HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-6, Page 7$
- You can feed the fire with utmost ease owing to the
generous double feed doors -no scattering of fuel and
room to Insert big chunks of wood.
If you have five or ten minutes to spare come in and P11
show you the other advantages of this splendid furnace.
Sold by W. R. PINDER
Tb a ken m
a gmhor of Ibs 110107tter
mDy need tomyon Warm .ick
Osmbtlaif be or will take
'a Stanowha Liver T.bIs . Th'! demo the storaseb
err bowels aid atlne tat- the liver to Imlay activity god tom op the
whole means. 'abs ems at night and you're MET is thew/slag.
• Mdwrds al• w lee wine Chambashia lisdfie Compop.11nsaaw 10
Leave Toronto Union Station 10.45
p. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday
For Parry Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur,
Fort William, Winnipeg.Brandon, Regina,
Saskatoon, Calgary, North Battkford,
Edmonton, Vancouver and Pacific Coast
Tlycgkg, w e.
sad berteveryone's.VowVowJ. W. ('rete{' Monk se
at is . R. r rbalre. General 1 assenrtr AaeutI.
, A K.
i ANADIAN r~J 11h1 i A! L': 1E t'AY
the signal
g Copy for time nest Telephone Directarlr
closes on the above date!
g Order your telephone ROW. so that
your mune will be in the new issue!
q Report changes required to out Local
to -da
D. A McNeil, of Mstev.,n, bask.,
formerly of tart tunsblSOW,
p, bah gu
overem with • heospital root.
Mrs. Hobert Orr died at the house of
her daughter, M• r. John 8:andrev, at
Belgrave, on $uoday. June 25. h.
The Zurich !Jerald is h ulidayiye
:.bis week and is installing • t) peel -
Ling machine.
J. J. !leaner is one of the extensive
bean -growers in South Huron. He
baa forty acres sown Whisper.
Edward Lionel the little son of Mr.
Mr. and Mee. Wm. J. Hoy, of they
township, tell into • writer trough and
was drowned.
Chester E. Uowdy, of Mlld ay,
grandson of Samuel hay, of Wroxeter,
was wounded at the tattle or Ypres ou
June 3rd.
Mrs. John McBurney, • respected
resident of Turnherry, died in Toronto
on Saturday, Jure 24th. 8be was
arty -one years of age.
Hammel Braden, of Mortlach, Bask.,
• former well-known resident of Feed -
wick', Is ill as the result of • paralytic
A few days ago when Quarterma..
ter -Sergeant Geddes was boas on
kayo, the Young People'. Society of
Knox church, Belgrave, promoted him
with an address and a khaki Bible.
Private R. 11. Hoover, school teacher
rim Leadbury, was prevented on the
closing day of school with an address
and a bandsome wrist -watch, a tummy
belt and khaki bandkercbief..
Word has been received of the death
of Private William F. Davidson, son
of Rev. T. Davidson, • former pastor
of the Presbyterian church at Varna.
He fell in actbo on June Otb.
Mr. and Mn. James Lucas, of Moles-
worth, have received the red news of
the death of their son, Private R.
Lucas. He was stricken wick poets -
motile while in training in England.
hese. Margaret A. Campbell, of
Morrie, announces the eogagewwnt of
her eldret denoluer, Miss Matelle U.,
to Robert H. Johnston, or Suet
Wwanosh, the marriage to take
place early in July.
Atter an illness of over a year from
spinal trouble the death took plea on
e.turda morning, June 24th, of Wil-
liam 011811an, a highly esteemed resi-
dent of Usborne towuebip. He was
fifty -nevem year" of age and • native
of licothad.
Lt Winnipeg on Thursday, June
22nd, Miss Catherine Ross, daughter of
the We Donald Ross, of Stanley town-
ship, became the bride of U. J. A.
Looked, of Refgina, Sask., formerly
of Toronto. Rey. Dr. Chester per-
formed the ceremony.
The Lutheran church, Dasbwood,
was the scene of a happy gathering on
W.dee.day, June 71i4,b when the
marriage of Mie Alma Hader, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hader, and
Edward F. Willert, of Detroit, was
solemnized by Rev. Mr. Oraupner.
At Wrensball, Minn., on June 21st,
a pretty wedding took place at the
h ome of Mr. mod Mrs. 11. R. Andress,
when their yourg.s daughter, Mise
ulna Annie, became the bride of Al-
bert W. Wein, son of John Wein, of
Stephen township, near Creditor).
A pretty home wedding was solemn-
ised at the home of Mr. Rogerson,
Morris, on Wednesday of last week,
at high noon, when hie second daugh-
ter, Amy, was united in matrimony to
R. Buchanan. of Sarnia, by Rev. G.
Jewett, of Blyth.
Private Leslie R. Wineb, teacher of
liluevale public school, was honored
at the close of the school term by the
people of the section when be was pre-
sented with a suede- leather reobey
belt. He also received • signet ring
from the members of the Guild of
Knox oburch, Bluevale.
Mies Josephine Cantle, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mn. N. M. Corkin, 8t.
Joseph was united in marriage to
John Woodcock, of Montreal, at 84.
Pt ter's ehureh, i ryedele, on Tuesday,
June lith, in the presence of relatives
and war friends. After the wedding
trip, Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock will re-
side in Montreal.
Andrew F. Hess, editor of The Zur-
ich Herald, took unto himself a wife
on June 23rd. His bride was Miss
Marie Thiel, youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiel, of Zurich.
The ceremony was performed at the
Lutheran pwrenaege by Rev. H.
Remhs. Mr. and Mrs. Hess Me spend-
ing their honeymoon rats an auto trip
to Smith Bend, Indiana.
A wedding was solemnised in the
Methodist parsonage, Exeter, on Jose
2&h, when Mise Flossie Francis, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fran-
cis, of Thames Road, was married to
Herald Lawrence, of McKillop, son of
Mn. Jas. Lawrence, of theoriser town-
ship. The ceremony wee performed
by Rev. Mr. Muxworthy. of Jamie
street Methodist church, Exeter.
Mn. John Cameron, one of she old-
est residents of Tuckerwmltb, died at
the home of bar eon, Joiner, on June
lath. She bad reached the &deane.d
age of ninety yeah. Born at Egoist -
Acta. Yeorlead is September, 1she
e migrated tobISM oned• in 1849 sold Sole
yeses later was maerbd to 1$b.
llsmsau, ...who peedeeussed her thlrt y
yeses. 'l ey took up their essMenee
oa the Mill rend. lbsanesneith, wS.rs
the subset M thin miles esntlasnd to
live one the death of 'IMP legelmed,
wheel she west to live with her bon
James. She h survived by a heally of
nom dauabtete and eve sone.
James Rivers, of town, lee resehred
ward asst isle ant, Elwyn, boo bssa
reported where" eine* Jules And.
Mr. surf Mss. W. Barber. of [IR
army,Manitoba, arrived Men
at week
a 't w $b relatives. This is Me.
Barber's first trip is twentyeight
Chester Crlsh, a former reddest .f
tiad+rt►, woe snrrtsd aft Raabsey.
Manitoba. to Mawgwt 1, BINIMPaes.
se Wednesday. Jam Mel
The report tot resect Hays,
W oonead la the arid Mrs.
Is Promos mud le mot Wer eg as eat an-
W Hops hew raised maword how
Ottawa las the east fafapasa wbleh
At Every Age
constipation can best
be overcome by the
gentle but surelaxative
with the pitman* taste
stetted he was missing.
Sestorth Expositor : Mr. Robert
Winter, our vetsraa buyer, shipped
from 8eaforIb on 8.tagisy last six of
the finest Meese Mat ever left this
station. and for which hepaid • reword
price for this county. Fosr of these
were D.srbams, purchased from Mown.
IRR T. Scott, of McKiibpp,. which
weighed 6,430 lbs., and were bought as
the neon ;agree ere 10 I de, the tour
n etting their owners the handsome
svm of .6t1.. One was po eeb•sed teem
Mr. Sol. lira•... of McKillop, .t
11'4.110. This animal weighed 190
Ibe., and She Mice Wer 81-4e.
other steer commie's; the lot was
boa rbt from Mr. Jeanne McIntosh, of
Tuekeaemlth. This animal, which
weighed 9,010 ibe.. was also bought
at 8 I -4c, and brought lte owner
the comfortable sum of $116.311.
Corp. Ambrose Karl Zapf. formerly
teller in the Standard Bank here, bas
been officially reported killed in action.
Puler Ferguson, formerly of this
locality. baa been sppnlnts l land valu-
ator in Saskatchewan.
D..id Row, wbo will be satiety
years old mot month, was able to go
on • visit to friends in McKillop a few
days ago.
Mine Pearl McPherson has tendered
bee resignation as assistant teacher in
the continuation school .Mae will en-
ter upon a university course in .Sep -
James Appleby bets purch•eed Mr..
Wen. Grigg's cottage on Station street
Mrs. H. M. SwaveJev, of Philadel-
phia, is the gue..t , f N,. and Mr-. E,
Rev. S. J Allin was presented with
an address and a puree of gold by the
coegregetioo of On'ario etreet chards
at the cloee of his pastorate.
Mise Dolly Spooner, of Vancouver.
who has been spending several weeks
with relatives in Ontario, le tis. gu.at
of her •unt, Mrs. Wm. Rohert.on.
Mies Olive cooper and Mie E1lxaheth
Cbidky have gone to Toronto to tniah
their atone in borrsenold seismic* at
the University., Mies Chidley ha. re-
signed her position on the public
tiebool staff and intends to reside in
Toronto in future.
The announ ',went of .lobe Hunter's
death oa Wednesday morning of last
week came as • greet surprise, al-
tbougb he bad not been in the best of
health for several yearn. Mr. Hunter
was born in Tuckenmith stet eve
ears ago and bad spent his who lite
la this vicinity. For years be farmed
on the London road, the laat place be
occupied being now owned by A. N.
Stephenson. About thirteen years
ago be sold his farm and came to re-
side to Clinton and When • resident
ever since. He is survived by !Rewire,
wbo was formerly Mise Grant, a mem-
ber of another well-known Tucker -
smith family, and their one ton, Robin.
A sister also sus wives, Mies Huatee, of
town who is . trained nurse and whe
was with bar brother to the last.
---- - RX ETRE.
Rev. J. %V. Baird, B. A., of MitchelL
emansenced his terse as matey of
James street Methodist church last
Rkhard Robi•eo.. • torn.! well-
known resident of Exeter, des at
Oba.vin. Alta., oa June t9rd. H.
was eighty-four years of age.
John Pickett, • former residual of
Exeter, died at bis home at Bo.sagsmt
o. Wednesday, June Elet. He was
enemy -two years of age.
Laos -Corporal Leon V. Treble. •
former member of Use Times stag,
wag . reported wounded last week.
Priest. Elmore Harness is aim re-
ported wounded.
Richard Wehb, of Kalamazoo,
Miele.. and John Welsh, of Denser,
Onlorado, visited their cousin, Mrs.
Wesley J. Bissell, las west. The
visitors ase former residents of Rae -
ter and left here for the Stabs fifty-
two yank ago
Roster Advocate : A horse bgbaw•
img to John Fahnr, of
hie daughtede47= Ida,
ngs lively ou Homo slyest
Tbsrsd•y noon. It woo left Mod in
float of We. Herb Walton? aebgdame.,
wbsa h. evMsetly became M bt.s.d
ad an`1t , t i br.stles a the
Nags . hustletJe tmn`er k
tore dowt! .crest and assII.-
teed the pence a long way oat is Bea
pMn, WS wall stopped at John
's oa the OM concussion. The
shafts of the buggy and the hasps
ware somewhat broken but the bone
was none the worse for it. run.
Page died at the hospital
ben on Tuesday, June Z7tb. He had
been a sufferer from caoeer of the
stomach for several months.
Mynrd, the four-year-old sore of
Mr. and Met. J. B. Duffy, former resi-
dent* of Wingless. died recently at
their home in Loaders.
a4 bigbI ' esteemed pioneer of tale
section, in the person of Mrs. John
Hardie, passed away on Wednesday
evening, June 21st, aged eighty-three
The marriage of Mies Ethel May
NeLean, of Howick township, to R.
Webster Willits, of Turnberry, was
solemnized .t St. Andrew's manes on
Tuesday afternoon of last week.
Rev. D. Pence uRiciated.
Mayor R. C. an 1 Mrs. Kittenn. of
Eastade Corp.rOregon, former resi-
dence of W ieghenr, celebrated the
twenty-fifth anniversary of their
wedding on June 2nd.
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ised at the borne of Mr. axed Moo A.
Bell, Wingbam, on '1'ueedgy, Juoe
27th. when' their eldest daughter,
Liles May, was ur.i -ed in marriage to
17heeter M. Louttit, of Detroit, Nob.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
J. W. Hibt.ert, in the presence of Mi -
(mediate 'A/sitters.
A pretty ebur ch weeding wee
in the chinch of the Mau. Heats
Wednerday morning, June 213th, whoa
Mie Ella to nett, daughter of Mr.
lead Mn. Patrick Lynett, of the Tuns -
!Curry boundary, was married to NM -
ward Fi'zp•trick, ion ..f Mr. and Mrs.
George Fitzpatrick. of East Wawaaerb.
!Rev. Fattier Fallon performed the
i ceremony ..
The casualty gists last week con•
stained the name of Private Percy
'George Ryder, killed in action, sad
Uorpo..l Will Haylee, suffsriug from
Isbell shock. Private Ryder enlisted
!at Wmghaan with the Bret coati°-
' gent, and had suffered esv.re wounds
at f.•ngemerck • year ago Hs re-
turned to the Bring line on May 13th.
(corporal Haylee belocge to a family of
tlgbt.ers His father is in England
with the 33rd Battalion. Harry, a
brother, was wounded several months
ago, and George. another brother,
is is England awaiting orders to pro-
ceed to the front, Mrs. Ha In re-
ceived word • few days ago that her
brother, James (lander, who came
through the naval battle in the North
Sea unharmned, bad bees drowned on
the IN -fated Hampshire, the boat on
which Lord Kitchener met his doom
Three weeks ago another brctber,
Thom. Bander, was reported 'boll
through the Lep,
Mrs. Ju!i^ PaT:.c;re*il
IT la not often
that a woman
is elected e
fellow of the
Royal G.otraphl-
cal 6o••iety. hut
the explore ttons
beds to tire ('sn-
•dlan Rockies
la ..arch or
wild flowers by
Mrs. Julia Hen-
shaw deserted ex-
ceptional recogni-
tion. tier book
'wltd Flowers of
the North Amert-
esn Mountains."
with Its Mewl -
fully refnr•d
plate, should be
tome • rhes r.
with the further
Adventure of be
lig • Itopufat
chalk nwtsg to
toe set hod of
• reaegenmet. The
flowers are movie
M trf roNrsone
weeders boar de►
vete4 to White..
Orme and Brown
1.400011. esabet
Ptak sad Red
* a Wed
$ rvere, wad a
I s w'r t b ' tailor
M •eea/r• res
/a tam 'm '
111 dtofsuf wet*
M was V t Op.
=NV NV ♦tor* of We
OnesseetWarsogowel a model *WNW
•_Meths.. ws sort bit Il ihaiibtt. rias s t tEIMMIlb
Mi.•Mrte teer of t;>kv4ettels x1111 Vs crag• '1[ A IMI'tlwrM
ru•Ms diets Ota aMwdlo to bsf'Mtm011b Meters*
M ION MAW r r Ctamib.s radio Resitse. •
a/pruWDaT, JULY 0, 1010 7
Summer Hats
for the Holiday
IF you come here you will get prompt
and careful attention, and.you can choose
from a stock big enough to include every
good shape and style.
Straw Hots -
Split Straw Sailors
Light -weight Chips
White Duck Hats
McLean Bros.,
$2.00 to $3,00
$1.00 to $3.00
75c to $3.00
50c to 75c
The Semi -Ready
It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
Western Fair
September 8th to 16th, 1916
A Real Liw Program of Attractions Twice Daily
Two Speed Events Daily
New MLCeee Building Every Building Full of En,h,b,ls
5UIC1.E FARE efrer all Reams west .f Thiels
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary
W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary
Why be roosted out doing your cooking during
the hot months Summer when yew can me a
CLARK JEWEL Coal Oil Stove ?
The high-speed oil burner is fast and economical.
This burner is close to the top and the flame
strikes the bottom of the vessel. With this
direct contact water boils more quickly and it
takes less fuel to keep it boiling.
Now is the time to get your Screen boors and
Window' on before the flies get bel. Do not
wait until they get in your house ani then put
on screens to keep them in. Call and see our
large range of Screen Doors and Windows.
Prices ranging from $2.50 to $10.00
Refrigerators... ...from $9.00 to $35.00
Lawn Mowers from $4.50 to $10.00
Are you bothered by your bog'- getting ler
your fence ? 1f W., the
Bulldog Fence Anchor will help you out
Call and we shall he pleased to show you how it
is used.
Ito you want any Fencing at very low prices?
We handle the Ideal. Call and get our prices
before purchasing.
How About Your Winter Supply of Coal ?
We handle the Lest Scranton Coal at the follow-
ing prices :
Chestnut $$.00 per ton
Stove 118.00 ' "
Egg $7.75 "
•Soft and Cannel Coal.
Hand and Soft Wood Slabs,