HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-27, Page 1-r 4M111MBIMPIIIMISIMISIMIIMISON11141114j To January 1st, a 191T s z Ii i Fifty Cents The Signal will he rent t.. any new subscriber iu Canada or Great Britain for only 1 i t IUM Ile Soo lsuti l Berton Boulevard w tffM ONMBt1MMlid MNNMMINT A �1,y �06�S'S'A /►<N M KM11141 N M /f/MPMBILI Z a t i z 1 1 1 M M a4mos p8 M l l M N i Your Advertisement Z in The Signal is maul by the be -t people in a (targe se. ton of Iluri n county. Bright, fresh ad. verti.ing is nod as eagerly rd the news columns. i s t z $IXTY-ZIUHTH TL1l-Ne r GODERIClH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY JULY 27 1911; THE SIONAIZP1:INTING t'U.. LIMITk1i. Pt at,argr • STI1jN6it\h it OF CANAI)a -. ..-.l rre, -.- n rtiplegaate ras7 r' •aiwam,s'� - - SAVE, Because --- Money in the Bank provides a backing that cannot be disregarded. ( WANTED. QALISSLADIKS WANTED TO FILL 17 Vedder, opera ea our salsa stair ado voloot bI men wnll•ted Zither lempurwry or pmeaaaret lumen. tame dolls• per dot up WIN Adds., THE NCARHUItOCULi &I) WAINADA.1.TD.,Nee PublMietv.Raal1I C . Ontario WANTED --000D MAID FOR general b*.ww•rk. Two in family : gored wags. Apply to Mee. CANSAR. Neloon sheat JwKET CREAM WANTED.- Ilprior tole. J. Z. ROBBING, The Lead,- lichee. Uodenele m AclER WANTED. -MOR 11. S. ▪ Ha.. A t'Nberaa Met air seosad.cnw,. yam. b.de�rlen. risew- J. J. 1 •11-11 (. lbswslat rIIRACHER WANTED. -SECOND - .1. CLAMS profe.den.aallar . for v P. Na 9. A. ansa Apply. stating Vuli a•carla•eand to N M. 1'LAMC . Nee y. R.wRtNo. T. sew. MRN AND WJYS WANTED. - roe se .ill handy wan or o.!• wanted. Apply to PAGET GRAIN DOOR trJ. end, rids DOARD AND ROOM WANTED-- D ye By a ars gentleman Iia a pate Mae B rox ex wjpkat1AL onion m WANTED Sikell Operators MACHINISTS ANO LABORKRS. Good wage• MHKLIIONS. LIMITED. Galt. SI -St YOUNG MEN PUBLIC NOTICE. COUNCILLORS HAVE A FIE$D NIGHT. Rules of Order Forgotten u the City Fathers Range Freely over a Wide Area of D'acassiea-Coutaltor W# Hauls a Bo.q.et to the Medical Heahh Officer Should the'rfrpeet Sprinkling Be Dolce on a Frontage Tax System Policies of aggressiveoe•a and pro- Deputy Reeve Ldltheraite the matter ressiveuees, outlined amid occasional i was referred to the public work► cour- tiers" of bonito& and satire. brightened I mitten to invelKrTate, which. in utber the proceedings of the town council • words, meaY'tistit le improbable tbet meeting last Friday evening. anyacuuo will her taken this year. Councillor Wight led is a bombard -Several eidtten• are atter Councillor dent of the medical health officer and Moset's 'tonsils" because •oiue streets his dilatory colleagues. Councillor Iar-e well watered while the residents of Muonings made.* few advance* to de- other streets are forced to "eat" dust. &ermine the eti4ngth of rbe force* He took occasion to tell the council wbicb would be arrayed against bid if that the public works committee was he sbuuld launch a movement to !doing its heft with the equipment it adopt the Irootage tax system oft bad, at ita disputed. He suggested that watering •be street.. l'uuncillor Mosel : the frontage gni might prove a rem - lodged complaint against the public Indy He was also in favor tot the use for accusing bun and his committee of of oil, as it was impossible, t0 water .11 inactivity in the street -watering prob- ! the streets. /)UBLIC 11i0I7CE� dem anal ''ounter-attacked by declaring I Councillor Muaninrs followed up I in favor of the use of oil and of the Councillor Mower's 1•uggertiun reepect- To the Citizen. of the Town of (r.derirb: frontage tax system. \Vbile bemoan- I ing the frontage tat system by moving ing the lack 0t money to install one, that the matter be referred to the Wb.eglee IESDA .AUt;Ur1 .,1 roe. ed has me teem diet. by Bylaw No. :t tot Peri. e. Deputy Reeve Lailbwai:e advocat l pribli� work.' committee. In seconding c'IVit' AY ROLID.. the placing of another dnnk:ng four- rhos motion Councillor Wilson ex - .11 citizens ars rogue -tad weevertheu.+otre• tun on the lake tank near the end oil premed his willingness to assist in sees. Uchuurg street. Councillor Peltridge, •the movement, as he had made An L L. KNOX. Rola, 11. LEAN. who a fond ot music, did riot like to unsuccessful effort to introjuce it a Clerk. Mayor. pay out WIC to the wird Regiment year ago. band if be did not receive the worth of Councillor Wigle said: be did not HURON LODGE, NO. tfl. I.O.O. F. his urooey, end be had Reeve Nairn wish to prolong the. discussion, but explaining bow bard be i the Reeve) wished to record bis opposition to the had worked to keep the baud together.* introduction of Foch A measure. with war conditions overwhelmingly Councillor Musketeer arem to ex - against bim. Councillors %Vallis and press bis surprise at Councillor Wick.* Wilson Weoned the varied discus- • "eon-proRr.e. eeoew.. ' but before he .ions which took place dui ing the two- finished he was inert t Opted by • ques- bour session with many goad words. l ion from Mayor McLean, who wanted Town Clerk Knox, the omcial eye- witness, sat rigid in his (.lace with a look of unspeakable horror on his lace, WITH THE 161 st HURONS Y meg loon or •el.en who ..re unable to we li.t for comsat.- ser.icr ,Lu, .mr,e their King awe not ry rt helping on munitions .work. • Steady week t o toed earn. .Apply t. - TAx ROI.'. BBL L ENctINI & THRD3Hr-R CU., LTD.. Seaford,. th,t. WOOL WANTED. HIGHEST PRiCE PAID -('ASH OR TRADE. BHN MD I I.LRR WOOLLEN MILLS. Huron Lode* will bold . PICNIo' AT Mb:'I-PT•UNG ('ARK a Widaesday. Angle& td lents blNdat, ('orlveyancer will asvoylddfellowi Hall at 1 add .1 P m. Members am regarded go mane with their b•.ket. and briar their (rimed.. 'Br.k.te left et Hall by t o1:orb w1l be conveyed to the Perk Vi.'ting brethren are conbally invited to rote to the outing. Larne In the evening. S;.ewart- ° ehcaers. THOS. Et WUALL IS. H. MARTIN. 12 TOWN OF GODERICH. NOTI('E T9 WATER TAKERS., • GIRLS WANTED APPLY (.OUERICH KNITTING CO. LOST AND FOUND. 1WK$ POUND. -ON NORTH puns aline" ro•t .f Meq. .i poly AWL Miler. lay The eist:a. - own cu: reri•ondeot 1 'THE LADS IN KHAKI �OtC ('AMI. RoI4De.N, July Jti. The names of the following tiodericb men appear on orders for promotion this week : t ergeant Jane to cool - Puny ret grant major ; lance -sergeant Peachey w eergeaIt ; Corporal Ret- ford W sergeant : Pte. Bert (Hopper) McLean to sergeant : Pies. Clairmont, Marin and Rows to corporals ; Ptes. Murray, Black, Reynolds, MIcKay and Corson to lance -corporals. to know whether the property -owners or the tenants would have to Ivey the tax. This information was not forthcuw- After ud'dergoing treatment in hos- pital at IA/ndon, gte. '.V. b. Lullaby arrived at Camp Borden on Tuesday and re:eived his medical ducbarge. More than fifty per cent. of the wen are away on harvest furlough. All the hien were vaccinated on Friday morning. Four doa.rrs were engaged and it took about four hour, to handle the whole battalion. Sixty men are leing "elected from the battalion to lake special inatruc- 10 F'r'ance 111 spent tilt months In tion in signalliog. The selection has 1 b.o.pitak_ysd'baring now recovered he • is &waitInbg word whether be is to re- turn to the front or remain in Caned'.. for instructional purposes. Mire. Alex. Robinson, Eaat street, who bad alrrsdy received word that ber Boo, Pte. Wo,..1. Robinson, was a prisoner of war in Germany, bar re- ceived'frow him a letter dated "Hos- pital, June 1'i. 'W." He says : •'N.) doubt by Ibis time you will tray. 'received my card telling you that I am a prisoner of war in Ger- many. I was woun9ed in the light band by • bullet. but 1 am pleased to say it "'getting on tine, es we are tee ceiving gond attention in the hospital. I am unable to write, as the wound is in my right hand, s0 a ft iend, who was captured with rue, is writiug for A large number of deo of the Itil.t Battalion have arrived from Camp Borden on four weeks' barveit fur- lough. Sergi. W. (.itwcw, - of the 9th„('ana- dian Training illi vision. is home from Hhorocliffe l'amup. England, on fur - ,lough, and i• at present visiting bis mother. Mrs'. .1. A. Fowler. Sergi. Gibson enttsto 1 at Edmonton. A telegrsw received on Saturday from Ottawa" contained the intelligence that Pte. El. to A. Long had again been wounded and was admitted to hospital at l'wlsis July loth The wound this time is in the,ahoulder and was caused by shrapnel. Sergt.-Major Dona- ld McGillicudlg. C A. M. 1' , was in town for the week- end on • visit to his sister, Mr.. (Rev.) G. M. Hulme., Mr. McGillicuddy. who is • fine-lookn,g euluirr, is aeon of Mr. Thos Mcliillicuddv, of Toronto, a for- mer editor . f The Signal. He was the first roan to enlist in Totonto At for out tit e.k tot the war and has since had an eventful time. After his eiperien not yet been completed. INJUNCTION DISSOLVED. Firit Roved in Legal - Fight Comer/nog Doty Plant. Before Judge Riddell .it Osgood• Hall ou Mottdayof this week, 1.. O.lrr. for the Doty Engine Works Company, moved to littwivr an iujuncttoO wand jay the toe° ret l:odericb, to prevent the removal of machinery from the Doty plant. W. Lawr appeared for the town of (icderich A'etl opposed the motion and toed to continue the injunction Ranted by the local judge. The injunction was dis olved in so tar while Mayor McLean, with complete as is necessary to permit ale or rent surrender expressed in his venrrahle ing and Councillor %% igle then ex- of the machinery plant by the Doty countenance, allowed rules of order to pressed his resentment at Councillor Eogioe Co., who are permitted to sell be either suspended or thrown to the dunningi insinuation that be was not or tent, prying purchase money or winds as the snbjeo'ts nearest the progressive. In the town of which he l rent money Into tw,urt to the credit of hearts of the 'Aldermen were drelt with was a resident before coming to God.- the action, with liberty to the Com - in the wanner wbich best pleased rich, he stated, the tat had been tried paoy co move tor payment uut at eery themrelit.1 and was dropped the second year 1te- time and tor coulpensat.lon for selling. I shortly alter the session had corn- cause of the strong r'tjectioa from the Thir is lhr Hr.t round ih what may Jnhn•tuu way with his enwpany at mauced Mi. barrow, ttd�� town whcit- business deo of the tomo. H• was in tae an important action at Is w. Tbe the tone ,.f 11.4 capture, but he does or, catered the chawWr for the pus- favor. however, n' laying Tarvia on1 cowl, council it taking •tel,, to protect not know what happened 10 him. pure ot di cu..tng w tt4 the council the the local impenve nt plan. I tt.e tower uiterente and to prevent - ateps et bleb ebould be taken to pretext Councillor ncillor 3t rr' i.s-••TbOt•s from.- i � removal- -ot crrlriu macbin.ry %Ilse Mar}or i. Kt Hy bas • letter' y age." tn,m the bay pstaut. iandie cover u[-+ from ber brother. Pre. Baal L. Kelly, Deputy Reeve f.Aithwaite- "It P1•A tbst for machinery to gmestion M.'r.A.S.(., w, it ten from francs .July would have t n be renewed every wa. placed an ttue tartuty r'y Mlr. [tib. Ile say. he bar been tun busy tis year," retooling to Fir.ia, ' He e.,o- 'rhotolJ for smell- making purposes wrrtr h. '' 1 spppose gnu- will mooed : "All towns have truntagr cwa cud outs itut a part of the plant n know before thio about the' big drive tat, Including I',intim. Mrown whee' which the towu holds a wurt1age. tbe Drool, „o making. Well, they I live we dont went voter ; we're 'rhellown has An important interest in air certainly giving the Hun. A hot clean enough without it. He Haid he the Outs' plant. itl.d the cuuwsl and reception, and I don't. think it hes WW1 A strong advocate u1 fruotage tux. civic officials appear to be determined started yet. 1 have been op to the "but,:" he concluded. "w here's the t,,,a t the rights of the municipal- lilies several tiers +ince yin braid money aping to come from ' ivy, add quite properly sir. trout me last. 1t is rather bard to Councillor l'aIt►i.lgr thought thet -- - --- de-acrile the noise,. but it.souods like a PORT ALBERT. Wgnteatenay. July :II. THE LATE. MIDI. J.As. E. CAIIP1tCLL -After a hong dad M'otul illness, the spirit of Annie MrQuarrir, widow of the late Jae. R. ('ampbelt, passed to the (trent Beyond on Sunday, July Ittlh. Up to within a few weeks of her death she retained all her mental faculties and was welly entertaining with ber reminiscences of tbe early days. Mrs. Campbell was torn in Caps btrton in the yea' It'11L She came to Nonillion when seven years Drage and afterwards mowed to Sbep- pardtun, where she resided for a AUDI her of years. Her husband pre- deceaerd her sit years and shortly after wards she carne to Port Albert to make ber borne with her daughter. Mrs. J. A. Green. She is survived by four daughter. and one son : Mer. %V. McLeod, Micbipicnten Harbor : Mrs. J. A. Gibbon and Mr. Harry Campbell, Sault Ste. Marty Mich. : Mts. H. D. McPhee. Chicago, and Mrs. J. A. Green. Port Albert. There are elan twenty-two grandchildren . and Into great-grandchildren. The funeral was held on 'Thursday After- noon to Colborne remrtrt y Hev. H. R. Willieme conducted the services at both house and grave. The pall- tearere were MOONP. J. A. Green, W. Kingswell, J. McLeod and T. Dickson. 'rbe floral tributes were beautiful and included a Targe wreath frorn the fam- ily. Those frorn_a distance in •ttend- ano-e at the funeral were : Mrs. J. A. Gibbon, Sault Ste. Marie ; Mrs. W. McLeod, Micbipicoten Harbor ; Mr. Hr asks his mother to send hint a rar.,r, brush, neap, sock■, ..nd some- thing good to eat. also cigarettes. to- bacco and matches, Ile inrloirer if there is +toy news of bis old comrade, Pte. Welter Johnston. He tbiukr And Mr.!. Hitters and., sons, of Tees - water : Mr and Mts. Harry ('amp - hell, -r., Clover Valley : Mrs. ('has. Alton, Loner. and Mr, and Mrs. Jno. McLeod, Ripley. Prato.i'. r. MKSTION -Sgt. Otway Nayden .ud (menu. Sgt, Hariy Con- way, of the Aruiv Dental Corp.. Lon- don, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayden ....Moo J. L. Myers returned to Stratturd on Tues- day after spending A very pleasant month 41 her cottage by the lake..°.. Mises Eliza Richardson and Evelyn Breese arrived home last Tbuisday Irvin Houston, Tc ear, for a three months' visit with tele'Ives and friends in this "idiot y... Mrs. Adam Schaefer and children, of \\'inghaul. are the guests of her. p+routs, Mr. and Mr.. .le-. ()maid Messr.. Fred Nelson and Robert McAndrew, of Sc. Thomas, ar'ived In the tillage on Monday and are camping at the lake. Mies Pearl McKenzie, of Dun - genitor, was the guest of Miss Evelyn Hayden for the week -end ... Mr. and Mer. Ed. Myer.. tot Strait! their guest, Moe Minerva l:reenawiv. 1.1 Guelph, ere At the lake for a coup le of weeks Mr. -enol Mt•e. Dave Martin. of Detroit, Are visiting the lady- 'pother, Mrs. Jai.. Young .. Mlr. and Mfrs, J. H. Tweet and sun. of Ilawe.ro i. aro tlior guests of Mr. and Mr.. W. H. Nawatar .Pte...1. RuJduck of the 1111.t Rattalion, aicived h,.nie front Camp Borten on Soturtliv. He I. on. • twenty -ii ht tI.'y' ft1tIoi Rh and" is waking With Mr. Chas, Crawford... . Miss Jennie Meller arrived homy troln Windsor beet week and ie visit ing her parent-, Mr. dial Mrs. .1. Metre•" . .. Mr. 11. Hayden was in London last week on business And Also visited his sons, Aerercuur so segidailie.e i by Owl Ws- the Para r interests to the Doty 1.1.011-ssdl�ertr.elarkl blllalten,.h .akr0,foundry. An injunction had been i. - West( to present other interested pat - o? W t TEl: 1, dt LAWN •ERVU'E am .unwed to -. �c ester trout $U.PK181: tier how tru.vAiug rel tarn pte•rP• •.1 Turd.'NdiT. macbiner.. A m.'tu.n hail Ieefr,utade ueloptothe lie.,l0-0ot.sta'vtthe prc+rnt at Orgosale Hall. Toronto. to dissolve time. the t.'On, nit .. t1 hy',at that the ci:IZeIIO this in un.. ti-. n, while Mr. Gat row, Art - Adhere to the .Dote nindatinn. -o .r- not to 1 encroach on the electric light(' g lord Ing for Abe town, pt tiptoe.( tit till- n Ant town or pr-r.on- infondlrup O,, !be motion to continue the IoJuoction. above tegul..:ion o: c -tag wars for lawn a After the towns position had leen other purview. without esi mating the heo�- *srTT auDlicaUen in swing to the Commi.•bn thurougtay explained a mutton was war be liable to prow eiitAy pi.sed. leaving the matte' in the By soler ,d the 1 on n,i--.on. 1.. L KNo\. W. T. MURN EY Y- B. -In ere o1 hr.. all •er.,oro m,.-' be ,it off beamed ed safely . LOeT.-ON 1'5AT1JILDAT, JU LY Into, • Yank gassatiset err ya•M r lrrIswf ise iFFI asdsrw ed re eine sitort TOR SALO OR RUNT. 1POR RENT. -AFTER MxPFILMBRK r ler. • sine r'ogo.d b.em se oo- for.YMad. or a huret sheet. Isre- - ilea hot water heel rind nitfee ve.reoer. A pi) to M I U S BUU ' AN. reel tinier\ e, (irderie Stir MO MINT. -FURNISHED ROOM, 1 ..Ieabt* tor • l dy. In resident* on Quebec • street. neer le bik•freet Apply b MRs, a. J. 11JaIIAINC. two doers wow .f Wselbeky drool 11 It SPECIAL NOTICE TO WATER -TAKERS. tater' u•k to node•. [C :entry +owe. the time for pay went of &treat- 1. up today Tbo.e ebo laic not complied wi:b the notice will under- -trod that 1• rota.. what it „all- mid will plea -e act ..ccerdiofily. Water rater for Julp to Decemberbel1-par. are Ent. ,asd if raid .hi. muotb ten per cent.. win be allowed. WATER AND I.IUHT COMMIS -'ION. A. rtIR.' ITON. A oll.ctor. Boder tcb. July P1. 19101 [IOUSF: FOR SALE IN VILLAGE • f II or at- RURv.-$saes POMP. weakness. 1=11 gatr� sad wsed.he.: read want ; Mew trip j MM -Need ward.. smote h..* Rams bd - �i fag Iter.: halt tress and pito.. Apply sa p*got.e. Ml'RR.AY PA N. Autism. _adFOR SALO 4 mHEO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. 1: u., 1 pa Il C IL., Orga.Yrued d Cboirui .ter of gest pdreb. Te.e•ber p,aso, voice. organ. P.pY+ prepared ,for examinations. Ntuear- Phrtb street. oppo-he Ili. hallo.''. �1�ILi1;R8 HREIJ STALLION \VAI. TER MIA.. WAR CAUSES tiammvet DEMAND FOR DRIVUHi HORDES. U U. SHINGLES FOR SALE. -8.0. D. MUNftitn't r11f POR SALE -POULTRY, BUTTER a s* . aJOHN mal bMwgr �et�O•rmrtenedre Walker'. remitter. M . R A iHRNTAL PRACTICE FOR BALK.- 11 npe t9!eNgw e.a.pe win M tb Mos Per is M. es the DOR SAD1.-WINOS OOMOR'ST. i*ae sboll at ewer km. •.. A[, tillimt RALE ontait uaodr of the solicitor, with power to many citizens were unfair In their f- ,r a real treat Iry "pr of our ire firayy tbuuderstucm. I ehou}d lik« to should deem it legal. assistance it, ..be, tee on abet sutjeothe htic works ' irfIrw,e Int bricka.,aadr to '„tint. Anf hr abl.. w t.jl. }tLy ►k>•utt tAis shoo(( dorm it oecersary. tee on Ibis sub'rM. `ii!'yoi w uJs' Phone s•• place, but a. you ones i win out Mr. Date, • travelling represent s- mess gnat d«al wurc tiaf- tire of Tar:ia. a coal tar product used extensively on the srt'arte of many towns anu cities throupbout Ontario. was presrn•, and was introduced by Councillor Moser. %lr. Dale govt. htt- utes ar.d estimates to show *bat it would root approximately 5.pel to treat the Si Ware with bis product. On mouton .t Councillor Mooning' and If 1 oto groat A to 0 cult.Mot.111 .bow rood speed remade aid be .Mild.• drier r-. you govt beret to • bee &bat -Mw. these quainter.. sued the Wham* drain 011ie two. WALT[R F.i.IJY •telt Canadian reg, -ter £ee. Arm sirao res•.ter 1 14 In-..eted. .-nro11"d sued r lweeed ea .:andard-bred int *neaten Mee. .YALTKK EnnY .00.s remarkab:c =sloe. e•.d W is undoubtedly ow of Nee be.< treed. 1. soe.lu rereads. W ALTCIt EDDY will •tarsi for the Lilt sea skin •t he owe -tad ...ear N•rth aroma. dour Placa of *en ion t u u.ure. only Markt MP,A M. POLLF.Y JjAlRGOODS.-MRSA. NI('HOLL. /theft street. a prepared to do an bind; s.1 alter wort made from era hair or eon brag.. sed supplies hair for orders. orb/ethic treat - meow. e5wiog. ede., and also b for rale tolled s.peslu', area. and U ine. av powders. trepans Ire Beasts f M t.aaealge lMgo. 10RTOAOE SALE (ORTOAOE SAIL AUCTION SALES. (UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HI be PROPERTY, s'L'RNI- 1 1:1: ANI) Ft'llNIAMISUd.,, I am v,.trirted by MRS. JANES L. GRANT to -'.1 bymelte aortion, at the',rewires. curuer of'ktorio and Pattie streets. Uedertcb, oto 1 ATCILIlAY. JULY 'Rh" ' commencing at = o'clock The property ror..i.t. or • .omlor'wble two ',cry -tone hour. .1: h a brit k Add r roe. 1; ha- t„wn water. bathroom and other resvenles,w. I. well built and, •, itornt 1.11)1. cher, 1..1.5 a god driving led and rokbo0 hon. [M land con-iet- of nearly half .o acre Arid there le 0o Setter garden ground a- ran ha aura mew. Tran". Ten per emit. of the punter! pule to be paid at the time of -ell-. WAIN* e ll klO:e, day-. or a portion of tM puttees. gooney may remain cm two utast, wi h intoner. at ', pet .rant. .11 the .ame time the hoc•ebo:d f.rNters furni-hto*. will be -old, eon-n.thrgif 1 One firr piece rerlor •wtr.: parlor table.. 1 parlor roe. 1 hanging lamp. c:ntus-. blinds. 1i..Mser. ow.. 1 Merry tak.leat table. 1 aide - baud. 1 bung". l •ma11 teble.. It r hair-. 1 bed room,-ul;r-, agottlearer •rd -&"logs. toilet -et-. rorpsta. current., and Shod.. t cote. 1 cupboard. a kitchen tante!. l.mp.. chit a, cartery. glow. err*. 1 nhiger•tor, 1 Happy Thought range wine watet-res 1. piper. Nr.: 1 Mi ient real beater, piper. Bre.; 1 wood cook -1001. 1 raking chain. 1 I.fpe walnut wardrobe. 1 deeper ww- ing mattes e. 1 wa.hing Maui. 1 'MUSK. 1 .AAA boiler. I laws mower : nthy of pod garden tu.N►. 1 wheelbarrow, add numerous o:ber which .. ail of which wilt be .old •abient re.erse. Terme doh. MLS. J.AMkit L UItANT, Prow kt res.. Wider power of -ale laciness. win Mr .Tb M .5.1 b . s.euttewr save( Mese. O.dstirk. wa,. Agus Rib WA t* 11 o'eNcr nose. lag l..d. known t* .mtb elf of lot 1. commodes Ili. E. D. Ant- O.e h.nend all re.. preprrty will be oAwet Mr Ws os tM serve. leo t•• arm M W p.reba.s m the day of .ate to toe ,..4... e •e. -sad the balance .1t1a yrs dors Hoene - egret late mat There will he a re ee.M o:. E.e all partapply • di rand ltlsee of .ak' nip g�, ere ne .p.l, t* mage e1 the ander al= YM Illi da, el Jet,. Ott PM/VDpdiT. KI�Ontario. a leoscltor.. THOMAS GUMMY. A edrrr.sr, O•de-tell. Oat. DorriSTNY. PN. 0. �MacDONKLi. --HONOR ). dtD�ss(al U/Mttwltr. oe.e.at• msepad woMM T. tit'NDRY. A trot beer r. thatthere r - ' Ac on some streets than on others and this was eometh.ng whish was taken Information for Motorists. into consideration by the committer For the benefit of motorist. going when the spa;* C ng of certain streets to London it a reported t hat the was order, J. ad t L and Councillor \\'..ills exprestted it as his opinion'. that, the question of street sprinkling was hard matter to settle. He half heard the allegation made that retain street" were watered °be- cause some re -idents hul A "pull" with the , ounce:. This he did 1101 re- lieve W he true. He would favor, he aid the adopt i n of the frontage tax system. glad "bApr, The motion to refer the question to 1 think 1 did vett' well, the public work- committer was fln.tl- ly canard. A Burning Question. Couo'illor \\igle's at'-trlc on the - What about next winter's coal sup-', Eitelytody erste Blackstone'. drii- town'e medical health officer wad one ply : The Menke ('nal 1'0, has an adore-' cions iIP cream of superior quality. of the sensation. of the meeting. ile roomehtnn io , t of thi' week'. Signal Olders delivered. Allowed. You will know al,out it sown day, and 1 hope it will be anon." He goes on to tell of receiving a parcel from home and tot (cow ate contents were disposed u1. " When 1 tiptoe.) it the Hest -thing 1 saw war the Clandreh road between ucnn 1 , • Capt. W. Y. Hayden and Sgt. Otway a is eboee tl, es A mw ren- Chretolatr, bur ui two minutes P y R crate and steel bridge is being erected time there wad nuns to be seen. Hayden. at Carling CampMrs. IO replace the old wteelen stntctWe Then carne the coke ; 1 didn't -\ sman end Miss Freida..1 liode- over the Aux Souble Itiver. It is like- d., A thing to it. , 1 then rolled A rig.I alicbt, aresent Sis,tlrg with Mrso l:utidock ly to be a month before the new bridge &tette and had a good kr. and at preMisr Adeline Willis is finished and ready Mr travel. It is the same tune hath A rt,rw of gen.. •i-itru wuA A10/11111 friend,/ for a only a matter of about two and one The pile wits broken. so 1 laid it tt'couple of weeks and returned home half miles farther erouud by Ildei•tun one side ,to he mended late. , and rend la -t Sunday Mfrs. MrCullrgh we. And Ientield And the road. are in The Signal Then 1 h,u1 to -wash with IIP from Grderirh township last work the "nap and then Woo n,y Hoar. Su aMfndrs frwad ank the guW'eilsl,..t of. herMdraugA. hterE, , M,Iweeter motored 1a -k 140 Stratford on Saturday .firs spending a Couple of weeks with ins family it their cottage. NOTICE T0THEPUBLIC Having been diesirou, of enlisting for some time post, I have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co, (P. J. MacEwan, manager) to 'take over and carry on my cartage business during my absence. 1 have therefore signed lip with the i11.t Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and i would respect- fully solicit from the public getter - illy, and from my old customers particularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business affairs entrnsted to their care during my absence will .al/Mt�t-irArribiza.,.dlli. therefore be thankfully appreciated by we. Telephone all orders to prone 44. ALFRED H. JANE deplored the inactivity of the i.oard In which everyone should resit(. Study not laking steps t0 safeguard the town it end wah-li the •Iirceedlrlg irrupt. Hot/nested.of'• Mr. F Hot/nested. of Seafurth. end from an outbreak of infantile paraly• this paper for the information this Mr. M. Lockhart. of Auburn, have si., sod considered, when the woolen- firm is offering concernidg Lehigh tendered their re-:gnations as police Cent in,irtl on paw• 8. Valley coal• "the coal that satisfies." magistrates. THE EYES OF THE ARMY .ta The shoes picture shows a on offiieh aeroplanes Iioed up for their last review previous to their 11101 t ease.* to take pats Iw HIt11�RtMensive -M ot i.fv your thirst with one of our icr-,•old sodas at Edwards'. NEW CASH ':ROCERY STORE. Look Out for the New Cash Grocery, Open Satarday, Jdy 2901• I will open out in F H. Martin's old stand. nett *8. Helfnrd lintel, nn Sat- urdav, .duly with, with a full to of family groceries, fruit. and eegetahlee. Telephone orders promptly attended to bier us a trial order. Telephone No. 1MU. J . H. LEACH if it'. ,ptslity you W tor, .,-P Black- stone'. d.lieirnta ire cream for all °e- rasion,. Phone 2240. GUNOMY'S SALE REGISTER. N'woc n.r. A.,ra•t s -Mott*.. , •r;r o1 NUM i,• a•rl%. north half of led 1. .o.aw-,on 1., E. n. .btleld. (5otalning taw Arnie : at the con r hn".e. I f.drrieh. wl 121.51005 noon. n ao.r..loly -Anetise wilco of bon* hr..1 pini. -Hr furn,Ulm aad f r.t•binr-. pngery of Mr.. Jame. 1.. Omit. teener et 1'.'on tact ,VKisses street., tewnwe.tne et - o.lo k DIED. YOL'N•: -In li.edoe bo■pital. w July !a. Mrhlee Yeuag' F:(/ . Iregefielk, 511 wriespey sly :eh. Alt. Pater Edwralo.. 1:11CDDITT Inh,derleh nes M*n,d•y.Ja H. Jay It Nrerknn twin en of 11r. mot Mr.. 11 Heidi!? of Ili rat font. On! . formerly of I4.,rrje 1 M 1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -July 27. Pare Rev!, r , NR .- . . - Ittod.-r t' It R Litre - IMdNllsws' ['trate- Horse Ledge 1 ('Isle Holiday - tows of Uetsil b .. 1 Vorte. Indi. Wile' Sanitary Sui148/1•44 g. Robbie. .. / Ant"d IWRr0..-- Tlie OR0gar Stars 0 E00.104 ss weatM-lbs Elowilostgala CD Handbell .... 1 Maid Wanted --Igen 0 sweet ceesollIa SSw1 111111111m&