The Signal, 1916-7-13, Page 4it .
• ttistlmsoav, 7 viola am
!You )ifzist
to Ifave
a good
e 9ddress
Don't think that
"tailors" do not
make our C lo t h e s.
On the contrary, the
best tailors in Can-
ada put their best
workmanship into
our clothing. The
best materials also
go into ourgarments.
Our Suits are all
ready to slip right on,
or if you prefer you
can have them made
toyour special meas-
ure either Society or
2oth Century Brand.
Walter C.
We sell
"Better" Clothes
Monate. July M.
ler. Alf. Newton. e1 Detroit, visited
In town last week,
Mr. J. H. Ackert Is sway oil a bossi-
ness trip to the West,
Ni.. Mincemeat, of Winnipeg, ie the
gu..t of Mrs. J. A. Alessi..
Mise Mina lir•ham is tome from
Obio and will speed the sunsmor in
Prin:ipal Dooms is in Testate to
take a .peeisl at t !hourse se the Uni•
vertu y.
Miss B-IIt Robsteos ie away to
Muskoka on • visit of two month* t )
her sister.
MIN Nichol. of Fort William, and
Miss SsJl- Boyd, of Ohictg••, are
guests of Mi.. Annie Bcyd.
Mrs. R oho e H•shurs, whose hrnther.
Privet* M. Bunstop, of the 4$tb Migk-
laaders, has been mines* since the
see0n1 1)4111. of Ypres, be* received
information from a Red Cross searcher
who reports having seen him killed.
TU so*Y, July 4.
Mrs. Henry Ivisnn and Miss Rosily
were in Toronto last week. The 1st -
ter slid not return, s* she secured a
good position with the Ellis jewelry
On Monday evening, Mies Mary R.
J thn.tun. a student la rite Toronto
Mediieal a •hoof, canoe home for a
month's vsratton. lebe hopes to grad-
uate in N.)v-nu+,.r.
The Ito. John Richardson shipped
hit household goods on Monday to
BrigJrrt, whew his nest charge is.
He send Mrs. Hicbardoon I+are on
Wednesday . for tbelr new Held of
PRESENTATION. -On Thursday, the
211.b ult.. the pupils of S. S. No. 7.
Stanley. presented their teacher. Mr.
Murray M. Fi.hsr, with an address
and a wrist-watt:Is as an evidence of
their love anti esteem for hen on his
severing his connection with the
.Choi an s,•rount of his enlistment in
' the services of his country.
Jriue. Jarrot1. of the %Ve.tern Coi-
vrr.ity Modica! Hospital unir. was
' home for 11 , ' ion Das, He e:pecta
to leave London for ' England won.
Geo. Hanley. of the Hurons, was
how• al.'. a. was Percy Clark; of the
I Hurons' band. We ar. all pleased to
see three young wen looking so well.
On Monday morning Murray
M. Fisher. late teacher on the Parr
• line, lett for Ottawa to join ,. signal-
ling corps. He was ceomaanied by
Roy tleag•r and Alvin Strent., of
%uridt. who are going to do the *awn
work tie°. E. Stephenson hes been
training in signalling there for Some
It.. These are all educated
y g me., with- one or year.
tints ...rot y tretinue. All honor to
t heal and all of hers 'who do not think
life tiro dear to risk in thei defence a I.1
th. Eti.1i i r.- Roy Geiger 1. al /tile•
V..ltng +ter ,(sow' rears standing
i t the hvang••lieal church.
Ttritsn,y. July 11.
We are plea..ett to note that Mr...
II bell 1 Ioimer i. inip:ovirg iii health
..freta very s••vrl•.'illut•a•.
A mutt.!:. r limn here /attended the
(r,mit al of the late Mrs. Slou:.•.11 in
1 tiny nei Iii ,.I..y of •h'i. week Mb..
Na. 111.• dsughtec•of the lite O',met
Ali -s :tlggit• 'I•'Uts ,+ Limo. Lout
hex .cbo 1 near St. TI"uia., ,vbere
.be 11*. tough' socce..•ttttiy live past
two :ran She intxuas Yo Irw41iu
ou; 1,1 1-rhuo1 1.1 II few u:onthr.
1: r•e. ',oder. of L mita n, who id.
tend. to t:i.,.e .h..t,I. I. f \Mind-,,
w'•,, Ie Iltr.1•11:.11 1. engal(•Il with
1 the Ford ,lotus ('its C. , is !t -re. vi,i -
. i:,it Ler mother. ,NI •-. Anderson.
Mr. and Mt A'.•''C. M. iet.z;- lire i•1
% ins:h'tnl t•ir is hen ,Ivo•+ thi . .:eek a1.
'r..ndong th,•fun 1:1 ,.t \Ir !l -Ken•.
:,.'. 0.4)•11e., titer i-1 • Alec: 1'oong,
; whet died in the 4 -neral ho.pital at
!Toronto Ia.t Vii.: „ , tort• a i triosl
ep•rrtion fnr g. the ate was iappat-
t•ntfv d ing well t v -. ll! del., when
hr .ud,i••uly 1,I.k 4 turn 1••r the"
1.14..Y.,4 T.) S'. >, x.4T., t 1•:N' %N.- OlITlier• •
d•.y evcoirlc "f I. .rl -tt write it. Idcge
huurlirt' of -young • 1 ori••. met in the
• nom! of Mr. Thomas, .1.11.', 41111 pre-
sented hie. .laughter, M $4 Cart ie,
with a r:.i4cc:14nemis -it• wee of oar
f1l anti. Ins 1t t her new :tm. io Sash, A 4 •ry pleasant eveni.ur
wan silent; it could not be o:h-rwire
with her as hi is; Miss Meths
leaves ere long for Wlnnlpeg, whr e
she is to be tuhrr:w1 to Mr. Peter
Cameron. of. Keith.: e% Sask., - a
former Stanley boy hitt now n pros-
perous farmer in the Wr.t.
PRKnKYTAT111N ro ltxv. J. AND
Max. Hlau-4truw,v.-4),1 Ttles.lay even-
ing; the 4th holt.. a ,;nodiy nnua-cr of
the congregation of Mt. Andrew's
I'reebyterien r chinch tart in the
ehist rh s••btxt4to,tn and pretent.d
Itev. Johns Riebard:oti end ell,. Hi••h-
ard.r.n witb nn address and u puree of
one hundred dullairat a token of
(heir •sterno and go 'Toil'. .1r. .1.
H. McLean was chnirrnan. The ad-
efrr..v- wise reed by Mr. W. W. Cooper
and the presentation was male by
Mr. it. Thomson, -r. Mr. Hichatdeon
made a very 0114441,1e reply, thanking
all for the kind expressions of the ad -
drew., their gift, etc., and craving a
continued interest in their ptayrrs
for liod'e bleseiug on their work in
their • new home. -Mr, JnhsAon . of
the Methodist church tieing present
we. called upltn and spoke V, ry
kindly of Mil and Mi.. Hochalasun
as neiehho,.. fr,eudr and workers in
the L.,rJ', vineyard. 1'he .ingaug of
"(lot be with you till we meet again"
brought the meeting to a cline. The
nest .ria ming iriend- and nrighiu rs
went to the Station to say gond-hye.
Many trod. r and loving thoughts
follow these.
Tilt. \\`IlIri
-i.tei111r: C.imeaNl. .. CAN
117. rt-ct•::':1 parch i •1
t Rett -:n rat C,,. 1.Otors 1:1
to i i. 14 ilt;eim,
:a.' \\'1:: `acro ovI -1*itteceol.i
t 1.• it.: . \VIII
.`.L\Ci1Iinept.! CI',
.); tt.
Tla.s nen. a:,.1 •;:.:' -
t yiu1.
New points of construction
11.111 Bearings ,
New Ten.itin Indicator
Acorn Dust Cap.
Automatic Tension
`it•lf Threading lltttt1e
High Speed
improved Large Robbins
Nee and Latest Steel
The Family Rotary White
means comfort is Wing. To
prove it, bay a White and ase
SO[.il i3\
is Rheumilimm erthe tagit
Uric Acid left it' the blood
by .di.ordered kidneys
lodges alorg the nerve
which branches from the
eye Ger the forehead. and
sense lila• check to the
aide of Cie m1..•., TS •
came is ti.., tame a. in all
Rlrsmatient - disordered
IGdney i 1St • :silk like.
wise t'oa .;tam_--
gin-, 1; ,etre soeli•; M s. J... Vanr-
dr 'f It 1 M •'.Vhi-to- T. Mrs.
Witt. Waite. 4 pairs each ; Mrs. Jas.
Cook 3 war*: M ss Jennie Maize,
Mrs. Henry Johnston, 2 pairs .*ch
Mrs. J. Myer., Mrs. Alfred Q
Mrs. Y. Phillips, Mrs. D. McWhin-
ney. Mics J. M tMJI•n. 1 paireacb.
Thanks is also due to the •following
bailee Inc making gaiments : Mn.
S. Sherwood A garment.. Mrs. R4.
McWhinney fo, Miss Marie Myer. i.
Miry Haines :3, Miss Ethel Brown 3,'
Mrs. T. D,lhetry 2. Miss Ethel Me -
Whinney Mra. Roy Mai:. 2, Mts.
D. Mcllwain 2. Mrs, U. M.•%Vninney
2. Mrs. Wm.' Hasty 2, Mrr. R. l' wren
2. Mrs. J4.. Hsyden 1. Mrs. A. Quaid
I, Mrs.'F. Willis 1. Alias Vt. Stevenson
1, Mit' T. Carey I, Mee. W. H. M•'ze
1. Mn- A. (,ullsert 1, Mies M. McKen-
zie 1. Mrs 11. Hayden 1.
horn vlsitlog at Mr. Marks Ok.'s tar
a lewd/me.
Mrs. Harold Long. of LAM,'
Alberta. le vletting with Mr. and Mn
James Losg.
The orae seiseseteeday that
Ai thus Her . oaks' pekoes/ by
the Gans• Mfin. 21111.
+l Miss Wady* Haicke and a friend
from Teo onto volved with Mr. tad
Mn. C. A. Vanetonr over Sunday.
We undrreland that Ibe telephone
line bettor.. Bitmiller and Clinton M
neatly completed and that a roams -
tion will be • s ablul►ed in a few days
Mr. and Mee. Claude Fisher and
daughter Dorothy, of Winnipeg Men..
gent Thursday t tight with Me, sad
Mr•. J. f1. Maher while on 111.4 way
to Realised. Tb -y sailed from New
York on BgWrday.
I • CAJtI-OW. . ,.. ,a -
MONDAY. July 10.
Rev. A. Lain`` now drives an auto-
mobile, of the Chevrolet make.
Misr Finesses Young M bootee from
her school sear Walton for the hell -
Nitre. Heade►son has arrived' front
Chicago for the summer and is with
her sinter. Mrs. A. Johnston.
The ai pl. crop will be poor in this
locality. A blight has affected the
trees, causing the fruit to fall.
WKn4E4DaT, July 12.
Mr. Altos was a Nile visitor on Sun-
Mr. and Mos. Hill. of Auburn, visited
friends at Nile on Sunday.
Mrs. Edgar Is visiting her eieter-iD-
law. Mts. A. P. Sheppard.
Mrs. Bytes. or Stratford, Is a guest
at robe home of her musio, M1. R.
A number from here attended the
celebration of the (ilordous Twelfth at
The W. M.B. held its regular mennth-
ly meeting at the church last Wed-
nesday afternoon.
We regret to report that Mr. Joe.
Hetherington is still *uttering trout a
sestet is attack of pleuro-pneumoda. -
His daughter, Mts. Carter, is ettend-
ng hint. T ,,
Catarrhal Deafness Can-
not Be Cured
by bawl •ppliwlion•., *..they a -anent vetch the
di -e» -ed Yatton of the ear. Metro i• only one
way,rrhal deet•- and that i- by
a ru...tttutlonal remelt'. r .ler h.l &rife..•
i+ eau -id lar an infl.rned couiItIOn of the
mureu- 1181104 of the et -'a •111.n tube. N -M.
lube 1. and tined you have a NMI
round •Kinn •erhrt prating, and when ,t i -en-
• o..lrl dM
lire! 1 too-- 1 rhe rr-1 t. nl
t i, e.
the I(It.mime ion C 1
eta ill r'i•uv1 nun hi•
t Ate
rr-t fieri to i•. • uuru,al out illprat it g w W
lod uo) ed forever. M.o..,- rate+ of de't
1uc ('fused by eat,rrh...h eb i.' au ,ott.w••ed
4ondnrou of 1 be run- .erfitee,- H.1:. re-
boil)) l nen' are. throe ch the brood uu the
4I14'.•4444-•• of 41,-4 .y.Iertl.
\yr nit give our butt!red dater. 111 aor
ca.r •.i e•.t orbal d•-., It,•.r t het c..,,4, be run d
hY 11.11 1 ater.h 1 •11,, 1 niton. 1,11..e All
dirl;o,;rt :k•, '.J litEvEY.e'tt..
Toledo. Oho.
We desire to announce that
we ve discontinued sell-
ing salt at our work.
ce to retail merchants
in town and in the country,
who after this will be the
only selling agents.
Naed A.ericaa (tical G.,
`xi lc.nAt, July 12.
The Asher`d moldier*' Aidircle
will meet in the Foramens' 11411„ Port
Albs.* t, on Wednesday evening, i July
Iltth, et 8 o'clock.
WORK a.-TheAsh-
Held Soldier,' Aid Circle hoe shipped
the following goods to the Red (,rase
ficielety, Toronto : One bale ena-
taining 12 day shirts, value $10.63.7
hospital shirts, vein. *:l 00, 12 suite
pyjamas, value $13.fs1, 7 "helpless" Miss Olive Hill is suffering frees an
shirts. value $5 ale, B pities socks, attack of'•onailitie
value 524.1(1, 2 pillows, value saw. 6 Only a few of our people are takieg
personal prowrty hags. value 40e, In the "big day.. at l'llnton,
total value M.NJ, also a uuesber of W. ate glad to know tbat Mr. Al-
magasines. beet Geed is recovering from hle re-
lit* thanks of the Cigele are des the 1 ~Mama
following knietets : Mrs. Roble Mixt • We MINIM Way. •rf restaetb, have
July 111,
DIED IN TIM WE4T.-Mr. and Mrs.
J•tttes `Jot es roc-ived the sad Mir!.
Many people wHer the to rtttres of lime ligenee Is.t week that their drughter,
'Mils. George A. Atkinson, had died
purities th the woad, alai each succeeding at It or home . near Moos,•onin,
attach memo mace acute until rheumabeta Si+k., on Saturday, Ju'y 1.t. Pneu-
has invaded the whole system .monis was the came of death. Mr*.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as ins.- AI kinsnn's maiden name was Linea
portant to improve your general health as •lane .Jones. She wont West fifteen
to purify your blood, and the cod liver yrers ago and af)unr (hirer year. liver
oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great was 'partied, to Mr. Atkinson. ohne
blood -maker, while its rnedicinal nourish-
ment strengtheni the organs to expel the
impurities and upbuild your strength.
Scotts Emulsion is helping thousands
every day wino cuu:,t not find other relief.
Refuse the alcoholic substitutes.
Tl•)crnAY, July 11..
H •v. E. C. Jennin,tr, of Blenheim:
will p4. *,'h it' Triol t• caturb next
y tbn,4. h «041111144,
' Ally S i.ling i*n,l .11 ss .1 )tep'.li;i •
Stilling lett on Pei thy- !s.• f it a t was
mouth.. vi -It with tria•,J+ at 1'
E1}(in, 1'i.l-torel awl loiter pl ice*.
• 311.. `itustt,i1„ L •,td,u, 1) tii;gl it
staub,.try, o: 'r 0.,814+, mil 8' ti tr t
let tnlr31t 4, -UC Ex-te-, ate g 1•'.', fit
Mr,. Mtanh:ay .•t • 441o' 1
1'.tr Pa', i. I. ., •:y Ertl 4 4e'\• -u •-
(1,.fll aratr' (1'.•• f.•- 1:' .1 WI Mi..
Frr;(uren.'s laws u❑ \V-1Jur•day even -
ht.{ of
ven-tn4of, t:f• proc-rd±:uu,fi
tri,; to ate;.:. 511:1. -
1'n •1r w,II It• do a -14i in the ['i.e..
i,Vt.'riatl .'11!Itl,l :14x' ' *ll'lath, owing'
:a anniversary - ••eyrie••. in 13 •t`lsuy
church, is: winch It -0. h. H. f i•d.iu. of
Seittorth.•.vill ollillata,
lt!v. E. C. Jennie ., of H roheim,
ace.iml,allied by t.,: ,ta•fi(bt �r+, Mas.
Kathl••.•u o1!-.310 C ..i.,.trrholllty-
ing to- to it V..• ou 1 •1. 81.11 1)t:
Mr. Jew:11141, i. 44.1,4.04 :i • neuro) •z•
home erected o 1 t ,:anter 1.1• wh:,'h IP.
11a, put• lase.( Ivor. Ali., it nv r•. ,..:
111 44 s;. end hi rale 1•
t:ua in our t iisa4r. .
POLLAI:)=5t•ACA71AN. --Oo \Ve'-
nf :'ine..L,y "I.i.t week, .'t. leery'. 1
r-liurch wets th • s •ene of 4,1 in. •nett l7T(
event. when tlr matt-it/4e rereuru -:y
was p41f.,rmed which uur'•d M .s
l'Idirr Spit•km.1m a1,1 Mr Wm P.r:
laid, of L rubor, in the trout. orf rt' 1'
lemony. The 'church war prettily tend i
artistically d.cotat•d w i•n ferns and 1
marguerites. the vi -lea he:nq cnipe•.ed
with the whit• and gold btoatows of
the dai•ie*. fn. fishers were lite.
Kobt. 1pnek•utan and Mr. Mil t.•11
I. 1ve, brother and c oriel, of the boil Ie.
Promptly at 12:141 o'clock for bride.
learning on her father'+ arm, intend
the church and passel up the aisle to
the strains of she hymn, "1'Ite voice
that breathed o'er Ed,o.' She then
took her place beside the groom and
th- lPtemony was pe f reined by R -v.
A. Macfarlane. At its concluson the
bridal party woven •Inwn the aisle to
the strain. of MendcIssohe r wedding
march and carte at once conveyed in
automobiles to the home of the ,
bride'a parents, where congratulations
were received end a dainty lunch
served. Mr and Aire, Kithira left in
tore aftentnrnt for s *hart trip to Tor-
onto. reins ning for the week -end and
leaving again on Monday for London,
where they will take up housekeeping.
As it wait the first marriage eelehrated
in the church the congregation of tit.
Andrew's, followingean tad Presbyter-
ian custom, presented the bride with
a itandenwely bound Bible as a wed-
ding gift.
'sVEDNEs)AY, July 12.
IT la AteenecIATkn. - Ooderieb
tnwn.hip Cantrell has wade a grant of
430 a month for the rewaieder of the
year en the Ili'.o
Mort ti
be tlw of
the township. While the sum is far
•bort of what is needed the women are
ffateful to the Reeve and the couneil-
on who are helping in this needed
with a fetidly of one son and three
daughter. j. left to mourn her early
demise. She Was in her th'tty-fourth
v -et TI a intettnenr time place at
I. A quiet wedding teak place at Van-
'couver, 11, C., on Monday, June Seth,
at N p. m., when Miss Edith Loretta
Levis, of Hohne.riIIe, l,"rswe Abe
'. bride of Mr. Esu Milton Dural, of
Colborne township. The marriage
was solemnised at the Presbyterian
intense by Iter. Dr. Mackay. The
brit+e was becomingly attired in pink
*ilk witb oVerdre4a of rr'alai shadow ;
Iatr so4 c:tenet! a lovely It ,ugltst of
white roses and !rink sweet peas.
The bride was attended by her sister.
Mr.. T. H, A1.1.111«4, aad Mr. %V,li
Schwaes meted asron.nsc s
K fit)
the ce e n i'
r w u the tow party re-
r 4
7. E
hunted to the home of Mr. sod Alr+
groom's gift to the bride and brides-
maid wt s a pendant of pearls to each
' and to Ake mem sseean • tie -pin set
I with pearls. After hooch Mr. and
Mrs. Durst left by the steamer "Prin-
cess Adelaide" for a short honeymoon
trip to Victoria. helots returning to
their henleosthe Maitland concession
Colborne township.
Avn d harsh purgatives for children.
Rexed l►rderliee are sure, rate snit
gentle : 13 and 2; . sold •nily at it•►1-
all drug attars. 11. C. Dmitri; .. lienal♦
N. 1. -tor Arthuea
\fr T. rein of it. II
on 'lee -day of last week. I Atkinson, where a 'renal. wit -held is trpurtrJ sainting it' fns' we,dc. ear•
fill: Du -Ina t. \\'Kn[)lwe.- andadainty;L s 14841. Thr'u•It4 Im+t r
i1] A Group of Guides. 12J Ti
111 Lake Louise
ll0 and what u an Outfitter'
The real genuine article 1a a
mountain man: guide, philoso-
pher. Weed, cook. lumber jack.
bridge -builder. broncho buster, bunter
--w11 found oder the ono emit of
lie is a comparatively new type in
the tanadfaa' Pacific :loekle*. r,' irn-
mestlaif a mew profession. l'ua'u find
him at every C.P.R. tourist point in
the sountalss. at your *orrice for a
modest fee Mat to keep the pot boil-
ing. Yee can bey more rood fellowship
and more undiluted tweeters' and
health In tele way than In any other
Yet 'events'. 1 know, for l'ie tried
it out meal u tome.
May 1 lstrodsce you to a sample
Outfitter. at Ptold. say. or 1t might
as easily be Glacier or Lake Louise
sr Banff. A gang of tendsrfest hare
orreses5 ter a trip Omagh the Yob
MI% '[M Ir/ssr1 limited bare
ring the Diamond' Hitch. [3j Where
(Ing dumped us ea the platform, dub -
nage bags and all. it does sot take
long for Mr. Outfitter to glue es Wel-
lcome, with a grip of the hand that
'says: "111 see you through." Prom
;across the Kicking Horse River
(comes a procession of ponies -our
cavalcade no lees, with a couple M
trusties 10 assist the boss. Bo we
are sorted out to our 'mounts: as We
eye each other with mutual sample.
, I don't like the look in th 0-e of
buchanesar (Neb. for Nott1, but sY•
bit It off fairly well on the trail. it's
we're offsingle file. a truly wonder-
itul procesetoa of asserted humans.
1Isn't 1t jolly lust to he 1n Oed'sr ear -
Iden In the open alt. to bare all can-
tles to wander ha, to be hitting the
'troll to wentlertands beyond. while
slant peaks, Uke Stephen and Caths
Ideal, Plaid old leeriest brat dews
upon me Oldgete tram their Mooring
the Camp Fire Blame. (4j Camping at toot of ML Awinlboine.
But It 1s of the Outfitter 1 want to
write. it is worth the wkole price of
admission to watch him do th:r.r1
and ban Be sitietttons, to corral a w •,n
derlag tsetse, 411141 quiet a refractory
one, to he everywhere at the same
tla, to help the girl from Chicago
and the matron from Montreal. and
the ileal tenderfeet from elsewheres
!In dame nting and monnttag, sad 1n
rdtsg their mounts through terbu-
eat streams tad taagley woods.
No less adaptive are they in the
camp. They can handle axe or gun
as adeptly as the rein. of a brow
Me. They can fell a tree across a
bmwUng stream with ■n inisg ac-
curacy. or cut a way tbroisgb a imams
of uederbr.N or Devil's (lube.
Se the tents were well pitched ass
reeady, with the ak'eat of beds made
f edemas brasohea. All one had Me wan tc spread kle bleshote, stake
la human roll of btmsslf and them
ouruey to Slumber lead, regardless
of dtst,yraieg gophers or porcupines,
But It le as a cook that the O.tflttal
aline most brightly. Th. elaborate
many -coursed meal at a C.P.R. boll
tasted no better -asst they taste war
--than the four -course meal Ilan sant
ed at a quick finch speed. with am
limned reserves la Ile enol of ble Mb
tie cookery tent. leverythlhg from
meek to bsanock and tea wee Mt ta/t
at and In boluses meals toed at bed
Aad then obs happy theme amend
the camp fire revealed the Oeteittee
a a new role --that of a etsrydeoel
Of rare quality, • tee. Is
IoW the trap lisp am a ok
fd 14111 .p to be a Oedh*.s, alas
•ilea tort , sad a Pb math rspa.L y
Kindergarten Cloth
Nothing better for kids' wash clothes. It is a yard -dyed fabric with the color, wows
in, not printed on. This cloth is suitable for sand pile or Sunday ,school and is a faniily
favorite. There is nothing superior in wearing qualities to ANDERSON'S KINDEROARTHN
CLOTH, 27 inches wide, at 25c a yard
Awning Stripes
rid is eecibld. , - lit coolies is wYte tad Nock ,
This is a verb• pp�opptq�l1ar dokkihr Skirts ;ry i
w hit'e and light and'dark'biug, white and loll inches wide, atboc a yard
and green and white pink,
White Voiles.
We have just received a shipment of White Voiles for dainty waists and dresses. These
Voiles come in stripes, wide, narrow and combinations of stripes. Also figure designs which are
very pretty. Now is the time when the weather is hot for white dresses and waists. Let us
show you these new voiles before they are all picked over. They come at from..36c to 50c a yard
Cotton Crepes a few pieces of that Cotton Crepe left at 10e a yard: You could buy nothing better
for dresses for yourself and the children. The patterns that we have are all good and the dyes
fast. Regular 15c a yard, for . 10c
Notice --We have a falx front in the :tore at the plresent time on account of installing
a new window. Everything is in good shape to attend to your wants and
the store is well ligated.
sestet is attack of pleuro-pneumoda. -
His daughter, Mts. Carter, is ettend-
ng hint. T ,,
Catarrhal Deafness Can-
not Be Cured
by bawl •ppliwlion•., *..they a -anent vetch the
di -e» -ed Yatton of the ear. Metro i• only one
way,rrhal deet•- and that i- by
a ru...tttutlonal remelt'. r .ler h.l &rife..•
i+ eau -id lar an infl.rned couiItIOn of the
mureu- 1181104 of the et -'a •111.n tube. N -M.
lube 1. and tined you have a NMI
round •Kinn •erhrt prating, and when ,t i -en-
• o..lrl dM
lire! 1 too-- 1 rhe rr-1 t. nl
t i, e.
the I(It.mime ion C 1
eta ill r'i•uv1 nun hi•
t Ate
rr-t fieri to i•. • uuru,al out illprat it g w W
lod uo) ed forever. M.o..,- rate+ of de't
1uc ('fused by eat,rrh...h eb i.' au ,ott.w••ed
4ondnrou of 1 be run- .erfitee,- H.1:. re-
boil)) l nen' are. throe ch the brood uu the
4I14'.•4444-•• of 41,-4 .y.Iertl.
\yr nit give our butt!red dater. 111 aor
ca.r •.i e•.t orbal d•-., It,•.r t het c..,,4, be run d
hY 11.11 1 ater.h 1 •11,, 1 niton. 1,11..e All
dirl;o,;rt :k•, '.J litEvEY.e'tt..
Toledo. Oho.
We desire to announce that
we ve discontinued sell-
ing salt at our work.
ce to retail merchants
in town and in the country,
who after this will be the
only selling agents.
Naed A.ericaa (tical G.,
`xi lc.nAt, July 12.
The Asher`d moldier*' Aidircle
will meet in the Foramens' 11411„ Port
Albs.* t, on Wednesday evening, i July
Iltth, et 8 o'clock.
WORK a.-TheAsh-
Held Soldier,' Aid Circle hoe shipped
the following goods to the Red (,rase
ficielety, Toronto : One bale ena-
taining 12 day shirts, value $10.63.7
hospital shirts, vein. *:l 00, 12 suite
pyjamas, value $13.fs1, 7 "helpless" Miss Olive Hill is suffering frees an
shirts. value $5 ale, B pities socks, attack of'•onailitie
value 524.1(1, 2 pillows, value saw. 6 Only a few of our people are takieg
personal prowrty hags. value 40e, In the "big day.. at l'llnton,
total value M.NJ, also a uuesber of W. ate glad to know tbat Mr. Al-
magasines. beet Geed is recovering from hle re-
lit* thanks of the Cigele are des the 1 ~Mama
following knietets : Mrs. Roble Mixt • We MINIM Way. •rf restaetb, have
July 111,
DIED IN TIM WE4T.-Mr. and Mrs.
J•tttes `Jot es roc-ived the sad Mir!.
Many people wHer the to rtttres of lime ligenee Is.t week that their drughter,
'Mils. George A. Atkinson, had died
purities th the woad, alai each succeeding at It or home . near Moos,•onin,
attach memo mace acute until rheumabeta Si+k., on Saturday, Ju'y 1.t. Pneu-
has invaded the whole system .monis was the came of death. Mr*.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as ins.- AI kinsnn's maiden name was Linea
portant to improve your general health as •lane .Jones. She wont West fifteen
to purify your blood, and the cod liver yrers ago and af)unr (hirer year. liver
oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great was 'partied, to Mr. Atkinson. ohne
blood -maker, while its rnedicinal nourish-
ment strengtheni the organs to expel the
impurities and upbuild your strength.
Scotts Emulsion is helping thousands
every day wino cuu:,t not find other relief.
Refuse the alcoholic substitutes.
Tl•)crnAY, July 11..
H •v. E. C. Jennin,tr, of Blenheim:
will p4. *,'h it' Triol t• caturb next
y tbn,4. h «041111144,
' Ally S i.ling i*n,l .11 ss .1 )tep'.li;i •
Stilling lett on Pei thy- !s.• f it a t was
mouth.. vi -It with tria•,J+ at 1'
E1}(in, 1'i.l-torel awl loiter pl ice*.
• 311.. `itustt,i1„ L •,td,u, 1) tii;gl it
staub,.try, o: 'r 0.,814+, mil 8' ti tr t
let tnlr31t 4, -UC Ex-te-, ate g 1•'.', fit
Mr,. Mtanh:ay .•t • 441o' 1
1'.tr Pa', i. I. ., •:y Ertl 4 4e'\• -u •-
(1,.fll aratr' (1'.•• f.•- 1:' .1 WI Mi..
Frr;(uren.'s laws u❑ \V-1Jur•day even -
ht.{ of
ven-tn4of, t:f• proc-rd±:uu,fi
tri,; to ate;.:. 511:1. -
1'n •1r w,II It• do a -14i in the ['i.e..
i,Vt.'riatl .'11!Itl,l :14x' ' *ll'lath, owing'
:a anniversary - ••eyrie••. in 13 •t`lsuy
church, is: winch It -0. h. H. f i•d.iu. of
Seittorth.•.vill ollillata,
lt!v. E. C. Jennie ., of H roheim,
ace.iml,allied by t.,: ,ta•fi(bt �r+, Mas.
Kathl••.•u o1!-.310 C ..i.,.trrholllty-
ing to- to it V..• ou 1 •1. 81.11 1)t:
Mr. Jew:11141, i. 44.1,4.04 :i • neuro) •z•
home erected o 1 t ,:anter 1.1• wh:,'h IP.
11a, put• lase.( Ivor. Ali., it nv r•. ,..:
111 44 s;. end hi rale 1•
t:ua in our t iisa4r. .
POLLAI:)=5t•ACA71AN. --Oo \Ve'-
nf :'ine..L,y "I.i.t week, .'t. leery'. 1
r-liurch wets th • s •ene of 4,1 in. •nett l7T(
event. when tlr matt-it/4e rereuru -:y
was p41f.,rmed which uur'•d M .s
l'Idirr Spit•km.1m a1,1 Mr Wm P.r:
laid, of L rubor, in the trout. orf rt' 1'
lemony. The 'church war prettily tend i
artistically d.cotat•d w i•n ferns and 1
marguerites. the vi -lea he:nq cnipe•.ed
with the whit• and gold btoatows of
the dai•ie*. fn. fishers were lite.
Kobt. 1pnek•utan and Mr. Mil t.•11
I. 1ve, brother and c oriel, of the boil Ie.
Promptly at 12:141 o'clock for bride.
learning on her father'+ arm, intend
the church and passel up the aisle to
the strains of she hymn, "1'Ite voice
that breathed o'er Ed,o.' She then
took her place beside the groom and
th- lPtemony was pe f reined by R -v.
A. Macfarlane. At its concluson the
bridal party woven •Inwn the aisle to
the strain. of MendcIssohe r wedding
march and carte at once conveyed in
automobiles to the home of the ,
bride'a parents, where congratulations
were received end a dainty lunch
served. Mr and Aire, Kithira left in
tore aftentnrnt for s *hart trip to Tor-
onto. reins ning for the week -end and
leaving again on Monday for London,
where they will take up housekeeping.
As it wait the first marriage eelehrated
in the church the congregation of tit.
Andrew's, followingean tad Presbyter-
ian custom, presented the bride with
a itandenwely bound Bible as a wed-
ding gift.
'sVEDNEs)AY, July 12.
IT la AteenecIATkn. - Ooderieb
tnwn.hip Cantrell has wade a grant of
430 a month for the rewaieder of the
year en the Ili'.o
Mort ti
be tlw of
the township. While the sum is far
•bort of what is needed the women are
ffateful to the Reeve and the couneil-
on who are helping in this needed
with a fetidly of one son and three
daughter. j. left to mourn her early
demise. She Was in her th'tty-fourth
v -et TI a intettnenr time place at
I. A quiet wedding teak place at Van-
'couver, 11, C., on Monday, June Seth,
at N p. m., when Miss Edith Loretta
Levis, of Hohne.riIIe, l,"rswe Abe
'. bride of Mr. Esu Milton Dural, of
Colborne township. The marriage
was solemnised at the Presbyterian
intense by Iter. Dr. Mackay. The
brit+e was becomingly attired in pink
*ilk witb oVerdre4a of rr'alai shadow ;
Iatr so4 c:tenet! a lovely It ,ugltst of
white roses and !rink sweet peas.
The bride was attended by her sister.
Mr.. T. H, A1.1.111«4, aad Mr. %V,li
Schwaes meted asron.nsc s
K fit)
the ce e n i'
r w u the tow party re-
r 4
7. E
hunted to the home of Mr. sod Alr+
groom's gift to the bride and brides-
maid wt s a pendant of pearls to each
' and to Ake mem sseean • tie -pin set
I with pearls. After hooch Mr. and
Mrs. Durst left by the steamer "Prin-
cess Adelaide" for a short honeymoon
trip to Victoria. helots returning to
their henleosthe Maitland concession
Colborne township.
Avn d harsh purgatives for children.
Rexed l►rderliee are sure, rate snit
gentle : 13 and 2; . sold •nily at it•►1-
all drug attars. 11. C. Dmitri; .. lienal♦
N. 1. -tor Arthuea
\fr T. rein of it. II
on 'lee -day of last week. I Atkinson, where a 'renal. wit -held is trpurtrJ sainting it' fns' we,dc. ear•
fill: Du -Ina t. \\'Kn[)lwe.- andadainty;L s 14841. Thr'u•It4 Im+t r
i1] A Group of Guides. 12J Ti
111 Lake Louise
ll0 and what u an Outfitter'
The real genuine article 1a a
mountain man: guide, philoso-
pher. Weed, cook. lumber jack.
bridge -builder. broncho buster, bunter
--w11 found oder the ono emit of
lie is a comparatively new type in
the tanadfaa' Pacific :loekle*. r,' irn-
mestlaif a mew profession. l'ua'u find
him at every C.P.R. tourist point in
the sountalss. at your *orrice for a
modest fee Mat to keep the pot boil-
ing. Yee can bey more rood fellowship
and more undiluted tweeters' and
health In tele way than In any other
Yet 'events'. 1 know, for l'ie tried
it out meal u tome.
May 1 lstrodsce you to a sample
Outfitter. at Ptold. say. or 1t might
as easily be Glacier or Lake Louise
sr Banff. A gang of tendsrfest hare
orreses5 ter a trip Omagh the Yob
MI% '[M Ir/ssr1 limited bare
ring the Diamond' Hitch. [3j Where
(Ing dumped us ea the platform, dub -
nage bags and all. it does sot take
long for Mr. Outfitter to glue es Wel-
lcome, with a grip of the hand that
'says: "111 see you through." Prom
;across the Kicking Horse River
(comes a procession of ponies -our
cavalcade no lees, with a couple M
trusties 10 assist the boss. Bo we
are sorted out to our 'mounts: as We
eye each other with mutual sample.
, I don't like the look in th 0-e of
buchanesar (Neb. for Nott1, but sY•
bit It off fairly well on the trail. it's
we're offsingle file. a truly wonder-
itul procesetoa of asserted humans.
1Isn't 1t jolly lust to he 1n Oed'sr ear -
Iden In the open alt. to bare all can-
tles to wander ha, to be hitting the
'troll to wentlertands beyond. while
slant peaks, Uke Stephen and Caths
Ideal, Plaid old leeriest brat dews
upon me Oldgete tram their Mooring
the Camp Fire Blame. (4j Camping at toot of ML Awinlboine.
But It 1s of the Outfitter 1 want to
write. it is worth the wkole price of
admission to watch him do th:r.r1
and ban Be sitietttons, to corral a w •,n
derlag tsetse, 411141 quiet a refractory
one, to he everywhere at the same
tla, to help the girl from Chicago
and the matron from Montreal. and
the ileal tenderfeet from elsewheres
!In dame nting and monnttag, sad 1n
rdtsg their mounts through terbu-
eat streams tad taagley woods.
No less adaptive are they in the
camp. They can handle axe or gun
as adeptly as the rein. of a brow
Me. They can fell a tree across a
bmwUng stream with ■n inisg ac-
curacy. or cut a way tbroisgb a imams
of uederbr.N or Devil's (lube.
Se the tents were well pitched ass
reeady, with the ak'eat of beds made
f edemas brasohea. All one had Me wan tc spread kle bleshote, stake
la human roll of btmsslf and them
ouruey to Slumber lead, regardless
of dtst,yraieg gophers or porcupines,
But It le as a cook that the O.tflttal
aline most brightly. Th. elaborate
many -coursed meal at a C.P.R. boll
tasted no better -asst they taste war
--than the four -course meal Ilan sant
ed at a quick finch speed. with am
limned reserves la Ile enol of ble Mb
tie cookery tent. leverythlhg from
meek to bsanock and tea wee Mt ta/t
at and In boluses meals toed at bed
Aad then obs happy theme amend
the camp fire revealed the Oeteittee
a a new role --that of a etsrydeoel
Of rare quality, • tee. Is
IoW the trap lisp am a ok
fd 14111 .p to be a Oedh*.s, alas
•ilea tort , sad a Pb math rspa.L y