HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-27, Page 5TAE SIGNAL : GODERTCFT : 'ONTARTO Noma Bicycles °R gq Two Massey• and two Standards Priv : $SOI $40, $34, $29.50 In order to clear out our stock we will allow a discount of ten per cent. on these prices, fur one week, commencing next Saturday, July 15th. EAST STREET GARAGE Ow ural and .41.'r14t.•.1 by a practical limn. A. M. GLOVER PeWNC 243 White Sewing Machines THE WHITE ,SEMIS,. MACHINE COMPANY OP CAN- ADA hi, recently purchased the Raymond • Co. factory in Guelph. and i, now shipping the well-known household favorite, WHITE SEWING MACHINES. from this Twilit. This mean: new and quick service t0 you. New points of ceastruction include Ball Bearing. New Tension Indicator . Acorn Dust Caps Automatic Tension Release Self Threading Shuttle High Sneed Improved Large Bohhins Nett anti Latest Steel Attachments. The Family Rotary White means tcomfort in using. To prove i . buy a White and use It. SOLD BY JAS. F. THOMSON GODERICH LOCAL TOPICS The Oddfellows' Picnic. Neat Wednesday will he civic holi- day in I.oderich and tbe Wainer"' places generally will be stored. A big event of the aftern"cn will be the" Odd felluw.' picnic at Mleoesetung Park. Conveyance, Will lessee Oddtellnws Hall from 1 o'clock and baskets left at the Hall by 2 o'clock will be delivered at the Park. Power Service Irregular. With many other wuniripalitie. in Western Ontario. G,rterucb was sup- plied with an intermittent tweet •s of Hydro power dunug I be early pert of the week. For severat In urs on Mon- day r ,vailahle. day evening no power was It tailed again on Tuesday aft.rno..n, but wee on again before .tar knew set in. -High tension trouble" I• tee of- ficial moan given for the break in the service. Jack Breckon, load at the borne of bls grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James MacVicar, Hiocks street. The little fellow was ooly eigbtee mouths old. Last fall be cuntr•cled whoop ing cough, which wee followed b)• pneumonia, from the effects of whirls be never tallied Mrs, Redditt brought blur to town a few weeks ago hoping that the change would be t)eneffcial, but all eft rens were uneveil- ing. The funeral took place on Wed- nesday e(tero.on .10 Maitland (eme- Lery. Rev. J. E Ford conducting the services at the house and graveside. With the Lawn Bowlers. The electric lights at the bowling green are being pieced in order. so that the members of the club may play io the evenings. It is hoped that this will bring out a larger repre- sentation of the membership than hes bees on the grounds w far this sereno. A rink of Ouderich bowler*. skipped by Mr. Fred Hunt. went to the Seeforth touruuent tart week and brought home the second prize in the trapby contest. Capt. Dowding s rtnk from Clinton took the ant place ie • keenly contested game. winning with a score of 17 to 13. The Goderich players were 4 ter int Stuart Henry, W. J. Powell and P. Hunt Islip). Their prize was four hem - mocks. Harbor Notes. The steamer Marisk• is anloeding a cargo of l s1. 100 bushels of wheat and rte at the reiderieb elreetur today. The •tearer Metopic, with a cargo of ;A),Issi barbels of wheat, and the steamer Edmonton. with 1U1,'00 bush- els of wbe•t and Hu. are in port awaiting their turn ta. unload at the lioderich elevator. The steamer Mallon unloaded 90,000 bushels of wheat at the tiudericb ele- vator on 1 ueday. The steawer Glenlyo, with a cargo of staves and wheat for the Big Mill, is due today, and the steamer Graham with a cargo of wheat and oats is due at the Uoderich elevatot. • rhe wort of removing the check - water is practically completed. The dredge is now at wore on the site. Regulating Motor Traffic. During the past few weeks a epeeist effort has been made b. Policemen Moore ant Postlethw•ite to stop the piacticeof motor iit. of speeding on the Square and dtivtng pellinell over the rro+sing•. There is a noticeahle im- provement, fast driving being greatly rtdu. rd. and pedeetri&nil are safer on the ,•resines since a move has 1, -en made to tutor • certain re,;ulaaons pertaining to the direction whirl) motorise should tike as th-y turn on the Square roadway. AI)VER1t4I\(, I'A1e Officers of Huron Lodge The fnlloeiog officers ,•f Hiroo Lodge, No. tt -l. O. O. F.. have been, installed for the rmuine six n;unths : bis daugbter were thrown out : his Mr. W. R. Pinder sustained a had 1. P t•., B. C. Mooning.: N.0.. T. hands were badly cut and Miss Driver injury to bis ankle one day 1..4, w -et R. ‘Vallis . V. G.. W. R. Pinder ; rust&fined • bad (rut on her bead. It w ben he d.•.eem.7ad how a chert y tree treasurer. U. ('. Whitely : secretary. was fortu•tte that the automobile faster than he intended. . H. Martin ;'financial secretary. W. wee being dnteo so slowly or the con- On a ch ireof attempted assault. F. Clark : warden. J. Yr.s.man ; sequences might here been azure seri- W.. -l.. Aii.r: a t'olhntn • township chaplain, W. ('allow : conductor, W. our, 'rhe automobile was slightly tarwri was mmi t f y E. Bengough : K. S. . Newcombe ; L. S. N. G., Alex John- ston : It. S. V. ti., H. H. P.1tt.: L. S. At Osgood• Hall. V. O.. Jas. A. Wilson : R. M. S„ The folLtwine_ judgment was handed Lorne Young • L S S.. W. Sproul : out by Mr. Justice Sutherland last Automobile and buggy Collide. As Mr. William leaver and daugb- ter, of Oudericb township. were com- mencing their homeward journey froru sewn last Saturday evening they utet with an accident which might bate resulted even more seriously than it did. They were driving down Kingston street, closely following an- other rag. and as they were about to cross /•Agin avenue to pro.'eed south only two hours on alternate says, en Vicwti. street Mr. ('baric. Pin- fold, in bot automobile. war driving LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. slowly wevtwaid. The buggy which preceded them down Kingston street 1 GILLETT'S LYE EATS DIRT" .......-. -._. r• 1 `6 nU TORONTO the gathering with some Highland dancing. three young ladies gave an interesting demons? retina of club - swinging, end Mr. E. C. Belcher sang a solo. The pr.gtaw WA* btuugbt w • close about 9.45 by three rousing cheers f ,r Auctlooeer Gundry and fur Mr. 11. K. Havarti the auction clerk and chairman of the evening. Dont Waste the Water. ltitsttlnay. Jute 111. NN • PERSONAL MENTION. MW Alia Sauodrn las r. ur..r-1 Irma • AMA At Betrelt Y...K Ha111. vie0 On .1 uiouth• roil with frsoda .t Duluth Mr and Mn Walter .:,arra,•. a Detroit. are , ulna[ let Uoderae4. Mr. Jobe McLeod i. hula from Sault ate. Merle on a holiday trip Mr. F'. lIct a toev lernw re at ... k to vl. t her ens sl n e111Lr. $..L. M'. V.•n Wiotin., of Del roii. w dally •t the old home. We.t -mart. Mow Patter.ss. of Ham.ltoe. ra. the gut -t Of to. Mlw. Hubert. tart work. Mese* Henn. ..,i ('halls• Warmer of De treat. are r.dtin0 1.trod. in turn, M awl Mr.- H, H M,i're&ih. of 1..,ronto. &tr holidaying with rr:at..rr a1, town. Mr L. Barthel. of Stntlord. *petit a few der • this aeek rt.itiag fn.,d. u town. Mr. hank F4w.n1. of the .raft of ('hatheta ('olleelegm Ir..titnte. M hoI tet1nn in awn. MM. Mona Mulhdlasd. of i1utoo. It the gue t N her ecu -it,- M. Alfas MacdooaM. frim Mabel Tow. of New Veen. ,. 4slid&r (tag at the bums of act parent.. In.p.ctur atitt,arr. Tum. Miser (ince And O1.re Itulwrhau, left Uhl. week on • Rooth. 41.41 w rt labia. at [)r- ttoa Mr. aid Mn. Frank w'nght and a.. id Brantford. hale bveo v:rl ,r.g relative. le Low u. Mr. r ha- M,•Inrn,b of I'h►cutrn. 4 vi.)llne hi. mother, \la. Wu,. M. loto.b. St. David.* -tree 1'•r. L N rurtsil. Lit-( San -shell. •'amp ao'des. .pen.: the Ire. std ritb hi. parsr,t- at Sett ford Mr. Altr-t gchntler. of Ma. Vico • ewe store- 4&+140• :0 hi. home at Lu.rood. owing a, ill health, The privilege of wing the lawn ser- vice from .nnrite to sunset, which was recently granted by the water end light cumruirsino. has placed Engineer Kelly and his.st.ff in • puruion which few .people appreciate. Apprn1imately MOAN/ gallons of water are (wing used daily by the people of Ooderich, and if there were not a reserve of :*..ills) gal- lons in the sedimentation ha•in when the pumps are starred in the morning the supply would nut be equal to the demend We are pumping all the n inter water we can get,- said Engineer Kelly to Thr Signal today. and he added that tbe twelve -inch Ripe from the lake to the basin war not Large enough to permit a. reserve supply to accumulate In this way the low wa- ter pressure in the daytime is accounted for. l.oderich residents are for tor et* in that they are permitted t4 use wa- ter so freely. but in view of the c.in•lt- tions et the waterworks plant it is urged that the water supply ••h.rold riot be wasted. In striking contrast to the plan in vogue in (i,derich. London he.. reeen'ly i -rued .an order peruutting lawn services to -be used turned off to the left, able Mr. Driver attempted to drive across El- gin avenue in front of the err. A col- lision resulted, Both Mr. Driver and The interior of the Sherif' - office at the court house is help,: retire. orated this week. . li.. .I \\ . t t Pd. of trial b J h damaged. { Police Magtetra:e Kelly ou Wednes- day. A garden patty under the AluPpiCPs of the Red Crow Society or Saltford I. G., V. J. Johnston : 0. U.. R. week : 1 will 1* held on Reeve Bisset • grounds Turner. Roo. v.Swarts,-1..E- Dancey IGode- at Salttnld Heights oo Wednesday, Death of an Infant Child- rich) ter defendant. appealed from re- August lfitb Mr. end Mr*. F. R. R.Jditt, of 1"'r* of Local Master at U,derich and Miss Delight Mitch, dui iter of t Cl L. `+wart Brent(,rd, were bereand on Monde sere J.,- •'nigie ha. r.tu•iwrl from a tare weak. rite at Stayer Ir 4:h bel daughter. Mr. IA' A Bower Mr and WIN. Walter a..•4amin .and two children. 01 T.,outo. u..• vbitim0 their re la' ii es in to*n. Mrs Lea A.1 • ole. of t. -r York t'tty Y vi.it- ing at for tonna .t hi. brother in law, Mr. Allan Macdonald. Mr t; J K.:'her. rhe newwned to Detroit recently. t- i:I n„ r terin:al there (mu. An at lock of ty O4oi.1 fever Mr.. S. M.leow.on, of Vow We.•min-ter. arrant 4.-t week m, • .t .11 t.. relator. to Uoderich and vicinity. Mr.., (11r.i AI.%Ander and he: daughter, Mie, Morton, of Salo -reood. Mich , are v.•.ting Mr A. J Palt voter. Mn ridge. Mia Marpxn-Kell ,hu ha• beet, si-itinx her Drama -. Mf. .•- d Mr-. J. !t. Kelly. leave. on Friday on her re,,.e0 to New fork Mr. and Mr. D. "alter' hay. returned from an en.) 1.4.. 51.14-. watt the.: war, tier. t tald,.e. •.f Rn 1.e+re-. i. V Mi.w Je«s Fo.ter arta Oar hewn AA r:.pebl.- and ooiasiog memb.r ,.f tar pn.tollhe oalf ha.• y (ken r .0.1(too u, the 'Antal brooch of the Hank of Mar, -reel Mi•.e. May end Agar. Fe by. of Spokane. rimed Mr.. Lynn. of :ti.- r're•..' ?. fpr a week ant left on Fr dry to ti.i: 1:1.• .dr at t*:r,tt befu erite rtiii.s home. Mr. Fa1. torula, brakr.n.an on roe (i T R • ha. moved h.. f..u..:) :o :own frust Parkhill• rowan to sop •tn Clarence Mi, and Mre-,1 E. Muter. of (roderich, - party defendant W reprrw'nt the in- Mi. land broke one of of this week. when their little twin f h d weed d t ntirt E. K fell from a h tio- M Mal dW is not to be cured by Meeh purga- tives; they rather aggravate the trwW ear a see.. het ors laxative. sr ( s rfd■ We Sumach .od U Tr=am.. They cur .p the live, inne the serves sod tres4.n the .sear► sod e.w.1. der. the ea lesrws a nue. rarest- 1) the ere •' I•• . her arm•. She war visiting et Swarm C. -C. Barrow 1Guderich) for (plssiotiK. b ham when the accident happened. An Whirr the parties de- An excursion from Li -towel on the sired to argue the matter before rue on C. P. H. to teolertch is a-nounced for the merits 1 fiod myself unable to make any effective dispesitioo thereof in the *Owner of proper representa- tives of the estates concerned. If the parties prefer, the motions may 'tend until atter vacation and meantime of Mucic, wry., it wnuurriog at Hotel (verd e of the estates relay be Sunset, gave an organ recital of five appointed annddan order w continue Fall Term from Aagest 2fkh CENTRAL • ••TRATTOstD. ONT. Commercial, S erthad Gad Telegraphy Departments. Our gr&doatee ere placed in prei- tions. In :S months we received 219 at•elicatinse for Unioed h el n. \\-rite us at once for our free c•teloni• D A. McLACH LAN. Principal HELP! HELP! THOUSANDS OF FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR THE WESTERN HARVEST Good Pay and Employment in the Fertile Districts SERVED BY THE C. N. R. $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus leslf • Cent pee Mile Beyond Return Malls Omit pee Mile to Winnipeg plus 518.00 Special Ti Ghia will tw Operated fmm Montreal and Toronto to Wtneepee CANADIAN NORTHERN ALL THE WAY See l &ter Ameouncernents for Tenn f erv.et WWI Excursion Date.. For Full Particulars *pot, to Nearest C N N Agent. or Asneral Passenger, Elepertnseini, Mirrorsel, Quo. or Teronte. Ont. next Monday. It is expected that 11 will he as large as the one front Milver- ton and Blyth on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Rexford, of Cincinnati college the proceedings obtained. 'fhereup..o 1 can deal with and di+pose of the motion. after or without further atgm. went if rrr.jn.eted so to do. fort••ei the parties agree to some encb course, 1 Iere no alternative but to dismiss the terd motions and in the circumstances without co.a. M C. C. Picn.c The minus! picnic of the Mentor - tong Canoe Club was held yesterday ' at Monroe ong Park and provided an enjoyable outing for the members of the l'loli:sod their friend.. A number pent the afternoon at the beach, bathing In the refreshing waters of the lake or "Leafing" on the sand. and when supper was announced about seventy had gathered. The ' meal war. served at tables on the • lawn Dear the hotel and was • very satisfying repast Afterwarda there wan • program of spores. in which the pris--winners were as follow,: Young ladies' race --1st Mies Aileen Armour, 2nd Miss Mario/de Kelly : married Wise' ram -tet Mre. W.F. Maunders, 2nd Mei. It. 8exsmith : children's race -1st Margaret Medgewick, tad Jacek Marquis : threading needle race -tat Miss Nona Craig. 2nd lilies Etta Sault. : men's race -1st W. F Saun- ders, 2nd F. Messmith. The proceed - lag. concluded with a dance. with music by the Stewart orchestra, and at midnight the program of • sueceseful day was brought to a close. excellent numbers in St, lieorge church at the conclusion of the even- ing service last Sunday. - The Sabbath school rxrurtion from Milverton end Blyth . n Wednesday was well patronized. a train of eleven coaches bringing about -.CO visitor' to town. The Blyth bend accompanied, the excursionists to lioderich. Abut thirty of the Baptist young people attended the annual picnic at Benwiller Isst Monday. They report that the journey out and back in Mr. Johnston s car and the afternoon on the grounds afforded great enjoyment. Congratulations are due Mires Agnes Hamilton and I4.•ne Pridhaw, teacher in Exeter high school, on the marked success of their pupils who tried the lower school examinations. Out of a total o1 twenty-two zandid- ates. thirteen passed A New Waw of Raising Mohr. The Unit -.4 Patriotic Society of tioderieh township employed a some- what undine method of rising money foe patriotic purposes at the garden parte held on the splendid lawn of Mr. Robert Andrews, Hayfield road, on Wednesday evening of this week. From practical) ever/ booms in the neighborhood d donations were fee - 'warded and thewere sold on the e(. grounds by AuetioneerOundry. Thee 1 were ducks. chickens, geese. peweoes. rabbits. guinea piers. and plate page, mixed grain, oats, eggs. cherries. new potatoes. black currants. home-made bread. raapberties, • load of straw. .lad Met, but not beat, • swarm of bars,. The array of (owl and other aetlelsr reeemb4d • seem. at the (iederieb exhibition. Bidding wear keen nw slmnet every article offered and the proceeds from this phase of the event alone amounted to SIM) A booth no the grounds did a good bu.i- nese in the oak of bome-sn*d* tied ice rteeam and lemoe•de. while The brick residence on North street. opposite the Methodist church, was sold by auction last Saturday to Mr. Wesley Welker. The purchase price was 111,713 This is a very desirable residential property and is one of the finest locations in town. The engagement is announced of Mos Florence Irene Snyder. daughter of Mr. Gad New. L. B. Snyder, of t'ol- borne townsbip, to Mr. Clifford M. Gledhill. ran of Mr. and Mee. A. R. Gledhill of tbe Bayfield road : the wedding to take plate the latter part of August. The regular monthly meeting of the Oodeticb branch of the Wowen's Institute will be held et the borne of Mrs. Thomas Swart•. on Thursday. August 3rd, at 3 p.m The topic for the afternoon will 1,+ "How to cut down expenses in war time," and tbere will be a demonstration 00 eycaroei. duffereet ways of preparing 11 A few years ago Ow clock oo the court house could he wren from almost any point around thy square. Now the trees hove grown so lams fiat the dials are •Imn.t completely, bidden. Ore eitla•o summate that tike sleek tower ise raised twenty feat or so. This would ge.atly increase the use - fatness of oar "Rig Bea' ie the season of foliate. A peoelamation has leen issued in the Ontario Gazette by the I,iluterwant- Governor, toeing that n• Fridsv, Au- gust ♦tit, the sreood .nnsveveary of the deelaretinn of wed, public sleet - lege ehoald be called rhrwgbout the Madame Formant wee kept quite bogy Problem for the purpose of eta el the plying bar art The peer'sde from ing the detotieg and pjdsm tie all *ogress at . ted to Sib& Mise Qrediams, Gad of etnlbrooddfiat awes J. an Mamas., ell' Nods.ieb. fevered eseioleassee In appropria/e tress. OF CANADA i dank by Mal af>,d Save loos Drives Mall us the cheques or cash you receive, with your l'as.- book. 'wbleh WO sett rehab with the Deposit credited. Then you can pay your bills by cloguea. which we will honor, or If you want the cash yourself. mod ta a cheque to your own favor and we will forward the mosey by 'stuns mall Drop to and talk to the Manager about It Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE. Mann ea. •nd lot- taken up bra re ilen.,s hi Mr F' J Protium • bou.e on Ne..g.,', .treat. M... \luker.ou. or Detroo,, 4. the (twat of Mir Robert..so. Mi.. Llwa. MarVtcar. of (Is public ked .tag. Welland ..lid Mt•. Margam Mak Vwar. of Brantford. are bol.day tog at rase borne .f (licit potent-. Mr and Mn Jamc. MtcV tear Ili. a. Meld ret m, pa.tor of 15I4 Stone presby tcrtau wee:b, ('Iev.la.d, and kw daughter are holidaying in town. They ramie novo Detroit to • pow.,rful rooter vas which waw peweeted ray s,tly io Ur Meld ruin by lot. congregation. 44,, W L. Bu ton and Mt.. 14a11 .peat a few day. at Fort Wnllam twit week. Mr. Bolton na her return (tip w•- actorupun/ret by her little niece. M4. Ju,.•phtt.. Il..rikua tit ('d Nor). who a ill .trend -mos vtdtlag her re lot( iter u. town. Mb.. Verna IJlcdhil;. of rare, he.. been ',othertar graudparen(. ]f and Mr, a 0Tlw0dk.11. of town. and h. r rl Mn U Ulrw, at Hens.11l.r. euA ntvr.- to Tomato today r,00aipani.d by her ,wu.to. Vlse. Utady. Uua who will o idt at Buller • •ar'den.. for • mouth- - The utmost cote is used in making cep our garments exactly as ordered, in every detail. Style and workmanehin also are models of perfection. F. J PRIIIHAM, BENMILLER. WltoiteeDAY, July 914 Mies Ethel Mtraugb•n .pent the week -end in °oder irh township. Benson Long, of the Dotal College. Toronto, is spending A month's vaca- tion in Muskoka. Mr. Albert Goow1 her been ensiling every time we hive .teen him .ince Tart Friday. It's a hop chis time. Miss Mildred Long. of (cenderich, vi.ited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Jae. Long. f, -r a couple of days - last week Me,arsl of one termer -or are w•kiper toe of the owed -trivet y offer. ill by 111b.a Government and are hiring eoldkre for a month, 'roe uwuthly 1t.r1 Crow meeting will to held un Krnntiller church ea Wednesday, Auguet'2od, A good at- tendee+. a is asked, as there are come rlwciwl 'USA 0.11. l0 1r*• dealt wi1h, The .Inarterly eaerament.tl Preview will be held •t Bethel church neat Monday morning at 10.:10 There will be n.. Monday sthunl at /tomalley M.•s Elea. Ole underwent an opera- tion for oppend.cilis Iwo( Thnnwlay. At Listed reports ear is doing well. Mrs. Wm. Ole went to 'Mrouto on Thursday Morning 10 Attend 111 her. Mr. and Mr.. Michael Pintos/ire re- ceived a telrgr.)m on t+.etnrday ..ityings that their eon, Mr. Win. Pftiwwer u,[ Unity. Meek had hioken an erul •esti a leg. Mr*. Pfriionier left on rur.lay lot visit him. Mrs. Jas.. hong rereword A telegram frons Ottawa on Saturday int..resing ber that her son, Elwyn, had hem' roundel in the .hnuldrr by ehrupssel on July I0tb, No for thee oil.. matron ha. teen tel rived to date. A patriotic ..ervire wise/wit al Kee - miller church heat Mumlay, \ ye.' mistreating program WAS given. includ- ing a.ldrr...0. by Mee Jose. Lang, president of the B.•nuuller Rel (!rows Society, Misers, Arthur F, •hcr 11,144 Harry Mew, iuperteitendent And assis- tant ..ulerin•rndeol, re.54-tli5ely, of the Sunday a. boot. soul It.•v. Me. Baines. • i i A Tip for the Seltei?F411 tails Take the advice of seasoned chaps. They will tell you that the secret of keeping .fit and ie.:rty is - an occasiara1 piece of 1 THE PERFECT GUM It's the best, little refreshment a soldier can carry. The sealed package keeps it always full -flavored, fresh and clean. The delicious mint flavors sweeten the breath, prevent acid mouth and make smoking doubly enjoyable. It cleanses the teeth, aids appetite and digestion. Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto. for free espy of quaint "MOTHER GOOSE" book illustrated in colors. Chew it after every wear 1\r i 1