HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-13, Page 7THE RIOrAL r (3ODERVRR f1W1 ART0 TBBUMDAT, JULT i$ 11111 7 FARE $5 22 NDAILY ZETWEEN BUFF Li Nit I•t eye.. re It • r.,.,..,-. 1t Y.]':.tl - Vis' r•.w... v. 4' - .-,ranter- �'�/�� �w`�/•... a'� "'� Csest IR} "llfiAl .. - tai a sir ' w... • ear kiwi .w al w .vett- Nine/ r..�.s✓, -crry as' �' - 3 Wvers..ss fls.sme n -- 'uUTY O W VALOO'• ljt ll F • se-rwctts ( - ��.�w.•�'Dai , M, Maytt1st to Nov.5 D awes tLr n J. •; • I A: LL �r .r•r.;::.z.:-.s+r r. �l ▪ ure�'8 N Ire Celle PlantT .�irte.• n.Y'w .,r .g rouse wit a1: r. t R .Ls, t t: b.t..e1 sae e, .did a . end tee iak ., •-•..ant-a. I. Hie ti�a sesent',. ills taa a a. L... R ria •..I.l ;l___ _ ,• Jt m4tisse t Yes Nslwtb .ata+►r .. 1 ta=1 m.l:�r •-: •; .- .t Cor vitt: Haw wawa. ..>• w.ltrtp .- rl r r .r- r•� : H t l --• le- 14 •f--i;'.'R._t.A'.1 l': R''TA n AtA::al CO-. r;'-- ,.,I Ohio _.www. ��+ .�r e■�-tw.air .Q. • d q Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date/ q Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in the new issue! q Report changes required to our Local Manager to -dap. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. • !nviabIe Reputation WHEN you need an electrician the chances are you need him pretty badly. And why not get a good one it doesn't cost any more. We make a specialty of first-class work and enjoy a reputation for skill and reliability second to none in the business. WEST STREET flkbt. cwi{. Remi ll3 • 1 • A FIVE DAY�l HOLIDAY an Qlff, GREAT LAKES - And you will fesi�od. hocause among the idandad Georgian Bay. the green banks d the St. Mary's River and the expanse Lake Superior. fresh. cod breezes will blow new life into to year, TM CANADIAN PACIFIC Ovd!-hulk l i eyjyturds, with their Verandah Cafe, palfeet re acrd eslmre. are u food u At awe c L, TS. • E eAmuliboia" ar+a "Keewtin" utt Part Mc 1 every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday to Foe Arthur and tort William. Routed trip • Takata inks shun t4haw Lori Arm. sr W. 111. Di.rita Posses r Ara T. ms. COUNTY and DISTRICT M. Higgun•. echo.' teacher at II '- grave, hw► resign..I err 1 et the .1.,.r t.1 the school 1e1111 rye Jnne 3111 1,1• pupils presented hint with • retain liable, cover and vase. r Mr. mind Mr.. John Watson, ,,1 :1 ria. ennotinr• the envae,lnrnt of ti••i daughter. Florence K, het, to H. Mel- ville %Villieuts,ltf London. 'rhe torm- entor will take price the third week in July. Mr. and Mrs. William Mi ntgo•, ritzy. of Furdwit.b. receired a telegram last week conveying the dieter-.ing news that their eon. Private 7'. �Vilrrid Montgomery, had been miming •ince June 13th. A quiet wedding woe sokmniz.rl in Junes street Methodist church, Exe- ter. on Tuesday morning of last week. when Mi.. Ethel Mande. only daughter of Mr Williun. Rollintq was ma-ri«i to \Villianr H. May. tt}v. J. W. B i d officiated. A shawl In connection with Juur. street Methodist church. Mester. weal dratroyed by fire •hoot 2 o'. -'eek Sunday morning, July 2nd. The maid cement sheds were .light1 damaged while the stable t 1 Mrs. John Brod- erick, adjoining tb. •bird, was ince• Beatty destroyed. The death of Jame. Lee, b Sun- day. July 2nd, at the titre age of eighty-nine years, removes the last of the early pioneers .1 Corrie. The de- reasrd was one of ten sone of Richard Leech. of Lanark. who moved toGorrie in the winter of 1666.511. Mr. Ltwh was married three times bur no family survives him. A pretty wedding was.rIcmniznl at "Cloverdale Farm," the home of Mr. and Mn. 8 A. anrll, Jamestown. on the evening of June 211th. when their ynangr•t daughter. Mise Gwendolyn., was united in marriage tri'ltn•on Rut - tan, w prop Brous young farmer of Hawick. The mereiage e•rsmnny was perfor.ned by Rev. Corp. \Ve.ley, of the pulse Huron.. The heath occu 1 nn Friday. June :itch. at Itis hoose in Eg,nonrtvilt,, ret Matthew Smut, an old and highly es- teemed resident of Tuckersmith. Tha deceased was horn in Dumfries. Stot- land, and ram, with his parents to Canada, settling in Galt. Over forty veers ago they purchased a farm on the 7th concession. Tuckersmith where be and his brother resided until 'shout two years agn, when they re- tired and moved to F.gmondville. George M. Robertson, of the 12'b eonreesinn of East Wawanosh, met with • heavy bile on Tuesday morning of last week. when his large bank barn was cnmpletr.ly destroyed by fire. Everything was all right •t the barn when Mr. Robertson completed hi. chorea and it is a mystery how the fire.tarted. Nome rattle and pigs which were in the barn were nave -1. as was the driving shed hear the barn. The lou is partly covered by inrur- ance. Leslie Bryce and bis father. George Bryce. of the 12'h conre.aion of Turn. berry, were patnfstlly injured the other day. While the son was opening the gate hi. hors. da.h,d Off to Ihr barn and in an effort to .top it he (ell heavily nn his knee. dielbering the r -n His father caught the borne and dense to A neighhnr's for assist- ance. \\ hen returning the horse again ran away, and the old gentleman was thrown out of the buggy, .nsteining two fractnted ribs and a badly bruited foot. ' \VINGHAM. H. R. E t°ntt, editor ret The Time.; tock prss•esinn of that piper nineteen years ago nn July 1st Mn. Fred Hkck, a former resident of W itigham, died at Hartston on Friday mousing, June 30th. Gen. McKerz'e has sol./ his regi• deuce on Josephine street to Mr. Tal - but, oful.ondnn. A. L. _AcKechnie, A formerra.fdent of \Vinghatu, died at Mount Forest on Jun.'s/4th. Major H. T. 8kihner, who bas Men awarded the Military C.nae for fight- ing in Orman East Africa cinder Gen- eral Stunts, is A cousin of Dr. R. L. 'tewart and of .Iswes Stewart, of town. Maj it Skinner was serving in India when the war broke out. Dr. H. J. Adams. who enlia!e 1 as ei prisate with the first contingent, ia home from the front. on leave of sb- s,nee. \\'hen the Doctor reached England in 1914 his ability as a medi- cal man was recogn zed and he was transferred to hospital work. Later be went to France and be ia jest row recovering from an attack of diph- thetia which kept him in bed for near- ly six month*. CLINTON. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jackson lett last week tor their home at Rainy River. (1 sr.nce Mlienh,rd, eon of Mr.. Shepherd, Townsend street. who bad hewn with the Moisten. Bank at Ire - quota, has 'stinted with the Hurons sod Is os the pay maste.'s staff. Cbeplain C. E. Jeakins, formerly rector of fit. Paul's church. will re- turn to Brantford to r.sntn, bis pastor. ate. 11. is now in • bo•pital in Eng- land n - land ssffeting from • nervous break- down. leaviest for Toronto Mite Rim b M. Ultidl.y woe nreseneed ♦gels a bandaotaa silver twat v.11', a Oft from the pu/iV• of haw roots in the Madel wtwol. Thr *Shirr Insabrrs pave bar . nine* of hand painted .bins, Use /1isIs' Club of Willis church Mher with an Ivory cleat, a number of her lady blonds gave Aar a shower of haadtarebt.fs and silk boar Captain William Shearald, of Por- tage 1e Prairie, Manitoba. gpaosroor of the Maoitob. Reformatoly et that re, is is (aintns ow D. tilt to kin m hs., Thaaa H►gpalusptals was boom ss the pisssse AOwestoot es the nth nmsslom of (�cdorMh lownahip wad ons nee of • 1 totally of wheal the oy 'uv- ed al. himself and kat araisat *Mr. , and aim Blum rtoesst c. (bo /ftisak ttssi•esssry of their so losses ret *sir di•rl►ta►i,ose I1re. • Maw Me0111, of the Roma end. They WIND asorriai tm Du,NeaWMire. bt•tt- lasd, where they sprat the Borst two An Economic Policy for Canada. Henry Timmins in The Cenadien Municipal Journal. 1t has Iw.n well gild that the true functio 1 of democracy was to rh oil - pion the tights of the corn tiem peopl-, av ul.po••.1 to •period p11' I.•1. ono 4•14.. legislal•an t the a..ei1Jot tlr..t lht• gee • t .tu!k of vice, clime and high ia❑ y nUe.nr ng hula Iwvrrty la Ina•nllo5,. title, but alien slobs would indicate that the "cure /rile' were through lu• a•urer like sld•ege peen•ions, mother.,' pensions, and si.•k- nee• iusuraner, it seems to 1ur like attempting t. loath' from the roof down tether than from the bane up- ward.. Urnirieree? must make the distine- lioo between public and private prop- erty, recognising that laud and Iran- chl.e values, bring created dry the community. are 1..gically and justly the property of all the peupl•, and constitute Um funds from which pub - Ise exneodiIurrs ,howl be drawn, while the production of the individual, whether working in ani!' or groups, i■ dist loci ly • privwte stfair And should not 1.• encroached on for pubis Ito requirement.. The extremes of wealth and poverty at the rude of the ,Wesal *rale presently prevailing are irpugnant t . our Ideals Our arpir.- soons mum be diffusion. The grada- tions in the wealth scale ale chiefly due to special privileges of rertaio in- dividual•, while they should be only threw due to superior ability, applica- tion, thrift, oraimilar quality inherent in the individual. The leaders of Canadian thought h ave at the presens time an opportur.- ity to establish an identity of interest with the rnaa■es of the people such as h as never before presented itself, and it depends on bow this is ayailyd of ea to what the future Canada will be, It Is highly probable that the national debt at the clone of the war will to a billion dollars, the interest on which on a Ave per cent. teal; will he fifty million dollar;early. Mime provi- sion must be Made for the extinction of Ihi. huge debt, and probably ten million dollars annually w it 1.e re- quired for sinking fund. Great en- thusiasm i; manifested in the enlist= went o f Canadian; to fight the bottle* of linnet, and justice in Europe, and we must see to it that generous pro - years of their married life, corning to Canada two years later,. Atter liv- ing for a while with Mr. !thirster' uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fear of the Gravel road. they settled in Clinton, where they lived for fear ears. when Mr. Stevens took up arming. settling on the farm on tbe 9th coneeseion of Hollett, which be has since turned over to his son, Wil- liam. The lest decade has been spent quietly in Clinton. BRUSSELS. Mies Mina McKelvey left last week for Montreal, where she will visit her brother, W. L. McKelvey. Mrs. Cleve Raker has gone to NI .1e - stone. Sask., to visit bre sister. Mrs.• Garfield Long. whose ball► is nut good. �Ir. and Mr-. Chas. Buser, tt Lon- .Inh, were visiting friends in town. It is fourteen years eine. they mitred to the Forest City and nine year. Pince Mr. Sager was in Hrueeel., o John Lvnn i. hick from a trip to England in connection with an aero- plane patented by A Welk•reille man, Who b:.ok Mr. Lynn to the Old Country; wh-.e rhe m.ehine was tested. Miss Hazel Lowry. who resigned her position a teacher in I'. S. 8. No 4. Elmo, was presented with a .amen ring by her pupils at the close of the school term. The village council has decided to erect •',tricot water tank 'near the Ament factory at the north end of Turnherry street. Mr. Anent has *greed to keep the tank filled as a safeguard to his premise.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. smith are re- newing old acquaintances in Brussels. 1t is thirty-five years 'Our-. Mr. Smith went to Newark, N. J . where h. has •inen lived continuously. Mr. Smith takes a deep interest in Republican :heroparty politica and wait elected • nt,m- her f t be Board of Chosen Freeholder., ,with a salary of 1r2,5011 per annum. Dr. end Mrs. W. L. Holmes And dangbtar, Dorothy, sacated their tine home on William street last week, giving giowi,•siris to ne. T. T. MrRi,, who recently pnrs,b ted the residence and practice. Dr. Holmes will take an extended holiday before heating answbrr. The family heel been resi- dents of Brussel. fpr sixteen years. The death of W. W. Harr. an rut fitwble citizen. occurred at hie home bete on Friday morning, JOS. 90th. 11e had been in failing health for the past eleven year.. Mr. Harris was horn at Cromarty fifty two years ago and for the lust nineteen vetars he had resided in Brussel.. 11. followed eheesemaking for a homier of years and was the popular cheese Aoyer for Messrs. Ballaosyne. of stratferd, for fourteen years After sunning t h• cheeps factory two n II,. Borth of Brussels for yuan he built tire clean. - ere in town on the site of the Ronald fire engine works and resist • nn a large sod increasing hotter -Leaking hesiwew. He is survived by his wife, to whom he was married in 11101, anda family of one Pon and two .laogbters. R1. mother oleo survives and resides is Brussels. visiuu it made for those whom bread- winr.elr have leen kille.l, and those who stiffer disablement. The neoes- .ity fur revenue will be "vaster than has lana, ' while slut suaetweat of oruh.hltwy laws in the Western Pro - voices. and Outara will doubtless re- flect itself in route rubwtential cur- tailment of revenues beret,fose reach- ing the Federal Treasury front Loth excise and custom. duties. An minstrel tits of our pnr cent. on the land values of Canute would yield between .eventy and eighty million dollars' annually, who h, with the reveuoefrom oattooal asset*, would produce w atwodautly.a to make the revenue froru custom* duties subser- vient to other conaideratine.. Manufacturing aright t,.• aided by entirely removing duties u curnwods- 11.. cuostlWliug raw material, ea which duties are collected purely for revenue purposes. Manufactories should be helped by reducing ...tete, rather than by high dude.. These tatter mean only crutches for indust- rial crippler, while reduction in raw material costa, power and rent. is Ibis i.0g of a virility that somas oho on y the borne ioark.t, bet export Heid• no well. Tor wage-earners in the cities could be beoetitted by free food, •general re- duction of duties, and further by the tax on land vainest. .hires it wowed stimulate those who, have land idle to put it to prod.iclivs uses. 'fuse wag♦ earns. will inevitably be the bsws- flciary of increased demand for labor. more houses, more trona and v. ge- tabiss. A tax of 1 per omit. would probably turn matey idle lots into fruit ur vegetrible gardens Wages would increase with au iuereasud de - wand for labor, while an iocreasw u1 housing accommodation would cheek in sowd we•sute the steady advance in rents which prevatkrl for ...vera) years prior to 1912, and which will probably recur with the ielurn of the oversee forces. 'rhe arawing of the British 1Smpire rimer together may be attained, be- cause then we may intake sweepings -reductions in the duties on import., Dot only from the Bs tivh 1.1,s tut from the ester Dominions as well. Closer trade relauous, through re- duced duties. with ab whit? autonomy, is the only bassi. un which the Empire eau advance safely tower'de enduuag lad happy relationship.. Free wheat must be granter/ in ria •ponce to the call of tt.rgr.rtr�r.iw.Fe. Ot • unquote i d beurftt to Iters, 1t will probably also be a benefit tv all Canada• Doses..ri pit charm/yr !wart, by reason of iut,wagru pile. a thruugh enlarged rn a ket •• most.: make 'tor grain grower a b •t'er • r -'..town for tbe maoufacnuris end lllll ewer of the Stet and wrest tie tell clad au Weetbwi„d tr.fttie eat wogs. Che hostility mawlestrd to tour t de- sirable wrwure remotions utse of the humility shown 1.y the hoerrbte•ders and teas testi in New 1 uglassd to the iolunluctiuu.of railways. After the 'advent o I lad:save the business of last I bo sitter eJer arra the teem.ter was better that ever. After the advent ' of free wheat many of those who are opposing al w.1i Iecuwe Iwnefictaries of the teener The farmers aith their broad acres will grasp the fact that the tax t• hot un urea, bat on value.. 1s there an ! age icultural county in Onterso whose laud salhe is se great es the four cot- erie of Kieg and Yonge street' in Toronto ? Are there many farmers to Ontario to whom a tax of 1 per sent. woula loran more than Irk to 5100 per yeas. i rteegriculWratimplemewer,,,and au a 1 -round scaling down of duties would save for Lim eight or ten time* the amount of his land tax. Could we have any more certain source of revenue than a Lax on laud THEY F F. F INF f OI KIDDIL_; , SSA PORTH. Jo emit Rileyha. diepased of hi. barbering Moires* intim ementercial Oink to Walter RoMrwne. Alexander Reowdfoot. .on of the 1N* Jo.. and Jeanette Brna /fent. of flocs vktntte. and it brother of Mrs. John Robh. of town. died .t his borne at Berea. Iowa, nn June read, ret th• age of slaty pearl. Air. lirnwdfoet APR taps Pontos 1n 1872 At first he lived le Mangle. kat flys year. labor peed 1o1is-rti. wiser* he resided Ldp, 841 L titins. Hr oaefoot aur lift. meA • meets.. A nit • vWt ' O bee issue,. 1ree. array. is %Voodoo rick, Kw. • Reichard Hassett. edwas lakes i11 with psss•sesta 1.4 died atter ten da .' idlnews. Mr'. Bemrsett, W O> Mboil .sM �x deet. DDsw1 / y '�+ndyBa • iia.Wean oars' Met re aft+. Mho. s terse • .se showed rem• Ms1..•issly la et% awe wv. swoons eb. hilhi'f neper. ad • .-kdset• M tire taws. Ile. IRsms,ett Cod about tour Iwo sea .xcelletit Bushiest% iligbtirbool, Collegei-Arta Departments. HtW BUILDINGS walls LATEST HYGIENIC CQVIMNtNT$ The tarsen rywtw.um In Censor'. Kunming tract ..o.nosyg pawl. Montes twthr, Menlo. PreFikilo tlaawst.b rrtesbD MM. nyni.l •tnto- 1 .e green ro .tale.,• p•rrp.rteg Our l'nirerwty Matrr•.I.lio., gate, .,.tenet.. helms Offim,Sass.OIL 0 r Warm W eather tleadwear We have the Hats to keep your head cool while the warm weather is with us. I- you come here ,you will get prompt and careful attention, and you can choose from .t stocks big enough to include every good shape and style. Straw Hats - Split Straw Sailors Light -weight Chips White Duck Hats McLean Bros., THE SQUARE - - $2.00 to $3.00 $1.00 to $3.00 75c to $3.00 50c to 75c The Semi -Ready TAILORS - GODERICH values ; Where timber is cut or mires are exhausted, land values may iwll. bet throughout the Dominion goarrally, with it. 'resiling polio's,. 1100 and ,IC 5i' 1. 'sIlIle? 1 land endues must Increase. I'. ri.Mln :.l assessment would prevent as.y II,lovtire to any mermen or 'nudity that might roarer a fall in v !Ne. (tint.' Ouch :au.e.as f- ires*, suggested. 'rbri,i fumysee irk - lent duct tint ions in Magian lotions. and the obtained, but Iwhd values are .t real "•twpir." Could their be an, l sus g h..s d int to. p- ing, Or involving teas hwudib.p on she Ltesuesa of the count' r, /ban w ripe per rent. tax un lanai velure, collected through the muoic,pal authorities 7 Certainly no method could he de- villed by which the revenue can ,s oh- taioed ebeaply. Practically all that would Int taken irnsu the people would reach the Treasury. The ru,- tntuii esti'. no for the year ending 81st(, March, 1915,' show the revenue to bays been $73,911,21f1, but it must he borne to 1 that the Ictal manta - fact mer in -fixing hie price puts it just, below the cilia of the imported attack plus duly. and (,right, llo tbat, ae- sowing Lansdian consumption. on in value to be three borne u articles'. ate importation, the Caniwtiampeople paid $450.000.1xxi if we callow 60 per cast. for distribution and profits thereon, which is not an einreaaouable figure, in order that the Federal Treasury might s ecei$76,0 %099. A one per cent. tax as land values. collected through the municipal auth- orities. is the basis on which we may look for increased production and ac- , tistity, real aid to the waraifseturert, free food. reduced rents, free wheat., a real British preference, adequate pro- vision for our returner/ soldier and their dependent', old -Age and mothers' pensions. The adoption of such • policy will so endear itself to the tsaa,en of the people as to assure a real "future for Canada." A Great 30 Day Slaughter Sale at Waiters & Co.'s Boot and Shoe Store • We have to rrducc our stook to snake roues for other genton% .ninny( and will therefore put on this Nig Sale. flaying bought our gosh' at the old prices we are en:third to give you a big discount fat nor money. YOU will buy seine of? ora Beals and Slices at lessthat' the - Maker's mire.. We also Have Trunks, 9uit..,•rs, ChM -begs, etc. - Thix ,4ule will lust only. 4) stays, C4,114114151eine itri+lrrff, .lune 16tlt will continuing until Saturday, July lith Do not miss this opportunity. All leather goods are hard to get and will be very mach higher in price.• Shoe repairing Cuarantred ,alis: . factory. We will put on l,;sli'1 Rubber Heels for :.fir and Men's for :Ifs. ' Walters & Co. Successors to 1 H McClinton CODER] CH PHONE sib ADVERIIMINt1 PAYS SUMMER GOODS ! Why be roasted) out doing your cooking daringt the hot months Smuttier when you . an use a. CLARK JEWEL -Coal Oil Stove ? The high-speed oil burner is fast and economical. This burner k cdusc.to the"top and the flame strikes the bottom of the stand. With this direct contact water boils neon,. rinickly and it takes less fuel to keeps it boiling. SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS Now is the timelto get your Screen Doors and Windows on before the flies get bad. Do not wait until they get in your house ant then put on screens to keep them in. Call ani see our large range of Screen Doors and Windows. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF HAMMOCKS Prices ranging from 52.30 to 510.00 Refrigerators... - ...from 59.00 to"$35.00 Lawn Mowers} from 54.50 to 510.00 Are you bothered by your bogs getting under your fence? 1f .o, the Bulldog Fence Anchor will help you out Call and we shall IT pleased to ,how you how it i, used. Do ysi want any Fencing at eery low prices ? We handle the i,kal. Call and get our prices before pnrshasinp;. How About Your Winter Supply of Coal ? We handle the I.c,t Scranton Coal at the follow- ing price, . Chestnut . .,.• $8.00 per ton Stove $* 410 " " Egg �7.1ti Soft and Fennel Coal. }lard and Soft Woosi Slabs, P Tff6 n I HOUSE 112 CHAS• •C• LEE J