The Signal, 1916-7-20, Page 5Bic3,cles 5:1!"
Two Massey* and two Standards
Prices r $50, $40, $34, $29.50
In order to dear out our stock
Mee will allow a discount
for one
per Cent. on these pr
week, commencing next Saturday,
July 15th.
Owned and ttir•ratret bre r practical man.
Mr and M
receeHuWl.nt( .pL Pierce rod wt
b all t f Parts ; Mr tied Mier K Court
At Hotel sunset. and win. Oil Cite, Pr.
A dance every Thun•1ey evening
i11 be a beanies of At Menesetueg Park.
during the wnim
the aortal life at Wart
A hayrack party to Menesetung
Park was hell oar Monday evrnirte
All who attended aria .lad A vet y en-
joyable evening.
fallowing Koeat. have 1egi.wred
The Maio, Janet
done July tat : AoKuitr \Ira. E'. 11.
IAII'$, K,eryn 1. R•
Laing. Citations. Matto, all of \Vied•
Mrs. all.
• M tl
wr . •: IC n
Ohio: Mr. and Mr-, P. (
Blkbart, Ind ; F It Ho dvene, (ititlerich:
F McIntosh, London: Mrs F H
Predhomme, ell of
Mr and Mrs E a nwrrd, Montreal : 1
Windeor: J %V Il Northcutt, u, lash of Detroit ; Mre J J Acrrr, ani.
11 r Robertson. J M Necker, Acres, Mir. M Acre., Mire 111, Let
Bechtel, 'St Catbaittlrr : Mr. M.4401
Toronto : Mr and Mr* 0
M Mr:and Mev *1 L` r�ss, i Marry and paten Man w•, ua•tl`' JCS k
Nlint, Mich: Multi/ V DetroiTracyt
y 4 Marquis, Mies \Vlla►, Steroids,
Lime, LTnrn : ,Arc i Wilkes, Brantford : Mr L K
N rY : (ir'1..11 ,K Turnhull, Archie
Herd.Weller ton, that : Ma end %t. A \\
Leitch, Mr* H B Brvwur, Hrwiltoo ;
Turnbull, •11 of Brentlord:(Mr Hepnrr, %err Bertha Y \ O'Brien, wiItOD
J Hepneo, Mahal Henry.toulW Frank Niue troit : of Port E1gtn:Mr and Mari(M d Moo Urn Porter, Saunders. tinder -0th : Or `(r and nd MI6 1. ViM Mrs
Toronto : \t fleeter l+ Mc
GeoTorAR4 ddell, Geo H Smith .11 of
(pen A \' Bray. Mrs
Lutchar : Ur are�LMP` tchud, Bitty
Pritchard, MaII f Chatham : Mrs
Town Water of Satlsfectory Quality.
Ur. A C. Hunter, (medical °Meer ut
health, sena(•a be I, of Ibe
odeor el pubeb
t1%h,supply Jul l i t b, and lic Health, London, y
ceived the following report dated
July lith : •••The analysis
dicate a water t f ertisfactory swot
Lary quality. "
Excursion Corning Next Week.
1Vedneed•y of next week i• the date
of the uoioo Sund$7 school excursion
to 0,dericb from alilvertoo and inter -
wearing points as far west as M
The train will arrive in liodericb at
10.111 and will commence' its return
trip at 7 p. m. rhe Blyth band will
be in attendance.
Maud Howell Wine Gold Medal.
The W. ('-T U. county convertioo
was be13 at Hitter hist weeis k A re -
port of the proceed R
but we are unable (0 p utiit in con-
Ono week. In the
test, taken part in by four girls. ira stud
gold Invdal was won by
Howell, of tjoderieb.
tea Action Was Dismissed.
seein Division
1 lube Mc Nought i t Colborne
('ours by Ales
township, to recover $t'=•tfrom for
ace Horton, of the same township,
a decrease in value, flow blindness, of
a horse wtticb the defendatdi mtrtort
.old to the plaintiff.
wow by Judge Dickson last Saturday.
A Contribution from Ch.cago.
1 friend's in town loin :n hearty con
' ygratulal Luna and we'd w (rhes.
Successful Cierdeo Fete.
Out of the most succeed garden
pasties held io Godesicb for rose time
Aas that given by the Maple Lea'
('baptrr, I. O. 1). F-., on Frt..ry.
14th, ear the leautiful grounds of
Major is N. Leet.' home. lit honor
of the day, a French Dote predom-
inated, and everywhere the gay
color mingled in the decorations with
the Union Jack. The members of the
Chapter and their aasiatants wore
tbr red
*boulder ribbons and cep
s of white and blue, while fate France• for her-,
Belt offered tiny French Hag
Reding • willing custeamr in prac-
tically everyone present. The pru-
coed• from thee,. a eofiir. Keb as a geo `eC us
share of the day' p
o aid
the Serowe Natiooai. (c• cream
very popular 11booth.nade were
y popular
and -take table drove a the avant trade.
Tea war served at little taller, and the
supply of home-made candy wag early
exbaurted. Roams. generously con-
tiinuted by Mr. Coat* Agri other r, sold
freely, troth sbogle 'aroma and "pet-
riouc" bouquets in which blue lark-
spur oulubtued witb red std white
roses sada up the art i.uc cultic scheme.
there wrrer's° attractive and unusual
Norwegian and Swedish postcards,
hand-colated t.y Mrs.
Kelleher tf rithe bturflttut he Chapter.
Time proved all tun shoot to wittily
the eager throng who smite w peer
could the
. ' t y ether mystic side of *
Swedish peasant maiden and a charm-
ing gip'y• while for (bore who pre-
ferlyd leve the il:tog entertainment
Midge tables were provided on the
verandah. In the evening Chi•
Meness,tung Park is bating a busy
Wr.e•u. both hotel and ct.Lteges bw.og
filled deers to capacity. '114.1 below-
ittg guars+ have registered
MI ani Mrs A H Jrtfiry rod busily,
Toronto; ttev it W Uhckte sod family,
%Waterer ; Mini YAWS,. Mtw M. Fardel
Lirantt0IU alba It Jatf.ry, Most. K 1'
Jatlra M... Mitotic Jaffray', batt ;
Rev W H Sedgewics cud fawrly,
Hamilton ; Ur and Mrs Dewar' tied
ur: LI 1
Nesbitt, bar
{wilily, 4i
MOWS r .
; FL
l'awplwll and family, L. u
Arthur U Mrguilr, tiro M tat Litchi tc r
Clean to bandies by all Drug-
gists, Grocers awd General Storrs.
the tris] to take plate before himee11
OD the •nth bust.5 1be keret drama-
tist's views anent "tbe law's delay
recelVe¢'ho countenance frutu Judge
1)icksq'lt. 1t it gratifying As web e.
profltatde to suitors and 1litigants pee
have the court* and elf's 1' Lige di and
of their busine.a with de -1
prompt ludo. se never in the history
of he world war time so
today• x rAred fur
Mt. D. Hnlmr', K. C.. ci. (frit
the { Irinliff and Mr. W. M
for the detrndrott.
The Signet bad the pleasure of
hao,ding to the treasurer of the local
branch of the Ked Cross Society a few
dale ago the .umm of i'2,
for the purpose t' Mr. G. C. Hobert.
,nn, w former well-known
(loderich now in Chicago. M.
Itolerteon'P asirtence in tbe noble
cruse of caring for for wounded 1.
(greatly ■ppreer*ted.
The Lunar Eclipse.
Acc.•rdinh to announcement. the
erl,pse of the moon "came' (11- 014
Friday night and was quite .0 inter-
es:ing epectecte. It people i publicview.. i-
bunuancr, and many fowndootatePe.
Prizes for Entrance Examinations.
The prize of $5 offered to the pupil
o1 the t.1.4,ricb .epetate school get-
ting the biehest 11141 kr at the woo
school enhance rxauun*' lo) A its
by Charlie R*lIChlrr. The her can -
t dilate. from the schtw-
, i.r
Mrs and - Mr. (ire Chap- cesatul at the ex.ruinatinn'\Li b n
rude Piuelph MLOs fi • McKee Farr, Jerk Kidd and :Mary -
err, MISS 1 ; ir• weir *weeded le iva ,•1 i' The
wry, Miss L McKelvey (i a. 1d• iMr* Ao i Mr. 3r.. Dt yle.
li u•-lp14 Mr* A U prises were giwru by
Mtge A M Kee, Nt cud Mrs J •
\Volker, 'B. •otlurd ; Honors at O. 1_ C. .
Colenck end chile ii He .du Moa hoe At the recent •'commaµ h int- of
Ontario Ladies' Cvlleg• . y•
of the graduate,' war Mus Margery
Truetuan Moore. a former (;rdrncb
air', dairshter cf (14. lett. A.J Moot.,
8. A., for meaty y
master T Godes leis. Collegiate Imo 1.
tole. Miss .Moore. who 14a• given
* curl a'tenotin to eloeutior, took
it I 'Itou gold reedel for Lighest„
conventrully from.. • the
The sky was beautitullulddeer, and lanterns and electttc hghte,
niton bright as a naw g P from tbe true, lighted up the wane,
the rclipar was the most successful and the ice cream sed lemonade testily
that her t 'sten phi
firm- to the roved were profitable than steer,
-e for .roar tite
h Stewart orchestre provided
f1tvtruar. JULII al►. IV1 •
A Valuable Feature
ot a
Joint Account
opened with the Union
Bank of Canada
names of two persons.
is that If ene dies the family funds are not tied up
just when they are likely to be moat neeedethout d. e
survivor can withdraw the money
elay o?
Think It over -then open a joint Account.
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
Mr. Wesley \Volker has rented the
residence of Mr. George Piller. on
Waterloo street, and will t•keipoeerr-
sion early in August
Prtt.t u, Helen Owen.
Thom .' Base ll, Chatham : C Bell, .. .1 Lienee, Brrnt-
Roedon ; O. Mont ' Brchreck, 1 start et Hey& TSwroir :Mrs
To Simon. Montreal; s •petro'(: fold : Iles J.1 Fettrr'son,
JosoKit. ; Moss HeighwrA McMaster, J 14 Mullin, Mute Betty Mullin, Mrs
lira D J A hen Lexie•,
Jos Kidd. Mrs I) Crawford, Estelle E F Luz ere Martel. Stephen TorontoPCru: M Marie A Hamilton • Mr cud Mrs Horace Hutt-
u n roe
P (;reined, (. Mitchell. Tor- win. Ur cud Mrr ['Se* Tr, Yanr,' u
all pf Detroit : London ...3 A I Mt acid sire W eiPiuudteot, Mi.r lambs1
to : \\' ] Week's. Loa A Angler- I l'roudlt..., Lodeucb.
14ard, • Iwtb o
111, t..1• ole••- ---
rr 1 K
E° y not a hitch in
second. and three was n
the proems from beginteng to end.
) beer eele.ttel pettonuau.trr are well
managed. Thom. present were tot-
tlmate, as • condor pert or111 ince-the
earth e*eling its •1'iW over
it is
none -will rot be given eR
aid, for nineteen, yews. ,
I\oTY.-It Zook. to us ors if the ie -
op• ' t assigned
h l Roue e tot*heir
up the w its 1d i1i (lulu the few
be -
torr it was over. j� K R
• rtirnlar+-or time, eta. -t•• eters in
hi Keadete of The Signal
hie lest a'.
may lest ass fired that aootbrt reporter
be given for trek Lrrt tone. -
I:u. R4t'SAL-i
.Int e•
a rplrrdld wwical program.
tuewlwry Wf lar Maple Leat Chapter'
are glad ot this opportunity. to express
their gratitude to Major rod Mr*.
Lewis for the use of their garden, and
to their many friends whose kind as-
sistance and generous supliott, cone
bines with their earn efforts, trade the
pretty gerdeu tete such ao unquelifled
Mr 'and Mrs It. fH.thtir dalt ughter,
the engagement
Jean Muir, to Mr. 'Thos. E. Rost. of
("oder ich, the wart rage to take place
quietly. in Augur(.
nn oxl cb • M
stoning in the expression course.
Aonto ; nn Gueland ph .rs tat Biddy. T W t of Eddcatmnn, in its.{ Miw Gladys Fte,d, tion corr of Drs
11 of arsniford t wisdom tor ottrerwieet, be. decreed J y Feld of t awn has been at the
iron. Guel O tin M nelair, `ti J be L?e
rt h : Donald B rtwen
Tor -
.1 by the tin- O l ( the past taro
Bddy, Mire N.ulr, Woodstock: Mr)hat the w•raA ••--�_
.o and Mrs 13 Balt.
. sham
and Mrs H li Armitage,
and Loudly, Mr (trance est hrd.o 'There may he soave
and Mr' A 'ci .tin , London iel : Mr not he p tdrr of things.
and Mr' John si Dods, Muriel Dods, iriMon fur the new o
Orate Barber. Nellie Hotton. a11, of but it is certain that the -results- are
Alton : IM ti t; MacDonell, tirderirh : le -4 interesting '041 o toe than public, an the
Miw K Blrntingharr pr ing' Mr '* Ithe wrrar were, puhli.hrd.
B McKie -multi, Cedar !Ipt ing
J Weekes. Lindon ; Nits %V A Flinn.
Toronto ; W 0 Moore, Mr sed Mrs A
11 Kees.. Mir Finnigan, all of Lon-
don ; Alice Revell. Stuart M Henry,
both of Wiudsur: 1)r \V M Shot -
hot ham, Dr Sept Thompson, Mrs
all of •u^. n,: ter Mrs 1'rrriv ((Twirl, Tor.
all .0 Lendon,: : W bitwam. Mr
one ' Mre. and airs e A all of London:
w on 4 Ca A•Cairpcnio. V r• n• h t!
W R Comer WF ort V( Wayne, Ind : Mrs
S M Taylor. F Buck, Florence
Philip 'Buck.earstfIsabelle ord ; Meows Balt.
Buck, all Ch13lentAb,b•, j,, wife sou
Toronto :
FARE $3 ?2
an Nun
and bronze ene lata ani prof.. Iency
certificates given by the K"yal Life
Saving Society of England ter for
sertwwing and life-saving c, urge.
Ahuuek Chapter. I. O. I). E.. wisbes
to acknowledge gear fully the receipt
of i1 (4), collecl'(l by the little gull
Knecht of the Hotel Sunurt from the
guests of the hotel and the summer
Some people know it all ;some know
trio little
out F tJ,Nridhamturn� ut the
iiii not know it in
nicrrt up -t•• -date car saner procurable.
Try ore of his els 1" summer suit% 10
y0nr measure.
of the t;,aleriob Manufecturing,Co. be
175 per annum.
A bowling tournament was held
last week on the West street green in
which eight rinks in double. com�mm•
for priz.N donated by
Mr Vete* Dr. Hunter and Mr. Lente
\'rung wen first place and Wears.
Chas. timim'h. and W. J. Powell
sect mi. Thr prices were four neck -
F.wr, yhoe
citrus ice
Orders dal
ly eats Blackstone'• deli -
cream of superior 4uality.
Harbor Notes.
r% vett hos leen cotuturnc.d nn the
contract boat the remot al of the check -
.Ater, wb,cb has (.ret, awarded to the
MmaiIton DredgingComproi. A the
* completer!.
watxwhichteea- torernelly
ruter.dee! to prevent the e,4 -II flow the
lake ,ntrrin4 the hat bor, 1•• aro longer
t act li; reel. r Melton is unloading*.
1 hr .trams
cargo of hai,the bar -bels of *heat today
et the (,ode1ich elevator.
The steamer Mal i ka 1' n port with
a cargo of to,. On bushel. -1 wheat and
hart -y for the 1i alerieb view ^t1r.
'lire steamer Edmonton is doe to-
night with a cargo of Payson combeI*
of «beat Inc the (Soder le Mersto ergo
The siw►mrr M,i i.ka,
with A of 149,4144 4, 1.hrl. of wheat. and the lir.baw, with a cargo of
titu.teAl bushels of wheal sod owl-, were
unloaded Ia.t Friday and- Satntuay at
the (;odrncn el;v e',r.
buy14t:s u4 wheat
A cat go of 1_.l+U(
was unloaded Nom the steamer Ini-
quois at the IJodericb elevator on
A Monster Black Bass.
\\'hila trollirir in the 1"rrpM it -
laud on Tuesday
and C A Reid pulsed in the big4rst
rritlna hl• teeth... hock titaM the: anybody around herr
14r. AL'aa Mr Fvor 1. When theygot
fe week. McEvur. podwtcr tuwnshdo. our • ever saw er head thought they had
to+week• bold ul it they
hands. It ling • whpoale on
1 ounces
hands, It weighed 8 niches in length.
and measured ! ,
This isn't any "fish story.- either ; the
editor saw the monster shortly after
'ft bra 'seen landed. ?lire Patton
thinks of entering it in The Toronto
Sitar'. fish competition.
Lest night. LOP her, J. Stewart and
Ju. Carrie tended • still bigger one.
weighing tl pounds '14 ounces. There
are those who ray tbead fish are not
bats at al) but • specie's of pickerel.
They are beans hig fellows, anyway.
In *'1 (-runt-1,s. A k far out. IIC TE` -
Tt71;,3 Ale\'ISj- wl.irh will to sent free
SM University 5t.. MMttrw{•
The est Ship •HIERAIODSEE.
e-�,�srir..w-, ss masa Gr ~EA sis laird weir at ea woria.11 �_ sealer-,
�e�1r� t• s aisle �. • •-:z a; zit . •
• , .erre I:a alike r
A May 1 at t�tNoi iS V
! . Toss. bred, mil ell pari
a. -r+ sail re sea w. was
prabeefortneama• Ma wirier bed witia•f_ TM Comb
FT*** Mr.r,a•t
en $Ale �re� - rryrer rw s/ �� risk C. IL L
wArAre. tar
t tea rectal Arr.
Irv..., Or
A Tribute to the Late Pte. Nesbitt.
At tot. fetter Fatherl on McRae Sunday
morning, R
refereo:e to the death of Pte. Robert
N. Nesbitt, who, ae recorded in The
Signal of June hob. was killed in
action, add us beeen ct alled I to Ai s at
which had j
teotion whish showed the hitagdlt senhero
of bihor held by the pa
At the time of B shop Fallon' thavisit 0
lioderich some time •S
o in ter- ene ot the new seminary at London.
Mt. Nesbitt, who was then living in
Ooderith. subscribed Ra) to the eemir-
say fund. Of this amount IMO had '
been paid before he left Canada in
1(411 as a soldier of the first contingent,
and in his will, Which be made before
leaving England for the front, hetgave
instructions for the pal
balance of $44). Bisbcp Fallen in-
formed Father McRae last week that
he had received the money. Father Mc•
Rae added that the late Pte. Nesbitt
war • constant attendant at church
functions and that his. name wits al-
ways on the list of cootributiors to
church fund..
Public Library Board.
The account* peeved at the meeting
of the public library board on Satur-
day, July S tb, were as follows : The
..ala rl.ry and espouse*, $1(42d Mite C.
T. Thomas, typewriting in connection
with lists of taroks purchased. Also
an plied to of
laid Porterfor(approved
tbyr he chairmen of wM�arr•ucted k oto
ere. The secretary ry of coal.
ask for tendon for the supply ,
Mr. Killoran tendered his resignation
from the board on account of hie ap-
pointment to the Collegiate institute
beend'seed`tto take. his place . A. Coulthurst as
been appointed
representative of the eeQsnte .cbool.
The booze committee is to report at
the nest meeting on the necessary re-
pairs w to the tinted to act] : s chairman
ler was appointed
in place of lir. Killoran.
I Districts 1)
and Erni nt in the Fero e
Plus Hatf • Cent per nus !18,00
Return Half a Cent per Mill to Winnipeg p
T will he Operated front Montreal std Torontoto Winnipeg /
Announcements for Train Service
Sims liter ...d
•nal Estuesio^ L7•tit►a-
For Full Particular.
Agent ar General
g�etreal. Qua -
TOW C. N. N.
o, OM. few aseartioe
Death of Mrs. J. B. Skelly.
The sad news of are death ofvMr ' 3.
B. Skelly. of Calgary,
ceived at (;oderich on the lath inst. .
Although he deceased had been pi
for some time, her death name as •
great shock to her many fi friends informthe
East. The deceased
mum Bose Doyle, daughter of Mrs. L.
Lawbsrttu, of (hie place. Previous to
ber marriage .be held the position of
matron of North Battleford hospital.
being • graduate nurse of Bt. Bo nita*e
hospital,Winol Her kind and
loving i•positi0 rt for her • large
circle of friends. Rhe was married
eight years and leaves to mourn her
sow bee loving husband and two otos
-James, six years old, and Clarence,
four, -her soother, who bee been with
ber for the lass two months, throe
etreHogwho has
'sinters, Nor.e Theresa Doyle,
barn nerviest( her during ber threw,
and Misers Ethel and Venlye.
of (4pd.rieb. The remains
interred In the It. C. cemetery at
County Court Sitting
There was a noo-j}uts sitting of the
Carroty Court Let Aaturd•y l aoreing,
8i. Honor Judge1
the pial of se Une for wadies]
service.. Dr. Holmes, of Qs'set.
was the plaintiff and W.C.Btll�� ilesi
Ifsreoret limit► of the mese�,M, Wirt defeedants.
diratiou or Weenier-
w �Vg we eeneeel as to
tot of &.tying de err
The members
of Huron (1441e, No.
0. M
. h
wcr decided
r0 bold
picnic at Mrnrsrtung Palk on the
afternoon of civic holiday, \Vedne•-
dny, August 2nd. Further partieu-'
lets regarding the event will be an -
flounced nest weak.
At the sleeting of the water and ``
light eomruission on Thuredsy of but
week it was decided to insta'I s etx-
inch water ntain on Angleeea rtrer6
from Cambria roil tri Albert street,
with a fire hydrant *1 the cCo leer of
and Ang
leeea litho decided that the water service fee
The Saults Coal Co.
Purer -or. lar M.1)om4tb k Gledhill
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, hire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and ;;oft Wtxt,.1
Maple and Hemlock Slab.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OI=FICI Piton - E - - - - 75
B. J. -SAt•LTS' Residence 275
W. W. SAI•t,Ts' Residence 20'2
Gum ee
in the
Soaped ligift--keerie AIM
A Chicago Wedding.
An Interesting matrimonial event
took place in Chicago on Ssturdry,
July Mk, when Mr. Andrew M. Brecken-
ridge, son of Mr. and Mr*. James
Breckenridge, of Oodetich, joined
band and heart with Miss
Alice Bobnett, daughter of Mr. •nd
Mire. Charles Sobriety . of 4443 Sydney
avenue. Chicago. The marriage t tai
place in St. James M. E. church, in
he presence, of 350 invited guest*.
Rev. Chas. Dickey yam the officiating
clergyman. The bride was an at
worker in this congregation. and the
members were unsparing in their ef-
forts to beautify the chureh
occasion, there being profuse ms and
ors -
tines of hydrangea... feces. pas
cut flowers. Miss Margaret Bobnett,
sister of the bride, was timid of honor,
and Mr. Morris Kowloon leas grooms -
MM. m. For a half-hour prior
to the
marriage ceremony, Miss Haines, or-
ganist of the church, conducted an
organ recital. After the nuptial knot
was tied Mies Naomiwog
oe." A reception tot happy
couple was held in the chusi.h parlors,
after which Mr. and Mrd. Br
acken- 1
ridge prepared to leave cm their wed-
ding trip They had • pre-a11•rengetd
plan to 14. conveyed by sato for
mend's priests launch, t
ics Dunae, sad to be taken to Rosh
street 'bridge, where This planheir was
enrwas wait to failed to elude
buttheir � were six other
setae swslUapg thetas. A. they ereared
Rosh )t4ti.m edits oro their warollers stoilloo, porting y
were otter � iso D. .ad
Um ratt
e5.13 bail, sod ..e a 4 '$ p el
disk hs.•tmOOo r Ube
i" ere .11•11,4*0I ~.Wk I. =�, e i me re -
Was dSAeR tl. bol�es.rtfee
Dleksaa w coottr'ov i tondos to
sealed - that's the thing 1
like about it. No matter when
or where I buy it, the flavor
is there full strep th,
it's fresh and clean.
So I always make sure to
get Wrigley's in the sealed
package - it's the greatest five
cents' worth of beneficial enjoy-
ment I can buy.
(Mew Seal
be troops this
gay good.
Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. Ltd.,
Wrigley Btaildisig. Torowto,
for free jingle boob by
tits Spearrw•'*-
it sift
every ,peal