HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-27, Page 6t 7 NOaaDAT, Jt is :7 M's „...e• --r 'r THE SIGNAL GODERICH _ ONTARIO • FRUIT BULLETIN EVERY housewife can put down a good supply of Cuthbert Raspberries. The very hest of all Niagara Peninsular grown. Black Currants are also now at their best for canning. NI GAlftr Ai Montmorency Cherries are IMS11u•r is e at their best. Have your t �1_, • I grocer order at once. 11.„,a-4,-...-- 11ns+ Look for this label on the basket. It is your FULL VW E 1ps►CKAA!guarantee of Honest Fruit, 6 • WEBS NO. 2 4 1 Niagara Grown. Note the Grower's number. It is his personal Guarantee of Good Fruit front top to bottom. Insist on the label with the Map and Grower's Number. EAT MORE CANADIAN FRUIT. A FEW SELECTED RECIPES. HIVE (UKKANT PIE. tiers oup upw mashed currants, one cop whits sugar, true table.p.wenful Rom- beatyu with the yokes of two ...too two tablrapemfuls water : baked with under crust only. When done frust the top with well -heater, whet... of t wo eggs :.pd two tahlespooe file'.( powdered augerr, return to oven to Nowt,. Ai'1(•I+tI,(I'KItANTH FOR SFKVINO WITH (OLD MEATS. TMee pwtods of ripe currants, two and A hill pound. of .agar, ball a cup et reneger. I test.pu.atful ground clove,,, 4 trwlswnful ground allspice, i k *. ..,eoatul cinnamon, heti unto thick cod petit into idly glae•ss, cov- eting, with waxed paper and tin kip. we wielt'•tl paratine. MKIS»N (1[1tItAN-1' PIE iN WIN TER. Pieste ve with cold water. Stem the courant. without n,e.h- ing 01 1..ui.ing. %Va.h thoroughly in cool water, leaving sante under top with water r over theta for fully ten minute-. 'Oben place in the free. j n' that hav 1..•eu , leaned. per - levity, ..rt undri Ihr tap end let the watt, run until eves y air huhhh' has dte,.4,1.- d. meet tightly cud !deer in * it irk (tool r eller until wanted. R..1•IfRItItV I'ItItIT IIASKET. Rik.. pl.in peelruveriever•trd netts patesor•.II pacer ; in. thick, and r 11 iu .Ir(p. N inch wide. Twist. strip". .n liaise :and hake -over alto. -baking powder hoc, Lbw, staking hand!, e. Fill cane" with ra.ph„:ries .pNnkUd • co..Iryly and strain it : take it very •wee' w,tb loaf 'tiger ; bottle end seal it. RASPBERRY 4 A K E. 1 cup whits. sugar, cup butter, . igloo 2 tat 'spoons huttermill. 1 ; cup• flour, 1 teaspoonnawon. 1 ten spoon suds., nuttier n1 cup rasphrrrlee, (to he added lest.. Hake in laver•. BLA('KBEI: HY PIE. Pick the twrrire clean, time. in cold water. :.eke up the berries by obw handful, porting nut all steres. Lite a buttered pie tin with a pie paste. Put in the berries one•incb deep, sprinkle with sugar, using about a ball -cup of blown sugar, sprinkle• with flour, wait - spoon of salt and a tittle nutmeg. Put on tap paste, pres.irg the two crusts togetter around the edge, trite. cut the top for steam to escape and hags; in a quick aero from thirty to forty - flee minutes. BLACKBhRRY PUDDING. RED CROSS NOTES. The Society thankfully ackaowl- edRme the following contributions of ricks: Mies Montgomery. 9 pain.; A Friend, a peers : Mrs. D. Fertueon, 4 pain ; Mr,. W. E. Kelly. Mn. J. Dick- e,n, Mrs. Reynold., et . , airs. Tbortsaa Bell. Mies b. ()lark. Mrs, Burble, Miw IBurritt. Mee. WIII Carey. Mi-. Jor- dan, Mrs. Robe Sharetan, Mrs. Baker, ' Mime M. Clark, airs. ('ballen. Mrs Woods, Mr*. It. bort Young, airs. E MiteM11,'3 perm eacb; Yrs. Howell, sr. No No Name. Ura. Clement., Mrs A. Miirli•g, Miss D„tutby Marshall, Mrs. Goldthorpe. sr . \ll•. I lir 'Clark, Mr.. ' Clifton, Mrs. N'. I. Eliot, Mies A. I Andrews, Mrs. Joules Clark. Mn. Col- 1 borne, Mrs. Stoat .n, Mrs. W. 1_ Hot- , too. Mime Bak, 2 purrs each ; Mote C. Dar k, Mrs. Hebert Clark, Mille Pearl Framer, Miss Helen Oelt, Mies Sutton, Mrs. John Newcombe. Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. H. J. A Mrkwan. Mn. P. Mc. Laughlin, Mime %I. Ferguson, Mies Nellie Jane, Mies M. A. Burritt, Mir Donaldson, Mi.'s Etta Sault*, Mrs. Emma Edwards. Mn. 4.ro. Drew. No Name. Miss Ethel Taggart, Mrs. Jane, Mrs. Chas. Mimonde, Miss M. I►Ark. Mrs. J. Milliar, Mn. Hillier. Mn. J. P. Brown, Miss Lawrence. Mrs. Ewart, 1 pair each. Three c half•cup o tittle cloy s0.la dies Kir in a Mal in hours. with urger. (tarnish with whipped Kee cream. RASPBVRRXIpROWN. 3 tatdr"p.A.ne water, 2 tablespoons corn starch. 1 cup boiling raspberry juice, 1 egg, pinch of salt, lemon ex- ! tract. Corm until creamy. Put "into worlds. When cold serve with rasp-' berries or whipped cream. Ih RASPBERRY TAPIOCA. Put : cup tapioca into a kettl rover with I raps tailing water a cook until tranepa1en1. Stir i this 1 pint of fre.h raapherrir., add sugar to taste. Pour into a mu Serve cold with cream. RASPBERRY 'Or i`EI;AR Put 1 quart of raspberries suitably dish, pour over them of good vinegar, let it sterol " then strain through a flannel pour this liquor on *not h• r berries : du this for a of • tntn a a quart' .� hour.. FALL FAIRS, 1918. heir ant _ quer: of -- drye sa- ps flour, one cup molasses. f wilk, one teaspoon salt, at es and cinnamon. reeu.poonful , ulvcrl is 4 little of the milk, quart of hlackherries ltbur.'d a wrll•ho't.red mould for two Serve vi . i. to Andy .auoe. p Children Well During Hot Weather. Printing? • • • Every mother known how fatal the 01 suwwer months are to small dill - ren. Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysentery and etumeeh troubles are rife at this time aid often A precious little life is lost after only a few hours' illne.e. The mother who keens Baby'. Own Tablets in the bou.e feels safe. The occasional use of the Tablets pre- vents stomach and bowel troubles, or if trouble cones suddenly -as it gen- pretty does -the Tablet.. will hung the baby safely through. They ate .old by inediriny dealers or he mail at '3i ,cents a box from The Dr. William.' Medicine Co., Brockville, (Int. Toronto . ...... .Aup.2el-Sept. 11 _ L,enr':ttl sept. 1 -lei e '.Ven kerion.:... Sept. 12, hi HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? P..ltnrr•ton .. r........ _ Se,t. 14, 13 tJ • I•:cet• r �trpr, F11:::, lelThen jou re.,,e the utter weakness Atw,"'d `rpt'Ur1that robs ambition, destroys a tite, L. r 1• `opt.YlPix `t-•afnrth•rept. 'L' and makes work a burden. Kir cer-iue Sept. 21, 22 Torstoretha:str:ngthand staminathat Rif'ley 'rept:I8,27 in so essential, flotilla g bas ever equaled Mitchell Mept.211, 27 or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be- GODERICH. Sept. '_s.7 -2I1 Wase its strength -sustaining nourish- R'ingham . . ..... ..Sept.:'11, 214 eat invigorates the blood to distribute N1 !ver ton. ...................................... Sept , fl) energythroughout thebodv while its tonic I... knew•Sept (, .11 Inc sharpens the appetite and restores Kisk•on .....Septa Jt, LI) health iu a natural', permanent way. Te.swater. Oct 2. g If you are run down, tired, nervons, Blvih .. ..... Oct. 3, 4 overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Rrus.et-. . .. .......-.....,Oct. 3, R Emulsion to -day. At any drug store. Diorite, ncr .Oct. 3, 8 *oort ar Bowse,.Soeowso, ort Fn r,l w i - h ...... Oct 7 JOB AND COMMERCIAL the Zignai The Modern House is in Demand ! IF YOC want to have your bowie. brir g more rent money put in modern plumbing. The cost will come back to you in short order, and prove the hems kind of a permanent investment. At cur figures it won't cost you so very much. awe • mein W. Re PINDER Phone 153 Hamilton Street GRAT B ro- ViALTh O j CAF'ADA TIMBER, COAL, 01 1, NATURAL GAS A.» ;I ;E ALS EP:CND CALCLLr1T2ON, rICT 5f�^'F r-.� i -e'.. ... -L...T, .VL �. f �.. %. s..U.A ' D pI.OSPEI'TS of new wealth to boundless gnantttigs. •`• • c:gh the tarsi!• cation of axle ties e to industry, ssere uutol.t••d the u•t..•t . by Arthur IC• !.nibs, of Ito. inn, in an addre.ae at the Iteral Ak'xuu u et. at Winnipeg, after a Ilm.h,•un ,:,••:1 411 his lionor.by th<' Canadian 3:aau.arte.:"ri Asau.i- •tiun. Mr. Little repteeent. ti... Orin o1 Arthur. 10 I.411:e, II .. 1,0 40l1, .10 orgwrtrratlon of ,chemists and • engineer, whose ter e•latty is inuusirne. robed r. h. At the fnvttation of Lord Shaughnessy, lir"ct,l•.r' of t'-' ! an Pa, tor, the tiros ewlablisfird a brsluh in •Illoritreal. nu4 Sir. ..Ittie ,, 1 .t• rrrern to sentry the r.sour,r.a of Canada, Iris mein •• , so. rdatowa: ::.e result of a tni.r t),rou;:h• 4 enacts, which be h:.d .,,...l,' 411 tontpauy „ .•nt„e Bury. lticeyresid,•nt vet t:•,' t'. I' R. a N \I loot ,III, 1.r.•s.4.•nt of the \lave :.;lcturers' Aa o• et,' inttodurrd the sp. ,,:. r. lir Little expedited that hr *aa Worn in-Ito.toa, and -•• beirmeed to those ',shod." nei have 10 t.• horn ; lain. 11e w.,s 1I1 -•r' -;,eros i -' d 16 rad btms.•l1, after a brief aryuaint:uir-.• ,• hh •('aria.►a. mole: g....: _ .: ut ,•x!lected pre -.ore of retort h.: ile. had found li:mseIf in a mow and -•r world, in -which one breathed a more ,.tinoula' :.tt retreepher.• and i. t • I • , thit.k to e'ontinenh.: t• rw... 11 w•as a w'ir!d i'+ e h •-h present ar',i, • - • and '!,I /though is was, derived Its.. chief aten,'i.anee from l's prat;.' • ;he future. -He had Been the,hi.. k soil n?. the ;.ralrie, turning gr• • i. tee yoar,e rwbeat. great s'r'•ti hiss of (ores:. Zak• ; like inland t.''.1.4: I. .rL h to 1ltineraIs ar:•1 of r•ntnman4ing b.'. ity s,.1.! "rivers and titre :'n..nrd,eny rand vel trdls.:i•:,n that .he traya•r's .Jtniraticn waa Meme; "h• ones.. It Med 1..•n les, .•"al fortune t'1 coat.. to tWeltern Canada w 'i-vor:-.' Rar7, 'Ire 1'r,•I,ul.•nr and (leiter a! Man, -r of too 1' I' It \1 r. Ill.' - �Cn:• ledge o! R R write iions and 1. Ir'01i:slittor •thrnuphnut tie' •uun:re ea) so , t to travel with lion was to r.. ele. a ❑teral edu,a:1 •, Nateral resoures, pr. -r•.4.4 NI,. Lett,. dl.: not of 0 • O • -, urate vino rrdl.4lr4.'.. Such indns'rr•w rrsnlool from p,'r,onat i, Oppor- e(( elty ro ntird r,sponelhlUtio and It ens open the h••trt' r." ' r, inbrrl hill•. th.., thy rr"IfeewMb(lrty for a -wive. inittnslve %Ps • . , ,e first k.q..1..t. for a •area Initiative seas a ro'i'te'lIing desire to d., , ••:• t ,..-•1 II 1,1'. the n;q.nrtnnit l.•a at hand, ami the se. °nil .was }inn- 'e•11. is ,• :Il citify !knnwk+'re at Its b. 54; It w•hs n'4 aotnethingvn4.nit, to tie `•1; • I ter IM non sake, bot waa Intensely pr•..-t1';•I The war heel 14,17'1• s•'• -I h r•.eaktnc people that r Isle'-.' r as the -bads of pre.:-;' •airy and r•'nver, a;.: ' hat n'ttho!lt srtence there could he no Ilh'rty *l.4 no r'atln:lat 'v!.tenre. Mr 1.1.1x. sarflned Industria' reeonr !1 a! r' war, h ha,'lnr 'or Or 1•nme.li ate an.l avowed mutant. )nine .Tartics' end No greater sen. a •.::d te•.per fnrio.•.I than that of ttlrulcatlnr Into the pithily mind a proper .1..;•,.. i^tion of w hat research rnnld do. For forty 'years the enirlt of re.rar h had pervaded the en'Ir' -octal-tiro, lure vet G. rmnny, with the• result that C• .rmt:ny atthonih pot r-rrusar•d of gr.- t nails! ' rt7nurr el. bad before the w r ! ...n ratite, 4e 7nakieg a 'arefnl u'4nquewt of' the world. In the United,:r. tie hand wrltlner vee Ihr wait was !Mire reed, OM world., ewer*I lar- • '.rporateme toul.d It profitable to m:tlntaln er•oot r''rnr. h Ithoretnrirs. 4t leap a dozen corporation. spent $100.00,1 or More on .at' h lahorato, les, n: 1 one company employed (.ye ehemietr' There was also, declared :.ir tittle. an Insistent d.nt,nd tOrreigenet the Tititit.h Empire for the mobttita•Inn, eoornlnah»n -end eater -'or of - :carob t.r/11t4es. Lnrd Shauchnewev ,,i4 meted l., ratline the or_"'t' toil .a rei.re- dented by the epraker. Arthur 11. 4.Nt1.. Inc . of Itestnn, le (',nada, foe the purvey of the natural rennnrerr nI the I)nm'nlnn and the prno4ettlwl oIndus- trial research He a d hie,, assn' late. felt tt4tt. In so doing , Loot Shg hn .s er had hnnor«t them snsI mIlv that they van fit 1e d .Innnns.(1 1f:they falldto makec.-. , not the mi,at of Ih op)prtunity pin 1 to their 1 andt Tioo wage n t in (oIrnada hi tb• ez.•Iss ve enter,',' or onv ,•nrpnralion, hilt to - too all ellen•- who., 4.4.10,4* wet, in Ilse with tones f the Dominion. T9••ir work had sten►1v a.nrr•1 w arred, b.g,n. 1' ,19111 eh' they hoped to have the knows metol of isr Dominion tndetrd. so that the Ynaln fart. atol." them wnn'd he t weighable They et 4 to nw I5( le seenrinr, .•w farts. •nl were int the eordlal eo-oper on of the P arm! nor.+nment and •hr nniv rlltl",. Thee would Strive to letrettie.• tndestrie. Ronna now and nem-enmprtitive leave and. tf persttgod to, Improv.. the pnrlirr of man• eziatrne Industries. Rome progress meld be reported alr.•arty, although they had only been 1s Camelia a few meelke. . Mr 1.1ttle that feew'lnned a fee- of the Imes 1n whleh applied WWN W', .. M bete In tbe production of Canadian wealth. Sometime, R. loop, as 114.111011•00114.111011•0114.111011•00 arrve were se to flat to Canada for the ,rw ,rain nn r It aM s n' yradfoable, in eta. of :ri taher eI s,*tlon, to grow Max fee the ?thee In order te tamale Bees Bet esowelein, n/ Sax sirs: masked from the grnwleg of flat fee ole prep, le1'r*a1 when rrnwn for that psrpeee 1t was lawn muck' timer. eeeeesly tee Callen grown tor fibre. and Its habit n/ rrnwtb wadi asgNes• dre 1t••da atbo'rtawd• of ton. d the gawk name stk in ?Mt world 1&a�y by GNAW trim We straw, And In the United Melee the Geeeraas.( n r+.z,,,4k"i'. ml,b .: wee a ir••nlarit!no enu'••• •v. s r' • a. -•-ter c'•1 peoor - '••/w• paper • a 1 t ' n., t• . !t t d t •.t 7 a•: ea- y ... tore ret;utr•-.t paper t -r, :. trek -u strive • tried It without t tr„ n • olointry- in.0;s 111 41c.. . r • y3',1 •• •r n;:11 at Hooton a• d that- the F-ri•,•'! ,wast• t •-vm•"^t waa tat-lcg tt' Sampl of .1 •.er. Can f . • .. a;r•1k.. Slob pa.'r, any 'i ark.'. 6, said. at •1 eve, .-n• A rola e : .,i it (outs wrote to torr t r tire.. ra to a', r r flat .•-:i•• Another qu.SI.• -t,cy w,•n• Int,•attg:' tc was t! . easolire'from nast,t .: ,'aa. A new Pm- • 'or Pe.• d• vel'q"•d in Ok,a! on :. It wLa of pe, u - prom! • , r ',est a lien i• N -:v tt in Caneda.. It =u^te of :lyn=x .::Ire tela o'rtal•ed entitie•d too rote 1; '!!otter. prnt'►bty 1' natd. •sarins; eye rete .ea d ,by an adaptation of 'the 1-r<r'1i esteems -wl.ie-lo had els:mod is ac.ier st t:tkiog sulphur eti--t o 'oil. Icy. this alcohol rnp r was 4. tt Into t1' sett, sal ate sulphur ;.ttaiked the •opver, ieevirx the '.•1 mire. Ther es, am % borne., in Canada. This was a good iia* ('roil e •r. and a ties torso n' marble., e retort, w•hhh worked 'well with li••ntte hr.! re,•atly e- a mad, ,raffaotr_- Aunther papiit''Iity-.for Cana•;a. said ;t••- --'--Per. was tee prothrtia.. Ore milk. Several ;'ioreared' for d • ng tel* :,ac t- en trveated. greritlr••4 It kept gore for a ',a tire••, and tor'cert.lin pur'nw • I ^:a,'lt tt these o' bakers and conte. teener . waa fetter th'tn.ordtsary n.^::. tt • r•r'd M metered to the ot:daion of ordinary m!'k h. 't•!' audition of water He woo cearfread not it would Ie',otne' a stapes r• iii.. on the kl • t' -n aloof is grezt Ater: wee that,'1':'ihi(.I•ing err•neirl.'h- M the irrist,r cm nrf"ary milk ea- caved.. e m arks. and dalrtra out•I pt'l,titably tie M•atithhrd at Snivel remote from tr tai About fl ,,,.•' • woe !: •'f ,'Nel n lett en'•r 'd 141414108 dally ' -ern Stytndlnavta. and ltnanti'I»s were going. into New York. I'ce'-rly handl•A.the dHrd mttk ,ndu:try ,mild !".,i, '- in l'*rarta more t:r!ortant than 11:" ehe'rs.' ind'r,try. Another thine •'l.u,lt m1:k. -aid OD...Little Casa the fast •hat thousand, of zelline of skim hiitk ',•re dai,y fed In hers. Corwin. worth .7) rents a peons', •noes be easily extreeoeit -Mets Atm milk. One of the met, 1;_•'.It.'nc held• for Irnne'rla1 rr•ewr b teas that atnreed `•y the t r,ormmts gt:ar'ry of ',raw for wei• h t'anad'.a hatt no preeont era.. .:ore, things ''.•11,1 be Or c • "iii, erne ,Ir. straw Wards and ,orrngated i,eard could lr.• 1".,dr. .\ a'ra^. timber. "-i,able for cee,n °other's•. fled par- 'items. ar 'items. could be trado at a •o.'t of not r.•••••' than c : or Sc a ten. Ile believed nm„tl:it•e mlghl '.' done wit ; it in the r'': ry ra 'trrldr ^. T' -o diMlllatlow •nein, ts of etre,' wore :V0t!' '-rklrg ,r -o ,Ian the pr•e.`i.11Ity of rrnv.KtpR it into fuss for age re :he 41.111L Gra3r. a.. o�o! l.ad.b,wn nude from straw. tltho,Irh the , ommer'tal rale, i f thh prat -.•"s .-n< rot yea ,aattred. Few nations were so h.'lntronst• endowed with tent-41t4.'l wrti•h as ''anada. There woes merchartehle timb-•r In eat h prnfualnn that a !Ingle "an4 on t!.e Fadi!. •oast t•n,'.od the eretN.'• immure of retro timber in ;,'nl.ortimt to its at roan** fn the world. Th"r• vis •reit In ill vartetlea. from !Ignite to anthracite: nil and ',attire' too: the Chest 1i51 erica known: minerals "teyori4 present gal.-ul:mon: vaM aro.%ef fermi'" soil. What cooed not b^ done w'Ith them, with tI a aid • f Indnwtrial reeear•-t1' Sp.al'ing of the lut)Fber ttrdu•try. Mr. little •*id the Comelier levee -ring tem./Geo I. se not h•- tor then r::n hese In the calve! Rtet•. In ter State.. two 'hied,. of a trove felled 1n the yel!nw titre flelt Waw w•a•'•41 as litter In the 4,•Id nr h'trn.d as mill waste. Theta, dn::ar a tlsonsand ea. a gaol nrnn, nn lumber. For 1',,0-'n,MM trio fret *weird measure whh h (trend its way to market, :0 Wilber tee: were wasted. This weft sax tndltsrrv: It est rrtme. 1.w• tn',nths sea (l••-"'• had Leen 2':..I0.'' Rtt'er••'bt e. In '1`-n 1•nit••' 41•tte•R, end they were incre.•-is..-r at the rate of 4 oven a 4l'. Three mnebiro.s r• prwl.'rtee Kn•.** •On :Inrriest".wer In rtsnllne engin'! Tent was mare than the rote? tial hers 1''wdr of t -e t'nite4 !(tales water power Anti, mannfne- rurere were bringing to he sdditlnnnt loomei hneeopnwr- n oft?, Too nnp t► -e4Mnt«t in, mese In the demand for eaanline 'hue ramie,' wag resnnn.1h'r for inn hitt ••rice of that enn,m0.1pr.:, d poen them wnnld rex be rnourh n• tin. to go mind Alrnho! War the .4447 tel.■4M• aleirei,te, R r'i:n 5h•nhn -mo• wood Alonhnnn���rrr••• -weld to pr0d1:.'ed prom wand waste. A lint for dotn this ^A•1 her- s'a oil In 1 nn1'slana. The ape -Orr 'Irr,.+1 by ledlea1Inc tee Indn'triel n+o11,11•irs or .heml•7p arid el ,• r*•*etativiegIcal pr'oeee<t'*. As shnwliR west tee, had alreney .r'r- .• T' 1 In dope*, he sold that ten years sin 21 per tent. of MMI reti5 ',Atli/11,1 -,•4 arts Ie1444M for fan',, Wheren• net of ten th0ngcd tn115 ver rule suet.. 'n the e'w-t" ?ermine to three resell there wet'. en (allures. Rtreedl8 , 1st rt stlfR .'sr•'rlmenr• were 'Ian brine reedit M needle -mg syathette materials by the ores of the eltr' Ole! rays. Great results wore Mealy to come frees this hoe of reararrh. 4 indestrtal research wee epnllyd to Ideattem. Tt r.pl'Sted resole le leaned from every ahambl.'. sad ,turfed a a•nmblisr.b nee et e% a stepplr,R'•, ate&.J h treated the AeatlM tmyleatleo, kaowtog it to be slmal, Fsgfr 1. gMk - _ .• - - - - - - - - ' ra-. ,_,at wet•'1 ••r is . -ate .,.o • many )•-*pts Lad : out.snrne et•'-'i- sw'reeC• d se .all ^:ley they --peed-iced. • wor'h a (ewe. :n shed to 'tsaafartsr. O. -Over. d. :bilfty •,1' pr.vidltg • .. h end Md Mew ! 1 : o'v guy rt FIIII11111111111811, :IRIS Drat Mr. Editor -I wish to ten yeti o1 a recent experience I had when sal• boring from backache, weak back, rhea. marine dropsy, and congestion of the kidneys. 1 tried a nsw medicine called "Anuric," which has recent!y been dire covered byDr. Pierce, of whose medi- cines and urgicel Institution in Buffalo, N. Y., you have no doubt heard for years This medicine acted upon me in a This manner. I never have taken any medicine so helpful in such gnilk time. 1 do wish anyone in need of each a remedy would give it a trial (Signed) O. H. Haan. Sorg: Folks in town and adjoining ooantiee are delighted with the results theybave obtained by using" d NURIC." the &tweet discovery of Dr. Pierce, wbo is head of the IxvAL1Us' Ho'rsi. and Bvaoie*1. l'rrrrvrl, in Burialo, N. Y. Those who started the day with s back- ache, stiff le•p, arm* and umac ee, and an aching bead ( worn oat before the day began because they were in and oot of bed hall a dozen times at nigtt) ars appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tableta. To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, if you've never used the "Anuric • cut this oot and send ten cents to boe,9, Piero. for a large sample package. This will prove to you that "Annrio■ is thirty - seven times more active than lithia in eliminating uric acid -and the most perfect kidney and bladder oor-i rector. If yon are a sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box of n Ananc." You run no risk for Dr. Pierce's good name stands behind this wonderful new discovery as it has for the past half century for his "Golden Medical Discovery' which make* the blood pare, his "Favorite Prescription• for weak women and "Pleasant PSIM00' for liver ills, E THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE c)WEN aIJUNI), ONT. is erten to ,eerlve student. ary day donna the So::d.)• for a •holt holiday 0.111.'01 fns reau.ar .uur.e .,f. tudy. Yenta poem. n -bould begin maklmg erepen:'en at'Iii e to 81I'h.placwor the .d1,, teen tot have eua.te.l. Write for .port .culars sad circniar,r C. A, FLEMING, F,t'. A., Prin.ipaL 1.1,.1r. FLEMI\ll, rlerroarr. MEN M0F!Y SUFFER ? v.'' ' -etr -. • 'we err. 71. ,..• .'tri ,..J ',.l .�... ▪ as. ,..:e,: - e....refloat mt.,, prik rfe..... r •.....-.tiro 'Neter _. l, • and r.5r - .. a I. ...woe tan ..e Her e..r n... tt Wool`, r• .,„„ row. 4 re .. ... .�.srd .e . ler%• , 1. 11 n•- .. rL'14=1".- *..t r...wrv,w ` ,*s... a•Ih,t t.i ala ... w..r•. » sewed woe • ►1t1 ■ ;..s u....t Mot 4 Y( Bs.T- • • • .r... r'Tr •••' .4eaaT, •-.11r• s1 k. r Con •rare r 0.11-r^..1 ••.• e I• r•.' woar salrr. -. l,- r 4'a•. est.a irsalrr: IN . 4114)4.■ lir .Meu11 *&141%r Peas. 114- 111.4..r a*AT al M.0 414'.8.-••• 0w. w MID / ala r •..►-- r ansa• • ,w auk �.• 5. 'Ws toe" e Caw ,r►..m.# Can St'rr'altwr e. Nr r•-- '..r, woo - r..4 row area .• es. •.. -r .N Ins• T..,'5'4 raw x..a g.....tr a, *..• Mi. I aim low fat.oet Twee w apo fuser one P �r 0. word r re Po re Cam- few Tie '.rt M Pagans roo• w• Aa 1.41.1101111. Law tl1LD 4 (T V STT Ar . e r ulew- r.. -•e•aw drweewr+•. • giro sew .. te,_ -l•/ 4 u-1...«�. of • -.- 5. • erns rw ties w• r - •ore !! (Ms. a- •...r M exa14*�I '4 . few Meme vee w 1• • ••I ...•••eB•• .#es f_ •es.•�w4..e"i••. .a_. 5�0•• *et.- •.0 •rorr tree.+ r e ow* one ad..• 000rr••.aw ��w.••.wlw. OaF•le w•w ernmer *VW "a. uaONe AO. & pea • t.. 'n. ww..•.r r n.w.•. • brume Carr II ans.• n.-a..er. ore ..•e.e...e.'a *5 Mr. oo•Ililwnw •.. - are 1. Car •.r DR. WOULD. • •t:►PALO'S 11 4D&'tC *PTC1ALIIT • Is mow. 4-..' ems N air.. teee•rr R s gram. .. =-1,11%11. w•� 7Be•pB - rae�.r aw•lr--e ri almrs -A r l CANADIAN NATIONAL Yd EXHIBIT ON S -Empire Federation !e Spectacle >� 1,200 Psrfsrmors; 10 Massld Bands; Chorus of 00 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolism; Ia- ptttrial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W ON AND UNDER W SEA A ON LAND A R IN THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immonse Munitions Exhibit Model amp. Trench Warfare. Mand Or•eade and Bomb Throwing. De` e naction of Warships by Hidden Mines. Bsycngt Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. AnnierTi"lbilrtiags Government Exhibits. SupA Showing of live Stock and Aphwltvral Products, Acres e1 Mamu- festorea Tom* Aad. 20 to Sept. 11 MARKET QUOTATIONS JULY 25th Terente Cattle Market Steen. oboe.* weighty .$6.35 to $s. 76 do. medlutA we)gbty. 6.00 8.35 Butcher', ,hider heady 8 .5 890 do. good 8 W 8.35 do. medium 1.25 6.01 do. .'nmmun 6.60 7.:1 Butcher' cows, choice0.60 7.25 do. good 0.00 050 do. medium 5.50 000 Bestehen' bulls, •I ok'e6.76 1.60 do. mad111m to; o good. 8.56 6.75 do. bologna 6.00 6.50 Feeders, 900 to 1.000 lbs. 7.00 7.75 do. Dulls 4.50 8.041 Stocker, 600 to PU0 Ibs. 466.6°67: 76 7.75 do. reed., 660 to 700 ti W 6.75 do. common, light6.60 6.00 Catton 5.00 5.75 ('armee. 4.25 6.07 Milkers, good 10 ,hoIee65.(90 85. n0 do. common to mrd60 n,1 SprIngen 55 00 90. W' Calves, veal, good 10 (k) 13.0' do. medium R.a) 10.0• do. common 600 7 5(. do grass .1 5 25 G -i Lambs, cwt. 9 00 31.00 Sheep, ewes, light 700 8.26 do. heart' and bucks 6 W1 8.66 do. culls 4 00 i 6t Hogs, weighed off can 11.90 12.04 do. fed and watered.11.85 11.7E do. f.o.b. country ... 11.15 11.36 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat --Track, We ports No. 1 northern, 11.29',e; No. _ nese,!. ern, 51.27%; No. 3 northern, 11.23. Manitoba oats -Truck, bay ports. No. '2 ('.W., 61',oc; No. 3 ('.W., 51c, extra No. 1 feed, 50%e; No. 1 feed, 60%c; No. 2 feed, 49'.,c. American corn -No. 3 yellow, 94c. track, Toronto. Ontario wheat -No. 1 commercial per car lot. according to freight, out aide, 81.01 to 11.03; No. 2 commercial, 98c to 11; No. 3 commercial, 92c to 94c; teed, wheat, 89c to 91,'. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 47c to 48c. Peas -No. 2, per carlot. $1.75 to 11.85, according to sample. $1.25 to 11.50. Barley -Malting, outside, 65c to 66c; No. 2 feed, 60c to 62c. Buckwheat -70c to 71e. Ry. -No. 1 commercial, 96c to 97c. Manitoba flour -First patents. in jute bags. 56.50; seconds, 56; strong bakers', 15.80, In jute bags. Ontario flour -Winter, track. Toron- to. prompt shipment.. a. cording to sample. 5415 to 14.25. in jute bars, bulk, seaboard..14S5. Mlllfeed--('ar lots, per ton. deliver- ed. Montreal freights: Bran, 120 to 521; shorts. 5.2 to 1124; middlings, $24 to 525; good feed flour, bay, 517:5 to $1 70 Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale . vices to the trade: Egga-- Special candled (carrel .1 7:2 to $ .34 •'andlcd, e2 -cartons .... .29 .30 Butter - creamery prints. tresl.. ,29 .4t Creamery. soti.l5 .8 . .29 Choice dza:ry prints..... ..e Ordinary dairy prints.. .'4 Bakers'- 2.' ,2; c'b.Me-New, large, '17eoc; taloa 17one: trip!, ts. 18c; nod. June and September, large, 22c; twins, _:'•c: triplets. 23tee: Poultry Live Dres::.•.) S)rbt brn;Icrs '.'e .:c 4('c ( . mil4 foot, ,1.. ., 16c lac Io. - lAlcialince ... 22e 25c .,vc • Beans -(land -pocked. 15; prate,, 54 54; Michigan, hand-picked, 15.50; rr ries, 54.$0 to 14.75, Potatca---ilelawores. $2.00; west • rna. i:.Sy. out of- acre; 1n car's:.;. l.:c less. Maple Syrup -Imperial gallon, 51..7.0 -s Salina I:ns. gross,. *1; t', -gallon •u.n, wine, 79c; quarts, w-:ne, $4 dog.; saga 1.c tt, 15c Ib. Butter and Cheese Markets 4tivelsr111,--2,004) hoerts o! white a:1 ' '.5 boxes of colored wore of"ere;: Sale.. 1.02n white, 1,41:. Colored at I•l 15 15c and 160 white and 975 color- ed at 17e. sterna -all -Offerings, 2,411 colored and 44 white; the colored sold at 17 S -15e and the white at 16%c Leaden - Twelve factories offered 1,81.9 bases. No sales, bidding from ::)4• to 164te. rte:1.•vt - 2,7_'n boxes of w1:1te were of ed All sold at 15%c - St Hyacinthe, Que.-100 p ckagre of butter sold at 29c; P"ft boxes of .•h►es.• ()Rend All sold at 14'*e Vaaklee%t Hill -1,201 boxes of white -end 3111 boo-. of rolored cheese board - d and teed at 16 7-14c '0wa*n111r. Que --None fat tortes oferrd 545 packages of Meter, two attort( s sold at msec and seven at 20%o - Lindsay 0 %e.Lindsay- 455 M.xcs offered, all sold at Moo,. East Euffa', Cattle ('tittle-Rrretpts. 7.*00: slow and lower; shipping steers, +7.75 to 110, hoteliers, , 57 to 5415e; betters, 54 to 514; cows. 14to 17 25; belle. 55 to 47.25; stockers and feeders. 14 on 57, stock heifers. 15.50 to is; fresh rows and springers steady, 750 to 5110 Veal* --Re, Opts. 1,2100; active; 14 50 to $12.75. Hogs- Rerelpta, 10,000; active; heavy and mixed, 510.46; yerkeys, 115 to 510 46: ptge. 114; resets, $9 to 19.10; stags, 16 50 to 57.50. Sheep and Iamb -Receipts, 4.010; staler; lambs, 57 to 510.75; yearlings, 86.50 to 11'. wether., $7,75 to 5v; ewes, 54 to 57.50; sheep, mixed. 17/60• to 57.75. Chicago Live heck Cattle -Receipts, 12.000. ryet firm; l'.•."vee, 5410 to $10 80; stockers and feeder*, $5 to $e; cows and heif- ers, $3.30 to 19 20; calves, 18 50 to $12. Hogs -Receipts, 27,000: maoket higher; light. 55.24 to $10; mined, ' $9 06 to 510 05; heavy. 119 06 to 510.10; reug:l. 59.94 to 0.20. page, *7 fel to 59 :A; balk of sales, $9.35 to $9 8O. Sk.'.--Reeotpte, 5.000; market Oita: 1allabs. mauve. 118.60 to $10.68 LUX Won't Shrink Woollens ' F IDES being • derful cleaner. LUX adds to the life of woollen and flan- nel garmenta. Keeps all loosely woven fabrics from shrinking or thickening in the wash. LUX dissolves readily m' 'bot water, makes a smooth, cream -like lather which can- not injure the filmiest fab- rics or the daintiest hands. LUX -pure essence of soap in flakes -is the favourite wishing preparation in tomes of r.enement. The Cake,,..1 1 t ' (Ill wott:d CUn'Ide y o a' nx,trtut the tin:.•. tri•t:hlr ane!'twthcr t,f making ,our cake at Itotre, you'll real'y• ap- preciate our cake de partment. Our cake. an: .lx relied upon a i ei,r•g fre-h and n' in a cleanly, •'it:;e manner. and tht c.. -t is •n;alt in" coin . i roe n :ssiti't: ai:at :t ''st. \ -u to- hake at L'o:•• MO. , 4 - DAVID BURNS The Baker Kingrton :r..' J• MacEwan Estate. Exclusive agents %r' SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity hest all Maple Slats. Milted Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine. I - -_ - TELEPBUMii. 118 mikes, .Mir. GRAND TRUNK SYTEM ATTRA TIVE TRIPS Muskoka lakes Lake of Says Ueor*an Bey A'go.quin Park French River Km/earth. lakes Magaoe'awan River �•.•r� 1 enjagatmi, etc. 111 , r/a tr u rl4t t ' • ken. new r n to I. from evrtaM • 1.4lr916 1,.'9014r10.1 vol., low rot.., "rifts 414wrw) ..n.. o. •t•, IMUSKORA EXPRESS testes Tnt•oet. Iles p 4.II eaes�ypt +.n dal/. fed lave s.ra. 4o1y. ]imagers M'w M kart. resser- .. rade al 'Viol animas W4sr( fee 14 *stet 'Aker Lear* T..'., (.81(1. dolly 'owe, bet.y, cod _vee M. wooly for tn., f�a� paM1s on woolyof ke ver tease- Eptpm...t LM gest e. r., l l sae Wotan oa mplasales r stoles