HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-13, Page 8TlwisDa7, Jrt.r 13.
Goods !
Teem, k.a'keta `1.7S to $5.00
Ayes'.. English Tenni. Halleach
Tewin. kackt1 1're,...., each ..
. $1.00
`p.Jding'r Ha.e1w1I (:.rod.. flub
111 .lt•w.ue Ilene' Set., 1►intier
(Hales, Sandwlt'h flats., Spoons,
1'wl.le hapkina and Cover, etc.,
41 pieces !00
Dos,aekrevert: WA• Paper, 2 doyen
wird: , 12 inches r 18 inches.
,Special .100
Son:City Drinking Cups, for pack-
age of r cuts..
tip -.. Kitchener Memorial Nunl-
Ir•. 4/f Illu..lr.au.' London News,
1 ' • ..1114 1''„rtr11111
PRICE, 75C, -$I 25 A
We de Developing aid Pridi.
A. L.Caldwell,P6r.B.
Prescription Druggist
1.1141A 1:14 19 A ANn NI II
NORTH 1411)K 144,41' 11t1'
Time Iluron Old Boys excursion train
arrived in Goderich last Saturday at
noon. carrying 1111 passenger. A
gre•u•, 1111101.4•4 went on to Sarnia
Irons Stratford. 1'he return trip to
Trn"ul•. f ;oar.'irh war' 4.01/1-
niv.rod al 7.15 nu M.aulay evening,
iI alae really sr tittle in pair
at -ore toinproae your cougars -
rein - if, hist -cure that final ton. It
w lee It (lasses 'Poll with the 11 .-
t•n Inc, yawl aft' willing to ,l" .'.ur
4. u' o:•p.ider thew siggl.ten -
1.4, b 1. .1 tried and. proven
prepare; .. Ife<tg1/111 1.. letter
%4)1!14, 1'l)Ifl 44 41(1411 .
It you would la. nssli.n if
, e. ball% d.. ..444' n,,kl' IIK• 141
II. rrqunailr•. .'• (s•ptiln with
a .d g.w.l taste and ,ohne',.
Io, , lev,-14144 the.. t,'l I4. .Ir
,•hlfulla .01 .acid fragrant. Iti
2Sc and SOc jars
he 14.4ui41 c•wuplr.i••n ;Ander .o
ga.14r for el ening 1.'. Two
,.•' ind. to desk
wye••drh fine weeder fAarw
'•w ,t, rarrpae.nal I.lrnden);
',it. 11 •1441,4.no'I. p.a•kmge.{
.wekerrw m.pleeK
..••46,..••46,idlrrfliv hir
la. he me
Ow me.* regime.
w.Mmatml♦ tar
James A.Campbcl I
film 1
Crown berth M. aur{ Rgwere
Gsrdr... h
Miss Mabel Tim low 14 hour from Torowde0
a ti. 1
Mr. W J Daniels 1. i 141in(1 friends at Kle•
W_. Mabel .'044i has relun.ed Dena her
Mwkok.• trip.
M1.. P..rt• H.11idwy, of Detroit, 1. vW: leg
(fiend. 111 !oral'
Mr- A !tomato' ha. Ietcruwl IJ Hulou Ihrh
.i0a for 11..• nun, .i.
Md.. Halite Ilasnagh. of Ik•4oir. i. ,(,.11.11(1
With fnetds i.liul. den.
Mr.. r' hotel., d New IlarubmrA. 4 the mead
of her 4,1,,i. Mr. J. W. Smith
MI...3,..,e Liaklat.r b. taking the ameinser
true..• in ph) on al eullure al 1'orw410.
Mr mot Mr ,. Iloedd McLachlan, of Terads•
are 111 10011 for 1 ate .calmer holidays.
Md.. Hating sod daughter, of• Toronto, aro
ivied. of Mr. wad Mos W H Buri...
Mr•. J W. 1 roar and M11111 Pearl are away
or av,al: to Toronto. Winchester *4,1 Utlawa.
Mr•5 h lo:.. of Tnra,lo, aa'w
... rwnger M
the Ninon 111.1 Iluy.' c ac ut.Iur. lo D wl.• rush Ind
Wu. W. H liedd.s and won, of '('uredo, are
the 44'44•-'• of M .. Uedde,.' 1 .(hr, Mr Has
Mr. 14,1m 1 !111 rear 4 .yer.,lu.g • tow week.
4i-444.'41 ho. J righter. ►in. W. l;r•Uw,, al
Si alfa, d
Mr. A. H. June and MIss ftowena aero .t
foredo.' •1.111,.4 1.1 Jane berm, his smut al to
1'amp I4.l1l4•11.
Mr ..red Mrs. (1.ir Tweedylett on To.,.tar
for homehen hoe at Calgary ats, spending 1 we
mouth- e' leu EA.].
)41- It ►t ►te1at thy and Mi•• F McCarthy.
of Toroct' 1i -des! Mr. and Mr.. W. A.l'or -
thrust the pat week.
11, And 11r.. 1'1'1 thrill h. oe ( 'hie„gp. waw 111
Urrleflrb on • I00 we Ms' 4I. 1 40 ►L :orioles.
old horn.%:+morn street.
Nis- I, 'lie A Polley left I...' week torment!
past et her vx'at:o I with her .4, et, M.%
Also e. 11 l'oledo. Ohio
'M4+., Jr u. :o,d Ansa [Avon l silk ed'Ifroer
len eau e„ 4Ii* Henna, 11e•", 014 Wednesday
or .r hili -lay v ei W the ell loon-
' MI.. Alice (1.11'hr ttet, of 11 .nriltoa, noel
Mi.. K. M. Knorg•, fel Waimea.. ..re tr.r Mg
wash Mr-. II J A Meta in 1111. week.
Mini 10A11 11 Mellon .4th rel elnld on M 14,4: .y
to 1 :'lo, 1n rr.1440" her on'1 a 1011 1.11 40
training at (been k Child I ,',.. ho-putol.
140. (140 ge '4 Howse , red 11,. J.dln Mo-
110114gh. hot h of Torm,t••, were gar- , of their
brother. Mr E. W. Mehwugb. last week.
Mr A. I) (:or. of Chkagojoined Mr. Cot
Nina) inl) and rlwter, lel. 11 L /'ox, w( the
old hu.,e on IM Patrick's street this week.
MI...Joan. Ma1111der., who ►u been taking i-
Cour,. in ...coolaural.), work at Toronto U.
verse y. u home for the midsummer vacaMM,
MI 4. Nnnhury arid baby daughter joined her
bu.tuwd. Mr. 'I' K. Sunbury. last week. They
hair. room .-, rad bouwekoepu.g in the Polley
apartmcnl house.
Itegistrar Penta was at Clinton on Moeday
attending the !oncost. of the late U. Mo(sr.i
mad agaln on Wednesday attending the funeral
of theist. June. Smith.
Mrs 1) Meteor lett en Wednesday ter Tor-
onto en route for her home wt Winnipeg, after a
riwe of several week* here. Mlle is looking the
lake trip trout fort McNknoll
Mr and Mr. tela... b►epheId have removed
to faros. %here Mr. 4heeberJ has purchased a
.t,.t,ouery busier., His Doderieh Mends
w4h hint every serpents his venture.
The Miw.e.. Wareham, of Detroit. are making
tbevt .u,1,ual 04.41 to Uodoech and have tegb.-
terra at the British Exchange hotel.'f1.
ladies are &ctonip..led by Mows Moore, ales of
Meow Ruth liamiltoo and Elsie Dalt hare
received inUmatiee from Ma .aehu..tt. em-
end hospital, Itoatou, of their acceptance au
aurae probationer, They will enter upon their
dual.. early In September.
Miw Adelaide Nolen and Marler Douala"
arrived home from Detroit on the steamer
Hume On W,du..day They were .uses.,
panted by their condo. Mbar Minnie Jaffrey. of
(3.11.. who will spend the rummer at Menne,
lung Park.
Mr. and Mr. Chao, ()levee, who barer Ione
Pruni Nile' to wake their house in UOderich,
are'get, nig settled In their new re.tdet.ce in
Aagksea -tree. Mr. and Mew Drrvin are
odium. -of the kind that (leder-kb 1- .Iw.y.
glad to w' home
M1.0 r:uthetl ,red. of Tornado. awl her two
little nephews. Jim mid Hilly HOtherlaml, are
visitant/at the home of Mr 11.4 Mr.. William
(roan. 1 he l.oy. Inn to w PAP/ de •I o1 time
with their gro..ddad. I:e,ri.t roe r,wt alto air
peal ' to be quite a favorite with them.
Mt And Mr.. Kme..t F. Hick and 1 Lree chit
deer.. 0f I'or.ado, cam" up wt the Hula, DM
Hoy- excursion ou a.,tur,l..,. Mr. Hick re-
tunn•d lathe i'ity on Monday and 1144 Nick
and hildeen are 1011111Jng rm . rt.-.' of too
wen.. with Mr. and Mrs. \1 -:.iter F, Hick. of
the llaron road.
Mt. Hest. I'rMham, i- hone on a Ian week.
4,101 t0 Ins (404440 11t uue Mr.. F. J. Prld-
ham. Mr. 1'rldhati, 4. will the We -tern ('anada
Flour ►tel!. ern rel 4 ..:gory. and leek, a, if the
111 of Alhetiw agreed with hitt. He report.
gad 1.1011 pru.l..Iw w -Lbs. W.w. ie h4.owe-
Previte a. 41 least.
Mr. 1:,orge Hirechen•,..rm of 11r. William
.41 molal, has been '.41 reg a' the parent:]
home chi- week F'or -. • years he has beer, in
the other of the Haste Fc Railway at 1 'hioago.
the *moany i. building n new line in Northern
Ter ,. and Mr Straub.] will be one of the en
ginerr• reg"gal on Lbw work °
1,s.- .1 Ilaun to•. 4,.. w'. E. Kelly, Mrs.
James 414111-."0 and Mei: 11 I. Strang' were a1
Theme•. ('qad on Wedrwudny after',.. .n attend
mg 11.5 Ianetal 4,1 Ila late Mr.. t1'. • 1 Colin
Flet,lte-. Mrs, Hamilton mrd Mrs l:.-ily rend
w, re pies rent 11111•. 01 16e •,\'poral- \L•.,a.wr y
Monely 01 Nur... Pivbyt fry, In whr,.h
,ca1..'aUur, Mr.- retell,' tow re•. , k'.1m4
.prat tot over thirty i •n
Weer -at -sults July 120h.
Many auto. are 0pp44'.( int: in Aali•
11eld A g the lat.••sl to become
owners of ries a1 a iteeve 1'. Stereos 1.
Mr. John McKenzie and Mr. 1►unrut
McKay. They hate 1111 putr.l
(fray- loft..
N (141)1x44. --An itiferestirg event
4.01414 1111a1e 1444 N% 1.1111/.1.4111y, June h,
at th•• Itome of Mr. John McKoy, his
Mittel -'Il law', Mire Elizabeth Jane Me•
Kenzi1•, heir misled in marriage to
DD. Edward Juhuslnn, The 1.•kir www
given away by her father, Al-. John
M/' tie t brit w I.
.ithrl w•Ise 1111
al tended. 1(ev..4. S. Hardie wca the
officiating tlrtgyul.ul aml Miwr AIM*
M' (iregor played the w, 1.latie march
The bride wow's *WWII of white voile
11 imunrd with .hw'ow lace and a bridal
reit canals with orange Ida:s e(4n, and
cerried a Mu,yuet of wl ile;relwes The
wedding party spent the evening in n
mewl way, and 1hr bre rde and gtrwom
Tele t.,,.,nlmrnre wl•dded lite n" their
(atm at I.•r1M. Attended by the Iw•t
wish,. of many friends.
Death of James Smith
t'l.nton. July 111 --Jame. Smith, one
of the oldest I"temesemee 11 Clinton,
died today in Torotat.•. where he had
g''w•( 1.. wwdergo wn ,(vrwtinn He
1 raise, 1, Pleat rr1 *rata years ago end
.oag.(1e•I an the tailorang'ursin .•, .4(441
raw. bwdt lar Nock.of mores and
woes al r..denee- Although he had
Men ,.•r r.l M4.,,,..r now for w number
•sf yews. be took an active in-
terest .w reweie.p.l Orin-. and ...read
✓ e e-rwwrifkn he. 0.(11.111 yRat. He
b'. eight net h yew, an
tale s.1. family ,•4 eleven, 1
eared hy hos w,1. and one daeigilt er *4
M sr 8.-w•. • staunch l.ilw'rel.
was the
i. suit -
Thr dervase•I we, 1 brnlbp, ,1 lbs
late ate sheen timilh, of finderirb. and
was all keown here Ilia nephews,
Mr A. aseith. of mown, end M..ara.
Will att.l Raw Smith. of ('hiaagowho
are at peewee hnld•y tpg her... at•
beaded th• funeral at Clinton nn Wee
e vade!
tveayhod y eat• lllerkatoae's deli
sIsOa - cream of superior quality
Otdws d beefed
The use of Lifebooy Soap
makes the bath a supremely
soothing pleasure as well ILA
a health -insuring delight.
The cream of pure oils gives
a velvety lather that is
and heaping. The
fNy IaBA carbolic solution
mow a perfectly healthy
skin. Theodor vanishes in •
few seconds after use.
Death of M. A. Pigott, Who Belt a
Portion of Guelph-Gldericb Railway.
Hamilton, July 11th.-11111ichael A.
Pigott. one of Ilatnilton'e beet -
known citizens.. died very sudden-
ly at his house, 157 Wentworth
street south, this morning.
Deceased war a Canaan an, born at
Guelph on June 11th, 14.111, and was
sixty -sit years old last month He
was son of the late Mr and Mrs. Pig-
ott, of that city Ile spent his boy-
hood days there. When quite young
he went into the genera,' contracting
business, his first important work be-
ing the nuilding of the Guelph & Bode -
rich Railway. It ware in connection
with the litigation ov. r this contract
that Chancellor Boyd coulmended Mr.
Pigott and commented upon the won-
derful ability he displaced. His busi-
neer system was the subject of coun-
try -wide comment, it being said that
be had Arent 4.1" no4r1, of every busi-
ness roaver.aI ou he ever had, and
that his Noir. were invariably cot-
rect. 11e came 10 HamiIU.n about
forty years ago, and devoted hie time
Goliath railway and hnildulgconslruc-
ti In. Be built the drill dell and was
afro the cnntee•tor ton• the city hall.
Thine y• ..r att.) hr *rent West on
leisillrr., where he had several large
emit meta. He built the Bray Nuns.'
440sp t al at Saskatoon, and it was
while there_thathe had the stroke of
pet alysir which forced his retiretnen•
(IOW aeti yr work .
Mr. Pigott wee wid, ly baited for hi,.
.treight(urea rd Iulneety, es for his
great ability. li••-wao keen and far-
seeing, light-hearted and'thougntfil of
others, and iu p.'r.nuel lif.• was a Man
of very title q4i 111, ie.. Ile wes A life-
long and (' .nsi.;, tit mender of the
Rumen Catholic fe.th, a toeinl.er of
SI. P*tri.'k_.. ('14144 eh of •ertht vests,
belonged to the C. M. 11: A. and the
Knights of (' difailure.
Mt. Pigott is sus vie, al 1y his wife,
two main are.! t 11r re 11 aughteI's. 1 h •
amnia are .14aep)44 and It'.y, both of De-
troit ; ML'.. John K. tierely. of Philn-
delphi•.: Miss Regina and M AS Fran-
ces, :i', hoot • : also (4444. brother, Rich-
ard, 111 (illelpll.
Mr. Pig )tt and toemh•rw of Iris fern-
ily lived in Ghat r eh tor tome yest•e
while he was e"gog.d in the conal rule
!jilt, of 1 411 1ust,.*'-li.,drr:rh lt'..tlCll of
1ler 1' 1' It.
Order Against J. W. Moyes.
Toronto, July 11.=An order made
by Mr Jam ice Riddell et O.gnode
I loth y ties up, ti'l Mepte,nh•'r 19th,
any mom•y 1hat may iw coming to J.
11'. Moyes fa the city. The order
NAP made on the applied,i'4n of 1oft u•
K. Mimicry, mf Guderirh, acting for M.
(1. Carnet on, of that. place, judgment
"'lrting for hinwelf end etlnershare-
holder• of the Ontario West Shore
Hailway," said Mr. Il.neey, "Mr.
Cameron seem el judgment. against
Noyes for =1':y4,1(M1 We understand
that there is s 118,11110 coming to
Moyes from the city of Toronto, and
we want to get Ihat."
that would be coming
Y m nR
In Moyes would be too account of the
Meyer Arnold street railway report.
1 eupp4)10'," geld M .yor Church thin
morning, ••hut we say that the city
1i4111 no money belonging to Moyr•."
The 4undav .r•hrw,l excursion fr
Mit.ehell and Sesfmr'h to Goderirh last
Friday waw patronized h% over 11<fr)
from there two towns and intervening
points The day waw an ideal one for
a holiday al the lake and the visitors
appairently enjoyed the outing to this
Prediction if Over Thirty Years Age
Has Bean Asaha.d is Present War
Mr. Wm. (iampiroll. of town, the
other daymaster scrums a letter rent to
ham in 1by his brother in Aue
(ratio. 11 0 especially interest igig
from them piairliou contained therein
that "Aneertaliau. and O.oadiaus may
yrs tight shoulder to shoulder in de-
fending the British Bmpire," the pre-
diction being wade in connection
with an Nggreesion on the part of the
power which :s 0"w at war with Brit'
aim. The letter to as follows .
• New South Will .A•.1,.,14*
141h F'ebrua.y ISIO
Mr. Wow (a•esbel1,
(leder**, out.
Dear Brotbrr,-With this 1 send
you "Tbe (k rdfell Record," in which
apgr,ars repot t of a pudic meeting
IxW iu this town un the 17th inst.
which may not be uninteresting to
you, a• 1 took a prominent part iu the
Frariog the paper might not rears
you, 1 e,cloee the report clipped from
the -Grenfell It,•cotd."
I am much obliged for the papers
you s10411 me. 'l h1. womb 1 have re-
ceived four copies of the "lioderich
In one of those papers I notice the
.urvivors cad heirs of those who
served in the Canadian rebellion are
likely to rare:%,. grants of land You
should put is a claim, ay our dear and
respected father war outihor a conoid•
erade time in that rebellion and sof
fared great plication.
i remember the tame well. 1 re-
member his marching oft with others
Iron' Barrie to fight the rebels at
(jailor Hill. After this he formed one
of a search party in watch of the
rebel Wm. Lyon McKenzie in and
around the Holand Landing.
Father also Nerved six months as •
volunteer in the barracks at Proetan-
Previous to the rebellion he wan •
sergeant in the "Frontmnac" militia at
Kingston, or somewhere thereabouts.
If laud is to 4..' given you bave •
good claim. 1 shall relinquish any
claim 1 have in your favor, if neces-
Don't lose sight of this matter. 1
feel sure there ate but few who have a
better claim than our family. We
suffered much through that rebellion
and have a ju.t etas upon 1be Gov-
ernmeuL for cSmiwu..tiuu If compen-
sation is to be given.
The annexation of "New Guinea"
and other islands in the Pacific has
c.sused w great commotion in Austra-
lia, and Australians are indignant at
the vacillating policy of the Britieb
(:abinetin reference therein.
Gladstone and Derby have been out-
gene4.Iled by Hi.warck.
It will he a calatnity should those
'.land, fall into the hands of a foreign
' )mer.
The naval and military forces of
these colonies will be ell engtlhened
without delay.
AusLraliaus,itd ('anedians may yet
fight ahouldec to shoulder in defend-
ing the Banish Enron e,
Damian, the a'anadia' oarsman, her
beaten (1df.ro l and 1 believe he will
win all the teller matches and will re-
turn to Canada champion of the
Harnlan's defeat by Beach was a sur-
prise. Haitian w.a out in IIiw, but
why he was not in trent iw a te yrtery.
1Vrite soon. Love to a11.
Y affectionate brother,
Death of Mrs. Arabella Brownlee Invest',
gated by Coroner''► jury.
The col milted jury ewpenelled a4
inquire oat.; the death of Mrs. Arabella
Brownlee, wbicb occurred et (ir•nt,
Mo., neat Cochrane, early in March
last, returned an open vetdiet at its
Hitting et (ionic on 1'uesdey of last
week. Mrs. Brownlee died under very
tragic rilcuwat•ncee. She had not
Iw'eo fee•liu, well and, it is alleged, to
obtain relief rhe secured medicine
from • medical practitioner in
the north country. She took a dose
one morning before bie*kfast and
shortly afterweide was found i' con-
vul.ions by her nater, a pnrteesional
nurwr, who also had taken a dose of
the same medicine. While endeavor-
ing to relieve her sister it is said that
the tuner experienced similar symp-
toms snd suspecting poisoning she
promptly took an antidote, which had
the dreired effect. By chir time, how-
ever, Mrw. itrownlee was beyond all
human aid. Doctors were eat uinoned,
A burial w,rtnit was issued and the
t.ody of Mrs. Brownlee wee brought to
Borrie for interment. Later a request
for an inquiry into her death was for-
warded to the Attorney (3 1's De-
H Iwe. had the body ex-
humed and the stomach and viscera
rent to Toronto for analysis, while the
medicine which the unfortunate wo-
man drank before ber death wag an•
alyzsd and found to contain a strong
proportioa of strychnine. The an-
alysis of the stomach and viscera felled
to disclose any trace of poisoning, and
an dnvestigatioi by a detective did not
reveal any facts of importance. l'be
jury, therefore, returned • verdict
stating that they were unable 4s. de-
termine the cause of the unfortunate
wmn,an's death.
Mora real treat Iry one of our ice
cream bricks, made to order. jsd-
wenls'. Phone 210.
The regular monthly tweeting of the
Society will be held In the rooms on
North street Monday evening, ,iuly
17th, at R p. m.
Until farther notice no more aurgi-
ca) supplies will he made.
Until further settee the Red Oivm
rooms will he closed. Workere will
get their mate W at Mr J. H. 001-
horo. s store. 'Titre is • lot of mat-
erial to be stadia ap. Workers are
regnem ed.
July lith
Mir Masted,. d 41 vidthag
her roueln, Kim Ka Usnad4.
Mr. Herb,, lMaleri�j. 1s drill Isis
new Obevroht MIs.. perM•wd drilla/611a
Mr Jas Logos, wont at
Mn. Wm. Jackal. sod Om W. J.
Megrim are on a trip to P•wamii,
1=I'.Itlm� =
rf„ 4
4.. .
Any Trimmed Hat,3,45
Saturday and Next Week
yOU can take your 'choice of any Trimmed
Hat in the showroom, light and dark
colorings or black, no matter what their former
price or actual value. At this price there are
hats worth up as high as $IS.00 or over. They
are among the last trimmed for summer wear.
Take your choice of any for only - $3.45
Piles and Piles of Dainty
Muslin Underwear
Heaped' on the Counter for July Selling
Big generous assortments and. values that are exception-
ally good. Embroideries are up in price. Cottons are up in
price. Labor is up in price and s'ou won't buy Muslin Un-
derwear next year at anything like these prices. 'We strong-
ly advise you to lay in a supply now.
1:4 pairs only Lather.' extra fine quali(y white
Cotton Drawers, beautifully tri 11,n11tri with leve
and '1nbr.idery. 111e high-grade samples"( .
of the large manufacturers, utast, to 0.11 up rue
high a. $(,:al, ('hnive of these few lain' for nw•
half the n•(!ili• price.
Growler, mark fermi growl quality white rotsto.
surpli.e .tyle, ne'•k 1rimtued with nice
4,4(.444 Inv,. A splendid gaivlent.• at ea'•Il..J11C
This Sown i. rut Muddier style. Material is fine
English eambrie, neck tri 11utied with rows of in-
.e•rt.iorCerlge'I with lave. Draw .t ring of silk
ril4...n. A teeny 5100x1 gown. at...$1 25
1111 y .
This (4.4014 is also made film, good glutlily Ktlg-
11141 eanlbric. The yoke. hark and front.. i•• fine
iality 114.• tileeVea 1(1•e• 11'1111111111..... $1
Spw•eial prise
$2.50. $3.00
White Skirt mauls from .plendid yn:11i1, '.chiti
rs•ttw,n, tinnuetl with I'IM11 ''4 44111111g 31111 1441.'.
Cut. full. A goat•skirt at th.• moderate .soli
Iffier of ... ... w
'I'liis Slott is marl, front a 4''ry fine quality 1111111 -
beautifully tritium,' w'it11 tows of la.'e and
insert ion. embroidery and to las in. A ',eery hand.
softie gar llerlt. at •..$2.25
These an• real Bargains. every yard .1 them.
I'n•t1y Eilhrudernw right iron' the mills in Swit-
zet•lan'. S.•a.re gods t•• -day.
coned cover and VI. wleing EInhn.hl.•rieM 1:i
inrher and 1H inches wide 011 line nains's.ks rr
cambric -N. miwc:in , 4111 yard
Fat 1 away the last we 11ey, ever had at the
price. ' 4'4.nw•1. ('over and Flouncing Embroideries,
1H in.'he' wide. dainty p(1tterii. 00 fine quality
1-14ot.hs. leer yanl
Flouncing Kniln.,deriae. firm Ml.ron4f cloth and
decidedly attractive pw►tterne. Quelittes that will
wear well. 27 inches wide. Per yard .....35c
Fresh stock of Verandah ('urtains ju.t
received These are good good. end
the prices very 'moderate. We can
make awnings, to fit any vl'r•ndah.
itetiniatee eheerfly furnished.
:first yards Edging. and Insertions. ao.oytcd width,.
and .•sora /;fast! qualities. Special, per ' 7c
yang.... .
5 YARD ENDS, 25c
Mostly ender ref In.o•rt4. ,,. ,upl F:pihrv'idr r c. Firm
et nate edger. gwilitiw- that will wear 25C
yards in'a''h, at leer end only.........
C..t.e4 4'4/%1.1' aid F'14.1111 in;; F:nnbn,:de, 1• - ill
P11,11 h. 'Ory lane qualili. I1 ,,lar
tipal'udl, per yard
Fist %.tnh C..tadn 'I'4/n li.,rt I.•r. :trot las Ito 0i,
‘‘.11i1 41, up to 1111,14'•. . 1 w.•Ii hrnshetl, •,nm:
lire, per purl ..Day ......... ..-. ••••5c
AT 25c
'Ilii. 1 ...r•I ( • •% es. u,..l• Iron. g.. sl . ,0114.11t)
KugIiwh.'atnbt•i'' 'nevi. dna "1..'41' trin'tu •1 with
White cotton Ia.': MA ribbon .h-:nv.t1 T„. 1I1
,iz"v troth :ti to („ felev s4,0: i.al . ...
ONE AT 40c
This 1'4/1,0 1'0.. ; is moot• Iron. ..oft English
unlhri', ha. ,p•drl 1.116t 0n, 1.11 finishe.I with
1-inrll Irinuning .,f tail -rime Lra and in. et
t'ihls.n drawstring. .111.x,•.. Really t•11/ark
able %ale.•, at
Better 4'urw't ('over.. real hatelwnnl' gat/re-hi •.
.. 50c. 75c. $1.00
Fine white ('"tom 1hu1'•r-, full size, aid'• frill of
I, ftucking.
One wee
get again to
sell at the price. Spa -vial. per pair.... ... 30c
Whit.. lin.lin Drawers, cut full, finished with
wide frill and fine Sw•iss embroidery with ehtst,r
f c
tucks. An exceptionally g.w.t genawnt 50
at per pair only ... Jl)
Better '4144.11414".. at per lwtil 75c
-1 1.00
Hodgens Bros. 1
Direct Importers - Goderich
==1:1111 611111•11011===
where they are visiting •heir shot,,.
Miss Laura Phillip ie improving
after undergoing en operation on
Tuesday for the removal elf her tonsils.
Revt R. A, Miller, of Milverton,
came .p'trete, eondnnt the funeral of the
late Gprdon limos, in the absence of
the pastor at Guelph.
The Orange brethren attended At.
Mark', church Flundey morning.
Rae, W. B. Hawkins preached. dwell.
ieton the importance of the snei.ty.
Whtlle retwraing home on Sundaii
imitating (foaled Nebulas loot cos
of kis auto and it came In contact with
a tris opposite Mrs. Manro's &a..
the windshield and
damage. Fortunately ns
was hurt.
The funeral of Gordon Greco on Fla'.
order afternoon to the Union ceme-
tery was lai gel attended. sheavingI
the sympathy 144 the dwmi.e of so
young • man. in kis twentieth year, as
tore ressltnf en injury over • yeariago.
from which all that medical skill
could do could sot restore him. Th•
sympathy of this community goes out
to the bereaved family in the loss of
their dear ono.
A (loon MAIN (iONK.-On Thursday
fotweon Wm, J. Sandy Gee cf nor
most respected .lthses, departed this
11(0 He had burn in poor health for
• year sod • half as the rrsolt of a
mv.,w attack of grippe He was •
man of sterling qualities, ever •Land.
j ing for what be believed to he right .
He leave.. to moot?s hie .departure
his planner-in-lffetwo eon*.
John, of Reafortb, an,d Private Prank,
now of the 1(tlst Battalion : two
brothers, Henry and George. at horde;
two sisters, Mrs. Jae. Leidlaw, of
Morris, and Mies Annie. et home. The
toners' nn Satltrdq w•e lardy at
tended. allowing thea
many friend.. Rev. %% $, Hawkins
oortdncted the se -vies and the funeral
was nudist the anaepp:ros of the (Orange
Society. Thti pallbearers woo Ther.
Anderson, J. Arthur, J. C. Clark. Jia.
Darter. Jo.. Lawson *ltd Sohn Mo•