HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-6, Page 5Bicycles Have Ad- vanced in Price " but we have several in stock to sell at former quotations. Specials This Week TOMATOES, very choice....15c per pound FRESH WATERMELONS -just received HOME-GROWN STRAWBERRIgS. No. i quality. 300 BUSHELS OLD POTATOES, very choice. Try oar New Potatoes by the peck or by the pound. CALIFORNIA FRUIT -Peaches, Plums, Apricots and Hot -house Cucumbers. �Y. ,29lessanaro CORNER MONTRF..11, STREET AND THE SQUARE 1�. B. --Our ot..r.• will he open .w the list ..f Jidy and all Clay Wed - ORANGE Celebration .ciiiiTton Wednesday JULY :: 1916 wleave Special Goderich at o a. m . , rain Holmesville to. t7 a. m. Returning will leave Clinton at 6 p. m. SINGLE FARE TICKETS with TEN CENTS ADDED FOR ROUND TRIP ameNsIMMININ A Great 30 Day Slaughter Sale at Walters & Co.'s Boot and Shoe Store We have to reduce our mock to make room for of her'ytoods cooing and will therefore pot on this Dig Sale. Havingbought our goods M the old pres we are enabled to give you • big discount for your money. You will buy some nt our Bono sad Shoes at lege than the maker's prier. We also hare Trunks, Suitcases, Cl.bbago, etc. Thin ,Bele frill last only SO day., resantenein¢ Friday. Jane 166.1e, and until Saieasiay, J 1SElk Do not miar the oppotionity. All heather plumb, are liard to get and will he very mooch higher in pries. Shoe repairing guaresteed Wire factory. We lt on Ladies' Rubber heels for Ilk salad Mew's for 3&'. J Walters & Co. Sercese rs to 1. H. McC1i*M GOD*PIC1t PROSE ul� LOCAL TOPICS Train Arrives Earle" r. A change in the O. T. R. tirneta:.le took place last week, but only one of the Goderich trains is affected. The midnight train, which formerly left !Toronto at 6.5i1 p. w.. now leaves I fifteen minutes earlier and arrives Tot , Oode r.cb at 11.311. instead of 11.13 p.m. Presentation to Miss Clark. Un Friday afternoon, at the close of the term at Central school, Mies Bettie !Clark wits made the recipient of an address and a present of • dozen linen handkerchiefs from bee /snow-oem- hen of the [earthing staff. Miss Clark !has resigned ber po-itlon as teacher and will .hortl'eater icon a course Fitzgegald-Blair. A quirt but pretty wedding took plate ■t for hum" of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blair, Wolfe 'tree., on jai, 141, let high noon, when eh.-ir eldest daogh- : ler. Cora Mer. was united M marriage to M clvilleA. Ft• zrer-a!d. n/ Petetlmo'. Rev. J. E. Ford omciated. The bride wee Riven away by her iuher, sod wore • gown of white milk crepe and carried a bouquet of 11 -Id daisies. After the wedding dinner the young couple left on a trip to the east ! via the C. P. R., atter w bicb they will reside at Peterbxero'. O. W. S. N. Buildings Sold. The frame buildin. o the right -of- ; gcoway of the Ontario Went Shore Rail - 1 way, near the village rot Port Albert, • were er.ld by auction on Saturday. June 31th. The bunkhouse was pro - • .based tr Mr. James McMillan for $30, anti the stable was bought by Mr. F. Bruen for 410. Two other sigma buildings ser. sold to Mr. David Mc. Connell for $4. On Monday of this week 130 telephone plies were dis- posed of in twelve different lots. Toem sales were made by the trustee, Mr. Tho,. Slathers, of Dungannon. • Qualified for Teaching. 10 the list of successful students at the Normal Schools of Toronto. Lon - doe. Stretford and North Bay. pub- lished last Saturday, the names of thirteen former Modeller of Ooderick Collegiate Institute appeared : Rachel E. Boyle. Mary B. Clark, Luella B. Cowan. Janet L. Orem. Sylvia B. Tabitha M. Kempton. A.ua MaeKeemie, Ora.. M. McKssaie, Ethel O. Nairn, Mae L. Redmond, Mee Shackleton. Olive M. Tichbo,iroe and Mary M. Young At !taster Mies Pearl U. McKenzie passed the examltM micros, but her name did not •ppre in the lists. All a thein young ladies .114411-614W qualified teseh ss. They an, deserving of hearty coegratulatlons on having successfully reached he goal of their ambition and The Signal hopes that they will derive greet pleasure from their chines. vocation. An Automobile Accident. While racing with another automo- bile last Sunday afternoon, Mr. earl Mn. W. J. Lerman, who were ac- companied by obeli son and little baby, and Mies Barbara Auet n and ber two sisters, had • narrow estop* from eer- tou. injury. Mr. Lannan drove south along Clearable road at • tremendous rate and turning no to Toronto street his got off the road and struck as electric light poet. The ear veered aid clearing tate pod dashed Into • tteee"�� and overturned. Whew the r.sellse struck the poet all of the passssgen 4n the car were thrown nut noel besides being hadly shaken up and bruised received other injuries of a minor eharletsr. Mrs t..nean, who was labored in the shoulder was not se seriously bort as woe at Ant thought. Th. .,atrtmoNM was MAY wrecked. One of tie neer wheel• was torn off. Ib" wlndahteld was stashed. the frost ask bent ..d two of the side doors wore ripped n5 while the body of the ear was mai ked tone what. The t i. e THE SIGNAL : G4 DERICR ONTARIO 1 Iba boohoo wheel west right acmes i . read. The sees 1• the oar whioa wYsaaiog with Mr. Louisan merit on ase leephel y gas u. to know wbu they wore. The Maiden( has aroused public against aulomubile sp..da..,t, ad 1 is gleam al deemud That the saleire .i( Ibe taw 1•14 • •.wird y clop 1.i it. A Purse for James Stools. Ua Yrids; last t7v ewi'luyeci of Pans t (stain Door Co. ga.her.J i bwiaer office aril joined with the office staff in • p•rwota(ioo to Mr. lames E. Nw.1 , Who tweedy lost his left hand by an accident in the fac- tory Mr. Oemrg" Smith. the factory forearm, road the fulluying addreoo : To Or. Jame* 1t. sisal. Uoderi:k. Data Ma, -Wa Maw -metro.. tad,. .- oswtaYre* of ti. theme. Urwio Door lar lake fah .e..�., offrued berstsesp•.l.g to you ear peed - latae fwt rg bus MI tW, ay. tW�b 11 e saearao w oppere►aLL for us 1. =NM our f hug. towardd.. Moe &oaths,. yet all the same w aaeeesiste ..1 mother's q.a� ti las. oed 1. yaw ow me bare./ ways adtuir* 7.•.r Miser Moms. your *.urate( tad /ear tadudrp. Yew .stere from the ba.ita1 ahs tao near so- houreale sondem whist heist you. tad weal Iwo MI weedy roger afford. as as sppertosar .f imessise yeas as repr...l.e of oemraae.slp. mod we thanikare ask you to aroma tab pare wills oar 4..n and he* ty emit .ileo tee yew welfare A purse contslaing a.suhateetial Mai (in the m.ighborhood of $401 was presented to Mr. Steel,, who returned is thanks in a few Mobley words. While 1ha unfortunate accident is a .,atter for deep regret, the spirit of oomradesbip drown in this ineldest le comemodabie. We unden•aod that Mr. Steele Is retained in the employ of the Paget Company. Faithful Service Acknowledged. About forty .Iernben of the Ladies Aid /society of Knox church gathered on Moodav afternoon in the lecture room of tA. church •od presented Mr. D. Stoddart, the retiring sexton, with two handsome oak chain. The fol- lowing address wee read by Mr.. Beattie : re Mr. lied Mr.. D. ateddart. Due* rugaw. -Ws. AM msa.ber. of toe Laddie' Aid ossa. lr of Kao. sauna. desire at thee limo to aro rou beta of writ of the long awl fdt11.l a rotes whir r1- wt koro rendered our cbuPrI. As wore. bear- able M d re+po,.sibte position you have 04.4 with g. eat ...p.m. to our coogt.gatioa for the tog iirl.d of tb4tr-two y.Me. we bare proved pm. Mr. Otod•'ut, re Iiia oar use bar W the harm of lis O$ereh at heart and lou have performed your duties In such. kid aa4 ✓ ent lemaely manna is to .1n las rower and a.usm 4 all with w hem you baso mum 1a o..trot. Alm a. •nvelope-.toward of ear Mooch tor • mamba of year. you bare doe faithful work. Ws mks .W ee 5..itess flee rained service. of Mow Soolden. vitro all a armor prodot sod worker in ear Soedety Iiaa. endeared ismm*f to small and W ben • 1.5. to you to your wort sm.M.t u.. As •.tight mhos of our Iwo tad edam for yes beta ws oak you to seem* tame two .1*3..., Maim tact you will live lee( to .$)57 tame aid ales taut Hos remaisim Lars or your aw may be barmy tad frettfsl la good work.. tWW.ed en behalf d tis Wise AM Society sl.Knoi cloud. Mae. D. Hoistirasev, Pneid.at. Mars. 1. Hearne. S. e3s Y. Mae. rv. Jict ma. Treruror. Qsdwtpb. July hoe. Net Mr. Stoddart replied, expressing thanks for bim.rif and Mrs. litoddart for the gift and Ibe kindly words of the address. A pleasknt feature of the gatberiog was the pre.aoce of Mn. Gibson, the honorary president of the Ladies' Aid, who in ber ninety-second year is still keenly interested io the work of Knox church. • Pi'R 'IOWA H1) Yt►1:N(;SON of tate 79..i Royal Highlatwl.rw. Pts. Youngwnn is thy ..m of Mr. John Yonngqen. of the Pwge•t t;rain Door Co, He enli.t.d with tis• 'ist Bat- talion. Hr was nineteen yeer'. .4.1 nn Jnne 12th last and in one of hie lettere to hie f•thet he exprew•. the h. that m he will be hoefor hie twentieth birth- day. 1/ ymi want That joyo•t. /reline, don't linger longer than it mighty short tinie is. getting one of R. J. Prielbam's. onit•. Clinton New B:• : The Sunday s�hrxrl elate taught by Mitre Winnie (XNeil mid Mr limn Scott bald a picnie at Goderich this week •n4 while there visited oleo rte." garden of Registrar (Joao.. The. geeial owner nps�wiaewennfed each visitor with • rose. A 4Nighttul day was sweat hy all. caliLETTO e PERSONAL MENTION. 1embos lis.trode /►s met the heady at Lal t• D Moor Mewrtwe ere N Tweet* Met Mo. Ohms U0Mbar,s ie >5.> la l relative* aser Vaasa PIM Meed Wr. p Is hese fro,. t'otuu'o es • eta. of . west. Maw Is vs itob r4ee meat lroadol.a Dy with retro., trot t1rNiNd. Mr, ad Mr-. Bon. firaM4. et Ch:eme, are V toe* o thole weddiat MIP M1.em. 54.a. .1406.3.azit bet en Tenchr teat.' 11.1 parrots at M,..W Matra a w abate( Mr deepen. Mr. A. Itsaor at. glas.ar Mr. M. PlwotntMme of gnosis, Mist Ds - Maim Dar at Mb aa�o is tow. ll� O. MeCeatese, a Dards sea Dante- les an►lea Dag Waller M taws Ude west. W. J A. O .1 Tae.�se, west De - aides aides by ethilliimsir. 9..... wwdirti W M+. Msyaed Mier. e w ie( wk4 Loathe* la tows aid W. Atw4Nad C.-u•U. of Mo.atrbwg, most the b11War with Ole sea. Mr. J. A (- 31, Ihm me, Dean d the Bank et Termite. �CearmMatted Mr. J. W. Crotch, for M • w Mr ted Mn. araban . of ment Terms.,MadamT.r, were Madam Day ransom t„soton Li Oed► rigs Mr. Joke Kiltstt, 0. A.. pOnd.a1 of I4. Ml' earl Mob 5045.[, mode • b. set' ak It is tenni this we*[. Mr. mad Mr. Job LM•er, of Chap, are le alader{l at M. Iwlaw's.14 Mao es the Bay - &d [wad. Mies 5Cdltk Hoe of Bssfortb, mast ll. minis Dar std f with Mr. ted sera S. L Mktg. ]ire Metes aid op., Mats Mark, of `.. Wawa Mr.. et Mr. and Mr. J. Dewey. Mr.. R W. Darles..f eteetto d, emelt toe weekend le tows, the guest of Mn. W. J, R.11, Mesas sweet. Mho Mae Mme hale left ea Moak), sfterse .psau • M meet weeks la Weeekteek, the d Mrs.). ta. Itasca. Mir Ussie Clark, wee le • teacher In lines p.Wb. rebook arrived tem. Led.y for t1. md- mm5mer .•cads•. MW (Jr.ce 1..... .1 Dowel. Kea owoty t.5 vk itiag les griadp_rssta. Mr. and sera Le Tomei, Doses 5tre*t Mews. Jsdls Lachlan Hartsell and Petergsb��p, .0 Stratford. r kited fries& 1. Uderte►.ilei. meelt sera filar. r Ochi wood,Symonds. . at.ltD i her .Iter -Is -lar. h symoud.. &. DsvYL W eer. fur s aw days. Mks lhorasoi Mse ase$, of Tweets. M0. Hash MacDonald,)e. roll. aro holi- daying at their Meme is taws Mr. etewa}i, dnest tic week - ed waft W woo. Mr. S1"w.rt, of the Pru. Mama Lite denotes. y. Ree. James 1l01•111m1. .y friend. w4l M to l to lssr t r • W 11*1so$es is se otor the Noreen MsMab. of the Oxford away Battteali1Iremi, sits M from 1.o.do. mop W west leggi011a Rands 1n Oed.rlc1. Mr. Sad Mrs. a esedela,t lett es n ro se .ztwbd Weds « *1V*SJ weeks tetbl4 eon. Rev, W. W. eteddset. at Rochester, N. Y. HMO, et the INS[ Battalion. Lee - Ma. apart W weet-o•d at the theme et Me �1s, Mr. mi Mrs. W. . nen, Marg. Illeeiga l. Cheek bao bees mewed top dstemb at 4bt Bee de- ter.. MM Cheek. Ithe t eg state the sae senseL The M1m.. Miss W Oreo. Mal.w LLMwW, wwa vials, their .,we. Msg. Jae. r, Tftsmses weok,awlare sow at toe papists Mod. A otMr.4.15.1 J. Chet. we* e! _WW1�a fourBeite.d+Id•mit �l'"'"e "'t.6 rk'. parent.. W. sad Wm. Clark. Mr. sad Men. H. Belt.•-, el Z.riet. t utsr i to town ea ariteedar ism aid sprat dor after - mese wilt tis bather, 1r.t�1M. Laurie. 4 t1. SI•.al .lot, Mr. and Mrs. 0..,,, Clerk Riine. nee r1. esanlagesf UNA' &meth r liearaarw Rail Se. to Mr. Ardor D. Mel... on M..4.,, Jaw Mk. ist C hatham.. Vat. Mr. sed Mrs n oma. T. 'rhim.on ted deugO•.r. Mare trot. of n.afwth were 114ttag Mn. 'Memos'. mase , Mrs. J. Audrey*. and her aster. Mrs. W. J. Dane.,, MI. Marjorie Andrew. h... .uece.toUp parvo= Mer anal a xamNst1.• et Nova Bay IieemU Wilmot. .rd len Gertaiws 5. 8•4044./ to •t end the cjt.re In Art. At Toronto Uni- vas sly. Meow.. Urnhem and Jame. Ro•s. who .pont the p•6 .were sl week+ .4 Iivatap with Mr. L Y. l..-. in. lett tale week for (a.. Home Rey, .hae they will 1. .o,t ..red for lh . rem.ioder N the ..ossa. Mr.. R. J. Kennedy awl Mr.. A. P Fuerst. of Tenuto. •ri wisdom A ow.ple of 'melte in town ...haug their .'.ter. Mat Lame icatoo. Munn. Mal. and 10.•i, brother, Mr. Um. J. Correa. Wolf..treet. Mr. Ja.. McCGitos. w1. Ms boom t. ieblag .0014 at Towats. &,rind sem. ea Tuesday ev..i.g woldelt .aihrm. In rho ewes of a we,oi ao will join t4. Toronto UJ- vawity moons raining corp. t.pt. W. H. Gundry .et M... tawdry. el Rs ■ 1st, ore welcome visitor. in Ud.r.ch end are burg wueily greeted by .1.M moony Dario Yew. Captain Qredry U is excellent Malta ed h estamlaigio over t1. Wo•tern rou.lry. Mr. IL Lel 101450 1. hoar tram Mote.weet1. waste be had bore toadl.g seiW, ad h Mite ►a Me obi median a. clerk at Hotel am - wt. Mr. Mott will go to .wrote Ie Septem- ber eptetber to take • position on this racking Mair of Upper Land& °.[lege Pte. J. A. Fel, of the Igo -t Bettalt.n. Mite AIM Fox end al5- Arne* Potter all or I.es- dos. sew vleltlag M t14, pereetel some.'L1m- eroo street eve* t►. hetiday. MnArnow ew. Ar er..ad Ll. Lillian Pox urease care. rem oa their wore far n o t- t of • tow week.. MM. Cm rwisrnel on Tuesday tr+.rrt 1'hieaae aid ether parer In the W..twn It:.te.. whew . 1. had peat .Ural oast►.. Mb. w.. ac- companied by Mr.. Ane* D. kat •nd da.g4- tem ad stn. t'ei'. mo:ber. illea Metazoan. all ,fChicago, who will .peed the •umaea in Lk&rice. Stretford Berms: Mr. WIl.oi Dyer, Nile • rest, t.4 Wide, We to (lederl* lira Ota Andrew.. of Uod--eick..pent 11. week^Md at Lao boss of Mr. Wen. 1'.e-. etre street err.. Jobe n,ul.l, I4rainmham est{asem.tt sad Mex. (ansae Powell and caildr.n. Cburcmom re tweed Mese after .online I►e weal .with Moods 1n bnytlekl an. l;oderls Mr.. Meflrlen, mother of Mr. U. M. 1111tt• of tows, went on Tuesday of rib wes.0 1. 0541 ber sea. John. who 1. principal of lar hail wleol *4 11411.71 Phe fr am of ten few let or the ploacer. of cieterre tomato% hash r osttl.d ea the R4 oosw.obn sewn * roar yearn now on the farm wow *wood by her re. w, lir. A. M1111en. Tbourb it Mr M.eikt4 year. .lio I. stall bright and senor. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. J. M. MacDonald, B. A.. B. D., o1 W.trntown, will occupy the pulpit of Knox church next Annday. Ivor the remaining Sihh•ths in July the noni•- tern named below will have charge in the following order: July 10 -Rev. R. M. Dirk. R. A , Toronto ; July 23 -Rev. H. � Horn B. A., LL. B., Colmar' ; July 911-tt.v. P. A. Walker, B. A., Owen Sound. Rev. F. C. Harper. of Clinton, was the preacher in linos rhnrrh last Sun- day, and was beard .t both services hy appreciative congregation,. Rev. Mr. Harp.r ham received the appoint- meot of chapl.tn of the 177th Minicoy Battalion a.d w ill report shortly for military duty at (:amp Bordeo. Colbor." Evangelical Kure► -Iter. W. H. Campbell, Lit. B., B. D., pastor Colborne -10 w. or. Zion --3 p. m. (no envies Sunday, Jul, Ntjil. Colhns.o-;.K) p. m. rem alternate Suede y. Sunday School -Colborne 11 a. m. Hon 4p, m. Y. P. ,1. o. the Qntrd.y th>t the' • N n.. prv.chi.g r•.rr at 7.JU p mi. Lit Jett Dser prams real be Cime astttt, the olborne chngeh ed .300 ] g A nod program boa been prepared dnj • good Lams ie Ten an 11a•.ttwt to atte.d, fee Sew day, July 10th ; "The *laved sal• ♦•floe A. interesting church .oast was held in Viola& street Mialtallat rhumb, aider the auspice. ,of Mo Kureka Mitis alma, o. Thunsdrty evw- Ing of Mat weak, M which Dr. A. H. Macklin was 14.p..k� De. Maakli., who had spool tis pact year in Irwtated, in a very graphic w• dos.ribed his tri so the 0061•••iiway ✓ % to historical Amoroso prose i. eremt Brit- ain and Me work i. the Royal Medical Corp. in Ireland. The latter part of his add w was a survey of the political situelio. i• Ireland. with a deocriptlen of the co.ditle.e misting prior to the w heLios. His talk was o/ Income in- terest ad at the eo.ctusloa he was tendolwd a very hearty vote of thanks, whish wee moved by Mr. Li M. Elliott anal eeeosied b� Rev. J. E. Ford. The pprrgqpp••om iseh. ed also a solo by Mies Mal>tl.ton. • redtatfo. by Mrs. T. H•1ehineo.r a vocal doer by Mtge Helier and Mie Mad Mi11ian, several .ang� by Maetsr Dr1.*W .d • viols. •.d piano d.et M ZJeTwey and Mier Lithe Newell. were @tweed •i the elms of the 1 SALT We desire to announce that live discontinued sell - Nat. our works except to retail merchants spin town and in the country, ['who after this will be the 2only selling agents. NMCirs erica CLeiieal C•., I�Miteti Gadsie► ..C10 r r• Wane i of Canada, In her T1rtaimix. avis • MIM • Give Your Wile an !Merest in the family's ftnan- cial progresSby open- ing a Joint Account In the Unice Bask name and your own. You will !ted It a very convenient arrangement, for then either can attend to the badting when In town, mailing deposits or withdrawing money. In case of death., the balance automatically goes to the survivor. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manage 1 DUNLOP. \VICUNieDAY, July 5. Mr. Blatehford spent Sioday with his sister, Mrs. Roy Linklater. Mr. Robert Young. of Ooderich, ..c- ipisd•%he Leeburu pulpit on Sunday Miss Wionifred Shaw, of Toronto, Mies Rath Shaw, of Brampton, and Mise Joan Clutton, of Bluevale, ars home o. vcatio.. Twlomwrit ANN1VRR$ARY. -- On Wednesday of last week the natal monthly oeeting of the W. M. 1+. and Red Arose worker. of Lesburn was held at the home of Mrs. Clark. sr. Thera was a large gathering, es it wan the twentieth anniversary of the or- ganisation of lbs Woman's Foreigo Mission Society Owing to the ser- ious illness of Rev. James Hamilton, She, honorary president, Mrs. Hamil- ton, was able to be present during o.ly the first peat of tbe program, but be- fore rise lift the party gathered os the lawn tad several interesting pictures of the group were token hy three am- ateur photographers to commernorat• Use day. Many changes here 1.ken plane wring the twenty years, Mime members have been removed by death, others have gone to far distant land., but the Society has steadily grown Larger and stronger, and h gmAt work bis been done, ,Dore pedally lately since the nerd hes arisen for Red Cross work. May the Sock ty N ill Ago on and prosperi la all countries. Ask for our INVMIt- TOR 'r1 AJJVIa1 4 hich writ he seat oras MAIC • MARSOLr. Mi Ualtmeldr N. Wabash The Saults Coal Co. uucce.or. to McDonagh ft 111.14,51 ullxCI.Us3vI As:KN'rs FOR LEI -Hall VALLEY THE COAL, THAT SATI'FuIt3 We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slab.. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE - - - - i5 A. J. SAuf,'r8' Residence, 275 W. W. S*w ani' Reeirlen t 202 4.1411111111. • Friends! Y The Wrigley Spears are constant friends to teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. Women workers relish the refresh- ing, comforting influence of this toothsome, long-lasting confection. Its benefits are many - its cost small. ,.nat's' why it's used around the world. Nothing else can take its place. Chew it after every meal Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto, for the funny Spearmen's Mother Goose book. Nti 8fll�d Kea Made In Canada Two I Flavors