HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-13, Page 1•
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To January 1st,
1 191T
The Signal will be sent to w
any new subscriber io j
Canada or Omit
1111 frit' lilt Iv
Fifty Cents
dIXTY Itt(1Hrg YSAlt-Ne IMO
-••---. �_ _ _r1l tlivml:v.ed 11 THE TOWN COUNCIL.
r • ...r.- _ ., .. ..nine.
•is N:tv ems• re*r ,ya'
SAVE, Because ---
Every dollar saved broadens the horizon
of your life.
r� tremlee Apps t I$. NXN'-
F].L, Y..I $least ,rd,y.
rude. turret ep.mor+. tw.lmakee., 1a.
▪ aeeler. tee Iarri .FII work. (lied wages to
willed wetter-. .'Kars mem tome .a4 refer -
seem TATLDR•FURatj CV LTD.. CM. lob.
CLASS ere(oedensl. fee $ 1. Ne. a A.
aeld. Apply. stubs/feelers, ea a11r1ratdMr and
x�pr.a.ee•tl.•aaoore to WY. 11 ARC ala y. R R. No.
7, (..meow. mit
Fire or •,x hand)- glen ne boy. wanted.
✓ lr.
(;(►I ►ER ICH
A. -tooting te regal.•I.. et -wit L, the Ws-
tw w I. led E e02.e L nit Celan;. • .on; .kens
ata sl'owa4 to w Me water fren. +l'? kMIE
To st'Nerrr.
Owls. to tae heavy trace/, aster at , he p- e e nt
Uwe. Ib.' oumr.wem mewed that the . t.:true
adlet.• re Ma abvo rrgulatioe• -n a. net to
rowan h t.l twMemo te Orton( k...
An, term or ransom sebbsais.g cu the
above regelatlo• or e.mg water -1*. lawn or
outer pertew. wttkeut Arai a skint the nese..
oe(r mete:littsn le mitoses to the l un.a.i..aw.
will be Ilan le ona.atmn
Ifs Leder of 15N C'ewmw.on.
Seer. t kali nen.
N R. -In rare of are. a0 ►etslffti. lou -t bt rut
oR uomed:aaty.
HEO. E. SUNEI:KY, A. A. 1. 0.,
L D. t . M . Ur'Aara sad l M;irma,ter et
x l'bureb. Tr.ebee p.ao,. io14 ...
Pupla pre oared inns ere.iha[lot.., a udio
Senn •(reel. ettmeoe De. Ballow •. Lure bands. paying the amount de-
HAVINO C1.08ED OCT MY HUSI- wended, 11F24.521,7ri, made up as ful-
Automobile Speeding to Be Stopped
-- Provincial Statute Governing the
Matter to be Enforced -Many
Other Items of Municipal Business
Receive Attention.
The regular meeting of the town
couocil was bald lest Friday evening.
All the member.' were present, M'+yor
McLean in the chair.
The street inspector pi teemed • re -
poi t showing the amount of mot k
door under bis supervision during the
month of June. The report was
A letter trout Assessor Campbell
was read. It st.trd he had paid toe
town treasurer $1,550 on tax collie
bone and 1110 fur dog tags. The tette
wee sent to the finance committer.
A letter from the Bank of Montreal
advised the council as to the various
auiounu on deposit to the credit of
the town and ad to the notes held by
lhr hawk on June :Mb.
The Bell Telephuoe Co asked for
perwissson to erect a pule on Raglan
au est. The request was granted, the
work 10 he done under the super•
vision of the .0 -ret iospec:or.
A letter from the Doty Marin. En-
gine & Boiler Co. acknowledged the
request of the tlnance committee for a
payment of $:lisp) on the ruortgage
due on July lat. 'rhe writer of lb
letter promised that they would ed
vise furtber as to the payment of this
amount as retinas they had communi-
cated with their Mr. Qyilt.r of New
Yolk. The letter was referred to the
Rustles cowut:ttee.
Brent, Nolen & Co. advised the
cr until that they had completed the
purchase of the Hydro -Electric deben-
NFAS 1 won d the ILAaaont.t. rant by lows : Amount ot tender, 11123,41 Lon ;
r 1.15. Anytkuyr o.,t•um
ndg .iter that accrued interest, 411,1.4114.A2: exchange,
due w111 be ba..a. 1 0. 10• oellccunrt, •- 1 our $12.2.i. The letter wet. filed.
la.%.ng town, 1' H. M.kli% 114-2t
roque -t trout the l'niun of Cana -
NOTICE •r0 cinot Muni:ipalities tar the town's re-
ptr.eutatr 11 at 1.e convention at
WATER TAKERS. M.mtreal in August was filed
('..unty Clet k Lane ad a lead the
council Ina 1.Is tbaa the a quests. Hs I
diireted the rude 41S i
Water ratedter Jury to 14fa'Cer. balf•yoet
MsirJ penin
t•of $3, li
- �- Goderieh for c•••o,ty ur-
ate doe •>a 11 a tD P
FOR SALE OB ______.pet 'text t h tau per ee,. t
atm. wiitb/all... or* pose-. Too, nts awuUOt it Co..I of
ett,tt_Sl for grner.1 purposes mind di IT' .-
aL .even -roamed raeYasee as West etr.et.
Ver)- nn. -Meat Iaraism Sas-water
and an modern owe e.leeu*, awn to O .
PAH9l)N. 21 -et
AN\1Arood. vie sfmiaow and eleaemt
duo. ie tow" : modem be ever) tr poet :
Ret emus keatlrr and arplace, One tie. 11 lc
Attars.deoorwted thmegboet I.en.4rttab.,
"Wants intron.o to.besment. gars O. Properly
dao ora. ',Item hostage ea tease street
he n..meted any time. Y 11. MARst.
<t'ATLR.t1D LZ T(oNltlt,$lO' 1y1r P,m'nr..I war lex. The letter
was ieferreJ'othe finance committee.
A. - 1 tt.u'itl�i.
l' r'
tied,, icb, July .. Mo.
WAR CAC -Lt 1]1]11:'kb lc PI.]MAND FUR
SIM IMO H01Kelkel
1f yew wart :o .e'-4. Wt. that will slow good
TO HK\T.•-FIRST ('LASS bTURE gsettbrr+Rotu' and he 4r-1-cla.a»n neckline.
ewm0, One of the be -I b0atlaea le *e* 'in o 51t •. bin.
I:ederk` ♦ ALTEtt ..-'tarn let. Cana
�� pply to '0 ARUM UAKIWW, W.(LTEK t:D1,YdCs Canadian regkgar;
11* S75ek .t me ri...n t•*: stn ...tespectnt, nomad
OF AU HC hN. --Seven rooms. wa.hroom,
=inert wood.hoe : Oood (quos ; porn wit h
halal-IIe5A stoolsbogs, frame b ,114
leg WM ; fr' n tris a nd �gaar1ddeoati Ap�,ppt( on
petaled'.' MCDRAY 1'ATitIWON. A.Wrt.
t 11 J1
I'LL pup.. Apply R. H AIMTCAD. gift
Osie Led rnoddeece (vmbleed• er will be
No bettor losatlw fns a den
tit se • darter In UrMelah. Dtreet►y
eppedie ppor.tedlee and euseems home. Fns
�I�II'1 sad Netherpnkutan apply to M.
Vt,110t,p N. )Vox Jai teeters. b. es oe the
peeonfoi•. went -It e• _vip
r 11 feet o„ r all, 11 h.p. ravine. biomes
r opener ar.,l , b.i ,$)lee.$ Se.- JIM MI.ACL
eiYmelk•ular.. 14.11
SD ear, ebb electric saner sad Delo.
oe nnote, M 111 ..11 at bstpal.. Aedrwm HUX
.S, (1oderido.
The special committee recoil,
mended tbrt M. Alr.aaudru ler granted
14/0111A1 'A license on the mated
tet m, -VDU for a year. -tout that a re
bate cf $111 be alk)wAd on the license
foe. It also sec mended that the
thine for ttie Moth Alertiraa ('hemi
cal Co. to complete their -plant. be ox
tended to October 1:1.b, 1110.. the 1.7
law in all oilier retina -to to remain the
Councillors - 'Wigle and Paltridge
moved an amendment to this repo.[.
and reat.ter.d - n'l.,rd-b,T4 10 Lesotho.,Ihmt no rebate Ie allowed on Hebosh. WALTER r.I., Y .hem.ismarksbt.- license to Alrs.anJ,o. but they re-
s sad t•nne.•'tt,'•..y one of tllebest-bred (shed nit support for their amend-
- tot *'sena went from their colleagues.
WALTER EDDY win; . and for the 141.4 •ra-
se a1 bis esu.4.b r. uta: !srtb street, owe The /he committee repot ted nagainrt
fhb. Primo( esu. 1 * ton •urs. wily 211.1°. rending a repteeentauve to the Do -1
IY-.t A.M. POLLEY: minion Fire t hied., Convention at
Windsor. 'Adopted.
of ban week nude Iron' rut pair oree.n.bteg-, that the Doty Engle. Work, Co. bad
and rup,ls• Iwo' tor seder., «le ,UM• tre.t fern allowed to their horse, which
.setts cleaning, etc.. and *:.e ha. for .ale taint
Nelms greet • prepared to do •USLnh. Tbr finance committee reported
re,sdrtss, ei•wpvo oa.wds. . (stem lie 1",,, was included in the valuation, fur
or Ramage smug. Metho.aodulo-..eun.-. f $1S.i, which rum had been turned into
--- - the town to apply on the mortgage.
AUCTION SALES. Itreccwn.rndrd tha' the voter. het*
for 1918 be pi inted ! y The Signal at
CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF the .ams mice as lied year, and that
N I:' It 1AUr• he
bir. Tknsa Unndrr ba. received biernr earn the suggestion that ate he
lane from Mn. t'. clambering to ell by ub.l: RR steps
lellt$4OLD FURNITURE AND FUR a number of accounts be paid. T
report was adapted.
-- _.- 1',uncillor Munr.ings brou1,bt for-
eeet'•n at her bodes'', la.( siren. (asderirh, taken t , serur e a rental for the pot -
"n tions of the et rept leased by fi.hermen
ITURDAY. JI:LY 13th. OW -which theyyhTrimmed erecting
muse""" tett vQeck 'ban'. the fldsg nildinwin
soluble pveeny : Keat the sier. T
K Heasa fro 'attire including 1 geed Gooey. Wrm referred to the hat Ivor committee.
(rafted rano oniony wee t klwben taint. It Wee oy 1 11 t. II W' 1
ing u( autos on tbsi!ltMte hr believed
that the Provineial IIw
this practice should bs -*olio red mud
be introduced a motion In obi. •Q.r•,
The Mayor, DeputyReeve Laith-
waite and Cudncillir eetr .wean -0
tbrteselves in favor of ewe action , f
!hie nature, Councillor Moser lig' wring
to second Councillor Wigle'. motion
O he would revise it •o ea to make it
apply to all the streets wit btu the cor-
puration. This war *nay ageeel to
said the (notion carted.
That automobiles were tiavtl:irg
around town wit hoot tear Inabts'wet,
the *Ilrgatlon mads key ('ouneidur
\\',Icor. The polieeat a:e to ser
that this ptsctize Is slopped.
sribylaw to provide tehos for the
i-rnuual arms:Trianon for the
Wert Shore Rai'way wee reed three
times and peened.
Councillor Mannings Motel teat he
bad been in commue...at:on w t b
Aichi pct Barrlay. of Otr,wa, with
teterence to the prize platin• for a new
town hell which M:. Barclay prete.r-d
and which weir accepted by :he coun-
cil a few years ago. Tbr plots ate
still i,. Mr. H•rrlay'a pe..ea-ben and
the council moved that the clerk
should write bins and tisk tb..t the
drrwiuga I,. forwarded, (' .unetll•,r
Munnimgs stated that 31,. Barclay
wet quite willing to hand thew tore,.
Councillor Pan:idolet-teJ th.t the
gtireeeerected by Mr. W.J. Lannon on
the Cation hotel prop e t y bad .not
leen +bee Led according to the stipule•
tions .1 the bylA.r. C..uscil! .r Moser
n formed the council that the sheeting
had been ordered but is seer not de
livered as yet.
The council then adjouno.d
Cleairg Rally of the Canadian Club a
1: ' ' F:NN :•1' G. BOYD.
FLI 1' I''. h F H I.
Many Signal reenter• will rerognize
the I Linitis e1 FI eclat Lieolenant Ken-
neth (i. Hov.1, a dormer I:. kb -rich boy
who for several month+ has been in
Engiand, training am an aviator. He
1s connected with 'he tic yrl Naval
Avi.tion Corp.. The latr.t wood from
him ie that he has prat-ticrlly finished
Ida tea:nine and exi.ct. soon W go to
Francs. He row hk• a machine and
has aegnired such confidence in its
cootrr,l that he has a -(ended to w
height of 0,411) feet- L'eut. Bnvd is
the yonrge•et son of the We Mr. and
Mre. Donald Beyd. -
;MIN NsBpWnil pIIodNMBbMM1141/
IYour a
= Advertisement I
T In The Signal
i. maul b) the best people j
in a large 4.s lion of Huron = (�
i county. Bright. fresh al- = t
yrtt{siog i+ r...1 aeagerly
= as the nevi co)
'rNNStIp- s
THE LADS IN KHAKI.'' . t 'he Canadian elublt for sop.
�- I"Toe :I -t Battalion was broken up
aid 1 cm wrai.ng billy row. 1
Flight Sub -Lieutenant J. Russell I bey. mol Ia en up to the lidos line as
('hautbrrlein, who u.rt death in a yet. but We . xpect to go up to is few
ectice flight in Er.gland on June days. We are billeted in f,uwers'
2 -id, WA% a relative ..f Mra. H. H. ha.ru bete rt.4 are Ver y comfortable.
Smith of (1..)..ieb, bis mother be ing •1fi'b Hotraiti i. the only liuderirb
• niece .1 Mn. Muiith. •My with i.. He it related to the
Liens. At t bur P. Heid it returning - -
to ('.nada !!n (huge of r party of DEATH OF JAMES L. GRANT.
wouml.d wddi.,.. mud is rxpeet«I Vol
virir l:odrri,h In for sourer of a few i Well -Known Cus(nma Officer Passes
day* Lieut. Reil ,* a former unite-, Away after Loag lUtess.
her of the N•R (-1 1b. -l.41'1 braocb of An inners extending over three
the Bank of Cotun.prc.. I I
months war :erminatrd early Simur-
day morning last in the death of Mr.
Herold ('ares, spoof Mr 0. F. Carey: 'James 1.. Grant, a highly esteemed
or Wales who was in the tbird bat- citizen of Godesrich. Hr. Iirlint's last
tle ref Ye res. is in a mil,L ry hospital illness originated with en attack of
to England •ulfeting tr.eu shuck. His
. condi. tun 1+ such that he dons out ex -
pe: t to he fit ler asters irrvice for a
Tear He will tits l -ably be iovelided
4\ nrd was rete ved on Monelsy from
PM. Arthur Barbet. of Heemiller, stat •
log that he was a prisoner in (infi.any
e riser, who
Bentuiller when the err commenced that township for over forty years
and he enlisted in September. 1411, at He sea• engag.d for many ears inlhr
'Toronto with the Canadian Mounted srwe.illing and grist -mol years
Rifles. He was taken pr sones on June I Hen.luck City," Ashfield, and way
2 td, presumably in the assess engage- also in the lumbr hit..ncer at Pike.*
went neer Ypres on that date. I Bay•
Bruce Peniueula, and other
pias• In 11101 he war appointed
deputy customs c Meer at Goderich,
Toronto tilohe .tuly 71 : Stalf,Ser- which position he held At tl a time el
grant Donald Mel:illirmddy, sen of his d.eth
Mr. Thomas Mc(. Ihcuddy, is in Tor- ‘V -1141r r resident of A.bfleld Mr
onto on leave of a1.
enlisted Sergeant MelifIlieUdd} was crp.tl •Kars. For peep •! rein• be
e 1, 1 h P .r low wimp, avid his
grippe. whi.h, with the infirmities
of age, gradually weakened lila hardy
con.tttutioo, until death ensued.
Mr. lirant'a hath OCCUrre.l 0n the
seventy-fourth .tlniverrary of his
birth. 11e was born at Elgin, Scot-
land. on July rith, hH4 and when
teen'years of age, in the yrar 1s,47 he
came to Caned... For two dears be
bot was quite wrL P Ira lived at Huuiit"n and then moved to
i. an English JN,n.y, was working at Ashfield, al>d remained a resident of
wince. Itelore Ire Orem Wok an active interest in ruunt-
son's remarks on the :mrd Hatt.lion, mp t ye( in t r elks Ueptitmrnt seer Her"In":
r of tf
• send war captain in 'x cadet
the rectuitittp( in Hurnn'and with for a eels that be baa been regi offeted at the meetings • f the, Huron county
gesertnu way in which morn y had
a commission and het. refused rack up- council. In politics he war a Liberal
portunil y. He bar been attached to a and in religious faith a Prethytet ion,
hospital in Frame for the pii*t right .4 staunch friend, a grx.l citizen, a
months. He has addreeerd several re- wan t.. be rrhed on -he played his
eruitiog meetings since his return. He putt well and hie de.th i+ stnzrrely
k h 1 regretted. He is stirsived by his
widow, two daughters-51ra. A. Mac-
Kenzie, of New Yet k, and Mr*. K. J.
MacKenzie, of Ashfield -rand one arm,
Mr. H. A. (.rant. of A.hfl-Id. An-
other daughter, Mrs D(nald McDon-
ald. of Ashfield, Med ten years. ego,
and a son and d.iu,phter died in in-
he fuoertd trick place on Tarsday.
A shin set vice, conducted by Hrs.. I.
N. ilaidi., of Avbileod P,e*hyteri,ri
church', and Rea. J. fE Fere', of Hoole-
rieb, war held at f1:MUe. rel. et the.
home °Utbe departed, corner of 'c -
tot i ► xhd i'i.t.m +tars t-, whrnrr t!.r
hner:+l co trge p�e..royal tit •hr
corp• was x mtnif
Most Successful Event He said be was )'rally pleased with 11 f ar figure (•'r many years
The Canadian Club closed the 1915-1fi
season with a rally imTbu:*d,y night
Imo. Supper was served at '+,:IU at 1 been contributed f' r patriotic mor-
tise Masonic Temple, the .Atitering ; Pities in th:r comity, espve..dly by
n umbering between fifty and *Oat'', { tbb county. ee.unc.:1. As \\'erterner
Mr. D. McDonald, viae-pre-ident of ! he declared his (opinion that Canada
the Club, occupied the chair. and in- bad nut ton went' Iailwaye. ep»(.ally
oro duces the toast list in a neat ' for such * ie•tlhtt es tbs. of 191•; with
speech. Toe first toast we. that of •ts great grin (trop He invited his,
''Canada," and xa.ociated w •h it was' hearers t' "c(.mr nut and see the,
Mr. Robert Henry, who -p re most I nee•. tern rnunity" and realize int en-'
in.ereeuugly ot ante•coni.derat 01111 14 ex' vitt- •
Coupled -with the trust -The E,o .ire
days and of 10014 of life cm standing �1
events of Cenedieb history • ncr the i itt P.•ace" ars*_the name of li. Dewar,
tiro' Dominion Day is 1.87. Thr Ytf \\'i -til., r, oh . :.kr Mr. 11rniy, is
Canadian Pacific RntIwa be de.critad one 01 Oodericb s snootier victor* and
the greatest trawepo .yatenl I who expres.rd h . twv,Ral-le (lpiajQD
in t,be world, ..a,I he ex leaned hopejc th'. tiiWtt. H. frit•iIat by u,tt
in the .Itimmte .ucee,s of the (;rand I yrs the war would end in vitt°, y tot
''rank Pacific and the l'. N. R. In i the Alike,. Our present -du y was to
ago iculhur, mining ars. wunufrrtur- do evesytbing Is .•i1,le Ito help in
ing todu.oriem them w4r no conntryt( nirg t*a! vtrc,ae: •
•u, peat' Canada. 'I'h1 l)t'mlrr seal Mr. \W. Prnudiout, K. l'., H. P. I'..
•pea 's igh y of the services rendered
by that branch et the service :o which
. be is attached.
watwly applauded adieu be stated
this: be had been coming to (i,.delieh
since lett -"mod you can't drive me
I.t.-t'u1. Wil or, who has lately re -
tanned from England, way aseucIated
with the toast of "the At nay and
Nat v. He was liatenrd to with eager
attention as be sketched the hist°,y of
the :tied Battetion, of w 11 5 be war
the commanding nidi •r •will it war
to oken up to reinfor• e other unite.
He took ,he opportunity of rzp:ain-
iug the notoriety which the Mild re-
ceived before It left Canada, and his
explanation- were received with evi-
dent apprec,a: ion. Gen. Hughes and
(irn. Smith bad paid tribute, to his
bat:alien, *rat, drelaied. the speaker,
"the 3'314 was the best b.ttt lfem 1 ever
Lt. -Col. \Wilson saw the 181st Huron
Butalion ateILrndou and be stated
that it was a very fine body of web.
Dr. A. R. Macklin ass .ben 'called
and Kave a moat inteie*ting ant).
luwivat ing ad,resa on the to i•h *tttfa-
tion as he taw it du ing his stay in Ite-
land. The address Wes a dirplaseion-
ate surety of recent event.' in Ire-
land, and jurticecanr.ot l.rdone it in
a few lines, ro we sh.il not attempt
a sumnial t•.
Cap). V. II. Ournlry, of Begin 4,
was asked to *peak, and the smolt
was a vigorous address. Cipt. Gun-
dry, who was a p. umtueut amilitix
officer whs it he resided in (bolsi. cb, I
emphatically endorsed I.t -C. I. Wit.,
A goal *tory (nine's from Petawswa
Camp, where Major Lewis ha* his Rede
te: y. the "'3' 5, in training. Uu a re-
cer,t Sunday the troops were on chore b
petiole gild when the ....h gut to the
field w hetet he service wets to he held
Mayr Lewis wanted to halt his men
and tireq, -•5521 B1tt'-ry,Avb:wt t..The
men all host out laughing *red .1
c , rye the Mejo: enj ,yid the ; oke as
mu h as anybody.
The editor [ The•1•'
r ,Tor a in n• e. ,t•
resp tuJrd to the toast of _Abe Parini 1 h the t t Mr 1sr•utt . (laught M
'11.11e111. .1.J L-gts:arure and urged the
dot y of et otiuuirg the wotKof se, su
I iug. He wad poi tions of a lel t -r h.'
had just re. • iced trout his nephew,
Mr 1MIAnn t ickenn,tal the front. '
Nher,tf Reynolds and Mr. fa.. Me-
('.ioto0 ,r-.pr•rdrd geniality to ' the
of "The Larr
'."be'*tnging of the N*tiobal.Antben,
concluded the ptcgraw of a surcrwful
ever, ing.
If it's quality you want. use Mick-
,. (011+ • drlictous ice cleans for All oe.
caejoor. Phone 24',.
i -Samuel. An immortal," will IN
Rev. W. K. Hager vent j-ct lit North
street Meth diet church next Sunday
morning. In the evening he will
speak on "Luitatisiw.-
The choir of Borth street Meth,•Ji-t
church bald a picnic at. Hayfield on
Wedneaday -..f last week and the
adult B't•le clam from the- pante con-.
gregat' '.pent • attendeftern..n . in
Harbor Park. ' I
Mr. Sunburn:, organist nt Knox
ehutchet ill ploy the following mine
m e Dune; ..r ig e. --
cbalrssed many o: he r kitchen.,tenor _77_7=_----- _--__-,.• - ---
l non. r.roduro- tri
seconded by Reeve Noun, that the
ret a Iettw drum Pte. lir nest thrill, lu
, a er, - fat,
romper S.gna) boy who enlisted in the K. J. -M.l�rrizi.•, i th coetessiun ot
$i d Battalion and who to now in 4 acted , whirr r * at liei,e was con -
:TS by Rrv, Nr. Hardie at L'o'eh.•k
France wi'h the Canadian dloyinteJ p. rn. Ilir inti, tient sea. roads in
Rifle,.. Writing June -Nal he says he Pirie Hirer caw. tory. Tri.. 11atibearere
iv io the best of health. He- hese *sen in G'wlerich were hir,.sra it. McMiir-
a uumtwr of the (ipderich boas siker rhv. 1'. R Wallis. W. T. \I.i'rn. end
there, including Jun MeeV..•41- lab° J, al, Milli an. and in tion,%I..atu.
when tire letter sea* •written leas in Amite* Pur t••r send llert,:r Hay-, of
the same billet es he) and Dere Rrtd• ti,aderich, John- M,•lutyr.. Wm
who was billeted about r wile •
He had noth
but expected to -get at Fhitz" snub. _ 51r• and Mrs.
A. M. -Kenzie end their
son end daughter, of Nrw is, were
tva}. Krn,pow. Dawes -Hfue and Samuel
sen into the trtuchee• McNair.
Mr.-Royn M, Sperling hag reerivnl a heti. lar the flrcrrwl also Mr. Grant
tetter from his leather. I're. Ent, Spat i H oytl and bo' sinter. 51.s. Hanna,
Il tterlated June 1yth, oe. sol. r- in (pi Toyota.), "cheer father, the
Francs." Private Sparin:11 .P w' 11 lair Ibnul Boyd, war wociat0.1
known inn l;ulrrich as h.rnl'+1 w , in husinres with 51 r. them. in Ash
- r yrar•« ago, .
tog at Rayflrld. Thr falbrwmg It au To hoot* heir from fretting Otte the
eztr:krt from the letter: 1t -sell "11'.' Hair 'Tonic, trhii:h all
•'1 did not expect to he in France on Ilexal! drug .totes fully guarantee -
poen, but. of course , WPJ'1n never tell -Ns. and *Lon bottles. IL C. 1) inlop,
when we are going to he moved over titalericlt. •
heir. _
oclxnd two n.on:hr ,Ind }fey. Ia:NI Mobile. will conduct the
.•rvic-i. in the Btptiat church next
Nyrnlay. Ntran,frrs and •i•itore are
ia t ed •11 R Id
the rl*t Lxttahun when he snas,e•,.l-
••I .n+ in E
tad two p* -s• -.-one. to 1' .t.,,IIth
trod one .0 [.imdon. _When in Pert••
smooth I W..e ort Nrbtin's old 11 •it•hif'
coruially inv.-ell to all the services.
'ere ore t . even fig service nn I ••%.(tory. Thele is a crew (Ai 1 .411 The hours o• the various meeti,:ge are
Sunday nix', • commencing at 6.50 to keep it in repair, and they showed •/r follow*: >ant'day, 111 a. no.. Rotolo
.'clock: "Overture t0 Hu)) Bias -1u. all oyer the boat. 1 was :also over i school; I1 s. u., i' ohiic worship; 7 p.m.,
51endN.• ter I mat "At Evening" to the 1-1e °f Wight and it is a rely
evening ser v.c. Muudry, S p. n►.-
IHuckj iprrtty Place. Yottngp..•nb•t+ sting. 4t'rdnrt.lay,
'•1 wall its London five day* A11.1 bast 8 P. ria.-P.atier• .e1 Mrieu•.
Sati.f, Your ?hint with one of: ur, a fine time London it 'suite' placer
ice-cold sodas at Edwards. - 1 1 saw Uiost of the historical pliers.
RBALE'.-OBDAR POFTRRID LSO ,ut1,R .. good rxtrn.fon secret of the lrudeiorh lull
abs, a 111u*ronin .nut-. 1 oak buffet, 1 uy Collegiate
Q C salaak•. Asalf W. T. RJDDCLI� i i._pr r .sett m.,• ones 1 ry of the pub-
emrlar .M Yid root F t
• nnl oro Teo puler Ile .ebuol I. yard Ire instructed to fur-
ra/w, a Wan la.tesee woe Wunr eenn and ward
ns te and 10. meteta
. 1 mech. - sea t.r, ncae,- a •tr
a stet email of .biosis reepec'tvr
CARD Or Mise. awmplete meads new'. t dre.•er Aid Irv,.* at as early a date es posutble.
all Ma hMnd• who showed ea se mars
during the fess Wase, aad at the
4easgessl death of me l,nyaad.
lJ lineemOde to Rahe moon aetMwlyg.
the kledsemm to es In
I1*.. of 111...... end bmMlessense: but 1 tato
tts• e.mme hd. in Ith silo..
d�et��•�!�+ in .t .hflela. e/ Math'
Having been desidelee of
for wine time past , 1 have
succeeded in tfiting ar
with the oderich Coal
uscEwan, manager) to -take oyer
ant Carry on my cartage liminess
dualig my absence.
Lhave therefore up with
the 161st Battalion Int active ser-
vice oversea-(. and I "eta respect•
fnliy :solicit from the s r-
aNy, and from my customers
particularly, a continuance of their
valued patronage until troch tie r
1 can again rrsnme my occupation.
Any business Lairs entrained to
t/•>.e�e mini
lie. alirZated.
44. It= H.J
waelR•M. I ban n..nor -e. cuds l yank of
Hnims'em and womb, s .men bees...a roti- 'he question of seising the poll tax
and ata. w*4 introduced by Councillor Wigle,
Hoe«, flower•. wl.do% .►.dee. •color+, gar who mode a motion, seconded by
Oen rake. ang .ho,e . A.e .everwl whets
article- ita nameroneMmention
C••uncillor 1 sl[ndge, that it be in-
Etet)tint g Ru.t be sus, e• toe owner creased to $3. This was withdrawn
sect tows when • u(totion war mad, by Deputy
Tnrm' .4netlJl .mak 11.eer Laithw•it.e and Councillor
Pt.psWawa Aectiser .wstinning. referring the rustler to the
special committee to make a report.
On motion of Councillors %Vrgle
and Wilson it was decided to ask the
town treekureeto acknowledge receipt
of the money received from the sale
of th. Hydro debentures, and That it
Premises. had been paid back into the sinking
SOLID MICK Hg1•IDC\=1: 1)8 NORTH fund.
'nicer. Uu motion of Councillors Wilson
sal Pakridg., the aesesa.r wee given
Antil July 15th to return his roll.
bels. • iters in -t in,,..eaMoose ore' Conciilie Morhrcught op the
yeef▪ . •bat• and .e v. r.l Areptao.-. metier M tit chiming covers for cwteh-
1'l(• A originally ern: awn. and la er refltred to
Nteemed w me somites mak hen tem the petal works warmth.. wltb
psee swA Nwrtly, overrate North 'tread
i n�,ra'h. Tei. w eat ret the R.... power tt bel .
n tete then ('Attseillor Mannings suggentead that
Saturday, flay 22, 1916. t 3o p. s., so
basins. ' be usatt was
1�Aia..lAen retie met. of ,.,.re5eea ) ea ..viral .011 at the hat heir ebowld he
et mats and relaeew With"' tMit>r�, or ..id The testier swim deli with
may mmatn ea essetgage at Mistiest u I toe
pas sent, :chairman ofum
harbor committee.
Tet. rY" ty 1. rang to br .nrd without N I CoulfeiNnr Wigle /wotegbt up tho
*riverboat of autuabo-
•bleb was meta-
. Siam WV, the laeal
las bad Wow
wow question of
J. W Cil ilii THUS aUNDI/.]f. Mke aft Chile3
Amain". 1,1111111,111111).
t p
I ohiw''�bllAlib
eb tb,l► eauld Om direr -
f�R AfDe1f10,(a� ODOR (the tloe MImAt they pry taloa at
r/ t +est
�y M
tiaiprith ~� too tele011 to look into. As d•
no arts
_ --_-
Fnnws +p, 0044,1 phnt..gra.A 'showing one of the manatee British bowits.n, nn the western front wb.'m t h.
Reitiish so..mashing through the (tension line* on a frontage of nearly twenty mile..
1 .)RN.
TURNER. A tle'.•ndra h'-trii. (:nlerieh,
- on due -day. J•Ita« 7, 10 )4r. 04q.1 Mr- R 1:.
r ismer. m o
w'ALM4L1Y.-J a '.Mahan teener..; ho.p.toi.
nn Fr14ay. Jun, JO. to Mr Aid Mr, 1,
V11.4 len-ley. a ••rk
ISKAIAEK.--Tarlbee. Ifs. sod Mv.: r•..t 'Meer.
at L'.u.c,m ter. 11 r..11110 Tburetay. July A. a
I'Hl'H' 1111 1. .at Mega* 4'. P. H. •tmtlot' on
Tue-da). J..ly 4. to Mr. and Mrs. H. 11
1 bor.-5,1 • 4 d .ugld -r Id st1al,t Loth
%of -enc.
I.IMI'HK1.L. Al .(szudr' ho•tdta). (:ode.
.tel, en Ili.d
teday. Jolly i3. .o Mr ,.•-.t Mr -
Jae* A. I a pl'elt. Omit •t; eV. a -en.
:own SCHAs, 1:R. At 15. hnn-r rf'the
ht ids•. parent-. Mr .and M.-. 1. w',
-.roofer. Milvertnn, .. T ..--day. July 1.
by Iter 1: N. Wm.. Mi.- 4tn* )lerg,trer.
to Mr. U. 11 $notl...rn of 41. .1. W. +mi'b
M lM4ei lch
1.44 1.. ' 1. 1'...4.54.14 Iow0-h44 . On 44 edne.-
la). July 1 rN.r-. JoIn••t..n. wife of D. 5,
Taylt., ag•4 •:7 year. mai a moo '.5..
t0R(8I 1•, I:ndertch. nn ae;n.de), July s
Jame. 1. latest meted 74 year-,
-L1:T' HRR - At 'Manta. R'••.d inane%on
Mo,.da July 10, Aunts Augur, etre
NW.. a ►
('cher. 10.11 ..n 'irritate 71ar
"MITH on 14ledey. Jut) . at hi. r.e •
reyntence. 44.. H. revues 311A•hbe in
raid. Toronto, Jae. am th. Intern; en-
tan.I of $,o,p. 1 larks. , Iln'nn. aged it.
Mende' •'. N It .. x
I \anger :n %4 etf r Taber water • ..4 lido
et. Jeeemo • yeti. re
Mae0nl.t. Wanted 1 after a °rhes (y..
1.I d.. Onelph 1
Card ofManna Mr. Ana 14,14.4.
(Hyl Wanted Mr... Newell 1
Roe.. for Rent 0.1. Pane............ 1
Pats fey tele -H Halwe.d t
Postal Pre -tie. her Nate --M. IIklb 5 _ t
Tenet'. ('Me Ape.lal- F. IL Woad .... 3
cars of TaNb - Mrs. Jews, L. Wain . . 1