The Signal, 1916-7-6, Page 8U llevaaney. Jet.v il..O.d; ENJOY Summer While We Have It lett the little oras,, s. well ae Wn• older eine* enjoy the water. Teach Ween. to ,.wire with ...•If- mllantate( Sw• g t%'ittgr, thoroughly trlisbl.•, Ifiit ish titan- ufacture throughout, weigh only 2 w , tent "ill weggr.rt child or e 1n11 with safely, prize• ouly2Go SNAP -SNOT ALBUMS Keep a reminder of your vaca- lioun by tisane a enaielu.t album of the looter, leaf -kind The rover doov all the time. lust ell uj([e_a,. you need to, priced from�o 1,. 1112.150. regular kite', 20e to Soo. FOR PICNICS tar f .r g.•ueral .ear tae MLful.•war. Lnm•h !rete, madees- tirely) of wt...l sad .-an Iii owed • , member of time,,. tae keel i11 syr. IA WI, e11n1xiiiilIg 41 pie...., (Jelly 20o pet .,•t. fess Melee So per d.ree-n. wot ase ponle r dreok lig rets.. So f,n pk g of •r• Ihyweer hovels Ilan for roe ,.f 111E COLONUL BOOK ATONE 1'},rRae 1(t, Goo. Perls. DOMINION DAY. col, IiuueJ flow Peels 1. The A(ter.oes Program. 1be alt•ruoon •vette. at Agrieult unit Park had, ea au opening feature, i a contest in flr.t-ald work by four troops of Hoy 8couta. Under the direction of Scoutmaster Oarsman the I lays showed considerable efficiency in 'hie hue of work. On lbs baseball diamond the laureate went to the Clinton playet.. The lays won free the Bodericb juvenile* Eby the score of 8-7, while the girls frow the mine town won from t►e (ioderich lassies by the score of 18 - 10. .Au excellent program of dancing wane pleasing feature of the after- noons program. With George Suther- land as piper dancing was pea Ucipated iu by the following : Dan Mart u, Margaret Sproule, Frank 1 , Evelyn McDociald, Helen Howes*,. R oldie McNevin, Frank Ballow, Jam. Mr Lean and Catherine Graham lAthletic Eve.ts. The athletic .porta were, well cou- toeted, members of the lelst Hurries Prow London making the competition j in the various events very keen. The prize4 went as follows Half mils race M. Plunkett, A. Kittoo, J. YuIll. IUI-yard• race- M. Plunkett, M. McDougall, H. A. Walter. Fat man's rsce-We*. McLean, ('ha.. Wallin, W. Pi1t•r. Henning hop, else "tied jump -Il. A. Walter. >M Inst. • (vele., W. =/t. t HE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO ton. 26 fest. Kooning long jump -R. A Walter. 18 feet. N. Plunkett, 17 tett feet, incited. �js . - pH. Belabor. • A. Walter, 8 feet, 8 tech.., VaeltineK with pole -J. Yuill, d f.et. 8 lane'... R. A. Walter. Wheelbarrow race -J. Yuill and H. lIa.cbler, N. ti. and D. McDougall. Harrel race - D. McDougall. N . 0. McDougall. Hite -eating easiest -H. W. Ward, (iso. Hoe.. Ins�tmh`speedingconte.•e, there were au eutrie. for the gentle...•'e road r.ee, but tb. pony race and the con- teet in the 2.58 claw proved were ie- tere.ting. The widely -advertised mule race created lbs wont merriment The animals apparently wished to prove that they were mules by nature as well as in near!, and clearly deme.- strated this fact when they started off on a brisk gallop around the race track to the opposite dir.othos fro.. that which is twaally taken, and nod, slopping until the staWes wen reached The wino's. were : Pony race-- T. lk4,waas, Kenneth M. Smith. Reg. Magee. hlseadiegtool, :.g0 paoN ur trotters- al Duwdtld WU .r ll McLean), Kea Milord (J. ea). Mule rem- Irwin 8pelrea W. R. Penes for mules awarded to J. Schwan:. The receipts amounted to 111111.104 The deficit to he stet from the meals eipal coffer. will Dot be large. THE SPIRIT OF VICTORY. Willa •s ren000[d,teS ('•nada'., only Forkdipt PRICE, 25c, -$I 25 A POUND BOX use ANSOO fIPURIX Ma AND CUD PAP. We der Developing gid highs A.LCaIdwell,Phm.B. Prescriptive Druggist Pewit 19 A AND 19 11 Notrrti NIDE St.WAIIE ' ASMFIELD. THt7RnnAT. July & A(4iurSc, (kw..-- _ . ! r Til! need. hue- � � ✓ . .• ceseful gat den party held in Ashfield i't, ; , -. o 1or lot years at least, was that which J was given last evening by the A.hHeld r+. /ice �t'J�_ .�.1h J liotdrers' Aid mod 'ted Crews'_;iecle tw - - <• the grounds of Mr. William Carey. Shade of Kitchener : "THAT way, my lad ; I ate STILI. Tat isaatisa woe well chosen. the Carey home isbeautifully situated be- with you." -From John Kull, London. , aide the Nine Mile River. and as tat'' ----- wratbeideal r wanpeople canto )oog distances to attend., from such point* sae (ioderich, Darlow, Dungannon and the nortbers portion of Ashfield. There were probably :M0 people on the grounds. 'Supper was served at tables Ott time lawn and afterwards an auction was held of some articles of use and ornament. incltnling an auto- gtsph quilt, whi.dt was pur•c'ta•ed by 11(r. James feennitt, of Kintail. For the prograde Reeve Stewart was chair - nisi. and Mt Ituls•tt N'il.on liumnr- emus enter Leiter ft oro T'iront(., the Itungan.Ho nic-restrat, std Mis. Hsze1 Augustine, soloist, of Itungaunon, look pare- Stneechee were given by Her. J. W. Hedley. of Nile. and Rev G. (io.lu. of fhtngaumtn. I'iper 11un- ren McKey played Rome bagpipe airs. Tru• total receipt, were in the neigh- borhood of $24o. Eves ylody_eats Blackstone'. deli- rious ice crews of superior quality. Drderie deli rind. Kill Mrs. Johnston. who left some n'ooey at the honer of Mr.. W. L. MIiot (CI a Nat utility evening in May. kindly rend Mn. Elio' het address ? i When %our Stom- ach Goes!iWrong the chances ate your livo t needs cleansing. If you wi1: mix two tcaslwKni tills of Liver Saline in half glia.- of cold water, and drink it while it Is effervescent, the re stilt will be an active liver and Ila relieved stomach and Wad. Sold in tw(, k17,es. Vie and +d). nrxl vert cosy to take (:ct yours today from James A. Campbell 'PA.e CENTRAL 'DRUG STORE (Wort North St. and Square Oodetich nus 60 ' PI(ON IIS R e. flat weers i VICTORIA SCHOOL PROMOTION 1 FROM rat. IV. TO an. Dr. Hominy -Dorothy Marshall, Ye Latimer, Gladys Mniray, Alice•Nairn Uatberioe McKenzie, Irene Itasaingth wait., Marion l.ee. PARR -Herbert Akeroyd, Etrl John Ison, John Iledfoid, Altwrt Leonard, Melbourne StcVittie, Henry Taylor, Mamie Rmi,h. tViIlse Ih.nald.o,i .lohn Forder, Clyde Carter, Benson !Thornton, Reggie Pinder, Clarence Johnston, Teddy Johnston. Inez Por- ter, Itoltett I'roudfoot, Al... Fowlie. Dads Andrews, Lore, Drinkwalter, Ernest Met'ieat li, (liffod Johnston, Helen Howric, Julie Keever., John McDonald, Agnes Smith. Alex. _Mc- 1.e.n, Harold Naegele, FROM sI,. 111 '111 JR. I\•. HoNORN-Frank Adams, Uatherine Hays, bene Ilurkholder,Ieillien Wallis, Grace Videan, Margaret Igwbnrner, Norma kleDe nld, George Bowra, Percy Bei Ler, 1Vortho Mark. Mori - eon linker, Mabel Felward,, Monteith Ire kie, PAwe - Harold Murray, Ltura Com - pis, Ethel %Vhiteiy, John \' albite. Ft ed Weston, .%rttntr t'urrie, Willie I,ongrnire, Hairy Leach, Gladys Orin rod, logan Morney. eitanle • McLean Wombat, Randall, Amelia tethering ton, Godfrey Jstip,. Willie Andrews Fred Price, Mary McLean, George (toss, Myrtle RassinB thwaite, Georg. Howard, Elliott Mcl'itlle, John Han dale, Nelson !smith. Alex. Malloueb Augu,ta Hoil (al vy, Beeson ling ridge. JR III TO FR, IIIHON. Stella (Bell, KathleenhetraIda on' I Latimer. )onald McKenzie, Ruth Martin, Harr Id- w:rda, Rdna McFarl*ne, EdithRein- hart. Marion dune, Kbi. Reinhart, Bert King PAR.- Sara Itowman. Harold Me - Kenzie. Telford i llml.y, T hos. t'uo, Willi. Hake', Willie. Hlarj, M.rgarvt Graham, op. g. Maths on, Russel 1•oung, Reggie New,II, V Inlet 'Thomp- son, Hobert How.rd, Isaletle Murry Conn ieau Lent !menet, Awain Harrk, Helen Thom feel. Adelaide Hays. Willie Mountain, Cherie, Thovntos. Abe Smith. Frank Thompson, Fier - /oleo McDonald, Margaret Howard. Jean Aprml, Wilfred ilne.ld.oe. •R. tr. 1.1 JR III. i MbiM bt Ho88OR$-tlorh,n Mclkosald, Man• jury Burke, (Iota Met Ireath, Agnea Neehor►.ldk Ams MrHettle, AoNin* Nevins, Themes Carrick, Itoreotby Mallon`h, Violet Hos*, Fredeviek Silk. Jaen Winter. Pam Thomas Bowmen, Kathleen WLynch, Jame. Mint. Rule Mclean. ellington Ieinaaldeon, Jean Arsam- ene. Gladys tVRrest, Nellie Aketoyd, Willie Forth. Marthteelle Hyebp, Rawaeer.(on A rm.t rong Rravrrrwog, Randal Marriott, S Norval Precious, Byron Wilson. est. Ir. TO JR. tat. TN HONOR/4- Sidney Donaldson, Charles Humber. Douglas Nairn, 1'red Bowra, (leorge Filsinger, Ernest Armstrong. Lilian Garrick, Edna Randall. PARR --Kingsley Harris, Fred Mor- gan, Reggie Bell, Donald Murray, Nara Ward, Donald Langridg,, Eine Oockfleld, Huth Saunders, JR. It. To erg. tl.(Roor 5). .. HONORS-KIwond Thompson, Ernest Wells, Charlie Stowe. PARS -Laurens Doak, Verna Brown- lee, Mary Forded, Wilfred Graham, Mabel Garrick, Km..sraod Elliott, Reginald Munro, Viola Reid, Roy I.onigmir., 04.4,'. Alllo, Mars Fogden, Velma Young, Robert Hetherington, Kvel n Currie, John Graham, Allan Mac, Katie Welsh. JIta, 11. TO Mt. II. (ROOM 0). Howow.•-Charles Webb, Florence (irinrnd, Stanley Silk, Irene James, Elsie Morgan. Muni -Marion hiurn.y, Annie New- ell. Grace tinnier Jean Pinder, Bes. Rer.00 emit Lois Bmpbe , Ma. ar.t Graham, Ruth McMath. Basal Haw- kins, Clarence Welsh, Willi* - Matilda Raoabter, Rarry Joh • Tom Grey, Sam Mingo, Howard Allen. Beatrice. Webb. NR. 1. To JR. IL Horvowa-P(orenoe Murray. Ethel MalkwReggie ie Bridle, Alvin Smith. Isabel Raines, Jean Mathieso., Omit Howard, Allan Wilson, Wilfred Hog- garth, Vera Copp, Meldrum O.t Jobs Sproul. Rlwood firkins. Pane -.Marie Bell, Aimee Young. hese Jardine. Harty Hidop. Stewart ttcOlacbert� anti's Haiste.d, Gladys Withers*, Hotta Jardine, ristabel Bebop, 'list Thornton, Paulin. Hun- ralfY. invogh iiengrldge. R►ttly. Mo- Donald. /IL t. 9b CIL I1. Hcolons -Jean McKeesio, Alley Or..., lames Assoottsey�. Idith Huber. Me1ts1 Baker. Noel.. Dunlop. Ices. Abe8. lfordu.. (Sok. Party-tlVillfy Aarttck, W111ie Black, LesterMath Wae�RRoy Walters. thitherto, f It's quality you west. et esti. .'ratios ice a erases Matteers,se. for •11l .eeaelosa Name 110. KM Ilei. A. Riebard., Bayfield. aaOounnem the Mt of her daughter. ght e , a Glare. to ler. David B. .ot. riegre to take pee.. t►les..h., the mer• 'nese► A Isetuee fru -Wesson's Work is we War" veil to give' b7' Rev. 3. H. Fotberbnthem tie Monday, July I , la ratRseams' . 0enree's a.d.y tee revel • 110 p. m: All the voles al Me eom�rdy�wt ion and their blends nes eoe'di.11y Melted. Tia �`oLsoMMa PICNIC. A..aal Krim se e---- - oa Day Was *8.i. a Greet soca.... The aeras.' Moine of the Colborne rat.System, held is Me0lbbon's grove (M ..Wer on MIS lot of Jul Wait .l1 that the heart of young or old could deans. The day was fine and warm. the grove wee Molting. the re- fresh/moil, in the boetb were excel- lent. sad good-felowehip reigned aocegst the large number in attend •see. The tu.sestemsnt are to be emigre/ tainted sad have the most hearty thanks of tie people who attended for their • unki log efforts in helping everyone to have a most enjoyable N.maeoe swings were =sob appre- olatN br young and old mad the little fulk took a great deal of sport out of the leroomn ed . improvised with a nsing tis afteroon aprogram of spore was run off, wall* other. soused themselves with group games, pitching horseshoes, valley -balls, etc. 7'he following is a partial list of the events, some of the data not 8.ing available. (Don't feel .lighted If your earn. doe* not appear as a prize win - see.) Foot race, boys under 6 year• -1st R. Thompson, 3d Alia Liofleld. Foot race, girls under 8 y.are-let Mazy Hackle, 2od Bessie McCabe. Foot race, toys 8 to 11 years -Lt R. Mltehell, :nod Clifford Alliin, 'led IJhaelie Moore. Foot race, giri. 6 to 9 ye.n-eat Julia IRb.r, 2od M. Thompson, 3rd Gladys Blake. Foot sect, boys 9 to 12 yea,. -eat Iiia Vleb.r, 2ud Cbaa Breckow, Sed Ro.. Maher. Foot race, guile 9 to 12 yeaee-eat. HHaa l Young. nod Julia Young, ked Pool race, bey. -12 to 15 year* -1st Wm. Douai/eon. god H. (Mutton, led H.el Blake. Tater-leg8ed race --let Earl Blake and seta Aljto, god Rom and m�i�n Naber. led Russell HW and Allis Th-_ . linanbes high jump -tat H. Uluttoo, Ind Jo. Young, yrd Wm. Donaldson. Rettig high jump, over 15 -- 1.t H. Montgomery, god P. y earser, Ikd Harrold Walser. Beek rete -1st t?tanley Snyder, and WU.oa Rath, 9rd algin Fisher. Hack ,.os -1K Row Fisher, Sid Anderson Mugford, 3rd leo. Randall, (Run in two I6ts: Stanley Snyder got • special prise.) Rud hop, step and jump -1.t W. Promo, god Wm. Snyder, 3rd John Donaldson . Standing broad jump -eat W. Promo. 2nd Wm. Snyder, 3rd John Donaldson. Kooning broad jump -eat Wt Prow,aldson., 'end A. Lamb, 3rd John DonJumping off brick -1.t John Don - atrium". Yrd G. Lamb, 3rd ♦. Lamb. Climbing peg -ladder -let E. Fisher, 2nd Anderson Mogtotd, 3rd O. Oke After supper -which, by the way, a great many woe one of the must joyabie events of the day -a closely tooted pull in tng-of-war" een the teams cho•eti by Messrs. K. er and h. Kernighaa resulted in victory for Mr. Fisher's team and a treat at the booth. The captain the vanquished, not to be outdone, ted hie valiant mei.tants also. Did you see the ladies pull? No? ell, theft, yyoouu missed the eight of a e -tithe. Fleet Mise Youngs team a united mighty effort brought es Feagan's tears over the lice. o with a change of ends the were tures] and no doubt they Id be pulling see -raw yet only both parties were minified 10 cool with ice areas., etc., at the booth, be people of Colborne were glad to Lavoie w many of their friend* front adjoioing munieipatities and hope t ear the may be to en con tw Fiat • free of tree W lit by The tables grim that off T we the nex 7 7 1 able to return and bring amity more of their friend with them. The Late John Green, The funeral took place at Clinton on Wednesday, June 14th, of the late John (creels, of Port Huron, Mich., who died on, the Mcnday previous after a short Illness of appendicitis. The deceased was a native of Col- borne township but had resided for several years at Port Huron. He was jest in the prime of life, teeing but forty-two years of age. He is sur- vived by his wife, wbo was formerly Miss Angie Alexander, daughter of Mr. William Alex/oder of Clinton, and one eon, Mervin. The remains were brought to Clinton for inlets meet, the fu.esal taking place from the home of 11r. T. Mackenzie, sr. The services at the house •nd grave• side were conducted by Rev. Mr, Wesley of Port Huron, wbo at -com- panion the romaine, assisted by Rev, V. C. Harper, Among those from a dlestenee who attended the funeral, beeldee Mr. Msale , were : Mrs. Green and her son, Mr. Wm. Alex- aoder, wbo bad been spending the winter in Port Huron : Mr. Max Mc- &Lanos, Port Huron. who semis - peeled the r mains and represented Me Boagios elf Pythiaa, and Mrs. Blake, et Hort Huron : Mr. Andrew Green, tathaq toad Messes. Wm. and Jas. Gress, kststi.ee of the deceased, Onlborm. i Ma Allen Green, Fenny-. tows. Ohio : 11,, Thomas McGrattes, Whelps., let. and Mra 11. AI.x- Dur.s' Londe°, sod Mr Jamas Omen. Jesen nd (11oj bora*. These wens many heantlfal Sorel offering., among them being • floral Bible from the Bible elms of HUIT012, and wreaths from the Grooms' Ileppiy Gemp.ay. Detroit, of which doomed was a member : from tb. National 0 (lompany, Detroit: from the United Travellers' *ssnel.- Nee sod tb. Worsham of las World, lawoe triads 1m Glisten mine - tory. PLAfi-IOISTiNC C4RRgfoMT At St. Patrick's Park -A Feature of DoMmeen Day t. Cal .iILA. T1s ."... a d tet. k'e and of �eame grott.trotty MN* ora Pattie/am r� apeek � b have er`sd -- j. Do..lsion Day a Makgg leas el oodd lbs � _w aas e ae were wersd tka peas. ti Mr. O. Mask. the .stheel mMe shalemas of *be park =Issiorn. M 1 wmoo et .. .4 NEMO "Solid -Service" "Self -Reducing" and "Wonder -Lift" Corsets SOME women can wear almost any Cor- set, but most women, whether they know it or not, actually need the" special Corset service which the "Nemo" alone can give. These were the first "hygienic" Corsets, ala though the futile efforts of other makers to imitate the Nemo inventions have resulted in some improvement in Corsets. Generally the "Nemo" remains the one Corset that is truly hy- gienic and a genuine health garment. There is noth- ing so injurious to the health as ill-fitting Corsets and many severe surgical operations would be avoided if greater care were exercised in the selection of a proper Corset. It may be months, even years, before the full effects of bad corseting are reached, but in the end nature always detnands a reckoning. Come and let the young ladies in our Corset Department demonstrate in a few minutes why the "(Nemo" is the most comfortable, scientific and hygienic Corset made. at We sell these popular Corsets $2.75, $3.75, e25, and $5.50 NEW WHITE HATS Special .bowing this week of late novelties, in summersa taiga! strewn and milers �r p�pa.nnlatest shape. from New York. Many distinct and exclusive Ages for street or dress wear. filet. yallaod- erste. THE SALE OF TRIMMED MILLINERY AT $2.45 Special sale of Trimmed Hate at 8246 cootinuee all week. 30 Hate in this clearing lot. All this season.. Regtiler valuer up to 87 00. Your chance for an extra hat at a little price. $2eaf5 Choice of the lot LOVELY BLOUSES Fresh from one of the beet makers IJ Ladk,, Biomes have Dorn! .nme 01 the prettiest amd most charming styles we have shown this Ieta.ln. They can be had in white habutai milks and crepe d.- chette both in white and rotors. Pretty, ehartn- iieg, stvti.h ganuenta• An as .,rtrn.mt Iwrge enough for splendid choosing. and yet of net style are their more than one or two garment... Prices run from $2.25 u' $5.75 BLACK AND WHITE CHECK- ED SKIRTS Two real good styeee in Black sod White ('heerkrd Dere. Skirt,. in this week. Nothing better for an ,sed skirt than one of thew Made from good quality materials that will wear well. ('tit in two he sef'1w.n'w nrwrst..$A �'nnd $,4.75 style.. rires, ate...... . a CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS 15c l,'hild1111'.. cow., St..rking.. neut.- fem. heavy strong yarn, reinforced at the wearing pointe. Abindute•Iy fast dye. me•ntle,w feet all siz.•s15e at per pair. BLACK"DRESS SILKS Jost as popular sa ever are onr Bieck f rem Silks and we ere fortunate in showing R..m.• piplendid values in both taffeta and .oft weave.. Black Paik•tte Silk in heavy weight, splendid wearing quality, 38 inches wf& S100et per pearl Rich Me*saline Silk in heavy weight. Mak.'sa beautiful dread or waist, 30 inches wide. at at peer yard A really high-grade Motsaline Silk• fully guaran- teed. beefy weight. rich luetrom black, magnifi- cent quality. :tameless wide and very..•$1 50 special, at per yard ., (.t ear 'ivalitir" $1.15. $125. $1.75 A splendid Taffeta Silk, superior quality. Wil give i xeelie nt wear A limited guantit nifty to nes, 911 inehes wide. per yard . 1.50 High grade Black Taffeta Silk, the ittality of which ie beyond question. Maks, up well, retaining Reare shape and a aran.•r. 36 ia.•h.'. widr...$2 00 Very speciu• al, per yard e fhher T.Qe Silks .......U.. $1.75. $2.50. $3.25 PRETTY MUSLIN WAISTS Pretty Muslin Want« in plain white embroidered. or white gmnnd with Lla. k ,.r r,don•d stripe New styles at each ... $1.00 :1,1.1$1.25 THE EVER POPULAR MIDDY The hiprigest assortn•nt of the iw•rt .,'lune in town• Plain white or with contrasting eellxre And cuff.. Many good styles t.. pi. k And rhes..., from, at $1.00. $1.25. $1.50 Ie'rwh stock of Verandah Curtains just received These are gond goodie and the prime very ni,rlerate. We can make awnings to Bt any verandah. Mutiny/del cheerfully furnished. Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers m=- sesas■ honor national and softie' oressionr, "God Save the King" was heartily sung as the odors went up, and then Mr. R. R. Sallow* photographed the pretty some. Poreal..preesie.lsof thank. wen pooped with cheers to the donors of pole and Rage, vis., Mr. Peter McDon- ald, for the pole, Mr. Wm. Campbell, Jr.. for tb. burger', Mrs. W. 1. Horton, or the amigp(o, and Capt Rd. Roblttann for the hand.ose Melon Jack. Thanks were alio heartily expressed to Street inspector Moore. wbo has been most obliging in aseteting in the formation of the perk. The shrubs and plants which heeutIfy the plot bevy all been kindly donated and the people of the' neighborhood vie with e.rh other In keeping the park in good order, and' they little plot le a derided addition to j the seat and orderly appearance of the' various homes on teem two' street,. Deputy Reeve Laithwaite, chair- man of the town parks committee, coaa;ch a was present at the demon.tr•tioa it is hoped he Gook some pointer* establishing such plots to sections of the town. The example of this park is well worthy el 1811141MM In many outer places around Goderieh. and If each locality had such an en- thusiastic *demists as chairman Dick" Htaek baa proved hit/emit to hs, a year or two wonld see a real tranaforn,atioo le many of our streets. Why can't we thus carry out • scheme fur "a mon beautiful 0oderteb r Do when purchasing a new ear, yon Mom stn tmRlt.e ,wrefenoca kir Tntky-Cana- dire tiles- Dn't�iep eTnnlian" or Dunlop "Special "--'you wilt find that you eta p1 here as swatter what tare tepttipetellt is em rte C$T.t the tints.' When Am,� is Mows IIsi t «tyeet �p Tries yon can at once the argumentbaeao.e the sale.rrttletthip width dose ant seek in . please, anally cannot be regarded as soak- ing to satiety.