The Signal, 1916-7-20, Page 84 r • Terminer, Judy :to, $9ii N f: SIGNAL. GODERICH ONTARIO M A P LEWARE LUNCH SETS ! For Pic cs or for Ccserd Some( Use Mule entirely of wtlod, and can (a• wird a number of time - Unique arid .Auttety. pack..) ill Callon. ....attaining 11 including diiincr plates. yegetebl.• or uthu1 dialler.. sandal. h plater, well RIO pelting' ' e1 /111es, ...antler)* uiaplew'ar.• sprees. wood fibre fibre nal.k iop. and twWc enter. e10. Peter cougdetr /1 per wet • II I-ke•rpN•r's %"axed I'alw•r, 2 doten sh.vte. 12 inches x 114 inches. for. lacking much..., etc. Per package. l Oc \Vaud Paper Drinking cup,. per prtckagp• of 3 51,.. Paper Towels, for nil! of 25c 1511 towels . - tf.•If-adjusting Swim 11 tugs. • guaranteed, the hest 35c ,y Itlatlr ...... .... . . Jt*t arrived, August NuurlNn Lath' ` Hr. • Journal. 5c Price .... ..... ... GEO. PORTER i ATI E i1./►.I`LL` HERE'S Box Buster Brown for the kids, and for grown-ups, too. Takes a picture 2t:31 inches and costs only $2. Other Anscos up to $55. %Ve'd tike to show you the entire line. Our photographic de- partment has established quite a reputation for developing, printing and enlarging. Come in, won't you i Prompt S ervice 1.L.414a►2I1, Presaiptio. Druggist I'noxe.+ 19 A son 11 It NI)14T1 SIDE Sgt" 11 t fief i.fy y, ler-cold INA -a-- Pion r, pile it. liar rat 3... i to 3.7i New nay. per Into In.,'" io Mori ',trots. loo -e. torten 5.110 to Sole Wool. per loot kei to .i.N. Dairy Witter peril) .2.1 to Cs l'iosniery Nutter .Si to _la Nein PAntite, per 1.11 2.1'1 to 2.1,1 Roe-. lire weight , per cwt. . Wei to lit 7, Sheep. per rot Cue to 7.111, ns' th.rat with one of our re at E award.'. INCIDENTS AT THE FRONT. Mr. Russell Coutts Tells of Ftgbt.u= Frits and Mosquttees is Belgium' Writing Juus $i."1 from "sone - where to Belgium" to • memlwr cf Knox church choir, of which he war • member, Mr. Russell Cootie nays : ••Aso in the front line today, doing a twenty -tour -hour eteetch Not as long s. es' used to do in herr, but tmrs are d.ffe.•nt. N'r don't 11vr as luzurimisly as we did last tell and winter when we came in here, but wr do fairly well yurt the same. We get arum entertainment now, too - fltr- works at all hours from Fritz and t;.,mpany, but I1e.gensrally gets back se touch or mom than he rends screw. pi*ht•il INnntJ, eau.age* good ruuijur compo,. wine of the deify menu down time served up by Fritz, and taken all round they aro all pretty good noire - producers . - . We have been out here over nine month* now and the b g thing we lo ik forward to is our half -yearly six -lar learn in 'Blighty. Only a taw of our men have been lucky enough to get their leave so tar, but we all live in hope" of our turn coming in time. I'm hoping to get over be- fore the strawberry, season is over ; strawberries appeal to tie very rout somehow o1 other. 'l'11rre ere mo.gnitoes nv here just as Large and or lel lodthi it the ones in Canada. I tar i -d el tog out in the open lit night. nes pretty warm end I had the n to myself till I s. in ; but I had gotten the little humming ries had a iattlr royal with there managed to get to sleep. At 1 got up heel' as a daisy -d •axing time that is, loo. A tent shell hole wade • flat-cl basin, and the sun was,.wrll sky when we strived at the at 6 o'clock. - Mr. clock. -Mr. 'footle was operat C P. R. station herr enlist went. b es' sly crpr as' 1: fight for Is and till 1 o'clock avlight- coneen- ars wash- ip in the front Iinr or at ' the before his SEEING LON Gunner Harry Watson Describes a Visit to the Metropolis. Hy the courtesy -ot 111. E. R. Wal - POP We are aide to pobli.h extracts DON. from a letter rrcei (runner Hairy K' ed front his icon. trees, of the ('ana- dian Field Artillery now notating in England. \Vriting July :ird from Shornclifie, he says : Louis iC+try) and 1 went to London for • weeks -no. Landon is certainly mime -city J1 is about serrnty-rive fat cent. nor++ and twenty-five per cent. fog. We left herr at 1.I5 aril arrived it ('haring Cruors riotluu at a gnartrr to four. We then went down to Leicester Siloam and tool,. an ••ulni- bus out to the lroepital ti, see 11.ny ICArey). I: to su.prtetng how easy tt is for A stranger to Hud his way in such a large city i think wr rnde a4exrt viz wiles ton the 'bus. then bad to walk About two. We finally found the hospital ; then it didn't :Ake long to find Harry. Hr lot,ks well and is certainly itunable. The motioned soldiers are treated very well. They ire always ieing asked out to dine or to motor pastier, nd they very seldom have I0 buy their own tub.ec,e. Harry is suffering from shell shock ; he in rather nervous and ilia eyesight is slightly affected. He think+ be will be .ant hack to Can- ada wain. He Also thinks the ,war will he over in August. After staying, It the hospital for an hour or so we went down town again and took rooms in the Strand Im- perial hotel on Strand Square, where we bed our supper; Then- win sow Piccadilly Circus ; then went 16 rbc Haymarket Theatre and raw a dandy .how. By the time that was over we were nearly ready for bed, so we had lunch, theu black to "our" hotel. It cei randy Wall good to crawl in be- tween ince clean .beets again. Suralgy rimming we got up at 9 hod brraktasl and a goad hath, and rtarted out to see the sights We saw Buckingham Palace, Crystal 1'alsce, and the tuuunted guards at the Parliament- buildings. I ret my wrist -watch by the largest clock in tilt. world. "Big lion.- Then we went out to the'Loo, whirr we saw nearly all the different ar,iwitle in the world. One of the elephants stewed 10 take a dnellke t., me, for he tied to give me a rh•,wri-bath ; but I happened to Yee him in time and got out of range. i think it would 1»• a good idea to get two or three elephants in Goxierich in Otte of the fire brigade. They can throw a Iwtter stream of water than the old tire lime, there. We lett London at 9.1: Monday night end landed in Shorneliffe At 11.:10. We were certainly- tired when at tact we hit our hard I...d+ again. 1 Ani getting tat hale. I weigbell my -elf yesterday and tipped the .irides at 152 pound.. I don't think 1 ever telt better in guy Lfe. Louis weigh. 192 pounds. The box error last Friday. You don't know how g rod t'anidian to- hereo geese after using IOM etulf they nave over heti. CHOOSE YOUR TALCUI t rattly 1,w its fr.egran, .r its oneness. RED ROSE TALCUM not only impart% the exquisite per. fume of the freak rut Amentia Re*uta, but. too. it has a softness that charm% 1t% dainty freshness, its impalpable finrne*., its alluring fiord ewerines% all unite to make it the talcum par excellence Handsomely packaged for vtwer immediate rite ....25e James A.Campbell qt CENTRAL 'DRUG STORE Corner North St. and Square O•derick Dm itt '►HONRA ken >d HOW GEN. COTTONS SONS FELL hard in ease of ague was LIT to • dank, so shooting •1a10st tranche. to start w t:•wruan. began el ••t them they had Maw, I x,,e, the g round Orrery 90' de, as the the wo s►work i the and the o Winn 1411 user. leer lelrgrap the guns. killed, the wounded driven bs on his in over to t thea' to come w that be uoe at them • uta tier the leu j.l k. This point that they were parallel to the ith, and when the mina down on top w tear away the tone and swing theta They then lied 9111 empties show : dually 0 our gun -pit caught her gun jammed, r., it There were two wire - h meta in a dugout near One of there 1111.11 WW1 other wen picked up fter the Germans were k. He stated that he was strutnents when ('ba►he ran he dugout door and or leredsmasheasb all their machine* and ith him. TFry went rad found was the only gunner alive and mpit was on the as the three of nr.rrd the other gun and hissed with it until it jammed. The mans were then almost on top of w. The wireless wan stir red lock, t was bit before be got very far, so st ley quiet for reveler bourn till the et tuane were driven [lack over hon nd he got picked up. Ile thinks Charlie did the same thing but gut picked up by the Germans, and as no trace of his body ern be hind this n ay be what happened. A Getman prisoner /cited that the most serious opposition they eocountrr•etl In coat- ing over wino fr Charlie :• two guns, which fairly mover(' thew down. What a tight they must have had. -The 1st and 2nd divisions recap- tured the guns and all the loot ground the other d.y without a grwt deal of trouble and with few casual' i -s, but Russ ('otton, who had only re- cently given up his staff appointment and gone back to his tegument. was killed in the attack. .Things bave settled down oow and the front is quite quiet. 1 think Fritz has had about enough ; so have we for a while At the Kitchener Memorial Service. Lieut. Satagge w tiger : • Brompton Barrack F. Chatham, June 11th. We may send a body ot troop* as guard of honor to the !armorial am - vi ;e, List we are tint sure. Anyway, 1 bore 1senchosen to g es 1he ouy sub. 1 do hope we ge, in 1 will never get such mummer cot •mem a lifetime. 1 have b •1 n drilling with a psrty of picked war, 1•u Ilie l-.st coop* of (Jrys. 1 did 11,4 1N larva Doer we such turn in the c.',p- ; About every third man bar a Memo: wr.1Al, Re..i 1n, Ftrnch ns' Eng►isb, .tie shorting roan it the 1.1 es 41,r 11.• ern, an I lou should just err (11.00 tiara -eh. Ot cumr*e 1 ani ah..,lulrly .cared gr•-rr, but Capt. Free .t,, the atijut .1,1, t* tit charge. .0 I hn.g- as' • .,e. r • o go off All right it it g les 1 t1 at a11. Juet trunk, n1 militia, 11 WOW 1; a•.d A hail I hope to go to Alde..hut. Yum have neatly act riding their, whit h *11 1.1. lots of fou. lot should se 41 aur to my swell new tlrld b. , t., amu ur.dirr.: 1 had ,o get sive rytt.ing t.rw toil Account 01 tuis S VC% i.e. :SJnday, June IS h. 1 sumo's. !his has been oust' of the most eventful week. 1 have ever had. in my 1.-t letter 1 told you I was traiuieg wt;lr A guard of hunur f..r Kilrornr, r t,reuwrial wetv;cr. 1Vel1, we d:d not h..%- a Ku.,d of h0uw4, but twelve R. E. etticrrs and forty men .neat up to rept-mein qhs' corp.. I went with the men and I believe 1 was the only Duh. in the place. St Paul's' was packed absolutely to the doom. Their wrrr over 11,,41) people who applied ter ticket*, ru you rev how lucky- I was. ('apt. Firncb took the men up and let ore bring them back alone. We simply march d Mahan •ia sod took 04u• -.44515 1kKht up at the (rout. There was a Field Ziarebat anti an Admiral of the Fleet sitting right 1n front of rue. 1 never knew torte were so many big bugs in the army before. 'fhe Krug wed Queen passed right by and rat quite a bit in front. -The collet, - was great 1 Its' R. E. band ha 1 fif- teen drums there and 1 never beard such a noise in toy life. 1 thought the place was falling dowu about my ran. 10 finish up two R. E. hustlers wounded the "Cart Paid -and the notes ecbtxd through the domes about five minim* after they had stopped. '1 he only drawback was the weather. It was pouring rain when we went up and although the rain stopped during the wonting It WAR coke and motet - Aide. 1 got the mei Beck quite all right and all the fun wits over, but 1 will not forgst it for a long 11111e. Our new instruetnr in field works, ('apt. Pyne, has turned out trumps he was prevented with the Military ('rows the oche( day. There are *tient ten l'•naelians here now. (Inc by the name of Davie, a Montrealer. u awfully decent. He ha. been out at the front some time and came hart gassed. Lteet Savage Had the H000r of Attend Ong the Kitchener Memorial Service. ('apt. H. M. lavage and Lieut. It 1.. ti mage ate eons of Mn. %avow?. of Montreal, who -is a .1.1er of Mrs ('link and Mt..Inhtt (salt, of Onalerich. ('apt. S'rale is at the front and Lieut. Savage is in Kngland. letters which they h*ve went homy have hien for- warded to their relatives here. l'spt. S•regr tells of fighting in which Lieut. 'Chu.. ('•'lion was atippieed to be killed and of • later action in which Capt. Roes Cotton waa killed Three are two son. ,d Major-(. 1 W. H. Cotton. tarot. Savage was a member of • detachment which represented his corps at the memorial service for Lord [itch + r at St. Paul's, London. \\ rating f m the front Jure 21st, VAN Savage *goys : -Still no news of Chili♦ l'k.ev is a hare possibility that be may have heves taken prisoner, but i do loot think be was the kind that is likely to be taken. As far se efts be esth•eed be wads a wonderful stand. His goo was tied and sandbagged dolmas a aerials point which they were be bs- OBITUARY. INFANT/LS PARALYSIS 1 -molar of 1,•Pserladad Octant of Heath. ';Wkat is It T. The following in s bunt l,ru r r •([at ding infantile paraly.ls ate issued by Its* Provineiel B..atd of Health : Infantile paralysis, also called an• tel iur puliontyelt i., is a commune:- ably disrwchlrtly of children Ixtwrea the ages ot two and (our teen years. Older childr•ro and adults' may Atm he affected by the disease. the cause to unknown. It 11 known, however, that the agent cautious the disease 1. prwrut is the secrets -no of the noise sed mouth and in the Mime total tract trout being swallowed disease is epidemic at Doom Un- ited States ruler and io At least one town in Ontario. It is believed thst infantile par tlysie it spread how our child 1, aou.ner by wean.' of IA. secretions of the twee and mouth by direct transfer. It is possible also that i. is .pored by trim which Il me been •u contact with 111- teetioal discharges It may become widespread in r ,untry as well as in ctuwded city dietric ., arid person* who have been (44 contact with cases of the disease may huhu( the coo- tagioa and give it to others aitbo•.rt eoutracung the direa.e thewrrlvre ; that is, they are "centers." What to De About 1t. I l) Every ca..' must be ,wean' 'tied fur a period of *11 weeks. 21 All ebilo eu who bare been in cuutact with a emir must be quaran- tined and kept ander camel velem for a period of two weeks. ,:f1 Aduwime-n. of the family who are wagelt-werar tiro may bee allowed t go about their work subject to the tegulatioes of for Provincial board And on ibis diw•tetion of the medical °Meer of health. ill Where there is an outbteak, gatherings of ct.11uren, such as picnics, picture shows, Dud p1a) grounds, should tut prohibited. 131 The sourer of origin of ea it case .huuld he carefully enquired into in order that proper gusrantine way 1* maintained. Itis to hotter* where cares appear all d,...0 and windows al Id be screened, rhe promisee kept clean, mud no ac- cuwirlalion of gerhage er waste pet - witted. 1 , I All care* -loould bee at once noti- fied to the mealiest tatter of health, and by him to the cuiet officer of the Provincial bos.d. Ix Mild cows, .bowing slight head- ache, rice of trnlp.rratute cud vomit- ing persisting for a few days. with .light muscular streak twins and ah..nce 01 pah.lvii-., .hould be glurantined. Throe are pro'. nil our ut the chief sous cis . t Contagion. i91 As infantile paralysis is a most ...mom* diorama. And to lite present epi- demic giving a high death -late, the public is urged to eecond the rlYui is of ihr arilbotitirr un eves wry in order to prevent a e'vm.e outbreak iu the Province. 11'1 All material., such as cloths, etc., retrying recretionsand discharges from pat mots, should ha butbed, boiled or dirinfect.ed. If the disease shows any tendercy to .pread, rperi.1 gnarsntine measures ■ tory iw necessary. „fails \\'. Slr('t't LiirNe, Chief Office. cf Heal.h, l• runto. AnyiTrimmed Hat - $2.38 Any Child's Trimmed Hat $1.25 Black or Colored Shape $1.00 IG Bargains in the Millinery Department commencing Saturday. Everything must go now, as Miss Sitzcr leaves for her vaca- tion in a kw days. Everything must go, none reserved. Every one this season's style. The big clean-up of the season. The regular prices of the Trimmed Hats are up to $S,00, of the Children's Hats up to $;.;o and of the Black and Colored Shapes up to $3.5o. All go commencing Saturday Choice of Black and. Colored Shapesl$1.00 Choice of Children's Trimmed Hats $1.25 Choice of Trimmed Hats - - $2.38 i 1. TAYLOR, A!tHS•IRLD. There passed away at her home in Ashfield township on \Vednewday morning, July 515, Franc,. Johnston, wife of Mr. 1). L. Taylor, in her sixty- aeventh year. She had been in fail- ing health for some time. The de- ceased was of Irish birth, hut lived in Canada most of her life. She was married to her now bereft husband about forty•niz years ago and is sur- vived by ten children. all of whom were with her in bier lest moments. They are : Mr.. Neil Mc1)•mald. Mrs Howl. McKenzie. Kinta.l ; Mr.. Alex. John•tnn, Chicago : Mn. Mnnt.nS - et y, Ripley ; Listens.,Chicago ; Edith and Ewe!. at bona* ; K111iuu, Sault Ste. Mat*: David, Detroit ; ('baric,. Kintil. 1hrre ir,ithers and three sister. al.o aur•pre. Mrs. Taylor esiiaee sss a member of the Presbyterian churl- - One of the greatest pleasures of hej life was to know she had been of ser- vice to Other*. and Mose who bad Use privilege of bet friendship had lesson to know Ser kindness of heart, espec- iallyin mem of illness. The 1isoeral toomem place on Friday atter.00a, 7th Inst. , tromi (5. 1•nti ly molasses and was very largely attended. The serviette were :nerd 'lewd by Rev. J. S. Hardt,. ani the pallbearers were tares sees and throe .ors -i• -law. 111.wtiful Sorel tributes were .sat front far sed Mae, rhe S••eaad was ea moat of Mr. T. T. Lustre, d O•isti*. Mr. sed Mrv. Estill and table sow Masaaitb, as the tasiaal. You cannot get ruck excellence else' where, because Liggett'. Cbocoleter are *old rx ;lueively by Rrxall drug stores. 11. l'. Dunlop. God:inch. RED CROSS NOTES. TDs' reaular,montlayJefatlAf sof t.1w Red Cr.., Society- took place 111 the room. 00 July 17th, with Mrs. Carrie in the cheat-. The .zfleoditure for the month was as follows : Sewing committe...ea:L• tel ; Be itannia branch, 1-.1.15 ; toe yarn. $56.4.5 ; *u t gtcw l suppers, 1(1-:11 & total of 1131.7a. Since the Irl alerting the following 4mnunrs were received And ' ate ac- knowledged with [hulks Mr. F. J. i ridhaui, $. ; Miss Kate \Vatrtin, 12; Mr. G. C Robertson 'C'hicago,. 1Y Western Canada Flour Mill employ - ea,, Mil 73 ; ward collections, ,31711.54J ; a total of P215.2n. The financial summary for the month is theref ne : Radiance from last. montls, 8213.72. received during the month, ea52.i : expenses, oust - 714: balance •vaileble for nest mouth, frdIelI $. The treasurer was instructed to Nod a cheque to headquat tern for 875. The secretary was instructed to in - sett a notice in the prp•ts utgiog the people to contiuue their ward collec- tion., as now, if ever, the money is needed. The mowing erenaittee dewire to - thank e11 the worker.. The following haler were sent to headquarters during the th : silly lt'th, socks, Tr.: pairs. value. 1115.- ; ; 1 -eart, velar 73 rents ; pock. on hand, 51 purr ; total for month 1111 paint. Britannia branch, bale valved et •'22.2.4. Murgweat eupplwa-Jun. 2i. i.i doz+n eh....bent pad•, 12z16, Sit dozen abeirhent pad., 9x1', t14 dozen ahworhetit pada, 617, GOOgauz+sponges. 12 dozen gauz. compresses 617, value 1141: July 7-28 dozen ahsorhent pada 12116, t7 d,z-n absorbent pale 1219, 2S doz-n absorbent pads 1117, value 11114 : • •owing committee hale valued r: 1102 75. Are you Bilious? I s 4e era Deal ist*ries see tssl lSi oss tt we in& !be saassiralle yea war tam gbh b••ssdesaseeb •dtss ses . e arsseeglsel= s l a% TIMM it= Mom but _J r TAKE THESE As Dainty Neckwear as One Would Want The .pr•tti.•.t novelty Neckwear we have e..,1 ahown carer in this wreak. l'nc,nnnunr and .1.•- cideelly out of the ordinary. it i.. •ileli.'ate and sheer Slit+lints, Ot•,gIndira •a'r.l Voile'', daintily embroidered. New shapes. )lany to rh.a,'e from, very few alike 250 to 7IS43 .•ac i. Sport Serip.• ('ollars. 40c. SOO. 75c Middy Ties. - 2So. 110o Plain Windsor Ti. A......... 2130. 50o sp .rt aunt Club Stripe Tice. coo Verandah Comfort lief the g...1 of your verandah these hat stays. Have u.. Al it with Curtains :eel Ituu• aril it Sill' 1»• a 1,,rnGti! and plea -tor, 10 you. Bamboo Curtains, green and naturar 6 to 12 feet wide. Aero Shades. 5 feet to 10, feet wide. Stripe Awning made to fit any opening. Grass Rugs ? x 6 feet up to 8 z 10 fat wide. Alt Cattsies an 1 Awntngi hung wrlbeet tiara chine. New Sport Stripes for Skirts and Suits, just in. 40c, 45c, 50c, 75c. $1.00 td. 1 Ladies' Combination Suits .5.5c Regular 75c and 90c 434.elessance of ladies'. Knints1 Conabzraatioia Suits made from quality Egyptian yarn. nicely tnmmed with crocheted lace. Sizes 34. 36, 38. Regular 75c and 90c Special only Popular Middy Waists UR stock of Middy Waists is larger than ever before. Some pretty new styles just received this week. Children's Middies at 75c Ladies' Middies, plain white or with blue collar Ladies' Middies. plain white with blue and white stripes or plain blue collars, at Ladies' Middies. plain white with blue flannel collars. at Them are an made from high-grade materials Black Salim $1.511:667 Mask Satan Ouches*. heavy quality. rich. stand no end of wear. Being sold today in lots of places se 1111.7S Our epeeist price per yard • "You Sell Really Remarkable Corsets" SAID a lady customer the eel other day. It hi toes! We consider that re. corset deportment is today' Ell,' lag the grosteet value •red highest satisfaction i• all its hetet, . Furthermost, %ire ate making it pen- al:4n f or ioches to enjoy greater comfort yet receive, • bets. fis than ewer before. we wry leaskass Ilse. They we dr clay exclusive high - grade ammo nub& Cassia. Wearers say dila they are simply wonderful is elba igura-amagrol they asepsis.. wissiddisig the hems pwriniaw- Owe corset ihopertneent Woos poi& la edam.. se yew igloo Met is eareet moil ewer type ilanaada. COILENE CORSETS $3.00 UP 1 1