HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-20, Page 3r - THE i memOUROTTAWA LEITER IND ONLY! SE NOINE BIEW ♦RK OF IMITA- TIONtI SOLD ON TRH MSKIM OP IINIID'S► LIMIIENT f ••sN•s•sr F oAONY•*SIS I• Ottawa, July Mb -Word bas been lunged that the Ee0nomi: and Urrrlop- «lent Commission. which was ap- pointed alwtwt r year ago, Las Kut busy at last and will presentlyevolve a pt•ugram which will wake anst's a laud of wilt and honey fur the ins- bindrd armies of Kutupe and tuber immigrants. This is good news. Better late thou never. Mt7 their defihetations bear dolt. 1\e bare bad mei tour surveys it our rrauurcrs, natural rod unnatural, Lut tory bate always been pigeon -holed, the idea being to 'soothe public fre,ioK by re- porting, but not to do auytbIl g that would disturb the twisted titian -tate The report on the High Cost of Lir ing is a case in point -us mighty big book, but no moral w be carried out. However, the Economic and Devel- opment Cowwiesiun ie said to bre in eatuwt-that is to ray. as rsrtieat as the Borden Government will let it It realises that the great need of this country it population -that ea cede must tee filled with people, if this country is W reap the reward of its sacrifices, shoulder the war dent, croute traffic for the nationahzal rail- ways. and one way and anu:her awai- ts. its mortgage on the twentieth cen- tury. The great object of the Cow - bine ou will Le to dewier utr&us and contrive inducements to get people back to the land. R11OKBIN1)IN(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired - .OLD LICITERINU pon LEATHER 000D8se. All acat THgaltl.he• Vow 1 AL, t)�r(ck. ea wvt" A. R. TAYLOR, Wt WATFORD. - MEDICAL P18R. E. J. h. P 010 ER -FA E, EAR row sad throat roily. Hoa.* mason ow Tort Ophthalmic sad Aural Iertitets Ctlslsa1 .% 1.t_, Kar. Nom wad 1 besot Hospital. Pryer Neste, and yoor.aeM aye Hospital. ((,,_�a�1�. n,tland. canoe. !t H. W &eerie thew. ltset/adLopposite Eno: Church. Hours 9, e I9 m m.. 3 W l p.m.. 7 to 6 e a. Tel.ubOae R. R, (*KO. HEILKMANN, ONFICO PATH. apodal: -t to women • sed stet '. di,.•a.e•, .cure, -hroatc and nes roa•dla grime. eye. e.r, nor• .nd throat, partial deaf mea•, lumbago and rheumatic non.11t(on.t Ade aside roam.& 1 without the k ode. I oro* at 11001110acorner Nel.on sad 1�. An'Lrew'a At home olnce Monday. Thursday. ata naterday any e.ralue by .ppotatmeel. AUCTIONEER THOMATHOMAS GUMMY S Alt rb,N CLIC i HE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO HEALTHIEST ONE IN THE FAMILY 13o Sign Of Dropsy Aad K;da y Trwbie Begg T.Kag'FILUIT-A-TIVES" Naturally the first step in getting the people hack to the laud will be to get the land lack for the people. Just bow this will be done must be left to the ('owmiwion A stiff tat on idle land would piotlnLly mare a lot of it back to the Crown. The rest could be bought at a fair price and land bonds• hunted by the Guyernuteut, whi b would dirciarge the debt I,y conven- ient instalment& and 1. the ranee time provide & sou0ci investment for out loose money. War b.rod•, laud bonds, rail way bonds. lbws me the ual- ur.l paeans of raiaint( tee wind and the (iovernutrut bee.' not he told that the people are mute than "willing to lend their 'floury on (lovernwent securities whenever -.bey get a chalice. Their experience with the domestic war loan proves that. As a u. Iger r t tact, the people would rather lend ditedly to the Government mod draw down their five pot cent. iuterc,t then turn their moi.ey user to the batiks at three per •xn'. and let the banks snake the ditTeten'e. It most have shocked the 134 :den Govt.'nnarut to wee how ready they could raise money limn the people of Canada whenever the pe11ple were given a char.. •. Having got the land back. the neat adult (be Coi*i111 ,.i..n will need to consider. is bow to get the people cit. it. The there/ in that tete returned readier will become it bonier because he has followed all open-air life 'in muddy* tient he', *.bell craters, and .ucha Thi, to a beautiful there y, but it will to t ate & out in pi •et ire • utiles,. the Lund is made considerably mute &'tractive to him than the battle terrain. He La•.ern a Int of plowing dune -with sbe.l+ -41111 be dpesti t tike it. What indu, em elan carr a (-tun- ers' life off •r him twin, It will outweigh If iuc.,ovruirncrn-.he Ioneline,r, elRi neI onfcAr11 will be pas by .'. dy to. Itaudeoce :sl.p*004 119 LEGAL U. BAYS. Ltlt1i4T9:Rl..a. LWITi`K NOTARY (lies--titerling Hank Mort. HauuAlton n.rest. -etdselch Tempaw.e ,e. Baal 4:tats loam• and ln.araace. PRODUFoO1'. NILLOKAN a00l)KK MAVtlu»Tk:ttti. `••Lh.tTVItt.. N••TAlttI.d scream seemet door from Ram I t Pl ILII . Ere. HATTIE WARREN Port Robinson, t test ,IJ uty 111h, 1915. "\Ve !tate used "Fruita-tiyes" in our home. 6Ir over three ) cars and hare always found them a good medicine. Oar Milt Awl, //all ie, :vas lroulfd wt1h Kidney /)iwaie. The Poc'tor sai.1 she was threeeoe,l with 11mp ny. 11 er limbs and body were all swollen and we began to think she could not lite. Finally, we deeulyd to try "Fruit -a -lives". .She began to show i,e'.rnvicesent after we had Then her al l.•talV (s. In a sliort time, the stretl:ng h.:d all gone .low u and her flesh began to I..uk more natural. Now she is the hwallhitrl one an the fancily, and has no signs of the old ailment. We can not ely too much for "Fruit -,1 - tires" and word.) never be without them". WILLIAM w.tall I:N. SOe. a 1.•t. 6 for $ 2 :A, trial sire, 25c. At all sits alms or scot postpaid on rreetptof price by Fruit atty.(a Limited, Ottawa. 11111OfteDAT. JULY 20 1916 M JULY 16th Temente Cattle Market Sages, choice welgMy.$$.16 a:1 00 do. medium weight:. 1.00 6.66 Butchers', choice handy 1.36 1.00 do.good 8.00 6.36 7.50 6.00 6.75 7.60 choice6.75 7.60 6.26 4.75 6 60 4.16 7.00 7.76 4.60 .7.00. 5.00 4.50 7.00 8.00 4.50 600 6.75 7.76 6.76 6.00 6.76 6.00 85 (40 65.00 90.00 do. medium do. common Butcher: cows. do. good do. medium Butchers' bulls, choice . do. medium to good • do. bologna Feeders. 900 to 1,000 Ibs. do. bulls Stockers, 600 to 900 lbs do. med . 660 to 700 6.00 do. common, light6.60 Cutters 5.00 Curlers 4.26 Milkers. good to choice 66 00 do common to toed .50.00 Springers 16.00 Calves. veal, good. .10.00 ,•, 12.50 do. medium 7.60 9.00 6.26 11.00 sheep, ewes, light 8.26 do. heavy and bucks 5.60 6.60 Hogs, weighed oft carr . 11 . 40 11.60 do. fed and watered.11.15 11.26 do. f.o.b. country10 65 11.76 ,trees, Ogles ea the the t 4 ;tion, the had roads, the high ere Uodarirh. Private fund. t loan atlowsteste •freight rates- vied the Kritiging tyr- vale uu u W. Pout Prom. K.(. J. 1- lattlowaN appy of for 1•0•1 usurers lit it r rue 11. J. U. cousin. V. CAMERON. K. O.. 33ARKIti lkilt..Wkttoc, noise. C.. RRI tete Street, Uuderich. third dour tr. At elu fol, Te ur.de, of each week u. uu Albert etrrtt occupied by Mr. r. oIti a hour.' 4...m. toe p. u..• clARLE.ti UARRO\V, LLB., BAB- Hlb111.11. 504.00ry. admirer'', etc., °oda Muoa6 to lend a 100,.: t^ic•- 4 1 iL:AOER, BARRISTER, SOL - 4..J. tow, Notary P.ibtic and Cou.'eyauoer. lata -•t court Houae Uadel'ich. 1a11tw INSURANCE. LOANS, ETC. 11Mo3ILI UP MUTUAL FIDE 1: 11.116 A N C L C U. -}'arm and wasted taws riopsrt, (a.ur.•d. papal. -.t. B. McLean. Pre.-, Searorth P.O.: lag (Jsapolt . Vice -free., uodericb 1'. U.: flassam r day's, ase -Treses., rtieala t h P. U. L. sop; VUI,am lUnn«'omaance e,aewei , D Jahn IYateweia. Mood U Jacor arena, nesehwe l; ltcobsrt Hartock : Malcolm 114sswres. Hola+eavllle ale:. ,tions w hu Irl him d.. all the work end them- selves picket All the ;;.:its The returned while' ail* trot rev" to teed a lonesome lite -he him been ossa to a lot of compAny. The l'4 tuuriseimn will have 10 -•.hugest ineas•[res ►'y «L,4 rlIVCial'i:It41coure•.. car be .'Ku muted -village centre.and such. Moreover, it will have 1., Fugue clown the Borth it Hoternmrnt's hiwtility to hydro-Av.-tile light an I pow. r ec•hrniee like Sir Adapt Be'k'•, which aim to make farms 11144 attractive by relieving the *$n 'u• suggestions out For instance. w,•.t1d it give the Northwest (arguers fief. whrar And ruble its friends the wi14r.'r Would it da anything to bridge the gap be- tween hogs right cents on • he hoof and heron tbirty-rewen cents in the pan .. H. F. (:shotty• it ).1 drudgery. pies -Wing r'ity conven- iences. arid 1ncilitating .l'cisbihty 1.y means of ian`d. t heap and easy tran- pit. Not only nith.t the 13.'rden 1;;.v eminent get ()err its d i • like :o this _ - popular plan of public ownership, but also the Hearst tiovernment Anti, Ither• tendency t ,t plA: tintpnihr"htanw.t mil ; THE NORTHERN • monopolies. When the commission j • BUSINESS COLLEGE answers wed: ctor ly these two 4flr: ti%Vf� eUh C'�,uNr "Maty floes the Farmer's do. common do. grass Lambs. cwt. 6.60 6.25 9 00 7 00 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track. bay ports. No. 1 northern, $1.23tss No. 2 north- ern. 91.21%; No. 3 northern, 1119%. Manitoba oats -Track, bay ports.,: No. 2 ('.W., 51c; No. 3 l•. W.. 60tec; : extra No. 1 feed, 60'.,. ; No. 1 feed, I 1 60iac; No. 2 teed, 49',,c. American corn -No. 3 yellow, 88%c,' track, Toronto. Ontario wheat -No. 1 commercial 1 per car lot, according to freight, out- side, 97c to 98c; No. 2 c•ommr.c•tal 93c to 96c; No. 3 contrneretal, 47c to 89c; feed wheat, 86c to sec. Ontario oats -No. 3 svelte, 47c to 48e. Yeas -No. 2, per carlot, 91.75 to 1 91.85, according to sample. 91.25 to 91.50. Barley-3ialtung, outside, 65c to 66c; No. 2 feed, 60cato 62c. Buckwheat -70c to 71c. Rye -No. 1 commercial, 94c to 95c- Manitoba 5cManitoba flour -first patents, In Bate bags. 96.50; seconds, 96; strong bakers', 95.80, In jute bags. Ontario flour -Winter, track, Tc,ron- to, prompt shipment, according to sample, 64.05 to 34.15. in jute bags; bulk, seaboard, 94.15. Mlllteed-Carloads, per ton, deliver- ed. Montreal freights: Bran. 920 to 321; short*. 824 to 925: middlings. 925 to 926; good feed flour. bag, 8165 to 91.60. Fostering Talent. "Vcnr dangh'er hes a wonderful Pr i^►.' Yon aught t • cult ivato Lt." ••\,Vh.t fur? A voice do..n't show up in nro4 nt piclur. •. 13 0 l'ee g. t a b v wl'ha loony walk «hoist 1 rlpeet 0' ,se .liaw,ut a thou -end a week bee of these d.y. 8Yarbingtun Star. ' 11 am•1ttrenoshawat borne i'.is up '. • him to patroniz • s cirrus. 1-n•' at.1 of hoe..tiee 'hie erne. of wild ore a «1.- moose: -.cm• and they .g , re, -red. PILES. Tet wB1 gild islief in Zaltl1 It (lases the burning, stiasbe • pain, - and MO ease. Perseverance, with Zan. liuk, means cure. Why not provt Ent ? 42 Dramaread stove.- as aril BUK 1 J. K (,tom y-Ilatop ; it'Niton Choosey. 5.sfort li R.O eektey.esafertb Petier•selderepro pay e�saa« _wed got their oasis raeelpcad it M. J. Merrbtse'. l k.tkintt Stora. Chat/1s. It et. Cati•s 4lnswry. •tane,tue .t.ro t. teaderich. or J.11. Reid . General 4.tr•. 1.yleld. 520,000 loom PRIVATE FUND`( TO boo. Apoly to M. U. CAM N. Barrister HamUtou street. Uode ieb. {Lr R.IIOB1sRTSO'. • INBU)LAM 1 AOKNT. Era* amu Liotrr..txo : BrtWb. Csnsdlao sad American. a.nauarrT PicareM u 141D art.orese l_I*SIL ITT : TM! Ocean Aooidsat sod 4itaaraatse CorpOr•uaaOM=Limited. sfLaden. , Sas. Opass Overturns flessfta ty and Guarmitastausemar. OS0e at meal aloe. _ortassl meow or vic- toria iatoria .d Is. David • 000140 Paers 174. ■AWAGE LICENSES WALTER B. BELLY, J.P.. O0U9RICH. ONT. MULK or MARRIJtpi Patents, Trade iarks, Designs Leave Howe and '5%bete Shall the Hired Man Wash His Feet it will have gone a long( way toward .ulviIK the problem of putting the soldier on the term awl keeping'! there. Vatimts a.•h.ure• are broached to lute the disbanded foldier to the abandoned farm and anchor hirer there. t)oe proposal takes the shape of indigent mid gwa Milos ted from England -indigent widows perferably with flee or nix ..r ;than. ea_h-on that the returned s. Idler will not only get an indi,lebt widow it he want. one, hut halt -a -d. ion.ttle intlieents, too. Thr idea is that one can't be tee gen- erous In this matter of seui:-ready families--bPsitle., thing., are alwaya cheaper «hen one takes a yoentit)r. Looking this scheme over we do not Leliee. that it will attract the re- turned soldier. even when we include the warm welcome of the widow's smile and the mu+ical laughter of the six little children, both of which items are mentioned in. the tit overt uu. The feet is that the disbanded soldier. espec)slly if he is a Canadian, will be keen on picking hi. own wife and the chances are that be «140'6 pick a widow at that. HP «111 want to start something for himself. After •he wee there will perhaps, t'e a million more women than n' try. and a returned iltg with, rod haw only one arta to one leg to walk with, will- have a large range of choice among the mo+t he/14Mb l maidens in the I) world. eh circumstances, he «mild d remiss reentries bre • fool to choose anything !esus than analiaboototeameiriodio the beet]] eh can take it (mon Me tsaa s the widow. unless they are young and rich, have very moo becured in All Countries Write 4.r free book -PATENTS PHOTmk' TION- fell. sal shoat and how In flet. pat iota HAWew'K a HONS. e.taMa l.d 1617 w, tererb Pto Potent d es E:.older. Heater of Pater* pateL. Ragi.tered Patent Atloraeys Jona. m am.111SC Jae. leteser. Men treat. Aoebas Maws and Wa.Aat laatoa. Itopeestadvos 1e I. rider in this coon- s. P♦^n it he oleo i.. tecciie-'udent. any dor 1.441145 the Holiday. for w .hurt Inv' Way ouut-e or for regular sour -e d study. Yana worn,,, •1.041.1 telt k4 mating rr:psrsltou at par, to fill the D(..ce. lir the amts then wl.o have e,,: i.t.• I Write fqr pat t icular• sal eh cola,. C. A. FI.b:YING. 1'.' ..t., Principal. (t. 11. rI.0.11\u.tie,'r•t4i1' ♦ 1•N Brophe3 Bros OOD3RlOR The Lading Fug e$ *I DIrectars tad eAtbo freers chance. As for indigent widows. they won't get • look in • The Oommuaiuu Rill &deiwe, no douh'. that farming he made attrac- tive, and if they follow that train of thought to its logical eonel.tsion they aro brwlnd to point out that the test Etc make faNtt attain( kfaeUve is to f It Pa Where the treasure le theseNeff the Mart be also. pQ(f ee„ a1'S11 ode move bow to;poke ''=..sood ' reatds. ebsap Butter and Cheese Markets Cornwall --2,547 colored cheese fared; all sold at 14 11:16.- Listowel-Twelve 116.Listowel-Twelve fat:oties boarded 2,715 cheese; 14c was refused on the board, but a cumber ,if sales were made on the street 1.t au advance to 14%c. Iroquois --950 colred and 75 boxes white boarded; 375 butes sold ern board at 141.4x; balance :Fold un the curb at. the same price. Plcton-l8 tacteetes boarded 2,015 all colored; 340 sold at 14 1316e; 900 at 143ae and 'the balance at 14 11-16c. Napanee-7'0 white and 1.7"») color- ed olored cheese boarded; 1,400 cc.lort:d sold at 14 11.16c and 14'sc; white sold at 14t..c to ;43,0 \!dorsarifle. flit 2,000 boxes of cheese Mild at.,,14 16c. , 'St ?bft, `Cue. -100 boxes sold a• 18`*c. St. Ily:.( inthe, 41ue'-1,000 boxes of- fered; all sold at 141.c; 100 pack - ,ages of butter Fold :.t _8%c. e'owansvillc, (2u. -13 factories of- fered 1.171 packages yf butter; all 'I hold, except one (a.:tory, at 43%c. Belleville -2,504 white cheese were i boarded; ;;65 sold 41.15 1-I6c, 1.035 at 15e. 300 at 14 15.1nc, 10e at 14tec. and balance refused at 147,kc. Vankleck'H11:-1.256 white and 250 boxes colored Cheese offered; all sold; white a: 14 ('-lge, colored at 114%c. London --Seven factories offered 900 175 colored sold at 15',c. 160 colored at 15e; u:, elite sold at 16c. 220 Auld at 14rsc; bidding was from 13tic to 155fic- of- I Order's ear'IIt y a1Mr eato as ail bones, ntgkt or day. ROBT, WILSON Massey -Harris Agent Hamilton St , Godench edm a 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE newt be sold by July 1.•, 1010. We have t two ear Ingos of the beat fence that nl,.ney can Loy end we hat. bough., so we ran 0.11 right. l' JI m and are our at k end get our price bolo you buy your true •. IVs &Pit the matey and Too n the fence. Fars. Machinery We carry a full line of Farm N sehinery always on hand &l . gpes ani Carriages We have them. all shape. and *Mee large •tssm orteft al- ways on our Leo. If you neod a few tone of tl•at FAMOUS O 1, U H l) M E- NTRAP FERTILIZER., we have, carload just 1s. Hsrtt or Soli Wood delivere1 to any pert 01 town. ^one No. 1M r4 t9atly. esarkeitin`. h0 MBtlow le would the Breeden Oov.r•seat have the mearegw to Barry i MILLAPuSON SPECIAL SHOWING of WASH FABRICS WE have just passed in stock a large shipment of Fancy White Wash Goods, which are so much in demand. Novelty 'White Voiles, in stripes and fancy designs. Very stylish for dresses or separate waists, at 25C, 35c, A 5C, 5oc, 6Oc and 75C per yard...'....... J atJ J Plain Voiles, white and colored, beautiful even weaves, double width. Prices per yard 25C, 35c, 39C 4nd 50C Calmont Batiste, white 'ground' with stripe pattern, in colors of black, green, mauve, pink and blue. 31 inches wide. Special per yard... 25 C Delhi Batiste, white ground with large colored spot, in green, blue and 2 5C black. Very stylish. Double width. Special per yard Special values in black and white stripe Batiste Voile, etc., in narrow and wide stripe, at per yard 20C, 25C, 35C and 39C Handsome novelty design's, in marquisetteandvoile, white ground with rich designs, 45C and 50C in mauve, blue, yellow, green, etc; Double width, at per .and Indan Hied uitirfib, sc rrtth In demar.d for middies and dresses. 36 inches wide, at per yard... I5c, 20c and 25c Women's Black Silk Skirts Womens black Silk Dress Skirts, made from rich quality Duchess silk, in the latest styles. Special each.... ...,$5.00 White Piques, Bedford Cords and Repp "These goods are in high favor this season for middies, dresses, skirts and 'nurses' uniforms; They come in all the various weaves, at per yard 20c,. 25c, 29c, 35c and 39c Women's White Wash Skirts Women's White Wash Skirts, in pique, repp,•linen, etc., in the seasons newest styles. All sizes.in stock, from $1.00 each Niagara Si1k;Glopes h:cCall's Patterns and Publications 11 11 Kayser Silk Gloves ' PHONE 56 IVlillar's Scotch +Store P illilligaagnaasminemme WttttttatsttINIas HONE 56 110. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts. 4.200; slow; ship- ping steers. 9'1 to $10; butchers, 17 to 69.50: heifers. 96 to 98.50; cows, $4 to 37.60; bulls, 85 to 37.544• stockers and feeders, 36.60 to 97.60; stock , heifers. $5.75 to 96'25; fresh rows and springers, steady. 250 to 8110 Vests- :'ecelpts, 1,000; active; 94.60 to 313. Hoge-Rerelpts, 1:1,000; active; ; heavy and mixed. 310.30; ynrkerte $10 to 910.30; roughs. 98.90 to 89; stags. 96.54 to.$7.50. Sheep and lanihs-Receipts!, 1,200; active; Iambs, 97 to 111.16; yearlings, 95.50 to 99.50; wetners. 97.75 to 95.25, ewes, 64 to 37.50; sheep, mixed, 17 60 to 17.75. JOB AND COMMERGLAL Printing? tbe Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale priced to the trade: ERgtr- Special candled , cart's) .8 .32 to 9 34 Candled. ex cartons .... .29 .30 Butter -- Creamery prints. fresh.. .29 .11 Creamery. solids .38 .1/ Choice dairy prints .26 .17 Ordinary dairy prints.10 ../6 Bakers' .13 34 Cheese --New. large, 17c, ttstoe. 17tec; triplets. 171ryc; old, Juno and September, large. 22c; twits, 22'4c. triplets, 221er. Poultry Live Dressed Bprtng broilers 30c 36c 400 slid. fowl. lb.... 16c 18c 211 ilii Ductltegs .... 22e 16c 10o 610 +Cttleape Lem Stook Cattle -Receipts, to 2.000;90, stock- ers weak: beeves. 1 ers and feeders. 96 25 to 81.2bt cows and haters. 93.35 to 39.40; calves. 88 Tato81175. Hogs- Receipts. 21.000; lower; light. 11.25 to 99 8S; teat 99 21 to 89.96; heavy. 89.16 to tough. 49.20 to 19 35; pigs. $9 4e: hsik of sale.31 50 to Sheep and Lank. Receipts. 11!003 market flak; aaave. 16.73 W I$.1S Maths, native, 97 te SOAR. 1 CLOSE YOUR EYES AND CHOOSE - YOU'RE SAFE WITH EITHER TIRE • • •8 . e. iOh 1'41 •l• 6 • So /•9 •0. 1.1 • I a 1.9 • /. • _10 e_I •r I •-r, 0• -SPECIAL" t f " 1 Want to Tell you Tire Buyers That if 1 Didn't Believe in Dunlop Superiority 1'd 'swap jobs.' -/ bandy Andy. 0 1,,..1.1-11,... ,.,..ss D %NLO�D TIRES I TOMO$1 Dunlop Tires have no friends outer than those quality has made and the re- petition of that quality has retained. When you see that countless number of cars, large and small, equipped with either " Tractions" or " Specials remember those motorists -every one of them -bought those tires on merit -not because they did not have a measure of satis- faction with their original equipment. but because some- thing told them they would not settle the tire question definitely until they got " Dunlop Traction Tread" of " Dunlop I^'ss► "TRACTION TR,tAO" Special" Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co.' Llnllted Btss chem ir►�llwadl•a Cities. Head Mks smA Factories : Toronto. A 9.