HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-20, Page 7No wag, bulging or breaking at the centre of heat —
the strain is taken up by the two-piece fire -pot which
permits no {ashes to cling or clog.
Let me show you the special features of the Sunshine
that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is noted.
Sold by W. R. PINDER
sin inviable
WHEN you need an electrician
the chances are you need him
pretty badly. And why not
get a good one it doesn't
cost any more. We make a
specialty of first-class; work
and enjoy a reputation for
skill and reliability second. to
none in the business.
�altSbt. 1 Office 93
k Res. 193
Jia linbas, of lbs ItRb • on. vs,i. n
1 Howiek. bas tion hr hay orator-
1 utg eve feet, vii and a half eche*.
Word bas been teeei.ed at Void. I E' 's Vegeta.
inch of Ilse death of Private Wilford I hie Compound Helped Her.
Montgomery. He was killed in action _ _ _ ___
us Julie 1a1h-
Wait Danby. N. Y.—"I have had
Denims trouble all my life until 1 took
Lydia E. Pink ham's
V •getable Com-
pound f or nerves
and for female trou-
bles and it straight-
ened me out in good
shape. 1 work nearly
W. Rion, of Hell:Ht. bee • wes-
acre and of fi.i of uniform height
which toeaeures turn'Y-•ii inehra la
length. It was *owe ou May 211
Mrs. Frank (intern. o1 Heaeall, hs
received the rad intelligeore that her
brother, Robert Jaek.00, was killed in
action on June 13.h.
D. M Faust. secretary -treasurer of
Zurich Agricultural Society fur forty-
ort -one years, baa resigned owing to W-
Ida M'pple, formerly of 'Mein),
married to Detroit on July 50 to
Max 11. Feldrappe, of Plymouth, Wis-
Mr. and Mr•. Jo•eph Hrm.worth, of
• 1 Ethel, were notified last week that ma.{their a. Spence Hem.wnrth. was
killed in action on June kith. He bad
been in the trenches only a slbrt time.
Privates Chs.. Crawtnrd. (11•rsnes
Nolle. Ch.•. L'., Lembo thichanan
and Earl Herr. , all of Londesboro',es0
were preoted with wrist -watches o
• recent evening.
A Rtretlon• of iNfi•doe.opp`, ie visit-
ing his sister. Mn. John Mooney. on
for fib line of Morrie. This is Mr,
Stratton's first visit to Morris in forty
yew/.On Vnndsv, July 9th, Mrs. John
Mnueseau pawed away at her home or.
the 5th cnee.►ion of Hay. She had
In in poor health for snm. time.
Abe is survived by her husheod and a
family of four children.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the manse, WVinghsm, on Wednesday
nt last week rev Rev. D. Per•ie, wben
Miss Jennie Bolt. of 1{aet Wowanosh,
became the bride of Atthor Fox. of
they township.
Mie. Anna Hese, of Zurich, narrowly
escaped the lose of her eyesight the
other day when a can of chloride or
lime which she was opening exploded
and flew into her face. She sustained th
Painful burns but it is thought at
her eyes are not affected.
Miro Olive Ros•., dauebter of Alex
Rom. of McRillop, who taught school
at Wabash for four years. has re-
aigned At the close of the 'chord
term she was the recipient of an ad-
dress and presentation from ber
seho rel pupils.
Rev. Dr.Johns'nn, of Montreel,,wbn
frequently .pends hi• vact on at Grand
Bend. has been •pnninted chaplain of
the 100th Bruce Battalion. He will
hold the h"norary rank of lieutenant -
colonel His cloth.* will not he active,
as the Bruce unit already has • chap-
on the
And you will feel good. because among the islands of Georgian
Bay. the green banks of the St. Mary's River and the expanse
of Lake Superior. fresh. cool breezes will blow new life into
you. The
ark -built Greyhounds, with their Verandah Cafe, perfect
=zstrnertti arid cuisine. are as good as Atlantic Liners.
Steamships "Aaswbota " and "Keewatin" leave Port
McNicoH every Tuesday. Thwr.My and Saturday
• for Port Arthur and Fort William. Round trip
5 days.
Tnvnoa%. Jct-lr Mi me 7
(ambers City o0 Wednesday, Joss 21e4.
Rev. J. A. Rankin ulaciated. Mr.
and Mrs. Zimmer are away us • trip
tbrough the Southern States.
Capt. C. N. Kerr. Pon of Haw. W. X.
land Mrs, Kerr, of Vancouver. B. C.,
anal • nephew of W. H. Kerr, of Bets-
, see, is Bowe recovering from wounds
received in lbs battle of Mt. Blot. He
. is regsinlog use of bis left arm sad
kw, wh.cb were partially paralysed.
and is •hie W walk about alone now
' A few days before be was wooedrod he
was promoted to the rank of captain
orad was pre.euted with the Military
Prow for bravery.
The death of Mrs. Percy Taylor, of
Walton, o:.currod at the boot* of her
father, R. P. Bell, in Me.i.,rtb, on
Monday of last week Mb. was
twenty-eight years of age.
ell thee•
time, es we Mr. end Mn. William Butter, Cros•
live li• farm and 1 may' ranter
the engage writ of
these daughter, Jennie L., to Uwagbt
have four girls. I do I M. Fischer. of Peace River Crossiuet.
all my sewing and
other work with
their help, so it
shows that 1 stand it real well i took A. E CoIsoo, manager of the Dom -
the Compound when my ten year old inion Baok• Inas hen tran.ferred to
daughter came and it helped me a lot St Themes. hire. ('ol,on wile W
1 have also had my oldest girl take it •eUys worker fur the Red;,Cn»e 8915-
o it in ms's Braforth
1 keep
and before bee dee
and it did her iota of good. { ore for her new home she wee
the hoose all Use time and recommend peweoSed with an wppreeial..e address
by the mambere of tbu Soriety
The death of Mks. Adam Holmes os
Tuesday of last Werk is much re-
ntted,astbe etreum.taoees are Mow
natty sad She trayIte a family of
four children, the youngest only three
months old. Last December tier bus
band was killed Io • railway occident
at Fort William. Mrs. Holmes was•
native of Plumley township sod was
uoly twenty -sir yran of age.
Alta., son of Mr and Mrs- J. Fischer.
of Heafortb, the marriage to lake
place in Calgary on August 9th.
It"—Mn- Dewtrr Slrtciaat;l;H, Weet
Danby, N. Y.
Sleeplessness, nervousness. irritabil-
ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen-
sations, all point to female derange-
ments which may be overcome by Lydia
E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound_
Thisfamous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which ars, derived from
native roots and herbs, has for forty
years proved to be • most valuable tome
and invigorator of the female organism.
Women everywhere boar willing testi-
mony is the wonderful virtue of Lydia
E Pink/mm's Vsyatabia Compound.
ever receive tike proper balance of foot{
to =Seemly nourish both body and
brain during the growing period wises
1 nature's demands are greater limn in
emit of Toronto and gnawed to mature Hie. This is above to so mazy
Uliutr n about forty-five years ago, pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds,
where be engaged in the far wog .0111 and lack of ambition.
bs,t•n.e•. Daring the last few yrorv' For all such children we my with
be bad hero the loess tteptreseolative of unmistakable earnestness: They seed
the Canada Life 1n.ursnc- Co. His
wife, who survives bis. is the only
daughter of the late W. 11ulend,
013e of the pioneer merebsnts of Clin-
ton. He was a cun.l.tent member of
Willis Presbyterian church and a
prominent liberal.
A widespread feeling of regret was
felt on Moodily when it ws,., learned
that Mrs- Fletcher had passed away
at the manes. Thames Road. Mrs.
Fletcher had been in poor health for
some months sod underwent a very
critical operation about two weeks
ago Although she rallied somewhat
after the operation it was soon ad-
mitted by the medical attendants that
there was no hope of recover. Mrv.
While working in th. havfleld the
other day Mr. Pomeroy. of the Atli
concession of Hnwirk, mat will] • had
accident. The team became unman-
ageable and rsn away. throwing the
yelling won ,f1 the marhin.. snot he
received several lever. cut, rind
On W.dn..•Iir afternoon. Jn11 nth,
• nom. ty pink and while wedding took
. !shire at th• home of Mr. and Mrs.
,lame. H Ha•hnrn. tirillfa, when their
.i•ter, Visa Nettie. Viola Riley, was
nnit..1 in marriage to Wm. H Meoin..
of MI'rhell Rev. Mr Ritchie. of
l'rontarty. omri.t.d. ••ai.ted by Rev.
F. 1.. Hsrt••.rn, of Wadsworth, N. Y.
'ilr. and Mrs. Scoins will resir:e in
A very toilet wilding took Dive •t
the hum. rf Mr. and Mr. D. Rae. of
\Vrrx•t••r. on Monday of last week,
when their r"ly daughter, Fl.rence
was nnitrd in marriage to Stanley
Henning. son of Mr. and M... H. Hen.
mina. of Turnterty. Rev. Mr Gibenn,
of R -'more. rfficiating. After lunch
, had horn sieved, Mr and Mr. Hen-
n'ng le't en the •fternor•n train from
\Vrox.ter for Hien... Mark., where
they will make their home.
Seafor'h Expositor : Patrick Ma-
Ionev..4 Reeehwtvtd, ha* a mar. that
hold, th• record for age and easeful -
nee.. She is now t hint y -four years
old hot is 51 sound w• a tell and ie
work too •veru day During all theers
went the ham never been known to he
.ick, and never filial**. a meal. and
even vat Mr. Maloney •sv• it kerne
1 him busy to hold her whenever a rig
re lls net to pawl her on the road.
Mr. Malorev ha• awned mane gond
borse•. lint this one is the queen of
!them all.
Scott's Emulsion, an.1 reed it now. It
possesses in concentrated form the very
food elements to enrich their blood. It
changes weakness to strength; it makes
them sturdy and strong and active.
emit ♦ suwae. Toronto. Oat -
EX F.TirR.
Mr.. N. G B.wd. n. yf F:.lo,nr.too,
is home on a t 6,4 to her pan lite, Mr,
and Mrs. P. Martin.
Given Pre•bot••,ian church has j sit
completed the iu.tal'atr•n of is motor
blower for their organ, the poop.Il.ng
power leirg I t'lr etect.ic,
A quiet wedding to k plate in IA,It-
dnn on .Into 4 h. w hen Thorns. 11aw•
Pletcher, whose maiden name was k'^'• "i l'•,eter. era' Ira in mu -
Anna Angw, was born in Ingersoll ri•gr to Mee. Kine Mathews, of that
About thirty-seven year+ .g.: ite. city, fortes rly of Exit
came as abride to the Thames Road John 11. M"ott, who recently die -
manse and there she and her husband, pored of i.is ctcanoe: y here, has re -
Rev. Dr. Colin Fh to -her, h ive .pent ceived a Government appointment NO
their loves in unerlti.h devotion to the official butter grader with headqusrt-
c.usn of the Master, 11..- peculiar Pre at T1110100. He left last week to
tatrn'ig and ability made her a valued commence his new duties.
member of the church's N'nrueo'. A gtti.I {ceasing took place at the
Missionary Society. Petra numlet of Prrthyt*trio n.ant•e ret M•(urd.v
year. sh- es. Ptwhsterial president evening, Jnly H h, when Trueman Ifp
of ib. W F. M.• Society and on the .Elliott, of tows, was united in mar -
union of the F..reign and Home Mia-
s• ret Mier Viola Tuckey, daughter
Dionhioeietles Mre. Fletcher was linen- of ('harlesTncke of Usboroe, London
imously rh.ren to be the president. roars north. The ceremony wan
Thi. "ince •In. held at.the time of het performed by Rev. N. F. Sherri.
death. Betides her huetw"d, the, i' A Met w stiffing took place at Col-
mrYisrAhy her aged wotlirr and a borne stye,: Methodist church, Brant-
*inler, who have noide tbeir home at ford, at i o . !..ck on ivedneeday after -
Thames Koau manse for a number of.l noon of Iwoweek, when Edna: eldest
years- - daughter d Yr: and Mrs. W. J. Ver.
WINGHAM. ity, formerly of Exeter. was United in
him Brock haw limn engaged Ra marriage to Lieut. Wilton Wallace
Hitchon. of the 204th Overseas Battal-
ion, and non of Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Hitchon of that city Rev. W. E.
Baker. pastor of Colborne *trret
church, performed the ceremony
Summer Goods
Straw flats
Summer Clothing
Two-piece Suits
Duster Coats
Lustre Coats
Children's Wash Suits
and Rompers
Broken lines give alert buyers exceptional chances for
money -saving. Originally our prices are as low as the
lowest, quality considered. That reminder may con-
vey a suggestion of the economy our reduced rates
stand for.
McLean Bros.,
The Semi -Ready
NW=sad )I1ectrK.1 Muai.ea'l.i.
Deatas lbs war alters rig be esaslaw
.•ryas+. Mather••.
me arts Coarse
.000.40".. s.ai+sbe azialw
ate wast attend ase sage».
SUWMCR SCHOOL mo v. esseenni
JUt- v Ano AUO IST
I:xtellent Business,
Th. 1..ra.y rymw,..um in Cad..
running track. .,.mlrrisg root,
,.hover loth., then{re. rfsSdrss Mod.
CanleisIY sloop m roma. Fpect.1 attes-
tHw Bleep to rtadeot, •g rtfur
r •.nftney i4Nrk-NMU.m. Irate*
moder.te rssNom Snow •*. NI -
bey. a t ricer. ti.
. The bank barn nn the farm nf ltd-
, ward Ward, lith line of Morris town
*hip. tcnantr.I by \Vm. Dsvidwnn,
l w•• disenv.rnl rn flre nn Wednesday
P, of last week ural w•a snn destroyed,
t otMr. Davidson was working at hie *not
erne in one of th• back fields and Mr.
Davidson w as at a neighbor's whin
the flee romrneneed. Nothing was left
of the building excepting the .tone
stabling. Mr. Mvideon loot all hie
inpremen'a, excepting * hnggy, a
wagon and a cultivator. An insur-
ance of $7t10 was carried.
A very happy •vent took place at
the hon.- of Mre D. W. l/aenpbell. let
line of Morris, nn Wednesday, Joly
Mb, when her doughtier, Mi.. Mahal
C.. became the bride of Robert H.
Johnston, • prosperous young farmer
of Sant Wawann•h The tetvrwnny
was performed by Rey. D. Perri,. at
12 o'clock noon, on the lawn mister an
areh of evergreen♦ and teens, in lite
presence of a few itheitwd inmate The
?ming couple have take rep hnnsr-
k•eping on the groom's farm in hart
principal of the public school to suc-
ceed A. L. Pomliff, whit enlisted for
oversea• service. Mies. Mabel McDon-
ald has been engaged to till the •scan•
cy ou the start.
A. Nichol, who bad been engaged in
the blaeksrnithing busier.• here for
several years. has accepted • pantie°
•s travelling representative for the
Capewell Horse Nail Company el
Christ church, Iii+towel. was the
scene of • pretty July wedding no
Tuesday of Islet week. when Mi•.
Mabel Isabel, daughter of Mr and ked Blood Cures Most
Mrs. R.'1'. Kemp, of Lt•t.•wel, hecame
the bride of K. A. Choi., one of Ailment`.
WIngham's nin.t p •puler Young bens- The 14• k of nnmlci.nt 1 i:h, re.1 1.IoNrl
nen men. Rev. %V. 11. i:uolaar ora• do es not end cutely so • pal • tn-
iated. plrxiun. It rs wt.l b m..r I. t'.
C LINfON. BlINNtle'. people a:e toed. IA..g.nd,
Clinton's tar, rate this year will be retrad"wet tali who do n. t rep.) life
thirty-one millet. F..rd d,es ,,.,t oou.iwh: there's
g..tton, helot palpitation. headache.
Miw Belle Draper ha• been engaged hrrkatbe and t..arly always nrrv"u►-
as Model school teaster to succeed ue.... 11 {bomb blo"dlrc,neno 1. oeglrt'cd ,
Mies Il. Chidley,'Potunra. too, I .ng a decline is tine to follow.
Pt.. Themes F.tlfoot, vim uf Thomas Just a little inn.e rirb, red Lhx,d cures
Fulford, o1 town, i. in a convalescent 1alt these *rouble,. Then you have
home sutfrring from wounds and Ger- I new health, new ylraii:y and pl. rare
man lac I in life. To get n.ore irefl. rad hl..1.1
Good Rich Blood
Means'Good Health.
Just a Little More Rich,
What might have proved • vein
merinos accident n,-enerrl at the Greed
'Prink station at Ren.all on Widow -
day morning of last week. A. a hes
ebntaining • bottle bolding shoat a
gallon of wlpburir aria was Wog
taken oft the express ear .1 the weria.
bound train it s.ddeely espinded and
lbs contents mine la eainteet with file
hue sad Mit of Clerk swish, ammo
Ttrits-halt of the statism slit{, sod tae
ennd oeter el the Irsis- noir hotfll
and tronas were Mena and their
Mrs and fest were badly bNeb+sd. 1t
le e.peetad that they will he hey re-
covered la Iba mums d a Nm mishit
Donald Meflervki, ono of the MOM , ,.f Ters.'e. to R.sa.eM 'dirnww►. a lox or six tau s• • ("r :g W1 intra th.,liellgoe14010•00 d 018111.011% $' 401e
o th Tem, * M . ►tr>,, tie , formerly of Herter, era. Dr. Wlllisma' Mrshc•lie Cu , Benet-
de tee fors a short dlatasee .d....ldtttsr M the brids'e 1omir la the .UM, Out.
sir", Ynunr, wit. of 1V U. young, the teul'dy is Ili. Wolliams' 1`iok Pals.
of the H. T. R. staff, pained away on I No other u,es.1cm. Intl u•1 en-
' n I Thw n not a mere clwtrn Dr. Wil-
kie se rah* tool hs.0 in poor health i ,.
kie several months. ilia Mb Pink vpr have done (bis
{'apt. William Sheppard, governor1"ver and aver again, sod this
of the district rail at Purtag.la bs why thousands of people tansy*
have a good word to s*.v for thin meds•
mb dday July lib aged dirt ream rictus tbreblood an quickly or set set ell,.
Preirk, wbo was visiting in (1"Iwn, • Mies liertr wM,l.rtner Ring.
carried • gold headed rune which was
sited to him in iltN,. at the con- t°^• Ont., suffering rev.: -A brut two years,l in of the Ric' rehellion, by the I mew IM much on that Iathad sf0 give up
Iron-comrniesioned officers and the my .hustler. 1 twain.. ►a wink that
own of the company of Portage la I 1 could scarcely walk is hoot heir. 1
Prairie. had no amhitk.n, no color. no adroit.
and was constantly treubled with
head:oho, and divvy spells 1 was
takirg medicine from* the doctor, but is
did not do one a Mt tick of gond. Owe
day • friend asked m* if I had tried
Dt. William,' Pink POI.. Though as
a remelt of my coedit ion 1 wee greatly
discoursers!, 1 lagan the nee of 1 be l
pile. and thetas to that gond tnn
advice after wisps a few Mortes 1 Inman
to feel much ietter. Under the eon-
Ue.ed use of IM pill, 1 gained in
weight, my Dolor rano. bark and 1
grew gradually str,N.ger. 1 looked so
much better that penpl• would ask sue
what 1 wee Inking and 1 bad no Mee -
talion in gi•ing the credit to Dr Wil
limes' Pink Polls. I amen gratwfol Inc
what this vortices• ha. done /we me
that i will do ail 1 cen to tetrad 11,
Toe can get thou pal, from say
medicine drat.. or by snail at tial o este
R. Lestherdahr left last week on a
visit to his son at Winnipeg.
Mise Roth Sinclair eta, named her
gseaMel *nomination., taking Moors
in bar juaior pianoforte test.
A. U. M.L»rsott of Rei btne, for-
merly of the dtaedard Bank here, bas
tis sd be resignation and will jabs
H. Yosated Rites.
Jetta Sharpe bas ret arced to Bene-
ath allow a visit of several months
Ida diol. rasigkhers at Leedom and
earl data
IAMartel" others, teneber la tM
esbsol bens, Ma resigned aid
WIN alma le of
Mr wormpresentedtMr w� aammarble
HMI az n Partin. gift.
The raarriaga of aloe Oleg Moat
`webeer d Mr. and Mn. J. Wo
AGreat 30 Day
Slaughter Sade
at Walters & Co. s
Boot and Shoe Store
We hate to n -ain't 1.ur stook 1e
make r,e.m for other goals craning
anis w.11 therefore put on thus Nog
halt. H:ning bought our weak
at the old prates we air cratdol
t0 give you a big .lneeent for year
money. You will luny • • rel our
Ik.4c and Sheet: at lea' than the
maker'," price •
N'e also lave-Triink•, Nott a5t+,
Clnb-hugs, etc.
'This ,Vol? will lard only 30
rl.efra• evrii Joie/win c Friday.
.1111,e J(.th, rind stn tin ruin(
Mil!, l.5th
not most; this opportunity.• All
leather goods are hard to get and
wilt be sery much higher in price.
Shoe repairing guaranteed „sttie-
factoey. \V. will put "n 1."lir•�
Rubber Heels for 'lac an.l M. n's
for Sire.
Walters & Co
Successors to ► ii 1.:cChntos
Why be roi.tc.l out .loing your eonokiltg .lnrin;,
the hot month, Stannic: when ton can l -e a
CLARK JEWEL Coal Oil Stove ?
The high-speed oil burner is fast and economie.tl.
This burner is close to the top and the flange
strikes the bottom of the vessel. With this
direct contact water boils more quickly and it
takes less fuel to keep it t>niling.
Now is the time to get your Screen Doors and
Windows on before the flies get had. Un not
wait until they get in your house awl then put
on screens to keep them in. Call and we our
large range of Settee Doors and Windows.
Prices ranging , from $2.50 to $10.00
Refrigerators$9.00 to $35.00
Lawn Mowers from $4.50 to $10.00
Are you bothered by your hogs getting under
yonr fence ? 1 f .e,, the
Bulldog Fence Anchor will help you out
Call and we shall lie pleased to show on how it
is used. 1
i)0 yon want any Iles Bing at very low prices ?
We handle the Idea4 Call ,and get our prices
before purchasing.
How About Your Winter Supply of Coal ?
We handle the hest Scranton Coal at the follow -
ing prices :
Chestnut $.S IW) per ton
Stove SS 0X1 "
Egg .... $7 7r1 ,.
Soft and Cannel Coal.
}lard and Soft Wool Slabs,