HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-6, Page 6• Itibwe►t. Mut la THS SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO FRUIT BULLETIN STRAWBERRIES. This is the second Official Niagar.r Fruit Growers Bulletin. Buy your STRAWBI:RRIF.S now. They are at their best this week. Ask your grocer to secure the Niagara Peninsula -grown kind. This label is your protectiuu -the Grower's number is your i;uarantee of quality. Worth more than unknown kinds with- tuy personal responsibility Sjih illi them. insist on the label with the asap. GOOSEBERRIES art ready now. t,l .carved with cold meats. Great for pie or spiced SEASONABLE RECIPES. BAKED CHERRY DUMPLINGS Rift together one pint of flour, one half teaspoonful salt and one teaspoon- ful of haling i• order, huh in one table- epo.wful of shortening, add sweet milk enough to make it. soft. Kull out onr•balf inch thick, cut into four inch equsree, fill each .yuan with as many cherries se 't will »stain and sprinkle geutrously with sugar. Fold the ed cele( the dumplings over and place therm in • floured pan. Bake nae half bur and serve with hard sauce, or with cream and sugar. CHEKRY BREAD PUDDING Butter elites of bread and place them in a pudding dish in layer, with mewed cherries between. Bake for a 1 half hour and before taking from the' oven put over the top b.*ten whits of two eggs. Brown .lightly and serve. Let stand one-half bour and serve with pleiu eustard sauce. DELICIOUS CHERRY P1K Wash and seed a quart of cherries Line a deep pie plate with rich poetry. Pour into the bottom of the pie one well -beaten egg. Over this sprinkle one-half cupful of granulated sugar and two tablespoonfuls of flour which' have been sifted together. Spread the cites ries in evenly and pour over the t .p eaother half cupful of sugar. Cover with a top dust and hake in a bioderste oven. The Combination of none and egg in this recipe prevents, io a great measure, theuice running out as it usually does when pies are made in the ordinary way. The flavor of the pie will' also be greatly im- proved. SPICED GOOSEBERRIES. To be eaten with cold meat, 9 Its. .1 gooseberries, 2I lbs. sugar, i cup vinegar, i teaspoonful cloves, t tea- spoonful allspice, j teaspoonful cinna- mon. Boil until tbick. GOOSEBERRY PIE. After having washed and picked ower thonaeriee. stew fybom well in • little water, just AMR'S to cover therm, w hen they mint open and be- come soft. sweeten them with plenty of sugar, mash them smooth (scene prefer them not mashed ; line your pie plates with thin puff paste, 1111 them and lay rtripe of paste acroes the top. Bake in a moderate oven. GOOSEBERRY TRIFLE. One quart ..t goobenie., sugar to Lame. ate. one petit of ewtard, a plateful of whipped cream. Put the gooseberries into a jar with ►ufftcient moist sugar to.werten them. and toil them until reduced to a pulp. Put this pulp *1 the boll( in of a trifle dish, pour ewer it a pint of custard, and when cold cover with. whipped cram. Thin dUb may he gsrt,isbed se fancy dictates. Lt./CR/40W. Moto y, July 3. Rev. J. 14. Duncan and family have returned from \Vionipej. Jack Newton in bout, row Paisley, where be had been teaching pebool. Mei 110t -ms CLO*en,—The McGarry House. which had been e place of .eeommndation for tbe travel- ling public for more than sixty years, has been cloyed, and Lucknow, at one time served by ►ss hotels, has now but one. For several months Mrs. McGarry had beet' offering the prop- erty for sale or to rent oo very reason- able term., hut as she received no offer which ootild he considered she decided to •e11 the furnishings and equipment and close up the business. Present A email boy with a psteh and he'll havatbe time of bis life. A WOE FOR MOTHERS R ie a grave mkhke for mothers to pw Met 15s& aches and pains and .ager la Awe—this only keds to chronic sick- ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if you fend Isollogick weary ar depressed, you should know Scott'. Roalsion overcomes just such 000ditioaa, It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves and build strength. Scott's is strengthening theme/de al mothers- .ud will help yon. Try* mot a seem. Torwb.OsiL Corrals swim LIO<ftALS. aderwase by W. Promotion. J. C. titian and Others at Animal Montag. Seam t b, June al. --That there should be uo lull its rwerultlog, that in earlier to till the breaches made by those wboes names fill columns of em.ealty lime daily it will be s to woo reorniting energetically and •yetemm.tteally, and ibat the Liberal party should space neither time Dor w..atey 10 lurlhrr the prosecution of 'he war, were came of the outstand- ing declarations made here today by Mr. Ww. Proudfoot, M. P. P , is ais address at the mutual ulestiog ort the Centre Huron Reform A.sucietlos. It was Ilse duty of every young ran of military tags to be either at the front or on the wa Mr. J. U. Mlhott,II. P. P. for Wen Middleem, also delivered an address in which he urged the neeeeeity of doing everytbiug possible to supports the allied armies. to this oonoec1ioa he pointed out the need for Ontarto'e usodertakinpf its share of iva•easls agricultural prodlwttoo. H. ad- vocated twinging the advantages of sbe Agrioslt.xrl College. which a barge permanents of boys ouald never atl•r.d, is the farms by means o1 dtraonet, tiou farms esti smaller ag- ricultural schools. Mr. Elliott also dealt interesUrytly with other Protis- aiel t cess. Tho.. McMllan, Archie Hislop and several other local mer also gave addie.l s. Sympathy was expressed for Mr. 1'roudtoot, w ho yesterday received notification that hie nephew, Delano Dickson, had Iwen wounded to France. The follow ing resolution . was peered : "That the Liberals hers as - *enabled tate this opportunity of ex- pressing their hearty appreciation of the services of owe member in the Legislature. Mr. Wm. Prottdfpot, and we are pleased to note the way le whistle our lender, Mr. Rowell. and his active fallawi.g etre able while is opposition to stamp their principles sod policy upon the statute books of the Prosaism, showing unmistakably that they are accomplishing their duty as the irpreeentativea of the people in the very highest D ense of the term." Another resolution approved of the course of Bir Wilfrid Laurier In the Federal arena. The following officers were elected : President, M, Murillo, McKillop fist view -president, t, L. Kerr. Cha- lon : second vice -provident, J. N. Ker. sleben. Benmiller ; third vice-preel- dent, James D. Hinchle, 8eafortb secretary, James L. Killoran, Gods - rich ; treasurer, Gordon Young. Car- low; auditor. W. .1. Paisley, Clinton. About Butter Wrappers On Tuesday of last weak s OOwern- meat inspector paid Grand Valley merchants • surprise visit and found quite a bit. of Nutter in pound print* not conforming to the legal require- ments. Some was Tight weight and some in plain wrappers. Boxes of dairy butter fresh from the makers dM not have the necessary mark. There was • little uneasiness as to what might happen, but aa this was the Inspector's first visit and the Beal- es were perhaps the innocent victims of an indifferent people, the incident may he taken as • warning. The Dairy lodmitry Act. of 1914 provides that pound -print butter must he full weight, and marked whether dairy or creamery. Boxes must also he blot - SEVEN YE1RS TORTURE 11.lkhtg 144.d trim U. ale Teak VIBUIM.A.TIVILVP ALaglrt Valine Buckingham, Que., May 2rd, 1915. For seven years, I 'offered terribly from Severe Headaches and /Jodi:eslios. 1 had belehlag gas from the stomach, bitter stuff would oome up into Iny mouth after eating, while at times 1 had manna and vomiting, and had chrome Constipation. I went to several doctors and wrote to a specialist in Boston but without benefit. I tried many remedies but nothing did me good. l4eal/y, a friend advised " Fruit-s-tives ". I took this grad fruit medicine and it made me well. I am grateful to " Fruit-a- tives ", and to everyone who has mete- rable health with Constipation and Indi- gestion and Bad Stomach, I say take ' Fruit -a -time", and you will get well". ALBERT YAIINER. 50e. a box, g for $2.50, trial mise, 25c. At dealers °resat pustpaid on receipt of price by Freitea-Uvea Limited, Ottawa, 1larly diode/wished. A merchant is not permitted to accept any butter in pound prints that are abort weight, but is to return the same to the ven- dor. So when you next bring your butter to market be sure it is full weight and b properly marked wrap - Pere or boxuu. ' The use of plain wrap- pers for act purpose, even to deliver to regular ouelomera, is not permitted. The penalty to both puieba.er and vendor for infractions of the art is • fine of not less than $1t) and not more than =10.—Streetevills Review, . Acquire the habit of health by using Rexall Orderlies, the modern laxative. 15c and 25c. Mold ,nly at Rexall drug stores. H. 0.Dunlop, Godericb. A failure it frequently the successor of succesa. The better some people act the mote violent the reaction. A few men work too hard and a lot of men rest too much. The tongue of • wagon says never a word, butit gets tbete ahead of the rest of the outfit. WAS FLAGSHIP OF SQUADRON C. P. R. MILITARY CROSS HERO NOW UEYT. MaARTMUR CAPTURED A TRENCH AND R GIRMAN$. DiCORATEO I V THE KING. I1 wan aaaomaced recently that Ds oemel/aat. Wullam B. IlcLrther, of the let Batt: tion Royal Soots runners, mooed w■ of Mr. and Mrs. kleArthar, of Dauber?, Montero ..cad, New Maiden, bee been awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous gallium try at thaFront The deed tor which M recetved the award la officially de- scribed as follow by the "Surrey Co- sset." unet." of May 20th last - — For conspicuous determination ernes V charge of • working party. With twelve pian he captured and brought back as prisoners over forty armed enemy. The gallant officer, who is 22 Tears of age. returned on lave from France last week, and by Royal Co:amend, atteaded at Buckingham Palace oa Wednesday morning to receive his de coration at the hands of Iiia Mals0ty the King, along with a number ul other young officers. The tuli story of the young officer'■ gallant deed may now be told—a dead 1n which be displayed a tooloss• mad presence of mind which enabled him to extricate himself and his small tar- ty arty of men from a perilous position and at the same time capture as prtson- ers-of-war no fewer than 46 armed Germans' In the early morning of March 27th it was decided to explode throe mines In the St. Mol salient• and Lieut. Mc- Arthur with twenty men of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, were animated with some dangerous work in the vicinity of these mines. Before the Lieuten- ant and- his men could return to safe- ty the mises exploded and the con- tour of the ground was so altered by the explosions that in the darkness the party lost their way. As they were proceedlnd cautiously In what they thought was the direction of the British trenches. five figures suddenly appeared in front of them. Immedi- ately on Ueat McArthur challenging the strangers, Wbo gore there"' - an Illuminattng shell burst and r-total- edthe helmet of a German officer who was the le,ding than of the five "Halt!" shouted Lieut. McArthur. at the same time drawing his revel ver and dropping on his knee. Two shots rang out In the darkness• and the german officer fell, mortally wounded; with the remaining for • rounds an equal number of the offi- cer's companions were secoleted for. A corporal with the patty thee Came y➢ from hellod, and {Jest. f(51. „a the i'eoral % Feet hie rl on his (the Lieutenant's, shoulder, the myth man was disposed of. wane the Getman officer was lying on the ground he called for the "brave British officer" to come to him. Sus- pecting treachery. however, the offl cer not baying been disarmed. Weal. McArthur deemed it advisable not to Comply with the reee:..t. Bpd proceed- ed with his duties. � the call for the British officer leas repeated, the corporal eventually went to ascertain what the German officer wanted. On reaching him the German took an Iron cross off his breast, and handed it to the corporal with the request that 1t should be given to his officer. Lieut. McArthur then mode his way cautiously ahead, and to his surprise CaMmpnna trench resfuelnl coot Goefrmmainnsd!, however, he turned to his handful of men, which now numbered six, and --houteJ, ''('otic on. my lads, give them a volley!" The click of the ri- 11es proved sufficient for the Huns, who tooatod, "No shoot, no shoot, camarade." and threw up their hands in token of surrender. With an empty revolver In one hand and a cane In the other, the brave young officer advanced to the edgy of the trench and made signs In the Germans to get out of It. wbleh they gladly did—t5 of them, all folly armed! The remainder of Lieut. Me - Arthur's tootle party now Came up, and the Germane were disarmed, made pr1JQgez and marched to the British trenches. - Dawn now commeecipR to break, (hi advance of the little party with their prisoners became extremely dan- gerous, and on one occasion they had a neerow escape of being shot down, by the men 1n the British trenches, bele/ mistaken for an attacking party of the enemy. However, this danger was ulUmately averted and the party, arrived safely at the British trat:ban with their prisoners, and their appear ane. naturally caused no little sure prise. Lent. McArthur was connected with the Passenger Department of the Can- adian Pacific Railway in London, Eng. ERSTWHi1.E flagship of the ad-'aathcrlttee at llnnfktmr. had mined moil commanding the Britianthe liner w)' , a natal cotnpiepleiO at_xiliary cruiser squadron pa -'only ew ft.A it. men Of the •-•-.sinal trolling the Indian Ocean and BedAmple^tent remalntni and she was t3ea. bVt now trowaljpl ♦ 7 naval reel1dispatched to sea. Enemy ships were VIA war paint comb cosi; eottlw'•lt.d. In those waters, and It was vital that the dig tranap-ljftp liner 4ttiprr ■ nt the lanes of commerce be kept open. s -M dr the Canadian Pacific. Ocean i The Empresa of Asia first naw. her « vices fleet, a start time a0'•'. 'yr ftrst war service off thn Philippine Is- turned ►Yurned to Mort ao tter tweet tw' isnonthe of es.- s'-rvtee Rhe had been converted back to her torigina elate'• as peaceful paaseu- rter Beer. and the transformation was J�+rfect et.'n to the sltghest detail 1* liar Interiorth,• magnificent public port, sad It was here that both vas - apartments luxurious furnlsl.ings. eels figured In the exciting chase al- .gymn•alum, verandah cafe, and one ter the German **teenier Marks. which :and a thousand things for which the by slipping within the three -ells Il .greyhounds of the (•.P.R trasapactftc mit. aucceederi In reaching Manila. blast are justly famous. were all In closely escaping rapture Rut: in feet. It was the identical ship Rubsequently the Kmpress o/ Asia whi.h pat to ..-u from Vancoever on trailed the Lerman cruiser atndea. 'Jets 2. 1914 War was declared white and on one occasion was within a .the Empress of Asia was In tear Far few tulles of her. Mit the rapier gave 'hist, and she was i; at ince eon'man• the auxiliary a clear field. The ASIA !'d .-red. a. were *10 rertislnder of the kept 1s her track. however. sad ieernpiiny's Pacific fleet. for the more emAlrrtng business of war The Empresa of Asti was the first R ship to be commandeered. and 'eh. was the first to he equipped as an immitiert cruiser Within a few days def the outbreak of war. she was tin rspengMxablw to a coat of warship 1 grey. and with eight 4 7 guns brI.tling lemon strategic point. forward and aft. 1* this words of ono of her officers. ehe was ready for anything '- I •le the abortest possible apace of Bine the luxurious furniture and pat anal fittings were torn out of the • and she was s machine of de - lands Rhe was assigned to n fleet of armed vessels whoa a duty 1t was to see to 1l that no German or Aus- trian vessels Interned In Manila Har- bor escaped. The Asia was leer Joined by the Ruasl. oft the I'htlllpine reiehrd Keeling Nand. oar, of the Cocos group. meetly three days after the Australian cruiser Sydney hal as counted for her Frequent tripe were made by the Asia's officers to the battered hulk. as lllnsrate,d by lee many Interesting swine now doeorei- Ing their quarters on the liner After lwaving Coons. the Asia patrolled the trade motes In the Indian Oea.a mod the Bay of Reseal By way of dlveralnn the big CPA_ Itnwr. daring hew pwrnd of rawly to the ladles ocean. thrust as oemvey 1. Proud' and Australian tramper's. It was • homy doctyam About tile time the amen dstlaa r$ D al- Hosgto.g these drays. Without M tRPA }1 wigs w Meetly M danger wr fromray. alllil t !11M*bMJlhJtlll!!N imp& pig Ike mama d ordered to this tone of opsratlnas to *Seised the port of Ada. Aden. as Y well known. is nae of the psiseleai of the Rrteteh coaling station' oe the rotate between langlead and the Mu lam Per emend moat,, re Ash. bsem- Pilaf with other sales, mails Ades bar Sews of operations, sad R r 0 'Me MrttamMr violably rat she w mot valuable wort le the imeira In et lbs n avy. Om tee mgpeette Maras mt r. Rol Ilea tee Tach wee* strongly fortified .t RtdbssM. The tortiseattei• at tesla 'd were howl horded by abs r.prom of Agfa .ed Ile .A5*tlte was Se .1 the Mites Imes rel Ilse batteries were mesa M ever, the Turks managed t0 mount other jrune In place of tbose destroyed. and 11 inti nOfessary for the Asia to deliver a few more broadsides before the Sbelksal4 batteries were reduced and the resistance of the Turks shat- tered 1a that pectbon of 0.plOticns. 1 Interesting pictures ire fin the pesos- etoo of officers of the Asia showing the forts at ahelbsatd burning after the bombardment. Other Tu1t4glf torts were iltio reduced 'b 'Tinton before the C P R. Itnerted bee association with the R Sea. Arab slavers operating (Mows In these wat- ers alta came in tor a greet deal of at- tention. an 1 were promptly dealt with. Wblle she was operating to thaee wa- ters the liner was ordered to Hombay for drydocking and overhaul. The ter- rific errific beat In tee Red pea made It very uneontfnrtable for times aboard the Asia. but takes on the whole the eases of sickness were oompar.tively few. The Sews that the r spresi of Asia bad been released came alma the middle of October and by lbs letter Part of Noverdb.r the Neer was back at Hongkong for refit. Capt. iMward Deetham. RNA. C Pit. marine eaperimteado•t, wee by the way. ratnrned hen as a per e�esggoe►r aboard the Eass apretat Aglow lrfvSd at Hongkosg early la Its Veer to sepsrlatead the. rsflttrg of /kits Ash aid her Miter alep the lass► The Enters* of Asia was Mona e &tress oke Paola* h Caret ".moor My Devisee. k. M. R.. gMesr seep saaadm of Oa Eslttpaese al sager Illelelbealena trap roal. changed ' mumnimplis Samuel Rslemom U L. i� fere the aims bit ResIrar In Marek. Mir. 411. Useplas le snap Mier et *be Asia. retie* W. =Mop 1r lint offlese. timed Illelame W. 1. Davie lou Mame et Os cedes ane to a Order, (kemeag el • osiellelleeele:emeneo. transient Camped—'TSS **d1lll r lake • let of (rouble to put soot yt,.t camp fire l" The Guide --'•Better to take the (rouble now than burn down tee miles i camping eights, Only a greenhorn nowadays foals with fire In a focal, CURE WAS SIMPLE, RELIEF WAS QUICK. Maple Island Lady Tells of Dell's Kidney Pills. Maple Island, Ont„ July 3 (SpertaIl. —After suffering for two ylaes from kidney disease Mrs Walter Brear, •n estimable lady liein* hers, has found a complete cure in Dodd'. Kidney Pills. "My totible started attar my baby was horn,- Mrs. Brew elates. "My joints got stiff, 1 had a bitter taste In my mouth, and there were dark circles under my eyes. My skin bad • harsh, dol feeling, and it itched and noreed .t eight. 1 was troubled with gravel, 1 wee often dissy, and 1 *offered froom shortness of breath. •1 esorulted • doctor. but without getting much beneAs. and i was very much ruin down when I started to see Dols', Kidney P111•. After lithium two bores 1 telt a Int better, aid eight homes cared tone etlmpiseely. 1 would not he withw► Dudd's Kldmy Pule." Joke Woods. of thee* retewslam id Tarwheery, abet se M1 whisk b aaured tame tow efRMlaehn Ism wMSip el the tricot Tribute from a U. S, Paper. Phlladelpafa Pollens When the history of ala. war be- tween the twelve nations conies to be written, there will he two shining chapters on the Ammon at the Dar den - e11e. and on the Canadians in Flea - den. Behind Use Turkish lines it wee said that no man could land and live on the Gallipoli pe•ninauls But the Anuses did. In like fashion, no matter bow often the Germans wipe out the "Prince*, Pats" in Flanders. somehow there are Osat*dieas ready to spring Into their play.. with • tuthlew enur- ap that 1s almost Ito breve. Three Mime' the regint•st has been shot nut of existent*, and for thr fourth time It is rising *gmite in m pernliar degree. Americans can grasp what the Canadians are doing, and have done, for, in a sense, they erre es foreign and as remote foes the immediate and Weeny cause of this sir se we are. Who blundered 1 Tbey knew as little se do we. But they maintain the Well - tem that 11's tint to rens why—it's but to go to the trent when ib. tea who have gone before bate gosss down In the trenches. These husodrorl wad thirty -awe tbos.and men la Cue& have eswliobed to slate for evaluate serwlew Think ! !TAD ALMOST GIVLN Ur.! Bahia. Ont.—"About 37 years ago 1 was taken very had, my bisoWOO d� too, w In bad shape. I got .0 I hkaadd to go lO bed sad 1 was there for over%lreementh0. 1 could not eat and suffered tumid egOuYs I had three el the beet doctors 1 tout(' gal but it just seemed auding was gulag to help me. 1 had almost given up.eal 'hough' I would never be any bitter was willing to give up and die rather thea auger ai 1- wee A neighbor of mine told ane e/ Dr. Piece's wonder d restudies sod 1 decided to use theta. 14 husband bought taw six bottles of 'Favorite Pre- seription. 1 had not taken it bog until I reit better. In less than az west 1 pas out of bed, and in has than ex monde I was awed and have bene well ever sing. Do all my own work. 1 have raised three daughters, two are married and have children They have evil it and they are healthy, so are their children. 1 am sun it was all on account of my having them use the medicine. "I keep all of lar. Piece's medicines i• the house. Have Favorite Prescrip- tion,' 'Golden Medical Discovery' and lenart .sale—anything prepared by Dar. Piercer good. l also have a copy u( the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, which I have had 26 year.; has been very valuable to me."—Mas. WAY, 232 Ontano St., Sarnia, Ont. If you are a mutterer, if your daughter; mother, sister need help, get Dr. Peroses Favorite Prescription in liquid er table* form from any meduine to -day. Then address Dr. Pierce, Invalid.' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y., and get .rmldential medi- cal advice entirely free. A most valuable book in any borne is Dr. Pieroe's Common Sense Medical Adviser. A splendid 1008 -page volume, with engrsvinp end colored plates. A copy will be sent to anyone sending fifty este in manilla, to pay the east d wrap- ping and mailing only, to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are lata original little liver pills, first put tip Dearly 50 years ago, The''Cake If you would consider for a moment the time• trouble andbotherof making your cake at home, you'll really- ap- preciate our cake de- partment. Our cakes can be relied upon as teeing fresh and made in a cleanly, whole- some manner, and the cast is small in com- parison with what it costs you to bake at home. - DAVID BURNS The Biker Kingston Street MacEtvan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON !COAL for Goderich and District Best Coal Mined. Any quan'i•y best all Maple Slake, laud Wood, Hemlock and KiMRmg Wieder ee lime.) TELSPMUIES. slim fa raidenee •111 or till what an army of that she mae.mta even at :he dose of onr Civil War ! A Shakespeare Story, William Dean Howells (elk file Mbakespe:.re stow : •'in Ntrattord," be say', "dearth, one cf the Mbakerpeare jnhilees an 'American notelet appintched an aged wallower in a smock a,,d said : "'Who is this chap Saakespeare, anvwey'•' " 'R, were a w. iter, sir.' " 'Oh, but there are lots of writers. Why do you make such an Internal fuss overt his one % Wherever 1 turn 1 We. Shakespeare hotels, Nhakr.poe.re cakes, Shakespeare chocolates, Sha ken pears shoes. What the deuce did be write --magazine storioe., Mucks on the governneent, shady novsur " 'No, air : oh. no, air,said the aged villager. '1 understand he writ for the Bibka e(r. .' yj. II,3 Ever 10e Pa' -'t of WILSON'S FLY PADS Whitt KR A MORE FLIES 1H:A Sr -6 *SY S T I(K ;... Off Drug- gists. Greven and General St