie` Watson 'or 191H is $13,111110, an against $15.314 L. DALAI' w.'Itine4 last )e.. t. A request for ton week•' h.-ilidays clary !•'inlay=•:n 73t. John) Mceod each from CH.( 1'•:stlethwaiteand'Ser- .'..4. 11.tgaret McLeod 015, Mac - Besot. Moore wan sent to the special liar 113. . committer. tt Prompt S ervice A. L.Caldwell, Phm.B. Prescription Druggist Prior ts 59 ',Ni 19 11 NulTit sIltp; M11t1.11th; r � et► Of Every IOc Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS wILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN oe waTIL OF ANY SS8TICITITTIATC1IFQ Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug- gists, Grocers and General Stores. WEST HURON JR. PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADUA rION. 'Che following students were success- ful at the jrniur public school gradua- tion examination held in June, 191d. The diplomas will he wet tot he teacher or the secretary of the sch:rol board whru received from the Department of Educat len. To paws a candidate must male iII iwr c.o.. on each suhjeet and dtt per cru'. of the total of the obligatory sol j -c:-. The highest percentages made in each subje't are ae follows : Reading --Irene Jrff.rson and Cllr ford Scotcbmer t.7•. Writing -Lucy Woods'. Marie Wat- 50 l and Gordon Duncan su. Spelling -Lucy Woods. Alice 8bep- peed and Fred. Smallacuwbe 111). Literature- 1, .rdun Duocanl14. Composition -Esti B,lkwell •(8 Grammar -Gordon Duncan M. Canadian history -Gordon Duncan 7% Ue raphy -Gordon I)unean fr. Arithmetic-Inia Heywood Ira, Algebra -Marie Watson, Iola Hey- wood, Russell MacKay 1(5). Art -Freda y-nafaeomhe Sri Science -Lucy %Voods *1+ Bookkeeping -Marie Miller 7r: Total -Gordon Duncan 2x1. . Puss week, 111*'. Honore. 7:A). HAYFIELD P. S. L'tcy It Woods 712. Sbaskle- iog. Bekaa Middleton (boson). A. HMO/. K. C. Miller. *4. L. Hilae, D. L McDonnell. M. G. McMatb, R. P.1 McMath. M. McClincbey, N. N. Mc- lean, E V. M.Burn•y (honors►. K. C. McDonald, W. F. Nigh. M J. Nolan. A. M. Pickett, M. I:. Perri:, D. H. Hattsnbury, H. G. )tors, D. C. Roth, D. E. Ross, C. I. Shesiry. M. T. Kcal - lett. 0 C. Sbillinelaw, M. G Sillery. M. K. Smith. W. Townernd, Frank I G. Tate, M. . V. Tisdale, Z. M. Turve . D. R. N doom M. E. Walnuts, A. i. W i llian.•• ' n. The following candidates at the I lower ecnool examination were not I wcoeeett.l, but in view of their marks l they are permitted under the regula- tions tr. quality to a lower school cer- tificate by :aline the subjects named in.brarket.s along with anouber depart- mental examination (middle or upper school( which they have riot already passed : Too Much Trouble. The -nee enlists" rastnulet. drifted into a couuny store in Arkansas. '•Glom,e a nickel's worth of meafe- tids.' he drawled. The .Ierk toured it nal and p..•hrd it acrons the coun ter. ••('haige it." said the customer. ••What's your name"' asked the clerk. ' Huneyfunkel." "Take it for Nnlbnoir," stud the sbopn.*n. "1 wouldn't art ilr'asafetida' and 'Iloney• fucker for, five rent...' Are you getting the benefit of these two splendid hair requisites? reeslar Hair Tonic is not merely a fr..- grant dre.+ing . tut the hair-- it has an actual tendency to improse eta growth and lustre- it helps to rid the hair of roarsetiens • is 4 lends 10 it, that much sought silky gl.K.t,ienh. Sec asci $1.00 Pettttslwr Simpson .. esjo(ctally in.li•pens- a1.Ietothewcll•grnn i - rad became of rG ins Irthrnng and cleans- ,ngqualities. It Iranrs thr hair and sip, leaving the hair ..dl and MIR), reedy he the application of 1111 toe1.. - lir EIN-T.tt I. (No. 1..t-IIEI In reply to a .I two ion by Councillor Belle MacKenzie 1.' Paltri.lgr, !Crewe Nairn as-ured the I , REtcP. +t HtNoL council that it was not pr..I.41,1. that ).he Muairal Society would ask f.ow 1 Ruhr Kilbatrick IID grant thin year. The war, he sant. KIN. t:Rtn.;K NeU1N)t_ had so -depleted the mctuheimhip of the., \Vinnie Racket• 911. hand tbat.at the present time it mold l N.r. :). WK,•P {►Aw..allo atH. scarcely ter a sufci.lit nu mitt to make a puhlir appewren.•e. Efforts to I John -Cranston 0112. secure new members had been un- NI .. 1:'. is E.:T wAtc.tNns)1 successful. Irene Jefferson tiro. The 'Moorecommitteerecommended I No. 13, F.t+T tc.twavo+dr that the police tw instructed to enforce the hylaw governing the collection -of WalterNicoIlttl. dog licenses : that the statement from Y.t'RH'H 9i'H1M.l- the Flank of Montreal, showing the Hazel Frits •aR. Lorne ManslorM.C.), standing of thr several town accounts Ir.hie Pollock . M. C'.. be referred to the auditors for exam. inative. and that a number of accounts be paid. The rrp,rt was adopted. The water, light and harbor com- mittee om- .recommended acceptance � of Mr. T. Arundel's propon with tele:rime to the Irs>ing of the tracke along the south aide of the town freight shed to a point loft feet west. and proposed that the matter he left with the eolicitorto close up. in the matter of the request of .)oho Graham Inc use of thirty feet frontage no Harbor -Quay, past of the ('. P. R. shed, on which to erect • fish house, the committee recommended that Mr. Graham's request he granted at an an- nual fee of $5, Mr. (irabam to remain in possession at the pleasure of the council. The report was adopted. The pulite works committee recom- mended that the clerk's office he painted and papered under its supervi- sion, and reported that tbe Bell Tele- phone co. had Jaren given permiuion to erect w pole and wires on Raglan street. the work to be done under the supervision of the street inspector. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. P. A. Walker. B. A., of Owen !totted. will conduct the services in Knot church next Sunday. OODEIIICH. Jean M. Bogie (and. Margaret V. Kelly lr,t1. OT II KIM) IN HCRON t-Ul'NTY. B. A. Argo wain 1. E. 0. Cbowesi (aria. I. A. 1. Yukon (art I. C. M. )card tart), H. ' i aidl•w t•ritb.l. A. L. Ban- demon taritb J H. M. Stewart art H. Wright 'aro' HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE. TWO following names of successful candidates for bigb school entrance were not included to the list published last'werk : James A.Campbell Plate CENTRAL ORM STORE Comer NortthM.Mt. mod Smear. ' PHONS8 ZVRICB. Graham Merner. "Susie Deichert, M .rgarrt Hew. Jean Campbell. The Robert Park Memorial Medals. The R, beet Park memorial medals, which ate awarded annually to the pupils obtaining the highest marks on the high school entreaee examina- tion at Central and Victoria schools, were wain this year by John Pinder, aged fourteen, who gets the gold medal. and Myra McNevin, aged twolve, who secures the silver medal. These two pupils received the highest marks of the Glderich pupils, the former toeing one per cent. higher than the latter. The gold medallist was a pupil of Victoria school and the silver medallist of Central school. THE WAR AND THE JEW." Rev. H R. Horne Presents Some Facts Not Generally Known. "Tile 4Var and the Jew" was tbe subject of an intensely interesting ad - dream delivered by Rev. H. R. Horne, of Cobourg. in the basement cf Knox chutch on Tuesday evening. dome, very astonishing. bete were pre- sented Ly the reverend gentleman as he reviewed the history of the Hebrew race -the world's greatest tragedy• -from the days of Abeabam to the days when the:Jews as • nation were scattered abroad on the face of the earth. The Jew, he said. is a man without a country. without • place be can call bis own, and with nothing to keep elhe the instincts of a national life. A Jew is • Jew wherever you end biro. In every country under the sun he is known by his appearance and l.y hiaohusi*ess. He is a man that no country want,* : ro country will toter - ate him. %Pt every country has,him. inn Because all countries have the Jew, then is no race so vitally interested in this war as the Jowl.. SR. PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADUATION The following in Weat Intron were succresful: Crediton -Moe cel Geier, Clara L. Orstreicber. Bayfield -Ethyl H. Fodlie. Dashwood -Mme. Ehler Zurich-(iertie Kaeicber. , Note. -For 1917 junior high ecbool entrance exemiO•tton. the subjects of Group I. will be accepted on the teaeb- e1'a certiticate as provided in examin- ation form 14, the same as this year, unless the Minister provide papers for (croup I. on which tbe candidates may write at same time as on Group 11. subjects. J. ELGIN GIN Tox. I. P. 8., Secretary of Entrance heard. Rev. (1. M. Holism will occupy the pulpit in the Baptist church nest Sun- day, both morning and evening. The •ervieee during the "rummer months are brief. end strangers and vieitore are cardtally invited. Believer's bap- tism will be admini.tered at the close of Rteev eW 114. Haser • moaning sub- ject In North street Methodist church omit Sundaywill be "Paul. an Isobar - tot." In teveoinpt his discourse will be on 'Extreme action." There was • good-sized congregatMea In North strews Methodist cbsrett un the occasion of the soon service led by the choir of the church last Sunday evening. Two ism/wets were meg by the choir very acceMm ably.one Number. • Gloria in especially 1x cia, frothe Twelfth __�s MaMass. es . ►icing nuhecial15 solos by Mian Nhlpe/an, of Torooto. were well received bee second •uar her. •Vevalleria received, being. neatly appreciated. The duet by' Mea King end Mies A. McClinton, Stainer. "Love Divine," was sung well. and the obligator' in the wittiest, "Th. Day lse ramrod and O,.r,'• were deligtthony smattered by the mare ladies. Mr. Kleseg m organ ,.Mellone were e.mparS- t-ie.Iy now to the people of G..reb. he prelede, "Pastors in It" ((eons) Ibeing a pertlsulartlp �� _ _j_ Mra Rime, s.M,' Nina/ sad Niro," was Wooton msg. 1. the atreeee of Roo W. 1 S. Hager. who was eo.Mdthtt anwtvesary swin�e�+y Votress Mw A. M. Rsheei.ee 98drr • L 1 11 1 ■ s 1 J 1 ee et ma r r r.l Germany made the toast when it Midsummer Bargain Days SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY JULY„ 29th, 31st and AUGUST 1 at We Call Them the Days of a Hundred Bargains ECA USE there will be a hundred or more of as lig B bargains as this store ever gave all ready for you Sit- urday. Everyone will be a money -saver. Here is one big off. $1.00 DOLLAR DAYS $ 1.00 For Millinery will be our Big Bargain Days. Choice of all Trimmed &is. $1.00 Every Trimmed Hat in the show -room goes on Bargain Days and a dollar bill will give you your choice. None reserved, all must be sold, for we will not carry one over. All children's and ladies'- hats are- included in this big bargain clearance. It is the chance you have been waiting for, the millinery bargain of the season. Early comers have best choice: A hundred or more to choose from and you take your choice for only $1.00 1 The Days al 110 Bargain 1 Hodgens Bros. DIRECT IMPORTERS GODERICH, ONT. Saturday, w.iy ani T.ed.y, lip 2S, 31, A.gest 111 ■ a ways this present mystery may be co(r)ed ter war that for her it was cleared up 1.. on IM g. the reverend gentleman lBritain well knew that for her it was referred to the constant " reference Jew it orwas total the alternative For the which was made to the recompense Jew not the u.bingttce t.f which Belgium should receive for all be,au e i victory ,. or heuwill 1 defeat, 1.which bad suffered. As yet there was no berm) in any roseiwill ire num- reference to the Hebrew people. but breed among the victors and also he ventured the etateweIt thst the &MOOR the vanquished. Jews ma lee gathered togrthrr and JIn Great Blltaln there ••e 'r,11.(M,• restored again to their former glory. ews. France bas Uri rete(, Belgium la• (sat, Italy til.'IUtt, (:ermarrV 759,11x' I The Maht.ath school of St. George's Austria-Hungary 2,'259.000. and Russia':butch enjoyed • picnic wt i3lwck's 0,00lar,000. In the beast of the present Point •0n Tuesday dteroo*1 oiathis great struggle thereis a total popula- I Peet. tion of about ten million Jews. li . in the British army there are 18,100 Picnic part (e. front Londesr.,ru it d Jew, with the French army 10,0911. I tit. H.I.oa enjoyed the cool breezes of with the Germans BMX) p1) and with the Lake Huron to Harbor Park on Tues- day of this week. -world power or downfall,,"' Greatt c in LOWER SCHOOL EXAMINATION. The candidates named below have passed the lower school examination for entrance into the normal schools and faculties of education. in addition to the above, they re- quire to pass the middle school exam- ination before they can he admitted to the normal schools. and the upper school examination before they can l.e' admitted to the faculties of education. Thom who have already passed either of these examinations are reminded that the normal schools open on Sep- tember 1, and that •(+plication there- for mot be made to the Deputy Min- ister of Fducatioe not later than Aug. ust is For information concerning the faculties of education. applicants are referred to the registrar of the Uoivereity of Toronto or of Queen's University, Kingston. (IoDER1CH. Lizzie E. Adams, Eveiya E. Gold- thorpe. Joh. Alex. Hasse. Beryl J. Johnetoo Emily G. McArthur, Mita - both McKenzie. Attlee B. McEwan. Genevieve O'Connor, Emma Wallow. Russians 4410!xsr. The whole world poDulatiob is esti- mated to he 1.8110 hillioos and forty ore per omit. is directly interested in the prpeot war. Approximately sixty- eight per cent. ot the Jewish popula- tion ot the world bas an interest in (;0DERICH MARKETb. Sal Wheat. Pre bash ))'ata. per b.ab .. • Barry per bash...... Peas. per bash the struggle. Buckwheat, per bas.\. About twenty million men are under ewer. rarity. perew% Plow, lastest. per ewt ... . bran, settee s a s s ... ... . Now Ray. Mr tee .... 81nw. sense. pot tea sass the person of Alexander Young, of Wingham. was claimed by death on Sunday, July 9th. Mr, Young went to Tomato a few days prior •tu•bis de. mise to consult a specialist regarding an affection which had been troubling him for some time. An operation was decided'upon and was successfully per- formed and Mr. Young was making satisfactory recovery until a short four weeks. Miss Young was • dough. tin.e before bis death. The deceased ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard was Morn on what is known 44 the Young, who carte far many y..e. ••(cowrie Fatmu in the township of resident/ df t'ollwree township ori tae Colborne and was in his sixtieth year. Flenmiller road, about three m The Ant twenty yawn of his life was (tom (,oderich. Mince the death d:. spent. on the farm and be then went to ,torr parents hiss once red resided,. Wisgbam and k.aroed.tbe Hour mill- with her sister. /In. Graham, etc ` iog business in Fishers m111. After Kincardine, and was a fregtwn.t okio r completing hi. apprenticeship he held to the bogie of rel (:other, Robwa ppooeiitione at Exeter. Yemlor«riles and Young, Elgin avenue. tioderieb. In P•kenbam. He returned, to Wing - ;toned to the brother and Meter ham twenty yuan ago &nil engaged named al.ove she is survived by M successfully in the hardware buaifte .. brother.: Thomas. of Red Deer, Ail..( __A Hellyar and W illiem, David arta lieurge l'antelon. MOM MATILDA. J. 205'Nai. A Dative of lioderirh township wee removed by death on Thursday pi Iasi week. when Hiss Matilda J. Young pawed away in London hospital. where she had been • patient for abort TRcasoav, y He dlepo•ed of the buslneea two (care Jacob, of ('bicago l Henry, o. this . a t 1 I nein ..d last year purchased for Wing iog homestead in Colhoroe townsbl ; Jobs. arms, which is two and (brace-Attbe per cent. of the population of the coun- tries at. war, While of the Jewish race five and a haft per Cent e The Jew is in the war. the speaker declared. because be is loyal to the . country of his adoption. Flee ambits of the British Cabinet are Jews. five have .sats in the Hoose t of Lords and six are Privy Councillors. Whim Great Hrit•in undertook to fl,at • huge war loan in the limited States it was Lord of tReadin ra Jew. ho had hie sth�oga•t oppooen he Negotiation'', in the States wan one of hie own race. The ambassador from Belgium to Great Britain is a Jew and for decode, Jews have barn instrumental in shap- ing the political policy of Germany. The nob, than in Germany who dared to raise be voice easiest the Asst Ger- man war loan was • Jew, and the wreaker was of the opinion that this hebindoprison wail.,florsee, even i would haf be were ve a great deal 10 do with the sudden term- ination' of the war. Yon can imprfeoo mea. leo said. Met you eameot imp cin Tim rapid transportation of German troop from one part of the battlefront to soother e a striking fe•turji of the present war and the than at the bad of Bee inesDnrtatloe facilities in Ger- many e • Jew. Three thousand iron erases bad bees won b' Jews els the great simile. �e.eeadore withdrew from Commas - and left their Mumma In charge d the United 14155.. ambssea- doe. who was later complimented by (re0pritale os them•rvelWss ability be bad dipleyed In his work maim the most tryiag eiresmotanwe. This Nom belongs to the Hebrew ewer. '(w Weaker said be did not to be able to interpret the e� of the tae's wheel' be twit He aM ant Shish it was a matter of (phases that the Jew should have web a pr B is.st'pleee in theorist was that Gees Sana was in K erred that where Him obsess people wli alert Mme she .ecce et ISMe • ktore LS u .e) ... . tee te 1.1e 7e t0 .73 . 173 a iM sass b3e to 173 ase a s\Ie . i&en te x7.01 )vires, tare ', mtier. paelb .... • r, Bettor sass .•• Nhow\ purr dos . .•. Potwar. tar. bo Cottle. bateMt+ .55105. per ewe 7.73 u 33 'anis. hatcher. e0i.sf. per cwt 7..5 M 7.3e Hear.. nye weiakt. me cwt. • . 11.10 Y I7.A Sessw Pyr cwt . .. ... ,►3 M x13 Mies.. woe Ib .. ....... Twieet.t oreweeM.ew*b. b a 55z name Pens .. .s q .1• barn act works and was working up a ret Loyal : George. pear Bayfimid. is verytntcrwt•tl business, until be Deet tioderich townabip ; and three einem t wlih misfortune in the well which Nn Hurliwan, of 'Vancouver ; Mees supplied the brine. He was married Card, of Toronto, and Mn. D. Fel. to Hank Jane Hanna, of hast Wawa- nosh, of Godericb: The body wale) n0•b, who survives with four core., limn ht to the maidince of re3w a iw viz. Geotfge, of T,iinoto : John H •. brother, Mr. Robert Young, 0 tail i• s-$ of winnipug ; Leslie etf W {sgbam Wend•tock. bbur sic- sed t41s fueieral took phos to >s9/ eemrt on Sunday afternoon. .s w .10 and Gs..'d or ea a Js iwa e5' pal hu M McKenzie of K"p ten also survive : Mrs. Anderson• of wr7 (Ioderich township : Mrs. Mtraugban, J E. Ford conducted the services gni of An n : n. the the&ren were four alBTrlt. Grotto M. Cam, Bella A. Brooks, Rita M. Brooks. Mary G.ry i r Elva E. Hae . Amy s H Haswell. Hyyrs E; Morgan. Lela B. 8anrders• Margaret A Sharp, Lavin* V. Smith. Violet fttewart. Iola B. Tayls.. )50M 0Tt1118 CAPTIOUS iS .CMOS 8. J. Allis lhea.nl. G. E. Ammo. G. E AMrew, B. M. Churchill. O. E. M. L. OuMfll. L M. =ow w P. H. Ilreper. F. Goe R Dlekane. K. E.Gomm H. , E. R. Reese M. M Rdmsttid. R. H. Eller, F. A. lane rod. A..1. Gilehrlst, R. M. Kha- tla..J�. IjA. Grant. L.* Janal. Holmes, J. )t Koi.Mia. � WA M. 14. N. Lia When ikey entered the war Imo OBITUARY. Mothers-- ppeen, and Mn. Hanna, of *Ingham. Robert. Henry, George aria Jar The late James Young, of Auburn. Young* was a brother. JAMES 101'80. DC*0ANNON. A native of Godeneh towwhip A • al= passeda • passed to hie tang rest when Jaron MBS. reran lDwAlos. Young asewered the call at bis home As Meese of eve years' duration, at Da era a Saturday evening, which wasbore* with remarkable July Iola. Mr. Young first saw the 1 at Se rid , was tannin- light of day ria hie father's farm cn ' J nes o own.. paade.ce and a nn.ce er Store 1 aced on Monday of this week when the t s e. tbor." " Godetus o b When Mn Peter Ear daughter. ter. Mrs.(assed Dr) bs grew to manhood he learned the the hems , her dangshotmaking and for teen worked at was born in Scotland to the year Bede hie trade as Clinton sad at $esfortb. Arc borai 8eot1•nd in ore year Britt. two A year ago be went to Dungannon to Accompanied by her mother and two live. About Christmas hie health be- death, she her to U r. Th after the to foil and in spite of all that death of her fataor, Mr. Thomas -- Mc. [an Ewan, and settled at Chicago. The could be done his condition did sot trip across the Atlantic Oman which Lmt>•rovw, death ensuing as above ' was made in a private vessel, occupied stated. Mr. M'osng was • Methodistli three smooths. in the year ISM the in eeligloe aid for seveeal ye subject of this notice was married to did 81111111work Int the yew, n. London Con- H r.Peter Edwards and fie ears ferenec. Hie ,last two •ppnintmwsta aod later on a wrrvivsd M hls wife who was form*:- Earlier'' and Mimeo` large *H- e arth of Ristail They mutineer Baby's Bonnets. 75x. Meir and Err. f..r .1110s Rompers, nrgtllar Mr. for ..lin Middy )area, rvguler 7c and Inc. for Se and 114 t few Middy Tier', regular 5ltr, for 1N Ladies' and Clti41 a Mid - were Hayfield and Walton, where he ry tied o s 1 moved to d a-qu d amt' reod.ewd g� �ervke Mr. Young e I thew,.,, ......SO . diisDu i (led arm tote and a�uaetmr mice N ine(p)t i90ri rhea they re- II Miro Xmas Moore, mid three sifters to n there andel two brothers: Mn. Edme,ten, Collars tired to Goaerieh, when, Mr. Edward* of Olistes : Mn. Aleber, d Be/tttah Comet Co veer reg. llfir and died >• July 0' an Ilk 1911. The funeral Columbia : Mee. K .. of Buffalo ' took pew lrwdsemdoy ahweaeow, Mr. for let and gee •.d (tress lira a dlietaaee 1n attend- Joha Y.-roaming. of Kiaeardiaw, sad • see ware w only .os. Mr, Pace JOeI Yos.g, of Vaaeosver, B. Rr.d.J.isw regular Mir' and k Two - Mr. ad s.Jobs m, of Rist. Mleh., C'• tenors! ton place no m.., foe.. imp and 11111114 Mr. •.d Mew Jobs Cowan, of Lochalsh. ani Mew. Robb. McDeaali and Him J. pa te Do. Maitland by 1 Meg e tai/, beth of Mandl. The In - wry tersest wee mark day of last week. A short private eeevlee was held at the deeawd s lab boom. aper wbeh • blk emrei... was erwthieted Rev. I. •. el - my r the wee Isirmm. Rev. Mr. Mp1elvw� o► sited by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Clio. ee.aaetf.g ilia fes the ■g leis al land):( Germ) lin s. .• ydget ohmic The and tM p�aallRbearers were : D. tie taken t0 Chown /1w •a i3.klew D. HeH.nh 7 Rtodled.J and D. I1aaKeera e. Bee. W. K. H ager e,sd.et.d the m,visaw auceaW n O Yse1N. o1 wtfURAM. ♦ (emit.. at O.M J.• MRS. T. lea. 5.f` a SIM iT+oe: Res,5.5. Th. .W twsore wore : Ora►. i. ----- W. lis